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[ALSO AVAILABLE FROM BLOOMSBURY Re p arative Tuking i im, Mako Ba The Curator eed by Jeo Pal Marian oes Aesthetics | Witnessing in Contemporary Art Photography | SUSAN BEST Bloomsbury Academic {an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bel OnO Mis LU Rey Illustrations eto Brodsky, The Cass Pe, 1806 Oscar Mua, Alot seat 1295 ‘na Fran, Unis, om Feraie House of Consction site Jone Wit Sette, 2000, ‘ane Fran, Unite, rom Loto Won, 008 ne eran, Unite, tom Last a Wor 2008 ‘ane Fran Unter Lost o Ws, 2008 fone Fran, Ute, tom Lest 0 Worl 2008 ‘ane Fran, Ute Hom Last © Wor 2008 fone Fran, Ute, om Lest © Wer, 2008 ‘ne Feo, Une om Lost © Wor, 2008 fn Fran, Una fom (oto Wl, 2008 Fone Porcine, Porta ofits cst of Matua Tawa Aatowcey ‘new Zalana ten Tha Pressure of Sunt Fal, 2010 Fone Pordngon Porno te cast of urainon Love Tio teamed, Aotearaahaw Zea, fom Toe Pres Sunight Fat, 2010, Flom Parington Fert a ts at of ues Seaton (sar Dumont Une, rom The Pressure of Satine Fig, 2010 ana Ptingon Prato ie cst of Me Pout Hour, ‘Santi ss one Har The Pressure of unighe Fens Patanaten Prat of 9 ie est f ho Pou Ma Hour Gambie tna Bf pote ponte om The Psu of Sunligh Faing, 2010 ana Pudgton, The Psu of Sung Fling (tation en), 2077 ona Pudngton, Prato Me cst of Ao gUnai, For ‘The Pras of Sunight Fling 2010 Fora Pangton, Porta ofs He as of Koe eae. Tira, trom The Presi of Sangh Fate, 2010, 3 ggecasees as 8 88 ey Fons Parnatn, The Pressure of Suniht Falng estaaton ven) 201 ee Care Mae Wars, Scientific Profi ram Fram Hee Sh Wet Happened and Cd, 108-36, 98 Brook Anton Seny & Dargoovs 1886, 9 Rosingls Ronn, Une ene! wih npplevoman om (Gest (Sea, 1006 2 Fosingls Ren, Vi, 201, tom Vlg Aas, 1956-2008 105, Fostngele Rena, Imerons( 1904 106, Rostnoels Renn, mera det, 1258 ‘07 Rosingels Renn ererat deat, 1958 08 ostngele Renn, eronat deta, 1258 8 Rosingele Renn, eora de 1958 10 Fostngele Rar, een a) 1008 m single Rann emerald 1854 42 Zoe Leona My Kinde Css Prot, 2013 13 Buna Gig, Os Guoraeos The Warrs/Os Cangas 1967 115 Roxénges Renn memoria etal, 1993 M8 Instaltien shat Coo do Aa Boy oF the Sou, 2009-2008 121 Roséngoa Rann, Apo, om Coro axa 2005, 1 Rosingee Rann, Mescau, om Cobo a Ana, 2008 124 Roséngoe Renn, Cara. fem Corpo a Atma 2008 1 Rosinges Rend, io de neve, om Copa de Ara, 2000128 Rosine Rend, ode Jano, om Cope de ra, 2008. 128 ‘Misys de Tar, ‘Gusyabes! om Antbals Bueno 28 1 Milage ee Tare, Unite, rom Bidedos mer 2000135 ‘Mises ce eTrust eviance of murda fra Los esos pers Tho Loe Stop. 1936 16 Migros cee Tore, Crowbar, oo ute to ore ety, or Las Mingos da Tre, Rene weapon ter kan ote and ape, ton Los pes pars, 506 198 lage dee Tre, Shi worn by Masta paca when she was tony ho lve rm the Sth ar of the Sarton Hot! in ina She was found pregnant ato autopsy. rom Los pasa ord, 1880, 139 lags de Toe, ‘Bats ved by seychologit Mate Pops to sng a rapt xing pica nterogate om os pss pees, 1906 10 lara Tore, Poe eritiston mask cia town Lodo Peratana fom Loe paso pore 1996 eros Tore, Shit of uatst madored «he Ueharccay Massacre, Ayscuth, rom Los pasas ras, Nigro de Te, ake potes I use by rot frm Los pasos pars 1806, eros Tore, Fis eonfsete rm Shing Path eis tom Los pases paras, 1996 Mago de Tore, Improvised nite mas om 00 ea rare fom Loe gas ers, 1905 logos de Tor,‘ ert today enesne horohyate precede endestne abort, or Las pass pordos, 1956 Miagos dla Tre, nesting lv tr vt by 2 prose tha over, om Las pases pads, 1856 1 150 Acknowledgements fu hom ints debs mount up athe han beng derayed over tne yas Hence Im tanking sgh many the sre people na eng poops thnked for my rovous book ithe est stnce | ove much oe ‘master dass on fombism and. psychosis run by tho inte Margaret Wiiterdat acquaa Unvestyn 1997 She operad my ayo the breadth nd vaety of psyeneansite approaches. Her neect in as camactn to Dlosoghicssues als ped me tobogi the tak of anasing ot ugh thot pm. weasure tho mamones of visting galeres with hr auring ee bat Stn Sny. “hve reading areus have boon cuca the futher deveopmant of my understararg of psyeneleg andpsyomalyss te Sivan Tors Reading {Group Elzabet Wilson G'Staker, AmaGtbs, Melsse Hote, Maa Ange! tnd the nto Dats Moin the ‘Mis Klan goup Esaben Wie, Gi ‘Stake, Kyle Valine Raber Reais and te Convoversal ooasions ‘3o0p" kl, Ele and Gi. Anther ongoing debt to Li Grosz, who = & Fadous fiend a mentor whose see snd fet Kress | hve rolbg “This prejetequred research vps oss in th sh tea tat sus, and ths was made posabie by oaneteus unde ron Ne Musto Cour fertho Arts Without hoe tes, histock npy wculnthave been poset (On tote tps ave managed to ctch up with tnd, calapuee ade "tsa seated sound the