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“Advertising And Brand Management”

Submitted By

Lekhana KB


3RD Semester

SDM College, Ujire.

Under the guidance of

Mr. Ashwith H.R

Assistant Professor

Dept of B.voc In Retail and Supply Chain Mangement,

SDM College, Ujire.




This is to certify that Lekhana K.B bearing Roll No 201219 is a bonafide

student of Bachelor’s of Vocational Course (B.Voc) in Retail and supply
chain management of SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire 2021-22. Mini
Report on “Advertising and Brand Management” is prepared by
her under the guidance of Mr. Ashwith H.R, in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of Bachelor’s of Vocational Course (B.Voc)

Mr. Ashwith H.R DR. Rakesh T S

Internal Guide HOD

Name of the Student : Lekhana K.B

Roll No : 201219

Viva Voce Examination Date:

Signature of Internal Examiner Signature of External Examiner

Name & Affiliation Name & Affiliation


I, Lekhana K.B, hereby declare that this project report entitled an “”) is
prepared by me under the guidance of(INTERNAL GUIDE Name),
Assistant Professor, Dept of B.Voc in retail and supply chain
management, SDM College Ujire.

I also declare that this mini report work is towards the partial fulfillment
of the university regulation for the award of degree of Bachelor’s of
Vocational Course. (B.Voc)

I further declare that this Project is based on the original study

undertaken by me and has not been submitted for the award of any
other university or institute for the award of any other degree/diploma
from any other university/institution.

Place: UJIRE Signature of the Student

Date: (Student Name)


This project report would be incomplete without expressing my sincere gratitude to all those
who have supported me in preparing it successfully.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. UDAYCHANDRA.P.N, Principal, SDM

College (Autonomous) Ujire, for his guidance and support in carrying out this project.

My sincere thanks to Dr. RAKESH T S, HOD, whose timely suggestions and encouragement
supported me to complete this project successfully.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. SUVEER JAIN, Course Coordinator, for
his support, co-operation and for providing all necessary information required for the mini

My utmost gratitude to my internal guide, (Prof. Internal Guide Name), Faculty of B.Voc in
Retail and Supply Chain Management Department, SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, who
has enthusiastically imparted relevant information, guided and supported me in carrying out
thismini report.

I would like to thank my parents, dear , my friends and all of them who have helped me in the
completion of the mini report.


Date: (Roll No)



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An executive summary is a
short document or section of a document produced for
business purposes. It summarizes a longer report or proposal
or a group of related reports in such a way that readers can
rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material
without having to read it all. (MAXIMUM 1 PAGE)



03 Advertisement Development:
3.1Advertisement Development:
(write about your Advertisement:
Process how you approached the owner of

3.2 Process how you shot the advertisement and

arrangements you made for that.

3.3 Various appeals you added in it.

3.4 How it is different from other advertisements.

3.5 Various concepts that you implemented from


3.6 How you circulated that advertisement

(Promotional activity done to make it familiar to

3.7 Media you use to publish that advertisement

and the reason for selecting those media.

3.8 Media research

3.9Reach and frequency of media that you


3.10 Cost of advertisement

3.11Interaction with different media people and
the way you approached them and your
experience there.

3.12 Advertisement media message

3.13 Advertisement appeal

3.14 Advertisement copy

3.15 Measuring the effectiveness of advertisement

3.16 Building brand by advertisement

3.17 Brand positioning

3.18 Brand logo

3.19 Social responsibility advertisement and its


3.20 Impact of social responsibility advertisement

on people.








BIBLIOGRAPHY: website links referred.



Advertisements is also known as ads – are the vehicle in which companies or the advertising industry
drive their message to consumers. The goal is to motivate consumers to buy goods or services, change
their thinking or create excitement.

