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By Dereje T.

Desalegn 6/5/2022

Chapter - Two

Hydrostatics - Definition

 Hydrostatics is the study of liquid problems in which

there is no relative motion between liquid elements.
i.e. When liquids are stationary or at rest.

 The discussion in this chapter focuses on Fluid

pressure and its measurement.

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 2

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 1

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Pressure at a point in a static

 Pressure – the force exerted on a unit area.
 If the total force, F is uniformly distributed over an area A, then
 P= F/A [N/m2]
 If the force is not uniformly distributed, the expression of P will be the
average value.
 If the pressure varies from point to point, the pressure at any point is
given by:
 P = dF/dA
 Where, dF = the force acting on an elementary area, dA.

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Pressure at a point … cont’d

 Note:
o A mass of fluid kept in a container/solid boundary exerts
forces against the boundary surfaces.
o The forces are always act in a direction normal to the
surface. Because the fluid is at rest, there are no shear
stresses in it.

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 2

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Pressure at a point … cont’d

 The pressure at a point in a fluid at rest is the same in all directions
– Pascal’s Law.
• Proof: Consider a two dimensional small wedge shaped fluid element
having unit width normal to plane of the paper.

 Let P1, P2 and P3 be the average pressure acting on faces

ab, ac and bc, respectively.

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Pressure at a point … cont’d

 Since the wedge of fluid is in equilibrium,

  Fx=0 dz
P1 dz - P 3 . sin  = 0 P1 = P3
sin 
 Similarly,
1 dx
 F z = 0 ~ P 2 dx -  dz dx - P3 cos  = 0
2 cos 
P 2 = P3 +  dz
 If dz shrinks to a point and W becomes zero, thus at a point,
P2 = P3 P1 = P 2 = P3
 Therefore, the pressure at a point is independent of its
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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 3

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Pressure variation in a fluid at rest

 Consider a small parallelepiped fluid element of size

dxdydz at any point in a static mass of fluid.
 Since the fluid is at rest, the element is in equilibrium
under the various forces acting on it.
 Let P be the pressure intensity at the midpoint of the

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Pressure variation…cont’d

 F x = P A dz - P C dz = 0  F z = P B dx - d w - P D dx = 0
P dx P dz P dx P dz
PA= P - , PB = P - , Pc = P + PD = P +
x 2 z 2 x 2 z 2
p dx p dx
 F x = (P - ) dz - ( P + ) dz = 0
x 2 x 2 p
 =0
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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 4

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Pressure variation…cont’d

With similar analysis in y direction, we can get:

 =0
This means that there is no change in pressure with the
horizontal distance.

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Pressure variation…cont’d
 Fz=0
p dz p dz
(p - ) dx -  dz dx - (p + ) dx = 0
z 2 z 2
p p
- dz dx -  dz dx = 0  = -  dP = - dz
z z

Therefore, pressure is only a function of Z and dP = - dz which is the

basic equation of fluid static.

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 5

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Pressure variation…cont’d

For homogenous and incompressible fluids,  is constant (so is  ).

Therefore, P = - z  c
Where, c is the constant of integration and is equal to the value of P
at z = 0.
But since z is measured vertically downward, c implies the pressure at
the free surface of the fluid (atmospheric pressure) . Normally
expressed as: P = - z  Po

For a point lying in the free surface of the fluid z= H+Zo and If Po is
the atmospheric pressure at the free surface, then the constant of
integration C = Po +  (H+Zo)

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Pressure variation…cont’d

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 6

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Pressure variation…cont’d

Substituting this value of C in the above equation gives

P    z  Po   ( H  Z o ) 

Since the point lies in the fluid at a depth h below the free surface
and for this point z = H+Zo-h, substituting for z in the above equation
gives: P  Po   h
For liquids γ is constant
p z1

 dp = -   dz  p =  ( z 2 - z1 )  p =  h or p = g h
0 z2

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Pressure variation…cont’d

The pressure at a point in a static mass of liquid depends only

upon the vertical depth of the point below the free surface and
the specific weight of the liquid, and it does not depend upon the
shape and size of the bounding container.

PA = PB = PC

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 7

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Standard Atmosphere

The atmospheric air exerts a normal pressure upon all surfaces in

contact - atmospheric pressure.