wri ho fave ald ma wnat have tose inane cies Alex Aborto, Hex Congo, Fr Do Campo, Ls Bs, They ‘wa, ie Haber, Alea fits, Charo Nort, Dorn and Dan Agar. In partculor,soeing Tho War sos by Oro Dt at New Yok with dean Fao and hese Femonin 2011 helped to crystal Sore of yeh ices, ends and eoleagues have very goreousy (ead sections long the way and ghen me frase feadbck Gil Srakr, Ara Sionen, And Saker whesa cose resang of me whos manscigt ss ben att ar vey satel forth ay she so geri shares her betting ball esting of pschosnaals, rounded ins prctee, | would never nave tsicod the Ingortance of conzerdant onteton winout er Neb Tonka oto the coleagues ard rans who vid me oak abou {hs vere ad eth vail foedboek tat estos Moranne Dees, inon Mish Karo Aehwrsth, Aston Lister, Elabeth Cave ard Tom Ohepn ir pcound thanks ls gest my ends whe Pavebunyed me un at 2 ry fet re fn ry Fea hae ter eneue er hoe res ood hunur and unsning supoor ll Saker, Eke Wison. Li Grosz ‘Ton Rosa, don Grounds, Ann Stephen, Tim Lavence, Care Amster ateine isin Ee Aigo este, Gian Futer, Nkok Ferman, Gln Wolace Naty Hughes, Mais Dwyer, Anne Fern, Les Slakebrouth Suzemeh Biro, Maresh Morse and dy Anraa. 1 0 want 10 ‘cknouga my new eoleaques in Brisbane atte Queena Colage of ‘rz ino nave made me fe! so very vskome, an pen me a sense of ‘eke, wh so essentl fr esc andntlocst wok In parc, Tank tm vey wreaming lar ofen hus! neat crew: Jule Fags, Pato, Ross Woda, Donna Mrs, Sebestan Os Nouro, Debra Porth, Rissa Craig Roearary Howker and ess ery, 1 spec want 10 ttonkEfsabeth Find for eral support and Rostra Hawke ae Join Macatur forher jo de re aed earn spat and kindness ‘mgrting southern. Iam dso deopl grateful o Ange Goda, Anew ‘Meta, Lyla Rusch ad ees Hower ooo afr me ig sn ‘wtended paid of ibe soon flr my aval Brisbare. Spec thanks to ‘ny mstrsstader Benin a strin Mariana Paget, fo modu ‘ne tothe werk of sings Rend and for orga tm photgaph of Os Carcrgos nth oar hank ae als dh to Bro Cha for aloving eo predic hi sunning rose “Totnofour aris esedalyndebtod fest forth ingpng work, and second tha hesptaiy wan vise each of em 1d hve fo go far visit ane Fran a a he ime was eseachng and wt is bok | was tia in Syey. Se ean neato Atakon ait horn | pleased nd rout to cal a ten, In vlan 0 tho histor! context of Anne's ‘ro Lucy Fost of he Fela Conwet Resch Cente in Hob os boon Ince het, anevaring queries stout eonvt wart and cng “stosf to rfybishnent of tha hstone ses Tanna. Fora Pengo hassle become a frand, my fir Rend aeoss te chin Now Zon ‘now Facebook utes ve a aes aed orga. have to confess Thad ene of the st suceesiul sheppng tt of my Hf with Foe in ‘uekng My ten also to Kale Bato er orga acess to the He ‘ase aha Aust Wir Merrral Museum th te eson orth i. My ort hanks ato fo Roinges Reane an Miogros de Tore fr he hogptelty nd generosyin io ane Now Yrk respecte, ano taking he time oak tome aout he ware “rane away tomy ella edo at Bloomsbury, Las Thempsen. This ‘my second took wt her a! Rep wil at by et! Fr ey ucky | ave her eases trestinry wok Tis bookis ddestada Gi Siok {and Joana Bares, my chat oper. Introduction hare, ates psyenoanht Léon Wms, has tee main mesninos Jerome a6 antcbstny wet about potent Pumiston; Same 3s {oventaive i disposer enon to the wl tat sents To 290K Saya, and then fly he acl exporonco of shame ~ te ea of “naga ering of bong esposedor baked th emrprommtonty aes “Tha fet ht Wurmaer at not one bu to asnigs share whe ‘uncon to vad actualy boing achared seats fo how Ee we want | “ha oxpnnce of shame, as psychlogts ad uu aot repastely ‘ema ws is sesly dswbing nd asogeniang For exampi, amesan sjcholgst Shen Tonle avows tat, fall the ragatve afer, ‘share Ses deopet in ha neat of en cco To him. tis Ye a an nar torment, 2 sckness of the soul? WW, for queer Met Eve Kosly ‘Sedgick pin and lty ae the letmots of shams i causes a dost movement Iasi pont nasi, twats ucarolsble resins “hyo back ante af torent et ecosod toe asaperoug ze of patently Imitase thre, in har wes she is both “congas td Potent parasing’ The Stange rence eo metaphors of cso 2nd fry ~seanes, crtagon~to describe whatbot Tons and Seanwck ‘oparaasonnatesitec undeiscres hemagrtutea! he resin 9 sha ‘Gen theso doseignens, the existence of hypervaiant dances sans teaing shone remo than onderstnae Hows, ten, da we contontsharaful events nnaorl nites without stenng up the many defones that ti oot tue aft cn mas? “Tribock examines the war ur women potoraphes fam te suthe| homephor who achieve exact tht The sts An Foran us, Fora Paaraon Mew Zelsnd),Rosenge eae Sea and Magis Tore Parl Colkcbv, ey ae pioneering what | am caing a reparative cegrooch tothe epenaraten of shame stones. Ih othe words bai ‘work