Social, Economic and Legal implications of Advertisement:

Social implications: as the advertising is targeted towards society or people it should have following

a. Deceptive ads/ Deception Ads: harm consumers by causing them to have false beliefs about the
nature of the products being advertised and thereby causing them to make different purchasing
decisions than they would have made otherwise (and purchase things unsuitable for their needs). So
add should not be deceptive to public.
b. Manipulation (handle or control (a tool, mechanism, information, etc.) in a skilful manner.): the
freedom of choice of consumers is restricted by the power of advertising since it can manipulate
buyers into making a decision against their will or interest. Manipulation is done through emotional
appeals. These companies can utilize advanced and very scientific advertising techniques and thus
make an impression on consumers.
c. Taste: most of the times advertisements are offensive, tasteless, irritating and boring too. Therefore
while forming advertisements it should be kept in mind that it should not include the above
mentioned aspects and also it should not contain any sexual appeals and shocking elements in it
which will disturb the minds of young and old.
d. Should have some sense.
e. Should involve social awareness elements.
f. Should give product awareness.
g. Enhance standard of leaving.

Legal implications of advertising:

a. Should not contain any anti-national feelings/ contents.

b. Should not contain any misleading information about product.
c. Should not violate any government rules and regulations.
d. Should not advertise illegal activities, products or services.
e. Unwanted spam via e-mail should not be done.
Economic implications of advertising:

a. Improve Product value: advertisement should give more awareness about the product or services
and should increase desire for the same. When there is more demand it will definitely increase the
value of that particular product or service and economy of company will positively get improved.
b. Create market demand: add should create more demand for the product in the market which
benefits companies’ economy.
c. Should create employment
d. Should be responsible for mass production and distribution:
e. Contribute towards increase in national income: increase in demand-leads to increase in sales-
results in increased taxes
f. Should Boost exports:

Setting Advertisement Objectives

1. Introduce a product: The most common reason Advertising is used is to introduce a new product in
the market. This can be done by existing brands as well as new brands. Have a look at the latest
IPhone in the market or a Samsung smartphone and you will find a lot of advertisement for these
new products. The objective of advertising here is to tell customers “Here is the new product we have
2. Introduce a brand: There are many startups in the market today and many of them are services.
Services are generally marketed as a brand rather than marketing their individual service product.
Thus, Uber will market its own brand and introduce that Uber has started servicing customers in a
new market.

3. Awareness creation: Most important job of advertising is to get attention which is nothing but
Awareness creation. Advertising needs to capture the attention of people and make them aware of the
products or their features in the market.

4. Acquiring customers or Brand switching: One of the major objectives of advertising and the first
objective of many advertising campaigns is to acquire more customers. This is also known as making
the customers switch brands. This can happen by passing on a strong message so that the potential
customer leaves the brand which he is tied up with and comes to your brand.

5. Differentiation and value creation: A most important aspect of Advertising is to differentiate the

product or the service from those of the competitor. A customer can only differentiate between
services based on the value the firm provides over that of competitors.
6. Brand building: When a brand regularly advertises and delivers quality products and full fills the
promises it makes, automatically the value of the brand is built. However, there are many other
aspects of brand building. One of the first ones is to advertise via ATL and BTL campaigns etc.

7. Positioning the Product and brand recall: One of the key factors in the actual purchase of a
product is the products recall and the brand recall at the time of purchase. Amongst the objectives of
advertising, one objective is to correctly position the brand in the minds of the customer.

8. Increase sales: Naturally, with so many steps being taken to advertise the product, it is no doubt that
one of the objectives of advertising is to increase sales. Many a times this objective is achieved via
advertising. However, if the campaign is improper or the audience is not targeted properly, then
advertising can fail in its objective.

9. Increase profits: With the value being communicated and the brand being differentiated as well as
sales being increased, there is no doubt that advertising can contribute a lot to increasing profits.
Advertising should never be looked at as an expense or a liability. In fact, it is an investment for a

10. Create Desire: One of the key factors in advertising is to create a desire for the product so that the
customer wants the product. Brands which are known to do this are BMW, Audi, Harley
Davidson, Adidas and others. These brands are master of advertising where they create so much
desire for the product that the customer absolutely wants a product even if he doesn’t need it.

11. Call to action: One of the most common objectives of advertising is to get a call to action. Brands
invest in banner ads, link ads as well as social ads to get their potential customers to take an action.
This action can be filling up an Email form, clicking on a link, watching a video andgiving a survey.