Atmospheric pressure varies with altitude.

Atmospheric pressure is also known as barometric pressure as it is

measured by a barometer

At sea level atmospheric pressure = 101.3Kpa or 1.013 bar or

10.3m of water or 760mm of mercury – it is called standard
atmospheric pressure

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Standard Atmosphere
• Two common datum (zeros) for pressure measurement:

1. Absolute zero pressure. When pressure is measured above

absolute zero, it is called absolute pressure.

2. The atmospheric pressure When pressure is measured either

above or below atmospheric pressure, it is called Gage Pressure.

• If the pressure of the fluid is below atmospheric pressure, it is called

vacuum pressure or suction pressure or negative gage pressure.

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 8

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Standard Atmosphere

Pa= Patm + Pg

Pa= Patm – Pv

Pa = absolute Pressure (+Ve)

Patm = atm. Pressure
Pg = gage pressure (+ve)
Pv = vacuum pressure

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Standard Atmosphere

A device contains cells of air, water and glycerin. What are the
gage and absolute pressures at points 1 through 5 in KPa What
are the equivalent columns of mercury (S.G 13.6).

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 9

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Standard Atmosphere
The standard atmosphere =
101.3 KPa (abs.)
P4 = P3
P5 = P4 - γw x 2 = -
25.725 KPa = 75.575 Kpa

P1 = 0 gage = 101.3
KPa (abs)
P2 = γg x 2.5 m = 1.25 x 9.8
x 2.5 = 24.5 KPa
= 125.8 KPa (aps)

P3= P2 - γg x 3= -6.125 Kpa = 6.125 Kpa (suction, vacuum)

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= 95.175 Kpa ( abs )

Measurement of Pressure


1. By balancing the liquid column (whose pressure is to be
found out) by the spring or dead weight. These are
2. By balancing the liquid column (whose pressure is to be
found out) by the same or another column. These are
also called TUBE GAUGES.

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 10

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Measurement of Pressure

Mechanical Gauges
 For measuring high pressure
 Measuring pressure in boilers or other pipes, where tube gauges can
not be conveniently used.

Bourdon's tube Diaphragm Dead weight

pressure gauge Pressure gauge pressure gauge

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Measurement of Pressure

Tube gages used to measure fluid pressure are:

 Piezometer tube
 Manometer
Piezometer Tube:
– Simplest form of manometer,
– used for measuring moderate pressure
– The height to which the liquid rises up in the tube gives the
pressure head directly

P A   gh
6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn Piezometer 22

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 11

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Measurement of Pressure

 Improved form of a piezometer tube
 Can measure comparatively high pressure and
– negative pressure

 Types are:
• Simple manometer,
• Micro manometer,
• Differential manometer, and
• Inverted differential manometer

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Measurement of Pressure

Simple manometer

Positive Pressure Negative Pressure

PA +h1 γw = h2 γm PA + h1 γw + h2 γm = 0
PA = h2 γm - h1 γw PA = -h1 γw - h2 γm

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 12

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Measurement of Pressure
Differential Manometers
– In many cases only the difference between two pressures is
desired, and for this purpose differential manometers may
be used

A and B at the same level A and B at different level and

and containing same liquid containing different liquid

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Measurement of Pressure

Inverted differential manometer

– Used for measuring difference of low pressures, where
accuracy is the prime consideration

PA – γ1 h1 = PB – γ3 h3 – γ2 h2

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 26

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 13

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022


Example 1: Calculate the pressure

difference between A and B for
the setup shown in the Figure.

PA + γw × 1.7 - γHg × 1.0 = PB + γw × 0.25+ γHg × 0.76 - γw × 0.56

PA  PB   w  0.25   Hg  0.76   w  1.7   Hg 1.0   w  0.56

  w [0.25 - 1.7 - 0.56]   Hg (0.76  1.0)

  Hg 1.76 -  w  2.01
= 13.6 x 9.80 3  1.76 m - 9.80 3  2.01 m  215.1KPa
m m
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Standard Atmosphere