aerate seme while seo binging ight ie and dstutng iséues sucha the harsh and unjstPobiment of iigenous peoples; he cuoinstionaionn of wineble groups the csarpeannce of dese ate cnrage of ent The success f those arts work can be gat stibstod © tho way aie hey moe avd ras th the dominant nae apa to poltel a The an-aesnte aston pinlepas crue ovr eoshetc nosoarart and macs he mpatance of ration nest concrrs sh {tbeouty fang, expression ans judgement Io eonvas tase ass se 4 rangy of complex sostetesusteies 10 engage auderces with these Fistor ad to ame, and times ansorm, the felegs of shama that ‘veld moral oocompony them. These sets alba nayadn detain the floning chapters “he book sos ststed tthe uct of fur emargng res of schol certamparay at rates concomed wth murs, dung tnd shames evens; he eeting ofthe viewer wes e5pOTE o ‘het of onl events; dees abou th ctu! sonemon offers tt Endtama and herecoredeatenoftheimporanc lexis or poles ft Toing teas are fst, the nda ethnichereecheno aes hs bean bcachelby uosopers as cvers as Ahr Dano JaguesFanc, Else Sony, Rebar Pin a Miche! Katy” Despto te now substan ooy of schowati, the anastate tadton sil dorinates mode at isto anc thcry The bok ams a connect the shire sty of pocal tthe rtinking of aethetes ard in paris with fet eer. which tes ree he wasionl estos categey feng, Poca aft andanaves oi, Rave now asumed conte stage in wings ‘on cntempary at. Ind, te upsuge ofan abo seme Nts, ‘sich begins nthe 190s takes lee sui te context of a inperart retuneretenatena comempory attovartspictumgoracesing wordy ar, Inceashay ares te woteng with documenta oad etinogaohie Protas and examining ro trea and cotemgany aves eh 95 She panos nace anath sanese Cut Wt Mere ate snare 1 front syncs of ont pote hat compe Ds af ral events. For ‘arlington Hal Foster hie eine anthrone cin neha un: He characteraes habe shin contavearay Each an eraserent vith te wndaepesard poston of rargnaized peopl {hea ofthe etnogaphc tur andnaglted stared events Ne case ‘an fecha Impulse Fontes sents the erergence oft Focuieg on cies, whch aaranaates the rst ofa kn of ‘trary tat IS asc prctes tat seek a ftieve and reteset what eo altesve knosadge The xa tat he gh hi ey, Re nna scampi the ethrogpe to, continues he ol antepriae of Bi ecsamsone ceo zcuanting sri ecoering nected er margaalze knowledge, but is time wih an amas on story and Metre roads these meee: ‘ould indeate Fost work on contemporary tis aut tuned tha hitng ways n win plea aft Yefgued te contruly exer the tral rcton of te weston svar tough nt the present n err to dagnoce the curent late of 'avencad ao to it.” Yt tis ertcal lingoge hse erento, tens oto be eparatie is he astute ear my hve aready essed my lxoestin a repre Beprcecn epoca as deal nse to Sednwel' wary herein ot ‘epartverexdegzracion. Sedge, ntun, batons heideao! epaatve ston a aentsion Fam psyches, Melanie Ke, fr whom he tery Sons capcty tea ith ambiance, sno weap bot poate Srainegatve ‘css. he epataivposiionis rot, ten, spy sbovtundaing (reversing damage aribvolence precise tat whe postive retain, Fo Sedge a Yoparatve moe seks please tartar the eaiarce Of seme, bt so snails he capac to assim the sorsequones of estucthn a wlenon.Sedges saoctesrearatve eens of ‘tral aterm plas of tha much mre common pana terettons| laroterteyKsinan tem She pln tht prac mepvetatonsrouinay {opt poste ol suspen an operate 2 kine ot ‘xponu of races of ‘pores or nston " Cuciay, she sae parrot aurpicon = coal | [eal practesin te humanities ad tat it propatid bythe dese on he of erst andertes to aol sui shame ae hurtin. In contomporr art ts apprcte yp he etausthete aceon ed erty pois an, whch als favour cite ard the expire of ‘eronadong, The atsathet don, mented ei, oe of he oranant protest oltel at. Gencaly sean as th legacy ol Maco Due, antossnete Teenie can als be dsoared im mach eat ‘1 Identity pobios at has a cere provenance came to preinence| Inthe 1970s wit temaisnspied pracicas, ane contigs to te preset ‘3 mode of sellepreseation by sbstem gloups and dws ne 1860, 1570s and 1980s, hese aque overnping svards or edions of ar mang soften ateoeated with cneepta tard concepts. stra erie, fore and cea pasmedem practoes. Ast Ihe ‘lanes, Aeon Per Maha Resi, itor Byron Hans aac, Kis ‘Works, Jnny Hor, Andrea Fse, Lora Simpson and Babar Koger a reprasantae of Wis ye fat Rosi 2 parculry good esr to corr her 3s she combines concupus anata sega wth ferns pots. For insane, ba ‘cee Vita! Sinise of Caizen Simp} Oban 1877, presented inthe ‘eadan mode fvouredby concept a, wth the ry wre DIY tok Fete of on avons nanan In shat, tere noting vial intersting oF pelsng to dakact Hem Me foly sanford deck ‘message, The Woee shows 2 team of