MCS 041 Previous Year Question Papers by Ignouassignmentguru

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No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-041

N MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2011


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) What is a semaphore ? Give solution to 10

sleeping barber problem with the help of
(b) Explain physical and logical clocks. Explain 10
Lamport's scheme of ordering of events.
(c) Draw the Gantt Chart for the FCFS and SJF 10
policy, considering the following set of
processes that arrive at time 0, with the
length of CPU time given in milliseconds.
Also calculate the average waiting and
average turn around time.
Process Processing time
P1 13
P2 08
P3 19
(d) What is segmentation ? Explain with an 5
(e) What is an Access - matrix model of 5
security ? Explain with an example.

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2. (a) Explain Havender's Algorithm for deadlock 8

prevention. Give a suitable example to
explain the algorithm.
(b) Give a short note on mutual exclusion in a 8
distributed system. Explain token based
mutual exclusion in the context of it.
(c) What is thrashing ? Give a solution to this 4

3. (a) Implement FCFS, SCAN, LOOK and 8

C - LOOK scheduling for the following disk
queues :-
50, 91, 150, 42, 130, 98, 18, 138, 140.
Assume that the disk head is initially at
cylinder 50. Calculate the total heat count.
(b) Explain Take - Grant model for security in 8
an operating system. Give an example to
illustrate the model.
(c) How is overlay different from swapping ? 4

4. (a) Explain pipes and filters in UNIX 5

(with examples).
(b) Give a diagram to explain various states of 5
a process. Explain the PCB or TCB also.
(c) Explain paging address translation by :- 10
(i) Direct Mapping.
(ii) Associative Mapping.
Give suitable diagrams and examples also.

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5. (a) Give short notes on :- 4x4=16

(i) Disk Organisation in UNIX.
(ii) DOS and NOS.
(iii) Multiprocessor Interconnection.
(iv) Macintosh OS.
(b) Differentiate between authorisation and 4
authentication. How can a user choose a
good password ?

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCS-041

,-4 MCA (Revised)
N Term-End Examination
O December, 2011


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory.

Attempt any three questions from the rest.

1. (a) For the five given processes arriving at time 10

0, in the order with the length of CPU time
in milliseconds :

Process Processing Time

P1 10

P2 28

P3 32

P4 7

consider the FCFS, SJF and RR

(time slice = 10 milliseconds) scheduling
algorithms for the above set of process
which algorithm would give the minimum
average waiting time and minimum
average turn around time ?

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- 1 P.T.O.
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(b) Explain demand paging with the help of 5

suitable diagrams.

(c) What is Belady's Anomaly ? In which page 5

replacement algorithm this anomaly
occurs ? Explain with an example.

(d) Explain file system is UNIX. Elaborate on 5

file and directory permissions in UNIX with

(e) What do you understand by disk 10

scheduling algorithms ? Explain and also
calculate the total head movement for FCFS,
SSTF and C-SCAN algorithms for the
following block sequence :

90, 150, 21, 50, 68, 72, 151, 138.

Initially the head is at the cylinder

number 50. Draw a suitable set of diagrams
to illustrate the algorithm.

(f) What is understood by the kernel of an 5

OS ? What are the classification of an OS
based on the Kernel ?

2. (a) Give a problem statement and a solution on 7

diner philosopher's problem.
(b) What is a safe sequence ? Explain Banker's 8
Algorithm for the deadlock avoidance with

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(c) What is thrashing ? How it is controlled 5

using working set principle ?

3. (a) Differentiate between the following :- 3x2=6

(i) Master - slave and symmetric

multiprocessor OS systems.
(ii) Paging and segmentation.
(b) Give a security and protection model for a 6
distributed and network operating system
(one model each). Differentiate between the
two suggested models.
(c) Explain the Bakery's Algorithm for critical 8
section problem for n number of processes.
Give an example to illustrate the solution.

4. (a) What are race conditions ? How race 6
condition originates in an OS ?

(b) Give a short note on RPC Mechanism 6
(with example). Also suggest any two
limitations of it.

(c) Differentiate between : 4x2=8

(i) Hypercube system and Crossbar

(ii) Segmented paging and paged

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5. (a) Give short notes on : 4x4=16

(i) Pipes and filters in UNIX.

(ii) CPU scheduling in a UNIX OS.

(iii) Overlays.

(iv) OPT Algorithm.

(b) Differentiate between process and Threads 4

with share.

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No. of Printed Pages : 2 MCS-041

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2012

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory.

Attempt any three questions from the rest.