Advertising Agencies:

Advertising Agency is just like a tailor. It creates the ads, plans how, when and where it should be delivered
and hands it over to the client. Advertising agencies are mostly not dependent on any organizations.

These agencies take all the efforts for selling the product of the clients. They have a group of people expert
in their particular fields, thus helping the companies or organizations to reach their target customer in an
easy and simple way.

The first Advertising Agency was William Taylor in 1786 followed by James “Jem” White in 1800 in
London and Reynell& Son in 1812.
Selection criteria of advertising agency

1) Years of experience: While selecting an advertising agency, it is advisable to look into the
number of years they have been in the industry. Not only does experience teach new things but also
helps in recognizing what the client is actually looking for, this helps in saving both time and money.
2) Where is it located: World is now a global village and distance is no more a hurdle, however
if given a choice, it is always better to look for an advertising agency which is located locally so that
it is easy to establish an effective communication.
3) Clientele: In order to establish confidence at the first phase, it’s wise to inquire about the advertising
agencies current and past clientele. You will also be able to find out the kind of services they offer by
looking into their past performances.
4) Past performance: As mentioned above, looking into the advertising agencies past
performance gives you a rough idea about the way they work and the end result which is delivered,
accordingly you can also bid for price and set a cost structure.
5) Attitude & Approach: The initial stages of communication and inquiry will provide you a
rough idea about the ad agencies attitude. Since it’s a creative field, therefore it is very important for
the ad agency to be flexible and keep a positive attitude.
6) Techniques and skills: Try and look into their expertise and the services which they have
rendered before. How successful an ad agency has been in the past does not always mean they would
be able to do justice for you as well. Try and find out the skills they have and see whether it would
match to your requirements.
7) Cost: Cost and pricing forms a very important part of any marketing or promotional activities. Make
sure you take into consideration the total expenditure involved. It’s better to discuss in advance how
both the parties would like the payment to be, either fixed cost on an annual basis or a monthly
8) Applauds and recognition : If you are looking to play safe then it’s wise to hire an advertising
agency which is already recognized and is known to be delivering good services,  however if you are
ready to experiment then sometimes small fish and new players also deliver quality results. They
might not have medals to display but may prove their expertise.

Fees structure of Advertising Agencies:

1) Commission: The traditional method of agency remuneration is commission of 15% on the money
a client spent in media, such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television. The advertiser paid
the full amount of the media expenditure to the agency but did not incur any creative or
administration charges. The commission-only model has become less popular since the 1990s,
particularly for agencies handling the accounts of small businesses whose media expenditure is less
2) Service Fees: An alternative to the commission-only arrangement is a remuneration structure
based on service. Agencies charge an hourly rate for time spent managing an account, creating
advertisements, booking media and buying in services, such as photography, video production or
market research. A service fee structure reflects the actual work an agency carries. At the end of an
agreed period, the agency bills the client for all services provided during that time.
3) Project Fees: Agencies also offer clients the option of payment by project fee. The project fee
might cover the time and costs of a specific campaign or all work completed during a specific
period of time. The project fee represents a fixed cost, unlike the service fee, which varies with the
amount of work carried out.
4) Combined Structures: Agencies may also offer a payment model that combines commission fees
and payment by results. A structure incorporating payment by results uses criteria, such as
percentage increase in sales, number of leads generated or changes in awareness levels, to evaluate
the performance of a campaign. Although payment by results represents value for money for
clients, agencies may be reluctant to offer the facility as results can be affected by factors outside
their control.

Advertising campaign:

An advertising campaign is essentially just a series of similar advertisements by a company or a business in

different Medias that share the same core message, while also convince consumers to purchase their
products. Each advertisement may have a different theme, but eventually, they all support the same cause.

