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June 2022

Author: Noah Fagello

Publish date: 6/14/2022

In this newsletter:
● Patrol Leader Talk
● A Message from the Flaming Tomahawks
● Sunburn Season!
● Summary of Past Events
● Upcoming Events
● Shout-outs


Patrol Leader Talk

“Hello this is Charles McNerlin the current Senior Patrol Leader for our Troop. We have
a lot of amazing upcoming events such as our Boy Scout Training Night which will be on
June 24th-25th. During this Training Night you will learn a lot about the Positions we
have in our troop, Some learning methods you can use in your everyday life, and lots
more. On June 25th we have the Waba Parade where we have the opportunity to march in
the Parade. On July 3rd-9th we have our Summer Camp at Camp Berry. This is going to
be a new experience for everybody and I hope we have the best time there. All in All,
everything is going very well as a troop and we continue to do our best everyday.”


Charles McNerlin

Senior Patrol Leader

A Message from the Flaming Tomahawks

“Over the next month, I plan on teaching the scouts basic scouting knowledge and
teaching them what to pack for upcoming events. These events include the training
overnight plus WABA parade and summer camp. The basic knowledge being taught
included things like the 10 essentials, first-aid, etc. These events are going to require some
planning, so that will be taken care of. These first couple of weeks we will be going over
the training overnight and WABA parade, but after awhile, we will transition into
Summer Camp information.”
-Earnie Slagle, Patrol Leader

Sunburn Season!
With the summer season approaching, scouts will have to be sure to apply the
sunscreen before going out in the sun.

What is a sunburn?
A sunburn is red, painful skin that feels hot to the touch. It
usually appears within a few hours after too much sun exposure.

What causes sunburn?

Unlike burning your hand on something hot, sunburns are not caused by the sun’s
heat. Sunburns occur as a result of ultraviolet radiation (UV rays) released by the sun. UV
rays can be classified into three types based on their wavelengths: UVA (400-320nm),
UVB (320-280nm), UVC (280-100nm). UVA and UVB are what cause the most damage to
human skin.

How do UV rays damage my skin?

UVA has a longer wavelength meaning it can penetrate
skin deeply into the dermis, generating reactive oxygen
species that damage skin cell DNA.

UVB has a shorter wavelength meaning it is absorbed

by the first layer of skin called the epidermis. This direct
absorption molecularly rearranges skin cell DNA into
photoproducts such as cyclobutane dimers and 6-4

What happens when UV rays damage my skin?

When UV rays reach the skin, it damages skin cells and causes mutations in the
DNA of the skin cells. If skin cells get more UV exposure than they can handle, the cell will
die off. Blood vessels will dilate to increase blood flow and bring immune cells to remove
the dead skin cells. This dilation causes the redness, swelling, and inflammation associated
with a sunburn.
The redness and inflammation will eventually go away, however if any surviving
cells have mutations to their DNA from the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation they could become
cancerous in the future.
How do I treat my sunburn?
A sunburn will heal on its own within two weeks in the meantime, don’t pop any
blisters and do the following to alleviate symptoms:
● Take a cool bath
● Apply a damp cloth to the skin
● Apply aloe gel to affected areas
● Take ibuprofen for pain and inflammation
● Avoid additional sun exposure
● Drink plenty of fluids

How can I prevent a sunburn?

● Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen SPF 30 or higher on all exposed skin
● Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside
● Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours or after swimming
● Wear a hat and other clothing that protects your skin from direct sun exposure.

- MD Anderson Cancer Center
- National Library of Medicine
- PIH Health

Upcoming Events

● June 24th - 25th: Training overnight - 8:00pm - Columbia Heights United Methodist

● June 25th: WABA parade - 8:00 am - Meet at Columbia Heights

● July 3rd - 9th: Summer Camp at Camp Berry

Shout out to Connor Brown for building a memorial garden for his school with the
help of Charlie McNerlin and Charlie Johnson in order to fulfill his Eagle Scout Service

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