whitecosted scents messxng Foster's body, ronouneng parse tsa, eave sind, and lon unde we varus layed sounds such aba wht anc cls, ter ‘ror, sha ‘expoees' the oppressive ciusieston of women's bas by {hese whtecores men. Yess hat. magia tay woman watchng ‘hf then eenow was cts sipried by is even. hat xa i {he fincion, then of ‘eposut’ wen the ss is alee known? In this instance, te ot of plana suescon for bon the are and the feng ‘idenea pathapsto aod ay tndof apse wheter cesta ect, police eclogite oppressive paths esegeaaton of wrens bode is euly suing and mpseats the wewer fa min, petaps ‘ost ely te sama, or ne fe tenos:danaeveson, age I> ‘er word, uth wank preach ote converte while pute lena "Mora ecenty the ork of Fed Wilson, Coco Fac, ‘shohavetinen so snetulyeslabyaerentregmes areas the carne Fenda ves pra, bt veal inher mages hres aay smaons| ISemprasaad er sare i thereby laced ne mero easily mesa register, hich se hensive to cantan ad ca down. ncaa, Brodsky {rd Mufoz us ss emotve mapes Wet seugge a ese he tense pa For example, Brody's work on the ccappeated i Avent, Buone Menara (1965, a6 | be arg lenis, toe pcr dead ana Unalectng uaiy He tates of the appeared in hs ise pt om 1957, cabur coding and dacs! mars Is nanbing ad ph oiberatalyunensatentied (rae 11) Smt Mc's work tances te vena’ by sess the tchnaloy of sopezance sn ceappenene, In Ale (rex S86-1997) heres the wwerf6 Bbw on aowgiahe of he dsappased nes en mers FHGURE L4 Mado Sy, Te Cas ot, fom Bs Hei © Marts (Foie 12), lowing ony @olnpes of he face before it atu 1 oven lla in Pejeco par un Memaral Yee fora Mmorl (2005 Ns veo instalation fora bing nm wih water ve athe mapas vere ere heya oven hed eh the sensing so hem en the iy of ecling tha net, fisaton Is to abdngfocing ovkad by tose to ‘es: His wok hereby confor tthe reper of mot hat ees sh {ver eusve patton by Las Saltzman in et say of raat Eucpeas| tnd Horn Amescan at conesmed with remembrance Sha notes the ‘cust, poecone ass an vl ht rayon tha es fan nde Sion wie seo qvestoning tha i= capac to adeatlyreorsant an ven tn Ma's cases sess on radeauny overwhelms thar mesnrgs The photog of Echavat of reken mannequins, tombs of he ® prceesanal weer wth no fomal an raning is shotogaohs lack he ‘uslenrfenty andttenton tthe paycology ol sewingdemenstated oy toasts in hs beak. However hs ideo, Bocas de Carza ous of AS (2009-2008, isa very mong port of wht sunivrs of mas King Coloma. shown in ight aseup ang 3 cael about wt thay hve fsncured These simply rendered tostmorise expos sufing, but eo (of song ideo et with inal uatien an he possi of eaeaingnarathe form © seeady stunted inthe domain of watching, and perhaps 353 ao FIGURE L2 Oss Ma, Aen [Bt vere mei dc seit on frees fn, 20 cn mcr ach, 195, Inalion shor OK Cea Gesentlns,i Anst, Cvrey fh aad Sear Caley n Boy of th Sou by consuting an archive of shorn of people holangetogaps of people Rann ats ha mesnng of tha deopoeates rom a special Latin Ararian penemeon to = mee gba encounter vith precaty, a wall ab showing the pocuar power of phaegaphs 12 anise anebeet body fr» much traade range of purposes, Hee foo her ‘epee aronch evidence, het very suing oat mo shock ‘eoresntaon of fomir Lain. Ameean topic rakes us took for Protogaph meaneg ater than mary bok a rages. She herby Earmsines the poste affect of teres wth avery thot conser the phat an puie emotions tired up by he ohetearethe psa, “he tnt chaptr examines he phtayaphe sees, Los pases pees Ihe Lost Step 1996 ty Now Yorkboses Perens. gos del Tore. The capt ocuss o her euige repesertaters of wolence in this ses. Dea Terre dvs ot sho vlan po a ath, ar orks ato ‘ha emerging gore af stemath imogen In her eae, is nt past tos ot Nstorkalwlneo tna she photogyaans, bu ater sognart execs. ke Parnas wor, ho eres ozadon sen objects n dela Tre sc388| ‘oy arabes that wore ued as evidenca emia ls now hel the ‘museun eolecionst he Palco rts Lim he courthouse nia, Pon. In The Lost Stops, er rpsatine stony is 19 includ ebjers rom the Porvan cv war~a og confiscate Yom th tear ron, Sing Path 2 joumalst’s shit trom te Ucrutacay Massace ~ sngsde ater nectsiovlved wth olnt rine, sh a antigen by 4 Prostute ner lvr.Tis nese arangerantdemorststes de To's Irereat tums what he cals heck sc of human nature In ths hago she tas us to swe the peychlogy that ects ween ater {han kdgea trom the outside. Our dark ade 2 pase ao used by Ecatath Roudinaso to conser he hatry of person. Sha notes the ‘Assoperanos of storm npeychetic mans, gue Suse nd necessary psjetlogcaleatgory Yo describe all Woes of wanspesshe imoartanty, fr Reusnere,prversion suri our had neptty an ‘estctneinstnets ewig lances sharedcapacyarients oi Tore's fares ovat ecorheion ana