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set of steps. From here, walk to the edge of the sea and then south, and if
it's night you'll see a golden glowing spot on the grass. Press A while
standing on top of it and you will obtain a [LUNAR ZOOMBLOOM]. You need to go
sufficientlyhen right. Harry's room is now occupied by the Queen Dowager, but
just go through and open the chest. It's empty, but there's a message. Return
to speak to Harry and he'll give you the [MARITAL ORGAN] Knick-Knick. (Note
that he says they were going to set a jewel in the lid, and the woman on the
rooftop will mention a jeweller at Gotha Castle. In fact you can arrange this
yourself later in the game to improve the quality of the knick-knack.) All
this chat about marriage might be a hint that the heavenly bride could be on
the horizon.

From Coburg, you can zoom back to Zoomingale and head south to Scuttlebutt and
into the tunnel to Mostroferrato, or first of all return to Whealbrook,
Roundbeck and Heaven's Above Abbey, to get them on your zoom locations list.
You also may find that some monsters are now much easier to recruit in those
locations, now that your levels are that much higher. To make a quick exit from
the castle, use Zoom (select Coburg as your destination) while on the rooftop
and you can zoom to the world map just outside of Coburg, or choose anywhere
else for that matter!

SCUTTLEBUTT ............................................................. *W26

Local Services: Inn (15 gold per person). Church

TASK : Find the Scuttlebutt Alledger.
Items : Mini Medal, Tombola Ticket.
Mini Medals : 10MM Scuttlebutt: At the bottom of the well.
Knick-Knack : Scuttlebutt Alledger
Area Enemies: 061 Metal Slime Knight, 063 Growlbear, 069 Magic Marionette(R),
070 Wisp-o'-Smoke, 075 Great Sabrecat, 076 Thaumaturge.

Walk due south from Zoomingale and you'll find a small settlement comprising an
inn, a church and a few people. Walk down the left side of the building and
break the second pot to find a [TOMBOLA TICKET]. Enter the left part of the
building and jump down the well where you'll see a sparkle at the left. Yay!
Another [MINI MEDAL]. Chat to the people outside and inside and you'll find out
a few things about Debora and Mostroferrato. Click on the purple book on the
inn counter and it's a Knick-Knack item, the so-called [SCUTTLEBUTT ALLEDGER].

You can chat to the innkeeper and his wife about that, and hear more about
Harry and the zoom spell. Leave the location and walk south a few steps and
you'll find a cave. This is the underground route to Mostroferrato. If you go
inside there before returning to Coburg, there will be a soldier blocking the
path, and he'll tell you to go to Coburg and see Harry. You can't progress any
further until you meet up with your old friend again. But we've done that
already, so we're good to go!
TUNNEL TO MOSTROFERRATO ................................................. *W27

TASK : Reach the other side of the tunnel to Mostroferrato!
Items : Mini Medal
Mini Medals : 11MM Tunnel of Mostroferrato: Bottom right corner treasure chest.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 058 Cross Eye(R), 070 Wisp-o'-Smoke, 073 Corpse Corporal,
080 Wormbat, Mudraker 064(R)

The entrance to the tunnel is just a short distance to the south west from
Scuttlebutt. (And Scuttlebutt is due south from Zoomingale.) Enter the cave and
walk down the first tunnel. Then, take a right and you'll find a treasure chest
at the far end with a [MINI MEDAL]. Return to the junction and walk left,
following the passage until you emerge on the world map again. Walk south a few
steps and then west, and across the bridge into Mostroferrato.

MOSTROFERRATO ........................................................... *W28

Local Services: Inn (5 gold per person), Church, Weapon, Armour and Item shop,
TASK : Find out about Mr Briscoletti's plan. Visit his house, talk to
the suitors and agree to be one.
Items : Iron Shield, Mini Medal, Tombola Ticket, Seed Of Wisdom, Chimaera
Wing, Silver Tiara, T'n't Ticket, Silk Apron.
Mini Medals : 12MM Mostroferrato: Inside chest of drawers in small house
opposite Inn
Knick-Knacks: None as yet.
Area Enemies: 027 Lesionnaire, 073 Drooling Ghoul, 076 Thaumaturge,
077 Hunter Mech, 080 Wormbat, 081 Poxtongue, 082 Phantaseyes,
084 Jiggery-Pokerer, 085 Monster Tamer (summons Cureslime),
088 Cureslime(R),
WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Chain Whip | 1200 | +23 ATK Attacks a group of enemies
Steel Broadsword | 2000 | +33 ATK
Morning Star | 3000 | +45 ATK Attacks a group of enemies
Cautery Sword | 4400 | +45 ATK Use for a flame attack
Steel Fangs | 2000 | +35 ATK Monsters only
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Dancer's Costume | 1300 | +20 DEF Female only
Full Plate Armour | 2300 | +30 DEF
Tortoise Shell | 2500 | +33 DEF
Cloak of Evasion | 3000 | +28 DEF User might avoid attack
Silver Tiara | 450 | +14 DEF Female only
Top Hat | 2000 | +20 DEF
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Moonwort Bulb | 30 | Cures one from paralysis.
Leather Shield | 70 | +4 DEF

Mostroferrato is in effect on an island, and is connected to the surrounding

land by bridges. There are also two separate locations here, and the tower (La
Guardia) at the west side of the town has to be accessed directly from the
world map, However, there's nothing to find there beyond two chatty guards, so
you can safely leave it alone for now.

Enter the town for a scene with a dog called Bingo and a pleasant blue haired
girl. Explore and you'll soon discover that all anyone will talk about is
marriage. While all the young men are busy at the mansion, you can freely raid
the town. There's an [IRON SHIELD] inside a drawer in the second room in the
Inn. Enter the small house opposite the Inn and chat to the old folks if you
want, but make sure to get the [MINI MEDAL] from the drawers in the bedroom. Go
upstairs and you'll find a book called "Wholesome Matrimony" in the left
bookcase. You should read this convincing case for marriage! The adjoining
chest of drawers contains a [TOMBOLA TICKET]

There's nothing to find in the well next to this house, and the item and weapon
shops have no-one serving, although that doesn't mean you can steal anything.
The armour shop is open for business and you can enter it from the back door
and talk to the man there, for a picture of a thoroughly modern partnership...

Walk to the west end of town and you'll find a large mansion and a villa. Enter
the villa and purloin (sounds more polite than pinch) a [SEED OF WISDOM] from
the chest of drawers downstairs. Finally, enter the big house.

Talk to the maid and agree that you're here to see the man about the girl,
Nera. Talk to all three suitors and then talk to the first one a second time
(or maybe just talk to the maid again) to trigger the appearance of Rodrigo
(Rod) Briscoletti. You'll meet Debora as well as Nera. He sets the challenge:
find two rings, the Circle of Fire and the Circle of Water and you get Nera's
hand in marriage as well as the treasured Briscoletti shield. The Circle of
Fire is found in a cave of fire (dun dun dun!)

After the suitors leave, you're free to raid the place, although you cannot
open the two treasure chests in the room. Check out the bookshelf near the
dining table area doorway, and there's a [CHIMAERA WING] inside it. Go up the
stairs to the next floor and you can chat to Nera in the room to the right,
before searching through her wardrobes... (It's alright, she doesn't mind.)
There's a [SILVER TIARA] in the left one. Rod is waiting inside the other
bedroom and will confirm that the Circle of Fire is in a cave to the southeast
of the town. There's a [T'N'T TICKET] inside the left cupboard drawer and a
[SILK APRON] in the right one.

Climb the stairs up to the top floor, where Debora has the whole floor to
herself. There is nothing at all in the various chests of drawers and
wardrobes, but there is a cute mini-game called BRUISE THE OOZE! It's the
bright greeny blue machine near the bathroom.

Leave the mansion, and now the item and weapon shops will be open. Upgrade your
equipment, and you could invest in a Cloak of Evasion for a monster or two, as
this will give them additional protection from attack. I'd also suggest buying
a couple of Magic Shields from Zoomingale or Lodestar before you set off for
the fire cave. After you get the Circle of Fire, give it to Rod and he'll give
you the use of his ship!

MOUNT MAGMAGEDDON ....................................................... *W29

TASK : Find the Circle of Fire.
Items : 450 Gold Coins, T'n'T Ticket, Staff Of Antimagic, Iron Helmet,
Seed Of Resilience, 1500 Gold Coins.
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 043 Metal Slime(R), 074 Gamgin, 077 Hunter Mech,
079 Chimaera(R), 083 Rockbomb(R), 084 Jigggery-Pokerer,
085 Monster Tamer, 086 Hotbog, 087 Goodybag(R), 088 Cureslime(R),
092 Flamethrower(R).
Area Enemies: 082 Phantaseyes, 073 Drooling Ghoul, 081 Poxtongue,
079 Chimaera(R), 083 Rockbomb(R), 084 Jiggery-Pokerer,
077 Hunter Mech.

I hope you've been keeping a Slime in your active party, because you'll need
them now. This monster learns the spell SAFE PASSAGE at level 25, if you've
managed to reach that high, and this will protect you inside the lava cave.
Needless to say, I hadn't reached that level with my Slime, but you can manage
the volcano with a little judicious juggling of party members, and maybe a few
Medicinal Herbs to give you extra healing options so you don't run out of MP.

Route to Mount Magmageddon
Magmageddon is situated at the south of the South East continent. Walk south
from Mostroferrato, (cross the bridges to the east or west) and then go east
where the mountains end, and then head north though the brown bumpy area to
find the volcano.

Take care when fighting the Phantaseyes you'll find en route, since they have a
habit of charging at someone and sending them flying back into the wagon. Add
someone else to the line-up as soon as you get a turn or you could be at a
severe disadvantage. Also, be very careful of the Rockbombs. Destroy them as
fast as you can or they might blow up in a kamikaze attack and kill everyone!

Inside the Volcano
This place can be tough if you don't have helpful monsters and decent
equipment. It's quite a long way to the goal, and then you're faced with a boss
to defeat, so you need to keep a good amount of MP for the journey. Fortunately
there is a healing place just before the boss area, and you are able to bring
the wagon with you, so make sure to have a full team of eight. You'll need a
healer (Slime Knight, most likely) and monsters with status attacks. If you
meet a group of Flamethrowers then beware! They will use a fire magic attack on
everyone that can hurt for around 50 HP depending on your equipment, and if
more than one uses this attack you'll be in trouble. Put them to sleep or
paralyse them if you can't defeat them fast.

From the entrance, walk left and chat to Crispin, one of the suitors, if you
want. Walk down the second path next to him, and you'll find a treasure chest
containing [450 GOLD COINS]. The other path leads to nothing, so ignore that.
Return to the main path and follow it up, and all the way around the edge of
the cavern, until you reach a hole leading down to the next floor.

Floor 2
Walk up and right, and up again, to find a treasure chest with a [T'N'T
TICKET]. Walk back a few steps and then right, and you'll see a path leading
down into the lava. If you've got the Safe Passage magic then use it now,
otherwise, tough it out! An alternative to this, is to use your spare monsters
for the fire walking, and switch the healthy team back into the line-up if you
find yourself in a battle.

Walk down the path and left, onto the lava, and you'll see a path leading to a
treasure chest. This contains the [STAFF OF ANTIMAGIC]. You can equip this or
use it to prevent enemies from using magic. In fact the lava doesn't hurt for
too much damage, and the only problem will be if you have a fight and don't
keep everyone healed up. Return to the main path, and walk left, and down.
Then, follow the path to the right, and take the first fork down, where you'll
find a treasure chest with an [IRON HELMET]. Equip this to someone, and then,
walk back up the path, go left, and up the long path to find the next hole in
the floor.

Floor 3
Head right, and follow the safe path until you reach a narrow patch of lava
across the path that goes directly up. Cross this, and you'll find a treasure
chest with a [SEED OF RESILIENCE]. From here you can see two holes in the floor
at the upper right of the cavern. This is where you'll reach the next floor and
a healing place.

Return to the main path and head left, following the safe path until you can
walk up and left. Here the floor is hot again, but cross it and you'll find a
treasure chest with [1500 GOLD COINS]. Return all the way back down the safe
path, and stop at the point where there is a path up the centre of the cavern
that has a long stretch of fiery floor. This is where Safe Passage would be
useful if you've got the spell, but, assuming you haven't, make sure everyone
is at full health, take a deep breath, and walk across the floor to the far

Back on safe ground, walk right, and you'll see the hole down to the next
floor. The top one leads to the boss area, but if you want to heal up first,
(advisable), take the lower path (harmful) and enter the hole in the floor.
You're in a safe haven and there is a healing circle. Return to the other hole
and walk up the path to find the Circle of Fire ring. But it's not going to be
as easy as that!

NOTE: You could fight lots of battles in the area near the healing circle, to
raise levels, earn gold, and maybe recruit some monsters.

| B O S S - MAGMEN |
Reward: 1050 experience points, 750 Gold Coins.

Yeah, this boss is plural, and though each one doesn't have a lot of HP, their
combined Fierce Fire attack can hurt your party a lot if they all decide to use
that attack in the same round. In fact if they did that it would probably kill
everyone. There are three of them, and the best strategy is to take them out
one at a time.

You need a dedicated healer in the active party, and someone who can decrease
their defence with Kasap (a Slime should do that) and maybe even put them to
sleep. Although I found that only one out of the three would be affected by
Sweet Breath or the Zizzwizz pillow at one time, nonetheless I kept using this
attack and eventually two of them were asleep. Once one is defeated then it's
downhill all the way. (My team had Hero at level 20 with a Slime Knight, Cross
Eye and Hulagan for their Sweet Breath, and Slime for Kasap.)

After you defeat them, you'll receive the Circle of Fire, and can cast Evac to
leave and Zoom back to Mostroferrato. (Make sure Hero has sufficient MP left if
you plan to do this, but if not, head back to the healing circle to replenish.)
Return to Rod's mansion in the daytime and give him the Circle of Fire. In
return you'll be given the use of a SHIP!

STOCKENBARREL ........................................................... *W30

Location: This town cannot be accessed using the Zoom spell. It is a short boat
ride up the river to the north of Mostroferrato. Stop at the gate on the river
and walk east.

Local Services: Priest, Inn (8 gold per person), Item Shop, Weapon Shop, Bar,
Hot Springs.
TASK : Find Whitey and Bianca. She joins the party and opens the gate
on the river.
Items : Seed Of Strength, Medicinal Herb, Mini Medal X2, T'n'T Ticket.
Mini Medals : 13MM Stockenbarrel: In the bar, inside the corner barrel.
14MM Stockenbarrel: In the grave at the right.
Knick-Knacks: Scintillating Sinter. Return here later with a Desert Rose for
the man in the well, and you'll be given this item.
Enemies : 059 Urnexpected. (A rare enemy found in a pot in the Item Shop)
Area Enemies: 180 Pollywiggle*, 182 Morphean Mollusc, 183 Suckling Ocker,
184 Merman, 186 Sea Dog (Found in the river while sailing here.)
WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Poison Moth Knife | 900 | +24 ATK May paralyse
Sledgehammer | 1800 | +30 ATK
Steel Broadsword | 2000 | +33 ATK
Serpent Sword | 3900 | +42 ATK
Battle Axe | 4000 | +45 ATK
Cautery Sword | 4400 | +44 ATK Use for flame attack
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Moonwort Bulb | 30 | Cures one from paralysis.
Leather Hat | 65 | +2 DEF

NOTE: 189 Pollywiggle* seems only to appear during Generation 2 in this

location: the river and sea north of Stockenbarrel. Finding it again in
Generation 3 has eluded me and other players too. Make sure to bag this enemy
now if you want to complete your Big Book of Beasts! (It may be found in later
T'n'T boards if you miss it now, but that's a more time-consuming method.)

You'll find the ship waiting for you next to the bridge at the west of the
Mostroferrato. Simply walk onto it and move with the directional buttons. You
can only go a short distance heading north up the river. Make sure to include
some monsters in your party again, as they will have been taken out when you
visited the mansion. I guess monsters aren't allowed inside posh houses.

You'll arrive at a gate that blocks further access up the river, so stop off on
the east bank where there's a signpost. Read this and you'll now have to find
the town of Stockenbarrel, and the person who can unlock the rivergate. Walk to
the east from the gate and you'll find the settlement surrounded by trees.

The church is found inside the first house to the right. Pop down the well and
there's a man who wants a Desert Rose in exchange for some bath salts. You'll
find the Desert Rose when you have access to the south continent, but that's
not for a little while yet.

There are two pots in the Item Shop and the first of them contains a [SEED OF
STRENGTH] The second one is an URNEXPECTED monster! You can paralyse it with
Burning Breath magic and then just hit it to death. The Weapon Shop is inside
the Inn, and if you head up the stairs the woman will tell you about Bianca and
there's a 'Hurrah for Herbs' and two other food books in the left bookshelf.
Don't stay at the inn as you'll get a free night's rest in a while. Head up the
second set of stairs and there's a [MEDICINAL HERB] in the right chest of
drawers. Go down the hole in the corner ground floor and you'll be in the bar.
There's a [MINI MEDAL] inside the corner barrel. Return here at night and
there's a group of drinkers with more chat about Bianca.

From the ground floor you can go through the open door and chat to the bathers
in the pool, but there's nothing to find there. Head up towards the large house
at the top of the village and stop off at the graveyard. Check the right grave
and you'll find a [MINI MEDAL] and a girl. Walk underneath the house set on
poles, and jump down the well where you'll find a [T'N'T TICKET] in a treasure
chest at the bottom. Go inside the large house and walk right to trigger a
scene with Whitey. (There's nothing to find in the cupboards and shelves inside
the house.)

After this, Bianca will turn up, Next day you can't leave until you have spoken
to Whitey and Bianca, after which you must say Yes to Bianca when she offers to
help. Talk to her again and say you're ready to leave and she'll join the
party. If you have a full party, you'll have to send someone back to Monty.
Check up on Bianca's equipment (her level will be at 16 or 17) and then walk
back to the ship. Sail up to the gate and Bianca will open it.

CATARACT CAVES .......................................................... *W31

Location: Inside the large lake to the north west of Zoomingale. Only
accessible by boat, starting at Mostroferrato, sailing north up the river,
and then across the sea heading north east, and up another river.

TASK : Search the caves to find the Circle of Water ring.
Items : Robe of Serenity, 1200 Gold Coins, Circle of Water, Elfin Elixir.
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 027 Lesionnaire, 043 Metal Slime(R), 080 Wormbat, 081 Poxtongue,
082 Phantaseyes, 084 Jiggery-Pokery, 085 Monster Tamer,
086 Hotbog, 087 Goodybag(R), 088 Cureslime(R), 089 Gastank,
090 Orc, 180 Pollywiggle, 183 Suckling Ocker, 184 Merman,
Sea Enemies : 180 Pollywiggle, 182 Morphean Mollusc, 183 Suckling Ocker,
184 Merman, 186 Sea Dog.

With the ship you can sail around a small area of sea and add more monsters to
the Big Book of Beasts, although none of them are recruitable. There is a small
island where you'll find some Corpse Corporals, Drooling Ghouls, and Magic
Marionettes. Sail a little way to the east of the island and then go north, and
you'll find another river between some mountains and trees.

Keep sailing north and you'll arrive a waterfall. This is just to the west of
Zoomingale, but if you rest up at the inn before entering the caves, next
morning you'll find that the ship has disappeared and returned of its own
volition back to Mostroferrato. You can save your game at the church in
Zoomingale if you want. At this point Hero is likely to be at around Level 22.

When you arrive inside the caves Bianca starts laying on the memories. Remember
when we...etc. Harden your heart if you want to resist her guilt tripping you
to marry her, and avoid the Talk option altogether!

You leave the ship at the entrance and cannot take the Wagon with you, so
you'll just have to make do with four party members. Walk up and follow the
path around the next four floors until you arrive at a large waterfall, where
Bianca will comment about the scenery. There's only one route to take up to
this point, and nothing to find. Enemies can use poison attacks so you'll need
some Antidotal Herbs and a monster with the Squelch spell, although Hero has
this spell, so you shouldn't have too many problems.

Floor 4, 5 and 6
In the cave after the big waterfall you'll find an adventurer, and lots of
water. Walk up the cave hugging the right wall, all the way towards the other
side, and then walk down and left until you arrive back on brown coloured
ground. There's a large hole in the floor and if you jump down this, and then
walk down the next room and along the path that crosses the waterfall, you'll
find the [ROBE OF SERENITY] inside a treasure chest. You can equip this to

Return to the cave where you dropped down, and now jump into the large hole in
the floor. You'll land just in front of some steps leading up to the next
floor. Ignore this for now and walk up the cave and enter the hole leading down
to Floor 7.

Floor 7, 8 and 9
I found a nice group of Metal Slimes here and two of them let me defeat them!
Walk down the path and you'll exit near the waterfall again, and Bianca will
comment like the dumb tourist she is. Walk left and follow the brown path down
the cave until you reach some steps into the water. Then walk up and follow the
green ground all the way to the treasure chest containing [1200 GOLD COINS].
There's a dark opening just to left of this, under the waterfall, and in here
is the cavern where you'll find the [CIRCLE OF WATER].

Leave the cavern and walk back down to the steps and take the ones to the
right. You'll find a hole in the ground leading down to Floor 8 and another
hole to Floor 9. Walk up this final cave and open the treasure chest to obtain
[ELFIN ELIXIR]. This valuable item heals all MP for one, and it's a useful
thing to keep in the bag for emergencies. You can buy more using tokens at
Fortuna Casino, but it's nice to get a free one.

Cast EVAC, unless you want to fight more enemies in here, and you'll be back
with the ship on the world map just outside the waterfall entrance. Zoom (or
sail) back to Mostroferrato.

MARRIAGE ................................................................ *W32

"For as long as you both shall be resurrected from death in the church"

TASK : Decide who you're going to marry. Collect the Wedding Veil.
Items : Wedding Veil, Seed of Wisdom (conditional), 2000 Gold Coins,
Zenithian Shield.
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: Honey Buns
Recruit : Whoever you marry joins the party as a permanent member.

Save your game to be on the safe side, and enter Rod's mansion in
Mostroferrato. He's chatting with Nera and her mother in the dining room, and
you can hand over the Circle of Water. Rod arranges for Bianca to stay in his
villa (the house down the path from the mansion) and Hero in the inn. You've
got to choose between Bianca and Nera so say Yes to him. Next thing, you'll be
awake. It's night and you're in the inn and not sure about what decision to
make. Dammit, you haven't even been on a date with either girl.

Big Decision!
Rather than think things over quietly, the idea is that you should talk to
everyone in the inn and town, and they will all give you advice or comments.
Talk to the innkeeper too, and, only after you've spoken to everyone else,
(including Bianca and the members of Rod's family), will the innkeeper finally
give you the option to go back to bed.

Talk to the three people in the town, and the nun in the church. Go into Rod's
place and upstairs to find him in his bedroom. Chat to him and then find
Debora and talk to her. You can answer both yes and no for different
reactions. Find Bianca upstairs in the villa and speak to her as well. Then you
can return to the inn and hopefully you've made up your mind. If not, you can
stay up for longer, or just sleep on it.

The next day you'll be at the mansion and the maid escorts you to face Rodrigo.
Whatever your answer to his question, he'll tell you that now you must decide.
However, you now get a third option: Debora is in the running for your mate! At
this point you're free to move, and can talk to the maid who's guarding the
exit door for a possible fourth option. (Not a serious contender!) You can also
go upstairs to find Mrs Rod, and a bit of extra dialogue.

Talk to one of the girls and answer yes if you want to pick her, or no if you
don't. You can do this as often as you like, but when you pick a girl you'll
get a second option to say yes or no. Make your decision and, after another
chance to change your mind, that's it. She's yours for life!

Who To Choose?
It really doesn't matter which girl you choose so far as the main story is
concerned, but they do have different skills and can use different equipment.
In addition to that, the "Talk" options will be completely different. First
time playing I went for the obvious choice, childhood friend, Bianca, but I
really got tired of her 'lovey dovey' comments by the end. Debora is probably
the most interesting (and entertaining) option, since she's the new addition to
the game, and offers the most originality. But she's not going to make for a
contented relationship. Nera has her Crispin, and makes it clear she's not
going to be a very active participant, although she gets the most powerful
spell. She will also call you darling all the time, and be very nice.

If you're not bothered about their personalities, or hair colour, then Bianca
is the all rounder, Nera is best at magic, and Debora is the better physical
fighter. She also is the only character that can equip the Akillics weapons,
and she can equip the Hela Hammer which is useful if you're hunting Metal
Slimes!. One further thing is that you'll get some additional cash if you
marry one of Rod's girls. It's not a huge amount, and given that money is not
likely to be a problem, not something to influence your decision.

The Wedding Veil
After you've chosen your bride, the girls will depart for the villa, (Debora
won't help if you don't pick her) and Rod wants you to go and fetch a Wedding
Veil from a dealer that trades in a cave in a spa town...that's Stockenbarrel.
Chat to the townspeople for their reactions to your choice and leave town. Sail
the ship up the river (it will be next to the western bridge or at the north of
the Mostroferrato island) and stop at the place where Bianca opened the gate.
Walk east to Stockenbarrel and enter the item shop. Talk to the dealer and
he'll give you the [WEDDING VEIL].

Walk up to Whitey's house and go underneath to talk to the man there who will
give you a wedding gift of a [SEED OF WISDOM]. This only occurs when fetching
the veil, and you won't get anything from him if you marry Bianca. However,
there is a second chance to pick up this item if you call in here during
Generation 3, but again, you get nothing if Bianca is your wife. (Many thanks
to yingchenluo for information about this item and further confirmation from
chaoyun2k.) Call in on Whitey for his reaction to your choice (optional) and
then return to Mostroferrato. You can just zoom back.

The morning after the marriage, move Hero to leave the villa and you will find

Nera And Debora Marriage
As soon as you enter the town, after fetching the Veil, events will proceed.
The wedding is going to take place on board the casino ship (Vegas style!) You
are asked to cast Zoom, and the whole wedding party will be transported. Next
scene takes place in the luxury suite and all you have to do is move Hero. When
asked if you are ready for the ceremony answer Yes, or you will get the whole
description of what's about to happen, once more. It's the same for the
ceremony. Answer yes, or the priest repeats himself. At the kissing part, move
to your bride and press A to tie the knot, and after this you'll be back in
Mostroferrato. Answer yes to Nera/Debora's questions or she'll keep asking.

Talk to Rod back in his mansion and he'll agree that Debora/Nera can
accompany hero if they go and check the Pot at the "Pothold" shrine north of
the town (west of Stockenbarrel) and she doesn't mess things up. You will also
be able to open the two chests in the room at long last. The left one contains
[2000 GOLD COINS] and the right has the [ZENITHIAN SHIELD].

Bianca's Marriage
After getting the Veil, go the villa (down the path from Rod's mansion) and
speak to the women guarding the door. She'll tell you that the Veil must be in
your personal inventory if it's not. When it is, she'll take it from you and
return all items Bianca might have been carrying. Go inside and speak to the
maid who's blocking the staircase. After giving Bianca the veil, leave the
villa (Bianca will follow) and you'll be escorted to the church. Harry will
arrive just in time, and the wedding takes place in the local church.

The next day, visit Rod and collect the items in the two treasure chests. When
you talk to him he'll give you a ship! He will also tell you where to go next
if you speak to him again: go south from Lodestar harbour and you'll find the
desert kingdom of Helmunaptra. You can also stop off at the Ventuno casino ship
in the town of Pontoon. He suggests you revisit a few places, and check up on
old friends (Harry) and this really is a great idea. Take a honeymoon and have
fun for a while!

* If you don't marry Bianca she will leave the party forever and return to
Stockenbarrel, but all her items will be in the bag.
* If you do marry Bianca you don't have to go to the Pothold.

Wife's Equipment
She joins the party at level 10 and equipped with Akillics, Silver Tiara, Silk
Dress, Circle of Water, and has the Wedding Veil in her inventory. Equip the
veil: it's a helmet. If you marry Debora you can use her room as a free inn,
but you have to sleep on the floor.

She joins the party at Level 8 and equipped with Morning Star, Scale Shield,
Circle of Water, Cloak of Evasion and Silver Tiara. If you marry Nera you can
use her room as a free inn, and start to get used to her calling you 'darling'.

Joins at whatever level she has reached, possibly level 20, and with the
Wedding Veil and Circle of Water equipped. You'll have to re-equip her after
the wedding.

Checking the Pot with Nera or Debora
You don't have to do this if you marry Bianca. With either of the other two
girls, leave the town and sail the ship up the river to the gate that Bianca
unlocked. Don't go through the open gate, but sail west and you'll be halted by
some rocks. You can land here, next to the trees, and there is a small temple
type structure. Enter this, and your wife will unlock the door. Walk up the
left steps and there is a small white step that leads into the building. Walk
down the circular stairs and check out the pot at the bottom. Exit, and zoom
back to Mostroferrato to report back to Rod. Answer yes or no whichever you

After this the game continues as for Bianca, and you'll be told to go to
Lodestar Harbour and take the ship.

SAILING THE SEAS (OPTIONAL) ............................................. *W33

Your real goal is to sail south and find Helmunaptra, but you can take your
time and go sightseeing.

TASK : Board your ship at Lodestar Harbour and sail away!
Knick-Knacks: Ship In A Bottle
Sea Enemies : 181 Man 0' War(R), 184 Merman, 186 Sea Dog, 187 Cross Bones,
190 Thaumatosaurus.
The ship is not visible on the world map, but all you need to do is zoom to
Lodestar Harbour and enter the large building at the docks. First of all talk
to the man at the left and you can buy a souvenir [SHIP IN A BOTTLE]
Knick-Knack for 1000 Gold Coins. Speak to the sailor at the gangplank, and then
walk up and speak to the captain. You'll now have access to the ship for the
rest of the game. If you enter the pub in town the locals will give you more
information about the desert city.

If you zoom somewhere, the ship will follow you, and you can even zoom directly
from the ship. Zoom to Coburg and the ship will be in a tiny pool next to the
castle, and you can sail in here and fight sea monsters! Actually, there's no
need to visit Harry at this point, as he doesn't give you anything new, or say
much of note, but you get a chance to comment on how married life is treating

NOTE: If, for any reason, you missed getting the zoom spell, or just fancy a
stroll, then you'll have to walk to Lodestar Harbour. The route is: back
through the tunnel from Mostroferrato (it's to the east of the town over the
bridge and then walk a few steps north), and then walk north past Scuttlebutt,
and keep going until you see another town, Zoomingale (where you get the zoom
spell), and then head due east to the coast, and south a few steps to find
Lodestar Harbour.

Location: Sail east from Lodestar Harbour and then south and you will find a
small island. This is where you'll find the town Pontoon and the
Ventuno Casino ship.

Local Services: Church, Inn.

Games: Slurpodome, Slime Race, T'n'T Board, Slot Machines, Poker Tables
TASK : Complete the T'n'T board and gamble!
Items : T'n'T Ticket x4, Tombola Ticket, Mini Medal x2, 30 Gold, Casino
Token, Dancer's Costume.
Mini Medals : 15MM Ventuno: Enclosed stair hallway, in corner barrel.
16MM Ventuno: On the right deck at the Casino end of ship, third
Knick-Knacks: None
Trade Tokens for: | Cost | Effect
Elfin Elixir | 300| Restores all MP for one.
Yggrdasil Leaf | 1000| Use to resurrect a party member with full HP.
Kamikaze Bracer | 5000| Explodes if user dies.
Falcon Knife Earrings | 10000| +35 ATK Hits twice.
Metal King Sword | 50000| +130 ATK
Gringham Whip | 250000| +100 ATK

Explore the small town first, although there are no items here and there's
nothing inside the well. The bunny girl at the left will sell you tokens at 20
Gold Coins for 1. The girl at the right will exchange your tokens for prizes.
These are the same as at Fortuna except for the final item. The Slurpodrome is
here as well. There's a man who will offer to tell you the secret of winning at
poker for 5,000 Gold Coins. Don't bother, since all he will tell you is that
there is no way to guarantee a win! (He doesn't take your money.)

Walk along the gangplank and you'll be on board the large Casino ship. You'll
recognise it if you married Nera or Debora. The church is at the left from the
entrance and it's wise to save here before you get tempted into any gambling.
There is nothing inside the two barrels at the left of the church area, but
there is a [T'N'T TICKET] in the first barrel to right of main deck church

Enter the door under the church and there are a couple of crew bedrooms There
is a [T'N'T TICKET] in the chest of drawers in the left room, and a [TOMBOLA
TICKET] in right room drawer. Go down the stairs from the hole in the floor and
change the camera angle to spot three barrels in this otherwise empty room.
There's a [MINI MEDAL] in the barrel in the corner near the stairs. Go down the
next hole and you'll be in a small room adjacent to the finish of the T 'n' T
board. For now, go down again and you'll be in the hold. A barrel to the right
of the door into the kitchen has [30 GOLD]. Return up the stairs and exit into
the T'N'T board area.

Walk up to the middle of the room and there's a red door that just leads to
another T'N'T room. Take either stairs at the far end of the main room and
you'll be inside the main casino. Walk down the room and there is a [CASINO
TOKEN] sparkling on the floor next to the stairs that take you back onto the

The last area left to explore is the casino end of the main deck. Walk up to
the area near the sail and there is a row of barrels to the right. The third
one contains a [T'N'T TICKET] and the fourth has a [MINI MEDAL]. There are more
barrels at the left of the sail, but they contain nothing.

Enter the door in the middle of the top deck and this is a free inn. The room
to the right has a [T'N'T TICKET] in the chest of drawers. The door down the
steps leads to more bedrooms. The small middle one at the right has a [DANCER'S
COSTUME] inside the cupboard (change the camera to see it if need be.) Whew,
after all this effort, time for some fun!

ii. VENTUNO T'N'T BOARD (OPTIONAL) ................................... [VENTNT]
TASK : Beat the T'n'T Board. Play games for tokens.
Turns : 18
Prize : Lacy Bustier, Prayer Ring.
T'N'T BOARD SHOP | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison.
Magic Water | 120 | Recovers some MP to one.
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Top Hat | 2000 | +20 DEF Helmet

This board is divided into three sections. You will go down some stairs from
the first floor, and on the second one you have to land on either warp tile
which takes you to the third area.

V E N T U N O T 'N' T B O A R D L A Y O U T A N D T R E A S U R E S
1. Board Treasures (not including ground searches, or cash reward tiles)
T'n'T Ticket, Magic Shield, Seed of Life, T'n'T Ticket
2. Treasure Trove Contents
3. Ground Search Items (Random finds)
5-12 Gold Coins, 80-200 Gold Coins, Antidotal Herb, Chimaera Wing,
Holy Water, Leather Shield, Mini Medal, Paring Knife, Paxa Punch,
Pointy Hat, Pot Lid, Tombola Ticket, Tortoise Shell, Wayfarer's Clothes.
See the Lists section on Mini-Games for more details about all the tiles.

SRT - Start SHP - Village Shop
FIN - Finish INN - Village Inn
AR> - Arrow - check direction ZAP - Lose HP
GRS - Grass TRP - Trapdoor
FOR - Forest STA - Stairs
HIL - Hill HEA - Healing Breeze
SLM - Slime 1/2 - Lose Half MP
BAC - Back to the start
WRP - Warp
>!< - Random Attribute Change
>?< - Question Mark - random effects
SLO - Slow Motion Roll (pick the number)
M-# - Move backwards (number of tiles)
M+# - Move forwards (number of tiles)
R-# - Remove (number) roll/s of the dice
R+# - Add (number) roll/s of the dice
TC# - Treasure Chest (number)
DR# - Dresser Drawers (number)
PT# - Pot (number)
G+1 - Add 100 Gold CoinsG+2 - Add 200 Gold Coins
G-1 - Remove 100 Gold Coins



FLOOR 1 (Straight ahead from the start)

[R+1] [HIL][SLM] [HIL][BAC][R+1][FOR][M-3][GRS]
[STA] [M-3] [GRS] [TC2] [>?<]
[BAC] [G+2] [G-1] [M-2] [SHP]
[TRP][R-3][ZAP][GRS][DR1][FOR] [TRP] [WRP]
[SLM][G-1][SLO][FIN] ^
[FOR][PT1][G+1][HIL][SLM] |
[INN] [WRP] >------------------------------------^
[STA][ARR] [SLO] |
[TC1] [HEA] |
[WRP][M+2][FOR][1/2][M-3] |

Location: This small island lies off the south coast of the central continent.
Local Services: Church, Inn (10 Gold per person).
TASK : Find a special souvenir for the old man. Open up the
Knick-Knackatory and place your knick-knacks.
Items : Mini Medal, T'n'T Ticket x2, Chamois.
Mini Medal : 17MM Inside a barrel in the basement room.
Area Enemies: 116 Hoodlum(R), 118 Tortoceratops, 120 Drag-goon.

Arrive here for the first time and Old Man Knick-Knack will be waiting for you
at the door. You should already have collected a few things, but he wants ths
'dream' souvenir before he'll let you in. It is located at Dominicus's
Dominion, which is just a short sail to the south-east. After finding the Maxi
Medal give it to Old Man Nick, and you will be granted access to the
Knick-Knackatory, and appointed curator!

Go inside and place your knick-knacks on any of the pedestals. When you've done
that you can read their descriptions. You can only place or move knick-knacks
at night. (Use the Night Light if you don't have access to the Tick-Tock
spell.) If you speak to Old Nick he will give you the Chamois. This isn't a
knick-knack but it's used to polish the Toff's Tea Set! The innkeeper is the
man in green and the room behind him is Old Nick's bedroom. There is a diary in
the bookshelf that you can read, but, so far as I know, you never get to open
the treasure chest.

From the entrance go through the door to the right and down the lower set of
stairs. You'll be in a basement room (with more display pedestals) and three
barrels. There is a [MINI MEDAL] in the one in the left corner, and a [T'N'T
TICKET] and another [T'N'T TICKET] in the other two.

The other stairs lead down to a church, and Exotica Net Expo. You can make your
very own knick-knacks (for free) with Exotic Annette, and they will be
displayed in the back room. From the entrance, again, climb up the stairway to
the top floor and there is a single display where you can place an item and a
man will give you more details about it. (He won't be there on this first
visit.) Exit the doors at the bottom of the screen and you'll find a balcony.
Later on visitors will be found here as well as in the rest of the building.


Location: Sail all the way south to find this large island at the south centre
of the world map. It's due east of the desert continent where you'll find
Helmunaptra, and a short sail south-east from the Knick-Knackatory island.

Local Services: Bank, Inn (5 Gold per person).

TASK : Find the souvenir for Old Man Knick-Knack.
Items : Iron Mask, Maxi Medal.
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: Chocolate Medalliyum
Enemies : 001 Slime(R), 010 Bubble Slime, 043 Metal Slime(R),
088 Cureslime(R), 091 King Slime(R).
Mini Medal Prizes | COST | EQUIP | Notes
Powjamas | 12 | HPS | +40 DEF Armour
Glombolero | 17 | BNM | +37 DEF Armour. Sometimes absorbs MP
Miracle Sword | 23 | HD | +100 ATK Heals HP.
Sacred Armour | 28 | HP | +75 DEF Heals HP during battle
Falcon Blade | 35 | T | +67 ATK Hits twice.
Metal King Shield | 50 | HPST | +70 Shield that's shockproof

There's a treasure chest at the left of the building and this contains an Iron
Mask. Other than that there's nothing to find inside the palace, just yet. On
this first visit (after meeting Old Man Knick-Knack) talk to King Dominicus and
answer yes. Then talk to the lady at the inn, who gave the item to the man
standing next to the bank. He dumped it outside, so go outside and you'll see a
large golden item just to the right of the palace. Investigate it, and agree to
go to the rescue. You will obtain the [MAXI MEDAL].

Return to talk to the king and he'll tell you to keep it. The king is the one
who collects Mini Medals and you could exchange some, (talk to him to see the
list of items) but I'd keep them until you can get something of more use than
Powjamas or the Glombolero. You will be able to find a large quantity of Mini
Medals eventually. See the lists sections for details of where you can find

Buy a [CHOCOLATE MEDALLIYUM] for 480 Gold from the woman who runs the inn: you
have to ask her from the left or right of the counter, or she will just think
you want to stay at the inn. There is also a locked treasure room down a hole
in the floor behind her inn. This is only accessed with the Ultimate Key.

Dominicus's Dominion is an excellent place to gain some levels at this stage

of the game. At least, it is, if you can kill some Metal Slimes before they run

HELMUNAPTRA - DESERT TOWN ............................................... *W34

Local Services: Church, Inn (20 Gold per person), Weapon, Armour and Item Shops
TASK : Talk to the Queen and find the Zenithian Helmet.
Items : 2000 Gold Coins (only if married Nera/Debora)
Boxer Shorts (tent), Chimaera Wing, T'n'T Ticket, Seed of
Resilience, Seed of Magic, Mini Medal x2,
Mini Medals : 19MM Helmunaptra Castle: lower floor garden, inside well.
18MM Desert Tent: right hand pot inside the tent
Knick-Knacks: Desert Rose
Enemies : 059 Urnexpected
Area Enemies: 001 Slime(R), 086 Hotbog, 088 Cureslime(R), 090 Orc,
091 King Slime(R), 092 Flamethrower(R), 094 Lazy Eye.
WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Somatic Staff | 2500 | +55 ATK Uses MP to attack
Morning Star | 3000 | +45 ATK Attacks a group of enemies (whip)
Battle Axe | 4000 | +45 ATK
Cautery Sword | 4400 | +44 ATK Use for flame attack
Saw Blade | 1200 | +27 ATK
Steel Fangs | 2000 | +35 ATK Monsters only
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Iron Cuirass | 1000 | +23 DEF
Cloak of Evasion | 3000 | +28 DEF User might avoid attack
Silver Mail | 4800 | +40 DEF
Lacy Bustier | 5500 | +36 DEF Female only
Magic Shield | 3400 | +22 DEF Deflects magic and fire/ice attacks
Top Hat | 2000 | +20 DEF
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Rockbomb Shard | 450 | Throw at an enemy to cause a bang. One time.
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Floral Parasol | 1000 | +8 DEF Debora only (shield)
ITEM SHOP (Oasis) | Cost | Effect
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Moonwort Bulb | 30 | Cures one from paralysis.
Rockbomb Shard | 450 | Throw at an enemy to cause a bang. One time.
Cherub Chime | 500 | Use in battle to cure from confusion
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Floral Parasol | 1000 | +8 DEF Debora only (shield)

Desert Tent
Location: Eastern corner of the desert continent.

You'll find a single tent with an old man and advice about the location of the
Queen and Dominicus. A [MINI MEDAL] is in the right pot inside the tent, and
[BOXER SHORTS] in the left pot. Drop down into the Well to find a chap with
advice on the location of Dominicus's Dominion.

Desert Town
Location: Due west of the tent. Stay at the south side of the rocks to find the
castle town.

When you arrive (if you have married Debora or Nera) speak to the guard
waiting at the bottom of the steps to the castle. He will deposit a treasure
chest at your wife's feet! This [2000 GOLD COINS] is a gift from your generous

Enter the Weapon Shop to find a [CHIMAERA WING] in a pot in the bottom level
room. The man in the Armour Shop (not the shopkeeper) will give you information
about the Desert Rose even if you visit at night. Stay the night at the inn and
go out early in the morning to find these lying in the desert. Walk a few steps
south of the town and you'll see two rocks that weren't there yesterday. Use
the EXAMINE skill to check the rock (or just click on it) and you should find a
Rose. By the way, if you don't want to pay 120 Gold for a night's rest for
everyone then zoom back to a cheaper town and come back the next day for the
same result!

The Castle cannot be entered at night, but once inside there are a few things
to find. There is a book in the right hand room that informs you yet again of
the location of Dominius and the Knick Knack island, one with a bad monster
joke, and another with advice about the desert. The top left bedroom has a
[T'N'T TICKET] in the middle drawers. The first pot in the top right corner of
the kitchen contains an "URNEXPECTED" monster, and the one next to it has a
[SEED OF RESILIENCE]. There's a [SEED OF MAGIC] in the right hand barrel.
Everyone here will talk about the Legendary Hero if you want to find out a
little more.

Go down the stairs in the middle of the hallway to find Queen Cleohatra in her
garden. Answer Yes, and she will lead you to the grave of the legendary hero
inside the western tower. When prompted to do so, try on the Helm. Shucks, it
doesn't fit. After this, follow the queen back up the stairs and exit the
tower. Return to the castle and head back down to the garden. Talk to the queen
again and answer yes, explaining why you are chasing after the legendary hero.
Wow, now we learn the truth, and the name "Gotha". Pick up the [MINI MEDAL]
from the bottom of the well. You can head upstairs, but there is nothing to
find, just a couple of girls. Now you have a new task: to journey to Gotha.

There's one more thing to do. Walk up the left of the castle wall and under the
small bridge that leads to the left tower, and you will find a man lying in the
sand. Talk to him and he wants water. The only way you can give some to him, is
to push him to the right, to the oasis. Turn the camera to line up behind him.
When you get there, he'll recover, and open his item shop.

Before leaving, find another Desert Rose (stay the night somewhere again) and
then zoom to Mostroferrato and sail up the river to Stockenbarrel. Give it to
the man inside the well, and you receive Scintillating Sinter, the knick-knack.

(Later in the game the daughter of the weapon shop man will return home, and
tell you about the man at Stockenbarrel who spoke of the Desert Rose, in case
you forget about this. You can also find someone in the church, at night, who
will tell you how to obtain a Desert Rose.)

KNOT WELCOME INNE ....................................................... *W35

Location: Sail due east from the desert, and land on the shore of the south
eastern continent. The inn is situated at the north of the patch of
Local Services: Inn (10 Gold per person), Church.
TASK : Rest and save before venturing into Mount Batten
Items : T'n'T Ticket.
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: Forget-me-Knot Flag
Area Enemies: 094 Lazy Eye, 095 Wizened Wizard, 096 Drag-goof(R),
101 Eyevory Tusk-Tusk, 102 Stone Golem, 104: Samigina(R),
108: Hex Hellmet, 109: Orc King(R)

The well contains a chatty Blue Slime, but nothing else, and there is a [T'N'T
TICKET] in a barrel on the wooden platform to right of the Inn entrance. Chat
to Granny Knot for some philosophical advice on life. Stay the night and talk
to the innkeeper the next day, and you will be given a Forget-me-Knot Flag
Knick-Knack. But you have to talk to him from behind the counter, and you only
get the gift if you have a group of four or more. You'll also get some
information about Gotha from the nun and the other visitor.