Advertising campaign process:

1) Research: first step is to do a market research for the product to be advertised. One needs to find out
the product demand, competitors, etc.
2) Know the target audience: one need to know who are going to buy the product and who should be
3) Setting the budget: the next step is to set the budget keeping in mind all the factors like media,
presentations, paper works, etc which have a role in the process of advertising and the places where
there is a need of funds.
4) Deciding a proper theme: the theme for the campaign has to be decided as in the colors to be used,
the graphics should be similar or almost similar in all ads, the music and the voices to be used, the
designing of the ads, the way the message will be delivered, the language to be used, jingles, etc.
5) Selection of media: the media or number of Medias selected should be the one which will reach the
target customers.
6) Media scheduling: the scheduling has to be done accurately so that the ad will be visible or be read
or be audible to the targeted customers at the right time.
7) Executing the campaign: finally the campaign has to be executed and then the feedback has to be


A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as
distinct from those of other sellers.


Advertising Media

Advertising media are the devices by which and through which the advertising messages are transmitted by
the advertisers to the prospective and existing customers. The message regarding the product or service is
passed on to the consumers or persons concerned through the media.

Media Strategy in Advertising:

Every work to be done needs a plan of action so that the work is done in a desired and correct manner.
Media Strategy plays a very important role in Advertising. The role of Media Strategy is to find out the right
path to transfer or say deliver the message to the targeted customers.

How many people see or hear or read all the advertisements or promotional offers and buy the product or
service? The basic intention of media strategy is not only procuring customers for their product but also
placing a right message to the right people on the right time and of course that message should be persuasive
and relevant. So, here the planners of the organization decide the Media Strategy to be used but keeping the
budget always in mind.

The Media Strategy process has three “W”s to be decided. They are

1) Where to advertise
2) When to advertise
3) What media type to use
1) Where is the place for showing or delivering advertisement: In short it means the geographical area
from where it should be visible to the customers who use or are most likely to use the product or
services offered. The place does not mean only TV or radio but it can also be newspapers, blogs,
sponsorships, hoardings on roads, ads in the movie break in theatres, etc. The area varies from place
to place like it can be on national basis, state basis and for local brands it can be on city basis.
2) When is the timing to show or run advertisement. For e.g. you cannot show a raincoat ad in the
winter season but you need to telecast ad as soon as the summer season is coming to an end and rainy
season is just about to begin. The ad should be delivered with perfect timing when most customers
are like to buy the product. The planners need to plan it keeping the budget in mind as the maximum
of 20% of revenues of the company can be used in the advertisement section. Different products have
different time length for advertisements. Some products need year long ads as they have nothing to
do with seasonal variations e.g. small things like biscuits, soaps, pens, etc and big services like
vehicle insurance, refrigerators, etc. Some products need for three or four months. E.g. umbrellas,
cold creams, etc. So the planners have to plan the budget according to the time length so that there is
no short of money at any time in this process.
3) What is what type of media is to be used for delivering the message: There are basically two media
approaches to choose from.
a) Media Concentration approach
b) Media Dispersion Approach

In media concentration approach, the number of categories of media is less. The money is spent
concentrating on only few media types say two or three. This approach is generally used for those companies
who are not very confident and have to share the place with the other competitors. They don’t want anyone
to get confused with their brand name so this is the safest approach as the message reaches the target

In media dispersion approach: there are more number of categories of media used to advertise. This
approach is considered and practiced by only those people who know that a single or two types of media will
not reach their target. They place their product ads in many categories like TV, radio, internet, distributing
pamphlets, sending messages to mobiles, etc.

Media Scheduling

Media scheduling is simply a time-table showing:

1) The time decision – when to advertise,

2) The duration/space decision – how much to advertise each time, and
3) The frequency to advertise the message through different media – how many times in a year (or
specified time period) the message should be advertised in each of the media.

In short, Scheduling directly refers to the patterns of time in which the advertisement is going to run. It helps
fixing up the time slots according to the advertiser so that the message to be delivered will reach target
audience in a proper way with proper timings.