forgveness, ate thanglang the weld Into good apo, cote a eens, opeseranceppreseed By cooly lokng atte work ofthese four ait ad ther cient ey of apeoachiog the arch tun, a naw way of tnkng abou the fontrbuton of women ats fo ths abl ed is epened up. The very ‘moving td easthtcaly comeax works regenerate gol at end the Prone poeues tet 8 focal adopted, whe alo generating init Into te parr natanal concerns, Thar ork ha tubing ah cic esas fer the past tat have the capcty to haunt nator fonecovenes if rerestogorsesoved By noma the nese pas of Fito toy seek ofc he seknowtedgement ard wrkng tough of Sch less and to conte o = reavathe tna o-mage, which can resto amines. Paaps most MBean, making repre eet than paranod wes of ar, tee fou ats show te mporance of hope = {he ope fora proresie soit he fre at dons nt isa or ery as hos hon pomang past 1 Guilt and Shame Current Debates in Affect Studies lust as contempt strengthens the bourdsries and barriers ‘between individuals ac groups and isthe istuenent par ‘excellence for the preservation of erarchical, caste and class ‘relationships, 0 is shared shame a prime instrument for ‘strengthening the sense of mutuahty and community swhetnar tis between parent ae hi friend ana fend, or citizen and otizon’ i atact of shane has Gacome the touchstone fr ho recent dbetos| abo! te ac um in the unas end eoeasoenone. seman saactdet hate aime natument of bong shel etal suchteson tii ina. Bs ne ook back overeat entry of wa. ttle an To, theta sare the vlnge and desturtvenes of Puma mg s2am | the on itn response, hekng tae cay, 2 drop sersa of shame Clots chang, growing Sood aquest Westman of etagoes he Sinled process of reconlnton ath Azeri! end Tores Sua liane er euae |e00d manton, Tobin te "nee no no tunhean my ovm ples. neve an ogoia eb at lent forthe tine beng) fe caaualanion ofthe university work force Is ‘ums xpltsve set of hich aman itedvartatbenckoay. Tase| ‘soo pte anderorome actors Que share ts song cency ~ shame rater than gli inthe scendoncy a ae ot rarest ris, Ruth Leys The cone way of ingushing between halos le elns of shame an guts o pint othe way in whch it staged by Soratig re have actualy der, whereas chon is more clit we fel Dod bout easels, ow plsossion of county. The bad eng requies por investment rWenfeaion = nares, o ose Amenionseyhaogist Shan Tem doa mnt than cae of earpeomised ba srt From os poeraleae” Gul on heather and, dose ot maoscany eboundon te erseo! seis whcie-iis more pacers caac, ime tose 420 oF omissions. Ths astncton suggests that sara sseealyleng, ‘ehh ol couse ts. Aecoing to Sian Tomi, teak oonact hen 8 27 sharod itera or metaphorcal oar down bushing ce Hse wah Shame, Yt the ireakineonn ent. hs arco cross forges foc Serie of communtiy ara mutly. a he pts tobe asad ther an toshow contempt svengthons any sec fp ands sense at camenty* Turneg wads tows the 398 responce to justin seems an inky war to forge soci bonds. Eve Kostey Sedge, key witer ot Tamla, eevee tt sme causes 9 double moverant oward pain "ndiduston, toned neal elton “Inbar vet, hein en ‘Saco wan cuts but thiscutwart, His coral, mea ti rd to coterie a lint whesa reaatright cane shove tthe 9 bos Such, or more ke» precondion for sooty? How i we conceptual, then he rle of same in steering socal bonds? Ths ueston fs 2 cesta coreemot tisbooknparicuar am ireestdin he weys.a which hare carrey gues 2 romney in he decusson of hora vents ‘at we are mest in, bt oo faporable er Why on such eceason shed shane tho response? And most mearanty "or my Bret. cn Sham fod ita of enable 9 veparave pero tit facies poner attentanto thes ls cr shad onthe soc! conscceo atins? ‘Worn gut and shame ar castind a strtetve moral ematens, syctolgists June Pree Tongey and Roda Desi atgue that shame cammony lads to evasion and inaction maniesid by dese 1 escape ‘etal or toe oer, wheoas gui more daly raul eres, {logy and epaatve ston® Te dinton suggest shar lane a nat ‘ar to cova nee od wong, spre, en, Tottnk shou these quests, hs hapa vanes the debt ints by RuthLeys on tieconrastcatween guitard shame, Tass ren fects nal liferent theoreti! exmmants, respective psycheananas ana sffect hry, book a wich area cue concn ths chapa, Leys we ‘ees he changing forunas of hee aft and the heated mode ak depintham. Hr ur tows ight upon dara hitnshe psycho {na peyote erste on roma fom conioring Suir gui 1 the ‘ant focus en survivor shame While Ley! ara cancantatos on the {eelngsct ne vcim, thas beoseimlestons er thrkng about he varius ‘ubjet postr generates instances of volence rinse pepevatrs, Iystandrs and benef, These sibeet postions abe accuses in (ostrceto n the chaps tt ow ‘The current debate: shame and anti-intentionalism _Athough atfec ssi