If you walk north along the coast you'll run into Hex Hellmet, Samigina, Stone
Golem and Orc King enemies, but eventually you will be stopped from going
further by the mountains. This is quite a good place to fight these monsters,
and maybe hope to recruit one, especially the Orc King who has the skill of
Zing: resurrection! Watch out for groups of Eyevory Tusk Tusks, which can
inflict fear on everyone and then hit you for a fair amount of damage as well
as being able to send someone back to the wagon.

From the Inn, walk north a few steps, and keep to the eastern edge
of the purple pond. (If Debora is your wife she will get the spell Safe Passage
at level 18 so you could walk safely over the purple stuff). Enter the cave,
which leads to a mountain pass called Mount Batten. You're on your way home!

Before starting out for Gotha you could spend some time raising levels for your
monsters, (and especially for your wife if you chose Nera or Debora) recruiting
more monsters, and checking out your Big Book of Beasts. With both the ship and
the zoom spell, it's easy enough to dash around from place to place and revisit
areas, including dungeons. Maybe complete both T'n'T boards if you haven't done
so already, and play the casinos. I tended to use this inn as a base, partly
because it's quick to visit both church and inn, even though it's not the
cheapest place to stay. Once you set out for Gotha you're committed to a long
trek and the next town is not a zoom location.

Anyhow, I'm stopping here for a while...

MOUNT BATTEN ............................................................ *W36

Location: The entrance to the mountain pass is north of the Knot Welcome Inne.
TASK : Navigate the paths through the mountain to Battenberg.
Items : 550 Gold Coins, Mini Medalx3, Prayer Ring, Flowing Dress (Nera or
Debora only)
Mini Medals : 20MM Mt Batten Pass: Left pot inside inhabited cave.
21MM Mt Batten Pass: Treasure chest at the far left of the path.
22MM Mt Batten Pass: Treasure chest at the left of cave.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 059 Urnexpected, 077 Hunter Mech, 090 Orc, 095 Wizened Wizard,
096 Drag-goof(R), 097 Deadcurion, 098 Wight Prince, 099 Lindworm,
103 Quack Up,

From the Knot Welcome Inne, walk north a few steps, and edge around the purple
pond. Enter the cave, which leads to a mountain pass called Mount Batten.
You're on your way home!

Follow the path and, after you cross the third bridge, open the chest
containing [550 GOLD COINS] You'll see a hole on the next ledge, so follow the
path to the left and then climb up to reach it. This leads into a deserted
cavern. The pot at the left contains a [MINI MEDAL] and the one at the back
wall is an "URNEXPECTED". Carry on down to the next floor and talk to the woman
who will let you stay if you say that you lost your way. That night, your wife
awakens you with some disturbing news... As a result of this encounter, Hero
will gain +5 Strength points! You can stay here for free as often as you like,
but you won't get another stat boost.

The next day carry on, and climb the path to the left of the cave for a chest
with a [PRAYER RING]. Then, return to the main path and walk all the way to the
left. Head down the path, to find a chest with a [MINI MEDAL]. Back to the path
and go up, and then right, as it winds around, until you reach a cave entrance.
If you married one of the Briscoletti girls there will be another gift from the
guard. Talk to him and he will leave a treasure chest containing a [FLOWING
DRESS]. Equip this armour, as it has the valuable property of deflecting damage
from magic attacks, as well as fire and ice attacks. No lightning damage with
this dress!

Make sure to have a dedicated healer as one of your team in here, as the
Wight Prince wizards can use powerful lightning magic on everyone at once, and
try not to let the the Quack Ups live long enough to put you all to sleep!
Follow the lower path to the left to find a treasure chest containing a [MINI
MEDAL]. Then, walk up the path and up the stairs into another large cavern.
Head down a few steps, follow the slope up to the next pathway, and continue to
the right and up to the top. Here you will cross a couple of bridges and can
speak to a travelling priest, who isn't very helpful. But that doesn't matter,
since you will arrive at a village as soon as you pass through the exit.

BATTENBERG .............................................................. *W37

Location: This town can only be accessed on foot, via Mount Batten or from
Gotha Pass.
Local Services: Inn (10 Gold per person), Church, Weapon and Armour Shop,
TASK : Rest and recuperate before entering the pass to Gotha.
Items : Monster Munchies, Tombola Ticket, Paxa Punch, T'n'T Ticket,
Mini Medal.
Mini Medals : 23MM Battenberg: Left room under weapon shop, in a barrel.
Knick-Knacks: Batten Binnacle
Enemies : None
WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Morning Star | 3000 | +45 ATK Attacks a group of enemies (whip)
Battle Axe | 4000 | +45 ATK
Cautery Sword | 4400 | +44 ATK Use for flame attack
Fire Claw | 4700 | +53 ATK Use for fire attack
Dream Blade | 6300 | +55 ATK May inflict sleep
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Silver Mail | 4800 | +40 DEF
Lacy Bustier | 5500 | +36 DEF Female only
Blood Mail | 6500 | +45 DEF Monsters only
Legerdemantle | 6800 | +27 DEF Reduces magic damage
Magic Shield | 3400 | +22 DEF Deflects magic and fire/ice attacks
Iron Mask | 3500 | +25 DEF

After a free night's rest (you'll find out why it's free), you can explore the
place the next day. Chat to everyone for advice about marriage and information
about Gotha. Note that you cannot zoom to Battenberg, so if you zoom out of
here, the only way back is to walk.

The inn has a pack of [MONSTER MUNCHIES] in the barrel next to the stove at the
right. There is a book about good inns in the bookcase inside the Church, and a
[TOMBOLA TICKET] in the chest of drawers to the left of the altar.

Enter the door with the shop sign and go downstairs. There is a phial of [PAXA
PUNCH] in the first pot. The left hand room has a [T'N'T TICKET] in the
left hand drawers, and a [MINI MEDAL] in the top barrel. The right hand room
has nothing. The old woman in the left room here, will tell you that someone
has lost the Batten Binnacle, and you'll find the child who lost it at the
entrance to the cave, if you cross the bridge. Go back and talk to granny
again, and she'll give you the [BATTEN BINNACLE] knick-knack.

NOTE: If you miss this item during this generation, you can return later,
though you'll still have to walk. Talk to the man laid out on his bed in the
left room underneath the weapon shop. I guess it's the child grown up, but he
will give you this item.

When you are ready, cross the bridge to the right, and you can see Gotha a long
way down below. Enter the Pass to Gotha. It's going to be a long journey.

PASS TO GOTHA ........................................................... *W38

TASK : Traverse the pass and reach Gotha.
Items : Mini Medal x3, Restless Armour, Yggdrasil Leaf, 270 Gold Coins,
Rockbomb Shard, Staff of Divine Wrath, Chimaera Wing, Dieamend,
Seed of Agility. Mini Medal x3 (Optional Mimic fights)
OPTIONAL: (tell the truth) T'n'Ticket, Mini Medal, Flowing Dress.
Mini Medals : 24MM Gotha Pass: In treasure chest on Floor 9
25MM Gotha Pass: Defeat Mimic in treasure chest on Floor 9.
26MM Gotha Pass: Defeat Mimic in treasure chest on Floor 4.
27MM Gotha Pass: In treasure chest on Floor 4.
28MM Gotha Pass: In treasure chest on outside ledge of Floor 4.
29MM Gotha Pass: Answer yes to second question, or tell the truth
to the man on the outside ledge on floor 2.
30MM Gotha Pass: Defeat Mimic in treasure chest on Floor 8
Knick-Knacks: None.
Enemies : 050 Cannibox, 065 Liquid Metal Slime(R), 078 Mimic,
092 Flamethrower(R), 096 Drag-goof(R), 097 Deadcurion,
098 Wight Prince, 099 Lindworm, 100 Minidemon, 103 Quack Up,
104 Samigina(R), 105 Hocus Chimaera, 106 Toxtongue.

When you start out again, you'll find that only you and your wife are in the
active party. This was a bit of shock when I was faced with the serried ranks
of Deadcurions. However, the rest are still available: just make sure to put
them back in the party. At least you have the wagon and can use everyone. If
Hero has reached level 25 he will learn the Spell Zing which is going to be
handy in here, since he has a chance of bringing someone back to life if they
die. Watch out for the Minidemons who will change your tactics, and make sure
to change them back again to your preferred option. If you want to know which
floor you are on, then use the Batten Binnacle and it will kindly tell you!

Floors 11,10 and 9
Enter the cave and go down two sets of steps to the Floor 9. Walk down from the
stairs and to the right to get a [MINI MEDAL] from the chest. Go back to the
stairs and walk right and follow the path to open two visible chests. The left
one contains [1500 GOLD COINS], and the right is a Mimic. Fight it to obtain a
[MINI MEDAL]. Beware, as this enemy can use the spell Thwack which can affect
everyone and destroy you all! Ouch.

I found that Saber's War Cry skill was very effective against mimics, making
them fearful, or you would put them sleep with the Dream Blade or a spell, or
cast Fizzle to prevent them from using magic. Whack will work on them as well,
and it's quite satisfying to give them a dose of their own medicine! (Mimics
always drop Mini Medals so I have included these in the main listing for Mini

Now, still on the same floor, follow the path down the right side of the cave,
and jump down when you reach the outside ledge.

Floors 7, 5 and 4
Enter the cavern (floor 7) and walk left, and then down the passage to the
outside. Jump down again when outside, and open a chest for [RESTLESS ARMOUR].

You're now on floor 5, so enter the cave opening and descend the stairs to
floor 4. Walk up, and open a visible treasure chest for a [YGGDRASIL LEAF].
Follow the path to the right, past an island that you cannot reach just yet,
and then up, to open two more chests. The first of these is another Mimic.
Defeat it, to gain another [MINI MEDAL]. The chest to the right contains a
[MINI MEDAL], but you don't have to fight for this!

From here, walk down and follow the passage to the left, which takes you
outside again. Open a chest for another [MINI MEDAL]. Return inside, and then
go right and down the steps to floor 3.

Floors 3, 2 and 1
In front of you is another chest with [270 GOLD COINS]. Walk down the path to
the outside ledge, and then head back inside the left entrance to reach the
left side of the floor.
Walk left (don't jump down the hole) and down the stairs to floor 2. You'll
arrive in the middle of this floor and there are various options now. First of
all go left and down the long path to the outside ledge. If you answer yes to
the man (and lie) he gives you a [T'N'T TICKET]. He then asks if you lost a
[MINI MEDAL]. Again, answer yes and you'll get this, and there is a third
question, with the same results. Keep answering NO to all three questions (tell
the truth) and you get a lot more bang for your buck. Basically, he is so
impressed that he gives you all three items! That's the ticket, the medal and

Head back inside and you might be lucky to meet a Liquid Metal Slime. Take the
left stairs down to a small section of floor 1 and open a treasure chest for a
[ROCKBOMB SHARD]. Return to floor 2. Now, walk to the right, and take these
steps up to a small cave on floor 3.

Floors 4 - 6 - 8
Go up the stairs from floor 3 to the island on floor 4, that you couldn't reach
before. There's only one route and that's up and up again via floor 5, and then
to floor 6. There is a treasure chest here with [1600 GOLD COINS] and three
gaps in the floor. Ignore these if you want to get the rest of the treasure, or
if you want a quick exit, jump down the middle one.

From floor 6 keep going up the stairs until you reach floor 8, where you will
find another room with a treasure chest. This is a MIMIC, and you will get
another [MINI MEDAL] when you beat him.

Climb the steps in the middle of the passage and immediately go back down these
steps to emerge at the lower side of floor floor 8. There's another chest here,
which contains the [STAFF OF DIVINE WRATH].

Floor 9
Now, return back up the middle steps to floor 9 and in this next room there are
two chests at the far left. The right hand one contains a [CHIMAERA WING], and
the other is a CANNIBOX monster. The other steps on floor 9 lead to floor 10
and there is a hole to the right of this area. If you jump down, you will end
up at the start of the dungeon again. I suppose it's a kind of long way round,
short cut to Battenberg. Avoid this.

Instead, keep going back down all those stairs you climbed until you arrive
back at floor 6, which is the cavern with the three holes in the floor.

Floor 6 to Floor 1
Jump down the hole in the middle, (the other two will take you where you don't
want to go) and carry on down the passage to the outside, and finally jump down
to the grass. Yay! Walk left and open a chest for a [DIEAMEND].

Go back inside the cavern and open the two chests. The one at the right
contains a [SEED of AGILITY], and the top one is a another CANNIBOX. (The
steps at the top just lead back to more steps that take you back to floor 6,
and a quick way back to Battenberg, if you jump down one of the side holes.)
Walk left, and then down the passage, to find yourself outside again. You can
chat to the person for some information, and when you continue down the path
you will back on the world map. Don't be tempted to zoom anywhere yet, or you'd
have to go through all that again! Walk through the trees a few steps and
you'll be at Gotha Castle. Homecoming!

GOTHA CASTLE ............................................................ *W39

Local Services: Church, Inn (5 gold per person), Item Shop, Weapon Shop, Armour
Shop, Bar. (Locked door accessible later with Magic Key.)
TASK : Find Sancho, explore the castle and find the items.
Items : Dieamend, Lacy Bustier, Mini Medal x3, Seed of Resilience,
Tombola Ticket, Seed of Wisdom, T'n'T Ticket, Seed of Strength,
Seed of Life, Boxer Shorts.
Mini Medals : 31MM Gotha: On balcony adjoining Hero's bedroom.
32MM Gotha: Floor 2, bathroom inside left cabinet.
33MM Gotha: Floor 1, inside fourth pot in top left room
Knick-Knacks: None, as yet.
Area Enemies: 094 Lazy Eye, 095 Wizened Wizard, 096 Drag-goof(R),
101 Eyevory Tusk-Tusk.
WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Edged Boomerang | 1500 | +25 ATK Attacks all enemies at once
Sledgehammer | 1800 | +30 ATK
Steel Fangs | 2000 | +35 ATK Monsters only
Serpent Sword | 3900 | +42 ATK
Fire Claw | 4700 | +53 ATK Use for fire attack
Dream Blade | 6300 | +55 ATK May inflict sleep
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Shimmering Dress | 8000 | +45 DEF May reflect back magic
Silver Mail | 4800 | +40 DEF
Silver Cuirass | 5000 | +40 DEF
Dragon Mail | 7500 | +50 DEF Reduce fire damage
Tempest Shield | 4700 | +35 DEF Use & make low level enemies vanish.
Iron Mask | 3500 | +25 DEF
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Rockbomb Shard | 450 | Throw at an enemy to cause a bang. One time.
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Scale Shield | 180 | +7 DEF
Fur Hood | 400 | +11 DEF
Tortoise Shell | 2500 | +33 DEF

Gotha is a castle that hosts the town inside it, in case you were wondering
where the hell the town had disappeared to, and the ground floor area is the
town. You can walk through the front doors and straight down this floor, where
you'll find a church and can save your game. If you want to stay incognito for
a while, just chat to the citizens and learn a bit about the past and the
present of Gotha and its king. You can explore this floor, and wander around a
bit, but you won't get past the guards into the the main castle.

To move on with the story, head to the right of the castle, just inside the
outer wall, and enter the small house. Here you will meet Sancho, and he will
escort you and your wife inside the castle, to meet Prince Albert. Events take
over for a while, and finally the truth about your wife's "illness" is
revealed. Talk to her for a comment (Debora's is the best), but she will leave
the party.

Check out the cupboards in this bedroom to find a [DIEAMEND] in the left one,
and a [LACY BUSTIER] in the right. Enter the door in the lower wall of the
bedroom, and pick up a [MINI METAL] from the balcony. Go through the hall to
the kitchen, and then into the bedroom behind it, and there is a [SEED OF
RESILIENCE] in the left chest of drawers.

After finding the treasure, descend the stairs to the throne room. Albert will
speak and after this you will have another goal: to complete the Rite of
Passage and obtain the Royal Insignia. This place is in the forest to the east
of the castle, but there's more to do inside Gotha before starting this quest.
The day will end, and the next day starts in the bedroom.

Return to the King's throne room and you can explore the castle. Leave the
king's room by the front door and you can enter the door to the left and climb
the stairs to the roof if you wish, but there's nothing to find up there except
a chatty guard. Walk around the ramparts and enter the tower at the front of
the castle. Go down one flight of stairs and talk to the guard who will let you
through to floor 2.

Floor 2
Go left to find the barracks bar, and you can chat to the guards and find out
more about the Prince and his chancellor, as well as comments from Tuppence
about monster chess. Seems he's lost a piece. The next room has two treasure
chests, but you need the Magic Key to open the door. There is a weapon shop at
the back of the lower floor and a man inside the room behind it will comment
about the Whealstone Bluestone. You cannot enter the bedroom at the top right.
Enter the bathroom at the bottom right of the floor and you'll find a [MINI
MEDAL] in the left of the two cabinets.

Floor 1 - Gotha Town
Go down to the ground floor. If you head to the right you'll find some stairs
which lead into a small room where you can talk to the Queen's pet slime, and
if you go all the way to the left, there are stairs that lead into another
small room with someone else who will talk to you. Both rooms have no items,

The armour shop is near the left steps, and the small house on the left side of
the floor has a [TOMBOLA TICKET] in the right chest. There is a [SEED OF
WISDOM] in the first barrel in the room behind the house. Go around to the
front of the counter and this is the Item Shop.
Just to the left of the church you'll see a room with a row of pots. Break
these to find: a [T'N'T TICKET] in the far left one, a [MINI MEDAL], the middle
one has nothing, and the next has a [SEED OF STRENGTH].

The room at the top right of the main floor has some steps up to the
Library. There is a book entitled "The Rookie's Guide to Winning at Chess" in
the second set of shelves, (but no missing chess piece) and the librarian will
mention Zenithia if you're interested enough to talk to him.

Return to Sancho's house to find a [SEED OF LIFE] in the pot, [BOXERSHORTS] are
hiding in the left hand cupboard. That's the lot! By the way, if you head out
for a little monster bashing and want to rest, just go back to your bedroom and
talk to your wife and you can rest for free.

RITE OF PASSAGE - TRIALS ................................................ *W40

Location: Walk across the bridge to the east of Gotha Castle and then go north,
to find the cave entrance.
TASK : Complete the Rite of Passage and find the Royal Insignia.
Items : Mini Medal, Spiked Armour, Royal Insignia, Talaria (in Gotha)
Mini Medals : 34MM Rite of Passage: Treasure chest on 1st Underground level.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 065 Liquid Metal Slime(R), 104 Samigina(R), 107 Admirer,
108 Hex Hellmet, 109 Orc King(R), 110 Gasbag, 111 Hippoblockomus,
113 Hula Ghoul.
Area Enemies: 101 Eyevory Tusk-Tusk, 102 Stone Golem, 104 Samigina(R),
105 Hocus Chimaera, 108 Hex Hellmet, 109 Orc King(R)

Before starting this adventure, return to Fortuna or Lodestar Harbour and chat
to Monty to add another monster to your entourage. You have an extra space
since losing your wife, and it's worth while filling it up so the monster will
gain from the experience even if you don't need an additional fighter. You will
find that everyone has been healed from your stay at Gotha, and you might want
to change equipment after receiving your wife's items (you'll find those inside
the bag) and buying new things at the castle. Decide who you want to take into
the cave with you as you will only be permitted to use four characters.

Enter the cave and walk up to find an instruction tablet. Your task is to
promote communication, even between those whose backs are turned. There are
four doors and each room contains two birds on pedestals. All you have to do is
find the ones that you can turn to face each other. Stand on the blue switch at
the back of each room to make the statues move. Take the hint from the bird
tile on the floor, and start with the right hand room. It only takes three
presses of the switch and they will now face each other.

Exit the room and now the bird tile points to another door, second from the
left. Use the switch again and after three presses, these birds are also facing
each other. Leave the room and you are in a new area with some stairs at the
lower end of the passage. Go down to the next level.

While you're here, try and recruit the useful Orc King, and you might kill a
Liquid Metal Slime for a nice boost to experience. Hero was level 26 by the
time I completed this dungeon, thanks to the LMS! The enemy to be cautious of
is the Admirer, because it can appear in groups and copy your party members.
The better your team, the more powerful and annoying this enemy can be!

Second Underground Level
From the stairs, walk up the room following the path until you find a treasure
chest with a [MINI MEDAL].

Walk left along the passage and you'll be a room with a sandy floor and a hole
at the bottom side. There's a locked gate ahead with a treasure chest behind
it. At the left of the sandy floor you'll find some steps leading down to a
lower floor, but there's nothing to find. This is where you will end up if you
step on the switch to open the door. There's a rock lying on the sand and I
thought the idea was to push the rock onto the switch and then forwards so you
can stand on the switch and be protected by the rock in front, but this doesn't
work. Instead, push the rock BEHIND the switch. Apparently it's heavy enough to
prevent a wagon and eight characters from being swept back by the water.

March forwards and take the [SPIKED ARMOUR] from the chest. (I used this on
Goodina, my slime knight.) Go through the silver blue door and take the steps
up to another room with two switches on the floor. The left one
opens a room to the left, and the right've guessed it, but this is
just a small room with nothing in it. Go down the steps in the left room to
find another puzzle room.

Third Underground Level
If you press either of the two switches in the centre of the room, the statue
that blocks the way forwards will move to one side or the other. Left to the
left, right to the right. So far so good, but there's another one blocking the
far end. All you have to do is press the upper blue switch of the two at the
right of the area. This moves the statue up. Unfortunately you cannot see the
statue while on the switch, and while you're backing away to see if it's moved,
you might inadvertently step on the lower of the two switches. This will move
it down again. If this happens then press the upper switch twice.

Finally, walk up the passage to the statue that you moved, and walk left or
right to edge around the urns. Grab the [ROYAL INSIGNIA], and then you have to
walk back down the room (no quick evacuation permitted) to face a boss battle.

Rewards: 1352 experience, 560 gold coins.

Robbin is accompanied by a HIPPOBLOCKOMUS, which is just an ordinary enemy. You

can put him to sleep and dazzle them both for effective protection. Get rid of
the Hippo thing first, and then focus your attacks on Robbin. Even with Hero at
level 26 Robbin' could inflict nearly 100 HP damage, so make sure to keep at
full health. Despite having dazzled him he can make some hits, so don't take
any chances! When his HP is getting low, he'll start to use midheal. If you
have anyone with Drain Magic this might prevent him doing that, but I didn't.

After the battle heal up if you like, but you don't have to stay any longer and
can use Evac to leave the dungeon.

Return to Gotha
Return to Gotha, and if it's night, you won't be allowed in to your own Castle!
No matter, head to Sancho's house and you will rest for free. Next day, head
back upstairs and speak to the king. Events will proceed. Chat to your wife and
the women in the bedroom, and then to the old woman in the hallway who will
tell you go downstairs. Talk to the king and Sancho and then the two guards. If
you miss anyone the king will tell you what to do, and then...there will be a
sound of a baby crying. Return upstairs to greet your wife, and the new

You now get the chance to name them. (The default names are Parry and Madchen,
and this is what I will call them.) Next day is coronation day, and if you
speak to your wife you will gain some extra information about her background.
Go downstairs, and you will be escorted to the coronation. Eventually you wake
up to find that the whole castle is asleep, (drugged more like...), and crashed
out on the floor, including the priest. Make your way up to your room and check
the bed (it's looks empty) to find that your wife has been kidnapped! (The
babies are safe, at least). There will be a council of action in the large room
on the second floor.

After the discussion, head for the exit of the room and there will be a scene
with Sancho. He's left in charge of the babies (and with the Zenithian Sword),
and you've off to rescue your beloved.

Don't leave the castle though. Walk up to the right on this floor, and you can
enter the Chancellor's room (at the top right corner). Open the cabinet to find
a pair of [TALARIA]. These are shoes with wings attached. Head out to the world
map and select to USE this item. You will land next to a blue building on the
coast to the west of Gotha.

KNIGHTMARE TOWERS ....................................................... *W41

Location: The Towers is due north from Northminster Abbey. You can only reach
the Abbey (for the first time) by using the Talaria item when on the world map.
TASK : Find your wife at the top of the Towers.
Items : Mini Medal x3, Seed of Strength, Legerdemantle, Kamikaze Bracer,
Magic Water, 880 Gold Coin, Mini Medal x2 (Mimic), Zombie Mail,
Yggdrasil Leaf, Chimaera Wing,
Mini Medals : 35MM Knightmare Tower: Pot in left room, Floor 2.
36MM Knightmare Tower: Defeat Mimic in treasure chest, Floor 4
37MM Knightmare Tower: In a treasure chest, Floor 8
38MM Knightmare Tower: Defeat Mimic in treasure chest, Floor 3
39MM Knightmare Tower: Pot on Floor 3, room with lever.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 059 Urnexpected, 078 Mimic, 083 Rockbomb(R) (optional)
103 Quack Up, 105 Hocus Chimaera, 106 Toxtongue, 109 Orc King(R),
112 Hawk Man(R), 113 Hula Ghoul, 114 Hellion(R), 117 Air Duckt,
132 Hippoblockomus.
Local Enemies:101 Eyevory Tusk Tusk, 102 Stone Golem, 104 Samigina(R),
105 Hocus Chimaera, 108 Hex Hellmet, 109 Orc King(R)

NOTE: If you don't want to bother reading through all this, then just look at
the linked map. It shows you where to go and what you will find. If you want to
go it alone it's a complicated place, at least, if it's your first time
exploring here, so be prepared for a lot of back-tracking.

You'll start out next to this abbey just across the river to the west of Gotha.
It is a Zoom location so you can easily get back here to save and heal up if
you need to. There is an inn costing 10 gold per person and a church, and you
will find out a bit about the whereabouts of the kidnappers, as well as some
information about a special ink that will take many years to make.

If there's anything you still would like to do, now's the time to do it. Maybe
exchange some Mini Medals, or buy some good things with Casino tokens. Deposit
as many Knick-knacks as possible and generally do anything you feel like doing
before events take over...

From Northminster, walk due north and you will find Knightmare Towers. I think
it's well-named. Before entering make sure you have a fully active party. Hero
will be alone after the events at Gotha and you'll need to check out your
line-up. Also, you can only use a team of four inside, although you can still
recruit monsters into the wagon. There's a chap here and his brother is in a
cave at the bottom of the steps around to the left of the Tower. You can end up
in this small cave if you jump down one of the holes in the higher floors of
the place, and it's a short cut back to the entrance. Enter the door at the
left and there is a healing place. You can enter the front door and there are
enemies to fight from the start. Or you can you can go in through the door at
the right, and fight an additional monster!

Floor 2
If you enter from the door at the right, then there will be a Hellion to defeat
on the next floor. It emerges from the teleporter in the right hand area. Kill
it, and enter the teleporter. Walk left and you are in a room with two treasure
chests, two pots and two visible monsters. I guess the idea is that they block
the way to the teleporters, but you could just smash the pots and avoid
fighting them. The first pot contains an URNEXPECTED monster, and second is a
[MINI MEDAL]. The first chest contains a [SEED OF STRENGTH] and the second one
a [LEGERDEMANTLE] armour for a monster. The two teleporters lead to the two on
the same floor. Talk to the monsters if you want to fight two Hawk Men.

OR Enter the front door and walk up the stairs to the second floor. Then, go
down the narrow path between the side rooms. Two enemies will emerge from
teleporters. A Hellion and a Orc King. Take out the Orc King first since it
will use Zing to bring it's mate back to life. Then use either teleporter to
reach the room at the left side and take the treasure. Finally, leave this
floor and walk up the stairs to the next.

Floor 3 - Spikes Room
You might think this is simple, since there is just a large room with one
treasure chest set in it. Not so! This room has spikes that will appear to
block your path. To reach the chest, walk left two steps and then up the room
until no more spikes appear at your right. Then, walk right, to the chest. This
contains a [KAMIKAZE BRACER]. Return to the hole in the floor, and this timewalk
directly up three steps, and then to the right wall. Follow this wall up
to the stairs, and you are now on Floor 4.

Floor 4 - 6 East Tower
Walk right and take the stairs up to floor 5, and then another set of stairs at
the far right of the room. You'll emerge on floor 6 East Tower, and there is a
hole in the middle of the floor and an opening at the lower end of the room. Go
through here, and down a ladder and then down another stairs to a small room on
the fourth floor.

There are three treasure chests in here: the left one contains [MAGIC WATER],
the middle one [880 GOLD COINS] and the right one is a MIMIC, which will drop a
[MINI MEDAL]. Return all the way back up to the room with the hole, and take
the stairs or drop down to floor 5. Exit the doorway to the left and you'll be
outside and next to another hole in the floor. Drop down and this brings you
back into the large room with the spikes. Just a short-cut, because now we're
going to go up the West Tower.

Floor 3 Again
Go down one step and then left three or four steps, and up to the wall. Follow
the edge of the wall until you are stopped by spikes at the corner and then go
down one step and right, just a couple, to reach the stairs. (If you have taken
a different route, then check out the details of where the spikes appear, on
the map I made. (See the link!)

Floor 4 - 6 West Tower
Make your way across the broken pathway to the bottom right of the area, and
then head left. This left area has a hole at the top, and this is the one that
leads back to the cave. Jump down if you think you need healing, and don't have
enough MP left to use the Evac spell. If everything is fine, then walk up the
stairs in the middle of this large room. On floor 5 walk straight down and
through the opening to find a treasure chest with a suit of [ZOMBIE MAIL].

Walk around to the back of the room and you'll find the next set of stairs in
the back right corner. On Floor 6 you'll see some skeletons and what is
obviously a nasty electrical looking dangerous floor. Look more closely and
you'll also notice two fire breathing dragon heads. These only activate when
you stand in front of them, but are very powerful and will hurt your team.
Go through the open doorway to the right and across the bridge to the East
Tower. Climb the stairs in here, and this takes you to your first real test.

Floors 7 and 8 - Fire-Breathing Dragon Heads
Make your way up between the fire statues, by moving from one side to the
other. They cannot reach you if you keep to the walls and they are set at
intervals so this is perfectly possible. However, if you walk over to the left
of the area, there are more statues, but these are set directly opposite each
other, and unless you want to risk almost certain death for most of your team,
then it's best to find another way of getting past these. Climb the stairs in
the top right corner near the first set of statues and you'll be on floor 8.

Here you'll find various rocks and holes in the floor. Push the rocks over to
the left hole (in the centre of the room) and drop them down. Don't forget to
open the two treasure chests at the far left of the room. The left one contains
a valuable [YGGDRASIL LEAF] and the other has a [MINI MEDAL] .

The rock at the lower side of the hole is a ROCKBOMB monster. Be extremely
careful if you decide to fight this, as it can blow up in your face and kill
everyone (or nearly everyone) with one Kamikaze attack.

Jump down the hole and collect your rocks. Push them to the left and be careful
to line them up to the dragon heads. The good news is that there are no
enemies on this floor, so you won't get interrupted while pushing them around.
The final two dragon heads at the bottom right are already out of commission,
so the best plan is to block the three at the right. When you block one side,
you can safely walk past the stone without triggering the fire from the
opposite dragon head. Actually it's harder than it looks as you cannot move the
camera by much, and have to deal with all four of the team, which is a bit
distracting. I'd suggest blocking both of the first two statues and that gives
you a better chance to manipulate the second row stone into place without
getting burned.

| |
| X 1 X | 1,2,3 stones
|__ __|
| X 2 X |
| X O 3 X |
| X O | - broken head
| X O X | - already blocked

When you've passed these statues, you can walk up the stairs to Floor 8. Skirt
around the low wall and up the next set of stairs to Floor 9.

Floors 9, 10 and 3 - The Switches
Not so far now. If you exit by the opening at the bottom right of the room, you
can see an enemy waiting for you on the roof of the Towers. However, you cannot
cross this bridge yet. Take the stairs next to the upper wall of the room, and
this takes you to Floor 10. Walk around the low wall and you'll find a switch
and some instructions. All you need do is flip this switch and one other, to
connect the passageway. Pull this lever, and then take the teleporter down to a
small room on Floor 3 where you can operate the second lever.

You'll also find a pot with another [MINI MEDAL], and two treasure chests, the
lower one contains a [CHIMAERA WING] and the top one has yet another MIMIC. I
moved the lever first, in case it killed everyone, and at least, that way, I'd
have the bridge open if I had to return again. In fact, that's more or less
exactly what happened this time, and everyone bar Saber (the ex pet cat) died,
but luckily the Kamikaze Bracelet on Hero killed the Mimic. Oh well, I was
running low on MP anyway, and at least I got the final [MINI MEDAL] for this

In case you are worried about what happened to me, I returned to the now open
bridge and used a Chimaera Wing to escape. Dangerous things, those Mimics. :(
And then, I had to climb all the way back to the top. Oh, and move the damned
stones back into position as well, so be warned. If you wish to leave then do
so before moving the stones, or you'll have it all to do over again.

Crossing the Bridge
Return to Floor 10 from the lever room on 3, using the teleporter, and then
back down the stairs (behind the lever on floor 10) to floor 9. (West Tower).
From here walk through the opening at the lower right and you can cross the
bridge to floor 9 (East Tower). This is an empty room with central stairs that
lead to a room with water and the fallen body of Chancellor Jeeve. Talk to him
and give him a good kicking if you like, (joking...) and then climb up to the

The Roof
You'll see that the way forwards is blocked. Fight the monsters and the blocks
will be removed. You have to talk to them to initiate the battles.

| B O S S - ORC PAWN |
Rewards: 350 experience, 300 gold coins.

He's just an Orc and although he will use Kasap to lower everyone's defence,
and then use physical attacks, you can simply put him to sleep or dazzle him.
After defeating him, heal up, and walk across to the top of the other tower,
and another monster.

Rewards: 450 experience, 350 gold coins.

This one uses magic based attacks and can manage two in one turn: Crackle,
Sizzle and Fierce Fire, which will hurt everyone for well over 50 HP if he does
them at the same time. Keep healed and you could use Absorb Magic for Hero to
avoid too much damage and add to his MP. Otherwise this boss is more vulnerable
to direct physical attack than anything else. Dazzle seems to work on him,
which at least minimises the effectiveness of his physical attacks. Winning
this battle removes the final block, and you can descend to Floor 10 to find
the real boss. You might remember him from a long time ago.

Rewards:3000 experience No gold coins.

When the fight starts you won't be able to damage him at all. The best thing to
do is to defend, have Hero use Absorb magic to benefit a little from his magic
attacks, and heal up from the inevitable damage. His physical attack will
inflict around 75 HP damage on one, and his spells are mostly all party
attacks. Chilly Breath will harm for anything up to 50 HP each depending on
your equipment. Magic Shields and anything that protects from ice attacks would
help. Frizzle is a magic attack on one. You can dazzle him and this mitigates
the danger from his physical attacks.

After a few rounds Kon will start to brag and threaten Hero. At this point wife
joins in and destroys his shield (although she doesn't join the active party).
After this, you can damage him, so make sure to do just that!

When you defeat him...stuff happens, a lot of stuff... If you think that
nothing is happening, then use the directional buttons to prompt something.
Other than that, it's just a matter of using the A button to scroll the


P A R T T H R E E - A L L G R O W N U P .........*WALK3


Prologue ........................................................ 42
Helmunaptra and Other Visits .................................... 43
Sailing the Seas (Optional) ..................................... 44
i. Moot Point
ii. The Porgie Estate
iii. Auction House
Estuary Sanctuary ............................................... 45
Lofty Peak (and Magic Key Doors) ................................ 46
Stairway to Zenithia ............................................ 47
Diggery Pokery .................................................. 48
Zenithia (Water Castle).......................................... 49
Neverglade ...................................................... 50
Faerie Lea Again .................................................51
i. Spring T'n'T Board (Optional)
ii. Dwarf Cave (Optional)
Faerie Palace ................................................... 52
Zenithia Restored ............................................... 53
Talon Tower ..................................................... 54
The Ultimate Key (Bjorn) ........................................ 55
Mantleplace (Optional) .......................................... 56
Crocodilopolis .................................................. 57
From Estuary Sanctuary To Nadiria (Underworld) .................. 58
Precaria ........................................................ 59
i. From Precaria to Mt. Zugzwang
ii. Nadiria T'n'T Board (Optional)
Mount Zugzwang .................................................. 60
Estark's Labyrinth (Optional).................................... 61
i. Stark Raving T'n'T Board (Optional)

PROLOGUE ............................................................... *W42

TASK : Check out the new recruits!
Items : None
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: Madalena's Locket
Recruit : Daughter, Son, Sancho, Tuppence.

It's eight years later, and you begin the third part of the game inside your
bedroom at Gotha Castle. After receiving the [MADALENA'S LOCKET], (automatic)
leave the bedroom, and Parry and Madchen will talk to you and join the party.
Walk down into the king's room, and Uncle Albert tells you that they've found
your mother's birthplace, and shows you the location on the world map. It's the
north-east continent, and the town is almost due north from Gotha, but across
the sea.

Walk forwards, and Sancho tells you that the boat will be waiting for you, that
Monty the Monster Monitor is now in the castle, and that you can also add human
characters to your party by talking to Patty the Party Planner. ("Party", as in
team, not the dancing, eating and drinking kind of party, even though Patty is
dressed as a bunny girl.)

Adding And Removing Party Members
Pay attention to Sancho! He explains all this to you, but I guess with that
Spanish accent, it's easy to scroll through his words and then wonder why Parry
and Madchen insist on staying at home, when you thought they would be with you
for the rest of the game. Although they will be with you when you begin this
third generation, later on they might not be, and you must add them, if you
want them.

You know already how to add and remove monsters from your team of eight, well,
now you can do exactly the same for the human characters, and this applies to
the remainder of the game. Monty and Patty are both found in the bar on the
second floor of Gotha. That's the floor up the stairs from the town area and
entrance, and the bar is to the left of the stairs. There is also a bank at the
bar, staffed by a woman who's older than Patty, and doesn't wear a bunny

Up to this point you had various human characters forced on you: Pankraz,
Harry, and Wife, but now you have the option to add or remove any humans.
Sancho can join the party, and also a Gotha soldier called Tuppence. If you
wish to recruit Tuppence, then go to the town part of Gotha, and you'll find
him in a room to the right. He's the green clad soldier, in a room on his own,
behind the inn. Talk to him, then visit Patty in the bar, and you can add him
to the party. You can also add Sancho, and remove the twins, (one or both of
them) as you wish.

I'd recommend adding Sancho now, and keeping both the twins in the wagon for a
while. In fact, you need them for a number of tasks, and they both have some
excellent skills so it's well worth your while to let them level up a bit and
then use them in battle. Also, they are totally cute, and you can make good use
of the Talk option, especially for these early visits to old friends. Take
Tuppence along as well, and you will be able to obtain another Knick-Knack.

New Recruits: Equipment and Spells
Sancho, Tuppence, Madchen (daughter) and Parry (son) are all playable
characters. See the lists of characters' spells for details of their eventual
skills and spells, and although Tuppence has none, he can use some rare

Joins at level 5 with Staff of Antimagic, Robe of Serenity, Scale Shield, and
Fur Hood. Her skills at this level are Zoom, Crack and Dazzle.

Joins at level 5 with Morning Star, Full Plate Armour, Magic Shield and Iron
Helmet. He will also have the Zenithian Sword in his inventory and you should
equip this, together with the Zenithian Shield (that you found in one of the
treasure chests in Rod's mansion in Mostroferrato.) His only skill, at this
level, is Fizzle, but he learns many extremely helpful skills, and is likely to
be in your active team for most of the game

Joins at level 20 with Sledgehammer, Boxer Shorts, Pot Lid, and Top Hat.
His skills at this level are: Kabuff, Storeyteller, and Snooze. Storeyteller
(not a mis-spelling) will tell you exactly where you are in any dungeon or

Joins at level 1 with Steel Broadsword, Iron Armour, Iron Shield, and Iron

HELMUNAPTRA AND OTHER VISITS ............................................ *W43

TASK : Obtain the Zenithia Helm. Fight the Merry Men. Revisit places
with the twins. Recruit new monsters.
Items : Zenithia Helm (Helmunaptra), Hermes Hat & Hela's Armour (Coburg),
Silk Bustier (Stockenbarrel).
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: Monster Chess Set (Gotha), Tusk-Tusk Tusk Inkwell (Northminster)
New Spell : Hocus Pocus (Zoomingale)

At this point there are a number of things you can do, but if you just want to
progress with the main story then visit Helmunaptra, and skip to the next
section. However, it's worth while taking some time to complete the rest of
these visits, and you can also find new monsters at some old locations, and old
monsters, at some new places!

1. HELMUNAPTRA AGAIN - (Essential)
Task: Obtain the Zenithia Helm.

Zoom to the town and enter the castle to find the queen again. Descend the
stairs to the garden and speak to her. You will then follow her all the way
back to the Tower with the Helm. Check the Helm (it doesn't matter if Parry
isn't in the lead, but he must be present) and events will unfold. That's
all you need to do, although the queen can be found again on the top floor
throne room if you wish to talk to her again. You'll obtain the [ZENITHIA HELM]
and should equip this to Parry.

2. MOSTROFERRATO - (Essential - but not yet!)
TASK: Defeat Bjorn to gain the Ultimate Key.

Visit the town, and when you enter there will be a scene. Find Rodriguez in his
mansion, and agree to help him. See the separate section for details of this
task. You can accept it now, and complete the first stage of visiting the
Pothold, but it's unlikely that you will be powerful enough to defeat Bjorn.
You must do so eventually, as you require the Ultimate Key, but you can safely
leave this for a while.

3. COBURG - HARRY - (Optional)
TASK: Obtain the Hermes Hat.

Make your way to the room above the throne room to meet with Harry. The kids go
off to play, and you won't be permitted to leave the castle until you've picked
up the twins. They are wandering in the corridor to the right, down the stairs
from the throne room, near Harry's old room. It seems that Harry's son is

Go inside Harry's old room and enter the hidden staircase next to the door,
where you'll find Kendrick doing the same sort of thing as his dad! Return to
Harry's room at the top of the castle. (Exit the left door of this hall into
the garden and then go through the other door into kitchen, and then left and
up the stairs. Lastly go right, into the circular hall and up again to the top
room.) Talk to Kendrick and you will be given the [HERMES HAT]. It goes into
the bag, but you can equip this to Madchen.

4. THE MERRY MEN - (Optional)
TASK: Defeat the Merry Men at Coburg and Stockenbarrel.

While in Coburg Castle, head out to the left part of the roof from the large
circular throne room, and you'll see a treasure chest down on the grass to the
left. It's guarded by someone and that's something to investigate! From the
town, walk over the drawbridge (during the day) and then head left, keeping
close to the castle wall, until you run into this shadowy figure.

Rewards: Experience 750, 150 Gold Coins.

He will use a sleep spell that is pretty effective, so have Parry cast Fizzle
to prevent him from using magic. If you've recruited Sancho he can Buff
everyone. Madchen is best with her Crack magic spell for this battle, although
Dazzle does not seem to be effective against this enemy. You don't have access
to the rest of the wagon here, so change the line-up before starting this
battle if you want to use some more powerful monster allies, but this team will
find the battle easy.

After the battle you'll get the [HELA'S ARMOUR] from the chest. This is good
armour for Sancho, but it reduces his agility to naught, and is cursed.

Now, sail the ship up the river from Mostroferrato and land at the signpost to
the east of the river gate. Walk to Stockenbarrel. Here you can chat to Bianca
if you didn't marry her (and remind yourself why you made the right
decision...sorry Bianca fans). Look down to the left of Whitey's house and
there is another shadowy figure next to a treasure chest. Walk under the house
and left, to find another Merry Man.

Rewards: Experience 750, 150 Gold Coins.

This battle is a carbon copy of the last one, with the same battle rewards.
Open the chest to find a [SILK BUSTIER].

TASK: Buy new weapons at the new shop.

Head back here to find that nothing much has changed but there is a new weapon
shop (where the old one used to be) with some very good, but VERY expensive
WEAPON SHOP (PART 3) | Cost | Effect
Poison Moth Knife | 900 | +24 ATK May paralyse target.
War Hammer | 6500 | +60 ATK
Zombiesbane | 11500 | +80 Damages the undead.
Ionospear | 13500 | +65 ATK Use for lightning attack.
Dragonsbane | 15000 | +90 ATK. Inflicts increased damage on dragons.
Icicle Dirk | 9000 | +70 ATK Use for crack attack.
TASK: Visit Professor Trubble for a new spell: Hocus Pocus.

Return to the Professor's home. (Straight up the steps and turn left. Follow
the path all the way around the back of the town until you go down some steps.
Then, turn right, and go under the upper level until you reach his garden.)
He's in bed, but talk to him to learn another spell: HOCUS POCUS. It will
automatically appear in Hero's spell list.

TASK: Obtain the Tusk-Tusk Tusk Inkwell Knick-Knack.

Talk to the man staying in the inn at the Northminster Abbey place (you can
zoom there) in the third generation and he will have this item, and give it to
you. You need the [TUSK-TUSK TUSK INKWELL] for another Knick-Knack, (Madalena's
Locket, upgraded) so if you display it, remember where you left it!

TASK: Recruit Tuppence and then obtain the [MONSTER CHESS SET] Knick-Knack.

Recruit Tuppence, the Gotha soldier into your team. (His room is to the right
on the first level of the castle). After he's fought with you, (actually one
battle is sufficient, and he doesn't even have to be in the active team) take
him out again and then visit him in his room at Gotha Castle. (He's such a
sweetie, and standing on guard even at night.) Then, he will give you the chess
set, if you agree to take it.

TASK: Place some Knick-Knacks and use Mini Medals to buy new equipment.

You will find Sue Veneer (souvenir *groan*), the new receptionist, if you have
attracted some visitors, and she will show you a list of the knick-knacks
you've already obtained, and those that you have still to find. She also tells
you that the higher rated items should be placed on the higher floors. Return
another time after adding some more knick-knacks, and you can find Old Nick in
his bedroom, and he'll give you the accumulated visitor money. (So far as I
know you can only get the money once and it's not a lot.)