1. (a) What is the difference between process and 10

thread ? Explain the steps in Process
switching and thread switching.
(b) Explain Single and Multiple Partition 10
Systems with reference to memory. Give
suitable examples.
(c) Explain the Crossbar and Fly Beranbe multi 10
processor interconnection network.
(d) Calculate the average waiting time, average 10
turn around time for the processes given.
Processes arrived at the same time and
processing time is given in the following
Process Processing Time
P1 06
P2 08
P3 07
P4 03

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2. (a) What is thrashing ? Explain the working 10

set model to avoid the thrashing.
(b) Explain the concepts of shared memory, 10
distributed memory and distributed shared

3. (a) What is Mutual Exclusion ? Explain 10

Dekker's solution for mutual exclusion.
(b) Suppose the disk queue for the following 10
blocks is created at a time :
50, 91, 150, 42, 130, 18, 140, 70, 60
Assuming the disk head initially at block
number 50, explain the disk scheduling for
the following algorithms.
(i) FCFS

4. (a) Explain the structure of UNIX and 10

Windows Operating Systems.
(b) What is necessary and sufficient conditions 10
for the occurrence of the deadlock ? Explain
with a suitable example.

5. Explain the following security models : 4x5=20

(a) Access Matrix Model
(b) Mandatory Access Control
(c) Discretionry Access Control
(d) Rule Based Access Control

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No. of Printed Pages : 2 MCS-041

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
-71.4 December, 2012


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 75%
Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) Explain the concept of virtual memory 10

(b) Write the algorithm for the bounded buffer 10
problem using semaphore.
(c) Explain the booting process of windows 10
2000 operating system.
(d) What is the difference between a loosely 10
coupled and tightly coupled system ? Give
suitable examples.

2. (a) Explain any two security models for 10

computer system.
(b) Explain all types of multiprocessor 10
Operating Systems.

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3. (a) A system has 10 instances of a resource. 10

Resource requirement of 3 processes are
given as below :
P1 P2 P3
Max. Requirement 8 7 5
Current Allocation 3 1 3
Is the current allocation in a safe state? If
the new requirement from process P1 of
1 instance arrives, whether the state will
remain in same state ? Apply Banker's
algorithm to answer this question.
(b) Obtain the total page fault using FIFO, LRIJ 10
and OPT page replacement algorithm for
the following sequence of pages. Consider
total 3 frames in memory.
1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 5.

4. (a) What is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) 10

How is it implemented ?
(b) Write Bakery's algorithm for handling 10
critical section problem for n processor.

5. (a) Explain segmented paging and paged 10

(b) Explain Multilevels, Acyclic graph and 10
general graph directory structure.

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No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-041

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2013

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 75%
Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Answer any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) Using semaphore, write an algorithm that 10

solves the producer/consumers problem
with a bounded buffer. How is it different
from the unbounded buffer algorithm ?
(b) Compare the merits and demerits of various 10
disk scheduling algorithms.
(c) Consider the following set of processes, with 10
the length of the CPU burst time given in

Process Burst time

P1 12
P2 5
P3 27
P4 3
P5 15

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All five processes arrive at time 0, in the

order given. Draw Gantt charts illustrating
the execution of the processes using FCFS,
SJF and RR (quantum =1) scheduling.
What is the turn around time of each process
for each of the scheduling algorithms ? Also
find the average waiting time for each

(d) Explain take-grant model for security of OS. 10

Also explain three techniques of

2. (a) Explain the hardware support for paging. 10

Briefly explain the three page address
translation technique.

(b) Illustrate a 3-dimensional hypercube system 5

and describe its features.

(c) What is meant by context switch ? Explain 5

the overhead incurred due to context
switching on process and thread.

3-. (a) Illustrate and discuss interprocess 5

communication features in windows 2000
operating system.

(b) Mention the advantages and limitations of 5

Multi-User Operating Systems.

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(c) What is the difference between security 10

policy and security model ? Explain the
access matrix model.

4. (a) The following is the sequence of page 10

requests :
1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 2, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 3
Assume that there are three frames. How
many page faults will occur if the following
algorithms are used to replace the pages :
(i) FCFS
(ii) LRU
(iii) OPT
(b) List and explain the four necessary 10
conditions that must hold simultaneously
for a deadlock to occur. Explain different
ways to avoid deadlock.

5. (a) Explain the following in brief : 10

(i) Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
(ii) Thrashing
(iii) Segmentation
(iv) Lock synchronization mechanism
(b) What are different kinds of file systems in 10
Unix ? Explain in brief.

