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Rasa K.


Class Rules Rationale Consequences Rewards

1. Students are expected to 1. Following directions ensures that 1. Verbal reminders 1. Name on the board (star).
follow directions quickly. everyone can learn without any
disruptions. 2. Note home in student agenda 2. Treat from the teacher's
2. Raise their hand for basket.
permission to speak or leave 2. Teacher can’t hear when two or more 3. Parent phone call
their seat. students are asking questions at the 3. Special privileges such as
same time. 4. Team conference with student picking their own seat.
3. Play instruments only when and parent
directed. 3. Playing your instrument when not
directed doesn’t allow other students to 5. Teacher consequences
4. Stay on task, do your best, be hear the teacher’s instruction. (detention, time out etc.)
4. Success in this classroom is 6. Office referral
5. Keep your hands, feet, measured by your participation and
instrument, and bow to your full engagement.
5. If you bother others by moving your
hands, feet, instrument and especially
the bow, you can hurt someone else and
damage instruments.

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