SAILING THE SEAS AGAIN (Optional) ....................................... *W44

TASK : Board your ship at Gotha and sail away!
Sea Enemies : 183 Suckling Ocker, 185 Pollywaggle, 186 Seadog,
188 Wallop Scallop, 191 Old Man of the Sea(R), 192 Merking,
193 Poltarrrgeist,
Middle Sea En:088 Cureslime(R), 186 Seadog, 189 Mother Ocker,
191 Old Man of the Sea(R), 192 Merking, 193 Poltarrrgeist,
194 Strongylokrotaphus.

Your real goal is to sail northeast from Gotha and find the sea cave (Estuary)
that leads you to Lofty Peak, but you can take your time and visit these places
first. One is just for old times sake, but the other two will net some items,
and some recruitable monsters. You don't have to visit these places now, and
could wait until you have a faster means of transport.

Also, note that because you have wider access with the ship, its previous
locations will change a little. For example: when you zoom to Coburg the ship
is waiting for you on the river to the southwest, and it won't appear on the
tiny lake next to the castle. Even the enemies in the middle sea area have
changed slightly, although the ones in the sea close to Stockenbarrel are the
same as before.

TASK : Find this house at the far north of the eastern continent. Obtain
Items : T'n'T Ticket, Mini Medal, Seed of Wisdom, Dieamend.
Mini Medals : 40MM Moot Point: In the cellar room inside a cupboard.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 117 Air Duckt, 121 Hypothermion, 123 Golem(R),
124 Mandrake Major, 125 Firebird.
Land at the far north of the continent and there is a shrine type building
here, called Moot Point. Enter, and answer No to the man's question, and you
will hear about a helmet called the Sun Crown, that protects from Kamikaze
attacks. There is a [SEED OF WISDOM] in the right pot and a [T'N'T TICKET] in
the left one. Go down stairs and there is a [MINI MEDAL] in the cupboard and a
treasure chest that contains a [DIEAMEND]. This item will save a character's
life if kept in their personal inventory. I wouldn't use it now, but save it
for a hard boss fight, since these items are rare. There is nothing of interest
in the bookshelves or inside the well.

TASK : Find this small island at the far southeast. Obtain items.
Items : T'n'T Ticket, Mini Medal.
Mini Medals : 41MM The Porgie Estate: In the left cupboard inside the bedroom.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 012 Bona Constrictor, 021 Will-o'-the-Whips, 025 Ghost(R),
026 Wax Murderer(R).
You can land at the small island in the southeast corner of the world map. This
is the home of Mr and Mrs Porgie. Pay them back for all that kicking, and raid
their house. There's a [T'n'T TICKET] in the left cupboard inside the bedroom,
and a [MINI MEDAL] inside the right one. That's all, although you can talk to
the sad parents.

Now, this is an interesting island for one reason. The monsters you find here
are the ones from Uptaten Towers from the first part of the game. You couldn't
recruit any then, and after completing the Towers the monsters inside all
disappeared. Fight for a few minutes here, and you should be able to recruit
both a Wax Murderer and Ghost.

TASK : Find this small shrine type building. Reminisce.
Items : None
Enemies : 140 Silvapithecus, 147 Snake Ch-arm-er, 148 Thwarthog,
149 Orobas, 150 Snowbird(R)
Sail along the coast at the far north of the northern continent, and you will
find this small building nestled between some mountains, and on the edge of the
coast. It's just to the west of the large mountainous region that is coloured
white on the world map.

This place be will familiar, as it's where Hero and Wife were auctioned as
statues. Use the Talk option for some poignant comments from your family, and,
other than that, there is no purpose to this visit. The monsters, found on the
small patch of land next to the building, are the same as the ones near the
Mantleplace, which is on the far side of the mountains. The Mantleplace
location is found by following the river (west from Coburg) and landing on the
northern bank. However, you need the Ultimate Key to open the door inside and
for that, you must beat Bjorn in Mostroferrato. (See the separate sections on
both of those.)

ESTUARY SANCTUARY ........................................................*W45

TASK : Find the entrance to the Estuary and sail all the way through to
Lofty Peak.
Items : Hades' Helm, Mini Medal.
Mini Medals : 42MM Estuary Sanctuary: In a treasure chest on a small island.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 088 Cureslime(R), 127 Blizzybody(R) 128 Stenchurion,
129 Necromancer, 181 Man o' War(R), 189 Mother Ocker.
Area Enemies: 183 Suckling Ocker, 185 Pollywaggle, 186 Seadog,
188 Wallop Scallop, 191 Old Man of the Sea(R), 192 Merking,
193 Poltarrrgeist.

You will find the ship waiting for you just a few steps to the north of Gotha
Castle. This means that you can now access the waters to the north of Gotha,
and the unexplored eastern continent, and set off to find Lofty Peak,
Madalena's birthplace. Head northeast, edging up the narrow channel, until you
reach the open sea. Then, turn southeast and sail around the southern tip of
the eastern continent. Head north, keep close to the coast, until you reach a
small indent in the coast. Here you will find a cave opening. Sail inside.

Watch out for the Necromancer monster, who will stop you from using spells, as
well as casting bounce, which reflects spell damage. (A bit pointless if they
have already stopped you from casting spells.) Be cautious if you meet large
groups of Man o' War monsters who can paralyse everyone. Fortunately you have
access to the wagon and can switch party members when you need to.

Follow the waterway, and at the junction sail straight on. You can land at the
left, and walk left and up some steps to find a chest at the top. This contains
a [HADES' HELM]. Return to the ship and continue sailing. The next patch of
land has nothing, so don't bother landing here. Keep going, following the
river, until you reach a small island. Land here, and open the treasure chest
for a [MINI MEDAL].

Continue sailing (it's quite a long way) until you go under a bridge spanning
the water. From here head down the river, and you will emerge at the world map.
(If you go up river, you'll land on a platform, behind which is a locked door.
You'll return here later, but there's nothing else to do for now.) Sail down
the river to the end, and then walk a few steps to the west and enter the town
of Lofty Peak. After this, you can Zoom back here, and don't have to go through
the waterway again.

LOFTY PEAK (AND MAGIC KEY DOORS) .........................................*W46

Local Services: Church, Inn (5 Gold per person), Weapon Shop, Armour Shop.
TASK : Obtain the Magic Key and the Flying Carpet.
Items : Seed Of Resilience, Magic Key, Flying Carpet, Mini Medal.
Mini Medals : 43MM Lofty Peak: House above armour shop. Inside left cabinet.
Knick-Knacks: Lofty Lilts, Whealbrook Sapphire.
Area Enemies: 096 Drag-goon, 116 Hoodlum(R), 117 Air Duckt, 118 Tortoceratops,
121 Hypothermion, 123 Golem(R), 124 Mandrake Major, 125 Firebird.
WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Dream Blade | 6300 | +55 ATK May inflict sleep
War Hammer | 6500 | +60 ATK
Spiked Steel Whip | 7400 | +65 ATK Attacks a group of enemies
Icicle Dirk | 9000 | +70 ATK Use for crack attack
Siren Sword | 9800 | +70 ATK May inflict confusion
Somatic Staff | 2500 | +55 ATK Uses MP to attack
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Silver Cuirass | 5000 | +40 DEF
Magic Armour | 12000 | +60 DEF Reduces magic damage
Shimmering Dress | 8000 | +45 DEF May reflect back magic
Sage's Robe | 12000 | +50 DEF Reduce magic damage
Dragon Shield | 7100 | +30 DEF Reduces damage from fire/ice
Thinking Cap | 13000 | +40 DEF Increases wisdom

This is where you will learn more about your mother, Madalena, and your
ultimate task. Talk to people for glimpses into the past, and raid the town.

The Church is straight up the steps and to the left, and the inn is directly
ahead, and it's only 40 Gold a night. There is nothing to find and no-one to
talk to in the inn. The weapon and armour shops are to the right, and if you go
up the stairs inside here, you emerge at the next level of the town. The house
to the left of this exit has a [MINI MEDAL] in the left cupboard.

Before going higher, walk to the right and down the stairs, and enter the house
set between the towers. Answer the question truthfully (of course) and you will
learn about the Magic Carpet and key. There are three pots in the kitchen area
and the middle one has a [SEED OF RESILIENCE]. There's also a book with some
comments about a long gone leader. The man in the kitchen will explain that he
once was a craftsman in Gotha. If you have the Whealbrook Bluestone, he will
recognise it, and offer to cut the stone for you. Agree to this, and return to
pick up the [WHEALBROOK SAPPHIRE], after staying a night at the inn. (Any inn
will do.)

From this house, continue going down the path and left, you can reach the
treasure chest and find the [MAGIC KEY]. Walk back up this path to where the
girl stands, and to the right there is an opening in the wall. Go inside and
follow the passage, and use the key to open the treasure chest. YAY! The
[FLYING CARPET] is ours! Also, the Magic Key can open other doors elsewhere.

Now, wend your way up to the building at the top of the town, and enter. Here
you will find the four elders who will explain the way the world works. There
are three worlds: the realm of the holy ones, the realm of humans and the
underworld. The people of Lofty Peak are the gatekeepers who prevent the worlds
from interacting with each other, and they give a hint about the gates of the
Estuary Sanctuary in the watery corridor to the north. (That's the place you
came through in the ship, and can return when you have the necessary items.)

After speaking to them all, climb the stairs and speak to the girl in this
room. She will give you a book [LOFTY LILTS]. This is a knick knack. You have
to walk back down to exit this room, but after leaving the tower, you can zoom
off anywhere. Don't forget to return to collect the Sapphire.

Leave the town and find a patch of ground that is smooth and large enough for
you to roll out the carpet. If it's not suitable, you'll be told. Although the
carpet won't go over mountains or forests, it's very useful since you avoid
battles while flying. It is also faster than the ship. I keep it in the
personal inventory of Hero or Parry (who is always in my party) so I know where
to find it. You can use it from the bag as well, though. Just highlight it with
the cursor and choose "Use" from the options on the bottom screen. You can now
explore some areas of the world map that you couldn't access without the

To progress the story you need to find a tower in the central continent. This
place is called the "Stairway to Zenithia". In fact, you CAN do things in a
different order, and find your way back to Faerie Lea through the forest to the
east of Mostroferrato, but the faeries will tell you to go to the Stairway.

To reach Faerie Lea, use the carpet to cross the river to the east of
Mostroferrato and walk down through the wooded area to the south where you'll
find Neverglade. Navigate the pathways and find the (invisible) fairy and Parry
will lead you out of the magical forest and back to Faerie Lea. (See the
separate section for more details.)

TASK : Open all the Magic Key doors and collect the treasure.
Items : 15 Gold Coins, Stone Fangs, Thorn Whip, Seed of Life, 3000 Gold
Coins, Meteorite Bracer,
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: None

Zoom to all these locations.

1. Roundbeck
Say no to a drink from the barmaid (the pub is at the top left corner of the
town) and she will open the door to the bar. Go down into the cellar and open
the door to two treasure chests containing [15 GOLD COINS] and [STONE FANGS].

2. Lodestar Harbour
Enter the inn and go behind the dancer's stage. Walk right and open the red
door at the end of the corridor. Head up the stairs and open two treasure
chests containing a [THORN WHIP] and [SEED OF LIFE].

3. Gotha Castle
Head up the stairs at the entrance and then walk left on the second floor. Open
the red door to the room that adjoins the bar, and you will find two treasure
chests containing [3000 GOLD COINS], and the [METEORITE BRACER]. This is a very
useful accessory that doubles agility.

4. Fortuna
Walk to the top wall of the town and head left. There is a small hole leading
down into the jail. Open the red door with the key and talk to the man. All he
does is tell you that the second from left of the back row (of blue slots) in
the Casino, has a better rate of payout. (Can't say I noticed much difference.)

STAIRWAY TO ZENITHIA (TOWER) .............................................*W47

Location: At the south side of the central continent.

TASK : Find the Magma Staff at the top of the Tower.
Items : Diamond Akillics, Yggdrasil Leaf, Mini Medal, Seed of Strength,
T'n'T Ticket, Magma Staff.
Mini Medals : 44MM Stairway to Zenithia: Floor 5, inside a treasure chest
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 107 Admirer, 116 Hoodlum(R), 117 Air Duckt, 121 Hypothermion,
130 King Cureslime(R), 132 Hippopotamiss, 133 Gargoyle,
134 Warhog(R).
Area Enemies: 065 Liquid Metal Slime(R) 119 Pink Elephant, 122 Muddy Hand,
123 Golem(R), 126 Revaulting Horse, 129 Nercomancer,
131 Red-Hot Poker, 199 Conkuistador(R), 200 Conkerer(R),
201 Conkuisitor(R), 202 Conkjurer(R)

This Tower is situated at the south side of the middle continent, and it's not
that obvious why you should go there. You might have noticed a ghostly looking
castle in the lake near Lofty Peak, and, close by, the entrance to a cave that
is blocked with large rocks. This is a roundabout route to that castle, but
first you need something that will remove those rocks. (I only found that this
was the correct place to go, first time through, by investigating places on the
world map that I hadn't yet explored. Although, if you find your way back to
Faerie Lea, then Treacle will tell you about the Stairway.)

First of all, zoom to the Knick-Knackatory island. (Note that this same set of
enemies appears on the island.) Then, use the Flying Carpet to cross the narrow
strip of sea heading north. This takes you to the central continent, and you
can fly over the purple water and then cross the river, still on the carpet.
Hop off on the far side and walk north a few steps to find a large blue tower.
You can only take four of the team inside.

The encounter rate is fairly low in here, so you shouldn't have too much
trouble with the monsters. You will find the King Cureslime in this tower, and
he is well worth recruiting, if you can manage it. Return here when your levels
are higher and you may have a better chance to recruit him. If you intend to do
everything the game offers, then this monster is pretty much essential. He has
the spell Omniheal when first recruited, and the only other monster with this
is the Epipany, although Healslime and Cureslime get Omniheal at level 30.

Enter the tower and climb the stairs to the first floor. From here, climb up
either set of stairs at the far side of the ground floor: you have to walk
around the pool area to reach the far side. Both stairs lead to a smaller room
with a statue of a woman and two more sets of stairs

Floor 2/3/4 Left Side
The stairs at the bottom left corner lead to a room with a doorway, and through
here is a man complaining he can't get higher. Don't bother with that, and just
take the stairs again, and these lead to small room with a chest containing
[DIAMOND AKILLICS], a weapon only for Debora.

Floor 2/3/4 Right Side
Return to the statue room and take the lower right stairs up. This leads to a
round platform in front of some large doors. Enter the doors to find a
[YGGDRASIL LEAF] in a treasure chest. (No, this room is not an elevator.) Step
on the blue platform and this takes you up. Walk around the central room (some
large doors lead to a small empty room) and step onto the round platform at the
far side. This takes you to the fifth level.

Floor 5
Step off the platform and enter the large doors. Then, go down the steps into
another room with a statue. Walk left through some doors, and you are in a
large room with a pool in the centre. There are two sets of steps leading up.
First, take the ones just down from the door. This leads to an open room with a
treasure chest and a [MINI MEDAL]. Return to the large room and climb the upper
left steps. This takes you to a tower with a long ladder and another round blue
platform. (This just returns you to floor 2, and if you take it down, you can
use it to bring you back to floor 5 and the ladder.) Climb up the ladder.

Floor 8
The long ladder takes you to floor 8. Take either set of stairs: the nearest
ones are at the left if you walk down the red carpet. You will see a man on top
of a room, but, first of all, walk all the way to the right, and climb down a
short ladder. Enter the doorway and go down the hole at the far side of this
room. Break the two pots to find a [SEED OF STRENGTH], and [T'N'T TICKET].

There's nothing in the barrels. Return to the previous area, and this time
enter the doors, and climb up to the roof. You'll meet a white robed (and
excited) man, standing next to some broken stairs. After he's done being
surprised, walk to the corner and check out the red item. (Just use the A
button on it.) You will receive the [MAGMA STAFF], and can zoom out of here.

(He explains that the castle of Zenithia has been toppled into a lake, and
tells you to use the Magma Staff to destroy rocks that impede your passage into
a cave.)

DIGGERY POKERY ...........................................................*W48

Location: Eastern continent, south of Lofty Peaks.

TASK : Use the Magma Staff to unblock the cave. Rescue the trapped man.
Find your way through the Diggery Pokery to the Water Castle.
Items : Seed of Life, 950 Gold Coins, Mini Medal, Magic Water,
750 Gold Coins, Staff of Salvation.
Mini Medals : 45MM Diggery Pokery: Floor 2, inside third treasure chest.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 128 Stenchurion, 134 Warhog(R), 135 Hades Helm(R),
136 Prowler Jowler, 137 Hyperpyrexion, 138 Terrorceratops,
139 Mandrake Marauder.
Area Enemies: 116 Hoodlum(R), 118 Tortoceratops, 120 Drag-goon,
121 Hypothermion, 123 Golem(R), 124 Mandrake Marauder

There is an area of the eastern continent just to the south of Lofty Peak, but
only accessible from the western coast Sail there from Gotha or from Fortuna
(or use the Flying Carpet) and walk towards the lake you can see from the world
map. There is a sunken castle, and next to it, a cave entrance that is blocked
with stones.

Stand in front of the stones, and use the Magma Staff from your inventory or
bag, to destroy the boulders that block the entrance. Watch the fireworks! Now,
enter the cave and be prepared for carts and switches. The good news is that
you can't mess up. Every cart can be moved as many times as you like, and you
can find a way through by trial and error, or follow these instructions and
save yourself hours of frustration. The enemy encounter rate is low and you can
only take in four active party members.
Floor 2
Enter the cave and descend the hole in the floor to floor 2. Follow the tracks
to the left and you will arrive at the right side of a large cavern with lots
of carts and tracks. Jump in the first cart (approach from the right or left),
and this takes you all the way around to the far side. Walk to the right, past
the switch and you'll find the first treasure chest containing [950 GOLD
COINS]. Walk down the track from the switch to find the second chest with a

Go back to the switch and change the points (move the switch). Hop in the cart
and you will end up next to the third chest. This contains a [MINI MEDAL]. Walk
to the right from here, and leave the first switch as it is. Walk down and
change the second one. Walk back up the short track and get inside the cart.
This will take you to the bottom left corner of the room, next to a hole down
to the next floor.

Floor 3
Enter the first cart you find, which takes you all the way around to the far
left of the cavern. Walk down and open the treasure chest for a [MAGIC
WATER]. Now, take the second cart here, (just below the first one), and this
returns you to the beginning of the area. Hit the switch near the cart, and get
back in the cart, and you'll ride back, next to the first cart that you rode.
Take this same cart again (the lower of the two), and this time it will take
you over the water and you'll land close to a treasure chest. Open it for [750

There's another cart just to the right of the chest, so hop in this one to
return to the left side of the water. Now, it's time to move the points here.
Get back inside the cart you just exited (the one to the left of the switch)
and you will ride down to the bottom left corner of the area.

Walk up the short ladder and enter the cart here, and it will take you all the
way around the cavern and up the centre into the next cave.

Worship Room
Walk left and up, and you can heal in the green light and save your game with a
ghostly priest. You could spend some time fighting in this room, since you can
heal up for free. With a lot of luck you might recruit a Hades Helm, but even
if you don't, this is a good place to level up. Change both switches, and enter
the cart to take you to the top right corner, and the stairs down to the next

Floor 4
Walk up the room and past the chap whirling around in a cart. Change the lower
of the two switches and wait until he has passed this point, and stopped
circling around. Then, change the other switch. Finally, walk back down the
cave to find the man, who has fallen out of the cart. His name is Dr. Agon and
he's very grateful to have been rescued. He will join the party, but not as an
active member.
Enter the cart next to him and it will now go all the way to the top of the
cave. Walk down the steps at the left, and you can enter the door if you want
to have a quick chat, but there is nothing to find in this room. Walk all the
way down the left side of the cavern and there are some stairs back to the
previous floor. Open the treasure chest for the [STAFF OF SALVATION]. Return to
Floor 4 and leave the cavern through the opening at the middle of the far wall,
(where the cart stopped).

Floor 4 - Large Cavern
This looks confusing, and it is! At least there aren't any treasure chests to
worry about, and the only thing to concentrate on is getting out of here!

Jump in the cart immediately in front of you and it deposits you down the cave
on the right of the rocks. Walk up and change the second of the two switches at
the right of the tracks, and then the third one (at the left). Walk back down
to the cart and ride it to the top of the cavern. It will tip you out next to
another cart. Enter this one, and you will end up at the bottom left corner.

Walk right, and down the sloping steps, and then follow the track up (still
walking) and change the second switch you find. (It's the one at the right of
the sloping piece of track.) Walk back down and take the cart next to the
sloping steps. This will take you over the sloping track and to the top left of
the cave. Hop inside the cart here, and it will take you all the way around the
cavern and end up at the middle of the top wall. Walk up through the opening to
the final area.

Deepest Part
There are no treasures in here either, and all you need to do is change the
single switch, and ride the cart. The train will push you all the way to the

ZENITHIA - WATER CASTLE ..................................................*W49

TASK : Find the location of the missing orb, and what to do next!
Items : None
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : None

You are in Zenithia, the underwater castle that fell from the sky. Most doors
cannot be accessed because of the watery floor, and even the one that can be
opened doesn't reveal anything. Head up the centre stairs and the Doctor will
comment, but just carry on going up more stairs, and into the throne room. He
tells you there is a secret passage behind the throne. Walk around to the back
of the throne and press A to check the floor. You will discover the stairs
down, and a long ladder. Descend.

In the hallway, walk to the right, and Dr. Agon will explain a few things. Talk
to him again, and he will meditate on the remains of the missing orb. You will
see a golden light drop onto the two graves that you and Bianca visited all
those years ago, when Bianca acquired the gold orb. Memories of past events are
shown to remind you of what happened, and how the orb was shattered. The Doctor
suggests asking the Faerie Queen to make another orb. (There is a silver one at
the left side of the area, and both are required to restore Zenithia to the

The Doctor will wait at the orb and you must leave and find a route back to the
realm of the fairies. He will tell you that there is a forest somewhere that
will take you there. Go back up the ladder to the throne room and use your
zoom spell from here, as it won't work lower down.

NEVERGLADE ...............................................................*W50

Location: East of Mostroferrato, use the carpet to cross the river, and then
walk over the bridges to the south.
TASK : Find your way through the Neverglade forest back to Faerie Lea.
Items : Mini Medal, Elfin Elixir, 1500 Gold Coins, T'n'T Ticket.
Mini Medals : 46MM: Neverglade. Pot inside house.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 043 Metal Slime(R), 087 Goodybag(R), 141 Pummel Horse,
143 Bomboulder(R), 145 Quadrahead, 146 Moosifer(R),
201 Conkuisitor(R), 202 Conkjurer(R)
Area Enemies: 137 Hyperpyrexion, 140 Silvapithecus, 141 Pummel Horse,
142 Dragon Zombie, 143 Bombboulder(R), 199 Conkuistador(R),
200 Conkerer(R), 201 Conkuisitor(R), 202 Conkjurer(R),

Make sure that one of the twins is in the party before setting out. I don't
know how you are supposed to know where to find this place, but I guess it's
just yet another area you couldn't access before getting the Flying Carpet.
Anyhow, starting from Montroferrato, head east, and use the carpet to cross the
purple water and you will see a river and a bridge to the south. Fly south and
land near the bridge. Cross the next bridge to the east and walk down the
forested area towards the south. You will see a strange open square amidst the
trees. Enter this area, and you will be in Neverglade.

There are a lot of potential recruits in this area, and in Neverglade. Beware
of the BomBoulder, as it will use Kerplunk, which revives a group of enemies.
(They also drop a Dieamend!)

Finding Your Way Through Neverglade
This is one of those endless woods where you can easily find yourself wandering
around aimlessly and ending up back where you started. It also hides a few
items, that you'll find if you follow these instructions, although the
fastest route is simply to take the right path, and then go right again when
you come to the pond, and finally head up the path to the fire.

If you want the treasure then, from the start, walk straight ahead and you will
find a house. The pots outside contain nothing, but the one inside has a [MINI
MEDAL], and the chest contains an [ELFIN ELIXIR]. The chap tells you the name
of the forest.

Continue up the path and you arrive at a glade with two tree stumps, but that's
all. Carry on down, and you end up by the pond. From here walk right, and there
is a treasure chest with [1500 GOLD COINS], at the crossroads. Then, walk up,
and on the next screen you will find a small fire burning. Before proceeding
head back down to find a different area, with a treasure chest containing the
[FAERIE FOIL] sword. Equip this to Madchen, and return to the area with the

Walk to the fire and turn to the left, where there is an invisible faerie that
only one of the twins can see. The twin will take over and lead you to the
exit. (If you return here later, then you can see the nearly invisible faerie,
and talk to them.) One of the twins MUST be in the active party to talk to the

You'll follow the path through the left exit and then up at the junction. You
will arrive at an area with a pond and lily pads, and a small building. There's
a narrow path leading to the left before crossing the pond. Follow it until you
reach the treasure chest. Open this to find a [T'N'T TICKET]. Groups of Metal
Slimes seem to appear in this room more often than elsewhere in Neverglade.

Finally, cross the lily pond and enter the teleporter device, and you will be
back at the Faerie country, and Faerie Lea will appear on the list of Zoom
Magic locations.

FAERIE LEA AGAIN .........................................................*W51

Local Services: Church, Inn (2 Gold per person), Armour Shop.

TASK : Obtain the Faerie Horn from Treacle. Shop for better armour.
Items : Faerie Horn
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: None
Area Enemies: 008 Bad Apple(R), 010 Bubble Slime, 013 Lickspittle,
016 Mental Pitcher, 030 Healslime(R), 195 Pip Fighter(R),
196 Battle Pip(R), 197 Epipany(R), 198 Wiz Pip(R).
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Flame Armour | 15000 | +70 DEF Block magic and ice attacks
Flowing Dress | 14800 | +55 DEF Deflect magic and fire attacks
Silk Bustier | 18800 | +60 DEF
Flame Shield | 17000 | +40 DEF Reduces damage from fire/ice
Power Shield | 25000 | +45 DEF Use to recover HP for one
Thinking Cap | 13000 | +40 DEF Increases wisdom

You will be back at a familiar place, (twenty years after your first visit as a
child) and the village of Faerie Lea is next to the teleporter. Walk up the
path to the large tree, and head up the stairs to the top room. Here, you'll
meet a couple of old friends, Honey and Treacle. (If you haven't yet explored
the Stairway to Zenithia, she will tell you to do that first, and find the lost

If you have found the waterlogged castle, then Treacle will ask a question. Say
yes, and you will get the [FAERIE HORN]. Sherbet, the faerie in the library,
will explain that you must find a lake in the middle of a dense forest,
surrounded by mountains. This is where you blow the horn and the palace will
appear. Zoom out of here when you're ready.

The "Pip" enemies are found close to Faerie Lea village, and this is the best
place to recruit them, though they are reluctant to join. A quick route back to
Neverglade is to enter the teleporter, and you'll be back at the building
inside the forest. There are some rare enemies here, so you might wish to
return to fight more of them.

i. SPRING T'N'T BOARD (OPTIONAL) .................................... [SPRTNT]
TASK : Beat the T'n'T Board, and find the items.
Items : T'n'T Ticket, Medicinal Herb.
Turns : 23
Prize : Happy Hat, Miracle Sword.
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Boxer Shorts | 10 | +15 DEF Armour
Faerie Foil | 7700 | +85 ATK. Sword. Use to raise defence.

This is situated to the north-west of the Faerie lands, where you will find a
small lake with a round building. The location is where the Winter Palace used
to be, and so there won't be a T'n'T board here until you return here in
Generation 3.

Go inside and walk up to the left, and down the hole in the floor. Talk to the
creator of this board, if you like. There is a [T'N'T TICKET] in one pot, and a
[MEDICINAL HERB] in the other. The blue door in this room is locked, because it
leads to the prizes.

This board introduces you to two new features: the dungeons and the Treasure
Trove. The dungeons are accessed via a dungeon tile, and any of the three might
be the one you get. You have the option to enter or not. In the Treasure Trove,
talk to the girl, and you get two dice throws to decide on the amount of time
you have in a treasure room. There are three doors, and you can only select
one. The first room has a small maze with a few chests, the second one has a
maze where you have to walk on top of a narrow wall to find a few chests, and
the third one has lots of chests sitting on the floor, with no walls. A few of
these chests are empty, or just contain small amounts of gold, but most have
useful stuff.

It's hard to see the whole board, because you cannot walk around it, and the
first section, to the left, is raised up higher than the main part of the
board. (It's the same for the rightmost section as well.) When you start, take
some time to consult the map, if you want to see everything.

NOTE: When you reach the finish nothing happens. You must walk off the board
to the left, and slide down the large hole in the ground to find the two
treasure chest prizes. Exit by going down the screen and up two sets of stairs.

S P R I N G T 'N' T B O A R D L A Y O U T A N D T R E A S U R E S
1. Board Treasures (not including ground searches, or cash reward tiles)
Elfin Elixir, Hermes' Hat, Robe of Serenity, Seed of Wisdom, Paxa Punch,
Mini Medal, T'n'T Ticket, T'n'T Ticket.
2. Treasure Trove Contents (left to right)
Room 1
855 Gold Coins, Elfin Elixir, Poison Needle
Room 2
1530 Gold Coins, Boxer Shorts, Seed of Wisdom, Thinking Cap
Room 3
2610 Gold Coins, Mini Medal x2, T'n'T Ticket x2, Antidotal Herb, Flametang
Boomerang, Magic Shield, Medicinal Herb, Paring Knife, Pot Lid,
Seed of Life, Siren Sword, Tombola Ticket, Yggdrasil Leaf.
3. Ground Search Items (Random finds)
20-50 Gold Coins, 400-500 Gold Coins, Antidotal Herb, Cherub Chime,
Elfin Elixir, Hairband, Holy Water, Moonwort Bulb, Musk, Poison Moth Knife,
of Agility, Seed of Life, Seed of Magic, Seed of Strength.
4. Dungeons (Which one you find is random.)
A. Dragon Shield, T'n'T Ticket, T'n'T Ticket, Yggdrasil Leaf.
B. Tombola Ticket, Flame Shield, Mini Medal, Elfin Charm.
C. Flametang Boomerang.
See the Lists section on Mini-Games for more details about all the tiles.

SRT - Start SHP - Village Shop
FIN - Finish ZAP - Lose HP
AR> - Arrow - check direction TRP - Trapdoor
GRS - Grass STA - Stairs
FOR - Forest HEA - Healing Breeze
HIL - Hill 1/2 - Lose Half MP
SLM - Slime T-T - Treasure Trove
BAC - Back to the start MSL - Metal Slime
WRP - Warp DUN - Dungeon
>!< - Random Attribute Change
>?< - Question Mark - random effects
SLO - Slow Motion Roll (pick the number)
M-# - Move backwards (number of tiles)
M+# - Move forwards (number of tiles)
R-# - Remove (number) roll/s of the dice
R+# - Add (number) roll/s of the dice
TC# - Treasure Chest (number)
DR# - Dresser Drawers (number)
PT# - Pot (number)
G-1 - Remove 200 Gold Coins G+1 - Add 200 Gold Coins
G-2 - Remove 500 Gold Coins G+2 - Add 300 Gold Coins
G-3 - Remove 300 Gold Coins G+3 - Add 500 Gold Coins
G-4 - Remove 100 Gold Coins G+4 - Add 1000 Gold Coins


I had to squash the edges in a tiny bit to fit in the space!

(to SE) [DR1][R-2][HIL]
[HIL][TC1][SLM][GRS] [R+2] ^ This way
[G-2][GRS][1/2][R+3] -----< >[WRP][M-3][HIL][SHP][AR^]
[PT1] ----------------| [TC2][ZAP]
[G+2][FOR] | [G+2][GRS][HIL][INN][M-2][R+3] [G-4]
[WRP] < >--- [FOR][M+1] [SLM][GRS] [INN][GRS][SLM]
[M-1] [M+3] [G-4] [G+3]
>?<][SLO] [DUN] [R+1][GRS][G+1] [G+1][GRS][SLO] [R-2]
HIL] [R+1] [HEA] [R-1] [G+2] [HIL][R+2
R+1] [AR>][>?<][SLM][ZAP] [SLO][SLM][M-2] [PT2] [G-4
M-3][GRS] [TC3] [R-2] <<<[FIN] [M+3] [GRS][DR5
<---[WRP] [T-T][>!<] [M+3] [G+2] [1/2] [SLM]
[G+1][SLM] [R+1] [G-3][FOR][SLM][R+2][HIL] [HIL] [BAC]
[G-2] [G-4] [R+1] [WRP]<---
[GRS][M+6] [GRS][G+1][M-3][HIL] [G-1]
[SRT] [MSL][DR2][R-2] [GRS]
^ [PT3][FOR][GTE][SLM][WRP]<----
Enter <^ (from NW)


Exit Exit Exit

^ ^ ^
[G+4] [TC6] [TC8]
[SLM] [ZAP] [<?<]
[SLM][AR^][R+5] [R+5][AR^][MSL] [R+5][AR^][G+4]
[SLM][TC5] [SLM][FOR] [G+3][M-2] [DR4][FOR] [R+3][R-3] [G-4][G+3]
[HIL] [TC4] [ZAP] [TC7] [HIL] [FOR]
[G+3] [SLM] [HIL] [ZAP] [R-3] [G+3]
[SLM][DR3] [SLM][G+3] [PT5][ZAP] [SLM][G+4] [R+3][R-2] [G+2][G-4]
[SLM][>!<][PT4] [SLM][>!<][ZAP] [R+2][>!<][G-3]
^ ^ ^
Enter Enter Enter
TASK : Recruit Dwight, the White Dwarf.
Items : None
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 013 Lickspittle, 014 Frizzard, 017 Time Burrm, 020 Lava Larva,
021 Will-o'-the-Whips, 022 Foetid Ferret,

While you're walking around, head all the way to the west of Faerie Lea, and
enter the cave. Walk left and around to the inhabited room, and you'll find a
dwarf called DWIGHT living here. This is the white dwarf you defeated in the
Winter Palace, and it seems that he has repented. Anyhow, he will join the
party if you agree. He's a monster, not a human character.

FAERIE PALACE ........................................................... *W52

TASK : Speak to the Queen and discover a way to obtain the Gold Orb.
Items : Gold Bauble, Lightning Staff, Princess Robe.
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: None
Area Enemies: 065 Liquid Metal Slime(R) 119 Pink Elephant, 122 Muddy Hand,
123 Golem(R), 126 Revaulting Horse, 129 Nercomancer,
131 Red-Hot Poker, 199 Conkuistador(R), 200 Conkerer(R),
201 Conkuisitor(R), 202 Conjurer(R)

There's really only one place left which is accessible and that you haven't yet
entered, and it's found to the north of the tower (the Stairway to Zenithia) in
the centre continent. Take the same route as for the Stairway. Sail north from
the Knick-Knackatory island, and land. Use the carpet to fly over the purple
stuff and river, and then walk through the trees to the tower. Continue walking
north, and there is a large arrow on the ground which leads to a square lake.
Step on to the raft and move forwards to where there is a lily pad. Stop, and
this is where you should blow the Faerie Horn. (Use it from the bag or

The palace magically appears, though slowly. Move forwards, around the lily pad
and land at the steps. Enter the door, and explore a little. There is a church
to the right of the entrance area, so you can save if you like. You can climb
the stairs at the left of the entrance, and chat to the cat and the person in
the garden. You'll find out that the picture in the upstairs room on the east
side has been changed to show a birth of the legendary hero.

Talk to Queen Caramel, and she will give you a [GOLD BAUBLE]. (They tried to
make another orb, but could only produce this worthless imitation.) Head
through the left door, and the guard will let you pass. Enter the room at the
right and talk to the writer, for a discussion about ink. There are some steps
down from the adjoining room. Take these and you can have all the treasures! A
[LIGHTNING STAFF] and [PRINCESS ROBE]. (Equip this to Madchen if you are using

Now, walk up the stairs behind the throne room, and there are two rooms with a
picture in each one You can look at the right one, but there's just a
description of it. Stand in front of the left one and make sure you have moved
the Gold Bauble from the bag into Hero's inventory. You will be back in
Whealbrook (back to the past!).

Chat to the folks if you like, and enter the house to the right of the church.
Sancho is here and your dad is upstairs... Talk to Pankraz, and answer yes to
all his questions. Leave the house and walk back to the church. Talk to the
child (aww) and you can look at his Gold Orb. Now, switch the orb with the
bauble. (This is so neat, it brought a tear to my eye.) Leave the town by
walking through the entrance gate (you cannot zoom anywhere else while in the
past) and you'll be back at the Faerie Palace. Walk back downstairs and out of
the Palace, and then use Zoom to travel to Zenithia where Dr Agon is waiting.

By the way, if you leave the village before completing everything, you will be
transported back to the Faerie Palace. Simply look at the painting again and
you'll be back in Whealbrook.

If you failed to get something in Whealbrook in the first part of the game, you
can obtain it now. That includes picking up the Stone in the well, and talking
to the farmer to learn about the Bluestones in the cave. I had thought this
might be one of those things that had to be completed before Part 2, but a
kindly person emailed me to say that you get a second chance. Since the farmer
is alive, he gives you the necessary information now, and when you return to
the present you can find the Bluestone in the rock inside the cave.

Also, if you failed to talk to the visitor (Hero grown up) in Part 1, it
doesn't matter, because you will still make the exchange in past. I tested this
out, and deliberately ignored him second time through, but events proceeded
just the same.

ZENITHIA RESTORED ....................................................... *W53

TASK : Restore Zenithia to the skies. Find the Grappling Hook.
Items : T'n'T Ticket, Mini Medal, Grappling Hook, Yggdrasil Dew.
Mini Medals : 47MM Zenithia: Floor 2, inside the right chest of drawers.
Knick-Knacks: Yggdrasil Sapling.
Enemies : None
Recruit : None

After zooming to Zenithia from the Faerie Palace, you arrive back inside the
castle, in front of the stairs that lead to the throne room. If you want to
make a quick trip back to the Diggery Pokery for any reason, then step into the
teleporter that's just out of sight down the screen. This takes you to the
entrance cave and you can either go down the hole to the next floor, or exit to
the world map.
Walk up the stairs into the throne room, and then down the ladder behind
the throne. Head right to find the Doctor, and talk to him to trigger a lovely
scene. The water is drained from the castle, and all the rooms are accessible.
Climb back up to the throne room, and it seems quite a few people have survived
this water burial. (Alternatively, walk down the stairs to where the teleporter
was situated and you'll be on a cloud. The door to the right takes you into a
room with a church, or you can walk left and up the stairs to the throne room.)

Explore the place! Starting in the centre area, there's a door to the right
which leads to a library, and the one to the left takes you into an empty room.
There are no items in either of these rooms. Go down the right steps and enter
the door. Here you'll find two people sitting at a table and the woman will
give you a [YGGDRASIL SAPLING] knick-knack.

There is a [T'N'T TICKET] in the left hand chest of drawers, and a [MINI MEDAL]
in the right. Head into the back room and talk to the old man who will tell
you what to do now. Resurrect the Zenith Dragon which is found in Talon Tower,
on an island west of Helmunaptra. This is the area at the southwest corner of
the world map, and one of the last places left to explore. After speaking to
him take the [GRAPPLING HOOK] from the chest of drawers

Talk to the child in the pool room at the left of the area, and they say they
will give you something, but they don't. Walk onto the flowers to the left or
right, and click on the upper edge of the pool, and you will find a [YGGDRASIL
DEW]. You cannot have more than one of these, but the child tells you that if
you use it, just return and you can have another one. This valuable item will
restore everyone's HP.

Exit by the door opposite the pool room and chat to the chap to be told how to
operate the castle. Yes, you have your very own flying castle! Use A, B or X to
descend, and you must find an area large enough and flat enough for the castle
to land. To get it to move, you have to stand on the switch at the bottom of
the long ladder.

Take the quick route back here, by walking down the main staircase onto the
cloud, and entering the first door to the right. Stand on the switch that's in
the middle of the floor below the ladder, and castle will be shown suspended
above the world map. Move off, and it will continue to move for as long as you
choose, until you press A, B or X. You can use the Y button to see the world
map information displayed on the top screen.

Next stop: Talon Tower.

TALON TOWER ............................................................. *W54

TASK : Find a way in and open the front door. Find both Dragon Eyes, and
then the Dragon Orb.
Items : Mini Medal x2, Mini Medal (Mimic) x1, Gold Coins, Devil Armour.
Mini Medals : 48MM Talon Tower: In treasure chest on stair landing.
49MM Talon Tower: Defeat Mimic in treasure chest in Basement,
Floor 3
50MM Talon Tower: In treasure chest. Basement, Floor 3.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 078 Mimic, 123 Golem(R), 140 Silvapithecus, 143 Bomboulder(R),
145 Quadrahead, 146 Moosifer(R), 148 Thwarthog,
151 Black Dragon, 153 Balhib, 154 Metal Dragon,
156 Mandrake Marshal(R).
Area Enemies: There are three distinct areas where monsters are found.
East 018 Prestidigitator, 023 Dirty Rat, 022 Foetid Ferret,
032 Fandangow, 004 Dracky(R).
Centre 005 Hammerhood, 006 Bunicorn,007 Combatterpillar,
010 Bubble Slime, 011 Fat Rat(R).
West(Sandy) 001 Slime(R), 015 Jailcat(R), 033 Sizzard, 042 Flatulent Ferret,
038 Bag o' Laughs, 039 Brownie(R).

After you obtain the castle, the fastest route is to head east and this will
bring you to the west edge of the map. (The world is round.) Head south and
land on the patch of sand at the western corner of the southwest continent. The
castle will carry on moving even if you don't press any button, so you can
happily drift around the whole map.

Walk forwards and you will be at the base of the castle: the church is through
the door to your right. Keep walking forwards and you will leave and be on the
world map. There are many easy enemies that appear here, and you can recruit
some you missed out on earlier in the game. Jailcats only appear in this
location during Generation 3, so this is your chance to recruit one if you
haven't got one already.

From the Top to the Front Door
Enter the tower location, and you'll find that the door is locked. Your first
task is to find a way in, and unlock the front door. It's simple enough: just
climb the ladder at the left of the door, and then head to the right. Go right
again up the next set of steps, and then left. Another right and left, and
you're at the top.

Use the grappling hook on the thing there (just click on it and answer yes) and
you will lower yourselves down by a rope. You won't have the wagon inside this
building, so choose your team wisely! Some of the battles can be very tough for
this first part of the exploration, especially if Hero's level is less than 30.
The encounter rate is high, and the enemies are powerful.

Keep a lookout for the Quadrahead which can change your tactics, and the Balhib
uses some very powerful spells. It makes sense to have someone's tactics set to
focus on healing. Also, if you have the Staff of Salvation from the
Diggery Pokery, this can be used to heal someone, even if no-one can equip it.

When you land, enter the hole and climb the ladder down. Follow the stairs down
from this point. There is a chest at the next floor with a [MINI MEDAL]. This
is one of those places where you wish you could jump over the low wall...
Anyway, follow the stairs down again. You can climb up the ladder to where the
man is lying and talk to him for some cryptic information about going for the
dragon's eyes. That's it. Climb back down and continue.

When you reach the floor with another Grappling area, leave it alone, and
go down the stairs to open a chest for [2700 GOLD COINS]. Then continue down
the stairs until you reach the front of the stone dragon's head. Simply walk
towards the head and you will drop down to the bottom floor. Climb back up the
stairs to find a suit of [DEVIL ARMOUR]. Operate the switch next to the door on
the bottom floor and you can leave the tower through the front door. End of
storming the tower, part one!

Tower Basement
Return to the tower when you have healed up and maybe bought some better
equipment. Enter through the front door, and go down the hole in the top right
corner of the ground floor. Walk up the passage (cast Safe Passage to cross the
purple floor) and descend the next hole.

This next area is much bigger. You arrive at the stairs in the centre of four
torches, and there are four passages leading from here. Use this to orientate
yourself. First of all collect the treasure.

Walk up and turn right. Follow the passage to where you can go down to the next
floor, and then walk down the passage to find a treasure chest with a [DARK
SHIELD]. Return to the four torches.

From here, go left and open the treasure chest for an [ELFIN ELIXIR]. Head down
the hole next to the chest and get the contents of two more treasure chests.
The first one is a MIMIC which will drop a [MINI MEDAL], but it might also kill
off everyone... Use Fizzle or the Staff of Antimagic to prevent it from using
spells, or try to put it to sleep. The second one has a [MINI MEDAL]. Climb the
stairs near the second chest and walk to the right. You will be back at the
south of the four torches. The hole here leads nowhere of interest, so walk
further down, and there is a second hole leading down to Floor 3.

There is a second set of stairs in the top right corner in this room, so climb
them to the higher floor. You will be at the bottom of a long corridor leading
up the screen. Walk up, and talk to the monster standing in front of the
treasure chest. Boss battle!

| B O S S - SLON |
Rewards: 3500 experience. 650 gold

His physical attacks are powerful, but with his defence lowered with Kasap, and
everyone boosted with Oomph you can finish him off fast. He doesn't use any
spells, and will just hit one person each round. Keep everyone healed up and
boost defence with Kabuff. After the battle, open the chest for the [DRAGON'S
LEFT EYE]. If things go wrong, or you find that you're running low on HP for
everyone, then don't forget that you have the Yggdrasil Dew Drop, and you can
always try Hocus Pocus or Kerplunk. Hero at level 30 and the twins at level 24
or 25 will be sufficiently high levels to win this fight with ease.

Either cast Evac and leave, to heal and save your game, or return to the four
torches. The second boss is reached by heading left from the four torches and
going down the hole next to the treasure chest. Then, walk back up the steps
and you can now walk up, following the passage until you reach another hole in
the floor.

Rewards: 12000 experience, 900 Gold Coins
Start the battle with casting Kasap on him, and use it again until he casts
Bounce on himself. Kasap might not affect him, first time, but keep trying with
that. He uses the Kafrizzle spell on one person which can inflict over 100 HP
in damage, so you could use Bounce as well, but be careful, as this spell will
bounce off any healing spell. He also casts Blistering Flame on everyone,
although with good equipment this won't do that much damage.