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No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-041

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2013


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 75%
Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Answer any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) A system contains 10 units of resource R1. 10

The resource requirement of 3 user processes
P1, P2, P3 can be summarised as :
P1 P2 P3
Max. 7 3 5
Current 3 2 3
Is the current allocation state feasible and
safe ? Apply Banker's algorithm to check
If a new request of (2, 1, 0) arises, check
whether it will be granted or not using
Banker's algorithm ?
(b) Discuss the common failures in distributed 10

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(c) Write and explain the Bakery's algorithm 10

to handle the critical section problem for 'n'
(d) Explain the structure of UNIX operating 10
system and its components in brief.

2. (a) Explain FCFS and SSTF disk scheduling 10

algorithms. Calculate the total head
movement with the FCFS and SSTF for the
following blocks.
50, 91, 150, 92, 130, 18, 140, 70, 60
Initially the head is on block No. 53. Draw
the movement diagram also.
(b) Discuss the implementation issues and 10
considerations involved in processing and
memory management in multiprocessor
operating system.

3. (a) Compare and contrast the architecture of 10

(b) Explain what causes the thrashing ? 6
Suggest the mechanism to avoid the
(c) With the help of diagrams, explain the 4
concept of demand paging and demand

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4. (a) Briefly describe the following CPU

scheduling algorithms : 3+3+4
(i) FCFS
(ii) RR
(iii) Priority Based Scheduling
Explain the difference in the degree to
which the above scheduling algorithms
discriminate in favour of short processes.
(b) Define mutual exclusion in distributed 10
systems and give an example. Also write
and explain the Ricart and Agrawala's
mutual exclusion algorithm in distributed

5. (a) Explain the two non-contiguous disk 10

storage allocation schemes with the help of
an illustration for each.
(b) Explain the Bell and La Padula Model. Also 10
explain the few components of Information
Flow Model.

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No. of Printed Pages : 3 MC S-041

MCA (Revised)
a Term-End Examination
June, 2014

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 75%
Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) Give solution to Dining Philosophers 10

problem using Monitors.
(b) What is Kernel in OS ? Explain advantages 5
of the micro Kernel approach to OS design
compared to monolithic Kernel design
(c) Explain an Access - Matrix model of 5
security with an example.
(d) Explain Lamport's algorithm for ordering 10
of events in a distributed environment with
an example.
(e) Explain inter process communication 10
features in Window's 2000 OS.

2. (a) What are different types of multiprocessor 10

operating systems ? Explain any two
multiprocessor OS in brief.

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(b) Draw the Gantt chart for FCFs and SJF 10

policy, considering the following set of
process that arrive at time 0, with the length
of CPU time given in milliseconds. Also find
the average waiting and average turn
arround time.

Process Processing Time

P1 05
P2 04
P3 06
P4 02

3. (a) Explain the structure and components of the 10

UNIX operating system in brief.
(b) Explain concept and implementation of 5
"Working set" model.
(c) Explain Indexed disk storage allocation 5
scheme with an example.

4. (a) Consider the following page reference 10

string :
1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4,
5, 6, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3.
How many page faults would occur for the
following algorithms, assuming 3 frames ?
(i) FIFO Replacement
(ii) LRU Replacement
(iii) Optimal Replacement
(b) List and explain all the design issues 10
involved in Distributed Systems.

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5. (a) What is need of mutual exclusion 10

algorithm ? Explain Ricart and Agrawala's
mutual exclusion algorithm for distributed
operating system.
(b) Explain any two of the following : 2x5=10
(i) Thrashing
(ii) Authentication
(iii) Process scheduling
(iv) I/O management

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No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-041

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2014


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Answer any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Explain the concept of virtual memory.

Also explain the difference between page
and segment. 8

(b) What is the need of file management ?

Explain difference between Acyclic-graph
directory and General-graph directory. 8

(c) Explain the Non-continuous (Indexing and

Checking) disk space management
methods. 10

(d) Explain any two page replacement policies

of virtual memory. 6

(e) Explain how memory management is done

in Windows 2000 OS. 8

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2. (a) What is Context Switching ? Explain the

overhead incurred due to context switching
on process and thread. 5
(b) What is a Real-Time Operating System ?
List features of Real-Time Operating
Systems. 5
(c) For the given 4 processes arriving at time
0 (zero) in the order with length of CPU
time in milli seconds : 10
Process Processing Time

P1 05
P2 08
P3 06
P4 02
Obtain average waiting time and
turnaround time for SJF and FCFS
scheduling algorithms for the above
mentioned processes.
3. (a) Write and explain Lamport's algorithm for
ordering of events in a distributed
environment with an example. 10
(b) Explain file management in UNIX OS, in
comparison with WINDOWS OS file
management. 5
(c) Give an example of a Deadlock situation.
Also explain how Deadlock can be
prevented. 5
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4. (a) What is Distributed Operating System ?

