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English - Intermediate

1. Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense................................................................................... 3

1. Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense....................................................................................... 3
2. Wedding Traditions from around the World........................................................................................... 3
3. These 9 tech firms pay the best entry-level salaries................................................................................ 3
2. Past Simple Tense................................................................................................................................. 4
4. Past Simple Tense................................................................................................................................. 4
5. The Tuxedo.......................................................................................................................................... 4
6. The ZX Spectrum.................................................................................................................................. 4
7. The First Computer Programmer........................................................................................................... 4
3. Adjectives............................................................................................................................................. 5
8. Adjectives............................................................................................................................................ 5
9. Qualities of a Good Friend..................................................................................................................... 5
4. Question Tags....................................................................................................................................... 6
10. Question Tags.................................................................................................................................... 6
11. Social Media Marketing...................................................................................................................... 6
5. Past Continuous Tense......................................................................................................................... 7
12. Past Continuous Tense........................................................................................................................ 7
13. The Worst Vacation Ever..................................................................................................................... 7
6. Used to, be used to.............................................................................................................................. 8
14. Used to, be used to............................................................................................................................. 8
15. The Story of The BBC.......................................................................................................................... 8
7. Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense............................................................................................... 9
16. Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense................................................................................................. 9
17. Apple Macintosh................................................................................................................................ 9
8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense...................................................................................................... 10
18. Present Perfect Continuous Tense...................................................................................................... 10
19. Bermuda........................................................................................................................................... 10
9. Modal Verbs........................................................................................................................................ 11
20. Modal Verbs...................................................................................................................................... 11
21. Make a Specialty............................................................................................................................... 11
22. Robots are Coming for Dirty, Dangerous, and Dull Jobs........................................................................ 11
10. Reported Speech.............................................................................................................................. 12
23. Reported Speech.............................................................................................................................. 12
24. My Story How Technology Helped Me................................................................................................ 12
11. Relative Clauses................................................................................................................................ 13
25. Relative Clauses................................................................................................................................ 13
26. Cultural Differences.......................................................................................................................... 13
27. The Rise of Android.......................................................................................................................... 13
12. Passive Voice.................................................................................................................................... 14
28. Passive Voice.................................................................................................................................... 14
29. Social Networking Sites..................................................................................................................... 14
30. Dressing for Work............................................................................................................................. 14

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13. Causative Have................................................................................................................................. 15
31. Causative Have................................................................................................................................. 15
32. Prepare Yourself for Summer Holidays............................................................................................... 15
14. The First Conditional........................................................................................................................ 16
33. The First Conditional......................................................................................................................... 16
34. Signs You Just Nailed That Job Interview............................................................................................ 16
15. The Second Conditional.................................................................................................................... 17
35. The Second Conditional.................................................................................................................... 17
36. What If We Didn`t Need Sleep........................................................................................................... 17
16. Past Perfect Tense............................................................................................................................ 18
37. Past Perfect Tense............................................................................................................................ 18
38. How Twins Work.............................................................................................................................. 18
17. Past Perfect Continuous Tense........................................................................................................ 19
39. Past Perfect Continuous Tense.......................................................................................................... 19
40. The Biggest Mystery in Mathematics Shinichi Mochizuki and the Impenetrable Proof........................... 19
18. Past Modals...................................................................................................................................... 20
41. Past Modals..................................................................................................................................... 20
42. Coping with Stress in the Work Place................................................................................................. 20
19. The Third Conditional....................................................................................................................... 21
43. The Third Conditional........................................................................................................................ 21
44. Wish................................................................................................................................................ 21
45. Lie and Deception............................................................................................................................. 21
46. Some Things I Wish I Hadn`t Said to My Girlfriend............................................................................... 21

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1. Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense

1. Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense

Present Simple este timpul care se folosește pentru a descrie acțitivități obișnuite, obiceiurile subiectului, iar
Present Continuous se folosește pentru a descrie o acțiune care are loc în momentul discuției, o activitate
temporară și planuri de viitor. 

2. Wedding Traditions from around the World

In this text Present Simple Tense was used in order to present some facts. Also, we have learned many new and,
above all, interesting facts about cultural wedding traditions and customs.

3. These 9 tech firms pay the best entry-level salaries

In this article Present Simple is used to describe facts and data. We have learned many facts about some giant
companies and about the salaries their employees have. There was also a wide range of new vocabulary.

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2. Past Simple Tense

4. Past Simple Tense

Este important de reținut că timpul trecut se folosește pentru acțiuni care s-au încheiat într-o anumită perioadă în
trecut, deci, se știe exact când s-a încheiat acțiunea. Adverbele caracteristice pentru timpul trecut sunt yesterday,
last, ago. Verbele regulate la timpul trecut primesc sufixul -ed sau -d, iar verbele neregulate se învață pe de rost. 

