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Thuldan Quintana Replenishment Vessel

Progress Level: 7 Tech Tracks: C, D, F, G

After its final annexation of the Taurean Star Republic in 2349-2353, the Thuldan Empire found itself in
possession of a large number of partly-completed Triarii-class hulls resting on Taurean slipways.
Though this obsolete design was judged far too lightweight to join battle at that stage of the war
(Thuldan staff officers suspected a particularly egregious network of corruption and profiteering had
induced Taurean military contractors to carry on the construction of these ships as long as they did) the
Thuldans pressed them into service with a much-reduced fitout to replace transport shipping losses.
The Quintana's military-grade main energy trunk allows it to mount sufficient reactor over-capacity to
extend its starfall greatly and the Thuldan yards took advantage of this large power supply to add extra
defensive systems.

Toughness: Medium (Md) Stun: 60 Wound: 60 Mortal: 30 Critical: 15

Crew Complement: 360 Max. Personnel Capacity: 360 Max. Endurance: 100 days
Armor: Medium alloy d4+1 (LI), d4+1 (HI), d4 (En) Target: -2 (+0) steps
Airlocks: 1 Maximum Jump Distance: 33 LY*
Maneuverability Rating: 1 Maneuvers: 1/round Acceleration: 2 Mpp
Sensors: Mass Detector (passive), Multiband Radar (active)
Sensor Range: 10/30/50 or 10/20/40 Arcs: All Targeting: +1 / normal
* Using modified stardrive mechanics. Under Warships rules as written this design can starfall 47 LY.

Hull: Armored Cruiser Hull: +576 Cost: $200M

Armour: Medium alloy Hull: 24 Cost: $3.6M
Power: 5 x 20-point mass reactor
Hull: 100 Power: +350 Cost: $35M
Engine: 4 x 12-point induction engines
Hull: 48 Power: 48 Cost: $28M
FTL: Stardrive Hull: 24 Power: 72 Cost: $26M
Support: Autosupport Hull: 12 Power: 12 Cost: $2.4M
Cabins (18 officers) Hull: 9 Cost: $180K
Crew Quarters (42 crew) Hull: 21 Cost: $140K
Crew Bunkrooms (300 crew)
Hull: 45 Cost: $600K
Weapons: Point defense gun turrets (4)
Hull: 4 Cost: $1M
Plasma missile racks (4) Hull: 8 Power: 4 Cost: $200K
Defences: Deflection inducers Hull: 24 Power: 48 Cost: $12M
Command: Command deck (18 stations)
Hull: 6 Cost: $1.8M
Radio Transceiver Hull: 0.5 Power: 1 Cost: $25K
Mass Transceivers (2) Hull: 2 Power: 2 Cost: $200K
Laser Transceivers (2) Hull: 2 Power: 2 Cost: $100K
Computer Core, Ordinary
Hull: 3 Power: 3 Cost: $1.5M
Fire Control, Ordinary (Point Defense Guns)
Hull: 1 Cost: $200K
Sensors: Mass Detectors Hull: 2 Power: 2 Cost: $200K
Multiband Radar Hull: 2 Power: 4 Cost: $200K
Misc: Workshop Hull: 2 Power: 1 Cost: $20K
Brig (8 prisoners) Hull: 4 Cost: $40K
Ordnance cells (Capacity: 460)
Hull: 115 Cost: $2.875M
Ordnance Transfer Systems (6)
Hull: 12 Power: 12 Cost: $900K
Cargo Hold 3000m3 Hull: 90 Cost: $260K
Autocargo Hull: 15 Power: 15 Cost: $450K
Total: $317.89M

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