List any three design goals of Distributed
Operating System. How is Distributed
Operating System different from Network
Operating System ? 10
(b) What is Concurrent Programming ?
Explain Sleeping Barber Problem with the
help of an example. 10

5. Explain the following in brief : 20

(i) Locks
(ii) System Calls
(iii) Cache Memory
(iv) I/O Buffering
(v) Threads

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-041 I

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2015
❑ E3963

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) What are the necessary conditions to hold a

deadlock in a system ? Explain the
Resource Allocation Graph algorithm to
deal with deadlock problem. What are the
limitations of this approach ? 10

(b) Consider the set of processes in the given

table and the following scheduling
algorithms :
(i) FCFS
(ii) Shortest Remaining Time First
(iii) Round Robin (quantum = 2)

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Process id Arrival Time Execution Time

A 0

B 2 7

C 3

D 4 2

E 6 5

Draw the Gantt chart and find the average

waiting time and average turnaround time
for all the above algorithms. Comment on
your result. Which one is better and why ? 10

(c) What is a critical section problem ? List the

constraints Dijkstra placed on solutions to
the critical section problem. 10

(d) Consider the following reference string :

1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 6.

How many page faults would, occur for the

following algorithms, assuming three, five
and six frames ? 10
(i) LRU Replacement
(ii) Optimal Replacement
Remember all frames are initially empty,
so first unique pages will all cost one fault

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2. (a) Describe the following methods for

allocating disk space : 10
(i) Linked Allocation
(ii) Contiguous Allocation
(b) Explain the memory management of
Windows 2000 OS. 10

3. (a) Explain the following with respect to IPC : 10

(i) Synchronous and Asynchronous
(ii) Need of Buffering and its
(b) Define paging with the help of a diagram.
Explain the principles of operation of
paging. Also discuss about the H/W
support for paging. 10

4. (a) Differentiate between user thread and

kernel thread. What is thread
cancellation ? Explain its type. Also explain
the various thread models with their
relative advantages and disadvantages. 10
(b) Differentiate between the following : 2x5=10
(i) I/O bound job and CPU bound job
(ii) Multiprocessor scheduling and
Uniprocessor scheduling

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5. (a) Write short notes on the following : 2x5=10

(i) Temporal and spatial locality of
(ii) Memory protection mechanisms

(b) Give an example to explain Lamport's

Bakery algorithm in a distributed
operating system environment. 10

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No. of Printed Pages : 3 I mcs-041 I

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
CD41'E 4
December, 2015


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Discuss the linked and index file allocation

schemes. Which allocation scheme is used
in UNIX OS? 10

(b) A disk with 1000 cylinders is numbered

0 to 999. Compute the number of tracks the
disk arm must move to satisfy all the
requests in the disk queue. Assume the
last request serviced was at track 345 and
the head is moving towards track 0. The
queue in FIFO order contains request for
the following tracks :
123, 874, 692, 475, 105, 376.

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Calculate the head movement for the

following disk scheduling algorithms : 10
(i) FIFO
(ii) SSTF
(iii) SCAN
Explain through the graph.

(c) Define the essential properties of the

following types of operating systems :
(i) Batch
(ii) Time sharing
(iii) Real time
(iv) Distributed

What is spooling ? What are the

advantages of spooling over buffering ? 10

(d) Describe internal and external memory

fragmentation with illustrative examples. 10

2. (a) Describe a solution to the Dining

Philosopher problem so that no races arise. 10

(b) Why are Translation Look-aside Buffers

(TLBs) important ? In a simple paging
system, what information is stored in a
typical TLB table entry ? 8

(c) Define the term 'Thrashing' with an

example. 2

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3. (a) Explain the Crossbar and Hypercube

Interconnection Network. Which one is
suited for large number of nodes and why ? 10
(b) Write and explain the Dekker's solution for
Mutual Exclusion. 10

4. (a) What is deadlock ? Write an algorithm for

deadlock detection and explain it. 10
(b) Explain the differences between Security
and Protection. Describe the scheme of
capability lists to implement protection.
Explain with an example. 10

5. (a) Explain Lamport Algorithm for the event

ordering in a distributed system with an
example. 6
(b) What are interrupts ? How are they
handled by the operating system. 6
(c) What is a Real Time Operating System
(RTOS) ? How is it different from a Time
Sharing Operating System ? Give two
example applications in which RTOS is

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-041

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
C:31E) —? Jane, 2016


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Differentiate amongst multiprogrammed,

multiuser and multitasking operating
systems. Also discuss the advantages and
limitations of each operating system. 10

(b) What is understood by the transparency

issues in distributed operating system ?
Explain all the transparency issues in
brief. 10