now domisted by approaches hat vou the wrk (of Gils Denise and ts beelyartipsyeolaia remit to me the most ‘verestig par of he cent tthe diforecebetwoen te apprsh ot Ineray heart ve Koso Sedgwek an that of histor of soance Fth Lays The ist sao, ht snow an ongoing dette, was eunehed by RU Leys nherbook From Gut o Shame: use and Ate aban 207 "he the ie suggests, Lay tal focus his bapk the advent of & fret degrose oth aesverexpanee of suo ofthe Holesaust Her ols rondo te ti hapa a conier how ts ei er gil ‘Stam 2 reficted in curent psychi eaustons of Pos Traumatic ‘Sress Disorder PTSD), Ri the fourth chap, "Shame Now thatis ee forthe tect nao debate Hare, nar argument maves to enter rar together, casing how sare fetes prorsnenty not ust in weura| Stes, bosom ula anaiyss more genera. nr“ Now Leys ‘ours a st rique of at theory, ecusing nara on the wok of re Kosfsty Sedgick and Sivan Tonks, She has aise his ial titan a Seis ofiardgvs and aris, nest ably he are, The TuntoAtec ACitinypsisnesin teal nga 2011 whieh gered ange ol espondes hom lowersof oth Shan Toms andGiles Da. harkoy aoe egtsin he aril” buts is afactve processes occu ingapendenty of renton or meng’ She cones nora o Fre, for whom emetons ae embod, ‘teotoral sss governed by ou alts, conten and deste, Tomkins {cis floes wert te tec a nonimtetona, bay wectons > ‘Mora eran forhe argument, the affoct ystems not oly comport. ‘funder spats Hom enon se sb pti ‘feta canton tre te separate sytem She widorseo9s the constuive dsivncton secwoan affect acon by pining to Tomi cin tat thers 3 ‘nes! aeroty beween the Yel” casos of affect rd he oda Suminargrtaton face ese Coulty © consstamly comosted by Tomkins, fer example, he raters the relton Setueen ates and bcs = profoundly fic Sect eter tan objec for expesson, of te tigre by an objet oF ‘xr ever The conmonassumpton that fect spiny reaction to “amatig i qustonad hee by the counerve cain tha tee may frat an oboe for exressen. nts ezzour, the aed system begs 10 uke haste ots ov, sookng ut oppor for exaresion > Cerin Lay! eretaton of Tomuns, he as we presented 5 sutonamousclesadof stom ove which wehae Iti conto ad that oer Too y way of eccute Kawieage about au reseters, matutons ar fecings. As Lys pus citng Seoqwiek affects ran be atta, ts, ‘hey Reve no exten goa or purpose hey ate an ed inthe. "As someone deeply commited te tho werk of Terns and inepied 10 stuoy ng work by. Seaguick, | etal rested thw antintntonalet hordeteeaton of his work My fing was et th chractrzation of tect theory precy Sascrbes the there! investnats of Dalen falowers, such a Bran Massumi and Nigel Til, but ied nok encompass ‘heme peyhoiogcaly tured worko Sagwckand Tombs Ley coal in. howe stat bo sands of ae hao sh 9 cormimant “nt-netionatam, While is postonng of set utsidetne rene ol ansan ‘270 captions very acai and expt embraced bythe lolowers of Detours, tient as ay to det he heel vest the wos of Srowek snd Tomkins. Aeron er caeuly a Les eis, have to eancsde hat Tomkns thar of the nent alters nto andtha his eoospton facts undomertalto Sedpwck's gy costa tee thin, ‘Wen: Sox's work as whole an bo reucodo thi ano ae bicnora famulten homer, is arater quston Ae al Tork ‘nvct many tara Sadgoick uses nha hh) sy tevin nd ‘cra. valotumtothe reenaton mths nak secon Stor consdeng Sedgniths werk in greater dpi te bckack sgh axtine yi scons tothe antennas agnosis of Tomkretsied werk oe to oti one pa of Las anal that Delews sect. Fes ha Tomine system inate ana Holgi ot sping tert tis empadze by Sedgk ond Aor Frente odton © the Tombs Raa, Shama ands Str, push 135. Tay specteay ‘ussion the very common ea humana resth thal a ‘ECU onsen’ of acts necossanypafeadietoa natal or Bakes teary of tec. Wy, sey ask, ees toot wore the tunis 9 th sue hat a olegeaexlaatin i something to rect ss worgheased ‘Ssentam tobe desicndby a sear util expiant’ Tat osctaton| ‘of he wk of Tombins very esbeseyauestns the ngtandng tanto hhsrantesscholstin tat tee are 00 mua excliveapposees 0 onic, especies bidogsm esurado poo hes essa nes ‘orsus soca detrminaon hich coutersessenaisn wth tho ea at {reyhing scartngent and ster tote wages a ut enact ‘muah contareary toa, searing te dscurs constucten ef mot any anther concent ee, spr, 28) = sl equ spose | (isa he oso extent Desptaeumarabl ates o show hat lessons sinsecapnio—by toot as dese as Ekabeth Gros Dina Fuss and Goat Sphok ~ the sesumpton femai Pst cantagency test choracterzes our sehes, our wot ardour raten to to thngs | ‘Sgrlesty Sedgrck and Fran bron Eat contrgery andthe ea ot | bopes given rate System of tet.” The poi esd ofthe ped need mroch to themes endeavors ss norte of Sedgwick (econstucive meted, commitment natal charctaraos a Werk