5. The Tuxedo

You have had a chance to find out how the tuxedo got its name. The text illustrates the use of the past simple
tense and enriches the vocabulary. You have come across the translation of the underlined words into Romanian
as well as the synonyms of the underlined words.

6. The ZX Spectrum

You have had a chance to get yourself acquainted with ZX Spectrum, the first computer for many people, and its
impact on IT industry worldwide. The texts illustrates the use of the past simple tense and enriches your
vocabulary. You have come across the translation of the underlined words into Serbian as well as the synonyms of
the underlined words. Hope you have enjoyed the text!

7. The First Computer Programmer

In summary, ‘Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer’ is a text which illustrates the life of one of the first
women in the world of technology. You have learnt about a genius and her legacy. There are also examples of the
use of the past simple tense. In addition to the translation of the underlined words into Romanian, you have had a
chance to learn synonyms in English. Hope you have enriched your vocabulary and enjoyed your reading!

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3. Adjectives

8. Adjectives

Adjectivele cu sufixul -ing descriu o situație, o persoană sau un lucru, iar adjectivele cu sufixul -ed descriu cum se
simte cineva. De exemplu, dacă vorbim despre a surprising number, aceasta înseamnă că numărul respectiv ne
surprinde, însă, când spunem a surprised person, este vorba despre o persoana care este uimită de ceva. 

9. Qualities of a Good Friend

In summary, good friends are hard to find and also hard to keep. In this text excellent advice can be found
regarding how to preserve friendship. You have come across the translation of the underlined words into
Romanian as well as the synonyms of the underlined words. Hope you have enjoyed the text!

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4. Question Tags

10. Question Tags

Este important de reținut că este permisă o singură negație și că timpul trebuie să fie același și în propoziția
principală și în construcția Question Tag! Question Tags sunt construcții speciale în limba engleză, stau la sfârșitul
propoziției și se separă obligatoriu prin virgulă. 

He’s bought this book, hasn’t he? (Present Perfect)

He bought this book, didn’t he? (Past Simple)
He’s buying this book, isn’t he? (Present Continuous)
He buys books, doesn’t he? (Present Simple)
He’ll buy this book, won’t he? (Future)

11. Social Media Marketing

You have read a text that enriches your vocabulary and the dialogue also provides you with examples of the use
of question tags in English. By reading the dialogue about the employees who discuss the company’s strengths
and weaknesses in relation to their competitors, you are provided with an example of how to communicate in the
business setting. You get an insight into the dynamics of the company, its challenges and objectives. We hope you
have enjoyed the dialogue! 

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5. Past Continuous Tense

12. Past Continuous Tense

În această lecție am văzut cum se formează timpul trecut continuu. Este important de reținut că acest timp se
folosește pentru o acțiune care a durat mai mult timp în trecut, pentru două acțiuni care au avut loc simultan și
pentru o acțiune din trecut care a durat mult, dar care a fost întreruptă de o altă acțiune. De asemenea, am văzut
că verbele care nu se folosesc la Present Continuous Tense nu se folosesc nici la Past Continuous Tense.

13. The Worst Vacation Ever

In this tremendously interesting story we could see how Past Continuous and Past Simple Tense were used. Both
Past Continuous and Past Simple are tenses that are most often used when telling stories from the past. Many
bad things happened to the family and those things were described using many new verbs. Unfortunately, we all
experienced bad things at our vacations, these are the tenses that should be used in order to describe them.

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6. Used to, be used to

14. Used to, be used to

Este important de reținut că forma USED TO se folosește doar când vorbim despre trecut. Nu este vorba de un
timp trecut, dar se comportă ca atare. Deci, este vorba despre o structură specială folosită doar când vorbim
despre acțiuni din trecut. 
Forma Be Used To + Present Participle se folosește atunci când vorbim despre lucruri cu care suntem obișnuiți, și
de obicei se folosește la timpul prezent: He is used to staying late at work, but she isn’t.; My mother is used to
being nice with everybody.

15. The Story of The BBC

You have just read another text which enriches your vocabulary and hopefully learnt something new. ‘The story of
the BBC’ deals with the British Broadcasting Company, from its foundation onwards. The impact of the BBC is
undeniable. You have read how BBC changed over the years and what this respectable British service presently
encompasses. Do you ever watch BBC news? What do you think about the British Broadcasting Company and
their programmes?

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7. Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense

16. Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense

Present Perfect se folosește când vorbim despre acțiuni care au avut loc într-o perioadă de timp nedeterminată
din trecut. Este important să reținem care sunt adverbele de timp caracteristice pentru Present Perfect (ever,
never, just, yet, already, since, for, lately, recently, this morning, this summer), precum și adverbul IN THE LAST.
Past Simple este timpul care ne indică clar când s-a încheiat acțiunea în trecut. Adverbele caracteristice pentru
Past Simple sunt yesterday, last month, last summer, three days ago, in 1989, when I was a child...