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(c) Consider the following set of processes,

with the lengths of the CPU burst time
given in milliseconds :

Processes Burst Time

P1 .10
P2 6
P3 22
P4 13
P5 5

All five processes arrive at time 0, in the

order given. Draw Gantt charts illustrating
the execution cif the processes using FCFS,
SJF, and RR (quantum = 2) scheduling.
What is the turnaround time of each
process for each of the scheduling
algorithms ? Also find the average waiting
time for each algorithm. 10

(d) Explain FCFS and SSTF disk scheduling

algorithms. Consider the following disk
block created at a time :
53, 95, 143, 41, 125, 16, 138, 72, 58
Assuming the disk head initially at block
number 60, draw the scheduling chart for
FCFS and SSTF algorithms. 10
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2. (a) Explain the concept of memory

management in Windows 2000 or higher. 5
(b) Illustrate a 3-dimensional hypercube
system and describe its ' connection
features. 5
(c) Explain Ricart and Agrawala's mutual
exclusion algorithm and how it is used to
break the ties. 10

3. (a) What is the difference between a loosely

coupled system and a tightly coupled
operating system ? Explain with examples. 6
(b) Why is a thread called a light weight
process ? Differentiate between a process
and a thread. List the data items
associated with both process and thread.
(c) What is the difference between security
policy and security model ? Explain the
access matrix model. 7

4. (a) The following is the sequence of page

requests :
5, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 4, 5, 3
Assume that there are 3 frames in memory.
Illustrate the number of page-faults with
the following page replacement algorithms : 10
(i) FIFO
(ii) LRU
(iii) OPT

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(b) List and explain the four necessary

conditions that must hold simultaneously
for a deadlock to occur. Explain different
ways to prevent a deadlock. 10

5. (a) Explain at least three techniques of

implementing authentication. How is
security ensured in Network OS ?

(b) What are the different kinds of file

permissions in UNIX OS ? Explain in

(c) What is understood by logical and physical

address ? How does the memory separation
help in forming a virtual memory system ?

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MC S-041

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2016


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) A system contains 10 units of resource Rl.

The resource allocation scenario of 3 user
processes P1, P2 and P3 are as below :
P1 P2 P3
Maximum Requirement 6 5 4
Current Allocation 4 3 2

Is the current allocation state feasible and

safe ? Apply Banker's algorithm to check it.
If a new request of (2, 1, 0) arises, check
whether it will be granted or not using
Banker's algorithm. 10

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(b) Explain Bell and LaPadula model for

security and protection. Why is security a
crucial issue in a distributed OS
environment ? 10

(c) Compare and contrast sharing of segment

with sharing of pages. Explain the concept
of page faults with an example. 10

(d) Explain the structure of UNIX operating

system and its components in brief. 10

2. (a) Identify the different states a live process

may occupy and show how a process moves
between these states. 8

(b) What are the race conditions ? How do race

conditions occur in an operating system ? 6

(c) Explain file processing in UNIX. Compare

it with Windows file processing. 6

3. (a) What are the problems that arise with

absolute addresses in terms of memory
swapping ?

(b) With the help of diagrams, explain the

concept of demand paging and demand
segmentation. 5

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(c) For the page reference string as

0, 2, 4, 2, 1, 9, 4, 3, 5, 7, 4, 5, 7, 8, 6, 3, 0, 2, 1
and with 3 memory frames, calculate the
number of page faults using :
(i) OPT
Page Replacement algorithms. Compare
the result obtained from both the
algorithms. 10

4. (a) Explain the role of Access Lists. 4

(b) What do you understand by disk

scheduling ? Calculate the total head
movement with FCFS, SSTF and SCAN
disk scheduling algorithms for the given
block sequence :

40, 66, 73, 146, 34, 59, 76, 123, 39, 83, 91, 14

Initially the head is at block number 1. Draw

the diagram for all the algorithms. 10

(c) Define mutual exclusion in distributed

systems. Also write and explain the Ricart
and Agrawala's mutual exclusion
algorithm in distributed systems. 6
MCS-041 3 P.T.O.
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5. (a) Explain any two security models for a

computer system. 10

(b) What is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) ?

