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Crucible corrosion in crystal growth of YBa2Cu3O7-x

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1989 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 2 17


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Supercond. Sci. Technol. 2 (1989) 17-21. Printed in the UK

H J Scheelt, W Sadowskl and L Schellenberg

Department of Physics DPMC, Universlty of Geneva 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet,
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland

Recelved 21 September 1988, in final form 23 February 1989

Abstract. Cruclble corrosion Is one of the major obstacles to obtaining large

crystals of the high-temperature superconductor YBa,Cu,O,-, . The crucible-meit
interfaces of three types of ceramics (alumina, zirconia and tin oxide) have been
studied in order to understand the corrosion mechanism. This may help to reduce
the cruclble problem In crystal growth of YBCO and to indicate alternative crucible
materials of improved corrosion resistance.

1. Introduction After a brief discussion of corrosion effects in

crystal-growth experiments the various crucible-
With the advent of superconductivity above the tem- solidified flux interfaces are discussed. Finally the conse-
perature of liquid nitrogen [l] there is a large demand quences drawn from the corrosion studies are evaluated
for single crystals and single-crystalline films of and possible solutions to the crucible corrosion
YBa,Cu,O,-. (YBCO)to study this phenomenon and, in problem are indicated.
the case of films, to develop devices for numerous appli-
cations. However, several problems based on the
thermal and chemical instabilities of YBCO [2, 31 have 2. Crystelllsatlon of YBCO
allowed only modest results with respect to crystal size
and film quality. The first problem consists in finding Due to the limited thermal and chemical stability of
mobilised phases (gaseous, liquid) from which crystals YBCO there have been only two routes for obtaining
and epitaxial films can be grown. In the case of crystals, crystals so far: lengthy solid-state reactions and crystal
this problem was solved by phase-diagram studies and growth from high-temperature solutions [2, 31. In the
by systematic crystal-growth experiments from high- latter approach the so-called cavity method has been
temperature solutions [4,5]. most widely applied: YBCO crystallises from partially
Another problem is based on the formation of very liquid mixtures with BaO-CuO during cooling from
thin crystals due to growth instability [2, 31. The low loo0 f 50°C to room temperature. Solidification and
growth rate required to achieve stable growth and bulk contraction lead to the formation of cavities in which
crystals free from inclusions [2] leads to very low crystals separated from liquid can be found. The cruci-
cooling rates and thus to long crystal growth runs, bles used for this process, mostly high-density alumina
which cause severe corrosion of the crucibles and fre- or gold, are corroded. The contamination of YBCO by
quently the liquid creeps along the crucible walls and the crucible material varies significantly and depends on
sometimes even leaves the crucible. The corrosion is the composition, the temperatureltime programme and
apparent from the roughened crucible wall surface in the distance of the YBCO crystals from the crucible wall.
the region of liquid contact and by the formation of However, the cavity method allowed one to prepare
undesired crystals containing chemical constituents YBCO crystals of a few mm in size in which no AI con-
from the crucible material. tamination could be detected by an electron microprobe
The purpose of this work is to study the corrosion analysis [ 6 ] . Moreover, when using gold crucibles or
mechanism of various crucible materials under typical gold sheets, small concentrations of gold (about
mco-growth conditions. This understanding of corro- 0.7 at.%) were found [7] which had no appreciable
sion may lead to crucible materials of improved corro- effect on the superconducting properties.
sion resistance and may be helpful in modifying the The cavity method did not allow nucleation control,
experimental crystal-growth conditions so as to mini- and the crystal size was necessarily limited by the size of
mise the contamination from the crucible. the cavities. A chemical separation of the crystals, by
dissolving the flux, has not been possible due to the
t Present address: Institute of Micro- and Optoelectronics, Physics
Department, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH-1015 Lau- chemica1 instabi1ity Of mm c21*Therefore the decant-
sanne, Switzerland. ing process was developed, which consists of pouring off

0853-2048/89/010017 + 05 $02.50 (8 1989 IOP Publishing Ltd 17

Crucible corrosion in crystal growth of YBCO

Flgure 3.Zirconia-flux interface (backscattered electrons).

The relatively porous ZrO, ceramic (dark grey) and the
surface-contaminated flux region are separated by the
lighter reaction layers.