Use Oomph to boost everyone's attack power and don't use spells on him. Watch
out for the battle message that the effects of Bounce have worn off. I found
that time passed by too fast, since I had the battle message speed on 1 (the
fastest). Might be a good idea to lower it for this fight.

After the battle, use the Talk option to get some reactions, especially if
you've used the twins. Open the chest to obtain the [DRAGON'S RIGHT EYE]. Leave
the tower with Evac, and re-enter. Climb up the stairs to the Grappling Hook
point above the Dragon Statue. (That's the seventh level, believe it or not!)

Climb down the rope and turn the camera so you can see the eye socket. Place
the right eye in the socket that is at the left of the screen, where you land
(try not to fall off...) Then, edge around to place the second eye. Drop off
down to the bottom floor and then climb up to the next floor where you will
find the dragon's mouth is open. Enter...and go down the first set of stairs.
(There are no enemies in here.)

Inside The Dragon
Climb down either ladder and search the ground in the centre of the tiles to
find the [DRAGON'S STAFF]. You can equip this to Hero, though I have a fondness
for Pankraz's sword I guess it's time to let it go. Climb back up, and use the
grappling hook to descend to the ledge, and enter the doorway. Take the [DRAGON

Leave the tower and return to Zenithia. Head straight up the steps and into
the throne room for a scene with the poor doctor, who is accused of being a
traitor. Tsk tsk. Talk to the doctor and give him the Dragon Orb. Yay!
You receive the Zenithian Tintinnabulum. (Dr. Agon...No, I didn't get
it until now either.)

THE ULTIMATE KEY (BJORN) .................................................*W55

TASK : Defeat Bjorn to gain the Ultimate Key.
Items : Ultimate Key
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: None

When should you Fight Bjorn?
The short answer is: when you need the Ultimate Key, and the first time you
really need this is at Crocodilopolis, to obtain the Zenithian Armour.

Of course, you can attempt this battle at the start of the third part of the
game, but I wouldn't advise it. Assuming that you are going to use the twins,
then wait until Parry has Insulate (at level 23) and Madchen has Kasap (at 22)
before tackling Bjorn. However, you could use a monster team, and you might
have spent a long time recruiting and levelling up a great team. I'm not saying
it's impossible then, just that there is really no point in giving yourself a
harder time than necessary. By all means have a go, but I failed to defeat him
on an early attempt, and this strategy is based on the assumption that you have
waited until later.

The best time to fight this battle is after Zenithia Restored, when you can
obtain the heal all HP item (Yggdrasil Dew). You could also try earlier than
that, after finding the Magic Key and unlocked the door to the Meteorite Bracer
in Gotha Castle. The additional speed that this accessory grants is extremely
useful, since Bjorn is fast. Of course, the later you leave it, the better
equipment you will have, and higher levels.

Why must you defeat Bjorn?
This fight has to be won. The ULTIMATE KEY allows you to open some doors to
valuable treasure chests (containing Ultimate equipment), and you need this key
to open the door that leads to Nadiria, the final location in the game, as well
as the optional Mantleplace dungeon.

What Happens if you Lose?
I failed to beat him on my first attempt in my first game. I tackled him near
the start of Generation 3, and was completely unprepared for his onslaught, and
his crafty tactics. I had assumed I could defeat pretty much anything, and got
a big shock! Fortunately, the second time around, you don't have to watch the
intro, and will start with him already at the tower. Rodrigo will be there as
well, and the two of them will wait for you to return, for as long as you like.
As a precaution, save your game first, or deposit all your gold in the bank.
This is not an easy battle to win and there's a good chance that you won't win
on the first attempt.

Where do you find Bjorn?
Visit Mostroferrato, and there is a conversation going on with Rodrigo and a
guard. Enter his house and speak to Romano (Rod's wife) who will ask for your
help. Head over to the villa and you will find Crispin and Nera (if you didn't
marry her!). They also want you to talk to Rodrigo. You can find him upstairs
in the left bedroom. He wants you to go to an island west of Stockenbarrel,
just north of the town. There is a shrine there with a jar, and he wants to
know what colour the jar is. (If it's red then get out quick.) When you attempt
to leave the house, someone else will also ask you to help.

This is the same place that you went to if you married Debora or Nera, but if
you wed Bianca it will be your first visit to the 'Pothold'. The Shrine is on
the small bit of land just to the west of the gate on the river. Sail north
from Mostroferrato and stop at the river gate, and then go west a little way,
until you are stopped by the rocks. You can land here, next to the trees. If
you've left it until after getting the Flying Carpet, then you can quickly fly
all the way there.

Enter the shrine and walk up the steps to the platform where some stairs will
appear leading down. Examine the large red glowing jar at the bottom and then
return to Mostroferrato. The guard tells you where to find Rod, in that tower
(La Guardia) next to the town, and you must enter it directly from the world
map. Zoom back to Mostroferrato and enter the tower, instead of the town. Climb
up to the roof to find Rod. After a spectacular scene, you'll be in a boss
battle. And this really is a boss and a half!

What's so hard about Bjorn?
Damn, he's HUGE! Aside from that:
* You don't have the wagon at the top of the tower, so only have four in your
* He continously boosts his defence and lowers yours (using Buff and Kasap).
* His fire (Blistering Flames) attack is very powerful, and targets everyone.
* His physical attacks are even more powerful!
* He is very fast and often has two turns each round.
* He has high HP (4700), and limitless MP.
* He uses lightning magic which the Insulate spell, and fire/ice protective
armour cannot defend against.

Rewards: Experience: 9500, ULTIMATE KEY

He uses both Buff and Kasap so you need to do the same if you are to stand any
chance of defeating him. He also uses a lightning attack on everyone that can
hurt for a lot: maybe 60 HP damage each, even with decent equipment, and
Blistering Flames will also hurt everyone. He often gets in two attacks per
round, so unless you have used a lot of Seeds of Agility on someone, or have
the Meteorite Bracelet equipped to your healer, you will find it tough to keep
everyone alive.

You might be better off leaving Sancho behind and having the best healer you
can lay your hands on, preferably with Multiheal. But Sancho has high HP and a
powerful attack, as well as Kabuff, so he's quite useful. Have Sancho or Parry
use Kabuff on everyone and Madchen cast Kasap on Bjorn. Also, use Insulate
(with Parry) which will protect everyone from ice and fire spells. Every time
he uses Buff, cast Kasap on him.

Make sure you have a Yggdrasil Dew that heals everyone's HP so you can use it
if things get tricky. And that is likely to happen when he does his electricity
attack twice in a row. I'd also have a handy Yggdrasil Leaf or two. You will
probably need two or three Elfin Elixirs as well, especially for Parry. If you
have sufficient Mini Medals, then the Sacred Armour is nice for Hero. It will
heal his HP enough each round, so you don't need to waste time healing him.

Keep up this pattern of casting Kabuff and Kasap, and use Hero and Parry to
heal when needed. Supplement this with Oomph on Parry and Hero (from Madchen),
which doubles their attack power, when you get the chance. I didn't bother
using attack spells at all and relied on Parry and Hero's power. GO GO GO HERO!
(Hero was at level 30, and the others at 25.)

I totally forgot (again) about the Zenithian Sword. Use this as an item, and it
will remove Bjorn's boosted status.

After the battle, you receive the Ultimate Key, and you will be back in Rod's
mansion for a little chat. Leave town and use the ULTIMATE KEY to open lots of
locked doors!

One more thing. After beating Bjorn return to Mostroferrato and enter Rodrigo's
mansion. You'll find Mrs. Rod in the left room on the ground floor and she will
talk to you about being a good parent, no matter who you married, but if you
married one of her daughters she will give you 5,000 gold. (Thank you to
Orbital67 for this information.)

TASK : Open the Ultimate Key doors and collect the treasure.
Items : Mini Medal, Golden Tiara, Mini Medal, Mini Medal, Prayer Ring,
Robust Lingerie, Happy Hat, Zenithina Armour.
Mini Medals : 51MM Dominicus's Dominion: In treasure chest in locked room
52MM Dominicus's Dominion: In treasure chest in locked room
53MM Fortuna Prison: Open middle prison cell and find it inside.
Knick-Knacks: None

1. Dominicus's Dominion
Enter the hole in the floor at the right of the main floor and open the door
to three chests. You'll get a [MINI MEDAL], [GOLDEN TIARA], [MINI MEDAL].

2. Fortuna Jail
Release the prisoner, and search the stool in the cell, to find a [MINI MEDAL]

3. Room on Floor 1, Gotha Castle.

Walk up to the church stairs, and turn right and enter the door into a small
hall. Don't go up the stairs in this room, and turn the camera to see a blue
door next to the stairs. In here are three treasure chests containing a [PRAYER

4. Ancient Ruins (East of Coburg)

No point to this, as there is nothing to find and nothing to fight. If you
really must open every locked door, then make your way around the pathways and
back through the room where Pankraz was fighting, to reach the waterway. The
raft will have returned to that spot no matter where you left it. Then, ride up
to the cells at the upper side of the area. You can open them all.

5. Crocodilopolis.
Use the key to open the door inside the small building at the entrance. This
allows you to fight an easy enemy for the [ZENITHIAN ARMOUR].

6. Mantleplace
The key opens the doorway to this optional dungeon. See next section.
7. Estuary Sanctuary (Not yet!)
Sail north from Lofty Peak and through the waterway to reach this door. This
takes you (with the correct placement of three items) to Nadiria.

MANTLEPLACE (OPTIONAL) .................................................*W56

Location: Sail up the river, west of Coburg, or use the Flying Carpet. Land on
the northern shore, and walk north to a cave.
TASK : Obtain the Pallium Regale armour.
Items : Elfin Charm, Mini Medal, Hela Hammer, Pallium Regale.
Mini Medals : 54MM Mantleplace: In treasure chest on Floor 3.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 065 Liquid Metal Slime(R), 120 Drag-goon, 124 Mandrake Major,
125 Fire-Bird, 128 Stenchurion, 133 Gargoyle, 134 Warhog(R),
135 Hades Helm(R), 137 Hyperpyrexion, 138 Terrorceratops,
140 Silvapithecus, 149 Orobas, 157 Beastmaster(R),
158 Fire-Eater, 159 Ice-breaker, 161 Archdemon(R),
160 Luneyetic.
Area Enemies: 140 Silvapithecus, 142 Dragon Zombie, 147 Snake Ch-arm-er,
148 Thwarthog, 149 Orobas, 150 Snowbird(R)

This cave is at the north of the middle northern continet. It is to the east of
Uptaten, but blocked by mountains. In the third genereation you can get there
by zooming to Coburg and then sailing up the river. The ship will be waiting
for you at the southwest of the castle. You also need the Ultimate Key to open
the door to the dungeon. You can recruit monsters, but you can only take a
party of four, so choose carefully before going in!.

This is the only place to recruit the Archdemon monster. You can keep coming
here if you want to find lots of recruitable monsters, and the stones will
reset when you leave.

The idea is that you cover the holes on each floor. There are stones that you
can push around, and place on these monster spawning holes. After covering all
the holes on a floor the monsters will stop appearing. Floor 1 has the hole
already covered, floor 2 has one hole, near the stairs, floor 3 has one at the
lower left, and the fourth floor has four holes, all close to each other.

An [ELFIN CHARM] accessory is found in a treasure chest at the lower right side
of Floor 3, and a [MINI MEDAL] at the lower left. There is a [HELA HAMMER]
inside a treasure chest at the end of a passage to the lower right on Floor 4.

After covering all the holes on every floor, (and make sure the one on the
first floor is left in place as well) then the [PALLIUM REGALE] will appear on
the platform on B4. This is great armour for Hero.

CROCODILOPOLIS .......................................................... *W57

Location: Northen tip of central continent, only accessible with a dragon.

: Obtain the Zenithian Armour and Circle of Life Ring.
Items : Serfwear, T'n'T Ticket, Zenithian Armour, Cobra Claw,
Ruinous Shield, Serfwear.
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 123 Golem(R) (summoned as back-up), 139 Mandrake Marauder,
147 Snake Ch-arm-er, 149 Orobas, 154 Metal Dragon, 155 Wrecktor,
156 Mandrake Marshal(R), 162 Soulspawn, 164 Snake Handler.

If you want to find out where to go next, or how you are supposed to know, then
talk to the Zenithian near the entrance stairs. He will tell you about an evil
shrine on the summit of Mt Azimuth. Go to anywhere flat on the world map and
use the Zenithian Tintinnabulum, and you will now have your very own dragon who
will come to your call, and fly high and fast around the map. (If you choose
somewhere that's too tight for him to fly in, he'll tell you.)

Target the area at the north of the central landmass. This is the triangular
white area on the world map, and it's covered with mountains that prevent a
direct landing. If you head for the peak of this area you will automatically
land at a building. If you turn around and walk back the dragon with pick you
up again. You can only use four party members in this location, although you
will be permitted to bring the rest of the wagon group to the final battle.

When you enter, change the camera angle, and you will spot doors at the side of
the pavement. Inside the left door is a room with three pots. The left one has
[SERFWEAR], the middle one a [T'N'T TICKET], and the right one, nothing. The
room to the right has a guard in front of the Legendary Hero's armour. You need
the Ultimate Key to open the door to the armour, and the guard gives you the
option of not fighting, but there's no need to worry as it's just a
(disappointing) Snake Ch-arm-er, and he'll go down in a couple of hits. He
might send you all to sleep, though. Equip the [ZENITHIAN ARMOUR] to Parry, and
he should now have the full set.

Walk up the pavement and into the main building. You will not be permitted to
wander around, so do as the guards instruct, and walk forwards to join the
massed ranks of cloaked figures. They all say the same thing: long live priest
Mada. Chilling. Talk to a few of them and you can stand still and look at the
top screen and there is the statue of Wife! Check out the Talk option for more
information. Talk to the guards again, until they say that they are suspicious.
You'll have to fight two Mandrake Marauders. Easy. Now you can walk up the side

Go straight up to the woman at the front, (or first of all check the stone
statue and then talk to the soulless person in the front to the right. It's
someone you might remember.) The woman, Mada, explains a few things, and asks a
question. You can answer whatever you like and she will curse everyone. (I
said, yes we'd join her, just for fun.) Then, she reveals her true nature.

Rewards: Experience 8500, 800 Gold.

You might think that being cursed means that you couldn't heal, but it doesn't,
so treat this battle just like any other. Use Kasap to decrease her defence and
Oomph to increase your attack. She uses powerful Kacrackle and Kasizzle magic
on everyone, and Blistering Flame, which is also an attack on all. Her single
person physical attack can do around 80-100 HP damage depending on your levels
and equipment.

She's not as tough as Bjorn, and she only gets one turn per round, so you
shouldn't have too much trouble with this fight, but cast Insulate to protect
from the magic and Kabuff to defend from her physical attacks. Equipment such
as the Magic Shield or Magic Armour will help defend from her magic.

Chat to Porgie, who recognises Hero from the statue. Walk back to the front of
the hall and speak to the guy at the left who will tell you about a hidden
staircase on the stage. You can speak to the other three people at the front,
but they don't say much of interest. Return to the stage area and examine the
place where Mada was standing. Follow the stairs down'll know where
you are.

If you want to cure the cursed status, and save your game after this battle,
then head back out to a church somewhere. Just leave the main building and zoom
out. There is another boss to find, so it's advisable. This also gives you the
chance to change your line-up if you wish. To return, simply call the dragon

Starting from the stage area where you fought the queen, examine the grey stone
where she stood, and you'll find the stairs leading down to the next floor.
Be careful of the enemies here. The Metal Dragon has high resistance to
physical attacks and will call Golems as backup, and the Soulspawn has a nasty
habit of putting you sleep, changing your tactics, and nullifying your magic.
Kill them first!

Walk down either set of stairs (seems familiar?) and down through the opening
into the large cavern. There is nothing to find in here, except enemies. Walk
up between the urns and you will arrive at double doors. Go through, and you
are in a larger area with guards patrolling. They won't bother you, if you
don't bother them.

Walk forwards and up the stairs, and then down the path to the right. There is
a hole in the floor near the first guard. If you fight him, he's just another
Snake Ch-arm-er, (and it doesn't matter what you answer to his question). Enter
the hole and then the door in this small room. Climb the stairs ahead of you
and stay on the upper level. Walk right, and then down, and down a short
ladder. Head up the room, through the next two open doorways, and up the stairs
facing you. Enter the door at the left.

You'll see a treasure chest on a blue platform. Walk up the path next to the
wall, and then down the first set of wide stairs. Head down the room, and
around to the right to reach the chest, which contains a [COBRA CLAW].

From here, walk back up the room, and go left. Then walk down, underneath the
bridging walkway, and up the ladder. Enter the door. Walk to the right, and
down a ladder, and then through a door in the wall. Here you will find a sad
reminder of unhappy times, and two treasure chest containing a [RUINOUS SHIELD]

Go back through the door and follow the floor, going under the upper walkway,
(don't climb either ladder) to the left, and then up. Climb the ladder here,
and enter the door to the right, which takes you back into the main room again.
Fight a single guard if you want to (Mandrake Marauder), and then descend the
ladder and enter the hole. Check up on your tactics and heal everyone before
you meet the next boss. He kindly summons the party members from the wagon so
you can change your line-up for this battle. In fact, you'll have access to all
eight before you talk to him, so you can sort out your items and equipment.

Rewards: Experience 21000, 1000 Gold

He isn't affected by Kasap, although you can still cast Kabuff on everyone. His
main attack uses powerful ice magic on everyone. Use Insulate with Parry to
protect everyone from this. However he will cast a disruptive wave spell which
removes all your protection, and buffs. Nonetheless, this takes up a turn, so
it's still worth while. He will use Bounce on himself. Kaboom will also hurt
everyone for around 70-90 HP, although if you have bounce as well, that will
reflect back damage to him. He also uses a "desperate attack" that's a powerful
physical hit on one. He will sometimes defend rather than attacking which helps
a bit.

His C-Cold breath magic attack is very powerful if you don't have the
protection of Insulate, and will hurt everyone for well over 100 HP each. Not
fun. Ideally you need someone who can use Multiheal. Parry will have Kazing at
level 28 and this can help if someone dies and you don't want to use a
Yggdrasil Leaf. Also, equip Parry (or your preferred healer) with the Meteorite
Bracer to ensure that he goes first on any round and can use Insulate before
Korol devastates you with one of his magic attacks.

This can be a tough battle and you need to have elfin elixirs and Yggdrasil
leafs just in case. I'd suggest levels of around 28 - 30 to give you the best
spells for everyone, and I used Hero, the twins and Slime Knight/Sancho/Saber.
Keep using Oomph to boost attack on Parry and Hero, and keep healed! Don't use
spells on him since you never know when he will cast bounce and you will end up
damaging your allies, but keep using Kabuff and other spells on your team, and
Korol will waste turns removing your buffs.

Return to Gotha
After the battle, you find out that the underworld of Nadira is where Hero's
mother can be found, and Korol kindly says he will open the pathway. But,
nothing happens and an old adversary turns up. No worries, not another battle
just yet. You get the Circle of Life item, and everyone is fully healed up. Now
you have all three rings! Equip this to one of the family and it will heal HP
at every step.

First of all you've got to get out of the temple and you cannot use Evac, but
the good news is that all monsters have disappeared. Retrace your path all the
way back to the exit. When you emerge from the underground area the six urns
will light up with fire. Answer as you wish, and you'll receive a warning not
to go to Nadira. You'll ignore this, of course. Return to the temple and there
is a scene with the stone statue. Your dear wife is back to life! Awww :)

After these events, you will back home in the bedroom of Gotha. Leave your
family alone for a while, (after chatting to them all for some cute comments)
and return downstairs to the throne room to speak to Prince Albert. (As usual,
it doesn't matter what you say.)


If you leave the castle to deal with any unfinished business, you'll notice
that the twins won't be with you. If you want to add your wife, then you must
talk to her in the bedroom, and she will tell you she's coming with you.
However, both the twins and Wife won't be in the party at all, unless you talk
to Patty the Party Planner girl in the bar on the second floor of Gotha Castle.
You'll have to re-equip your wife, and I'm sorry to say that she hasn't changed
at all during the 10 years as a rock, and will be at exactly the same level.
When you've sorted out your party, check that you have the three rings (of
course you do!) and zoom to Lofty Peak.


TASK : Open the gateway to the underworld (Nadiria) in Estuary Sanctuary
Items : Sage's Stone
Mini Medals : None
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 123 Golem(R), 150 Snowbird(R), 153 Balbib, 154 Metal Dragon,
165 Killing Machine(R), 163 Great Dragon(R), 166 Pazuzu.

From Lofty Peak, board the ship, and sail up into the Estuary Cave. Keep
heading north until you arrive at a landing. You will need the Ultimate Key to
open the blue doors. Go through, and there are three goddesses with arms
outstretched. Stand before them in turn, and use each *Circle* ring from your
items. Fire goes on the left statue and water on the right, with Life on the
middle one. (You can use them from the item bag.)

Step into the swirling blue portal and you will end up at the top of a small
building. Walk forwards, and, after a message from mom, you will receive the
[SAGE'S STONE]. Make sure to keep it in your active inventory and you can use
it to heal everyone in battle, as often as you like. It saves a lot on MP

The Killing Machine and most of the enemies in the first location, are immune
to Kacrackle, or at least, it doesn't damage them at all. Be careful to take
out Snowbirds first, as they will use Thwack which can kill nearly everyone at
once if you're unlucky. There are useful monsters to recruit, although the
Great Dragon and Killing Machine are hard to obtain.

You cannot use the Flying Carpet in Nadiria, but you will be able to zoom to
Precaria and Mt. Zugzwang once you have found them. Leave the arrival point and
you can now see the map of this new area. Walk to the bridge and cross to the
east and you'll see that there is a town, half surrounded with rocks. Walk
around, and enter it from the south.

The three *Circle* rings used to open the portal to Nadiria, can be retrieved!
After you have entered the town of Precaria, walk back to the portal, and enter
it. You'll be back at the three statues, and can remove the rings, (which
closes the portal). Walk down the area and sail the ship back down the river,
then, you can zoom back to Precaria. All credit to one.only who alerted me to

PRECARIA ................................................................ *W59

Local Services: Church, Inn (50 Gold per person), Bank, Monty the Monster
Monitor, Weapon, Armour and Item shops, Bar.
TASK : Find all the items, and buy new equipment.
Items : Mini Medal, T'n'T Ticket x2, Seed of Resilience, Elfin Elixir,
Annalum Retentium, Stolos' Staff.
Mini Medals : 55MM Precaria: Inside barrel near wheel.
Knick-Knacks: Annalum Retentium.
Enemies : Merry Man.
Area Enemies: 123 Golem(R), 150 Snowbird(R), 153 Balbib, 154 Metal Dragon,
165 Killing Machine(R), 163 Great Dragon(R), 166 Pazuzu,
WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Dragon's Bane | 15000 | +90 ATK Hurts dragons
Blizzard Blade | 21000 | +105 DEF Hard to aim.
Demon Spear | 25000 | +99 ATK Can inflict critical attack
Great Bow | 37000 | +100 ATK
Staff of Resurrection | 45000 | +66 DEF Use to raise ally from dead
Flametang Boomerang | 13000 | +65 DEF Attacks all enemies at once
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Flame Armour | 15000 | +70 DEF Block magic and ice attacks
Angel Leotard | 21000 | +70 DEF Block magic and ice attacks
Mirror Armour | 30000 | +80 DEF Reflect magic back
Power Shield | 25000 | +45 DEF Use to recover HP for one.
Silver Shield | 33000 | +55 DEF Deflects damage from magic and fire.
Great Helm | 20000 | +45 DEF
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Musk | 80 | Use to attract monsters.
Rockbomb Shard | 500 | Throw at an enemy to cause a bang. One time.
Elfin Charm | 3000 | Protects from bad status spells. (Accessory)
Hermes' Hat | 5000 | +28 DEF Use like a Chimaera Wing

This might be the underworld, but there's still a church where you can save.
Talk to the people and you will find out why it's here. The first house on the
left as you enter, is an inn and staying here costs 400 Gold. Not cheap! There
is a message in a book in the right of the three bookcases, and there is a
Zenithian person upstairs who has dire mutterings. There is a [MINI MEDAL]
inside the barrel next to the hole in the ground close to the turning wheel.

The shops sell good, but very expensive, stuff, and although I could have done
with the resurrection staff, I opted for better defensive equipment instead,
especially for wife, who was getting killed off far too quickly. Up to you how
you spend your gold, but I'd suggest investing in Elfin Charms for everyone: at
least, for your active team. You should have one already, so buy three of them.

Enter the hole in the ground by the wheel and this is the pub. The back room
has a [T'N'T TICKET] in the left barrel. Head up the stairs and you will be
inside a large room with machinery. There are three pots in the left corner,
and the first has another [T'N'T TICKET], and the third a [SEED OF RESILIENCE].
There are two barrels in top right corner and the first has a useful [ELFIN
ELIXIR]. There is a ladder leading up to the top walkway, and a monster to the
right. Talk to him and answer YES and he will give you the [ANNALUM RETENTIUM]
Knick-Knack. You can talk to him again some more for some information.

Walk straight on through the door to an outside ledge and there is a treasure
chest with an enemy in front of it. This is another Merry Man. Easy enough, and
you get a [STOLOS' STAFF] from the chest, which can cure paralysis and
petrification. Madchen can equip it, though anyone can use it as an item.
That's everything, so, when you are ready, move on out! You will find a goodly
number of Great Dragons around Precaria, if you're hoping to recruit one.

TASK : Find your way to the Mountain and step inside. Now you can Zoom.
Items : None
Enemies : 043 Metal Slime(R), 065 Liquid Metal Slime(R),
152 Tyrannoceratops, 162 Soulspawn, 165 Killing Machine(R),
167 Hybird, 169 Wyrtoise, 170 Gigantes(R),

Leave the village and walk west, to find a gap in the rocks. Then, head east
and north, following the edge of the map. Depending on your levels and
equipment, you might find that the Snow Birds keep wiping out half the party. I
kept a couple of monsters back in the wagon who had Zing, although you could
keep Parry out of the active party to save his Kazing spell for when you really
need it. The Gigantes has an attack where they 'lose it' and pound on someone
for a hell of a lot of damage, and this might kill a weaker party member. You
can zoom back to Precaria, but you cannot use the Flying Carpet in Nadiria.

The central area seems to be free of Snow Birds thank goodness, but the
Soulspawn can be just as troublesome as it doubles the attack of all enemies,
so keep using Kabuff on your team if you run into this monster, and try and
take them out first. The Wyrtoise is my least favourite monster. It uses a
powerful lightning attack on everyone, and will solidify so you can't hurt it.
A whole group of these pesky things can wipe you out fast.

Just outside the entrance to the Mountain is a good place to find Liquid Metal
Slimes. Good luck if you want to try and recruit one of these! (This isn't the
best place for the LMS, though. Head for the area just outside the Ancient
Ruins, east of Coburg, for that.)

The entrance to the mountain is obvious, at the north of the map, and by the
time you have fought your way there it might be worth returning to the town to
spend all the money you've accumulated. But, first of all, step inside the
mountain entrance, and now you can zoom back there and don't have to walk
again. You can also freely zoom back to the world map, and return directly from
ii. NADIRIA T'N'T BOARD (OPTIONAL) .................................. [NADTNT]
TASK : Beat the T'n'T Board.
Items : T'n'T Ticket
Turns : 25
Prize : Sands of Time, Mini Medal, T'n'T Free Pass.
NADIRIA T'N'T BD SHOP | Cost | Effect
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Dieamend | 300 | Is destroyed instead of bearer.
Double-Edged Sword | 3300 | +99 ATK
Ruinous Shield | 4200 | 0 DEF
Kamikaze Bracer | 500 | Explodes if user dies.

Walk to the south central point of the middle area (just south of the purple
water that's in front of the entrance to Mt. Zugzwang), and you will find a
building, and a chatty skeleton. Head inside and the old man at the entrance
will inform you that there is a T'n'T board upstairs. YAY! There is a purple
book on the counter that you can read (which gives the location of a secret
dungeon, only accessible after beating the game), but the second door leading
to the treasure chests won't open, as these contain the prizes.

You can open the metal gates to the right, and go through to chat and search
for stuff. One of the pots at the right contains a [T'N'T TICKET]. There is
nothing to find in the left set of rooms (If you want to check anyway, then
change the camera and you will notice a gap in the wall in the bookshelf room,
or go directly from the middle room if you've unlocked the door.)

There is a moving path to the left stairs, which is hard to avoid using. You
can't reach the other rooms, so you might as well try out the T'N'T board. If
you want to investigate a little more first, the board has an upstairs
extension and there is a monster here who will tell you about another, more
fearsome monster than the Grandmaster. Before attempting this board, listen to
Parry - he tells you it's tricky and he's right. However, this board is well
worth completing as soon as you can, since it rewards you with a free pass, and
that means there is no more need to look for tickets. The Sands of Time is a
helpful item that allows you to 'turn back time' to the start of a battle. Yes,
Cher, it's possible in DQV. ;)

N A D I R I A T 'N' T B O A R D T R E A S U R E S A N D L A Y O U T
1. Board Treasures (not including ground searches, or cash reward tiles)
Floor 1
T'n'T Ticket, Hades' Helm, Cobra Claw, Iron Mask, King Korol's Catechism,
Mini Medal.
Floor 2
Serf Wear, Seed of Agility, Dark Shield, Yggdrasil Leaf, T'n'T Ticket.
2. Treasure Trove Contents
Room 1
3050 Gold Coins, Elfin Elixir, Hades' Helm, Mini Medal
Room 2
20300 Gold Coins, Flowing Dress, Mini Medal, T'n'T Ticket
Room 3
1000 Gold Coins, Hell Sabre, Mini Medal, Staff of Salvation, T'n'T Ticket
Room 4
5590 Gold Coins, Cobra Claw, Falcon Blade, King Korol's Catechism,
Mini Medal x2, T'n'T Ticket x2
3. Ground Search Items (Random finds)
20-80 Gold Coins, 500-800 Gold Coins, Boxer Shorts, Dieamend,
Falcon Knife Earrings, Hela Hammer, Hell Sabre, Holy Water, Kamikaze Bracer,
Magic Water, Monster Munchies, Powjamas, Saw Blade, Serf Wear.
4. Dungeons
A. Mini Medal, War Hammer, Iron Mask, Dark Robe
B. 3000 Gold Coins, Spiked Steel Whip, Tempest Shield, Magic Shield
C. Seed of Life, 3000 Gold Coins, Tombola Ticket, Seed of Magic,
Thinking Cap.
See the Lists section on Mini-Games for more details about all the tiles.
Note that dungeons are random, and you could even find yourself in the same one
again, during one round of the board.

If you roll more than the number needed to land on the finish, then you'll just
go past it and carry on around the inner area. There are quite a few tiles
where you can choose the route. Check the board layout to help you decide which
way to go, but the finish line is in the central section of the second floor.

SRT - Start SHP - Village Shop
FIN - Finish ZAP - Lose HP
AR> - Arrow - check direction TRP - Trapdoor
GRS - Grass STA - Stairs
FOR - Forest HEA - Healing Breeze
HIL - Hill 1/2 - Lose Half MP
SLM - Slime T-T - Treasure Trove
BAC - Back to the start MSL - Metal Slime
WRP - Warp DUN - Dungeon
>!< - Random Attribute Change
>?< - Question Mark - random effects
SLO - Slow Motion Roll (pick the number)
M-# - Move backwards (number of tiles)
M+# - Move forwards (number of tiles)
R-# - Remove (number) roll/s of the dice
R+# - Add (number) roll/s of the dice
TC# - Treasure Chest (number)
DR# - Dresser Drawers (number)
PT# - Pot (number)
G-1 - Remove 100 Gold Coins G+1 - Add 200 Gold Coins
G-2 - Remove 200 Gold Coins G+2 - Add 300 Gold Coins
G-3 - Remove 300 Gold Coins G+3 - Add 500 Gold Coins
G-4 - Remove 500 Gold Coins G+4 - Add 1000 Gold Coins
G-5 - Remove 1000 Gold Coins G+5 - Add 2000 Gold Coins

F L O O R 1

Start Here
[SRT][R+1][GRS][G-3][G+2][FOR][SLM][M-2] [WRP][FOR][G+2]
[TC1] [BAC][GRS]
[G-4][FOR][DR1][GRS][TRP][M+3][WRP] [G-4]
[GRS][SLM] < > [R+1] [HIL]
[TC2][STA] [M+4] [HIL] [M-3]
[FOR] [>?<][HIL] [PT1][GRS] [>!<]
[R+2] [ZAP] [G+3] [M-2]
[DUN] [R-1] [GRS][HIL] [PT2]
[M+4] [G+3] [>?<][M-3] [STA][AR<]
[SLO] [M-5] [G+4][FOR][MSL][WRP] [R-1]
[DR2] [ARV][M+5][GRS] >--------v [R+3]
[G+3][GRS] [1/2] [STA] [TC3] [G-4]
[SHP][FOR][HEA][G-4][TRP][M-3][BAC] [R-1][G+4][HIL][M+5][GRS]
< >

F L O O R 2
(to A)
[G-4][GRS] [ZAP][GRS]
[GRS][SLM] [R+1][SLM]
[1/2] [GRS][M+5][FOR][AR<][HEA][>!<] [GRS]
[AR^][STA] [TRP][G+4] [R+2] [HIL][GRS] [HIL]
[GRS] [HIL][G+4] [INN] [AR^][TRP][BAC][M-3]<v
[TC4] [ZAP] [HIL] [PT3] [G+3]
^>[HIL][BAC][TRP][ARv] [M-5] [R+2] [FOR]
[M+3] [M+1] *FINISH!* [GRS] [T-T] [TC5]
[GRS] [HIL][SLO] [FIN][G+4] [G-4] [STA][ARv]
[SLM] [DR4][TRP][FOR][M-2] [MSL][GRS] [HIL]
[WRP] ------------------------------------------> [WRP] <------ [GRS]
[M-5][ZAP] A | [FOR][1/2]
[M+4][FOR] [STA] [WRP][SLM]


< v
[R+3][1/2] [G-4] [SLM][R+2] TCa - [IRON MASK]
[M+5] [ZAP][R+2][TCc][AR<][G+4] [ZAP] TCb - [EMPTY]
[SLM] [M-2][SLM] [M+5][R+3] [TCa] TCc - [WAR HAMMER]
[R+5] [G+5] Exit [SLM] [SLM] TCd - [DARK ROBE]
[TCb] [SLM] [DUN][TCd][R+5] [1/2] [G+4] PTa - [MINI MEDAL]
[G+4] [HIL] [M+3] [R+2] [R-1]
[ZAP] [M+5][SHP] [G+5][MSL] [SLM] [SLM]
[M+4] [G+4][AR>][SLM] [G+4] [M+6]
[R+2][SLM] [G-4] [SLM][>?<] [R+3]
[1/2][ZAP][R+5][SLM][M-3][R+3][INN] [DUN] < Enter
< v
[FOR][M+5] [M-1] [R+2][R-2] Tca - [SPIKED STEEL
[R+2] [SLM][R-3][M+5][AR<][TCc] [FOR] WHIP]
[M+6] [M+6][R+3] [R+5][G+4] [TCa] TCb - [MAGIC SHIELD]
[TCb] [FPR] Exit [R-2] [M+6] TCc - [3000 GOLD]
[SLM] [R-3] [DUN][TCd][R+5] [M+5] [R+2] TCd - [TEMPEST SHIELD]
[R+5] [R+5] [R-3] [R+3] [G+4] PTa - [EMPTY]
[R-3] [M+5][R+5] [G+5][M+4] [SLM] [R-1]
[M+6] [MSL][AR>][R+3] [R+3] [M+6]
[HIL][R+2] [R-2] [R-2][G+4] [R+3]
[G+4][R-2][R+5][SLM][M+6][>?<][R+5] [DUN] < Enter

< v
[R+3][>?<] [ZAP] [R+3][G-4] TCa - [TOMBOLA TICKET]
[G-4] [ZAP][SHP][R+3][AR<][TCc] [ZAP] TCb - [SEED OF MAGIC]
[HEA] [G-4][G+4] [M+5][HEA] [TCa] TCc - [3000 GOLD]
[G+4] [R+2] Exit [G+4] [G+3] TCd - [THINKING CAP]
[TCb] [MSL] [DUN][TCd][R+5] [ZAP] [R-1] PTa - [SEED OF LIFE]
[R+3] [INN] [R-3] [R+5] [>!<]
[ZAP] [R+5][1/2] [G+5][M+4] [R+2] [G-4]
[>!<] [R-2][AR>][G-5] [G+4] [M+6]
[R+5][M+4] [ZAP] [G-4][M+6] [R+3]
[G-4][ZAP][R+5][INN][G+4][R+3][>?<] [DUN] < Enter

MOUNT ZUGZWANG .......................................................... *W60

TASK : Climb the mountain and find all the treasure. Beat the boss!
Items : Mini Medal x2, Mini Medal (Mimic), Dark Robe, Ogre Shield,
Double-Edged Sword, T'n'T Ticket, Aspersorium, Sun Crown,
Metal King Helm, 3800 Gold Coins, Orichalcum Fangs.
Mini Medals : 56MM Mt Zugzwang: Floor 4, in a treasure chest.
57MM Mt Zugzwang: Tiles room, Floor 4, in a treasure chest.
58MM Mt Zugzwang: Defeat Mimic in treasure chest, Floor 4.
Knick-Knacks: Ghoulroarer.
Enemies : 043 Metal Slime(R), 066 Liquid Metal Slime(R), 078 Mimic,
093 Frighturn, 107 Admirer, 144 Metal King Slime, 153 Bahib,
155 Wrecktor, 156 Mandrake Marshal(R), 157 Beastmaster(R),
160 Luneyetic, 162 Soulspawn, 163 Great Dragon(R),
164 Snake Handler, 165 Killing Machine(R), 166 Pazuzu,
167 Hybird, 168 Hyperanemon(R), 169 Wyrtoise, 170 Gigantes(R),
171 Lick-o'-Flame, 172 Drakenstein, 174 Wight King,
175 Doom Slugger, 176 Gloom Slugger, 178 Barbatos(R),

I'd suggest that you get the items and kill the early bosses, and then retreat,
heal up and return. This way your path will be shorter and you won't use up too
much MP on the route, OR, make sure to take lots of Elfin Elixirs with you, and
back-up monsters with healing skills and high MP. Don't forget to make good use
of the Sage's Stone in battle, and this will save on MP for healing.

Floor 1-5
Once inside the building use Evac if you wish to leave.

Floor 1 is simple. Just walk up and take the stairs. Parry should be with you
and cast Safe Passage so the purple stuff doesn't hurt.

Floor 2 has two pots to the left and they are both Frighturns. This is a rare
sighting, and they won't return after you've killed them both, you'll just find
two empty pots. Otherwise, there is nothing else to find. Walk up the room (to
the right of the wall next to pots) to find the stairs up to the next floor.

On Floor 3 walk down the room and follow the path to the left. There are two
sets of stairs up, one at the bottom and one at the top of the left side. Take
the bottom one first and this leads to a single treasure chest containing a

Return to Floor 3 and walk all the way up the room, to take the other stairs
leading to Section A Floor 4. If you walk left, you will be in a new area
(Section B) and there is a pot on the ground, with nothing in it, but I found
two new enemies here. Otherwise, walk down the hall and up the next set of
stairs to Floor 5. Exit down the screen, and you will be on a ledge facing a
wooden bridge.

The Bridges
Warning! Once you start this section you cannot use the Evac spell because you
are outside, but you can use Zoom if you want to leave.

Cross the bridge, and walk up until you reach a junction. Head to the right,
and follow the path up, to find a chest containing an [OGRE SHIELD]. Return to
the junction, and head left over the bridge, and there is a hole in the floor.
This leads to a treasure chest with a [MINI MEDAL], and a cave opening, if you
walk down the path.

Enter the cave, and you are back in Section B (floor 5). Walk left, and up, and
follow the floor to find the stairs. You'll be up on top of the cavern, and
outside again. When you walk left, there will be a challenge from a couple of
Snake Handlers. As soon as you defeat them there will be a scene. Mada is here,
and then Ladja appears.

Rewards: 12000 experience, 980 Gold.

He uses a Burning Breath fire attack on everyone which can also paralyse. This
is when the Elfin Charms you bought in Precaria (or the one you found) will
come in handy, as they protect from bad status effects. He also uses an ice
attack as well, so cast Insulate to protect from both spells. He will attack
one person for around 80-100 HP damage, and use Kafrizzle on one. Use Kabuff as
usual and Oomph to boost attack. Madchen's Puff skill where she transforms into
a dragon for a few rounds, is useful, as she will hurt Ladja as well as being
protected from his fire attacks.

Just one more thing, make sure everyone has their best weapon for this fight if
you've been using all enemy attack stuff like a Boomerang, or a whip. Remember
that you can change weapons during a battle, and it doesn't take up a turn. (My
Hero was level 35 for this battle and I didn't have to use items at all, so
it's not really a tough fight.)

Another sad scene...teary stuff. After these events everyone will be at full
health. Don't forget to use the talk option if you want another reason to weep.
Walk down the path and past the cave, and go left to find a chest with a

Once you are in this outside area you can Zoom out to anywhere.

Tile Rooms (Moving Pathways)
This cave is to the right of the stairs just down from where you fought
Ladja. Check out the map link in the summary of this section, for an overview
of the whole area, and the route to take. It's simpler than this explanation!

Walk up the room and go down the first hole in the floor. On the lower floor,
walk down one step, and then take the single arrow tile that points to the
right. Walk all the way along to the far side of the room avoiding all the
yellow tiles. Then, go up to take the treasure [T'N'T TICKET] from the chest.
Step left onto the yellow tiles and you will end up next to another treasure
chest. Open this for a [MINI MEDAL].

Then, walk directly up from this chest and cross one yellow tile. Go up these
stairs, back to the previous floor. Step on the yellow tile to the right, and
you will move over another one to the path. Take one step onto the moving tiles
at the far right of the floor. At the end, walk down to the corner near the
water. Step onto the yellow tile going left and follow it to where it stops.
Here, walk right, into the large area with the two important items:the
[ASPERSORIUM] (left) and [SUN CROWN] (right).

To return to the entrance, step on the yellow tiles at the upper edge of the
treasure area, and this takes you left. From here, walk up one step and then
back onto the yellow tiles which will take you to the stairs down. On the lower
floor, walk right, up and around to the left, keeping away from the yellow
tiles. Then, walk down between the two lines of yellow tiles and take the one
that points to the right. You can now take the stairs back up to the first
floor. You'll be back where you started the whole thing, and can walk left, and
back to the entrance, leaving the tile rooms by the same way you came in.

Section E Fourth Level
Continue on, heading to the right and inside the next cave. You must have Hero
in the lead and use the Aspersorium item standing next to the fiery square.
Then, descend into the hole that appears. There are gratings set in the floor
and if you step on one, you'll drop down to the lower area. Just use the steps
to return to the main floor, if this occurs. You can often find Metal King
Slimes in this new area.

There is a treasure chest to the left (walk up and then left) containing [3800
GOLD COINS]. Walk straight down the room to the lower wall and you'll see
another treasure chest to the right. This contains a MIMIC, which will drop a
[MINI MEDAL] when you defeat it. A third treasure chest is found in the lower
right corner, and contains a [METAL KING HELM].

Walk as far as you can, to the lower left side of this room, and you will fall
down to the floor below. This is just a small room and all you need to do is to
climb the stairs. You will be back in the same area, but on the far side of the
grating. Now, walk up the room to the upper wall where you'll find the next
stairs leading down. (If you fall down another grating you'll be back in the
first area and have to do this bit again.)

Section D Third Level and Moving Floor Room
In this room, go to the right, past the first two green pillars, and through an
opening into a small room. Here you will find the [GHOULROARER] knick-knack,
just sitting on the floor. There are no enemies in this area.

After that, follow the path up and to the right until you reach the next hole.
Don't go down here, since it just leads to a large room where you'll fall if
you mess up the next puzzle. (By the way, note the scary statues on the north
wall that follow your movements. Nice touch, but they don't do anything else.)

Enter the open door and you are faced with a moving floor puzzle. The idea is
to stand on the centre blue tile of a section of floor and it will move into
the available space. The solution to this puzzle is to stand on the lower left
tile, then, walk all the way around to the right, and up, to reach the next
section. Stand on the middle left blue tile, which moves this floor down. Then
the upper left, middle top, and centre. Head straight through the room after
moving the floor into place, and follow the path. (Leave the room if you need
to re-set the puzzle.) There are no enemies in the puzzle room or in the room
below, where you will fall if you miss a step.

Long Path
Be careful fighting the Luneyetics here, as they come in large groups and can
use the random effect spell, Hocus Pocus, and you might end up losing all your
carefully hoarded MP. This is also a good place for fighting Great Dragons.

Carry on up a long path (you can't fall off!) and into another room. Attempt to
open the treasure chest, yeah, very suspicious being left right there in the
open, and you will be attacked by two Barbatos. They use both Blistering Flame
and Kaboom (a very powerful magic attack on everyone), but they don't
have much HP, so you can dispatch them pretty easily. You then get [ORICHALCUM
FANGS], which is good if you happen to have Saber or another Orichalcum Fang
using monster with you, such as any Slime.

Final, and Really Final Boss
There are still other enemies in this room, and when you proceed through the
doorway, guess who you'll find. Actually you have time to check out your
equipment, items and tactics, before stepping onto a platform. This takes you
to meet Grandmaster Nimzo, who uses such a weird font it's hard to read what he
says, and he says a lot...

| B O S S - GRANDMASTER NIMZO | HP is approximately 3000.
Rewards: Experience: 3632, 530 Gold Coins. (Varies depending on how many
additional monsters you have defeated.)

As well as using a powerful cold magic attack on everyone, and Kafrizzle, a

magic attack on one, he will summon two Killing Machines. When he does that,
try and get rid of them fast, but Kaboom or any magic attack based attack won't
hurt them. Use Kasap to lower their defence, and hit them hard. If he summons
Wrecktors, then you can use magic against them.