Explain with example how it works. 10

MCS-041 4 7,500
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No. of Printed Pages : 3 mcs-0411

MCA (Revised)
— 71 a.
Term-End Examination
June, 2017


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Explain FIFO, Optimal and LRU page

replacement algorithms with an example
reference string. Mention the merits and
demerits of each of the above algorithms. 10

(b) Explain the FCFS, preemptive and

non-preemptive versions of SJF and
Round Robin (time slice = 2) scheduling
algorithms with Gantt charts for the four
processes given. Compare their average
turnaround and waiting time. 10
MCS-041 1 P.T.O.
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Burst Time
Process Arrival Time
P1 0 8

P2 1 4

P3 2 9

P4 3 5

(c) Explain the Bell — LaPadula model. Also

describe the five components of an
Information Flow model. 10

(d) Consider the following snapshot of a

system :

Allocation Maximum Available


PO 0 1 0 5 3 3

P1 2 0 0 3 2

P2 3 0 2 9 2

P3 2 1 1 2 2

P4 0 0 2 4 3 3

Answer the following questions using

Banker's algorithm : 10

(i) Is the system in a safe state ?

(ii) If a request from P1 arrives for
(1, 0, 2), can the request be granted
immediately ? Show it.
MCS-041 2
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2. (a) Describe the process states with the help of

a state diagram. Define process control
block and its role in the context of
switching of the process. 10
(b) Give the features of symmetric and
asymmetric multiprocessing systems.
(c) What is Remote Procedure Call (RFC) ?
Explain how it works. 5
3. (a) What are system calls ? How are system
calls categorized ? Explain the sequence of
system calls for copying one file to another
(new) file. 10
(b) Explain memory management in Unix
system. 10

4. (a) Discuss the following in brief : 10

(i) File Attributes and Types
(ii) Sequential File Access
(iii) Direct File Access
(iv) Tree Structured Directories
(b) Describe the Access Matrix model used for
protection in a computer system. Also
explain the Biba Integrity Model for
security. 10
5. (a) Explain Lamport's Bakery Algorithm with
an example. What is its drawback ? Explain. 10
(b) Explain file system management in the
Windows 2000 operating system. 10

MCS-041 3 4,500
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No. of Printed Pages : 3 mcs-0411

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
001 BO December, 2017


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Describe the implementation of IPC using

shared memory and message passing.
Explain with neat, diagrams. 10

(b) Suppose the following jobs arrive for

processing at the times indicated. Each job
will run the listed amount of time. 10

Job Arrival Time Burst Time
1 0.0
2 0.4 4
3 1.0 1
MCS-041 1 P.T.O.
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(i) Give a Gantt chart illustrating the

execution of these jobs, using the
non-pre-emptive FCFS and SJF
scheduling algorithms.
(ii) What is the turn around time and
waiting time of each job for the
above algorithms ?
(c) Explain various Multiprocessor
Interconnection Networks. 10

(d) Differentiate between SCAN and C-SCAN

disk scheduling algorithms. Using an
example, explain the steps. Also give a
brief note on RAID. 10

2. (a) Explain the structure of Unix and Windows

Operating Systems. 10

(b) Explain the different approaches for

implementing mutual exclusion in a
distributed environment. 10

3. (a) Characterize deadlock in a system. Using a

resource allocation graph, illustrate a
deadlock and explain in detail. 10

(b) Explain the design goals and design issues

involved in a distributed system. 10

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4. (a) Describe memory management in

Windows 2000. 10
(b) Explain various schemes used for defining
the logical structure of a directory.
Describe the directory structure of Unix. 10

5. (a) Differentiate between the following : 10

(i) Internal and External

(ii) Demand paging and Demand
(iii) Fixed and Variable partition
(iv) First fit, Best fit and Worst fit
(b) Explain Take-Grant Model for security and
protection of an operating system. 10

MCS-041 3 6,500
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No. of Printed Pages : 3 I MCS-041

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination

00066 June, 2018


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage : 75%)
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) What is a Critical Section ? Give a monitor

solution to the Dining philosophers'
problem and explain. 10

(b) Describe Linked and Indexed allocation for

disk space allocation. 10

(c) Consider the page reference string :

1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 7, 8, 7, 9, 7, 8, 2, 5,
4 and 9
Calculate how many page faults would
occur for LRU and FIFO page replacement
algorithms, when the number of frames
is 3. Assume all frames are initially empty. 10

(d) What is RPC ? Describe the steps involved

in the execution of a RPC. 10
MCS-041 1 P.T.O.
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2. (a) Define a Process. Explain various states of

a process. How does a process differ from a
thread ? 10
(b) With the help of a neat diagram, explain
segmented paging and paged segmentation. 10