ot Leys Shnoeon‘hat hort Cantrng heute econ of scence, belogy, et nthe natal Sedgwick ana Fane pon ut tat aig degree of composi is generated by Tomine restely singe syser of eg, then ne lect, Hat ae ‘yautt nedwted wo he humanbeloges stor." Theniaaficts re oscbed by Temkin accor 20 3 sling seal of itn meres ferctement, ejymert oy, suieetae, dsvacs-angush, eat, ‘tame-humilaton,cantmpt-sssral contempt- ust and ager ‘Tomtinsresonis hase sate fects 3 mattna site fa ae the aftct of erest e naceseary fr senual intrest, thus clang the imacr ofthe sas mFoucon teary [Ast sign, the concep of meest and motaton might suggest the lnvlvement of ogriton and thas romise away to camplcte he ehage rt-mtentoraiom, Intestin Toma’ atlec teary, le conoaed 88 an ‘entation wards nove, har ke cure, making teem mare hs fecty or» apna rates than 2 feeling. Concept mest ns faston implies a x to reason and eognten aed, adding imorest to ‘Chres Darwin's nonomyofemoton one of Toms chat ravens sifect tery. Homever, whe to be nested i sorathng nocessry Invtes conscous awareness of to eject. tho fang tiggeed remains Sebo wthin a mates artnertarlit Yaravo Motion esters 9 simi ft. ei vsiay etna a ‘hing reson to act, Metebysecesaty iting tring, boas and wt Lays woul cl Thgherordr mental proasere’ However, Temkin! descpon of goa lie afl yan, or Gare lagen se heen ters ovate | entatve andhyral terms akin oth cries Freud Terns scabs the four goals Flos: 1) postive aoc should be enaimaed 2) raga tet should be rind ster nnon shui riz, paar 0 maxims ootoaffoct fo mininzeaetiectcrandta mine tect nhtion Eland inte way, the metvatina aspect of Tom” systam ay ditrqusnats from the plessuraurpessure sxnipe n Freudian theory, lfc reputes theese apparatus, and most pricy te dies. The once of uoleasure andthe pret of plese, Fe eins s,s “automat mechanism These Gana kraps. one woul asi hon eka poset thermostat ogling behave: protect us tom pain end ‘eng urn laste Stet rathation ns way eorsponds tote nansntertona! nari dl of tet at Leys cones ete api Dionenaeay a, aerate eeporses ofthe agansr tht have eed for sural purposes” Carty, the Gane! Images oe insffiet 10 operat sera corrass of 3 gus to moral and tics action. most human bang never tan get precise of core More expe, he args in the same chante: Most a the chracterstes whch Froud ‘raed otha Uncongciou ad tothe I ar infot slot aspects of the ‘fect system’ The compen is ot pusbed in ay etal Me co {esaage of llects vith the cies Tomlons min peoceupton he Porter capt, Hovrver, the analogy suggests @ proaucive way of Stustng hs wok eave to peyehoara key pacts! which, Sedgwick os fests zou ator han opposing To tun insight round he 1 the unconscious, than when tha goals operate autoratealy they do not ‘oges son ink tocegiton, ae under hese crcurstogs tay podkoe 2 weak ery of moa reel rathation bot oe that can easy be tileswahpsychoani, Thats hare goss woulda reste conscoushy roger, 20 t woul note cote ay tay sr ei sapaat For {exyaton,meening and itanton, For exam, we cn al ge occasions on we thnk abo ow to ead pate tect. rd sary mes whan re consior haw to meme pesos aflct. We mint consciusy and rinsiutyadotcosess of ctanto avo aay and sak cu opportunities {ory and earmunon. (re futher more mporart eign shoud be aaed 0 my booty ‘syroetheic terete Leys positan the aft syste is not Soreod tromiearingand tine, Even thinhared tect oysum avy aperates| forthe info automsicaly srs 10 use Teme faedbck ord ‘he king this eras make both the sytem end the inwel oee sect to modcaton over» Meson "Experience ana memory (whather ‘ans of unconccus! me he inate esta affars ca be vaio, ‘heycansnovbal modify exc ter, be matured, become manecolst, trate week or song, tol ust ore ofthe vests Tor deeerbes. In other words, here ae many an vated deportes om Whe been rowed bythe Genet Irages ater tase repated ve some kd of Fecaoac th slo can ba oven meimaly conscious cone, wou m0 ut ery From ne 9 el One woud erage hat some pat of ‘he madison int the goal themsehes would be fe and cite post non, Dees hacer or compte te chotga car tenenaiom? Paap ot The tnd! maton desrbed by Tobie groves ite gudaee for ‘oral and hia actin, wich isulimataly Les che! concer. Ta ale ‘tects must renethless howe sch acto, 25 Tomkins pus essen taut sect woud be potent, act witout reason woul be Bid.” ‘ie he two systems might be res danandnt i tha ere ‘stetion tat aoprton cael be suctaned in evoray He nde 0 ae Saag the ast wor she drecibes the eanracton between the ves “tes the allowing way. Fer Terk, tha ference between te "stam and ne tect ester ot ht ones eve fated me boy than {he oer ndasands both tobe taoughy embed, a wel a more les maniveyatearoen th cog roots. Paradoveay, hen, serene