Keep an eye on Parry's MP and use an Elfin Elixir on him when it's getting low.
Also, if you exchange party members, the new ones won't have the benefit of any
buffs or protection you've used. Keep using Insulate and Oopmh when he removes
your boosts with disruptive wave.

By the way, if you don't defeat the summoned monsters they will disappear when
you vanquish Nimzo.

After you beat him up there's more chatter, (Why is it that bosses can chat
away quite happliy after you pummel them into the ground?) Anyway, the reason
is, that there's another, and more powerful form. Nimzo grows bigger and you
get to fight him (and his font) again.

HP is approximately 7000, but he heals himself and the amount isn't shown, so
you will probably have to inflict around 7500 damage to kill him.

Rewards: None.

He gets two turns every round and his physical attack can hurt for well over
100 HP, even with the best equipment. He will use Kasap on you all, so keep
casting Kabuff to compensate for this, or his physical attack can take out one
person. This version uses Blazing Fire on everyone, as well as Kaboom, so once
again use Insulate to protect. Kafrizzle makes an appearance again, although
this is nothing too much to worry about as it's just an attack on one.

If he uses Kaboom and Blazing Fire in one round, which he will, then, unless
everyone is at full health AND with the protection of Insulate you could be in
trouble. This means that keeping everyone healed and protected is paramount.
Don't take too many chances if you want to survive! After one of those I used
the essential Yggdrasil Dew and hoped it didn't happen a second time... :(

At some point he will use the same disruptive wave of enery which removes all
your protective magic and boosts, so cast Insulate again as soon as possible.
You could also defend, with anyone who might not survive a double blast without
protection. When his HP is getting low, he will meditate and heal himself
You need more than one Elfin Elixir and Yggdrasil Leaf for this fight, and, as
usual, retaining suffient MP to use your buff spells is a problem, at least, it
was for me! Oh, don't bother with Kasap which only affects physical attacks,
since most of the time he uses magic.

By the way, Madchen can use Puff to good effect in this battle as she is
protected from fire, and will keep blazing the enemy for a random amount of
time. Of course, she'll lose the magic if he casts disruptive wave. You could
also use Kazapple with Parry providing that all four of the team have some MP,
although that means that no-one else gets a turn for that round. It will do
around 350+ damage at once: probably not worth it.

In the and I used Hero, son and daughter as my main three (giving Sage's Stone
to Hero as he was unlikely to die, having the highest HP). I also needed about
4 Elfin Elixirs, and the fourth person I changed around between Saber, Sancho,
and Ward (a powerful Golem). The family were at level 40, and Ward (Golem) at
level 21.

It's the triumph of family values!

You'll find youself in Zenithia, with the Dragon. After a little chat, walk
down to the castle exit, and the dragon will take you to visit various towns.
Chat to old friends, and anyone else you like, and then the dragon will take
you on to the next location, and finally, to Gotha. Don't forget to use the
party chat option for some cute stuff during these final visits.

Make your way to the throne room for the final scenes, although you can stop
off in the town and chat to everyone, including the monsters in your final
wagon group. After that, watch the credits, and wait until they finish. Then,
press A and you can save your game and continue playing when you load that
starred save.

ESTARK'S LABYRINTH (OPTIONAL) .......................................... *W61

TASK : Reach the end of the labyrinth and defeat Estark. This opens the
fifth T'n'T board.
Items : Mini Medal, Mini Medal (Mimic) x2, Rebirth Stone,
Shimmering Shield, War Drum, Hell Sabre, Massacre Sword,
Elfin Elixir, Metal King Armour, Flail of Destruction.
Mini Medals : 59MM Estark's Labyrinth In treasure chest, Floor 1
60MM Estark's Labyrinth: Defeat Mimic on Floor 1
61MM Estark's Labyrinth: Defeat Mimic upstairs from Floor 3.
Knick-Knacks: None
Enemies : 043 Metal Slime(R) 065 Liquid Metal Slime(R), 078 Mimic,
143 Bomboulder(R), 144 Metal King Slime, 156 Mandrake Marshal(R),
162 Soulspawn, 168 Hyperanemon(R), 169 Wyrtoise, 170 Gigantes(R)
177 Mechan-o'-Wyrm, 178 Barbatos(R), 179 Bilhaw

Load your final starred save and you will start in the church at Gotha Castle,
with just the hero. Head to the world map and everyone from the final battle is
still in your team, although with none of their items. You'll find these in the
bag. What is a bit odd is that the chat is from the stage before you go to
Nadiria, and not after, and what this means is that you can fight Nimzo again,
at the end of Mt. Zugzwang, if you so desire! If you make a new save, you can
save over the starred one and it will still have the star.

Zoom to Mt Zugswang, and walk south into the purple stuff (use Safe Passage if
you want to avoid a bit of damage) and you will end up inside a dungeon. By the
way, in case you were wondering how you are supposed to know where to find
Estark's Labyrinth, if you read the purple book resting on the desk near the
entrance to the Nadiria TNT board building, you'll see!

Prepare well for this dungeon with plenty of Elfin Elixirs and Yggdrasil Leafs
for backup. I suggest making two trips. One to collect all the items from the
treasure chests, gaining some levels and recruiting some additional monsters,
with a bit of luck. Then, return to tackle the boss. You can evacuate this
dungeon just like any other.

First Floor
Walk left for two chests: the left one has a [MINI MEDAL] and the right one a
[REBIRTH STONE]. (Once used, gone for good.) Head up to find a MIMIC inside a
treasure chest, and defeat this for another [MINI MEDAL]. If you go down the
hole at the right, this leads to the new T'n'T board, but the entrance is
shut. Return to the main floor and walk left, ignoring the first short path to
a dead end. Head down and through the door (you will need the Ultimate Key to
open this, at least I assume so), and then navigate your way along the narrow
path to the bottom right of the screen. There is a chest with a [SHIMMERING
SHIELD]. Ignore the hole in the floor here, as there is nothing to find in the
room below.
Head left to an area with lots of holes in the floor, covered with grates. Walk
to the lower left and drop down a hole, and you should see a chest in the
corner. This contains a [WAR DRUM]. (Keep this in your inventory and use it to
double the attack power of all allies.) From here, walk all the way to the
right (use Safe Passage again) and there is another chest with the [HELL
SABRE]. Return to the upper floor using the stairs.

Finally, make your way past all the grates, heading down, and then left, and
up, to reach the next hole down. This leads to a set of repeating rooms.

Second Floor
There are no enemies in this first maze floor. You will be in at a crossroads
with four possible exits. Head right for a treasure chest with the [MASSACRE
SWORD], it's a cursed weapon.

Then, from the crossroads, go left, up, up (left of two exits), up, right,
down, right, down, right and you will find a hole in the floor, leading to the
another maze area.

Third Floor
NOTE: I had Sancho equipped with the Hela Hammer and he was able to critical
two Metal King Slimes in one battle!

This maze also is devoid of enemies. First of all head up, and in the next room
go up the stairs into a room with enemies. Walk down and you will find two
treasure chests. The first one is a MIMIC, and will drop a [MINI MEDAL], and
the second contains an [ELFIN ELIXIR]. Return to the main floor, and go left,
and then down as far as you can go (keep going through the adjoining rooms) for
another chest. This contains the [METAL KING ARMOUR]. Retrace your steps back
one room, and then go right, through two rooms, to find an empty chest and some
stairs heading into more purple stuff.

Fourth Floor
Stop at the bottom of the stairs and use Safe Passage before continuing. Walk
up, and around, following the single path, to reach the middle of the area
where there is a treasure chest with the [FLAIL OF DESTRUCTION]. There is a
hole in the floor at the lower left corner of the area, and down here you'll
find Estark. You can fight him as many times as you wish, and each time he will
tell you how many turns you took to defeat him.

| B O S S - ESTARK |
Reward: 5,000 experience, 510 Gold Coins. Mini Medal (possible drop),
(I defeated him in 48 turns on the first attempt...nothing to be proud of.)

The good thing about this battle, is that you've got both the Sage's Stone for
no MP cost free healing, and the War Drum for doubling everyone's attack. You
also will need to use Parry's (or someone else's) Insulate skills as often as
possible, together with a monster with Omniheal if you've got one, or just
Multiheal, if not. Note that you can use Sleep on him to good effect, though it
will only last a few turns, but it does give you some breathing space.

He can use Kaboom, Kafrizzle, Disruptive Wave, C-C-Cold Breath, and Blazing
Fire. If he uses the Disruptive Wave spell first out of his two attacks, then
the next attack spell is going to do a lot of damage. His single person
physical attack will hurt for over 200 HP damage, but Kabuff seemed a waste of
a turn I needed for something else, so this was a case of sucking up the
damage. Keep using Insulate on every round. If someone died, I brought in a
standby to use Kazing on them, saving Parry for Insulate and Multiheal if
things got tough. After the battle use Evac to exit, and rest and save your
game as usual.

My Hero was level 43, Parry 41, and Sancho 43. Madchen's Oomph is not needed
with the War Drum at hand, so I went for heavy hitters for this tussle. Golem
(25) with Orc King (20) for back up. I gave Parry the Rebirth Stone since his
HP was lower than Hero's. Sancho was also a heavy hitter with his Hela Hammer
criticals. Have Parry with the Meteorite Bracer so he gets the first turn. If
you have more than one of these, then equip them all!

Your reward is access to the all time great T'n'T Board, guaranteed to drive
you stark raving mad! There's another reward too, IF you can beat Estark in 15
rounds or less: it's a Knick-Knack (and bragging rights).

Rewards: Catas Trophy Knick-Knack.

The aim is to beat Estark in 15 rounds.

My team:
Hero: Lv 65: Dragon Staff, Pallium Regale, Shimmering Shield, Sun Crown.
Golem: Lv 43: Metal King Sword, Metal King Armour, Ogre Shield, Great Helm.
Gigantes Lv 6: Ionospear, Metal King Armour, Metal King Shield, Great Helm.
King Cureslime: Lv 20: Orichalcum Fangs, Glombolero, Metal King Shield, Metal
King Helm.
Everyone had Elfin Charm and Meteorite Bracer.

My strategy is nothing fancy. Simply to use the War Drum with the King
Cureslime (he has the weakest attack power which is why I used him with the War
Drum) on the first round, and again when Estark uses the Disruptive Wave. The
rest of them attacked, and King Cureslime also cast Omniheal when everyone's HP
was getting low. I didn't bother with Insulate (wastes a turn) and soaked up
the damage. Obviously, you need to have sufficiently high HP and good equipment
to withstand his attacks. The only real danger was when Estark cast Kaboom,
C-C-Cold Breath, or Blazing Fire, twice in one round. (Which he did! )

I had a couple of Yggrdasil Dews (extras obtained from the T'n'T boards) as
back-up in case I needed to heal as well as use the War Drum, and used one of
them. If anyone died, then I just used the Sands of Time to start again. Estark
will also use Bounce, so there's no point using spells in case you mis-judge
this. If there was a chance not to heal, then I had King Cureslime attack, and
risked danger on the next turn. It took me three tries with this set-up,
getting 16 rounds a couple of times, but in the end, we sailed through. :D

After receiving the Catas Trophy, take this to the Knick-Knackatory, and place
it on the top floor. Something else will happen if you have obtained all the
Knick-Knacks. (See the lists section if you want to know.)

I tried using the Hela Hammer with Sancho, but although he often got criticals,
the fact that sometimes he missed completely meant that I couldn't rely on
this. Which is why I went with this line-up and equipment. Another Metal King
Sword might have helped, and Starkers was also a contender for the line-up. If
you have a better strategy, at lower levels, and with a different line-up or
equipment, then please let me know!

"I managed to beat Estark (in 15) using Mason/Wallter (Golems - level 50) Hero
(level 54) and Parry (level 45-50) as my main 4, shuffling Nera (casting
Kafrizzle), Curetis (Cureslime at max level) casting Omniheal, and Goodian
(level 53). My trick was to dress Hero, Parry and Goodian all in the mirror
armour which reflected Estark's magic attack back quite a few times, and use
War Drum of course." from "the ogre".

i. STARK RAVING T'N'T BOARD (OPTIONAL) .............................. [STKTNT]
TASK : Beat the T'n'T Board. (Only accessible with a starred save.)
Items : None
Turns : 70
Prize : Starkers joins the party.
Dieamend | 300 | Is destroyed instead of bearer.
Prayer Ring | 2500 | Restores some MP. Breaks after a while.
Flail of Destruction | 50000 | +125 ATK Whip. Attacks a group of enemies
Dark Robe | 16000 | +55 DEF Armour for monsters
Meteorite Bracer | 6500 | Acessory. Doubles agility

After beating Estark, return to the entrance of the Labyrinth, walk up a few
steps, and take the first passage to the right. There's a hole in the floor
with stairs that takes you down to the door of the T'n'T board. Simply walk
through the door and you can now play this final, and fiendish, board.

This board is tough, and I mean really tough. You might be lucky, and reach the
finish on your first attempt, but be prepared for many many tries before
completing it. There are five floors, and three dungeons, as well as five rooms
in the Treasure Trove, and if you plan to get all the treasures, it's going to
take many visits.

Good luck with this board: you're gonna need it! Despite endless tries, I
still haven't managed to finish. One attempt I had tons of turns left, and
was happily planning what I'd do to Starkers after all the trouble he'd put
me through, when I landed on a ? tile near the finish, and the bloody thing
decided it was a trapdoor. Grrr. Okay, enough complaining. If it wasn't hard,
then it wouldn't be much of a challenge.

(UPDATE: I beat it on 16th April at 8 pm after nearly a month of trying. Yay!)

S T A R K R A V I N G T 'N' T B O A R D T R E A S U R E S & L A Y O U T
1. Board Treasures (not including ground searches, or cash reward tiles)
Floor 1
T'n'T Ticket, 190 Gold Coins, 100 Gold Coins, 100 Gold Coins, Falcon Blade,
Medicinal Herb, Holy Water.
Floor 2
Seed of Agility, Seed of Life, Seed of Strength, Tombola Ticket,
Robust Lingerie, 3500 Gold Coins, Yggdrasil Leaf,
Floor 3
3000 Gold Coins, Seed of Resilience, Seed of Magic, Powjamas,
Yggdrasil Leaf.
Floor 4
Mini Medal, Happy Hat, Mini Medal, Metal King Shield.
Floor 5
Metal King Armour, Orichalcum Fangs.
2. Treasure Trove Contents
Room 1
10 Gold Coins, Kamikaze Bracer, Mini Medal, Silver Shield, Yggdrasil Dew
Room 2
15000 Gold Coins.
Room 3
Falcon Blade, Mini Medal x2, Sacred Armour, Seed of Resilience
Room 4
42 Gold Coins, Mini Medal x10, Tombola Ticket x12, Power Shield.
Room 5
Golden Tiara, Mini Medal, Prayer Ring, T'n'T Ticket, Yggdrasil Leaf.
3. Ground Search Items (Random finds)
20-30 Gold Coins, 500-800 Gold Coins, Demon Spear, Devil Armour,
Hades' Helm, Mini Medal, Paxa Punch, Seed of Agility, Seed of Resilience,
Seed of Life, Seed of Magic, Seed of Strength, Seed of Wisdom,
Staff of Resurrection, Tombola Ticket.
4. Dungeons (Random)
A. Mini Medal, Ruinous Shield, 10 Gold Coins, 10,000 Gold Coins,
Rebirth Stone, Silver Shield, Mini Medal, Paxa Punch, Yggdrasil Leaf.
B. Yggdrasil Dew, 1500 Gold Coins, Seed of Wisdom, T'n'Ticket, Mini Medal,
Staff of Divine Wrath, Staff of Resurrection, T'n'T Ticket, Mini Medal.
C. Falcon Blade, Tombola Ticket, Mini Medal, 5000 Gold Coins,
Yggdrasil Leaf, Great Helm, Great Bow, Mini Medal, T'n'T Ticket,
Mini Medal.
See the Lists section on Mini-Games for more details about all the tiles.

One way to access the final floor (4), is to fall through a trap door on floor
3. Then, you have to travel around that cut-off section, and hope you land on
the warp tile which will take you to the area of this floor that leads to the
finish. Don't enter any of the dungeons if you just want to complete the board,
as these use up too many turns. Also, beware of random searches on
grass/forest/hill tiles, as these might reveal a trap that doesn't lead
anywhere useful.

SRT - Start SHP - Village Shop
FIN - Finish ZAP - Lose HP
AR> - Arrow - check direction TRP - Trapdoor
GRS - Grass STA - Stairs
FOR - Forest HEA - Healing Breeze
HIL - Hill 1/2 - Lose Half MP
SLM - Slime T-T - Treasure Trove
BAC - Back to the start MSL - Metal Slime
WRP - Warp DUN - Dungeon
>!< - Random Attribute Change
>?< - Question Mark - random effects
SLO - Slow Motion Roll (pick the number)
M-# - Move backwards (number of tiles)
M+# - Move forwards (number of tiles)
R-# - Remove (number) roll/s of the dice
R+# - Add (number) roll/s of the dice
TC# - Treasure Chest (number)
DR# - Dresser Drawers (number)
PT# - Pot (number)
G-1 - Remove 1000 Gold Coins G+1 - Add 1000 Gold Coins
G-2 - Remove 2000 Gold Coins G+2 - Add 2000 Gold Coins
G-3 - Remove 3000 Gold Coins G+3 - Add 3000 Gold Coins
G-4 - Remove 4000 Gold Coins G+4 - Add 4000 Gold Coins
G-5 - Remove 5000 Gold Coins G+5 - Add 5000 Gold Coins

F L O O R 1

[<!<]DUN[G+2][R-5][FOR][PT1][G-2][GRS][R+5][HIL][R-3][G+5][GRS][STA] [STA]
[R+3] [T-T]
[G-3] [SLM]
[G+5] [>?<][G+3][GRS][M-5][G+3][R-2][WRP][G+2][HIL][1/2][G+5] [ZAP]
[R-2] [G-5] ^ [GRS] [HIL]
[GRS] [TC1] v [R-3] [GRS]
[DR2] [STA] [G+3][FOR][SLM][WRP][GRS][G+2][DR3][>!<] [1/2]
[R+5] [SLO] [GRS]
[G+3] [R-2] [SLM]
[G-5] [>?<][HIL][HIL][HIL][HIL][HIL][SRT] <<Enter [ZAP]
[HIL] [G-2] [HIL]
[R-3] [FOR] [SLM]
[R+2] [STA] [R+3][GRS][SLM][WRP][GRS][R=2][MSL][>!<] [INN]
[GRS] [TC2] ^ [G-3] [MSL]
[G+5] [R-5] v [SLO] [GRS]
[G-3] [>?<][R+3][GRS][M-5][R+3][G-2][WRP][R+2][HIL][ZAP][R+5] [PT2]
[R+5] [SLM]

F L O O R 2
All five warp tiles in the east section take you to the one on the top row.

[G-3]R-3[G+2][R-5][FOR][PT1][G-2][GRS][R+5][R+5][WRP] [STA][PT3][ARv][STA]
[R-5] [TRP] [DUN]
[G-5] [TRP] [SLO]
[ARv]PT4[G+5][R+5][M-5][G+3][R+3][ZAP][R-1][FOR] [R+3][TC3][AR>][HEA]
[HIL] [M-3] [G_2]
[M+5] [STA][G+3][DR4][GRS][G-2][GRS][M+6][1/2] [M+5] [R+1]
[M-3] [HIL] [GRS] [M+4]
[DUN] [M-2] [<?<] [GRS]
[M+3] [DR5][FOR][R-2][G+2][1/2] [GRS] [G-1] [G+1]
[M-5] [HIL] [G-2] [R+2] [AR^][BAC][R-2][HIL]
[R+3] [G+3] [GRS] [SLM] [M+4] [GTE]
[STA] [STA] [TC4] [SHP] [WRP] [ZAP]
(to F3) [GRS][>?<][>?<][HIL] [M-6] [M-3]
[R+2] [TRP] [R+2] [FOR]
[ZAP]SLM[INN][M-3][R+1][M+5][GRS][TRP] [G+2] [WRP] [1/2]
[T-T] [GRS] [M-4] [GRS]
[R+5] [DUN] [GRS] [G-1]
[STA] [STA][R+5][R-1][M-3][GRS][INN][ZAP][M+5] [WRP][R-1][HIL][WRP]
F L O O R 3
All trap tiles lead down to the tile directly underneath on the next floor.

[GRS] [M+6]
[TRP] [WRP][MSL][HIL][M+3][GRS][M+4][FOR][M-6][M+6][M-3][WRP] [TRP]
[M+5] [TC6] [G-2] [HIL]
[>!<] [M-2] [FOR] [G-3]
[GRS] [R+3] [SLO][R+3][R-2][R+3][SHP] [INN] [1/2]
[G-3] [M-4] [HEA] [T-T] [GRS] [GRS]
[R+5] [M+6] [DUN] [G+5] [R+3] [R-2]
[HIL]GTE[G=2][ARv] [STA] (to F4) [PT6] [>!<] [FOR]
[HEA] [G+3] [G+3] [DR6]
(from F2) [GRS] All 4 warps lead here [FOR] [HIL] [BAC]
[STA] [G-2] [WRP][TC7][R+5][G+2][MSL] [M+5] [R+3]
[TC5] [HEA] [M-4] [GRS]
[R+2] [FOR] [MSL] [M+4]
[GRS] [WRP][GRS][M+5][M-5][HIL][DR7][MSL][SLO][ZAP][R+3][WRP] [TRP]
[G+2] [G+5]
[R-1] [GRS]

F L O O R 4
All warp tiles on the separate areas lead to the one at the southwest corner.

[BAC][M+3][GRS][M+5][R-1][HIL][AR<] [ARv][G+2][GRS][M+4][HIL][G+5][BAC]
[R+3] [TC9] [FOR] [PT8]
[HIL] [M-5] [R-2] [M+4]
[AR>][G-2][FOR][MSL][G+5][M+1][WRP] [WRP][R+2][M-5][HIL][SLM][G-3][AR^]

[>?<][GRS][SLM][M+6][HIL][SLO] [TRP][FOR][G+5][INN][HIL][M-3][TRP]
[R+3] [PT7] [M-2] [>?<]
[FPR] [G-2] [M+4] [FOR]
[T-T}[G+2][R-2] [STA] [FIN] >>> HOLE [G-2]
[GRS] (from F3) [R+5] [GRS]
(from F5) [R+3] [TC8] [R+3]
[M-2][G+2][DUN][ZAP][GRS][R+3] [WRP][SLM][HIL][BAC][M+2][GRS][ZAP][AR<]
[GRS] [M-3] [G+3]
[HIL] [G+2] [GRS]
[WRP[SLO][G-2][GRS][SLM][R-2][>?<] [AR>][DUN][G-2][FOR][R-3][M+3][TC*][BAC]

F L O O R 5
This floor is reached if you fall down a trap in the area close to the finish.

[M+6][T-T][GRS] [M+4][T-T][GRS]
[GRS][TC&] [R+3][GRS]
[MSL] [HEA][>?<][R+5][AR<]
[SHP] [HIL] [T-T]
(to F4) [GRS][G+3][AR<][PT9][GRS][G+5] [MSL]
[STA][R+5][INN][>!<][R+3] [GRS[R+2][DUN][GRS]





[R+5][HIL][1/2][M+3][ZAP][M-4][HEA] [DUN][DR1][M-2][HIL][R+5]
[M-2] [R+3] [SLM]
[M-4] [R+5][>?<][WRP][PT1][AR>][HIL][SLM][INN][R+2] [G-3]
[SLM] [G+3] [ZAP] [M-2]
[HEA] [WRP] [WRP][G+3][MSL][G+5][TC1] [M-3] [ZAP]
[ZAP] [M+6] [TC2] [HIL] [1/2]
[R-1] [M-2] [DUN] [DUN] [M+6] [R-2] [R+2]
[DR2] [FOR] [DR4] [TC4] [R+5] [DR3] [R-1]
[G+2] [1/2] [R+2] [TC3][MSL][G+5] [>?<] [M+5]
[M-6] [HIL] [G+1] [G-3] [FOR]
[FOR] [R+2][ZAP][M+4][PT2][G-2][HEA][SLM][HIL][R+5] [G+3]
[>?<] <^ [>?<]




[R+5][FOR][1/2][M+5][ZAP][SLM][M+4] [DUN][R+3][M+6][DR1][R+5]
[M+3] [HEA] [M+4]
[M+6] [R+5][M+1][WRP][GTE][AR>][M+5][SLM][M+3][M+5] [HIL]
[>?<] [G+3] v [FOR] [M+6]
[ZAP] [WRP]--> [WRP][GTE][SLM][G+5][TC1] [ZAP] [ZAP]
[HEA] [M+5] [TC2] [GTE] [1/2]
[FOR] [PT2] [DUN] [DUN] [M+6] [DR2] [M+5]
[FOR] [GTE] [DR3] [TC4] [R+5] [M+5] [>?<]
[M+4] [1/2] [R+2] [TC3][R+3][G+5] [HIL] [G+3]
[INN] [M+5] [G+1] [M+3] [FOR]
[M+5] [R+5][ZAP][>?<][HEA][SLM][R+3][FOR][SLM][R+5] [M+4]
[FOR] <^ [SLM]


All warps lead to Warp A.


TC2 - [5000 COINS] DR2 - [T'N' TICKET] PT2 - [MINI MEDAL]
[R+5][HIL][1/2][M+3][ZAP][M+1][WRP] [DUN][DR1][M+5][R-2][R+5]
[M+5] [TC1] [FOR]
[M-4] [WRP][R+5][M-2][R+5][AR>][M+3][HIL][G+5][WRP] [SLM]
[MSL] [PT2] [R+5] [ZAP]
[R+3] [M-2] ->A [WRP][M+3][MSL][G+5][PT3] [FOR] [G+2]
[ZAP] [M+3] [TC2] [>!<] [M+6]
[WRP] [WRP] [DUN] [DUN [M+6] [G+3] [WRP]
[DR2] [M+1] [DR4] [TC4] [R+5] [DR3] [G+3]
[M+2] [ZAP] [M+2] [TC3][R+5][G+5] [M+2] [>?<]
[INN] [R+5] [G+1] [R+3] [M+6]
[G+2] [WRP][PT1][>?<][HEA][M+4][FOR][G+5][M-1][WRP] [R+2]
[FOR] <^ [HIL]



After beating this board you will find Starkers, another monster recruit,
inside the treasure chest. Zoom to Mostroferrato. Talk to the turbaned man in
the town (during the day) and he'll tell you that there is something odd
happening inside the shrine to the northwest of the town. This is the place
that had the red pot and Bjorn. It seems that something is jumping around
inside the pot.

Head for the shrine, (on the island west of Stockenbarrel, and north from
Mostroferrato) and you'll see that the pot is blue and shaking! Check it out
and...*Booork! Schnip!* Rebjorn will join your party if you agree. (It's still
Bjorn, but he's been bjorn again.)


VI. L I S T S .........................*LISTS


01. Shops
02. Skills And Spells
03. Human Characters Skills and Spells
04. Items
05. Equipment
06. Weapons
07. Knick-Knacks
08. Mini Medal Locations And Rewards
09. Mini-Games
10. T'n'T Boards
11. Monster Guide
12. Recruitable Monsters' Equipment/Spells/Locations
13. Zoom Locations and World Map
14. F.A.Q.S.

01. S H O P S ...........................................................*L01

When inside a town, press Y to see the map and then Y again to see the stock at
all the shops.

01. Whealbrook
02. Roundbeck
03. Faerie Lea
04. Coburg
05. Fortuna (+Casino and T'n'T board)
06. Lodestar Harbour
07. Ventuno
08. Hay
09. Zoomingale
10. Mostroferrato
11. Stockenbarrel
12. Helmunaptra
13. Battenberg
14. Gotha
15. Lofty Peak
16. Precaria
17. Nadiria (T'n'T Shops)

2nd Gen = The stock has changed for the "Second Generation" part of the game
3rd Gen = The stock has changed for the "Third Generation" part of the game

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Cypress Stick | 10 | +2 ATK
Bamboo Spear | 50 | +5 ATK
Bone Stake | 70 | +6 ATK
Oaken Staff | 130 | +9 ATK
Copper Sword | 270 | +13 ATK
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison

WEAPON SHOP (3rd Gen) | Cost | Effect
Poison Moth Knife | 900 | +24 ATK May paralyse target.
War Hammer | 6500 | +60 ATK
Zombiesbane | 11500 | +80 Damages the undead
Ionospear | 13500 | +65 ATK Use for lightning attack.
Dragonsbane | 15000 | +90 ATK. Inflicts increased damage on dragons
Icicle Dirk | 9000 | +70 ATK Use for crack attack

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Giant Mallet | 220 | +10 ATK
Iron Claw | 550 | +19 ATK
Chain Sickle | 900 | +27 ATK
Chain Whip | 1200 | +23 ATK Attacks a group of enemies
Edged Boomerang | 1500 | +25 ATK Attacks all enemies at once
Paring Knife | 50 | +6 ATK
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Wayfarer's Clothes | 70 | +7 DEF
Silk Apron | 110 | +10 DEF
Leather Armour | 180 | +11 DEF
Leather Dress | 380 | +17 DEF
Scale Shield | 180 | +7 DEF
Hardwood Headwear | 120 | +6 DEF
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Musk | 80 | Use to attract monsters.
Hairband | 150 | +7 DEF (girls only)

ARMOUR SHOP (2nd Gen) | Cost | Effect
Bronze Armour | 700 | +21 DEF
Iron Armour | 1200 | +25 DEF
Scale Shield | 180 | +7 DEF
Iron Shield | 720 | +16 DEF. Reduce damage from ice/fire
Hardwood Headwear | 120 | +6 DEF
Iron Helmet | 1100 | +16 DEF
ITEM SHOP (2nd Gen | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Pot Lid | 40 | +2 DEF
Plain Clothes | 30 | +4 DEF

ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Rags | 25 | +3 DEF Armour
Leather Armour | 180 | +11 DEF
Leather Kilt | 220 | +12 DEF
Scale Armour | 350 | +15 DEF-
Bronze Shield | 370 | +11 DEF
Fur Hood | 400 | +11 DEF Helmet
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Stone Fangs | 240 | +12 ATK Monster only
Copper Sword | 270 | +13 ATK
Boomerang | 420 | +15 ATK Attacks all enemies at once
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.

Third generation only

ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Flame Armour | 15000 | +70 DEF Block magic and ice attacks
Flowing Dress | 14800 | +55 DEF Deflect magic and fire attacks
Silk Bustier | 18800 | +60 DEF
Flame Shield | 17000 | +40 DEF Reduces damage from fire/ice
Power Shield | 25000 | +45 DEF Use to recover HP for one
Thinking Cap | 13000 | +40 DEF Increases wisdom

(This location only appears after events with Winter Palace)

Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Boxer Shorts | 10 | +15 DEF Armour
Faerie Foil | 7700 | +85 ATK. Sword. Use to raise defence.

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Stone Axe | 700 | +20 ATK
Iron Staff | 850 | +22 ATK
Chain Whip | 1200 | +23 ATK
Steel Broadsword | 2000 | +33 ATK
Steel Fangs | 2000 | +35 ATK Monsters only
Poison Needle | 2900 | +1 ATK Venomous barb can do critical attack
ARMOUR SHOP (pedlar) | Cost | Effect
Fur Cape | 550 | +18 DEF
Bronze Armour | 700 | +21 DEF
Iron Armour | 1200 | +25 DEF
Iron Shield | 720 | +16 DEF
Fur Hood | 400 | +11 DEF
Iron Helmet | 1100 | +16 DEF
ITEM SHOP (1st Gen.) | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Moonwort Bulb | 30 | Cures one from paralysis.
Musk | 80 | Use to attract monsters.

ITEM SHOP (Late game) | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Shellmet | 150 | +7 DEF Monsters only
Fur Hood | 400 | +11 DEF

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Stone Fangs | 240 | +12 ATK Monsters only
Boomerang | 420 | +15 ATK Attacks all enemies at once
Chain Sickle | 900 | +27 ATK
Chain Whip | 1200 | +23 ATK
Edged Boomerang | 1500 | +25 ATK
ARMOUR SHOP 1 | Cost | Effect
Leather Kilt | 220 | +12 DEF
Scale Shield | 180 | +7 DEF
Bronze Shield | 370 | +11 DEF
Pointy Hat | 70 | +3 DEF
Hardwood Headwear | 120 | +6 DEF
Rags | 25 | +3 DEF
ARMOUR SHOP 2 | Cost | Effect
Chain Mail | 500 | +19 DEF
Bronze Armour | 700 | +21 DEF
Iron Cuirass | 1000 | +23 DEF
Iron Armour | 1200 | +25 DEF
Iron Helmet | 1100 | +16 DEF
Slime Gooniform | 330 | +20 DEF Monsters only
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison.
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Moonwort Bulb | 30 | Cures one from paralysis.
Musk | 80 | Use to attract monsters.

Trade Tokens for: | Cost | Effect
Elfin Elixir | 300| Restores all MP for one.
Yggdrasil Leaf | 1000| Use to resurrect a party member with full HP.
Kamikaze Bracer | 5000| Explodes if user dies.
Falcon Knife Earrings | 10000| +35 ATK Hits twice.
Metal King Sword | 50000| +130 ATK
Gringham Whip | 250000| +100 ATK

T 'N' T BOARD SHOP Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison.
Rockbomb Shard | 450 | Throw at an enemy to cause a bang. One time.
Cherub Chime | 500 | Use in battle to cure from confusion
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Oaken Club | 60 | +2 ATK
Stone Axe | 700 | +20 ATK
Edged Boomerang | 1500 | +25 ATK Attacks all enemies at once
Sledgehammer | 1800 | +30 ATK
Steel Broadsword | 2000 | +33 ATK
Morning Star | 3000 | +45 ATK Attacks a group of enemies (whip)
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Iron Cuirass | 1000 | +23 DEF
Iron Armour | 1200 | +25 DEF
Full Plate Armour | 2300 | +30 DEF
Slime Gooniform | 330 | +20 DEF Armour for Slime type monsters.
Scale Shield | 100 | +7 DEF
Iron Helmet | 1100 | +16 DEF
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Moonwort Bulb | 30 | Cures one from paralysis.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Cherub Chime | 500 | Use in battle to cure from confusion
Tortoise Shell | 2500 | +33 DEF Armour.
Magic Shield | 3400 | +22 DEF Deflects damage from magic and fire/ice

Trade Tokens for: | Cost | Effect
Elfin Elixir | 300| Restores all MP for one.
Yggrdasil Leaf | 1000| Use to resurrect a party member with full HP.
Kamikaze Bracer | 5000| Explodes if user dies.
Falcon Knife Earrings | 10000| +35 ATK Hits twice.
Metal King Sword | 50000| +130 ATK
Gringham Whip | 250000| +100 ATK
T 'N' T BOARD SHOP | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison.
Magic Water | 120 | Recovers some MP to one.
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Top Hat | 2000 | +20 DEF Helmet

ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Iron Claw | 550 | +19 ATK Monsters only
Iron Cuirass | 1000 | +23 DEF
Iron Helmet | 1100 | +16 DEF
Poison Needle | 2900 | +1 ATK Venomous barb can inflict a Critical.

WEAPON SHOP (Day) | Cost | Effect
Saw Blade | 1200 | +27 ATK
Sledgehammer | 1800 | +30 ATK
Steel Broadsword | 2000 | +33 ATK
Steel Fangs | 2000 | +35 ATK Monsters only
Serpent Sword | 3900 | +42 ATK
ARMOUR SHOP (Night) | Cost | Effect
Full Plate Armour | 2300 | +30 DEF
Tortoise Shell | 2500 | +33 DEF
Iron Helmet | 1100 | +16 DEF
Iron Mask | 3500 | +25 DEF
Scale Shield | 180 | +7 DEF
Magic Shield | 3400 | +22 DEF Deflects damage from magic and fire/ice
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Moonwort Bulb | 30 | Cures one from paralysis.
Monster Munchies | 200 | Use on a monster to distract them, and so miss
| | their chance to strike.

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Chain Whip | 1200 | +23 ATK Attacks a group of enemies
Steel Broadsword | 2000 | +33 ATK
Morning Star | 3000 | +45 ATK Attacks a group of enemies
Cautery Sword | 4400 | +45 ATK Use for a flame attack
Steel Fangs | 2000 | +35 ATK Monsters only
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Dancer's Costume | 1300 | +20 DEF Female only
Full Plate Armour | 2300 | +30 DEF
Tortoise Shell | 2500 | +33 DEF
Cloak of Evasion | 3000 | +28 DEF User might avoid attack
Silver Tiara | 450 | +14 DEF Female only
Top Hat | 2000 | +20 DEF
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Moonwort Bulb | 30 | Cures one from paralysis.
Leather Shield | 70 | +4 DEF

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Poison Moth Knife | 900 | +24 ATK May paralyse
Sledgehammer | 1800 | +30 ATK
Steel Broadsword | 2000 | +33 ATK
Serpent Sword | 3900 | +42 ATK
Battle Axe | 4000 | +45 ATK
Cautery Sword | 4400 | +44 ATK Use for flame attack
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Medicinal Herb | 8 | Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Antidotal Herb | 10 | Cures poison
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Moonwort Bulb | 30 | Cures one from paralysis.
Leather Hat | 65 | +2 DEF

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Somatic Staff | 2500 | +55 ATK Uses MP to attack
Morning Star | 3000 | +45 ATK Attacks a group of enemies (whipw)
Battle Axe | 4000 | +45 ATK
Cautery Sword | 4400 | +44 ATK Use for flame attack
Saw Blade | 1200 | +27 ATK
Steel Fangs | 2000 | +35 ATK Monsters only
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Iron Cuirass | 1000 | +23 DEF
Cloak of Evasion | 3000 | +28 DEF User might avoid attack
Silver Mail | 4800 | +40 DEF
Lacy Bustier | 5500 | +36 DEF Female only
Magic Shield | 3400 | +22 DEF Deflects magic and fire/ice attacks
Top Hat | 2000 | +20 DEF
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Rockbomb Shard | 450 | Throw at an enemy to cause a bang. One time.
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Floral Parasol | 1000 | +8 DEF Debora only (shield)
ITEM SHOP (Oasis) | Cost | Effect
Holy Water | 20 | Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Moonwort Bulb | 30 | Cures one from paralysis.
Rockbomb Shard | 450 | Throw at an enemy to cause a bang. One time.
Cherub Chime | 500 | Use in battle to cure from confusion
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Floral Parazol | 1000 | +8 DEF Debora only (shield)

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Morning Star | 3000 | +45 ATK Attacks a group of enemies (whip)
Battle Axe | 4000 | +45 ATK
Cautery Sword | 4400 | +44 ATK Use for flame attack
Fire Claw | 4700 | +53 ATK Use for fire attack
Dream Blade | 6300 | +55 ATK May inflict sleep
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Silver Mail | 4800 | +40 DEF
Lacy Bustier | 5500 | +36 DEF Female only
Blood Mail | 6500 | +45 DEF Monsters only
Legerdemantle | 6800 | +27 DEF
Magic Shield | 3400 | +22 DEF Deflects magic and fire/ice attacks
Iron Mask | 3500 | +25 DEF

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Edged Boomerang | 1500 | +25 ATK Attacks all enemies at once
Sledgehammer | 1800 | +30 ATK
Steel Fangs | 2000 | +35 ATK Monsters only
Serpent Sword | 3900 | +42 ATK
Fire Claw | 4700 | +53 ATK Use for fire attack
Dream Blade | 6300 | +55 ATK May inflict sleep
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect----------------------+-------
Shimmering Dress | 8000 | +45 DEF May reflect back magic
Silver Mail | 4800 | +40 DEF
Silver Cuirass | 5000 | +40 DEF
Dragon Mail | 7500 | +50 DEF Reduce fire damage
Tempest Shield | 4700 | +35 DEF Use & make low lv ens vanish
Iron Mask | 3500 | +25 DEF
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Chimaera Wing | 25 | Use to return to previously-visited location.
Rockbomb Shard | 450 | Throw at an enemy to cause a bang. One time.
Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Scale Shield | 180 | +7 DEF
Fur Hood | 400 | +11 DEF
Tortoise Shell | 2500 | +33 DEF

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Dream Blade | 6300 | +55 ATK May inflict sleep
War Hammer | 6500 | +60 ATK
Spiked Steel Whip | 7400 | +65 ATK Attacks a group of enemies
Icicle Dirk | 9000 | +70 ATK Use for crack attack
Siren Sword | 9800 | +70 ATK May inflict confusion
Somatic Staff | 2500 | +55 ATK Uses MP to attack
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Silver Cuirass | 5000 | +40 DEF
Magic Armour | 12000 | +60 DEF Reduces magic damage
Shimmering Dress | 8000 | +45 DEF May reflect back magic
Sage's Robe | 12000 | +50 DEF Reduce magic damage
Dragon Shield | 7100 | +30 DEF Reduces damage from fire/ice
Thinking Cap | 13000 | +40 DEF Increases wisdom by 15 points.

WEAPON SHOP | Cost | Effect
Dragon's Bane | 15000 | +90 ATK Hurts dragons
Blizzard Blade | 21000 | +105 DEF Hard to aim.
Demon Spear | 25000 | +99 ATK Can inflict critical attack
Great Bow | 37000 | +100 ATK
Staff of Resurrection | 45000 | +66 DEF Use to raise ally from dead
Flametang Boomerang | 13000 | +65 DEF Attacks all enemies at once
ARMOUR SHOP | Cost | Effect
Flame Armour | 15000 | +70 DEF Block magic and ice attacks
Angel Leotard | 21000 | +70 DEF Block magic and ice attacks
Mirror Armour | 30000 | +80 DEF Reflect magic back
Power Shield | 25000 | +45 DEF Use to recover HP for one.
Silver Shield | 33000 | +55 DEF Deflects damage from magic & fire att
Great Helm | 20000 | +45 DEF
ITEM SHOP | Cost | Effect
Musk | 80 | Use to attract monsters.
Rockbomb Shard | 500 | Throw at an enemy to cause a bang. One time.
Elfin Charm | 3000 | Protects from spells. (accessory)
Hermes' Hat | 5000 | +28 DEF Use like a Chimaera Wing

Paxa Punch | 600 | Boosts attack power in battle.
Dieamend | 300 | Is destroyed instead of bearer.
Double-Edged Sword | 3300 | +99 ATK
Ruinous Shield | 4200 | 0 DEF
Kamikaze Bracer | 500 | Explodes if user dies.

Only accessible with a starred save.

STARK T'N'T BOARD SHP | Cost | Effect
Dieamend | 300 | Is destroyed instead of bearer.
Prayer Ring | 2500 | Restores some MP. Breaks after a while.
Flail of Destruction | 50000 | +125 ATK Whip. Attacks a group of enemies
Dark Robe | 16000 | +55 DEF Armour for monsters
Meteorite Bracer | 6500 | Accessory. Doubles agility

02. S K I L L S A N D S P E L L S .....................................*L02

NOTE: Apart from Meditation and Omniheal, all Healing and Support Magic spells
are covered by the human allies. Most Status Change spells are not, although
they do have some of the most powerful attack spells. See the next section for
more details of who has which spells.

FIGHTING SKILLS | MP | Number | Effect
Focus Strength | 0 | Self | Focus, and attack with double power next turn
Frenzy | 0 | Self | Goes crazy and attacks anyone. (Allies too!)
Guard | 0 | Self | Defend from attack for that round.
Massive Hit | 0 | Self | Achieve a critical hit.
Muster Strength | 0 | Self | Save up energy to bolster the next attack.

HEALING MAGIC | MP | Number | Effect
Absorb Magic | 2 | Self | Absorb MP of an incoming spell
Drain Magic | 0 | Self | Steal MP from an enemy.
Fullheal | 7 | One | Restores all HP of a single ally
Heal | 3 | One | Restores at least 30 HP to one ally.
Kazing | 20 | Ally | Resurrects ally to full health.
Kerplunk | All| Self | Sacrifice self to resurrect everyone else
Meditation | 0 | Self | Become at one with self and restore 500 HP.
Midheal | 5 | One | Restores at least 75 HP to one ally
Multiheal | 18 | Allies | Restores at least 75 HP to the whole party.
Omniheal | 36 | Allies | Restores all HP to everyone.
Sheen | 10 | Ally | Lifts a curse.
Squelch | 2 | Ally | Cures one ally of poison
Tingle | 2 | Allies | Cures everyone of effects of paralysis.
Zing | 10 | Ally | Occasionally resurrects dead ally +half HP

SUPPORT MAGIC | MP | Number | Effect
Bounce | 4 | Ally | Reflects all spells.
Buff | 2 | One | Raises defence of one party member
Evac | 8 | Party | Exit instantly from dungeon/cave/tower.
Holy Protection | 4 | Allies | Keeps weaker monsters away for a short time.
Insulate | 3 | Allies | Protects everyone from fire or ice attacks.
Kabuff | 3 | Allies | Raises defence of all party members.
Nose for Treasure | 0 | Field | Reports the number of nearby treasures.
Oomph | 6 | Ally | Doubles attack power.
Padfoot | 0 | Field | Lowers risk of being detected by monsters
Peep | 3 | Field | Reveals contents of treasure in chest
Safe Passage | 2 | Allies | Travel safely across dangerous ground.
Storyteller | 4 | Field | Reveals the level of a dungeon/building.
Tick-Tock | 3 | Field | Summons night during day and day during night
Whistle | 0 | Field | Summons monsters with a whistle.
Zoom | 8 | Party | Return instantly to various locations.