17. Apple Macintosh

Hope you have enjoyed the text, called Apple Macintosh. Undoubtedly, many Apple users owe a lot to Steve Jobs
who was certainly one of the most important and respectable IT experts. His legacy is undeniable and he will
continue to remain a great influence for the generation of programmers to follow. The text has also provided you
with the use of the past simple tense as well as new vocabulary.

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8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

18. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

În această lecție am văzut cum se formează Present Perfect Continuous. I-am învățat formele – afirmativă,
negativă și interogativă. Cel mai important este să reținem când se folosește această formă și care sunt
diferențele dintre Present Perfect Tense și Present Perfect Continuous. Present Perfect Tense se folosește când
vorbim despre acțiuni care au avut loc într-o anumită perioadă în trecut și când se indică clar că acțiunea a fost
finalizată. Present Perfect Continuous Tense se folosește când vorbim despre acțiuni despre care nu suntem siguri
că au fost finalizate. De asemenea, este important de reținut că Present Perfect Continuous se poate traduce și ca
prezent și ca trecut, în funcție de situație. 

19. Bermuda

To conclude, you have just read the text which certainly enriches your vocabulary. You have had a chance to find
out more about the Bermuda triangle and the ships that have disappeared in that triangle.
When it comes to grammar, you have come across the use of different tenses, including the use of Present
Perfect Continuous. 

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9. Modal Verbs

20. Modal Verbs

În această lecție am văzut că verbele modale în limba engleză sunt CAN, COULD, SHALL, SHOULD, MAY, MIGHT,
WILL, WOULD, MUST. Verbele modale au aceeași formă la toate persoanele. Pentru a exprima abilitatea sau
posibilitatea se folosește și verbul be able to, care se poate folosi la toate timpurile, la fel ca verbul have to.

21. Make a Specialty

All in all, you have just read the text which certainly enriches your vocabulary. You have had a chance to find out
more about the Serbian cuisine, recipes, and the Serbian people in general. When it comes to grammar, you have
come across the use of different tenses, including the use of modal verbs. Hope you have found this article

22. Robots are Coming for Dirty, Dangerous, and Dull Jobs

To sum up, you have just read the text which certainly enriches your vocabulary. You have had a chance to find
out more about the ‘artificial intelligence’, computers and robots and their impact on the labour market. The text
also illustrates advantages and disadvantages of the use of robots in the world of work. When it comes to
grammar, you have come across the use of different tenses, including the use of modal verbs. Hope you have
found this article interesting.

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10. Reported Speech

23. Reported Speech

În această lecție am văzut că în vorbirea indirectă, adică atunci când relatăm ceea ce a spus cineva, cel mai
important este acordul timpurilor. Trebuie să cunoaștem foarte bine fiecare timp pentru a relata afirmația cuiva
în vorbire indirectă. 

24. My Story How Technology Helped Me

Hope you have enjoyed the text. The text provides you with the grammatical rules when it comes to reported speech
as well as new vocabulary. Jo’s personal account on the use of new technologies in her everyday life is central to the

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11. Relative Clauses

25. Relative Clauses

Propozițiile relative descriptive ne oferă informații suplimentare despre lucruri/persoane, fără de care propoziția
are în continuare sens. Propozițiile relative restrictive ne spun la care persoană sau lucru se referă interlocutorul.
Fără ele nu am ști despre cine sau despre ce este vorba în propoziție. Dacă am omite propoziția relativă
descriptivă, semnificația propoziției ar fi în continuare intactă, însă, dacă am omite relativa restrictivă, sensul
propoziției ar fi afectat. 

26. Cultural Differences

There are cultural and ideological differences in every country and it is of great importance to have an
understanding about a culture’s customs. It is very important to recognize that people from different countries
are different in many ways. 

27. The Rise of Android

As we have already pointed out, Android startup is understood to be the world's biggest computing platform. This
text has illustrated its beginnings and the struggles of its founders to launch Android as a computing platform. In
addition to enriching your vocabulary the text has also provided you with the examples of relative clauses.

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12. Passive Voice

28. Passive Voice

În această lecție am învățat cum se formează diateza pasivă în limba engleză și când se folosește. Pentru a forma
diateza pasivă în limba engleză, trebuie să cunoaștem foarte bine toate timpurile. Doar verbele tranzitive pot avea
forme pasive. Diateza pasivă, spre deosebire de limba română, se folosește mai des atât în vorbire, cât și în scris. 