aueote oft saltaeining th without any ter vate a Tomkins pots t= which suggests thy arversean eutonmous, salofereno! system and yet theyre roterey furonomous hey are ‘more or less mansveynerovan wth comin fwooesser™ Siniay, they a anbientonlit i eancepon, and yet Cotrbut othe exes of enon, Teta 3e paredoxos that ro vt prt (ot Terk’ work that Lays overoks, While sho provides brian ars of {he nected atc ysem, whichis whee et css hve a atest utchase,shopysiautientatentertoTembinsexerenephenemensiog)| ‘tt vedatec astern whare some oft clas aboutantortaionalcm Se completes, rt under Leys and Sedgwick: points of convergence, psychoanalysis and affect theory ‘A way forverd tough is ines, Deve 1 consider tow Toms ‘ttt hry cn eperat hin the eons Baycoanayi when aad uch ave igaous account ofthe iterloy betwen consciousness ad the Theanecous Lining Tombs’ afact tery to pojchoasis eromeas 2 ‘hckardescipton of he fle ar postion of the aie syste in the Feychc acpi, suplnmentng te phenomenal aspen of “vteutes of act, whet ae tha great sveraths of Tonkne werk. Using ‘he ie tthe gost of th fect sytem ate nord and ths generat yond conus canal, we might pose aflct es erinucus wth eho unconscious, toaby folowing the theorzaion of affect by Chan eho, gna Mate Banc. ‘dans the more His! psyehoanahe alot cht afoers cannot bo unconscious Mate linea daue steno othe simisitsbetgon feng ta the uncorsous. ned, he gos further, qostonng our capty £0 feorsia one rom the che. Both he abs, se epzored to inka In onrasioginagandtesingintstahen,apaychoanvicundestandng| laff tgs ith Leys oneal ets of afc thor Mat Bineo pon et thet we can deseibe whet ne ote tnking or cong ‘wih precon’ whetees desiptns of ox elngs are ‘says asym other words, he args tat inrenton cur na oss we have rere of he ely or eapaety or ocr vison tet we hve with inking ‘ne pression” He suggest that ona posse expiration fe this hanes ‘ooutametiorsisbecate they se tanove arene ruber mensions thon mat win whieh our satenareness fs capele of oaing™= This ‘lasting fing wih he unconsius ree splay to Mate Bores's matmatil account of the ungonccus where ho epace ofthe mconscous i charcared ae hveg more dmarsone han that eoaptens and cansausthnting. “Thisptertal ign vith psychoanalysis ot anise raised or note by Loy: br power tie iuminates austen Mat ees emedaton, tater anpposing soon Mer compos hnkig att the lost between peyetoannves and affect theoy, 1 would suggest, nates ‘enedation Party Ley emo! the ree fact hecy canto fon te way it reece psychology, she agies tat ge moc to the feoingeo suec wout a payhoogy and wot a external were” More special, this reavend acount of eect este From the rejecion af the payehoonayte understanding of Suber gu, wheh bested neanscovs ent eso wn tn apgeseor Peeing is od of inrralzatonundorpmethe shift rom quit to shame n wauma stuses Leys erm his ess poycheanalte acount of mative entiation Inthe erent nour iterate, ths imate meds eplaced by an frimmete moss fat eects eralaaten and Iovoirs 9 pererstve ‘ebion to eens ond fetnge of shame. Deduction a he antec model seyhaogsts ei, enables the vchmotvolenoe to stand aan em the agaresse. Any imitation of tho aggressor argued to be only 3 performance «assests Las pus losing the vews of Eas Reopapor™ Shame, t's en argued, i © sotawaro and sxtconsoous response, whi ggeed by te sense beng cbserveda alge ris apsorentcompence, es ane pepanent of shame puts he hougt of being seen by nator is cata forthe eration Te vin desided {a5 poyncaty cuss he ever, aly retuned Poe kn bythe gaze} rote: ‘Leys exqus ton aes the eure endo pileg he pevarmatve andthe antinimetic understanding of tau However, the mos ners {areusion Leys rw from ths freon nthe ald tht he rer lndanimmetearensepaabe. This econsuctwe move, which fehisos the tithes of bial most lary otnd in err ook. Tama: A [Gencogy. Here, se ust ented and expbnad the nbicaten cf the ‘hose of ours ‘My goal in tis book has Been not so much 10 esse indi Interpeotaton of aur thane oaar he i theo, aught ‘ae entanthat a aan eal, a 9 sh tt rom the tn the carat 1 the prosort thera has been a contra ovztton baton ‘om, indeed te stopenovaion of one by the ater o aerate the ‘clas of ane nt the ther hasbeen ect a unstopnble This sgh, supgastve of « docorstucte sozount of mimetic an atria responses, cedd bo extended 0 conser how affect ‘espanses such oo pu andshare ala lerrteetepaneyateardcombin ‘ger, then th dectn Los pursues, ho f not concerned wth Pow tNeteomghtbe brought gether debate ate she wares he olaue ereequencas of qnoang the mbcaton, nse focusing ony on ste lve ares thatthe concetaion on sharse genettes a pales of

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