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Our life

Is one part of every life on this planet and eventually on other planets if such exists.

So one day we woke up, it was not the same day when we came out from mommies belly, but if you
are able to read and grasp this text then you probably have been awaken, I mean you now
understand to some extent that you are alive.

This has been happening to all kinds of humans on earth even those who are much older than you,
even those who have passed away for a very long time ago and I would guess even the human
species that was here before the first Homo sapiens was born.

Actually we can not know for sure what happened before we were born, we can only guess or
believe what other people told us or what we found written in texts.

For this reason we can never be sure if there ever was any religious god before us, or if big bang
really happened, we can not know if Charles Darwin was a real person and we can not know if his
theory of evolution is real.

We can not know because of our limited minds if climate change is happening and if we are the
reason, there has been many ice ages before us, and because of all the things we hear and read
about it is impossible to understand what is true information and what is not.

We can never know for sure that our politicians steal or lies to us but we can also not know if they do
not, although in times people have mostly acted on skills of survival (we can not be sure but let’s
assume for a while and return to this “act on survival” later) and this would be enough proof that
also politicians act mostly in their own favours when possible.

We know that money in the times at 2021 and before have meant a lot to humans and that people
are ready to do plenty of things for money and we also know that enough money can really impact
changes on earth on great extent and we also could think that enough money in one mans hand
could cause potentially great danger even for the entire earth! If we think about these things for long

Let’s get back to the act on survival, this is something that all animals do, they kill for a dinner and it
is the only way they know. Humans do not kill for a dinner but there is a reason why there are laws.

Because at the beginnings the first humans might of killed each other for a meal, but in the long run
they found out that it would be nice to make this not happening again all to often and thanks to our
speech knowledge we could discuss and find a way that sounded fair enough for everybody and
finally people did not kill each other that simply anymore.

And jump forward until today we find that some people still are willing to for example kill for money.

How you can get successful in the world of today

Okey, you might have found some advice about how to become happy, few of them would include
making yourself a decent living (in form of money), having some kind of fame, wich you will have if
you solve people’s problems, always behave friendly and carefully, you should know some things
about marketing and then you should have tried enough things so that you found your passion and
made some influencer friends so that you could give away free samples and now the world is craving
for your service where you are at least very good!

WOW when you read the above last sentence, you might get really scared and think “do I really have
to know how to do all those things and probably many more things?, like maybe handle machines,
artificial intelligence and somehow understand how google put my websites on top, and the laws or
should I get a loan and hire people and be a risk taker because I could loose all my money if things
don’t go the way I planned in my head because I do not have education in all those areas???

The reality is, I believe it is bullshit, you might be a talent in singing for example and in that way
people of all skills will come and help to rise you above the stars and then you could work on

Is your question really only about how to get rich? Can mediocre people have a successful lives?
The scary part of this question is that the human guides about how you can become rich is all
showing you the same methods, and you have to do your own research but remember rich people
would be maybe at top max 10% of the worlds population wich means 90% do not have a chance
being satisfied and successful at all? In other words they should be ashame because they didn’t fulfil
their lives?

Turn it around and ask yourself this, in order to be successful the guides show you to be a specialist
in something that you enjoy doing! Remember that you are a human, what if you like walking
around, you like cooking some, drawing some paintings and you like washing your car, math,
gardening, nature, healthy eating, workout, family, relationships and friends?

YES so they tell you to be successful you should know how to perfectly balance everything!

What if that is not the case? What if 90% of the 5% Riches worked their ass of and knows nothing
about the rest? Answer is it is very questionable why we should sacrifice our lives to one pointless
mission just so that in that way we can be what is called successful, all this leads to 1 out of 100 will
complete their mission while 99 will die trying but no one will ever acknowledge their sacrifices, and
the 5 who somehow made it will think he/she is better and feel pity for the others, because this
would be the natural order of things?

Many rich people inherited their wealth of course, most rich people combined hard work with lucky
or well studied good investments, but important is to remember that some also lost fortunes on bad
luck investments even well studied. Important to see is also that sometimes the more effective
worker have a less wagered work and maybe do not climb the ladder because of lack of contacts.

The above is really the reality even though you might have greater chance winning by competing
compared to reading negative shit and never even trying of course.

So If your happiness depends on your wealthy status, then the odds of you being happy is lets say 5
% (not a scientifical number, I say 5% because in Sweden about less then 2 % have at least one
million dollar nett worth which I chose as the limit of being “at least wealthy”).

And if you have to be successful to fulfil your life and therefore feel happy, and successful or fulfilling
your life means that you have accumulated at least a wealth, then you also have only 5% chance to
be happy.

This might be because if you are “great” at something or successful or famous then you automatically
assume this comes with money. I mean when you think about a football star, moviestar, tech super
geek programmer or investor guru I believe you firstly admire their potential skills and knowledge
but also combine this thinking with the addon of that this person have a lot of wealth.

When you meet the owner of a giant building company or a president you probably combine this
person with power and with power you many times involve the thinking of much wealth.
If lets say you have an awesome yoga trainer that have 3 1 hour long passes each week, then living in
a decent apartment, having plenty of friends, knowing all this skills mentioned above and not doing
anything more in their life then you might also think that this person is a successful person. Because
instead of a wealth they have freedom. This means that wether this person is a good yoga instructor
or not will not change to much to the factor that this person is successful because now we combine
successful with freedom. If you have made yourself a life where you do not have to spend your full
days in a specific job then you are successful, therefore success can mean creating an outstanding

The last method of achiving a fulfilling lifestyle is to get a 9-17 job where you absolutely totally love
your work, lets say you are working in a zoo and you love animals more than anything. Personally I
am not sure if this kinds of jobs exists where you love to be full days and doing only enjoyable things
wich actually generate enough money for a living, but if there is then this would be another way to
live a fulfilling life.

Although as with any other lifestyle a 9-17 job rarely allows you to do all the things that you want to
do in your life to feel good enough.

Lastly to have a chance of living a fulfilled life or what is called a life worth living for some people is
either 5% + a lot of work after you achieved all this wealth because money isn’t everything or to rise
the chanse of your life happiness you could completely throw the money card away. I mean you
could spend a lot of time to learn to program your brain to not making money being of any meaning
more then just a means to live a normal life and then letting it go and complete the rest of the
fulfilling life puzzle instead!

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