ATTACK MAGIC | MP | Number | Effect
Bang | 5 | All | Small explosion (20-30 damage)
Body Slam | 0 | One | Sacrifices self to slam enemy/
Boom | 8 | All | Large explosion (52-68 damage)
C-C-Cold Breath | 0 | All | Chilly breath attack (120-140 damage)
Cool Breath | 0 | All | Chilly breath attack (13-16 damage)
Crack | 3 | One | Pierce with razor-sharp icicles(23-25 damage)
Crackle | 5 | Group | Sharp icicles attack (42-58 damage)
Fire Breath | 0 | All | Fiery breath attack (6-10 damage)
Flame Breath | 0 | All | Fiery breath attack (40-60 damage)
Freezing Blizzard | 0 | All | Chilly breath attack (50-60 damage)
Frizz | 2 | One | Small fireball (12-15 damage).
Frizzle | 4 | One | Burns with fireball (70-90 damage).
Inferno | 0 | All | Fiery breath attack (65-85 damage)
Kaboom | 15 | All | Blast with violent explosion. 120-160 damage.
Kacrackle | 12 | All | Rasping ice volley. (80-104 damage.
Kafrizzle | 10 | One | Enormous fireball attack ( 180-200 damage).
Kamikaze | 1 | All | Kills caster but damages all enemies.
Kasizzle | 10 | Group | Blazing hellfire attack (88-112 damage).
Kaswoosh | 32 | Group | A ferocious whirlwind attack on a group.
Kazap | 15 | Group | Powerful thunderbolt attack. (175-225 damage)
Kazapple | 10 | One | Draws on party power to zap enemy (300-350).
| | | (Uses 10 MP from all 4 party members.)
Lightning | 0 | One | Calls down lightning (50-70 damage).
Puff! | 18 | All | Caster cannot be controlled while in dragon.
| | | form. 60+ damage each turn.
| | | Immune to fire attacks while in dragon form.
Scorch | 0 | All | Inferno breath attack (150-170).
Sizz | 4 | Group | Fire attack (15-24 damage).
Sizzle | 6 | Group | Burns enemies (30-42 damage).
Swoosh | 8 | Group | Whirlwind attack on a group (25-55 damage).
Woosh | 2 | Group | Whirlwind attack on a group (8-24 damage).
Zap | 8 | All | Lightning attack on all. (70-90 damage).

STATUS CHANGE | MP | Number | Effect
Banish to Wagon | 0 | One | Monster charge that throws ally back to wagon
Burning Breath | 0 | Group | Sigh that may paralyze.
Change Tactics | 0 | All | Hero is immune but everyone else will.
| | | randomly change their tactics.
Close Wagon | 0 | All | Prevents change to the line-up during battle.
Dance Fever | 0 | All | May distract party from attacking.
Dazzle | 5 | Group | Reduces accuracy of enemy attacks.
Dazzleflash | 0 | One | Blinds an enemy with a flash of light.
Disruptive Wave | 0 | All | Eliminates all magic effects.
Fizzle | 3 | One | Prevents enemy from using magic.
Flee | 0 | Allies | Ends combat. (Does not always work.)
Fuddle | 5 | Group | Confuses enemies.
Hocus Pocus* | 20 | Any | Random effect battle spell.
Kasap | 4 | Group | Reduces defence of enemy group.
Kasnooze | 5 | Group | Puts a group of enemies to sleep.
Paralysis Attack | 0 | One | Damages and causes paralysis.
Place Curse | 0 | One | Might curse. Can last after battle.
Poison Attack | 0 | One | Inflicts poison.
Poison Breath | 0 } Group | Inflicts poison on a group.
Poof | 1 | Group | Might make a group vanish. (No experience>)
Sap | 3 | One | Reduces defence.
Sleep Attack | 0 | One | Puts one enemy to sleep.
Snooze | 3 | Group | May put a group of enemies to sleep.
Spooky Aura | 0 | One | Weakens resistance to spells.
Sultry Dance | 0 | One | Causes enemy to lose their turns.
Summon Allies | 0 | Self | Summons new monsters to the join the battle.
Sweet Breath | 0 | Group | Puts an enemy/group to sleep.
Thwack | 7 | Group | Chance to send enemies to the hereafter.
Tongue Lashing | 0 | One | A slobbery lick to make enemy cower in fear.
Venom Mist | 0 | One | Inflicts a stronger form of poison.
War Cry | 0 | All | A yell that makes foes fearful for one round.
Weird Dance | 0 | One | Lowers MP (minus 1 or 2 MP).
Weirder Dance | 0 | One | Lower MP (minus 3-5 MP).
Weirdest Dance | 0 | One | Lowers MP (minus 7-11 MP).
Whack | 4 | One | Chance to send enemy to the hereafter.
+ HOCUS POCUS - examples of possible effects. There are more!
Everyone recovers HP including enemies.
Everyone recovers MP including enemies.
Time flows backwards to the start of the battle.
A genie the size of a mountain, attacks the enemy.
Everyone returns to life (including enemies).
Turn everyone in the party into dragons.
The party becomes filled with a strange power. (Increases critical attacks?).
Everyone (including enemies) loses their MP.
Enemies only lose MP.
Everyone is confused.
Everyone is paralysed.
Everyone falls asleep.
Everyone starts to hallucinate.
Accidently summons something seriously scary. (Fear effect!).
Out of nowhere comes the sound of something breaking. (Nothing happens.)
Meteorites attack everyone including the party. (Removes all HP except for 1.)
A dark haze neutralises all magic. (That includes casting Hocus Pocus again!)
Nothing happens at all!
The caster is hit with a huge ray that inflicts 400-500 HP of damage. However,
if the caster survives, they become a white dragon. (credit to DOAHunterX)


NOTE: The maximum stats for human characters are included thanks to GauRocks.
Hero's stats are less predictable, but this is a rough estimate. Assuming you
use Hero for the T'n'T boards, where there are many permanent increases and
decreases to attributes, this will alter the values, and of course, any Seeds
that you used will add to the stats. Be aware that the maximum numbers for the
other characters may vary a little in your game, and they have been rounded
down to a multiple of 10.


Max Level: 99
Max Stats: HP: 530+, MP: 500+, STR: 255, AGL: 200+, RES: 120+, WIS: 170+,
LUC: 255

Weapons : Cypress Stick/Bamboo Spear/Oaken Staff/ Copper Sword/Boomerang/
Iron Staff/Edged Boomerang/Chain Whip/Lightning Staff/
Steel Broadsword/Pankraz's Sword/Serpent Sword/Cautery Sword/
Dream Blade/Flametang Bommerang/Staff of Resurrection/
Siren Sword/Zombiesbane/Dragonsbane/Miracle Sword/Dragon Staff/
Flail of Destruction/Metal King Sword

Body : Plain Clothes/Serf Wear/Wayfarer's Clothes/Leather Armour/

Scale Armour//Bronze Armour/Iron Armour/Full Plate Armour/
Silver Mail/Powjamas/Dragon Mail/Magic Armour/Flame Armour/
Sacred Armour/Mirror Armour/Pallium Regale/Metal King Armour.
Shield : Ruinous Shield/Leather Shield/Scale Shield/Bronze Shield/
Iron Shield/ Magic Shield/Dragon Shield/Tempest Shield/Ogre Shield/
Silver Shield/Shimmering Shield/Metal King Shield.

Helmet : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear//Fur Hood/Iron Helmet/Iron Mask/

Crown of Uptaten/Thinking Cap/Great Helm/Sun Crown/Metal King Helm.

Accessory: Bianca's Ribbon, Crude Image, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracre,

Elfin Charm, Circle of Fire, Circle of Life.

Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Fld | Bat | Effect
Heal | 4 | 3 | Yes | Yes | Restores at least 30 HP to one ally.
Squelch | 6 | 2 | Yes | Yes | Cures one ally of poison
Woosh | 8 | 2 | No | Yes | Slice a group of enemies with a whirlwind
Buff | 9 | 2 | No | Yes | Raises defence of one party member
Midheal | 11 | 5 | Yes | Yes | Restores at least 75 Hp to one ally
Peep | 12 | 3 | Yes | No | Reveals contents of treasure in chest
Evac | 14 | 8 | Yes | No | Exit instantly from dungeon/cave/tower.
Swoosh | 16 | 4 | No | Yes | A whirlwind attack on a group - more power
Absorb Magic | 18 | 2 | No | Yes | Absorb MP of an incoming spell
Fullheal | 22 | 7 | Yes | Yes | Restores all HP of a single ally
Zing | 25 | 10 | Yes | Yes | Occasionally resurrects dead ally+half HP
Kerplunk | 28 | All| No | Yes | Sacrifice self to resurrect everyone else
Kaswoosh | 32 | 8 | No | Yes | A ferocious whirlwind attack on a group.
Zoom | - | 8 | Yes | No | Return instantly to various locations.
Hocus Pocus | - | 20 | No | Yes | Random effect battle spell.

Max Level: 99
Max Stats: HP: 530, MP: 530, STR: 140, AGL: 255, RES: 150, WIS: 255, LUC: 255

Weapons : Poison Needle/Paring Knife/Bronze Knife/Thorn Whip/

Poison Moth Knife/ Lightning Staff/Falcon Knife Earrings/
Staff of Divine Wrath/Staff of Antimagic/ Morning Star/
Somatic Staff/Magma Staff/Spiked Steel Whip/Staff of Resurrection/
Siren Sword/Faerie Foil/ Gringham Whip.

Body : Plain Clothes//Handwoven Cape/Silk Apron/Silk Robe/Leather Dress/

Fur Cape/Dancer's Costume/Robust Lingerie//Cloak of Evasion/
Robe of Serenity/Lacy Bustier/Glombolero/Shimmering Dress/
Sage's Robe/Flowing Dress/Silk Bustier/Angel Leotard/
Princess's Robe.

Shield : Pot Lid//Leather Shield/Scale Shield.

Head : Leather Hat/Hairband/Fur Hood/Silver Tiara/Hermes' Hat/

Wedding Veil/Happy Hat/Golden Tiara/Metal King Helm.

Accessory: Bianca's Ribbon, Crude Image, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Brace,

Elfin Charm, Circle of Life, Circle of Water.

Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
Frizz | 3 | 2 | One | Small fireball (12-15 damage).
Dazzle | 5 | 5 | Group | Reduces accuracy of enemy attacks.
Kasap | 7 | 4 | Group | Reduces defence of enemy group.
Sizz | 8 | 4 | Group | Fire attack (15-24 damage)
Snooze | 12 | 3 | Group | Puts enemies to sleep.
Oomph | 13 | 6 | Ally | Doubles attack power.
Sizzle | 15 | 6 | Group | Burns enemies (30-42 damage).
Safe Passage | 17 | 2 | Allies | Travel safely across dangerous ground.
Bounce | 18 | 4 | Ally | Reflects all spells.
Frizzle | 20 | 4 | One | Burns with fireball (70-90 damage)
Thwack | 23 | 7 | Group | Chance to send enemies to the hereafter
Kasizzle | 27 | 10 | Group | Blazing hellfire attack (88-112 damage)
Kafrizzle | 33 | 10 | One | Enormous fireball attack ( 180-200 damage)

NERA (Wife)
Max Level: 99
Max Stats: HP: 490, MP: 450, STR: 220, AGL: 255, RES: 170, WIS: 255, LUC: 255

Weapons : Poison Needle/Paring Knife/Bronze Knife/Thorn Whip/

Poison Moth Knife/Chain Whip/Lightning Staff/Falcon Knife Earrings/
Staff of Divine Wrath/Staff of Antimagic/ Morning Star/
Somatic Staff/Magma Staff/Spiked Steel Whip/Staff of Resurrection/
Siren Sword/Faerie Foil/ Gringham Whip.

Body : Plain Clothes//Handwoven Cape/Silk Apron/Silk Robe/Leather Dress/

Fur Cape/Dancer's Costume/Robust Lingerie//Cloak of Evasion/
Robe of Serenity/Lacy Bustier/Glombolero/Shimmering Dress/
Sage's Robe/Flowing Dress/Silk Bustier/Angel Leotard/
Princess's Robe.

Shield : Pot Lid//Leather Shield/Scale Shield.

Head : Leather Hat/Hairband/Fur Hood/Silver Tiara/Hermes' Hat/

Wedding Veil/Happy Hat/Golden Tiara.

Accessory: Crude Image, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Elfin Charm,

Circle of Life, Circle of Water

Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
Midheal | 10 | 5 | One | Restores at least 75 Hp to one ally
Kasap | 11 | 4 | Group | Reduces defence of enemy group.
Dazzle | 12 | 5 | Group | Reduces accuracy of enemy attacks.
Oomph | 13 | 6 | Ally | Doubles attack power.
Snooze | 14 | 3 | Group | Puts enemies to sleep.
Safe Passage | 15 | 2 | Allies | Travel safely across dangerous ground.
Sizzle | 16 | 6 | Group | Burns enemies (30-42 damage).
Tick-Tock | 17 | 3 | Field | Summons night during day and day during night
Bounce | 18 | 4 | Ally | Reflects all spells.
Frizzle | 20 | 4 | One | Burns with fireball (70-90 damage)
Thwack | 23 | 7 | Group | Chance to send enemies to the hereafter
Kasizzle | 27 | 10 | Group | Blazing hellfire attack (88-112 damage)
Kafrizzle | 33 | 10 | One | Enormous fireball attack ( 180-200 damage)
Kaboom | 37 | 15 | All | Blasts with violent explosion (120-160 dam.)

Max Level: 99
Max Stats: HP: 530, MP: 450, STR: 220, AGL: 255, RES: 190, WIS: 230, LUC: 255

Weapons : Poison Needle/Thorn Whip/Iron Claw/Sledgehammer/

Falcon Knife Earrings/Akillics/Fire Claw/Diamond Akillics/
Dream Blade/War Hammer/Spiked Steel Whip/Falcon Blade/
Hela Hammer/Siren Sword/Faerie Foil/Cobra Claw/Gringham Whip/
Miracle Sword.

Body : Plain Clothes//Handwoven Cape/Silk Apron/Silk Robe/Leather Dress/

Dancer's Costume/Robust Lingerie/Silk Dress/Lacy Bustier/
Shimmering Dress/Flowing Dress/Silk Bustier/Angel Leotard/
Princess's Robe.

Shield : Floral Parasol.

Head : Hairband/Silver Tiara/Wedding Veil/Golden Tiara.

Accessory: Crude Image, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Elfin Charm,

Circle of Life, Circle of Water

Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
Dazzle | - | 5 | Group | Reduces accuracy of enemy attacks.
Snooze | - | 3 | Group | Puts enemies to sleep.
Kasap | - | 4 | Group | Reduces defence of enemy group.
Oomph | 15 | 6 | Ally | Doubles attack power.
Sizzle | 17 | 6 | Group | Burns enemies (30-42 damage).
Safe Passage | 15 | 2 | Allies | Travel safely across dangerous ground.
Whack | 19 | 4 | One | Chance to send an enemy to the hereafter
Bounce | 20 | 4 | Ally | Reflects all spells.
Fuddle | 22 | 5 | Group | Confuses enemies
Thwack | 25 | 7 | Group | Chance to send enemies to the hereafter
Kasizzle | 29 | 10 | Group | Blazing hellfire attack (88-112 damage)

Max Level: 99
Max Stats: HP: 540, MP: 530, STR: 170, AGL: 255, RES: 180, WIS: 255, LUC: 255

Weapons : Poison Needle/Paring Knife/Bronze Knife/Thorn Whip/

Poison Moth Knife/Chain Whip/Falcon Knife Earrings/
Staff of Divine Wrath/Staff of Antimagic/ Morning Star/
Somatic Staff/Stolos' Staff/Magma Staff/Spiked Steel Whip/
Staff of Resurrection/Siren Sword/Faerie Foil/ Gringham Whip.

Body : Plain Clothes//Handwoven Cape/Wayfarer's Clothes/Silk Apron/

Silk Robe/Leather Dress/Fur Cape/Dancer's Costume/Iron Cuirass/
Cloak of Evasion/Robe of Serenity/Lacy Bustier/Glombolero/
Silver Cuirass/Shimmering Dress/Sage's Robe/Flowing Dress/
Silk Bustier/Angel Leotard/Princess's Robe.

Shield : Pot Lid//Leather Shield/Scale Shield/Silver Shield.

Head : Leather Hat/Hairband/Fur Hood/Silver Tiara/Hermes' Hat/

Happy Hat/Golden Tiara.

Accessory: Bianca's Ribbon, Crude Image, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer,

Elfin Charm, Circle of Life.

Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
Crack | - | 3 | One | Pierce with razor-sharp icicles(23-25 damage)
Dazzle | - | 5 | Group | Reduces accuracy of enemy attacks.
Zoom | - | 8 | Allies | Return instantly to various locations.
Evac | 9 | 8 | Allies | Exit instantly from dungeon/cave/tower.
Bang | 11 | 5 | All | Small explosion (20-30 damage).
Crackle | 14 | 5 | Group | Sharp icicles attack (42-58 damage).
Oomph | 16 | 6 | Ally | Doubles attack power.
Tick-Tock | 18 | 3 | Field | Summons night during day and day during night
Snooze | 20 | 3 | Group | Puts enemies to sleep.
Kasap | 22 | 4 | Group | Reduces defence of enemy group.
Boom | 24 | 8 | All | Large explosion (52-68 damage).
Bounce | 27 | 4 | Ally | Reflects all spells
Kacrackle | 30 | 12 | All | Rasping ice volley. (80-104 damage.
Puff! | 32 | 18 | All | The magic dragon! Automatic skill means you
| | | | can't control her til she's done. 60+ damage.
| | | | Immune to fire attacks while in dragon form.
Kaboom | 36 | 15 | All | Blast with violent explosion. 120-160 damage.

Max Level: 99
Max Stats: HP: 530, MP: 460, STR: 255, AGL: 255, RES: 130, WIS: 170, LUC: 200

Weapons : Cypress Stick/Bamboo Spear/Paring Knife/Oaken Staff/ Giant Mallet/

Bronze Knife/Copper Sword/Boomerang/Stone Axe/
Iron Staff/Poison Moth Knife/Edged Boomerang/Sledgehammer/
Steel Broadsword/Pankraz's Sword/Battle Axe/Cautery Sword/
Morning Star/Dream Blade/War Hammer/Magma Staff/
Flametang Bommerang/Staff of Resurrection/Hela Hammer/
Zombiesbane/Dragonsbane/Double-edged Sword/Miracle Sword/
Blizzard Blade/Zenithian Sword/Metal King Sword.

Body : Plain Clothes/Wayfarer's Clothes/Leather Armour/Scale Armour/

Bronze Armour/Iron Armour/Full Plate Armour/Silver Mail/
Powjamas/Dragon Mail/Magic Armour/Flame Armour/Sacred Armour/
Mirror Armour/Zenithian Armour/Metal King Armour.

Shield : Ruinous Shield/Leather Shield/Scale Shield/Bronze Shield/

Iron Shield/ Magic Shield/Dragon Shield/Tempest Shield/
Flame Shield/Power Shield/Silver Shield/Zenithian Shield/
Metal King Shield.
Helmet : Leather Hat/Fur Hood/Iron Helmet/Iron Mask/Thinking Cap/
Great Helm/Zenithian Shield/Metal King Helm.

Accessory: Crude Image, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Elfin Charm,

Circle of Life.

Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
Fizzle | - | 3 | One | Prevents enemy from using magic.
Kabuff | 8 | 3 | Allies | Raises defence of all party members.
Holy Protectn| 10 | 4 | Allies | Keeps weaker monsters away for a short time.
Midheal | 12 | 5 | One | Restores at least 75 Hp to one ally.
Sizzle | 13 | 6 | Group | Burns enemies (30-42 damage).
Tingle | 14 | 2 | Allies | Cures everyone of effects of paralysis.
Safe Passage | 15 | 2 | Allies | Travel safely across dangerous ground.
Fullheal | 22 | 7 | Ally | Restores all HP of a single ally.
Peep | 18 | 3 | Field | Reveals contents of treasure in chest.
Sheen | 20 | 10 | Ally | Lifts a curse.
Insulate | 23 | 3 | Allies | Protects everyone from fire or ice attacks.
Zap | 25 | 8 | All | Lightning attack on all enemies.
Kazing | 27 | 20 | Ally | Resurrects ally to full health.
Multiheal | 30 | 18 | Allies | Restores at least 75 HP to the whole party.
Kazap | 34 | 15 | Group | Powerful thunderbolt attack. (175-225 damage)
Kazapple | 38 | 10 | One | Draws on party power to zap enemy (300-350).
| | | | (Uses 10 MP from each party member.)

Max Level: 99
Max Stats: HP: 570, MP: 220, STR: 255, AGL: 120, RES: 120, WIS: 210, LUC: 255

Weapons : Cypress Stick/Bamboo Spear/Oaken Club/Giant Mallet/Stone Axe/

Chain Sickle/Saw Blade/Sledgehammer/Battle Axe/War Hammer/
Hela Hammer/Great Bow/Ionospear/Massacre Sword/
Flail of Destruction.

Body : Plain Clothes/Wayfarer's Clothes/Leather Kilt/Boxer Shorts/

Iron Cuirass/Tortoise Shell/Silver Cuirass/Powjamas/
Spiked Armour/Magic Armour/Hela's Armour.

Shield : Ruinous Shield/ Pot Lid/Leather Shield/Scale Shield/

Bronze Shield/Iron Shield/Tempest Shield/Ogre Shield/
Metal King Shield.

Accessory: Crude Image, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Elfin Charm.

Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
Kabuff | - | 3 | Allies | Raises defence of all party members.
Snooze | - | 3 | Group | Puts enemies to sleep.
Storyteller | - | 4 | Field | Reveals the level of a dungeon/building.
Whistle | 24 | 0 | Field | Summons monsters with a whistle.
Drain Magic | 25 | 0 | One | Steal MP from an enemy.
Whack | 28 | 4 | One | Chance to send an enemy to the hereafter.
Padfoot | 29 | 0 | Field | Lowers risk of being detected by monsters.
Kamikaze | 30 | 1 | All | Kills caster but damages all enemies.
Nose for | 31 | 0 | Field | Reports the number of nearby treasures.
Treasure | | | |
Fuddle | 32 | 5 | Group | Confuses a group of enemies.

Max Level: 99
Max Stats: HP: 540, MP: 000, STR: 255, AGL: 210, RES: 110, WIS: 150, LUC: 130

Weapons : Paring Knife/Giant Mallet/Bronze Knife/Copper Sword/Boomerang/

Stone Axe/Poison Moth Knife/Sledgehammer/Steel Broadsword/
Serpent Sword/Battle Axe/Morning Star/Dream Blade/War Hammer/
Magma Staff/Staff of Resurrection/Falcon Blade/Hela Hammer
/Zombiesbane/Demon Spear/Dragonsbane/Massacre Sword/
Double-edged Sword/Blizzard Blade/Dragon Staff/Metal King Sword.

Body : Plain Clothes/Wayfarer's Clothes/Leather Armour/Scale Armour/

Chain Mail/Bronze Armour/Iron Cuirass/Iron Armour/
Full Plate Armour/Silver Mail/Dragon Mail/Spiked Armour/
Magic Armour/Flame Armour/Mirror Armour/Metal King Armour.

Shield : Ruinous Shield/Leather Shield/Scale Shield/Bronze Shield/

Iron Shield/Dragon Shield/Flame Shield/Metal King Shield.

Helmet : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear/Iron Helmet/Iron Mask/Thinking Cap/

Great Helm/Metal King Helm.

Accessory: Crude Image, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Elfin Charm.

Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
None | | | |

These all join the team as part of the story, but leave after a while and never


Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
Frizz | - | 2 | One | Small fireball (12-15 damage).
Dazzle | 3 | 5 | Group | Reduces accuracy of enemy attacks.
Kasap | 8 | 8 | Group | Reduces defence of enemy group.
Bang | 8 | 5 | All | Small explosion (20-30 damage)
Fuddle | 12 | 5 | Group | Confuses enemies.
Holy Protectn| 15 | 4 | Allies | Keeps weaker monsters away for a short time.


Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
Dazzle | - | 4 | Group | Reduces accuracy of enemy attacks.
Heal | - | 3 | Ally | Restores at least 30 HP to one ally.
Kasap | - | 8 | Group | Reduces defence of enemy group.
Sizz | - | 4 | Group | Fire attack (15-24 damage).

HONEY (Fairy - does not gain levels)

Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
Heal | - | 3 | Ally | Restores at least 30 HP to one ally.
Kasap | - | 8 | Group | Reduces defence of enemy group.
Sizz | - | 4 | Group | Fire attack (15-24 damage).
Dazzle | - | 4 | Group | Reduces accuracy of enemy attacks.

04. I T E M S ...........................................................*L04

Antidotal Herb
Effect: Cures poison.
Cost : 10 Gold
Buy : At most item shops
Find : In treasure chest at Ancient Ruins, and Spring T'n'T board.
Drops : Battle Pip, Bubble Slime, Funghoul, Gas bag, Gastank.

Big Book of Beasts
Effect: Tome that records all the monsters you have encountered. Can only be
used outside towns or dungeons on the world map
Cost : 1,000 Gold
Buy : From Old Curiosity Shop in Fortuna.

Effect: Gets knick-knacks bright and shiny. Use to polish Toff's Tea Set
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Given to Hero by Old Nick after becoming Curator of Knick-Knackatory.

Cherub Chime
Effect: Use in battle to cure from confusion. Many uses
Cost : 500 Gold
Buy : At Lodestar Harbour, and Oasis Item shop, Helmunaptra
Find : -
Drops : Air Duckt.

Chimaera Wing
Effect: Use to return to previously-visited location.
Cost : 25 Gold
Buy : At most shops.
Find : In various treasure chests.
Drops : Bad Apple, Bag o' Laughs, Bludgerigar, Chimaera, Eyepod, Foetid Ferret,
Hocus Chimaera, Muddy Hand, Paralakeet, Quack Up

Effect: Keep in the personal inventory and this item protects a character from
instant death spells: Thwack and Whack. It will take their place and be
destroyed. (It won't do any good if it's in the bag.)
Cost : 300 Gold
Buy : Nadiria and Stark Raving T'n'T Shops
Find : Gotha Castle, Moot Point (Northern House), E Continent
Drops : Bombboulder, Stone Golem

Elfin Elixir
Effect: Restores all MP for one.
Cost : 300 Casino Tokens
Buy : At Fortuna and Ventuno casino token exchange.
Find : Chest in Cataract Caves, Neverglade, Talon Tower, Precaria, Estark's
Drops : Silvapithecus, Soulspawn.

Holy Water
Effect: Wards off weaker enemies for a short time.
Cost : 20 Gold
Buy : At most item shops
Drops : Epiphany, Ghost, Powie Yowie, Thaumaturge.

King Korols'a Catechism
Effect: ?
Cost : 3000 Gold
Buy : Return to Zoomingale later in the game and speak to the woman sitting
at the table on top of the church. Buy her book for three thousand
Find : Nadiria T'n'T board.
Drops : No

Loyalty Card
Effect: Reduces prices at ALL shops by 20%. (Thanks to Toc for this detail!)
Cost : None
Find : Prize from the Tombola Gold ball.

Magic Water
Effect: Restores a little MP (20-30) to one.
Cost : 120 Gold
Buy : Ventuno T'n'T Board shop.
Find : Abovitall Tower, Hay, Zoomingale, Knightmare Towers, Diggery Pokery.
Drops : Prestidigitator, Revaulting Horse, Wartoise, Wisp-o'-Smoke, Wizened
Wizard, Wyrtoise

Medicinal Herb
Effect: Restores 30-40 HP. Use at any time.
Cost : 8 Gold
Buy : At most shops
Find : Many places!
Drops : Bona Constrictor, Boring Bug, Burr baby, Cactiball,.Conkerer, Drakcy,
Drooling Ghoul, Eyelasher, Fat Rat, Grudgerigar, Hammerhood, Healslime,
Lava Lava, Pip Fighter, Rotten Apple, Scaraburrower, Slime, Time Burrm,

Monster Munchies
Effect: Use on a monster to distract them, and so miss their chance to strike.
Can also be used to attract more monsters, like the Musk item.
Cost : 200 Gold
Buy : At some shops
Find : Ancient Ruins, Fortuna, Battenberg Inn
Drops : Brownie, Gamigin, Mother Ocker, Pummel Horse.

Moonwort Bulb
Effect: Cures one from paralysis.
Cost : 30 Gold
Buy : At most item shops
Drops : Deadcurion, Man o' War, Wormbat.

Effect: Use to attract monsters. (Increases rate of random battles for a while)
Cost : 80 Gold
Buy : At Coburg, Fortuna, and Precaria Item Shops.
Drops : Lindworm, Poxtongue.

Night Light
Effect: Turns day to night. Multiple uses.
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Whealbrook Cave, floor 3, with raft.

Paxa Punch
Effect: Boosts attack power in battle. (Same effect as Oomph spell.)
Cost : 600 Gold
Buy : In a treasure chest at Battenberg. Helmunaptra and Gotha Castle.
Ventuno, Spring, and Nadira T'n'T Shops.
Find : On some T'n'T boards.
Drops : Drag-goon

Prayer Ring
Effect: Use to recover some MP. It will disintegrate after a number of uses.
Cost : 2500 Gold
Buy : Stark Raving T'n'T Board Shop
Find : Ventuno T'n'T Board Prize. Tombola Silver ball. Mt Batten Pass,
Ultimate Key room on Floor 1 Gotha Castle, Stark Raving T'n'T Board.
Drops : Goodybag, Necromancer, Samigina

Rebirth Stone
Effect: If defeated in battle, the bearer is resurrected but the stone is lost
Cost : Cannot be purchased
Find : Treasure Trove Nadiria T'n'T board, Estark's Labyrinth (Floor 1).
Buy : Nowhere!
Drops : Great Dragon, King Cureslime.

Rockbomb Shard
Effect: Throw at an enemy to cause a bang. Once used it's gone.
Cost : 450 Gold
Buy : At some shops.
Find : Tombola Blue ball. Pass to Gotha.
Drops : Archdeomon, Deathsquad, Rockbomb, Ticking Timeburrm.

Sage's Stone
Effect: Restores HP to everyone when used in battle. (Same effect as Multiheal)
Multiple uses.
Cost : Cannot be purchased
Buy : No
Find : On arrival at Nadiria. It's a gift from 'someone'.
Drops : No

Sands of Time
Effect: Returns the party to the beginning of a battle. However, any items
used, since the start of the battle, won't be restored. Multiple uses.
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Prize for completing the Nadiria T'n'T Board.
Drops : No

Seed of Agility
Effect: Increases agility for one, by 1-2 points.
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Dwarf's Den, Whealbrook Cave (2nd visit), Zoomingale, Pass to Gotha,
Nadiria and Stark Raving T'n'T boards.
Drops : Dirty Rat, Funky Ferret, Gargoyle, Jowler, Metal Slime, Prowler Jowler.

Seed of Life
Effect: Increases HP for one, by 4-6 points.
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Faerie Lea, Dwarf's Den, Lodestar Harbour (with Magic Key), Coburg
Castle (with Coburg Key), Gotha, Diggery Pokery Floor 1. Spring,
Nadiria and Stark Raving T'n'T boards.
Drops : Lazy Eye, Lick-o'-Flame, Mudraker, Pink Elephant, Small Fry,

Seed of Magic
Effect: Increases MP for one, by 3-5 points.
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Coburg Castle, Abovitall Tower, Zoomingale, Helmunaptra, Nadiria and
Stark Raving T'n'T boards.
Drops : Hypothermion, Mental Pitcher, Quadrahead, Screwball Pitcher.

Seed of Strength
Effect: Increases strength for one, by 1-3 points.
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Whealbrook, Uptaten, Ancient Ruins, Hay, Stockenbarrel, Gotha Castle,
Knightmare Towers, Stairway to Zenithia, Stark Raving T'n'T board.
Drops : Black Dragon, Eyevory Tusk-Tusk, Gigantes, Golem, Merking, Phantaseyes,
Sasquash, Tortoceratops.

Seed of Resilience
Effect: Increases resilience for one, by 1-3 points.
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Ship, Roundbeck, Fortuna, Mt. Magmageddon, Helmunaptra, Gotha Castle,
Lofty Peak (three pots), Precaria (three pots), Stark Raving T'n'T
Drops : Hotbog, Morphean Mollusc, Pocus Poppet, Terrorceratops,
Terracotta Warrior, Tyrannoceratops, Wallop Scallop, Wrytle

Seed of Wisdom
Effect: Increases wisdom for one, by 1-3 points.
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Winter Palace, Whealbrook (Gen 2)), Mostroferrato, Gotha, Moot Point,
Spring and Stark Raving T'n'T boards.
Drops : Combatterpillar, Drag-goof, Flamethrower, Hunter Mech, Toxtongue

Silver Tea Cup
Effect: Combined with the other 2 Silver items it forms the Toff's Teaset.
Cost : N/A
Buy : No
Find : Uptaten Towers, Kitchen basement treasure room, accessed from the cave
outside, but only after the Count has opened all the rusty doors.

Silver Teapot
Effect: Combined with the other 2 Silver items it forms the Toff's Teaset.
Cost : N/A
Buy : No
Find : Uptaten Towers, Floor 3, jump down to treasure chest from hole in the
floor on Floor 4.

Silver Tea Tray
Effect: Combined with the other 2 Silver items it forms the Toff's Teaset.
Cost : N/A
Buy : No
Find : Uptaten Towers, Floor 5, inside a cupboard at the bottom left corner
of the bedroom.

Stone from Whealbrook
Effect: Rock from Whealbrook
Cost : None
Find : At the bottom of the well in Whealbrook.
Buy : No

T 'n' T Free Pass
Effect: As it says. Play any T 'n' T board for free.
Cost : None
Find : Prize for Nadiria T'n'T board.

T'n'T Ticket
Effect: One of these grants entrance to any T 'n' T board.
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Ship, Ancient Ruins, Fortuna, Lodestar Harbour, Hay, Zoomingale,
Mostroferrato, Mt Magmageddon, Stockenbarrel, Ventuno,
Knick-Knackatory, Helmunaptra, Knot Welcome Inne, Moot Point, Porgie
Island, Battenberg, Pass to Gotha, Gotha, Stairway to Zenithia,
Neverglade, Zenithia, Crocodilopolis, Precaria, Mt. Zugzwang,
Spring T'n'T board area, Zenithia, Crocodilopolis, Precaria T'n'T area,
Mt. Zugzwang, all T'n'T boards.
Drops : Conkjurer, Wiz Pip

Tombola Ticket
Effect: Use one to play the Tombola.
Cost : None
Buy : Buy a few items at Lodestone Harbor and there's a chance that you will
get a tombola ticket as a reward for being a loyal customer.
Find : Gift from Harry when he leaves the party, Zoomingale, Scuttlebutt,
Mostroferrato, Ventuno, Battenberg (church), Gotha Castle (small
house), T'n'T Boards: Spring, Nadiria, 5th T'n'T Board Treasure Trove
4th room has 12 of them!
Drops : None

War Drum
Effect: Use during a battle to double everyone's attack power.
Cost : N/A
Buy : No
Find : 1st Floor, Estark's Labyrinth.

Whealbrook Bluestone
Effect: This can be worked by a man in Lofty Peaks to make the Whealbrook
Cost : None
Find : Whealbrook Adit when you check the rock that trapped the man.

Yggdrasil Dew
Effect: Restores all HP for all party members.
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Inside a room in Zenithia, you can take another when you use up one.
Stark Raving T'n'T Board.
Drops : Conkuistador

Yggdrasil Leaf
Effect: Use to resurrect a party member with full HP. Always works.
Cost : None
Buy : No
Find : Pass to Gotha, Knightmare Towers, Stairway to Zenithia. Find one each
day when you upgrade the Yggdrasil Sapling (Knick-Knack), T'n'T boards:
Spring, Nadiria and Stark Raving.
Drops : Conkuisitor, Corpse Corporal, Cureslime, King Slime, Orobas.

NOTE : To obtain the Leaf from the Yggdrasil Sapling, use the Aspersorium on
the Sapling while it's on a pedestal inside the Knick-Knackatory at
night. Then, sleep, make it night again and return and click on the
Sapling and you will receive a Leaf. You must use the Aspersorium each
time you want another leaf and you can only get one each day.

Adventurer's Map
Effect: Tool that shows the locations of places its bearer has visited.
Find : Given to Hero by Pankraz.

Effect: Use to dispel the fire inside Mt Zugzwang and access lower floors.
Find : Inside a chest in the Arrow Tiles room in Mt. Zugzwang.

NOTE : After using this item, it will remain in your inventory, and you can
use it as many times as you like to obtain a Yggdrasil Leaf from the
Yggdrasil Sapling inside the Knick-Knackatory.

Dragon's Left Eye
Effect: Opens Dragon's mouth when used with Right Eye.
Find : In Talon Tower, lower floors.

Dragon's Right Eye
Effect: Opens Dragon's mouth when used with Left Eye.
Find : In Talon Tower, lower floors.

Dragon Orb
Effect: Ha!
Find : Talon Tower, inside the Dragon's head.
Faerie Horn
Effect: Blow this horn to gain access to the Faerie Palace.
Find : Faerie Lea, a gift from Treacle.

Flying Carpet
Effect: Allows you to fly over water and flat areas of the map.
Find : Lofty Peak, need the Magic Key to open the treasure chest.

Gold Bauble
Effect: None
Find : Queen Caramel, Faerie Palace.

Gold Orb
Effect: Required to raise Zenithia.
Find : Hero will be given this by Bianca after she picks it up from the grave
of Miss Count. This occurs after ridding Uptaten Towers of its ghosts.

Grappling Hook
Effect: Use at Talon Tower to climb down where there are no stairs.
Find : Zenithia: Back room with old man, room inside chest of drawers.

Herald of Spring
Effect: Give to Treacle in Faerie Lea.
Find : In a treasure chest in Winter Palace after defeating the boss.

Key to Coburg
Effect: Used to unlock many doors in Coburg Castle.
Find : King Wilbur gives this to you after you enter the castle through the

Lunar Zoombloom
Effect: Give to Professor Trubble and he will create the Zoom spell.
Find : Western edge of northwest contininent to the west of Zoomingale. .

Magic Key
Effect: Opens some locks. Treasure chest in cave in Lofty Peak. Doors in:
i. Roundbeck bar cellar
ii. Lodestar Harbour behind stage in inn
iii. Gotha Castle room next to bar
iv. Fortuna prison cell
Find : Treasure Chest on path at the back of Lofty Peak

Night Light
Effect: Summons nightfall when lit. Infinite uses.
Find : Whealbrook Adit, Floor 3 (when searching for Pankraz's item)

Pankraz's Letter
Effect: None.
Find : Whealbrook Adit, Floor 5.

Ra's Mirror
Effect: Reveals the truth about which Dowager Queen is the fake. (Coburg)
Find : Top of Abovitall Tower.

Royal Insignia
Effect: Signifies that Hero is the true king of Gotha.
Find : Rite of Passage

Effect: Use when on the world map and it takes you to Northminster, and from
there you can walk to Knightmare Tower
Find : Gotha Castle, drawer in Chamberlain's room.

Effect: Banishes ghosts inside Uptaten Towers
Find : Inside a pot in Uptaten Towers Kitchen.

Ultimate Key
Effect: Opens all locked doors.
Find : Defeat Bjorn the Behemmoose at the top of the tower in Mostroferrato.

Zenithina Tuntinnabulum
Effect: Summon a dragon when used on the world map.
Find : Receive from Dr. Agon.

05. E Q U I P M E N T ..................................................*L05

01. Head Armour

02. Body Armour
03. Shields
04. Accessories

H = Hero
B = Bianca
N = Nera
D = Debora
P = Parry (boy)
M = Madchen (girl)
Ha = Harry
S = Sancho
T = Tuppence

MM = Cost in Mini Medals
TT = Treasure Trove (T'n'T)
Mt.Z = Mount Zugzwang
TnT = T'n'T Board
Ult.Key = Ultimate Key (needed)
Monster = Monster only
KK = Knick-Knack

NOTES: Some equipment can be used as an item during a battle. If there is a

cost listed, then you can buy something. If not, you have to find it!

Armour marked with [+] is cursed!

Leather Hat | +2 | 65 | HBNSTHaST | Only Debora can't equip
Pointy Hat | +3 | 70 | S | -
Hardwood Headwear | +6 | 120 | HHaST | -
Hairband | +7 | 150 | BNDM | Girls only
Shellmet | +7 | 150 | Monster | -
Fur Hood | +11 | 400 | HBNPM | -
Silver Tiara | +14 | 450 | BNDM | Girls only
Iron Helmet | +16 | 1100 | HPHaST | Boys only
Top Hat | +20 | 2000 | S | -
Iron Mask | +25 | 3500 | HPHaT | -
Hermes' Hat | +28 | 5000 | BNM | Use like a Chimaera Wing
Hades' Helm | +30 | - | Monster | -
Crown of Uptaten | +30 | - | AP | Uptaten Towers: Knick-Knack
Wedding Veil | +30 | - | BND | Stockenbarrel shop gift.
Happy Hat | +35 | - | BNMS | Recover MP as walk. TnT
| | | | prize/Gotha (Ult.Key)
Thinking Cap | +40 | 13000 | HT | Increases wisdom by 15 pts.
Golden Tiara | +45 | - | BNDM | Dominicus Dominion (Ult.Key)
Great Helm | +45 | 20000 | HPST | Precaria shop
Zenithian Helm | +50 | - | P | Helmunaptra (Queen)
Sun Crown | +60 | - | H | Protects from status. Mt. Z.
Metal King Helm | +70 | - | HBPST | Mt.Zugzwang.

Rags | +3 | 25 | Ha | -
Plain Clothes | +4 | 30 | Everyone | -
Serf Wear | +5 | - | HHa | Find at Crocodilopolis
Handwoven Cape | +6 | - | BNDT | Find: Uptaten, Whealbrook
Wayfarer's Clothes | +7 | 70 | HPMHaST | -
Silk Apron | +10 | 110 | BNDM | -
Leather Armour | +11 | 180 | HSHa | -
Leather Kilt | +12 | 220 | HaS | -
Silk Robe | +13 | - | BNDM | Find: Fortuna
Boxer Shorts | +15 | - | S | Find Lodestar, Oasis, Gotha
Scale Armour | +15 | 350 | HHaT | -
Leather Dress | +17 | 380 | BNDM | Female only
Fur Cape | +18 | 550 | BNM | -
Chain Mail | +19 | 500 | HaT | -
Slime Gooniform | +20 | 330 | Monster | Slime type monsters
Dancer's Costume | +20 | 1300 | BNDM | Female only
Bronze Armour | +21 | 700 | HPHaT | -
Iron Cuirass | +23 | 1000 | MHaST | -
Robust Lingerie | +23 | - | BND | Estark TnT board/Gotha.
Iron Armour | +25 | 1200 | HHaT | -
Cloak of Evasion | +28 | 3000 | BNM | User might avoid attack
Full Plate Armour | +30 | 2300 | HPT | -
Silk Dress | +30 | - | D | Default equipment
Tortoise Shell | +33 | 2500 | S | -
Robe of Serenity | +33 | - | BNM | Protects vs sleep or paraly.
Lacy Bustier | +36 | 5500 | BNDM | -
Glombolero | +37 | 17 MM | BNM | Sometimes absorbs MP
Legerdemantle | +37 | 6800 | Monsters | Battenburg shop. Knight T.
Zombie Mail | +38 | - | Monsters | Knightmare Towers find
Silver Mail | +40 | 4800 | HT | -
Powjamas * | +40 | 12 MM | HPS | Dominicus Dominion/MMedals
Silver Cuirass | +40 | 5000 | MS | -
Bloodmail | +45 | 6500 | Monsters | Battenburg shop
Shimmering Dress | +45 | 8800 | BNDT | May reflect back magic
Slime Curio | +50 | 5000 | Slimes | Recovers HP in battle. (KK)
Dragon Mail | +50 | 7500 | HPT | Reduce fire damage
Sage's Robe | +50 | 12000 | BN | Reduce magic damage
Flowing Dress | +55 | 14800 | BNDM | Deflect magic and fire atts
Spiked Armour | +55 | - | HaST | Hurts foe who attacks
Dark Robe | +55 | 16000 | Monster | Reduce magic damage
| | | | Find:Mt.Z. Buy Estark TnT
Magic Armour | +60 | 12000 | HPST | Reduces magic damage
Silk Bustier | +60 | 18800 | BNDM | Faerie Lea shop, Stockchest
Devil Armour | +65 | - | Monsters | Talon Tower, Estark TnT
Flame Armour | +70 | 15000 | HPT | Block magic and ice attacks
Angel Leotard | +70 | 21000 | BNDM | Block magic and ice attacks
Sacred Armour | +75 | 28 MM | HP | Heals HP during battle.
Mirror Armour | +80 | 30000 | HPT | Reflect magic back.
Princess's Robe | +80 | - | BNDM | Reduces fire/ice att damage.
| | | | Faerie Palaace.
Hela's Armour+ | +85 | - | S | Coburg chest (Merry Man)
| | | | (This armour has 0 agility)
Zenithian Armour | +85 | - | P | Block magic/ice atts Crocodi
Pallium Regale | +90 | - | H | Block magic/ice atts Mantlep
Metal King Armour | +95 | - | HPT | Metal Dragon drops this.
Restless Armour+ | No | - | Ha | Cursed and lowers defence.
| | | | Find in Pass to Gotha.

* Powjamas allow the wearer to attack while sleeping (thanks to DOAHunterX)

03. SHIELDS | DEF | COST | EQUIP | Notes
Pot Lid | +2 | 40 | BNMHaS | -
Leather Shield | +4 | 70 | HBNPMHaST | Only Debora cannot equip
Scale Shield | +7 | 180 | HBNPMHaST | Only Debora cannot equip
Floral Parasol | +8 | 1000 | D | Helmunaptra oasis shop
Bronze Shield | +11 | 370 | HPHaST | Guys only
Iron Shield | +16 | 720 | HPHaST | Reduce damage from ice/fire
Magic Shield | +22 | 3400 | HP | Deflects magic and fire/ice
Dragon Shield | +30 | 7100 | HPT | Reduces damage from fire/ice
Tempest Shield | +35 | 4700 | HPS | Use - make low lv ens vanish
Dark Shield | +37 | - | Monster | Use to make mist - distracts
Flame Shield | +40 | 17000 | HPT | Reduces damage from fire/ice
Maxi Medal | +40 | - | S | Dominicus' Dom. Knick-Knack
Power Shield | +45 | 25000 | HP | Use to recover HP for one
Ogre Shield | +48 | - | HS | Reduces damage from fire/ice
Silver Shield | +55 | 33000 | HPM | Deflects magic and fire atts
Zenithian Shield | +60 | - | P | Use to cast Bounce. Protects
| | | | from fire/ice attks. Mostrof
Shimmering Shield | +65 | - | H | Reduce damage from fire/ice
| | | | Estark's Labyrinth
Metal King Shield | +70 | 50 MM | HPST | Dominicus MM item
Ruinous Shield+ | None | 4200 | HPST | Curses user. Croc. NTnT shop

Bianca's Ribbon | - | BM | Gift from Bianca. +10 Wisdom
Meteorite Bracer | 6500 | HBNDPMST | Doubles agility. Gotha. Estark TnT
Kamikaze Bracer | 500 | Not Debora| Explodes if user dies. Casino 5000
Elfin Charm | 3000 | Not Harry | Protects from spells.
Circle of Fire | - | H | Use for boom attack. Mt Magmageddon
Circle of Water | - | BND | Use for woosh attack. Cataract Cave
Circle of Life | - | HBNDPM | Restores HP each step. Crocodilop

The three *Circle* rings used to open the portal to Nadiria, can be retrieved!
After you have entered Precaria, walk back to the portal, and enter it. You'll
be back at the three statues, and can remove the rings, (which closes the
portal). Walk down the area and sail the ship back down the river, then, you
can zoom back to Precaria. All credit to one.only who alerted me to this!