3. (a) Consider the following set of processes with

the length of CPU burst time given in

Burst time Arrival time

(msec) (msec)
P1 24 0 4
P3 6 5 2
P4 10 10 1

(i) Draw Gantt chart for FCFS, SJF

and RR (quantum = 4) scheduling
(ii) Calculate the average waiting time
and turnaround time for each of the
above mentioned algorithms. _
Note : A smaller priority number implies
higher priority. 10
(b) Explain Access Matrix and Mandatory
Access Control Security Models. 10
MCS-041 2
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4. (a) Explain RAID with different levels. Give

the features of each level.
(b) Explain the concept of Thrashing. How can
we prevent it ? 5
(c) Discuss any SCAN and C-SCAN disk
scheduling algorithms. List the advantages
of SCAN over C-SCAN algorithm. 10

5. Write short notes on the following : 4x5=20

(a) Multiprocessor Operating System
(b) Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems
(c) Characterization of Deadlock
(d) Overlays and Swapping

MCS-041 7,000
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No. of Printed Pages : 3 I mcs-o41 I

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2018


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) What is a deadlock ? Explain the necessary

and sufficient conditions for deadlock
occurrence. Also explain how deadlock can
be prevented. 10

(b) What is mutual exclusion ? Write and

explain Dekker's solution for mutual
exclusion. 10

(c) Explain with a diagram, how paging

supports the virtual memory. Also explain
how a logical address is translated into a
physical address in paging. 10
MCS-041 1 P.T.O.
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(d) Write and explain Lamport's Bakery

Algorithm with an example in a distributed
OS. 10

2. (a) Differentiate between a process and a -

thread. Draw and explain the five states
process model. 10

(b) Give the components of UNIX system.

Describe the role of kernel in UNIX. 10

(a) Explain FCFS, LRU, Optimal page

replacement algorithms. Which algorithm
suffers from Belady's anomaly ? Explain
with an example. 10

(b) Write short notes on the following : 2x5=10 .

(i) Swapping
(ii) Overlays
Explain with suitable diagrams.

4. (a) Discuss various design issues involved in a

distributed system. 10

(b) With the help of a neat diagram, describe

Crossbar and Hypercube multiprocessor
interconnection architecture. 10

MCS-041 2
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5. Write short notes on the following : 4x5=20

(a) Virtual Memory System

(b) Take-Grant Security Model
(c) Paging in Memory Management
(d) Memory Management in Windows 2000

MCS-041 3 6,500
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No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-041

Term-End Examination
June, 2019
Timh : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage -75%)

Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any

three questions from the rest.

1. (a) Draw the Gantt chart for the Round Robin

scheduling policy and calculate the
turnaround time, average waiting time,
throughput and processor utilization for the
following set of processes : 10

(Quantum in 3)
Process Processing time

P1 04
P2 14
PS 06
P4 07

(A-1) P. T. O.
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[2] MCS-041

(b) What is Segmentation scheme in memory-

management With the help of a diagram,
explain the principles of operation, address
translation and sharing in segmentation
scheme. 10

(c) Explain the dining philosopher's problem

and provide the solution using Monitors. 10

(d) Describe the NTFS file system

management in WINDOWS 2000. 10

2. (a) List and explain any two disk scheduling

algorithms with the help of diagrams. 10
(b) Define deadlock in operating systems. How
to prevent the deadlock in OS ? Explain. 10

3. (a) List and explain the various design issues

involved in Distributed systems. 10

(b) Define Real Time Operating System

(RTOS). Give any two example applications
suitable for RTOS. Compare and contrast
RTOS and time sharing systems. 10

4. (a) What is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) ?

How is it implemented ? Discuss briefly. 10

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( 3 l
(b) List the contents of Process Control Block
(PCB). Also explain the steps involved in
"Context switch" between two processes
with an illustration. 10

5. (a) Explain the cross-bar and hypercube

interconnection networks with diagrams.
Give its relative merits and demerits. 10
(b) Explain Ricart's and Agrawala's mutual
exclusion algorithm for distributed
systems. 10

MCS-041 5600

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-041

Term-End Examination
December, 2019

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 75%

Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Answer any

three from the rest.

1. (a) What do you understand by concurrent

processes ? Write and explain semaphores
solution for Reader and Writer's problem.


(b) Explain the process and thread

management in Windows 2000 0/S. 10
(c) What sre the various types of schedulers
used in an OS ? List and explain different
scheduling criteria. 10

24 (A-5) P. T. O.
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[2] MCS-041

(d) Consider the following page reference

string : 10

1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4

How many page faults would occur for the

following algorithm, assuming 3 frames ?

