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Batter Bread

Learn How to Make Batter Bread, which will be the EASIEST bread you will ever make in 90

Prep Time Cook Time Rise Time Total Time

15 mins 45 mins 30 mins 1 hr 30 mins

Course: Breads Cuisine: Americana Keyword: Batter Bread, Bread Servings: 8 thick slices
Author: Mary's Nest

5" x 9" loaf pan, metal or glass

3 cups All-purpose or bread flour All-purpose flour is also known as plain flour.
1 1/2 cups Whole milk, warmed to approximately 130°F Non-fat milk, 2% milk, or water can be
2 1/4 tsp Instant yeast Active dry yeast can also be substituted, but the liquid used in the
recipe should only be warmed to 110°F.
1 tbsp Sugar Sucanat (dried sugar cane juice) can be substituted.
1 1/2 tsp Salt
3 tbsp Butter, softened Plus additional butter for greasing loaf pan.

1. Grease a 5" x 9" loaf pan. Set aside.
2. Into a large bowl, add warm milk, softened butter, and sugar. Stir to allow the butter to melt in
the warm milk.
3. Sprinkle the yeast into the bowl and allow to dissolve on top of the wet ingredients.
Alternatively, mix the yeast with the wet ingredients using a spoon.
4. Add salt to the flour and mix well.
5. Add approximately 2/3 of the flour into the wet ingredients and mix well until all the flour is
completely saturated by the wet ingredients.
. Add the remaining 1/3 of the flour into the bowl and mix well until a sticky dough forms.
7. Transfer the dough to the greased loaf pan. With wet hands, spread out the dough evenly so
that it reaches each corner of the loaf pan. (See video.)
. Allow the dough to rise for approximately 30 minutes until it reaches the rim of the loaf pan.
Do not let the dough rise higher than the rim of the loaf pan; otherwise, it might sink or "fall" in
the middle when placed into the oven.
9. While the bread is rising, preheat the oven to 375°F.
10. Once the dough has risen to the rim of the loaf pan, transfer it to the middle rack of the
preheated oven and bake for approximately 40-45 minutes.
11. Keep an eye on the bread as it bakes. If it is browning too quickly before it is fully baked, tent
the bread with a piece of aluminum foil.
12. The bread is fully baked when it is a golden brown on top and sounds hollow when tapped on
the bottom.
13. Once baking is complete, remove the bread from the oven, remove the bread from the loaf
pan, and transfer it to a cooling rack for a few minutes. The bread may be sliced warm or
allowed to cool completely. Enjoy!
14. Batter Bread is best enjoyed the same day it is baked, but you can store it in the refrigerator in
an airtight plastic storage bag or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap for 2-3 days. You will enjoy
the bread the best after refrigeration if toasted.

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