06. W E A P O N S ......................................................*L06

01. Swords
02. Staffs
03. Axes and Hammers
04. Claws/Fangs/Stake
05. Knives
06. Boomerangs
07. Whips
08. Spears
09. Akillics/Bow/Others

H = Hero
B = Bianca
N = Nera
D = Debora
P = Parry (boy)
M = Madchen (girl)
Ha = Harry
S = Sancho
T = Tuppence

MM = Cost in Mini Medals
TT = Treasure Trove (T'n'T)
Mt.Z = Mount Zugzwang
TnT = T'n'T Board
Ult. Key = Ultimate Key (needed)
Monster = Monster only

NOTES: Some weapons can be used as an item during a battle. If there is a cost
listed, then you can buy something. If not, you have to find it!

01. SWORDS | ATT | COST | EQUIP | Notes
Cypress Stick | +2 | 10 | HPS | -
Oaken Club | +9 | 60 | HaS | -
Copper Sword | +13 | 270 | HPT | -
Saw Blade | +27 | 1200 | S | -
Steel Broadsword | +33 | 2000 | HPHaT | -
Pankraz's Sword | +40 | - | HP | Obtain in Scary Lair
Serpent Sword | +42 | 3900 | HHaT | -
Cautery Sword | +45 | 4400 | HP | Use for flame attack
Dream Blade | +55 | 6300 | HDT | May inflict sleep
Falcon Blade | +67 | 35 MM | DT | Hits twice, Nadiria TnT
Siren Sword | +70 | 9800 | HBNDM | May inflict confusion
Icicle Dirk | +70 | 9000 | Monster | Use for crack attack
Zombiesbane | +80 | 11500 | HPT | Hurts the undead
Faerie Foil | +85 | 7700 | BNDM | Use to raise defence.(Buff)
Dragonsbane | +90 | 16000 | HPT | Hurts dragons
Massacre Sword | +95 | - | ST | Curses the user. Estark Lab
Double-Edged Sword | +99 | 3300 | T | Curses the user. TnT shop
Miracle Sword | +100 | 23 MM | HD | Heals HP. Also TnT prize.
Blizzard Blade | +105 | 21000 | T | Precaria shop
Zenithian Sword | +110 | - | P | Use to neutralise magic.
Hell Sabre | +120 | - | Monster | Estark L, Nadiria TnT TT
Metal King Sword | +130 | - | HPT | Buy at Casino

02. STAFFS | ATT | COST | EQUIP | Notes
Staff of Salvation | - | - | None | Use to recover HP for one.
Oaken Staff | +9 | 130 | HP | -
Iron Staff | +22 | 425 | HP | -
Lightning Staff | +29 | - | HBN | Use for lightning. Faerie P.
Staff of Divine Wrath | +35 | - | BNM | Use for whoosh. Gotha Pass
Staff of Antimagic | +40 | - | BNT | Use for mist. Magmageddon
Somatic Staff | +55 | 2500 | BNM | Uses MP to attack
Stolos' Staff | +60 | - | M | Cure paralysis. Precaria
Magma Staff | +63 | - | BNM | Use fire ball. S to Zenithia
Staff of Resurrection | +66 | 45000 | HBNM | Use to raise ally from dead
Dragon Staff | +125 | - | H | Use to become dragon. TalonT

Stone Axe | +20 | 700 | S | -
Battle Axe | +45 | 4000 | S | -
Giant Mallet | +10 | 220 | S | -
Sledgehammer | +30 | 1800 | SD | -
War Hammer | +60 | 6500 | SD | -
Hela Hammer | +70 | - | SD | Criticals. Mantleplace,TnT4

Iron Claw | +19 | 550 | D Monster | -
Fire Claw | +53 | 4700 | D Monster | Use for fire attack
Cobra Claw | +90 | - | D Monster | Use for poison. Crocodilop.
Stone Fangs | +12 | 240 | Monster | -
Steel Fangs | +35 | 2000 | Monster | -
Orichalcum Fangs | +115 | - | Monster | Mt. Zugzwang
Bone Stake | +6 | 70 | Monster | Whealbrook shop

05. KNIVES | ATT | COST | EQUIP | Notes
Paring Knife | +6 | 50 | BNM | -
Bronze Knife | +12 | 150 | BNMHa | -
Poison Moth Knife | +24 | 900 | BNM | May paralyse.

Boomerang | +15 | 420 | H | Attacks all enemies at once
Edged Boomerang | +25 | 1500 | HP | Attacks all enemies at once
Flametang Boomerang | +65 | 13000 | HP | Attacks all enemies at once

07. WHIPS | ATT | COST | EQUIP | Notes
Thorn Whip | +18 | 350 | BNDM | Attacks a group of enemies
Chain Whip | +23 | 1200 | HNMHa | Attacks a group of enemies
Morning Star | +45 | 3000 | BNPMT | Attacks a group of enemies
Spiked Steel Whip | +65 | 7400 | BNDM | Attacks a group of enemies
Gringham Whip | +100 | - | BNDMHa | Casino 250000 tokens
Flail of Destruction | +125 | 50000 | HS | Estark's TnT shop
08. SPEARS | ATT | COST | EQUIP | Notes
Bamboo Spear | +5 | 50 | HPS | -
Ionospear | +85 | 13500 | S | Use for lightning attack.
Demon Spear | +99 | 25000 | T | Can inflict critical attack

Akillics | +40 | - | D | Debora's default weapon
Diamond Akillics | +55 | - | D | Double hit. S to Zenithia
Great Bow | +110 | 37000 | S | Precaria shop
Poison Needle | +1 | 2900 | BNDM | Venomous barb can Critical.
Chain Sickle | +27 | 900 | S | (Roundbeck shop)
Falcon Knife Earrings | +35 | - | BNDM | Hits twice. Casino 10000 tok

07. K N I C K - K N A C K S ...........................................*L07

You can first access this small island after marriage and getting the ship. But
Mr Knick-Knack won't let you enter until you undertake an easy quest to find
the Maxi Medal. This is located in Dominicus's Dominion.

After you have obtained a few Knick-Knacks there will be a girl at the desk in
the entrance hall. She will show you a book with the items that you have
collected already listed, and it will include some that you haven't yet got,
but are well on the way to obtaining. Perhaps you just need one more visit
somewhere, and there will be a hint of where to go, and how to obtain it, from
the description.

Enter the room on the third floor at night, and you can place a knick-knack on
the table there and the chap will give you more information about it. After
you've placed a good number of knick-knacks, speak to Old Nick at night in his
room (to the left of the entrance hall) and he will give you a share of the
visitor money! You can only place or remove Knick-Knacks at night.

Annalum Retentium
Level : 12
Beauty : ***
Curiousness : *
Shock Factor: **********

Obtained in Precaria. Enter the hole in the ground by the wheel at the far side
of the town, and this takes you into the pub. Enter the back room and head up
the stairs and you will be a large room with machinery. There is a ladder
leading up to the top walkway, and a monster to the right. Talk to him and
answer yes, and he will give you this item.
Batten Binnacle
Level : 9
Beauty : *****
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: 0

Obtained in Battenberg. The old woman in the left room under the weapon shop,,
will tell you that someone has lost the Batten Binnacle, and you'll find the
child who lost it at the entrance to the cave. Go back and talk to granny
again, and she'll give you this knick-knack.

If you miss this item on the first visit to Battenberg, you can return later
and talk to the man laid out on his bed in the same room underneath the weapon
shop. I guess it's the child grown up. but he will give you this item.

NOTE: This can be used as an item, (it never breaks) to reveal your current
location. Same effect as Sancho's Storyteller skill.

Blooming Branch
Level : 8
Beauty : 0
Curiousness : *****
Shock Factor: 0

Obtained when you complete the first visit to Faerie Lea. After returning home,
Sancho will want to display it in your room. Agree, and he will put it on the
table upstairs. Then, take it from the table.

NOTE: If you miss this item, you can find it later on in the game when you
return to Whealbrook. Enter Sancho's old house, next to the well (use Safe
Passage if you want to avoid damage from the purple floor} and go down to the
basement, through the hole in the floor. You will find the branch there.

Catas Trophy
Level : 30
Beauty : ******
Curiousness : ***
Shock Factor: **********

Defeat Estark within 15 turns. You can only do this on your starred save after
beating the game. You'll find Estark at the end of the Labyrinth. This is found
when you walk due south from Mt. Zugzwang and into the purple lake. Place this
on the top floor: it's the jewel in the crown of the collection!

Chocolate Medalliyum
Level : 3
Beauty : *
Curiousness : *****
Shock Factor: 0

Buy this from the woman in Dominicus's Dominion, for 480 Gold.

Crown of Uptaten
Level : 20
Beauty : ********
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: 0

After polishing the Toff's Tea set with the Chamois, return to Uptaten Towers
at night and speak to the Count who is standing by the main entrance. He will
ask for it back. Agree to hand it over, and in exchange you get the Crown of
Uptaten. You can only find the ghost of the Count again, in Generation 3.
(Thanks to elix-warrior for confirming this.)

NOTE: The crown can be used as a helmet.

Crude Image
Level : 4
Beauty : ***
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: 0

One of the nuns at Heaven's Above Abbey gives this to you after the events of
the first visit here.

NOTE: This can be equipped as an accessory, increasing luck.

Desert Rose
Level : 5
Beauty : *******
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: *

When you first visit Helmunaptroan, get some information about this item in the
weapon shop. Then stay the night in the inn and then, first thing the next day,
walk out to the desert south of the town. You will find a couple of small rocks
lying on the desest. Examine these and you obtain the item. You can collect
more than one of these.

Faerie Quill
Level : 9
Beauty : *****
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: 0

This one isn't at all obvious, and can only be found on your starred save after
beating the game. Return to the Faerie Palace in the central continent. That's
the place that appeared when you blew the Faerie Horn by the lake. You cannot
zoom there, and will have to return by other means. (Hitch a ride with a
dragon.) Take the stairs in the corridor behind the throne room and look at the
picture in the right room upstairs. You will be at Lofty Peak in the past.
Speak to the guard and he tells you Pankraz is here. You will find him in the
house at the far side of the peaks, set between the two towers. He is talking
with the craftsman that made the jewel. He wants the FAERIE QUILL and the

Return to the palace and speak to the librarian (in the room at the right of
the stairs up to the pictures) and he will eplain what is required. The pen can
be found in Faerie Lea library. Zoom to Faerie Lea and talk to Sherbet in the
library and she will give you a FAERIE QUILL. As easy as that!
Forget-me-Knot Flag
Level : 2
Beauty : **
Curiousness : ********
Shock Factor: 0

Stay for one night at the Knot Welcome Inn and then speak to the innkeeper
from behind the desk. You must have a group of at least four.

Level : 9
Beauty :
Curiousness : ***
Shock Factor: *********

Found in Mt. Zugszwang.

Honey Buns
Level : 3
Beauty : ***
Curiousness : *******
Shock Factor: 0

Obtain these in Mostroferrato after marriage. You will automatically receive

this item.

Lofty Lilts
Level : 9
Beauty : *********
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: 0

Obtained in Lofty Peaks when you visit the room above the elders. Speak to the
woman in Madalena's room, and she will give you this item.

Madalena's Locket
Level : 10
Beauty : ***
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: 0

After being unstoned, the maid will give this to hero at the beginning of the
third part of the game.

Madalena's Locket (Upgraded)
Level : 25
Beauty : *******
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: 0

This involves some complicated toing and froing, and will tax your tolerance
for walking when you're used to zooming. To start with, you must have beaten
the game, and be playing on your starred save. You also need the Faerie Quill
and the Tusk-Tusk Tusk Inkwell. (See the details for those in this section, and
the Faerie Quill part will explain how to find Pankraz.)

Give them both to Pankraz in the painter's house at Lofty Peak in the past. He
wants to go and see Madalena with the painter, but is prevented from doing so
by the guard at her door. You want to help, but also cannot get past the guard
into Madalena's room at the top of the Elders' tower. Chat to the innkeeper,
she will give you some information. It seems that the guard is keen on T'n'T
boards. (Nothing will happen if you don't get this message.) Go upstairs in the
Elders' Tower and stand in front of the guard. Choose to USE a T'n'T TICKET,
from your inventory, and he will react, and leave the room. You can now talk to
Madalena, but that's all.

Return to the painter's house and tell Pankraz about the guard, and he and the
painter will leave. You can follow them into Madalena's room and talk to them
all there, but they will explain that the painting is going to take some time.
Leave Lofty Peak by entering the world map, and you'll be back at the picture.
(You can't make time pass in the past.) Wait a day and night. Re-enter the
picture, and return to the painter's house to retrieve your two items, and be
will give you a message from Pankraz. Leave the town and you'll be back in the
Faerie Palace. Walk out of here and zoom to Knick-Knackatory. Here, check out
the locket (assuming you had placed it there) and it will have upgraded!

Marital Organ
Level : 7
Beauty : *****
Curiousness : ***
Shock Factor: 0

After Harry marries, return to Coburg and visit him and his wife on the top
floor of the castle. You will have to take a detour to the chest in his room,
and after that, return to the top floor and speak with him again to receive
the item.

Marital Organ (upgraded)
Level : 25
Beauty : ********
Curiousness : ***
Shock Factor: 0

Stand in front of the item and select to USE the Whealbrook Sapphire with the
Marital Organ and this increases its value.

Maxi Medal
Level : 15
Beauty : ***
Curiousness : ******
Shock Factor: 0

Talk to Dominicus when you first visit his kingdom, and then talk to the woman,
then the man near the bank. Then, go outside and check the large gold thing on
the ground at the right. A slime will talk to you and when you agree to lift up
the thing, it is the medal. Take it to Dominicus and then to Mr Knick-knack.

NOTE: This can be used as a shield.

Monster Chess Set
Level : 9
Beauty : *******
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: ********

Recruit Tuppence, the Gotha soldier into your team in Generation 3. (His room
is to the right on the first level of the castle). After he's fought with you
for a bit, take him out of the party, and then visit him in his room at Gotha
Castle. (He's such a sweetie, and standing on guard even at night.) Then, he
will give you the chess set, if you agree to take it.

NOTE: There are alternative ways of obtaining this item.

i. Before the kidnapping, talk to a soldier in the bar, and he will tell you
he lost one of the pieces. Then, search the bar to find the missing piece. Give
it back to the soldier, and he will give you the chess set.

ii. After wife has been kidnapped, enter the room at the left of the Throne
Room, and there is a soldier there. Speak to him and he will apologise for
allowing this, and say they were playing chess. Continue talking to him and he
will give you the chess set. Thanks to Muse0213 for the details of this.

Scintillating Sinter
Level : 7
Beauty : **
Curiousness : ***
Shock Factor:

Take a Desert Rose (found in the desert to the south of Helmunaptra) to the man
inside the well in Stockenbarrel. (The well is under Whitey's house.) He will
give you this item in exchange.

Scuttlebutt Alleger
Level : 1
Beauty : 0
Curiousness : *********
Shock Factor: ********

Find this on the counter at the inn in Scuttlebutt. (The small settlement due
south of Zoomingale and near the entrance to the tunnel to Mostroferrato) Just
pick it up!

Ship in a Bottle
Level : 5
Beauty : *****
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: 0

Talk to the man to the left at Lodestar Harbour when you go to board the ship
for the first time. (This event takes place after the wedding at
Mostroferrato.) You have to pay 1000 Gold for this souvenir.

Slime Curio
Level : 13
Beauty : 0
Curiousness : *********
Shock Factor: ****

Simply buy this for 5,000 Gold from the Old Curiosity Shop in Fortuna. Visit at
night and the shop is at the top left corner of the town. Only available later
in the game.

NOTE: This can be equipped as armour to slimes, and will restore HP in battle.

Level :
Beauty : *
Curiousness : *
Shock Factor: 0

After completing the events in Hay, talk to the owner of the scarecrow in the
house to the left of the field where it stands. He doesn't want it anymore, and
you can pull it out of the ground and keep it forever.

Toff's Tea Set
Level : 3
Beauty : **
Curiousness : ********
Shock Factor: 0

Find all three pieces of the set: the Silver Tray, Silver Teapot and Silver Cup
and this will magically transform into the tea set.

The Tray is found in a cupboard inside the large bedroom. The Cup is in the
room that you can reach from the cave outside where the fire is burning. The
Teapot is the easiest to miss, as you have to drop down a hole from one floor
to the lower, in the East wing of the building. You can return here after the
events and there are no enemies, so finding them all is much easier.

Toff's Tea Set (Upgraded)
Level : 8
Beauty : *****
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: 0

Place the tea set on a pedestal in the Knick-Knackatory, and polish it with the
Chamois, changing its grading. (To polish it, stand in front of it, but don't
click onto the Tea Set, and open the item inventory, and then select to 'use'
the Chamois.) You'll be given the Chamois by Old Nick when you speak to him
after first being appointed curator at the Knick-Knackatory. Or later, if you
didn't talk to him then.

NOTE: This item is used to obtain the Crown of Uptaten.

Tusk Tusk-Tusk Inkwell
Level : 10
Beauty : *
Curiousness : *
Shock Factor: ****

Talk to the man staying in the inn at the Northminster Abbey when you first get
there in the second generation, and he will mention that he is planning to make
this ink. You cannot get the item until the 3rd generation. Zoom to
Northminster and speak to him again and he will give it to you. You need this
for another Knick-Knack, (Madalena's Locket upgraded) so if you display it,
remember where you left it!

Whealbrook Sapphire
Level : 9
Beauty : **********
Curiousness : 0
Shock Factor: ***

When you rescue the man trapped underneath a rock in Whealbrook Adit as a
child, you can also find the Whealbrook Bluestone, if you investigate the rock.
However, if you didn't get it, (oops), then you can return to the cave later
and check out the rock on the third level of the cave. (This is the part of the
cave accessed from the left bank of the river.)

There is a craftsman in Lofty Peak in the kitchen of the house set between two
towers near the top of the town. Speak to him and he'll offer to improve the
stone. Agree, and wait until the next day, (if you use Tick-Tock twice to save
bother, he doesn't seem to count this as a day, so do as he says and stay at
the inn) and return.

NOTE: First of all, you have to find the Stone of Whealbrook in the well (at
Whealbrook) and talk to the farmer in his field, who will give you some
information about the bluestone in the cave. If you don't do this, then you
won't find the bluestone. However, you CAN return here later in the game and
find the farmer again, if you missed this the first time.(Credit to Chris, who
reminded me about this!)

Yggdrasil Sapling
Level : 6
Beauty : ***
Curiousness :
Shock Factor: 0

You will be given this by a woman in Zeninthia after bringing the place back to
life. She is in the room accessed by the door to the right on the lower floor.

Yggdrasil Sapling (Upgraded)
Level : 20
Beauty : *****
Curiousness :
Shock Factor: 0

Stand in front of the sapling and select to USE the Aspersorium item. This
contains holy water and it will invigorate the sapling. Following this upgrade
you can take a Yggdrasil Leaf from the sapling each day.

NOTE: You won't get a Leaf this first time, because you are upgrading the
plant. Use the Aspersorium again, then sleep and return the next day to pick
a new leaf. It's an endless supply!
Zizzwizz Pillow
Level : 3
Beauty : **
Curiousness : ********
Shock Factor: 0

Stay for the night at Roundbeck Inn, TWICE! Then speak with the innkeeper.

NOTE: This can be used as a battle item, to put enemies to sleep.

Level : 8
Beauty : **
Curiousness : ***
Shock Factor: 0

Enter the church in Zoomingale and speak to the old man in the right hand room.
He will tell you about this drink, if you answer no. Return to town at night,
and go back into the church. This time, walk left to find a man standing by a
pot. (Yep, he's a secret drinker.) Now, visit Professor Trubble, and when
he asks if you've come for another spell, say no. Then he will give you a
bottle of Zoomshine.




When you have obtained all knick-knacks, and return with the final one (for me,
it was the Catas Trophy), then Old Man Nick Knack will greet you at the
entrance to the Knick-Knackatory, and escort you inside. He will go into his
bedroom and you can find him there in a deep sleep. Although you still don't
get to open the treasure chest (boo!), you can read his diary for a final
update. That's all folks!

08. M I N I M E D A L S .............................................. *L08

Visit Dominicus's Dominion and talk to the King. He will exchange Mini Medals
for a range of armour and weapons.

Mini Medal Prizes | COST | EQUIP | Notes
Powjamas | 12 | HPS | +40 DEF Armour
Glombolero | 17 | BNM | +37 DEF Armour. Sometimes absorbs MP
Miracle Sword | 23 | HD | +100 ATK Heals HP.
Sacred Armour | 28 | HP | +75 DEF Heals HP during battle
Falcon Blade | 35 | T | +67 ATK Hits twice.
Metal King Shield | 50 | HPST | +70 Shield that's shockproof

Mini Medals are easier to obtain than you might expect. As well as set
locations, a number of monsters carry them, and they might drop one. Mimics
always drop a Mini Medal and so I've included these in the list, since they
have fixed locations. You can also obtain many Mini Medals from the T'n'T

Monster Drops
* Mimics always drop a Mini Medal.
* Cannibox, Frighturn, and Urnexpected sometimes drop Mini Medals (these are
monsters disguised as Treasure Chests or pots).
* Admirer, Liquid Metal Slime, Metal King Slime, and Wrecktor might...
if you're lucky.
* The Merry Man might drop a Mini Medal. At least, there is confirmation that
the third one in Nadiria has done so!
* Estark will drop a Mini Medal if you keep fighting him until he does!

Code and Location..........Details
01MM Roundbeck.............Inside a pot downstairs in Bar. (Say no to a drink)
02MM Coburg Castle.........Corner pot in secret room. Need Coburg Castle Key.
03MM Lodestar Harbour......Inside cupboard. Room at the top of the lighthouse.
04MM Lodestar Harbour......Hidden in the flowers to the right of the church.
05MM Hay...................Small house, right pot.
06MM Hay...................Large house, upstairs pot.
07MM Scary Lair............Floor 1 central passage next to the skeleton.
08MM Zoomingale............Pot upstairs in Inn.
09MM Zoomingale............Single pot in open area to right of church.
10MM Scuttlebutt...........At the bottom of the well in front of the church.
11MM Tunnel to
Mostroferrato.........Bottom right corner.
12MM Mostroferrato.........Inside chest of drawers in small house opposite Inn.
13MM Stockenbarrel.........Inside bar under Inn. Barrel in the right corner
14MM Stockenbarrel.........Found when you click on the right hand gravestone.
15MM Ventuno Casino........Enclosed stair hallway, in the barrel in the corner.

16MM Ventuno Casino........Right deck at the Casino end of ship, third barrel.
17MM Knick-Knackatory......Inside a barrel in the basement room.
18MM Desert Tent...........Right hand pot inside the tent
19MM Helmunaptra Castle....Lower floor garden. Inside well.
20MM Mt Batten Pass........Left pot inside inhabited cave.
21MM Mt Batten Pass........Treasure chest at the far left of the path.
22MM Mt Batten Pass........Treasure chest at the left of large cave.
23MM Bettenberg............Left room under weapon shop, in a barrel.
24MM Gotha Pass............In treasure chest on Floor 9
25MM Gotha Pass............Defeat Mimic in treasure chest on Floor 9.
26MM Gotha Pass............Defeat Mimic in treasure chest on Floor 4.
27MM Gotha Pass............In treasure chest on Floor 4.
28MM Gotha Pass............In treasure chest on outside ledge of Floor 4.
29MM Gotha Pass............Answer yes to second question, OR tell the truth to
all three questions from the man on the outside
ledge on floor 2.
30MM Gotha Pass............Defeat Mimic in treasure chest on Floor 8
31MM Gotha.................On balcony adjoining Hero's bedroom.
32MM Gotha.................Floor 2, bathroom inside left cabinet.
33MM Gotha.................Floor 1, inside fourth pot in top left room
34MM Rite of Passage.......Treasure chest on 1st Underground level.
35MM Knightmare Tower......Pot in left room, Floor 2.
36MM Knightmare Tower......Defeat Mimic in treasure chest, Floor 4
37MM Knightmare Tower......In a treasure chest, Floor 8
38MM Knightmare Tower......Defeat Mimic. Treasure chest, Floor 3, levers room
39MM Knightmare Tower......Pot on Floor 3, room with lever.
40MM Moot Point............In the cellar room inside a cupboard.
41MM The Porgie Estate.....In the left cupboard inside the bedroom.
42MM Estuary Sanctuary.....In a treasure chest on a small island.
43MM Lofty Peak............House above armour shop. Inside left cabinet.
44MM Stairway to Zenithia..Floor 5 inside a treasure chest
45MM Diggery Pokery........Floor 2, inside third treasure chest.
46MM Neverglade............Pot inside small house.
47MM Zenithia..............Floor 2, inside the right chest of drawers.
48MM Talon Tower...........In treasure chest on stair landing.
49MM Talon Tower...........Defeat Mimic in treasure chest in Basement, Floor 3.
50MM Talon Tower...........In treasure chest. Basement, Floor 3.
51MM Dominicus's Dominion..In treasure chest in locked room (Ultimate Key)
52MM Dominicus's Dominion..In treasure chest in locked room (Ultimate Key)
53MM Fortuna Prison........Inside middle prison cell. (Ultimate Key)
54MM Mantleplace...........In treasure chest on Floor 3.
55MM Precaria..............Inside barrel near wheel.
56MM Mt Zugzwang...........Floor 4, in a treasure chest.
57MM Mt Zugzwang...........Arrow Tiles room, Floor 4 in a treasure chest.
58MM Mt Zugzwang...........Defeat Mimic in treasure chest, Floor 4.
59MM Estark's Labyrinth....In treasure chest, Floor 1
60MM Estark's Labyrinth....Defeat Mimic in treasure chest on Floor 1
61MM Estark's Labyrinth....Defeat Mimic. Treasure chest upstairs from Floor 3.

NOTE: For anyone interested in numbers...I managed to make the total number of
sections in the walkthrough the same number as the total for Mini Medals! Yeah,
I'm a nerd. :p

09. M I N I - G A M E S ...............................................*L09

*You win some, you ooze some*

01. Tombola
02. Slot Machines
03. Slurpodome
04. Monster Arena
05. Monster Poker
06. Bruise the Ooze

Play this game in Lodestar Harbour Inn. It's down a hole at the left of the
place. All that happens is that you give the woman a ticket and she rolls the
tumbler, which drops a coloured ball. Probably best to save up a number of
tickets, save your game, and then play.

Black - Nothing
White - Tombola Ticket
Green - T'n'T Ticket
Blue - Rockbomb Shard
Red - Paxi Punch
Silver - Prayer Ring
Gold - Loyalty Card (gives a discount when shopping)

Play the slots in Fortuna and Ventuno Casinos. Always save before you start a
session and reload if you lose a lot. Play the 100 token (red) slots, and place
the maximum allowed (900) for the biggest wins. If you place the maximum, then
your winnings are tripled. This is the quickest and most reliable way to win
lots of tokens.

Use the directional buttons to select all 9 options, and then press A to start
the machine.

Winning Lines:
77777 5 x10000 4 x1000 3 x100
BAR 5 x 2000 4 x 200 3 x 20
MELON 5 x 1000 4 x 100 3 x 10
BELL 5 x 200 4 x 50 3 x 8
BLUE LEMON 5 x 100 4 x 20 3 x 5
CHERRY 5 x 20 4 x 6 3 x 3

Cost - 100 Tokens, Maximum Wager - 900 Tokens

Cost - 10 Tokens, Maximum Wager - 90 Tokens

Cost - 1 Token, Maximum Wager - 9 Tokens

Bet on slimes to win a race in Fortuna and Ventuno Casinos. You can enter your
own slime in a race, providing it has reached level 20. Make sure it's in your
active team of four, before entering the casino or Pontoon. However, this is
annoying, because if you have four humans in your party, they will be
automatically placed in the active group when you enter the town. To ensure you
can include a slime you'll need to have less then four humans.

Your own slime is entered as contestant 6 and you have to pay 50 Gold Coins for
the privilege. You can bet on your own slime, (shown in dark blue) though it is
paired with another one, so the odds are played out the same. First time I
tried, with a level 22 slime, she came last. :(
There are five slimes in a race, (pink, blue, green, orange and red) and you
can bet up to 50 tokens on one race. Place tokens on the two slimes that you
think will have the best chance of coming first and second. You can place bets
on every possible combination, a few of them, or just one. Use the directional
buttons to select the ones you want, and press A to add more tokens. Then use
the directional button to select start, and press A again.

The coloured numbers list the possible combinations of slimes, and the numbers
in white show the odds for each combination of two slimes. The higher the
multiplier, the less the chance that these two slimes will take the first two
winning positions, but the more you would win, if they do! (Very unpredictable,
so your best chance is to place bets on more than one combination.)

Only found in Fortuna, it's just to the left of the entrance. Bet on a monster
to win the battle. The fight line-ups available are dependent on Hero's level.
There are a total of 50 possible combinations, and you'll have got them all by
the time Hero reaches level 30. If you don't like the look of the line-up
you're shown, then leave, and try again, and you'll be shown a different one.

This is a frustrating game, because you can't enter your own monsters, and have
to rely on your knowledge of monster skills, and luck, to choose the monster
most likely to win a battle. Pick one, and they slug it out, and if your
monster is the last one standing, you win. Your winnings are based on the
multiplier for that monster. As with the slime races, the lower the multiplier,
the more chance of that monster winning, but even if you pick one with good
odds for a win, there is no guarantee. Not the best way to win tokens, though
the fights don't take long.

If your monster wins, you can bet your winnings on the next fight, and keep
going up to a maximum of 10,000 tokens.

Yeah, it's poker, with monster cards. This fun game is only found in Ventuno.
Save before you start! The poker tables are found at the left side of the main
casino (near the slot machines) on the ship. Bet up to 10 tokens on a hand, and
you can win a range of payouts. (These are all displayed on the top screen.)

Place your bet and five cards will be dealt and turned face up. The idea is to
make various groups of cards to achieve the best hand for your five cards.
These are either cards with the same number, or cards of the same suit.

Use the directional buttons to see the option: Discard, and select one and
press A to see the alternative: Hold. When you've decided which cards you want
to Hold onto, and which to discard, select Deal, and the card/s you discarded
will be replaced with new cards. If you're lucky, you could start with five
good cards, and in that case, hold onto them all. That's it, and you will score
based on the second hand.

There are four suits of cards: Slimes, Swords, Shields, Crowns. Within each
suit cards are numbered from 2-10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace. The Ace can count
as a one if you wish to use it next to a two. There are Joker cards as well,
which can be used to represent any card you like.

When you win a hand, you will be given the option of double or nothing. This is
just a simple matter of luck and judgement. A card is shown, and you must
decide if the next card will be higher or lower. (Ace counts as high, in this
game.) If you win, then you can play "Double or Nothing" again, using your
winning card. Choose high or low again, and again, so long as you think you've
a good chance to win.

TWO PAIRS: Payout x1

Two identical numbered cards are a pair. You need 2 pairs.

THREE OF A KIND: Payout x1

Three identical numbered cards are three of a kind.

STRAIGHT: Payout x2
Five cards from any suit, in consecutive order (The Ace cannot be used between
a 2 and King.)

FLUSH: Payout x4
Any five cards of the same suit. (The numbers don't matter).

FULL HOUSE: Payout x5

Three cards with the same number, and two cards with the same number.

FOUR OF A KIND: Payout x10

Four cards showing the same number.


Five cards with consecutive number from the same suit, but not including the
Jack/Queen/King. (eg: 3,4,5,6,7)

FIVE OF A KIND: Payout x50

Four cards showing the same number, with a Joker added to make five.


Five cards with highest consecutive numbers from the same suit: 10, Jack,
Queen, King, Ace.


Five slime suit cards with highest consecutive numbers: 10, Jack, Queen, King,

Strangely fun, but it's just a version of whack-a-mole. You'll find this games
machine in Debora's bedroom on the top floor of the Mostroferrato mansion.
Four coloured slimes are shown at the top of the games screen, and randomly
coloured slimes will pop up (at random) in the eight holes. You must use the
stylus to tap these in the correct order and gain points. If you get one wrong,
then you lose points. Your time is limited (shown with a bomb crossing from
left to right on the top screen) so you have to be quick, and as you complete
each stage, the animation speeds up. Complete 5 or more stages, and you play a
bonus level which uses red and gold coins. Sometimes items will appear in the
holes, and if you tap one, then you will receive it after the game is over.

Possible Items
Magic Water, Medicinal Herb, Prayer Ring.

Possible Bonus Round Items

Antidotal Herb, Elfin Elixir, Magic Water, Medicinal Herb, Paxa Punch, Pointy
Hat, Rags, Rebirth Stone, Rockbomb Shard, Tombola Ticket, T'n'T Ticket,
Yggdrasil Leaf.

(Credit to the Brady Guide. I'm not very good at this game, and haven't found
half of these.)

10. T 'N' T B O A R D S ..............................................*L10

There are five T'n'T Boards in Dragon Quest V, and they all have good prizes,
as well as shops and many items that can be found along the way. Use the search
codes to take you to the full maps and details for each board.

1. Fortuna: inside the casino. [FORTNT]

2. Ventuno: inside the ship. [VENTNT]
3. Spring board: in Faerie Lea (in generation 3) where the Winter Palace used
to be. [SPRTNT]
4. Nadiria: in a building to the south of Mt Zugzwang. [NADTNT]
5. Stark Raving Board (after beating the game) inside the poison swamp south of
Mt Zugzwang. [STKTNT]

You can only use one character on the boards and, since you will also find
enemies, it makes sense to use your best fighter. Ensure they have a Boomerang
as well as a single enemy weapon, as you will encounter many enemy groups. You
also need a FullHeal spell. If you are damaged by the zap tile, or by enemies,
make sure to heal up as soon as you can. You don't want to be forced to quit
because you have run out of HP!

You cannot use items or spells while on the board, and the only time when you
can change equipment, or heal, is if you land on a battle tile, although there
are a few inns where you can recover, as well as Healing tiles. If you lose all
your HP or run out of rolls of the dice, then that's the end of your
attempt. Items found inside cupboards, pots or treasure chests will not

For the later boards, equip a Meteorite Bracer to boost your speed, and an
Elfin Charm to protect against bad status spells. You could also carry a
Dieamend or Rebirth Stone as an additional precaution, if you are really
serious about not getting kicked off by powerful enemies. However, this is a
lot less likely to happen than falling through a trapdoor, or being sent back
to the start. You can run away from battles, and this has a good chance of
If you are on the later boards, and just want to get to the finish line, then
don't enter the dungeons if you want to avoid using up too many turns. Also
avoid searching the ground, which could jeopardise your attempt to finish with
a hidden trapdoor. (The exception to this is the fifth board.on floor 3.)

Aim to complete the Nadiria board as soon as you can, since this rewards you
with a Free Pass. You will need this for the Stark Raving board!

For all boards, you are given four options at the start of each turn:

*Roll Die - This commits you to move after throwing the number.
*Consult Map - Select and then use the directional buttons to scroll the map.
Press B to return to the options. This option is very useful
when you are near a choice of directions.
*Attributes - Shows your character's current equipment and status, and the
*Give Up - Returns you to the main floor, back at the start.

These abbreviations are for the layouts I've included in the main walkthrough.
All credit and thanks to Shotgunnova for the basic structure, and the idea for
these abbreviations.

The starting place has a man who will take your ticket (or check the
free pass).

You have to land on this space in order to win. If you throw a number
that is too many, then you will go back any additional spaces.

Sometimes there will be a battle on this tile, but most often you will
have the option to examine the ground. This will result in: an item, a
trapdoor, or a battle.

Most often there will be a battle on this tile, but sometimes you will
have the option to examine the ground. This will result in: an item, a
trapdoor, or a battle.

Usually there will be a battle on this tile, but sometimes you will
have the option to examine the ground. This will result in: an item, a
trapdoor, or a battle.

You will fight random monsters.


You will fight metal monsters on this tile.


This tile gives you access to the board shop where you can spend money.
Some of the items are not sold anywhere else. Different boards sell
different items.

The cost varies from board to board, but here you can rest and recover.

Stairs will take you up or down to another floor. You don't have to land
directly on this tile, and will just continue with any extra moves left

Land on this tile and you will drop down to the floor below. This will
mean the end of the game, except on the Stark Raving board, where some
trapdoors drop you down onto a lower section of the board.

This tile with a blue square will warp you to another section of that
floor. Usually this will help you to progress, and sometimes it is the
only way to get to the next section of the board. You must land directly
on the tile.

This cave opening will lead you inside an additional area of the board.
You have to land directly on the tile, and you have the option of
entering or not. Although these dungeons yield some additional
treasures, they also use up more throws of the dice. You don't have to
throw the exact number to exit, and you will be back at the dungeon tile
where you entered. Boards with dungeons have three of them, and which
one you enter is randomly generated.


This is a tile that looks like a maze and it takes you to special
treasure rooms. (These do not use up any additional throws). Your time
inside one room (you choose only one) is determined by two throws of the
dice. The first throw is tens of seconds, and the second, seconds. The
maximum time could be 66 seconds, and the minimum, 11.
There are a maximum of 5 treasure trove rooms:
1. A small maze with a few (5) treasure chests.
2. Narrow walls that you walk along to reach a few (5) treasure chests.
3. An icy floor where you must slide to reach a few (5) treasure chests
4. A room with a long ladder and you fall down to land on narrow ledges
with one treasure chest on each of five ledges.
5. The best room has lots of treasure chests on the floor, just waiting
to be opened.

If you pass through a gate you have to pay 500 Gold Coins.

All these tiles contain an item, but the next time you land here, there
is nothing to find. Once only items!

1/2 - 1/2 MP
Land here and you will lose half your current MP. (Not permanently!)

ZAP - Land here and you will lose HP from an electric shock. Make sure to heal
up as soon as you can get a chance, at the next battle, or in an inn.
Land here and you will get an attribute change. This is decided with two
rolls of the dice. The first roll determines which attribute changes,
and the second decides if it gives or removes 1 point.


1 Strength 1 -1
2 Agility 2 +1
3 Resilience 3 -1
4 Wisdom 4 +1
5 Luck 5 -1
6 Max HP 6 +1

G+# - ADD GOLD COINS (red tile)

You will be given the amount shown on the tile.

G-# - LOSE GOLD COINS (blue tile)

You will lose the amount shown on the tile.

M+# - MOVE FORWARDS (red tile)

Move forwards by the number shown on the tile.

M-# - MOVE BACKWARDS (blue tile)

Move backwards by the number shown on the tile.


Gives extra turns by the number shown on the tile.


Lose turns by the number shown on the tile.


Decide the number you wish to move, and stop the dice on that number.
It rolls very slowly so you can easily do this. Check out the layout of
the board before deciding!

If you land on this tile you can check the ground to be shown the
correct direction to take.


Your HP and MP will be restored. Free healing!


This purple tile has a large white arrow on it pointing downwards. Land
here and you will taken back to the start. DO NOT LAND ON THIS TILE!


A voice speaks, and there are a large range of random effects, some
good, some bad.
* Gain 10, 20, 30 or 100 Gold Coins
* Lose 10, 20, 30 or 100 Gold Coins
* A treasure chest is opened for an item.
* A battle
* An attribute is changed (same as the ! tile)
* An attribute is changed by -1, +1 or +2 by the 'voice'
* You gain +10 more rolls of the dice.
* The next roll will be a slow one, so you can choose the number.
* Go back 5 spaces.
* Taken to an inn. (You will carry on from there.)
* Sent to a treasure trove.
* Go forwards 6 spaces.
* Trapdoor
* No monster encounters on grass/forest and hills for a short time.

See the place sections for the full maps of each board.


Turns: 10
Prize: Mini Medal, Edged Boomerang

This is found inside the Casino, and down the hole in the floor at the far left
of the ground floor.


Turns: 18
Prize: Lacy Bustier, Prayer Ring

This is accessed from the island off the coast of Lodestar Harbour. Sail to the
island and enter the small 'town'. From here, board the casino ship.


Turns: 23
Prize: Happy Hat, Miracle Sword

This is situated to the north-west of the Faerie lands, where you will find a
small lake with a round building. The location is where the Winter Palace used
to be, and so there won't be a T'n'T board here until after completing that
section of the game.

NOTE: When you reach the finish nothing must walk off the board
to the left and slide down the large hole in the ground to find the two
treasure chest prizes. Exit by going down the screen and up two sets of stairs.


Turns: 25
Prize: Sands of Time, Mini Medal, T'n'T Free Pass (No more tickets needed!)

Find this board inside the building that is due south of Mt Zugzwang at the
far side of the purple lake. (I found this the easiest to complete.} Also, it
gives you the Free Pass, which you might need if you plan to finish the final


Turns: 70
Prize: Recruit Starkers.

This can ONLY be accessed after you have beaten the game and have a starred
save. Zoom to Mt Zugzwang and walk a couple of steps south into the purple
lake. (Use Safe Passage to avoid damage.) You will enter a new dungeon, and the
board is found if you walk up and take the first right. You must beat Estark to
open the door (and have the Ultimate Key.) Then, go down the stairs to find the
board. There is nothing else in here besides the board, and it's on a number of
floors. It is fiendish, and hard to complete.

11. M O N S T E R S G U I D E ..........................................*L11

This is the list in the same order as from the game Big Book of Beasts, and
grouped into separate pages of enemies. I've included this so you can quickly
identify any missing monsters if you are trying to track down them all. To
check on your Book, you must be somewhere on the world map.

The monsters from the later pages are mostly from the later stages of the game,
and, although some of them may appear in locations you have already visited,
they won't be there early on in the game.

Page 1
001: Slime, 002: Burr Baby, 003: Boring Bag, 004: Dracky, 005: Hammerhood,
006: Bunicorn, 007: Combatterpillar, 008: Bad Apple, 009: Funky Ferret,
010: Bubble Slime, 011: Fat Rat, 012: Bona Constrictor, 013: Lickspittle,
014: Frizzard, 015: Jailcat, 016: Mental Pitcher.

Page 2
017: Time Burrm, 018: Prestidigitator, 019: Cactiball, 020: Lava Larva,
021: Will-o'-the-Whips, 022: Foetid Ferret, 023: Dirty Rat, 024: Drackyma,
025: Ghost, 026: Wax Murderer, 027: Lesionnaire, 028: Spiked Hare,
029: Brrrattling Snake, 030: Healslime, 031: Screwball Pitcher, 032: Fandangow.

Page 3
033: Sizzard, 034: Scaraburrower, 035: Terracotta Warrior, 036: Eyelasher,
037: Slime Knight, 038: Bag o' Laughs, 039: Brownie, 040: Rotten Apple,
041: Ticking Timeburrm. 042: Flatulent Ferret, 043: Metal Slime,
044: Bludgerigar, 045: Funghoul, 046: Wickerman, 047: Walking Corpse,
048: Owlbear.

Page 4
049: Powie Yowie, 050: Cannibox, 051: Wyrtle, 052: Legerdeman, 053: Small Fry,
054: Ruff Ruffian.0 55: Grudgerigar, 056: Eyepod, 057: Hulagan,
058: Cross Eye, 059: Urnexpected, 060: Gourdzilla, 061: Metal Slime Knight,
062: Restless Armour, 063: Growlbear, 064: Mudraker.

Page 5
065: Liquid Metal Slime, 066: Pocus Poppet, 067: Paralakeet, 068: Sasquash,
069: Magic Marionette, 070: Wisp-o'-Smoke, 071: Pokesperson,
072: Corpse Corporal, 073: Drooling Ghoul, 074: Gamigin, 075: Great Sabrecat,
076: Thaumaturge, 077: Hunter Mech, 078: Mimic, 079: Chimaera, 080: Wormbat.

Page 6
081: Poxtongue, 082: Phantaseyes, 083: Rockbomb, 084: Jiggery-Pokerer,
085: Monster Tamer, 086: Hotbog, 087: Goodybag, 088: Cureslime, 089: Gastank,
090: Orc, 091: King Slime, 092: Flamethrower, 093: Frighturn, 094: Lazy Eye,
095: Wizened Wizard, 096: Drag-goof.

Page 7
097: Deadcurion, 098: Wight Prince, 099: Lindworm, 100: Minidemon,
101: Eyevory Tusk-Tusk, 102: Stone Golem, 103: Quack Up, 104: Samigina,
105: Hocus Chimaera, 106: Toxtongue, 107: Admirer, 108: Hex Hellmet,
109: Orc King, 110: Gas Bag, 111: Hippoblockomus, 112: Hawk Man

Page 8
113: Hula Ghoul, 114: Hellion, 115: Jowler, 116: Hoodlum, 117: Air Duckt,
118: Tortoceratops, 119: Pink Elephant, 120: Drag-goon, 121: Hypothermion,
122: Muddy Hand, 123: Golem, 124: Mandrake Major, 125: Firebird,
126: Revaulting Horse, 127: Blizzybody, 128: Stenchurion.