(i) FIFO


(iii) Optimal Algorithm

2. (a) Define Virtual Memory, with the help of a

diagram. Explain the virtual to physical

address mapping-procedure. 10

(b) Explain an Access-Matrix model of security

mechanism with an example. 5

(c) With the help of a diagram, explain

Chained Allocation Scheme of non-

contiguous storage schemes. 5

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I3I MCS-041

3. (a) What is thrashing ? Explain the working

set model to avoid thrashing. 10

(b) With the help of a layered structure

diagram of UNIX 0/S, explain the

following : 10

(i) The Kernel

(ii) The Shell

(iii) System Utilities

4. (a) With the help of a diagram, explain the

following distributed system models : 10

(i) - Distributed objects

(ii) Distributed shared memory

(b) Explain multilevels, acyclic graph and

general graph directory structure. 10

P. T. O.
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[ 41 MCS-041

5. (a) With reference to synchronization in

multiprocessors, explain briefly the

following : 10

(i) Test and Set instruction

(ii) Compare and Swap instruction

(iii) Fetch and Add instruction

(b) What is deadlock avoidance ? Explain the

Banker's algorithm for deadlock avoidance

with the help of an example. 10

MCS-041 5,500
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-041

Term-End Examination
June, 2020
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 75%

Note :(i) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from the


1. (a) State Reader's/Writer's problem. Write and

explain its semaphore based solution. 10

(b) What is the purpose of mutual exclusion

algorithm ? Write and explain Ricart and

Agrawala's mutual exclusion algorithm for

distributed operating system. 10

P. T. O.
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[ 21 MCS-041

(c) Explain page reference string. Consider the

page reference string :

1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1

How many page faults would occur for the

following algorithm, assuming 2 frames ?


(i) FIFO


(iii) Optimal Replacement

(d) What is the purpose of kernel layer in

Windows 2000 0/S structure ? Briefly

describe. 10

2. (a) Discuss the common failures in distributed

systems. 10

(b) Explain SCAN and FCFS scheduling

algorithm with suitable head-movement

diagrams for the given example : 10
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I31 MCS-041

Starting cylinder is 100 in the direction of

increasing cylinder number. Cylinder

request :

150, 160, 194, 94, 56, 54, 38, 37, 18

3. (a) Define a Remote Procedure Call (RPC).

Explain the implementation of RPC in a

distributed system. 10

(b) What are the essential conditions for a

deadlock to occur ? Explain with an

example. Also write and discuss Banker's

deadlock avoidance algorithm. 10

4. (a) Explain Take-Grant model for security in

an operating system. Give an example to

illustrate the model. 10

(b) Explain the paging address translation by

direct mapping and associative mapping.10

P. T. 0.
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[ 41 VMS-041

5. Write short notes on any four of the following :

5 each

(a) Demand Paging and Demand


(b) Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks


(c) Role Based Access Control

(d) Process States

(e) NTFS (New Technology File System)

MCS-041 3,850
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-041

Term-End Examination
December, 2020
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 75%

Note : (i) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from the


1. (a) For the following processes and processing

time :

Processes Processing Time

P1 1
P2 5
P3 4
P4 4
P5 6

Lot-II P. T. O.
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[2] MCS-041

Draw Gantt charts showing the execution of

these processes for : 10

(i) FCFS

(ii) SJF
(iii) Round Robin Scheduling (Quantum = 1)
Also calculate the waiting time, average
waiting time, turnaround time and average
turnaround time for the processes for the
above scheduling algorithms.
(Note : All the processes arrived at the same
(b) A system contains 10 units of resource R1.
The resource requirement of 3 user
processes P1, P2, P3 can be summarized
as : 10

P1 P2 P3
Max. Requirement 7 3 5
Current Allocation 3 2 3

Is the current allocation state feasible and

safe ? Apply Banker’s algorithm to check it.
If a new request of (2, 1, 0) arises, check
whether it will be granted or not.
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[3] MCS-041

(c) Explain the Bell and La Padula model.

Also explain the few components of
information flow model. 10
(d) Discuss the implementation issues and
considerations involved in processing and
memory management in multiprocessor
operating system. 10

2. (a) Explain demand paging with the help of

suitable diagrams. 5
(b) What is Belady’s anomaly ? In which page
replacement algorithm this anomaly
occurs ? Explain with an example. 5
(c) Give a problem statement and a solution
for dining philosopher’s problem. 10

3. (a) What is Thrashing ? Explain the working

set model to avoid the thrashing. 10
(b) Explain the following security models : 10
(i) Access Matrix Model
(ii) Rule Based Access Control

4. (a) Explain the memory management of

Windows 2000 O/S. 10
(b) Explain Lamport-Bakery’s algorithm in a
distributed O/S environment. 10

P. T. O.
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[4] MCS-041

5. Write short notes on any four of the following :

5 each
(a) Resource Allocation Graph
(b) Spooling
(c) Real time O/S
(d) Translation Look-Aside Buffer (TLB)
(e) Design issues in Distributed Systems

MCS–041 4,140

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