Criteria to select advertising media

1) The nature of product: A product that is needed by all will encourage mass media like print,
broadcast, telecast, outdoor and the like. A product needing demonstration television and screen
advertising. Industrial products find favor of print media than broadcast media. Products like
cigarettes, wines and alcohols are never advertised on radio, television and screen.
2) Potential market: The aim of every advertising effort is to carry on the ad message to the prospects
economically and effectively. This crucial task rests in identification of potential market for the
product in terms of the number of customers, geographic spread, income pattern, age group, tastes,
likes and dislikes and the like.
3) The type of distribution strategy: The advertising coverage and the distribution system that the
company has developed have direct correlation. Thus, there is no point in advertising a product if it is
not available in these outlets where he normally buys. Similarly, the advertiser need not use national
media if not supported by nationwide distribution network.
4) The advertising objectives: Though the major objective of every company is to influence the
consumer behavior favorably, the specific objectives may be to have local or regional or national
coverage to popularize a product or a service or the company to create demand to achieve immediate
or delayed action.
5) The type of selling message: It is more of the advertising requirements that decide the appropriate
choice. The advertisers may be interested in appealing the prospects by color advertisements. In that
case, magazine, film, television, bill- boards serve the purpose.
6) The budget available: A manufacturer may have a very colorful and bold plan of advertising. He
may be dreaming of advertising on a national television net-work and films. If budget does not allow,
then he is to be happy with a low budget media like his news-paper and outdoor advertising.
7) Competitive advertising: A shrewd advertiser is one who studies carefully the moves of his
competitor or competitors as to the media selected and the pattern of expenditure portrayed.
Meticulous evaluation of media strategy and advertising budget paves way for better choice.
8) Media availability: The problem of media availability is of much relevance because all the required
media may not be available at the opportune time. This is particularly true in case of media like radio
and television, So is the case with screen medium too. Thus, non-availability of a medium or a media
poses a new challenge to the media planners and the people advertising industry. It is basically an
external limit than the internal constraint.
9) Characteristics of media: Media characteristics differ widely and these differences have deep
bearing on the choice of media vehicle.

Advertising reach

Advertising Reach is a count of the number of people who viewed your advertisement at least once. Reach
can help you understand how many people have been exposed to a specific advertisement or marketing

Advertising Frequency

Frequency refers to how often an advertisement appears to a single user in a certain time frame. It is most
often measured and expressed as a per hours figure, even when talking about a day. For example, if an ad
appeared to a single user 6 times in one day, it would be said to have appeared 6/24 times (or 6 per 24

The reason why frequency is an important measure is that the number of times a user sees an ad affects the
likelihood of them clicking on it (or buying a product because of it). In traditional advertising, it is thought
that someone needs to be exposed to an advertising message about 5 times for it to be effective.

Advertising message development

The message is something that advertiser wants to convey the market. Message must be such that makes the
viewers or readers to try and/or buy the products. Message or theme has different types of appeals like fear
appeal, emotion appeal, economy appeal, health appeal, personality appeal, etc.

In short, an advertising message must touch needs, emotions, and attitudes of customers. Mostly, the
message expresses major benefits the product offers. It shows superiority of company’s product among the
products of close competitors. Creativity plays an important role in advertising message. Advertisements
differ in terms of the messages they carry with. It is the powerful factor determining effectiveness of overall
advertising programme.

Different Types of Advertisement Layout

BIG TYPE LAYOUT: Type of elements dominates the page by giving emphasis on the headline. It uses
extra large fonts and font styles that grab attention. Visuals are of secondary importance. This layout is bold
(perfect for catching attention) and covered by huge letters and words, which takes up to 80% of the

ALPHABET-INSPIRED LAYOUT: This is the type of layout format that focuses on letters of the
alphabet as an inspiration for the idea of the advertisement. Fonts styles both capital and lowercases and
other elements forming patterns and design. It emphasizes the arrangement of the elements that will give an
impression of an image.

BIG-PICTURE LAYOUT: This layout shows a single, large illustration that dominates the space with
minimal text and a logo or signature.

MONDRIAN LAYOUT: Mondrian layout, named after the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. The use of
primary colors like red, yellow and blue is a must. Horizontal and diagonal black bars that produces
rectangular shapes are the characteristics of this layout format.

