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Buenos días compañeros, mi nombre es Segrith Ospino, hoy voy a cocinar mi comida favorita,
espero que les guste. Mi comida favorita es camarones al ajillo, papas fritas, aguacate y
limonada frappe. Para la preparación de la receta es necesario cumplir con los estándares de
higiene y bioseguridad, como el lavado de manos, lavado de los alimentos y usos del tapabocas
al momento de la preparación
 Para hacer el camarón son los siguientes pasos
1.Limpiar y lavar los camarones
2.En un sarten colocar aceite de oliva y freír a fuego lento
3.Picar el ajo, luego hacer una pasta y colocarlo a los camarones
4.Añadir cilantro, sal y pimienta al gusto
 Para hacer las papas fritas yo use papas congeladas para freír
1.Colocar aceite en un sarten y pre-calentar. Luego añadir la papa hasta que estén
totalmente cocidas
 Para acompañar compré un aguacate el cual partí en trozos y luego añadir limón y sal al
 Para el jugo hay que poner en la licuadora un limón, jengibre, azúcar al gusto y hielo,
luego licuar, colar y servir en estilo frappe.
Good morning friends, my name is Segrith Ospino, today I am going to cook my favorite food, I
hope you like it. My favorite food is garlic shrimp, potatoes chips, avocado and lemonade frappe.
For the preparation of my favorite food, it is necessary to comply with hygiene and biosafety
standards, such as hand washing, food washing and use of the mask at the time of preparation.

• To cook the shrimp we have to follow these steps

1.Clean and wash the shrimp
2.In a pan, we have to put olive oil and fry it with low heat
3. in this step, we have to crush the garlic, until make a paste and put it on the shrimp
4.Add coriander, salt and pepper to taste, whatever you like
• To make the potatoes chips, I used frozen fries for frying, are called Rappipapa.
1. Put oil in a pan and preheat. Then add the potatoes until fully cooked
• To accompany the shrimp with potatoes chip, I bought avocado, then we have to cut in
pieces and then add lemon and salt to taste.
• For the juice you have to put a lemon, ginger, sugar to taste and ice in the blender, then
blend, strain and serve in frappe style.
ok this is my favorite food, thank you very much for your attention.

Good morning friends, my name is Segrith Ospino, today I am going to cook my favorite food, I hope you like it.

My favorite food is garlic shrimp, potatoes chips, avocado and lemonade frappe. For the preparation of my

favorite food, it is necessary to comply with hygiene and biosafety standards, such as hand washing, food

washing and use of the mask at the time of preparation.

• To cook the shrimp we have to follow these steps

1.Clean and wash the shrimp

2.In a pan, we have to put olive oil and fry it with low heat

3. in this step, we have to crush the garlic, until make a paste and put it on the shrimp

4.Add coriander, salt and pepper to taste, whatever you like

• To make the potatoes chips, I used frozen fries for frying, are called Rappipapa.

2. Put oil in a pan and preheat. Then add the potatoes until fully cooked

• To accompany the shrimp with potatoes chip, I bought avocado, then we have to cut in pieces and then

add lemon and salt to taste.

• For the juice you have to put a lemon, ginger, sugar to taste and ice in the blender, then blend, strain and

serve in frappe style.

ok this is my favorite food, thank you very much for your attention.

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