29. Social Networking Sites

Hope you have enjoyed the text, called ‘Social Networking Sites’. You have learnt more about social media such as
MySpace, Facebook, Orkut. These networking sites are popular because they help people meet and discuss things
online. MySpace used to be very popular but it has become obsolete over the years. However, the popularity of
Facebook is still undeniable. The text has also provided you with the use of the passive voice as well as new

30. Dressing for Work

In this text we could see the use of passive: style is stifled, are concerned, is cheaply made, may be judged, are
sold. The text also included useful advice regarding dressing for work.

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13. Causative Have

31. Causative Have

Causative have este o construcție care se folosește des în limba engleză. O folosim când vrem să accentuăm că
cineva a făcut ceva pentru o altă persoană (i-a zugrăvit casa, i-a reparat mașina etc.). Construcția se folosește la
toate timpurile.

32. Prepare Yourself for Summer Holidays

Causative have is used when we want to talk about something that someone else did for us or for another
person: I had all of our stuff packed, we had our hotel room reserved, we had our photos done, I had to have my
hair cut, I had my bags carried. This form is often used in the English language.

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14. The First Conditional

33. The First Conditional

Este important de reținut că primul condițional se referă la situații reale, situații din viața reală care au 50% șanse
de a se realiza. Primul condițional se formează după modelul if + present simple + will. În caz că vorbim despre
fapte științifice sau alte activități extraordinare, în propoziția principală se poate întâmpla să apară și Present
Simple Tense.

34. Signs You Just Nailed That Job Interview

In conclusion, there are many telltale signs to look for in the interview. In the text, you could see how to notice
those signs. Also, there were many examples of conditionals.

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15. The Second Conditional

35. The Second Conditional

În cazul celui de-al doilea condițional, este important de reținut că nu există o posilibitate reală ca acțiunea să aibă
loc, adică sunt șanse mici să se întâmple. 

36. What If We Didn`t Need Sleep

In this text, we have seen how different and hard our lives would be if we didn’t sleep enough. Work schedules
would be completely different as well as the economy and our health. All in all, the world would never be the
same. We have learnt many new words and revised the second conditional.

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16. Past Perfect Tense

37. Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense este timpul folosit pentru a exprima o acțiune care a avut loc înaintea unei alte acțiuni în trecut
sau înaintea unui moment concret din trecut. Past Perfect are loc mereu ÎNAINTE de Past Simple, respectiv Past
Simple are loc întotdeauna DUPĂ Past Perfect.

38. How Twins Work

Being an identical twin is something beautiful and unique. There is nothing in the world so perfect as having a
twin brother or sister. We also revised the use of Past Perfect in the text: Springer learned of his twin sibling at
age eight, but both he and his adoptive parents believed the sibling had died.; One Jim had named his son
!n!James Allan!n! and the other Jim had named his son !n!James Alan.!n!; Each twin had driven his light-blue
Chevrolet to Pas Grille beach in Florida for family vacations etc.

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17. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

39. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Este important de reținut că timpul Past Perfect Continuous se folosește pentru a exprima o acțiune care a durat
până la un moment dat în trecut. Se pune accent pe durata acțiunii!

40. The Biggest Mystery in Mathematics Shinichi Mochizuki and the Impenetrable

In this text we could seen how difficult it actually is to be a genius. Mochizuki has discovered something
outstanding but nobody understood his brilliant mind. There was a wide range of vocabulary in the text as well as
grammar, especially Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

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18. Past Modals

41. Past Modals

Am menționat că verbele modale se folosesc în situații speciale din trecut. În funcție de context depinde dacă vom
folosi MUST, COULD, MAY/MIGHT etc. Verbele modale se formează de la verbul HAVE și Past Participle al
verbului principal, și sunt frecvent folosite atât în scris, cât și în oral în limba engleză. 

42. Coping with Stress in the Work Place

In conclusion, we have learned how to cope with everyday stress and how to use past modal verbs. The only thing
that should be done is to use all the advice given about how to help ourselves.

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19. The Third Conditional

43. The Third Conditional

Al treilea condițional exprimă niște condiții pe care le considerăm imposibile. Când este vorba de al treilea
condițional, putem doar să constatăm că s-a întâmplat ceva și că nu putem face nimic în această privință. 

44. Wish

Dacă este vorba despre o acțiune care nu se poate realiza în prezent, după verbul WISH se folosește Past Simple.
Pentru o dorință neîndeplinită în trecut, după verbul WISH se folosește Past Perfect.

45. Lie and Deception

After reading the text we can see how positive lying can be. The so-called ‘white lies’ became a natural part of our
life. The important thing is to detect when not telling the whole truth becomes a lie.

46. Some Things I Wish I Hadn`t Said to My Girlfriend

Regret is an emotional reaction to our past acts and behaviour. In the English language we use past tense forms to
talk about wishes for the present. We use the past perfect to talk about wishes for the past.

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