Example 2. Determine the pressure

at A,B,C and D in kpa

PA = γw (4m) = 9.8 x 4 = 39.2 KPa

PC = PB + (3 γw) x 3
= 39.2 + 9 x 9.8 = 127.4 KPa
PD = PB + (3γw) 2 = 98.10 KPa

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 14

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Standard Atmosphere

Example 3. If a pressure in a tank is 345 kpa, find the equivalent

pressure head of :
1- Water 2-Mercuy 3-Oil with S.G. = 0.92

h water = = 35.2m
p 9.8
 345
h mercury = = 2.95 m
13.6  9.8

hoil = = 38.27 m
0.92  9.8

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 15

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 16

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

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Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

• A static mass of fluid comes in contact with a surface exerts a force on

the surface in a direction normal to the surface. This force is known as
total pressure force.
• The point of application of total pressure force – center of pressure.
• The fluid may be in contact with:
• Plane surface
 Horizontal plane surface
 Vertical plane surface
 Inclined plane surface
• Curved surface

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 17

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

• Forces on Submerged Plane Surfaces:

For design purposes, it is essential to
calculate the magnitude, direction
and location of total forces on
surfaces submerged in a liquid.

A) Horizontal Plane Surfaces

The surface is at a depth h below the free surface of the liquid. Since every
point on the surface is at the same depth, the pressure is constant over the
entire plane surface. i.e.
P= h
F = Ah
Acting at the centroid of the surface
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Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

B) Force on a vertical plane surface:

Here, since the depth of liquid varies from

point to point on the surface, the pressure
is not constant over the entire surface.
Therefore, the total pressure force on the
entire surface is:

dF = pdA = h bdh 
F =  dF =   hdA

where  h dA is the first moment of the area about 0-0  hdA = A h

F = A h
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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 18

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

For a vertical plane surface, the CP does not coincide with the centeroid of the
area. Since the pressure increases with depth, the CP lies below the centroid of
the surface area. This position can be determined as follows.

Taking the moment of F about O-O, Fhc ---- (1)

The total force on the strip is dF = pdA= h dA and its moment about O-
O is
dFh = h dA 

Thus, the sum of the moments of the force on all the strips,
--- (2)
 dFh =   h dA
A 2

Equating (1) and (2),

Fhc =   h 2 dA

but I o   h 2 dA is the second moment of inertia.

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Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

 Io I o I
Therefore, Fhc =  I o hc = hc =  hc = o
F Ah Ah

Further from the parallel axis theorem, I o = I CG  Ah


I CG  Ah 2 I CG
hc =  hc = h 
Ah Ah
Where, I CG is the moment of inertia of the area about an axis passing
through the centeroid of the area and parallel to axis O-O.
Since for any plane surface the factor is always positive, hc  h
i.e. the center of pressure is always below the centroid of the area.

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 19

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

• Forces on inclined Plane Surfaces:

dF = pdA = hdA
dF = y sin dA =  sin ydA

F =  dF =  sin   ydA

where  A y dA is the first moment

of the area about 0  A ydA = A y

 F =  sin  A y  F = A h

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Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

The moment of the force dF about 0 is

dFy = dAhy  dA( y sin  ) y
dFy   sin dAy 2
This may be integrated over the area
and set equal to Fyc
 Fy c =  sin   y dA
A 2

A 2
 y dA is the second moment of the area about 0-0
I  sin  I I Ay I
yc = o = o  CG +  CG + y ( I CG moment of Inertia )
 sin  A y A y A y A y A y
yc acts at the center of pressure which is at a distance e below the center
of gravity such that
6/5/2022 Ay
Dereje T. Desalegn 40

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 20

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

hc h
yc  and y
Sin Sin
I CG Sin 2
hc  h 

For   90 o , the equation is the

same as that for vertical plane and

For   0 o the equation holds true

for horizontal plane surface

Where, IC.G = moment of inertia about the horizontal axis o-o through
the center of gravity.

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Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 21

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

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Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 22

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 45

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

Forces on curved surfaces

 FH =  dFH   pdA sin   hc Av

 FV =  dFV   pdA cos   V

F = F v2 + F 2H
Fv = the weight of the liquid above the surface
Fh = the force exerted on the vertical projection of the curved surface.
Av = the projected area of the curved surface on the vertical plane BD
V = the volume of the water prism extending over the curved area to the free
 FV 
The direction of the resultant force, F  = tan1 
6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn
 Fh  46

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 23

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Pressure Diagram

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Practical application of pressure

force & center of pressure
It is very important for hydraulic structures design such as dams, gates and tanks.