MULTI-PANEL LAYOUT: Also known as “Comic–Strip Layout” and “Story Board Layout”. A Visual
Oriented layout format that contains several panels in various shapes and sizes, each showing the different
features, usage, applications of a Product or Services per panel that are associated with “CAPTIONS”
explaining the visual contents. It uses several frames or panels or images to tell a narrative, compare
(different perspective), display multiple benefits (different features).

FRAME LAYOUT: The advertisement layout is enclosed by a border. Used especially when the
advertisement will appear on a crowded page. The frame separates the ad from the items surrounding it. The
composition features a prominent element which partially or completely encircles the bulk of the
advertisement, focusing attention on its center.

SILHOUETTE LAYOUT: Type of layout that deals with all design elements are clustered together to
create a recognizable shape, and can be seen by one solid color or Silhouette layout refers to the layouts in
the form of illustration or photographic technique, highlighted only through shadow. This layout usually
used to represent a very classy product.

Advertising design

Some of the advertisements published either in the newspaper or shown on the television fascinate people
instantly, despite the fact that they don’t need that product. Why?

It is only because of its beautiful design, communicative power, and fascinating execution. Thus, design is
one of the most fundamental features of an advertisement.
It’s the intersection of marketing and design. It refers to the visual artwork created specifically for
advertisements (or, simply, “ads”). Ad design, which is usually used synonymously with graphic design
advertising, differs in the fact that its sole purpose is to sell products and services.

There is neither a magical formula nor pre-defined rules to combine lines, colors, images, typefaces, and
other graphic elements to create an eye-catching ad. However, design depends upon the requirement of the
client and features, functions, appearance, and nature of the product.

Execution of a well-thought out design has an impressive effect on consumers. A smartly articulated design
encourages or in other words wisely forces people to buy the product.

Advertising appeal

Advertising appeal is defined as strategies for grabbing the attention of people to persuade them to purchase
your product or service.

Many advertisers commonly use appeals to influence their customers. It is also used so that people can
support a cause. Appeals are customized for the target audience, and they speak to the interests of
individuals and in their words or interest. The primary purpose is to attract them to take the action that is
desired by the seller.

Advertising Copy

An advertising copy is a term used to describe the main text used in the advertisement. The text could be a
dialogue or a catchy punch line. It is a print, radio or TV advertising message that aims at developing and
retaining an interest of the target customer and prompting him to purchase the product within a couple of

Web Advertisements

Online advertising, also known as online marketing, Internet advertising, digital advertising or web
advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing
messages to consumers.
Media research

For companies, it is important to have a clear cut plan in the selection of advertising media. Some steps
followed in advertising media selection are:

1) The objective of the company is analyzed as to what product and to which customers it is to be
2) The next stage is to have a complete understanding about the customer demographics who is to be
3) After that, depending upon the type of product, type of customers, the advertising budget set,
Companies can choose from the various types of advertising media. Advertising media should be
chosen on the fact which gives maximum return on investment. Companies should spend minimum
on advertising, reach out to as many people as they can and which should convert into substantial
sales to give profit to the company.
4) Over a period of time, this process of selecting the appropriate advertising media can be repeated for
increasing cost benefit to the company.

Methods of Measuring the effectiveness of advertisements

Testing of advertisement’s reliability and validity is possible at any stage of advertising process. It can be
done before the advertising campaign begins or during its run or after the campaign is fully run. Pre-testing
gives the maximum safety as much is not lost, concurrent testing makes him to lose little more as the
advertising process has advanced.

Post-testing results in maximum loss if it fails as the whole show is over and he gets the post- mortem report,
as to what has happened. Nothing is certain unless and until, we are sure about the accuracy and reliability of
feed-back that the advertiser gets from such research.

Accordingly, there can be three sets of methods to meet his needs namely,

i. Pre-testing methods
ii. Concurrent (at the same time) Testing Methods
iii. Post-testing methods


The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from
other products.
Brand Positioning

Brand positioning can be defined as an activity of creating a brand offer in such a manner that it occupies a
distinctive place and value in the target customer’s mind.

Brand logo

A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, symbol, or stylized name used to identify a company, organization,
product, or brand. It may take the form of an abstract or figurative design, or it may present as a stylized
version of the company's name if it has sufficient brand recognition.

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