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I. Objectives
1. Knowledge
By the end of this unit, Ss can:
- Read for general ideas and specific information about gender equality in employment
- Know more about Brenda Berkman- a brave woman daring to fight for her own desire.
- Discuss about the topic
- Answer comprehensive questions

2. Skills
- To help learners get started with 4 skills
- Reading: Read skills in the topic Gender Equality
- Speaking: Exchange opinions about women’s going to work
- Listening: Listen to to a conversation with new words, agreement and disagreement among
three characters
- Writing: Write about advantages and disadvantages of women’s going to work

3. Educational aims
- To provide Ss some motivation.
- Students are more aware of the drawbacks of gender discrimination.

II. Teaching aids

- Teacher: blackboard, chalk, textbook, cassette, project, other teaching stuffs.
- Students: textbook, workbook, learning stuffs.

III. Procedures:
1. Activity 1 WARM UP
a.    Aim: Visualize what they think of when they hear or see such words as:
gender, equality or gender equality.
b. Content: Show some pictures of some famous women in some aspects like
politic, economic…:

Picture 1: Ms Yingluck- Thai Prime Minister

Picture 2: Ms Angela Merkel - German President
Picture 3: a policewoman
c. Outcome:
-   Look at the pictures.
-   The women’s names.
d. Organization:
- Have sts name these women.
- Lead sts into new lesson.
Who often does these kinds of jobs? Men or Women? Do you think women can do
them as well as men?
2. Activity 2 PRESENTATION
a.   Aim: elicit some new words and reading skills/strategies
b.    Content: Look at the symbols. What do they stand for?
c.    Outcome:
- Suggested answers:
The symbols of genders, gender equality and gender discrimination.
-preference (n): sự thiên vị, sự ưu tiên
-sue (v): kiện
-persue (v); theo đuổi
-firefighter (n): lính cứu hỏa
-co-worker (n): đồng nghiệp
  -anger (n): sự giận dữ
-laughter (n): tiếng cười
-physical test (n): bài kiểm tra thể lực
-violence (n): sự bạo lực
-will (n): ý chí
-target (n): mục tiêu
-loneliness (n): sự cô đơn
d. Organization
-  Have them guess the meaning of the vocab appearing in the context.
-  Ask them if they have any new words.
-  Supply them with the words they asked.
- Read and understand the text about a volunteer
3. Activity 3 PRACTICE
a.   Aim: practise skills
b.    Content:
Task 1. Read the statements, decide whether it is T, F or NG. Task 2. Answer the
c.    Outcome:
Task 1. Read the statements, decide whether it is T, F or NG.
1. F 2. NG 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1.   She wanted to become a firefighter
2.   She sued New York City and the DNY for gender discrimination and won
3.   They were unwelcomed at meals, faced loneliness and even violence
d.    Organization:
-   Let Ss read the three heading a, b, c first and make sure they understand all of them

-   Ask Ss to read through the text once without stopping at the words that they don't know the meaning
-   Ask them to work in pairs to decide on the best title for the text that
gives the general idea of the whole text
-   Help them eliminate the choice that is only one aspect of the text.
  -   Elicit the answers from the sts.
-   Check and correct.
4. Activity 4 POST
a.   Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups
b.    Content: Discus with a partner: should a woman do a man's job?
c.    Outcome:
- Expected answers:
Yes: because of their talent, love, and attempt
No: because of the particular characteristics and social attitudes.
  d. Organization:
-   Put Ss in groups of four and let them discuss the questions freely.
-   Useful languages:
+ I think/ In my opinion….
+ Woman should be strongly encouraged to….
+ I do not think woman can….
+ They have the same qualifications as men do

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