Example: What should be the

minimum weight of the dam not
to be overturn by the force of
water ponded on its upstream.

Take moment about the toe of

the dam (about O),
F  H W  x
H H 3
W (min .)  F  
3x 6  x

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 48

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 24

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

A rectangular gate 2m wide is

hinged at point B and rests against
a smooth wall at point A as shown.
a) The pressure force on the gate
due to the sea Water (S.G.
b) The force exerted by the wall
at point A.
c) The location of the center of
pressure. (neglect weight of

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Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

F =  A h = 1.034  9.8  (5  2) 8.5 = 861.3 KN

2  53
I C.G 12
yc = y + = 14.167 +  14.314 m
Ay 10  14.167

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 25

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

Taking moment about B = 0

F ( - 14.314) - R A  3 = 0
 R A = 675.5 KN
F  2.353 - R A  3 = 0

 Fx=0

R Bx + F sin  - R A = 0  R Bx = 158.7 KN

 Fz=0
 R BZ  689.04 KN
R BZ - F cos  = 0

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 51

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

The tank shown in the figure contains oil
and water as shown find the resultant force
on side ABC which is1.2 m wide.

F oil   A AB h
= 0.8  9.8 (3  1.2) 1.5 = 42.336 KN

1.2 x 33
I CG 12
hc = h + = 1.5 +  2. 0 m
A AB h (3  1.2)  1.5
Convert the oil height to equivalent pressure

Poil =  oil hoil = 0.8  9.8  3 = 23.52 kN / m


F oil = PABC = 23.52 (1.8  1.2 ) = 50.8 kN

F water =  w ABC h = 9.8 (1.8  1.2) 0.9 = 19.05 kN
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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 26

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

1.2  1.83
I 12
hc = h + CG = 0.9 +  1.2m
Ah (1.2  1.8) 0.9

R = F oil + F oil  F w
= 42.536 + 50.8 + 19.05 = 112.186 KN

Moment about C
R.e = F oil (2.8) + F oil  0.9 + F w  0.6
42.336  2.8 + 50.8  0.9 + 19.05  0.6
e =

= 1.566 m from C or 3.234 below A

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Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

Find the moment M at O to hold the

gate closed. Determine P on the
upper surface of fluid

P +  w (1.2 + 0.6 + 0.3) = 5  w (0.3)

 P = 1.5  w - 2.1  w = - 0.6  w = - 5.88 KP a

i.e the tank is pressurized under Vacuum

F 1 = PAgate = 5.88 2
(1.2 2 x 1.8)  17.96 kN acting at the C.G of the area

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 27

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

 1 .2 
F w =  A h = 9.8   o
1.8   0.6 = 9.979 KN
 sin 45 
yc = y +
1.8  1.697 3
y c = 0.848 + 12 = 0.848 + 0.283 = 1.131 m
(1.8  1.697) 0.848

Moment about 0 = F1 x 0.848 - Fw x1.131

= 17.96x 0.848 - 9.979 x1.13
= 3.944 N.m counter clockwise
Moment required to hold the gate is 3.944
N.m clockwise.

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Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces

Compute the horizontal and the vertical component of the
hydrostatic force on the roller gate shown in sketch.
Fh = horizontal hydrostatic pressure
force on the vertical projection
of the curved surface of the gate

 1.0 2 9807  1 N
= = = 4903
2 2 m
Fv = vertical buoyant force which is equal
in magnitude to the weight of the fluid
mass displaced
 1.0 29807  3.14  1.0 N
=  1= = 7698
4 4 m
2 4 1
y =  1.0 = 0.67 m x =  = 0.42 m
3 3 

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 28

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Pressure vs. Depth


 In many fluids the bulk modulus is such

that we can treat the density as a y1
constant independent of pressure: p1
An incompressible fluid
 For an incompressible fluid, the density
is the same everywhere, but the mg F2
pressure is NOT!

 p(y) = p0 - y g   p0 + d g  F2 = F1+ m g
 Gauge pressure (subtract p0, = F1+ Vg
pressure 1 atm, i.e. car tires) F2 /A = F1/A + Vg/A
p2 = p1 + g y
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Pressure vs. Depth

 For a uniform fluid in an open container pressure same

at a given depth independent of the container


 Fluid level is the same everywhere in a connected

container, assuming no surface forces

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 29

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Tensile Stress in Pipes

Fluid pressure induces tensile stress in pipes.

