Setting Goals - Individual Activity

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Goals have to mean something to you if you’re willing to devote time, energy, and effort to them. As
the driver of your own business, it’s important, to begin with, what matters to you.

Fill up these lists when you set your yearly goals, or whenever you’d like to review/refresh your goals.
This time, we will check your individual goals and consolidate them with the group soon.

List down 5 things you REALLY ENJOY doing:

What activities or tasks are fun for you? What do you find yourself doing when you have extra time?
These 5 things could be things you don’t do often, or they could also be part of your everyday life. They
don’t necessarily have to make any sense to anyone else, nor have they to be income-generating. Be as
specific as possible.

1 Listening to music

2 Reading sci-fi books

3 Play time with my dogs

4 Doing small science experiments

5 Small talks with family and friends

List down 5 things you are REALLY GOOD at:

What’s easy for you? You may have overlooked some of these skills because they come so naturally to
you. Think about what people around you ask your help for. Be as specific as possible.

1 Switching from subjective to objective mindset, and vice versa

2 Multitasking

3 Fast learner

4 Expressing my thoughts and opinions to others

5 Keeping things that needed to be kept (orderly)

Review: Are there any similarities or intersecting items between the two lists above? Are you allowing
yourself to do the things that you enjoy doing? Take time to be grateful for the resources and
opportunities that allow you to experience the things on the first list. And if you’re not doing it yet, try
to see how you can maximize and monetize the things on the second list.
Of all the things that you did in the last 12 months, what 5 things make you most proud & happy?

List down your favorite achievements, whether big or small, and take a moment to be grateful for them.
Think about why they’re your faves. How did you feel after achieving each one?

1 Earning something (monetary) from a small business

2 Empowering everyone within the group

3 Helping and receiving such from others

4 Finiship-up my resume’

5 Having the “SO1” name extension

REVIEW: Which of these achievements do you want to have more of?

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