5. Zirconia crucibles

The higher melting point of ZrO, compared with

alumina (2700 as opposed to 2040°C) suggested its use
in crystal growth of YRCO despite its higher price and its
poor thermal shock resistance [SI. The latter property
Flgure 2. (a) Line scan from alumina (left) into flux. The led to cracking of the crucibles when they were removed
following phases are successively crossed: AI,O,;
from the hot furnace in order to decant the residual flux
BaAl,O,:Cu; YBa,Cu,O,-, + flux; BaAl,O,:Cu. Separated
at the end of the experiment.
concentration changes of the elements are shown (not to
scale). (b) The spectral peak intensities (arbitrary units) for The picture of the zirconia-flux interface from back-
each element are plotted, with the same scale, as a function scattered electrons is shown in figure 3. It shows the
of distance. dark grey and rather porous region of zirconia with an
interface roughness of about 10 pm. The reaction layer
has a thickness of 10 & 3 pm and consists of a barium
zirconate with the formula Ba(Y, Ca, Cu)Zr(Cu)O,. The
The line scan across the crucible-flux interface along
analysis indicates a somewhat higher Zr concentration
the path indicated in figure 1 is shown in figures 2(a)
than that of BaZrO, but such a Zr-rich compound
and (h). The width of the AI,O,-Ba(AI,_,Cu,)O, inter-
could not be found in the phase diagram [16]. The
face is of the order of 5 pm. It is somewhat smeared out
analysis of the line scans shown in figures 4(a) and (h)
as each point actually represents the analysis of a region
indicates Ca-doped ZrO, on the left-hand side which
of a few pm" The width between the other interfaces in
gives way to a reaction layer of BaZrO, containing
the flux (BaAl,O,-YRco) is wider due to the surface
some Ca, Cu and Y. The Zr content of this layer
roughness as observed in figure 1. The concentration of
decreases to the right-hand side while the Cu concentra-
0 . 1 4 4 at.'%,(metals)of Ba and Cu in alumina indicates
tion clearly increases. The Cu 'peak' on the right-hand
solid-state diffusion which, according to the slight differ- side of figure 4(b) corresponds to a BaCuOJCuO-rich
ence in darkness visible on the secondary-electron
region, which can also be identified on figure 3. Solid-
picture (figure l), reaches a rather uniform depth of
state diffusion of Ba and Cu into the ZrO, ceramics was
about 3 pm. indicated by a difference in darkness visible on the SEM
Thus one may conclude that corrosion of alumina
picture (figure 3) but could not be measured quantitat-
crucibles by BaO-CuO melts starts with the diffusion of ively. The surface of the flux region (not the BaZrO,
Ba and Cu ions into alumina. This process is followed region), after polishing, had reacted with the humidity
by the formation of a reaction layer of Ba aluminate of air, rendering the analysis unreliable.
containing Cu, which is irregularly dissolved and
carried away so that aluminate regions, separated from
the crucible wall region, can be found in the solidified
flux. After saturation of the crystal-growth melt the alu- 6. Tin oxide crucibles
minate may be deposited in crystalline form at other
solid boundaries and thereby interfere with the forma- Recently the growth of single-domain YBCO crystals
tion of large YBCO crystals. with a T, of 89 K using SnO, crucibles was reported

H J Scheel et a /

Figure 5. Interface of porous tin oxide and flux. The broad

reaction layer and its dissolution are clearly visible.

7. Dlscusslon

The wetting and corrosion of the BaO-rich and CuO-

rich high-temperature solutions for the growth of
YBa,Cu,O,-, is severe, not only in noble metal cruci-
Figure 4. (a) Line scan from zirconia into the flux, passing
through the phases: Zr0,:Ca; Ba(Ca, Y, Cu)Zr(Cu)O,:
decreasing Zr and Increasing Cu concentration ; BaCuO,
+ CuO; BaCu(Zr)O, (separate plots for each element, not
to scale). (b) The spectral peak intensities (arbitrary units)
for each element are plotted with the same scale. as a
function of distance.

[17]. It was also indicated that these crystals were not

contaminated by tin [17]. In order to check whether the
obtaining of contamination-free crystal was due to the
cavity method discussed above or due to the resistance
to corrosion of SnO, , a crystal-growth experiment
using a nearly complete liquid was performed. After the
growth run, the liquid could be only partially removed
because of its high viscosity, and no sizable crystals
were obtained. In comparison with simultaneous
crystal-growth runs using alumina and zirconia crystals,
the tin oxide crucible was severely corroded.
The Sn0,-flux interface is shown in figure 5. The tin
oxide ceramic is recognised by its fine pores of about
1 pm in size. A solid-state diffusion of flux ions into the
ceramic could not be detected, possibly due to the high
dissolution rate of tin oxide. However, the reaction
layer (BaSn, -xCu,O,) was well defined, with a Cu con-
centration increasing up to about x = 0.3. One can also
recognise large sectors of the outer reaction layer which
are penetrated by the CuO-rich flux and then carried
Figure 6. (e) Line scan from SnO, through the
away from the interface. Figure 6(a) shows the thick
BaSn, -xCu,O, reaction layer into the CuO-BaO flux
reaction layer and figure 6(b) gives evidence for the (separate plots for each element, not to scale). (b) The
increasing copper concentration towards the outer spectral peak intensities (arbitrary units) for each element
region of the reaction layer. are plotted with the same scale, as a function of distance.

Crucible corrosion in crystal growth of YBCO

bles but also in ceramic crucibles. The latter form com- This work was supported by the Fonds National Suisse
pounds with BaO of the type BaA1,0,, BaZrO, and de la Recherche Scientifique.
BaSnOJ which may contain further constituents from
the crucible or from the flux. These reaction layers are
then partially dissolved and carried away in successive References
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Acknowledgments 1987 AppI. Phys. Lett. 51 1040
[l5] Schmid H 1988 Private communication
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with Dr T Graf are gratefully acknowledged. The [171 Thomson C, Cardona M, Gegenheimer B, Liu R and
authors thank Dr J H James for improving the English. Simon A 1988 Phys. Rev. B 37 9860


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