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ENGLISH NAME: __________________________________________________________

Teacher : Aura Marina Rengel

Course : _____________________


The Principal: El director A Bag: un bolso A Table: una mesa
A Boy: un chico A Ball: una pelota A Desk: un escritorio
A Girl: una chica A Basket: una cesta A Marker: un marcador
A student: un estudiante A Blackboard: una pizarra A sharpener: un sacapuntas
A teacher: un profesor A Book: un libro A Window: una ventana
The Children: los niños A Notebook: una libreta In the school: en la escuela
A child: un niño A Chair: una silla At home: en casa
A man: un hombre An Eraser: una borra In the Office: en la oficina
Men: Hombres A Pen: un bolígrafo The door: la puerta
A woman: una mujer A Pencil: un lápiz
Women: mujeres

The principal is tall A black marker

A beautiful boy A big bag A sharpener for my pencils
A smart girl A ball is circular A small window
A student is intelligent A basket is very In the school is my class
A teacher is a nice person complicated to basket At home is more
The children are playing A blackboard is dirty comfortable
A fat man A black book In the office is my pen
Men are strong A blue notebook The door is open
A pretty woman A yellow chair
Women are weak An eraser is to delete
A pen is for write
A blue pencil

A table is big
A desk for the books


Grandfather: Abuelo
My grandfather is tall
Sister: Hermana
My sister is small
Mother: Madre
My mother is beautiful
Father: Padre
My father is smart
Brother: hermano
My brother is skinny
Grandmother: abuela
My grandmother is amazing

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