Consider unit length of a pipe

Fig. 2-20: Pipe Section Under a Fluid Pressure.

F  2pr * 1 T1  T2  F

For equilibrium  M 2  T1 * 2r  F * e  0 T1  pe T2  p2r  e 

In most of cases of pipes under high pressure, cp is assumed to coincide with
the center of the pipe and this gives
T1  T2  pr
6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 59

Tensile Stress in Pipes

• For known value of the tensile force T, the tensile stress per meter length
of pipe is:   T t * 1  pr t
 2  T2 t
 1  T1 t
If  all is the allowable stress for the pipe material, the necessary thickness of
pipe can be computed from

t  pr  all

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 60

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 30

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Archimedes’ Principle

• Suppose we weigh an object in air (1) and in water (2).

– How do these weights compare?

W1 < W2 W1 = W2 W1 > W2

W1? W2?
 Why?
Since the pressure at the bottom of the
object is greater than that at the top of the
object, the water exerts a net upward
force, the buoyant force, on the object.

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 61

Sink or Float?

• The buoyant force is equal to the weight of the F B mg

liquid that is displaced.
• If the buoyant force is larger than the weight of the
object, it will float; otherwise it will sink.

 We can calculate how much of a floating

object will be submerged in the liquid:

 Object is in equilibrium F B  mg

 liquid  g  V liquid   object  g  V object

V liquid  object

V object  liquid
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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 31

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies

Buoyancy and Floatation

• Completely submerged or floating (partially submerged) bodies in a fluid – net
upward force
• The tendency for an immersed body to be lifted up in the fluid, due to an upward
force opposite to the action of gravity – buoyancy.
• Resultant fluid force which tend to lift up the body – Buoyant force
• Line of action of the buoyant force – center of buoyancy
• The magnitude of the buoyant force is determined by Archimede’s principle:

“When a body is immersed in a fluid either wholly or partially, it is

buoyed or lifted up by a force, which is equal to the weight of the fluid
displaced by the body.”

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 63

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies

• If dV = volume of the vertical prism

• dV = ydA and dFB = dV
• The buoyant force FB on the entire
body (ABCD) is:
FB =  dFB   dV V
• Where, V = the volume of the
submerged body.
• The buoyant force acts vertically
upwards through the center of
• The center of buoyancy coincides
with the centroid of the volume of
the fluid displaced
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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 32

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies

• The principle of floatation -

The weight of a body floating in a fluid is equal to the buoyant force,

which in turn is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.

A body floating in a fluid to be in equilibrium, FB = W

• For immersed body,
– If FB > W, then the body will rise until its weight equals the buoyant force.
– If W > FB, then the body will tend to move down ward and it may finally sink.

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 65

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies

Stability of submerged and floating bodies

The tendency for the body to return to the original upright position after
it has been displaced slightly - stability of a submerged or a floating
Generally there are three state of equilibrium position when a body is
given a slight angular displacement:
neutral and
6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 66

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 33

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies

• Stable equilibrium - when displaced, it returns to its

equilibrium position.
• Unstable equilibrium exists when a body tends to
continue movement after a slight displacement.
• Neutral equilibrium exists when a body remains in its
displaced position.
6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 67

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies

• For fully submerged body, as long as the center of gravity falls below the center of
buoyancy, the body is in a stable equilibrium position with respect to small rotations.

W W R estoring
couple Ov erturning
Stable U nstable couple
F ig. 2-16: Stability o f submerged bodies.
Stability of fully submerged bodies

• A completely submerged body with its center of gravity above its center of buoyancy is
in an unstable equilibrium position .
• If the CG coincides with B of a wholly submerged body, it is in a neutral state.
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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 34

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies

• For floating bodies the stability problem is more complicated, since as the body
rotates the shape of the immersed volume changes; thus the location of center of
buoyancy may change.

• When M is above G, the body is

• when M is below G, it is unstable;
• when M is at G, it is in neutral

Stability of a floating body, Stable configuration

A floating body can be stable even though the center of gravity lies above
the center
6/5/2022 of buoyancy. Dereje T. Desalegn 69

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies

• METACENTRE is defined as the point of intersection between the axis of the

floating body passing through the points B and G and a vertical line passing
through the new center of buoyancy B’.
• GM – Metacentric height

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 35

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies
• The position of the metacentre relative to the position of the center of gravity of a
floating body determines the stability condition of the floating body.

Unstable configuration
When the metacentre lies above the center of gravity, G – Stable (BM>BG)

When the metacentre lies below the center of gravity, G - Unstable (BM<BG)
6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 71

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies
There are two methods, which may be used to determine the metacentric height of a
floating body.
1. Experimental method

Note: For small angles tan = sin  =  radians

Taking moment about the axis z-z wx cos   W GG' cos 
wx  W GG' But, GG'  GM tan 

GM 
6/5/2022 W tan T. Desalegn
Dereje 72

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 36

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies

2. Analytical method
BM 

is sometimes known as the metacentric radius

Where, I is moment of inertia of the body at the liquid surface about its
longitudinal axis ; V is volume of the displaced fluid

 I

GM   BM  BG    BG 
V 

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 73

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies
Example 1: A wooden cylinder of circular section and uniform density, S.G =0.6
is required to float in oil of S.G = 0.8. If the diameter of the cylinder is d and its
length is l, show that l cannot exceed about 0.817d for the cylinder to float
with its longitudinal axis vertical.

Solution: If the depth of immersion is x, then

d 2 x  d 2   0.6  3
 0.8    l   0.6 x  l  l
4  4   0.8  4
x 3
OB   l
2 8
BM 
I d 4 d 2 3 3d 2
I and V   l l
V 64 4 4 16
d 2 Further , BG  OG  OB   l  3 l  l
 BM 
12l 2 8 8
For stable equilibriu m,
d2 l
6/5/2022 BM  BG or  orDereje
l  0T.
.817 d
Desalegn 74
12l 8

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 37

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Buoyancy and Stability of

Floating and Submerged Bodies
Example 1. Show that a cylindrical buoy 1.25m diameter and 3.25m high weighing
11,127N will not float vertically in sea water weighing 10,055N/m3.

Weight of the buoy = 11,127N

Volume of water displaced, V = 11,127/10,055

= 1.107m3
Depth of immersion, x = 1.107/(pi)x(1.25)2 = 0.90m
Therefore, height of center of buoyancy, B = 0.9/2
= 0.45m
BM = I/V
I=3.14xd4/64 = 0.119m4; BM = 0.119/1.107 = 0.1082m
Further, BG = OG-OB= [(1/2x3.25)-0.45)=1.175m
Since BM<BG, meta center lies below CG, the cylinder is in unstable state.

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 75

Reading Assignment

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 76

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 38

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Relative Equilibrium of liquids

If a container in which a liquid is contained :

moves at a continuous and constant linear acceleration, or

rotates about a vertical axis with uniform acceleration,

the liquid moves as a solid body with no relative motion of liquid particles. This
is referred to as relative equilibrium of liquids.

A. In case of horizontal acceleration, the slope of the fluid surface of the

liquid is given by:
dy a
  x  tan 
dx g
The pressure at any depth h below the free surface is given by:

p  gh
6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 77

Relative Equilibrium of liquids

B. In case of vertical acceleration, the free surface of the liquid remains

horizontal. i.e. dy

The pressure at any depth h below the free surface is given by:

p   g  a y h

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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 39

By Dereje T. Desalegn 6/5/2022

Relative Equilibrium of liquids

C. In case of rotation about a vertical

axis, the free surface of the liquid is
parabolic and is given by:
dz w2 r

dr 2 g

And, the rise of the liquid along the wall

from the vertex is:
 2 ro2
ho 
And, the rise of the liquid above the
h h
level before rotation is o , i.e. hS1  hS 2  o
2 2

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 79

Thank you

6/5/2022 Dereje T. Desalegn 80

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, AAiT 40

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