Page 9
129: Necromancer, 130: King Cureslime, 131: Red-Hot Poker, 132: Hippopotamiss,
133: Gargoyle, 134: Warhog, 135: Hades Helm, 136: Prower Jowler,
137: Hyperpyexion, 138: Terrorceratops, 139: Mandrake Marauder,
140: Silvapithecus, 141: Pummel Horse, 142: Dragon Zombie, 143: Bombboulder,
144: Metal King Slime

Page 10
145: Quadrahead, 146: Moosifer, 147: Snake Ch-arm-er, 148: Thwarthog,
149: Orobas, 150: Snowbird, 151: Black Dragon, 152: Tyrannoceratops,
153: Balbib, 154: Metal Dragon, 155: Wrecktor, 156: Mandrake Marshal,
157: Beastmaster, 158: Fire-Eater, 159: Ice-Breaker, 160: Luneyetic

Page 11
161: Archdemon, 162: Soulspawn, 163: Great Dragon, 164: Snake Handler,
165: Killing Machine, 166: Pazuzu, 167: Hybird, 168: Hyperanemon,
169: Wyrtoise, 170: Gigantes, 171: Lick-o'-Flame, 172: Drakenstein,
173: Deathsquad, 174: Wight King, 175: Doom Slugger, 176: Gloom Slugger

Page 12
177: Mechan-o'-Wyrm, 178: Barbatos, 179: Bilhaw, 180: Pollywiggle,
181: Man o' War, 182: Morphean Mollusc, 183: Suckling Ocker, 184: Merman,
185: Pollywaggle, 186: Sea Dog, 187: Cross Bones, 188: Wallop Scallop,
189: Mother Ocker, 190: Thaumatosaurus, 191: Old Man of the Sea, 192: Merking

Page 13
193: Poltarrrgeist, 194: Strongylokrotaphus, 195: Pip Fighter, 196 Battle Pip,
197: Epipany, 198: Wiz Pip, 199: Conkuistador, 200: Conkerer, 201: Conkuisitor,
202: Conjurer.

Haunted Housekeeper - Uptaten Towers
Dwight - Winter Palace
The Winter Queen - Winter Palace
Slave-driver - Slave Quarry
Faux Dowager - Coburg Castle
Magmen - Mt. Magmageddon
Robbin' Hood - Rite of Passage
Orc Pawn - Knightmare Towers
Chimaera Pawn - Knightmare Towers
Kon the Knight - Knightmare Towers
Merry Man - Stockenbarrel, Coburg, Precaria
Bjorn The Behemoose - Mostrroferrato Lookout Tower
Slon the Rook - Talon Tower
Bishop Ladja - Talon Tower (1st Encounter)
Queen Ferx - Crocopolis
King Korol - Crocopolis
Bishop Ladja - (2nd Encounter)
Grandmaster Nizmo - Mt. Zugzwang
Grandmaster Nizmo - Mt. Zugzwang (upgraded form)
Estark (optional) - Estark's Labyrinth


Mt.Z = Mount Zugzwang
FL = Faerie Lea
KT = Knightmare Towers
K-K = Knick Knackatory
LP = Lofty Peak

Recruiting Difficulty:
Easy, Occasionally (Medium Difficulty - Med.), Hard

Item Drops:
The chances of item drops varies a great deal.

Not all locations are listed here, just the main ones or the first place where
I found that monster. I couldn't fit them all in and I wanted to keep this
chart a manageable size. But you can check the lists of enemies from the
different locations in the walkthrough to see who can be found where. The list
of recruitable monsters has more locations listed.

If you missed some monsters in Generation 2, and can't find them in Generation
3, then try the T'n'T boards, where a large range of monsters will appear.

Admirer | No | 550 | 85 | Mini Medal | Cave of Trial,MtZ
Air Duckt | No | 217 | 60 | Cherub Chime | Stair to Zenithia
Archdemon | Hard | 927 | 85 | Rockbomb Shard | Mantleplace

Bad Apple | Easy | 9 | 8 | Chimaera Wing | Faerie Lea area
Bag o' Laughs | No | 10 | 55 | Chimaera Wing | Ancient Ruins
Balbib | No | 130 | 1020 | Hela Hammer | Nadiria
Barbatos | Hard | 1165 | 215 | Hell Sabre | Estark's Lab
Battle Pip | Med. | 24 | 9 | Antidotal Herb | Faerie Lea area
Beastmaster | Easy | 400 | 110 | Devil Armour | Mt. Zugzwang
Bilhaw | No | 1275 | 300 | Ogre Shield | Estark's Labyrth
Blizzybody | Hard | 290 | 60 | Top Hat | Estuary Cave
Black Dragon | No | 630 | 125 | Seed of Strength | Talon Tower
Bludgerigar | No | 38 | 30 | Chimaera Wing | Whealbrook
Bombboulder | Hard | 340 | 70 | Dieamend | Neverglade, Talon
Bona Constrictor | No | 7 | 7 | Medicinal Herb | Uptaten, FaerieL
Boring Bug | No | 3 | 2 | Medicinal Herb | Whealbrook Cave
Brownie | Easy | 21 | 15 | Monster Munchies | Fortuna, Whealbk
Brrrattling Snake | No | 22 | 12 | Bone Stake | Winter Palace
Bubble Slime | No | 6 | 7 | Antidotal Herb | Roundbeck.FaerieL
Bunicorn | No | 4 | 3 | Leather Hat | Whealbrook, Talon
Burr Baby | No | 2 | 2 | Medicinal Herb | Whealbrook Cave

Cactiball | No | 16 | 9 | Medicinal Herb | Winter Palace/FL
Cannibox | No | 23 | 95 | Mini Medal | Gotha Pass
Chimaera | Med. | 90 | 45 | Chimaera Wing | Magmageddon
Combatterpillar | No | 4 | 4 | Seed of Wisdom | Roundbeck, TalonT
Conkerer | Med. | 70 | 32 | Medicinal Herb | Faerie Pal. Never
Conkjurer | Med. | 68 | 40 | T 'n T Ticker | Fairie Pal. Never
Conkuistador | Med. | 72 | 50 | Yggdrasil Dew | Fairie Pal Never
Conkuisitor | Med. | 75 | 33 | Yggdrasil Leaf | Fairie P. Nevergl
Corpse Corporal | No | 85 | 11 | Yggdrasil Leaf | Zoomingale.
Cross Bones | No | 200 | 100 | Top Hat | Middle Sea
Cross Eye | Med. | 52 | 28 | Giant Mallet | Abovitall, Hay
Cureslime | Hard | 70 | 43 | Yggdrasil Leaf | Magmageddon, Most

Deadcurion | No | 106 | 25 | Moonwort Bulb | Batten/Gotha Pass
Deathsquad | No | 518 | 80 | Rockbomb Shard | Estark's Labyrth.
Dirty Rat | No | 14 | 13 | Seed of Agility | Coburg area
Doom Slugger | No | 510 | 63 | Cobra Claw | Mt. Zugzwang
Drakenstein | No | 670 | 50 | Poison Needle | Mt. Zugzwang
Dracky | Easy | 4 | 3 | Medicinal Herb | Whealbrook Cave
Drackyma | No | 16 | 18 | Wayfarer's Clothes | Winter Palace
Drag-goof | Med. | 127 | 45 | Seed of Wisdom | SEContinent/Gotha
Drag-goon | No | 245 | 63 | Paxa Punch | K-K, Lofty Peak
Dragon Zombie | No | 450 | 55 | Ruinous Shield | Neverglade
Drooling Ghoul | No | 69 | 22 | Medicinal Herb | Mostroferrato

Epiphany | Med. | 22 | 12 | Holy Water | Faerie Lea area
Eyelasher | No | 27 | 19 | Medicinal Herb | Ancient Ruins
Eyepod | No | 42 | 38 | Chimaera Wing | Coburg Cave
Eyevory Tusk-Tusk | No | 145 | 40 | Seed of Strength | Gotha, SE cont.

Fandangow | Med. | 19 | 13 | Hardwood Headwear | Coburg area
Fat Rat | Easy | 4 | 8 | Medicinal Herb | Roundbeck, Upstat
Firebird | No | 238 | 63 | Somatic Staff | LP area, Mantlepl
Flamethrower | Hard | 130 | 50 | Seed of Wisdom | Magmageddon
Flatulent Ferret | No | 35 | 30 | Scale Shield | Whealbrook
Foetid Ferret | No | 15 | 11 | Chimaera Wing | Dwarf's Cave
Frighturn | No | 250 | 158 | Mini Medal | Mt Zugzwang
Frizzard | No | 12 | 8 | Leather Hat | Dwarf's Cave
Funghoul | Med. | 48 | 35 | Antidotal Herb | Whealbrook
Funky Ferret | No | 5 | 6 | Seed of Agility | Uptaten area

Gamigin | No | 181 | 55 | Monster Munchies | Magmageddon
Gargoyle | No | 290 | 85 | Seed of Agility | Zenithia Tower
Gas Bag | No | 190 | 55 | Antidotal Herb | Cave of Trial
Gastank | No | 115 | 40 | Antidotal Herb | Cataract Cave
Gigantes | Med. | 570 | 70 | Seed of Strength | Nadiria
Ghost | Easy | 11 | 12 | Holy Water | Uptaten Tower
Golem | Easy | 330 | 90 | Seed of Strength | LP, Faerie Lea
Gloom Slugger | No | 570 | 57 | Cobra Claw | Zugzwang
Goodybag | Med. | 80 | 200 | Prayer Ring | Magmageddon
Great Dragon | Hard | 810 | 158 | Rebirth Stone | Nadiria, Zugzwang
Great Sabrecat | No | 100 | 45 | Iron Claw | Stockenbarrel
Gourdzilla | No | 59 | 30 | Thorn Whip | Abovitall Tower
Growlbear | No | 57 | 45 | Iron Shield | Hay, Zoomingale
Grudgerigar | Med. | 44 | 31 | Medicinal Herb | Abovitall area

Hades Helm | Hard | 294 | 95 | Hades' Helm | Lake Cave, Mantle
Hammerhood | No | 6 | 3 | Medicinal Herb | Whealbrook Cave
Hawk Man | Med. | 135 | 51 | Steel Broadsword | Knightmare Tower
Healslime | Med. | 19 | 14 | Medicinal Herb | Gotha/Faerie Lea
Hellion | Med. | 240 | 70 | Iron Claw | Knightmare Towers
Hex Hellmet | No | 210 | 40 | Iron Mask | Trials, KT LoftyP
Hippoblockomus | No | 202 | 60 | Iron Shield | Cave of Trials/KT
Hippopotamiss | No | 295 | 80 | Iron Shield | Zenithia Tower
Hocus Chimaera | No | 171 | 65 | Chimaera Wing | Cave to Gotha/KT
Hoodlum | Med. | 195 | 54 | Stone Axe | LP, Roundbeck(3)
Hotbog | No | 120 | 31 | Seed of Resilience | Magmageddon
Hula Ghoul | No | 225 | 45 | Dancer's Costume | Trials, KnightmT
Hulagan | Med. | 55 | 42 | Leather Kilt | Zoomingale area
Hunter Mech | No | 140 | 51 | Seed of Wisdom | Magmageddon
Hybird | No | 575 | 90 | Hermes' Hat | Precaria area
Hyperanemon | Hard | 580 | 124 | Dark Shield | Mt. Zugzwang
Hyperpyrexian | No | 401 | 110 | Faerie Foil | Mantleplace
Hypothermion | No | 252 | 60 | Seed of Magic | E. of Monsterrato

Ice-Breaker | No | 210 | 74 | Fire Claw | Zugzwang, Mantlep

Jailcat | Med. | 11 | 7 | Rags | Fortuna, SE cont.
Jiggery-Pokerer | No | 105 | 41 | Iron Cuirass | Magmageddon,
Jowler | No | 183 | 37 | Seed of Agility | Oasis, Roundbeck3

Killing Machine | Hard | 633 | 74 | Spiked Armour | Precaria area.
King Cureslime | Hard | 330 | 180 | Rebirth Stone | Zenithia Tower
King Slime | Hard | 200 | 115 | Yggdrasil Leaf | Dominicus' Dom.

Lava Larva | No | 17 | 10 | Medicinal Herb | Dwarf's Cave FL
Lazy Eye | No | 95 | 33 | Seed of Life | Helmunaptra,Gotha
Legerdeman | No | 45 | 47 | Maic Water | Northminster area
Liquid Metal Slime| Hard |10050 | 10 | Mini Medal | Gotha Pass, Zugzw
Lesionnaire | No | 25 | 12 | Copper Sword | Whealbrook cave
Lick-o'-Flame | No | 558 | 95 | Seed of Life | Mt. Zugzwang
Lickspittle | No | 8 | 5 | Bamboo Spear | Faerie Lea area
Lindworm | No | 98 | 42 | Musk | Batten/Gotha Pass
Luneyetic | No | 380 | 82 | Thinking Cap | Zugzwang/Mantlepl

Magic Marionette | Med. | 70 | 30 | Dancer's Costume | Zoomingale area
Man o' War | Easy | 77 | 22 | Moonwort Bulb | Middle Sea
Mandrake Major | No | 215 | 65 | Saw Blade | Zenithia Tower,LP
Mandrake Marauder | No | 380 | 81 | Steel Broadsword | Crocodilopolis
Mandrake Marshal | Med. | 430 | 90 | Steel Broadsword | Talon T. Zugzwang
Mental Pitcher | No | 13 | 10 | Seed of Magic | Faerie Lea area
Mechan-o'-Wyrm | No | 970 | 166 | Orichalcum Fangs | Estark's Labyrnth
Merman | No | 105 | 45 | Iron Claw | Sea, Cataract C.
Merking | No | 170 | 90 | Seed of Strength | Sea
Metal Dragon | No | 610 | 93 | Metal King Armour | Talon T. Nadiria
Metal King Slime | No |30010 | 15 | Mini Medal | Mt Zugzwang
Metal Slime + | Hard | 1358 | 75 | Seed of Agility | Whealbrook Cave +
Metal Slime Knight| No | 135 | 31 | Iron Cuirass | Hay, Zoomingale
Mimic | No | 210 | 110 | Mini Medal | Gotha Pass, KT
Minidemon | Med. | 120 | 47 | Pot Lid | Gotha Pass
Monster Tamer | No | 108 | 53 | Thorn Whip | Mostroferrato
Morphean Mollusc | No | 110 | 47 | Seed of Resilience | Sea-Stockenbarrel
Mother Ocker | No | 125 | 53 | Monster Munchies | Estuary Cave
Moosifer | Easy | 410 | 120 | Devil Armour | Neverglade, Talon
Muddy Hand | No | 110 | 35 | Chimaera Wing | Zenithia Stair.
Mudraker. | Easy | 60 | 31 | Seed of Life | Tunnel to Mostrof

+ Metal Slime appears in many locations, this is just the first one.

Necromancer | No | 325 | 96 | Prayer Ring | Estuary Cave

Old Man of the Sea| Med. | 230 | 110 | Shellmet | Middle Sea
Orc | No | 125 | 55 | Fur Cape | Cataract Cave
Orc King | Easy | 205 | 65 | Fur Cape | Cave of Trial,KT
Orobas | No | 410 | 98 | Yggdrasil Leaf | Coburg Woods W
Owlbear | No | 45 | 40 | Iron Shield | Coburg area

Paralakeet | No | 65 | 35 | Chimaera Wing | Zoomingale area
Pazuzu | No | 610 | 112 | Kamikaze Bracer | Mt. Zugzwang
Pink Elephant | No | 264 | 70 | Seed of Life | Middle/Faerie Pal
Pip Fighter | Med. | 25 | 25 | Medicinal Herb | Faerie Lea area
Phantaseyes | No | 115 | 55 | Seed of Strength | Mostrof, Magmag.
Pocus Poppet | Med. | 50 | 120 | Seed of Resilience | Zoomingale area.
Pokesperson | No | 79 | 42 | Iron Cuirass | Stockenbarrel
Pollywiggle * | No | 88 | 30 | Medinical Herb | Sea-Stockenbarrel
Pollywaggle | No | 99 | 29 | Chinaera Wing | NW sea, CataractC
Poltarrgeist | No | 350 | 85 | Zombie Mail | Middle Sea
Pummel Horse | No | 350 | 68 | Monster Munchies | Neverglade
Powie Yowie | Med. | 49 | 37 | Holy Water | Coburg area (2)
Poxtongue | No | 99 | 35 | Musk | Magmageddon, Most
Prestidigitator | Easy | 18 | 26 | Magic Water | Lodestar, Hay.
Prowler Jowler | No | 310 | 65 | Seed of Agility | Diggery Pokery

* Pollywiggle seems only to appear in Generation 2 in the sea north of

Stockenbarrel, en route to Cataract Cave.

Quack Up | No | 135 | 57 | Chimaera Wing | Cave to Gotha KT
Quadrahead | No | 390 | 112 | Seed of Magic | Talon Tower

Red-Hot Poker | No | 270 | 63 | Iron Cuirass | Centre Tower area
Restless Armour | Hard | 65 | 35 | Restless Armour | Abovitall Hay(3)
Revaulting Horse | Med. | 270 | 75 | Magic Water | Stair to Z. FaeP
Rockbomb | Hard | 95 | 27 | Rockbomb Shard | Magmageddon
Rotten Apple | Easy | 30 | 18 | Medicinal Herb | Abovitall Tower
Ruff Ruffian | No | 48 | 37 | Copper Sword | Hay, Zoomingale

Samigina | Med. | 155 | 50 | Prayer Ring | Cave to Gotha, KT
Sasquash | No | 74 | 42 | Seed of Strength | Stockenbarrel
Screwball Pitcher | No | 17 | 3 | Seed of Magic | Whealbrook SE
Scaraburrower | No | 18 | 9 | Medicinal Herb | Coburg area
Sea Dog | No | 113 | 45 | Saw Blade | Sea
Silvapithecus | No | 403 | 100 | Elfin Elixir | Talon Tower
Sizzard | No | 20 | 15 | Stone Fangs | Ancient Ruins
Slime | Easy | 1 | 1 | Medicinal Herb | Whealbrook Cave
Slime Knight | Easy | 37 | 22 | Bronze Armour | Coburg, Ancient R
Small Fry | Med. | 50 | 45 | Seed of Life | Hay, Zoomingale
Snake Ch-arm-0r | No | 370 | 82 | Serpent Sword | Coburg woods (nt
Snake Handler | No | 640 | 110 | Legerdemantle | Mt. Zugzwang
Snowbird | Med. | 445 | 90 | Hermes Hat | Precaria
Soulspawn | No | 551 | 53 | Elfin Elixir | Nadiria/Mt.Z.
Spiked Hare | No | 20 | 13 | Fur Hood | Whealbrook Cave
Stenchurion | No | 282 | 40 | Blood Mail | Estuary Cave
Stone Golem | No | 176 | 65 | Dieamend | Gotha/KT, LP
Strongylokrotaphus| No | 400 | 125 | Faerie Foil | SE ocean (3)
Suckling Ocker | No | 95 | 37 | Dancer's Costume | Sea, Cataract C.

Terrorceratops | No | 376 | 95 | Seed of Resilience | Diggery Pokery
Terracotta Warrior| No | 25 | 12 | Seed of Resilience | Coburg area
Ticking Timeburrm | Med. | 37 | 32 | Rockbomb Shard | Whealbrook/Roundb
Time Burrm | No | 15 | 9 | Medicinal Herb | Dwarf's Cave
Thaumatosaurus | No | 210 | 59 | Seed of Life | Middle Sea
Thaumaturge | No | 85 | 43 | Holy Water | Stockenbarrel
Thwarthog | No | 393 | 109 | Chain Mail | Talon T. Coburg
Tortoceratops | No | 225 | 45 | Seed of Strength | KK, LP,Roundbeck3
Toxtongue | No | 180 | 35 | Seed of Wisdom | Gotha Pass, KT
Tyrannoceratops | No | 470 | 80 | Seed of Resilience | Zugzwang area
Urnexpected | No | 71 | 79 | Mini Medal | Upstat GothaPass

Walking Corpse | Med. | 57 | 15 | Rags | WhealbCave Coburg
Wallop Scallop | No | 120 | 43 | Seed of Resilience | Sea
Warhog | Med. | 335 | 90 | Battle Axe | S.Zenithia, Mant
Wartoise | No | 530 | 140 | Magic Water | Nadiria
Wax Murderer | Med. | 13 | 11 | Bronze Knife | Uptaten Tower
Wickerman | No | 42 | 37 | Bronze Knife | Whealbrook Cave
Wight King | No | 777 | 5 | Staff of Antimagic | Mt.Zugzwang
Wight Prince | No | 158 | 45 | Lightning Staff | Batten/Gotha Pass
Will-o'-the-Whips | No | 12 | 7 | Medicinal Herb | Uptaten, Dwarf C
Wisp-o'-Smoke | No | 77 | 17 | Magic Water | Stockenbarrel
Wiz Pip | Med. | 23 | 18 | T'n'T Ticket | Faerie Lea area
Wizened Wizard | No | 123 | 50 | Magic Water | SE ContinentGotha
Wormbat | No | 80 | 33 | Moonwort Bulb | Mostrof, Magmaged
Wrecktor | No | 550 | 127 | Mini Medal | Mt. Zugzwang
Wyrtle | No | 42 | 38 | Seed of Resilience | Whealbrook Cave
Wyrtoise | No | 590 | 140 | Magic Water | Zugzwang area

V, X, Y, Z
None | | | | |


01. Monsters' Equipment

02. Monsters' Spells and Locations
03. Secret Monsters

- Monsters do not level up at the same rate. For example: a Gigantes at level 7
has about the same HP (510) as other monsters at level 99.
- Numbers in brackets denote the level at which they learn spells/skills.
If there is no number, then they already have the spell when recruited.
- All monsters can equip the Meteorite Bracer, Crude Image, Kamikaze Bracer,
and Elfin Charm accessories. Only Slimes and Cats can use Bianca's Ribbon.
- The difficulty description is taken from the game. The easier the
recruitment, the less monsters of this kind you need to kill, before one will
offer to join. However, this is not an exact science.
CREDIT: Stats, names and equipment lists are based on the Brady Strategy Guide.

01. M O N S T E R S ' E Q U I P M E N T

The numbering of these groups is not significant, it's just to avoid too much
repetition of information. As you can see, the same equipment (both for
weapons and armour) is shared by various groups of monsters. There are two
that have unique equipment: the Revaulting Horse, and Small Fry.

Weapons : Cyprus Stick/Bamboo Spear/Oaken Club/Stone Axe/Sledgehammer/Battle
Axe/War Hammer/Hela Hammer/Great Bow/Ionospear/Flail of Destruction.
Body : Leather Kilt/Iron Cuirass/Silver Cuirass/Powjamas/Magic Armour/Hela
Armour/Metal King Armour.
Shield : Ruinous/Leather/Scale/Bronze/Iron/Dragon/Flame/Ogre/Metal King
Shield/Maxi Medal.
Head : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear/Iron Helmet/Iron Mask/Thinking Cap/
Great Helm/Metal King Helm.

Weapons : Poison Needle/Stone Fangs/Steel Fangs.
Body : Slime Gooniform, Tortoise Shell.
Shield : None.
Head : Top Hat.

Weapons : Chain Sickle, Steel Broadsword/Serpent Sword/Cautery Sword/
Dream Blade/Magma Staff/Staff of Resurrection/Dragonsbane/
Massacre Sword/Double-Edged Sword/Demon Spear/Blizzard Blade/
Great Bow/Hell Sabre/Metal King Sword.
Body : Iron/Cuirass/Silver Cuirass/Dark Robe/Magic Armour/Flame Armour/
Hela's Armour.
Shield : Ruinous/Leather/Scale/Bronze/Iron/Magic/Dragon/Tempest/Dark/Ogre
/Metal King Shield.Head : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear/Iron
Helmet/Iron mask/Hades' Helm/
Great Helm/Metal King Helm.

Weapons : Oaken Club/Copper Sword/Boomerang/Thorn Whip/Stone Axe/
Edged Boomerang/Chain Sickle/Chain Whip/Morning Star/
Flametang Bommerang/Spiked Steel Whip/Gringham Whip.
Body : Leather Kilt/Boxer Shorts/Cloak of Evasion/Robe of Serenity/
Legedemantle/Silver Cuirass/Flowing Dress/Dark Robe.
Shield : Ruinous/Leather/Scale/Bronze/Iron/Flame Shield.
Head : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear/Iron Helmet/Hermes' Hat/Thinking Cap.

Weapons : Paring Knife/Bronze Knife/Copper Sword/Steel Broadsword/
Cautery Sword/Dream Blade/Falcon Blade/Zombiesbane/Massacre Sword/
Double-edged Sword/Demon Spear/Miracle Sword/Blizzard Blade/
Flail of Destruction/Metal King Sword.
Body : Leather Armour/Scale Armour/Boxer Shorts/Chain Mail/Bronze Armour
Full Plate Armour/ Silver Mail/Powjamas/Dragon Mail/Spiked Armour
Magic Armour/Flame Armour/Sacred Armour/Mirror Armour/
Metal King Armour.
Shield : Ruinous/Leather/Scale/Bronze/Iron/Magic/Dragon/Tempest/Dark/
Power/Ogre/Silver/Metal King Shield.
Head : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear/Iron Helmet/Iron Mask/Thinking Cap/
Great Helm/Metal King Helm.

Weapons : Poison Needle/Bone Stake/Edged Boomerang/Staff of Divine Wrath/
Staff of Antimagic/Magma Staff/Flametang Boomerang/
Staff of Resurrection/Icicle Dirk/Faerie Foil/Cobra Claw.
Body : Fur Cape/Iron Cuirass/Cloak of Evasion/Robe of Serenity/Glombolero
/Legerdemantle/Silver Cuirass/Flowing Dress/Dark Robe.
Shield : None.
Head : Leather Hat/Pointy Hat/Fur Hood/Top Hat/Hermes' Hat.

Weapons : Cypress Stick/Bamboo Spear/Oaken Staff/Iron Staff/Poison Moth Knife/
Lightning Staff/Staff of Divine Wrath/Staff of Antimagic/
Morning Star/Somatic Staff/Magma Staff/Spiked Steel Whip/
Staff of Resurrection/Gringham Whip.
Body : Plain Clothes/Wayfarer's Clothes/Fur Cape/Cloak of Evasion/
Robe of Serenity/Glombolero/Legerdemantle/Flowing Dress/Dark Robe.
Shield : Leather Shield/Scale Shield/Dark Shield.
Head : Leather Hat/Fur Hood/Top Hat/Hades' Helm.

Weapons : Poison Needle/Bone Stake/Stone Fangs/Boomerang/Edged Boomerang/
Steel Fangs/Falcon Knife Earrings/Flametang Boomerang/Cobra Claw.
Orichalcum Fangs/ Metal King Sword.
Body : Restless Armour/Rags/Boxer Shorts/Slime Gooniform/Tortoise Shell/
Glombolero/Sage's Robe/Slime Curio/Flowing Dress/Magic Armour/
Metal King Armour.
Shield : Pot Lid/Magic Shield/Silver Shield/Metal King Shield.
Head : Pointy Hat/Shellmet/Top Hat/Hermes'Hat/Happy Hat/Metal King Helm.
Accessry: Bianca's Ribbon.

Weapons : Bone Stake/Thorn Whip/Poison Moth Knife/Edged Boomerang/
Chain Whip/Lightning Staff/Staff of Divine Wrath/Staff of Antimagic/
Magma Staff/Flametang Boomerang/Staff of Resurrection/Cobra Claw.
Body : Leather Kilt/Fur Cape/Iron Cuirass/Silver Cuirass.
Shield : Pot Lid/Leather Shield/Scale Shield.
Head : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear/Iron Helmet/Hermes' Hat/Great Helm.

Weapons : Stone Axe/Fire Claw/Icicle Dirk/Cobra Claw/Orichalcum Fangs.
Body : Iron Cuirass/Silver Cuirass.
Shield : None.
Head : Pointy Hat/Top Hat/Thinking Cap.

Weapons : Copper Sword/Steel Broadsword/Serpent Sword/Cautery Sword/
Dream Blade/Falcon Blade/Zomiesbane/Dragonsbane/
Double-edged Sword/Great Bow/Hell Sabre.
Body : Wayfarer's Clothes/Leather Armour/Leather Kilt/Scale Armour/
Bronze Armour/Iron Armour/Full Plate Armour/Zomble Mail/Blood Mail/
Spiked Armour/Magic Armour/Devil Armour/Mirror Armour/ Hela's Armour/
Metal King Armour.
Shield : Ruinous/Leather/Scale/Bronze/Iron/Dragon/Dark/Ogre/Metal King Shield.
Head : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear/Iron Helmet/Iron Mask/Hades' Helm/
Thinking Cap/Great Helm/Metal King Helm.

Waepons : Bone Stake/Stone Fangs/Iron Claw/Steel Fangs/Fire Claw/Icicle Dirk/
Cobra Claw/Orichalcum Fangs.
Body : Rags/Handwoven Cape/Leather Kilt/Iron Cuirass/Silver Cuirass/
Flowing Dress/Metal King Armour.
Shield : None.
Head : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear/Iron Helmet/Happy Hat/Great Helm/
Metal King Helm.
Accessry: Bianca's Ribbon.

Weapons : Oaken Staff/Copper Sword/Steel Broadsword/Cautery Sword/Dream Blade
/Staff of Resurrection/Zombiesbane/Dragonsbane/ Massacre Sword
/Demon Spear/Miracle Sword.
Body : Leather Armour/Scale Armour/Chain Mail/Bronze Armour/Iron Armour/
Full Plate Armour/Dragon Mail/Spiked Armour/Magic Armour/Devil Armour
/Hela Armour/Metal King Armour.
Shield : Ruinous/Leather/Scale/Bronze/Iron/Magic/Dragon/Dark/Ogre/Silver
/Metal King Shield.
Head : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear/Iron Helmet/Iron Mask/Hades' Helm/
Great Helm/Metal King Helm.

Weapons : Cyprus Stick/Bamboo Spear/Oaken Club/Chain Whip/Serpent Sword/
Dream Blade/Icicle Dirk/Ionspear/Demon Spear/Hell Sabre.
Body : Plain Clothes/Wayfarer's Clothes/Leather Armour/Scale Armour/
Zombie Mail/Blood Mail/Devil Armour.
Shield : Pot Lid/Leather Shield/Scale Shield/Bronze Shield/Dark Shield/
Metal King Shield.
Head : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear/Iron Helmet/Iron Mask/Hades' Helm/
Thinking Cap/Metal King Helm.

Weapons : Copper Sword/Saw Blade/Steel Broadsword/Cautery Sword/Dream Blade/
Siren Sword/Dragonsbane/Demon Spear/Blizzard Blade/Hell Sabre.
Body : Chain Mail/Bronze Armour/Iron Cuirass/Iron Armour/Full Plate Armour/
Silver Mail/Dragon Mail/Spiked Armour/Magic Armour/Devil Armour/
Flame Armour/Mirror Armour.
Shield : Ruinous/Leather/Scale/Bronze/Iron/Dragon/Flame Shield.
Head : Leather Hat/Hardwood Headwear/Iron Helmet/Iron Mask/Great Helm.
Weapons : Bone Stake/Stone Fangs/Steel Fangs/Fire Claw/Icile Dirk.
Body : Fur Cape/Iron Cuirass/Tortoise Shell/Silver Cuirass.
Shield : None.
Head : Pointy Hat/Shellmet/Top Hat/Hermes' Hat/Great Helm.

02. M O N S T E R S ' S P E L L S A N D L O C A T I O N S


TYPE : Number from Big Book of Beast
Names : Default names, listed in order, for four possible recruits of this
Location : Places where the monster is most frequently found.
Difficulty: According to the BBoB: Easy/Medium/Hard. The harder the difficulty,
the more you have to kill to have a chance of recruiting one.
Difficulty will increase for subsequent recruits of the same type.
Skills : Lists spells and skills and levels they are attained. If there is
no number, then they already have that spell when recruited.
Equipment : Group number based on above listing for equipment.
Max Level : The maximum level this monster can achieve.
Max Stats : For: HP, MP, STR, AGL, RES, WIS, LUC.


Names : Archie, Baldie, Forker, GroB
Location : Mantleplace
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Kaboom, Flame Breath, Inferno(4), Kasap(5), Meditation(10),
Fullheal(12), Scorch(20)
Equipment : Group 01
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 511, MP: 180, STR: 255, AGL: 090, RES: 160, WIS: 160, LUC: 180
Names : Granny, Strudle, Carter, Turnover
Location : Uptaten Towers area. Faerie Lea area
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Body Slam, Paralysis Attack, Snooze(3), Dazzleflash(5), Buff(10),
Equipment : Group 02
Max Level : 20
Max Stats : HP: 290, MP: 055, STR: 100, AGL: 110, RES: 095, WIS: 040, LUC: 050

Names : Bart, Barbados, Barbara, Infernus
Location : Estark's Labyrinth. (Second underground level)
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Kaboom, Inferno, Ksasizzle(5), Bounce(7), Kazing(8), Kafrizzle(11),
C-C-Cold Breath(13), Scorch(15)
Equipment : Group 03
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 511, MP: 511, STR: 255, AGL: 200, RES: 255, WIS: 150, LUC: 255

Names : Pip, Philip, Bagpip, Pear
Location : Fearie Lea area (seems to appear in the wood to the west.)
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Focus Strength, War Cry(10)
Equipment : Group 01
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 527, MP: 000, STR: 255, AGL: 050, RES: 150, WIS: 100, LUC: 130

Names : Whippet, Crackles, Lasher, Dominic
Location : Mt. Zugzwang, Mantleplace.
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Weirder Dance, Sap(5), Multiheal(8), Evac(18), Kasnooze(20),
Equipment : Group 04
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 400, MP: 126, STR: 155, AGL: 103, RES: 140, WIS: 140, LUC: 080

Names : Frostie, Jack, Popsicle, Vanilla
Location : Estuary Sanctuary.
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Cool Breath, Snooze(8), Crackle(12), Whack(16), Kasnooze(20),
Freezing Blizzard(30)
Equipment : Group 05
Max Level : 40
Max Stats : HP: 450, MP: 080, STR: 170, AGL: 128, RES: 052, WIS: 160, LUC: 040

Names : Bouldy, Dash, Patrock, Boldover
Location : East of Mostroferrato, Neverglade, Talon Tower, Estark's Labyrinth
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Kerplunk, Body Slam(6), Bounce(8), Dazzleflash(10), Zing(14),
Equipment : Group 02
Max Level : 20
Max Stats : HP: 330, MP: 150, STR: 130, AGL: 069, RES: 210, WIS: 030, LUC: 250

Names : Whacka, Bangers, Choco, McHammer
Location : Whealbrook Cave, Fortuna area. Talon Tower area.
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : None
Equipment : Group 01
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 511, MP: 000, STR: 255, AGL: 070, RES: 100, WIS: 060, LUC: 060

Names : Kim, Meera, Joachim, Whyvern
Location : Mt Magmageddon and area
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Midheal, Cool Breath(5), Snooze(10), Evac(12), Fullheal(15),
Multiheal(18), Freezing Blizzard(22), Zoom(24), Kasnooze(28),
Equipment : Group 06
Max Level : 60
Max Stats : HP: 380, MP: 200, STR: 170, AGL: 150, RES: 099, WIS: 063, LUC: 084

Names : Conk, Conkevin, O'Conker, Marron
Location : Faerie Palace area, Neverglade
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Muster Strength, Frenzy(8)
Equipment : Group 01
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 527, MP: 000, STR: 255, AGL: 050, RES: 150, WIS: 100, LUC: 130

Names : Zonk, Conclive, Chester, Marilyn
Location : Faerie Palace area, Neverglade
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Kaboom, Sizz(5), Kasap(8), Bang(10), Sizzle(20), Boom(30),
Equipment : Group 07
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 350, MP: 050, STR: 125, AGL: 180, RES: 130, WIS: 255, LUC: 130

Names : Monk, Conkurt, Connie, Marroni
Location : Faerie Palace area, Neverglade
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Heal, Midheal(5), Kabuff(8), Zing(10), Fullheal(20), Bounce(30),
Insulate(40), Kazing(50)
Equipment : Group 07
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 500, MP: 050, STR: 200, AGL: 180, RES: 130, WIS: 255, LUC: 130
Names : Donk, Concurtis, Duncon, Marion
Location : Faerie Palace area, Neverglade
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Zap, Heal(5), Woosh(8), Midheal(10), Swoosh(20),
Holy Protection(30), Fullheal(40), Kawoosh(50), Kazapple(60)
Equipment : Group 05
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 500, MP: 030, STR: 255, AGL: 200, RES: 130, WIS: 110, LUC: 130

Names : Eyedleby, Chris, Woolly, Eyera
Location : Abovitall Tower, Hay/Scary Lair
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Midheal, Cool Breath, Muster Strength(5), Dazzleflash(8),
Sweet Breath(10), Fullheal(16)
Equipment : Group 04
Max Level : 20
Max Stats : HP: 200, MP: 055, STR: 095, AGL: 063, RES: 070, WIS: 040, LUC: 070

Names : Curetis, Curadoc, Curie, Curu
Location : Mostroferrato area, Mt Magmageddon, Cataract Caves, Dominicus'
Dominion, Estuary Sanctuary.
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Fullheal, Midheal(3), Buff(8), Kabuff(10), Zing(12), Multiheal(18),
Kazing(23), Omniheal(30)
Equipment : Group 08
Max Level : 50
Max Stats : HP: 250, MP: 300, STR: 080, AGL: 088, RES: 083, WIS: 085, LUC: 140

DRACKY : 004
Names : Vlad, Drang, Sippy, Slurpy
Location : Whealbrook Cave, Roundbeck area, Talon Tower area.
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Dazzle(5), Snooze(10), Tick-Tock(15), Weird Dance(17),
Drain Magic(20), Dazzleflash(22), Puff!(38)
Equipment : Group 09
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 500, MP: 110, STR: 190, AGL: 200, RES: 150, WIS: 070, LUC: 090

Names : Drongo, Wally, Chump, Doofus
Location : Knot Welcome Inn area, Mt Batten, Gotha area.
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Sweet Breath(6), Sultry Dance(7), Flame Breath(8),
Burning Breath(10), Venom Mist(13), Inferno(15)
Equipment : Group 10
Max Level : 40
Max Stats : HP: 450, MP: 000, STR: 190, AGL: 066, RES: 060, WIS: 035, LUC: 040

Names : Dwight!
Location : Dwarf's Cave to the west of Faerie Lea.
Difficulty: Easy: talk to him and agree when he asks to join.
Skills : Heal, Nose for Treasure(10), Midheal(15), Drain Magic(25),
Frenzy(35), Zing(40), Oomph(45)
Equipment : Group 03
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 511, MP: 300, STR: 200, AGL: 255, RES: 180, WIS: 150, LUC: 050

Names : Toodle, Pippi, Peacepip, Lemon
Location : Faerie Lea area (seems to appear in the wood to the west.)
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Omniheal, Heal(5), Squelch(8), Midheal(10), Tingle(20), Zing(30),
Kazing(40), Kaswoosh(55)
Equipment : Group 07
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 500, MP: 050, STR: 200, AGL: 180, RES: 130, WIS: 255, LUC: 130

Names : Cactador, Spike, Pins, Needles
Location : Coburg area
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Weird Dance(3), Weirder Dance(5), Sleep Attack(10),
Weirdest Dance(15), Paralysis Attack(20, Body Slam(25)
Equipment : Group 09
Max Level : 25
Max Stats : HP: 210, MP: 000, STR: 120, AGL: 100, RES: 080, WIS: 040, LUC: 120

FAT RAT : 011
Names : Dolly, Atouille, Micky, Borrat
Location : Roundbeck, Uptaten (Gen 1) Talon Tower area (Gen 3)
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Body Slam, Fire Breath, Paralysis Attack(5), Venom Mist(15)
Equipment : Group 09
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 200, MP: 000, STR: 120, AGL: 095, RES: 073, WIS: 050, LUC: 080

Names : Flambe', Blaise, Burnie, Flamer
Location : Mt Magmageddon, Helmunaptra desert.
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Fire Breath, Flame Breath(8), Burning Breath(15), Inferno(30)
Equipment : Group 04
Max Level : 40
Max Stats : HP: 450, MP: 000, STR: 170, AGL: 128, RES: 052, WIS: 160, LUC: 040

Names : Champ, Sporran, Gill, Mycella
Location : Whealbrook area, Roundbeck area.
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Sweet Breath, Poison Breath(3), Sleep Attack(5), Poison Attack(7)
Equipment : Group 09
Max Level : 15
Max Stats : HP: 120, MP: 002, STR: 080, AGL: 082, RES: 100, WIS: 040, LUC: 050

GHOST : 025
Names : Boohoo, Boogar, Peeka, Spooky
Location : Uptaten Towers (Gen 1) Porgie Island (Gen 3)
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Tongue Lashing, Frizz(3), Snooze(6), Sizz(10), Fuddle(15),
Padfoot(25), Frizzle(30), Kerplunk(40), Kafrizzle(65)
Equipment : Group 07
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 500, MP: 110, STR: 210, AGL: 200, RES: 150, WIS: 070, LUC: 090

Names : Brontes, Arges, Steropes, Winker
Location : Mt Zugzwang and area, Estark's Labyrinth.
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : None
Equipment : Group 01
Max Level : 7
Max Stats : HP: 510, MP: 000, STR: 255, AGL: 255, RES: 150, WIS: 030, LUC: 100

GOLEM : 123
Names : Mason, Walter, Brickie, Layer
Location : Lofty Peak area, Faerie Lea, Diggery Pokery. (Many others, as it is
summoned as back up by other monsters)
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Muster Strength(8), Focus Strength(9), Meditation(20),
Equipment : Group 11
Max Level : 50
Max Stats : HP: 500, MP: 000, STR: 255, AGL: 059, RES: 200, WIS: 050, LUC: 150

Names : Gumdrops, Twoshoes, Goodie, Jewelbag
Location : Mt Magmgeddon, Cataract Caves, Neverglade.
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Kasap, Fuddle, Fizzle, Weird Dance, Absorb Magic(4), Whack(5),
Kasnooze(6), Kaswoosh (7)
Equipment : Group 02
Max Level : 7
Max Stats : HP: 190, MP: 180, STR: 090, AGL: 110, RES: 210, WIS: 005, LUC: 130

Names : Smaugan, Falcor, Eliot, Legna
Location : Mt Zugzwang, Precaria area.
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Flame Breath, Inferno(10), Freezing Blizzard(15),
Burning Breath(20), C-C-Cold Breath(30), Scorch(50)
Equipment : Group 10
Max Level : 60
Max Stats : HP: 511, MP: 000, STR: 255, AGL: 167, RES: 230, WIS: 099, LUC: 150

Names : Saber, Leo, Spot, Mahicat, Tom, Purrcy, Mogy, Punk, Pyjamas,
Baumren. (Choose a name in Roundbeck, after completing Uptaten.)
Location : Scary Lair (part of the story).
Difficulty: None
Skills : Focus Strength(17), War Cry(21), Disruptive Wave(33), Lightning(40)
Equipment : Group 12
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 530, MP: 000, STR: 255, AGL: 255, RES: 150, WIS: 100, LUC: 100
(Stats thanks to GauRocks.)

Names : Bud, Geri, Polly, Pecker
Location : Abovitall Tower and Heaven's Above Abbey area.
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Kasap, Dazzle(5), Fuddle(13), Poof(15), Kabuff(17), Sheen(18),
Fizzle(19), Oomph(20)
Equipment : Group 06
Max Level : 20
Max Stats : HP: 130, MP: 060, STR: 085, AGL: 090, RES: 080, WIS: 050, LUC: 090

Names : Helmut, Hayden, Hatty, Hadrian
Location : Diggery Pokery, Mantleplace
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Spooky Aura, Body Slam, Sheen(8), Dazzleflash(15), Meditation(30),
Kazing (40)
Equipment : Group 02
Max Level : 20
Max Stats : HP: 300, MP: 085, STR: 124, AGL: 040, RES: 200, WIS: 190, LUC: 011

HAWK MAN : 112
Names : Hawkins, Goyle, Hawratio, Toma
Location : Knightmare Towers
Difficulty: Mediium
Skills : Woosh, Swoosh(8), Zoom(13), Midheal(15), Kaswoosh (25)
Equipment : Group 13
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 295, MP: 085, STR: 150, AGL: 255, RES: 110, WIS: 070, LUC: 160

Names : Micheal, Racheal, Hooly, Healie
Location : Fortuna area, Lodestar Harbour area, Faerie Lea area.
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Heal(4), Holy Protection(5), Midheal(7), Squelch(10), Tingle(15),
Fullheal(20), Multiheal(25), Zing(30), Omniheal(36)
Equipment : Group 08
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 400, MP: 511, STR: 190, AGL: 174, RES: 170, WIS: 070, LUC: 150

Note: Healslime is summoned by Restless Armour if you let them live long

Names : Roary, Lionel, Jermane, Dandy
Location : Knightmare Towers
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Dazzle(5), Kasap(9), Muster Strength(12), Flame Breath(15)
Equipment : Group 04
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 310, MP: 060, STR: 120, AGL: 108, RES: 083, WIS: 030, LUC: 060

Names : Hoody, Hacker, Diddums, Hoodwink
Location : Lofty Peak area, Stairway to Zenithia, Diggery Pokery,
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Frenzy(7), Sap (20)
Equipment : Group 01
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 450, MP: 50, STR: 180, AGL: 092, RES: 075, WIS: 050, LUC: 125

Names : Alola, Leila, Honolula, Kahuna
Location : Zoomingale area, Abovitall Tower
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Sultry Dance, Weirdest Dance(2), Sweet Breath(10),
Burning Breath(15)
Equipment : Group 07
Max Level : 25
Max Stats : HP: 140, MP: 000, STR: 132, AGL: 100, RES: 080, WIS: 056, LUC: 120

Names : Zephyr, Gail, Simoon, Lionex
Location : Mt Zugzwang, Estarks' Labyrinth.
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Kaswoosh, Spooky Aura(8), Zap(14), Kasap(20)
Equipment : Group 13
Max Level : 23
Max Stats : HP: 400, MP: 300, STR: 140, AGL: 210, RES: 200, WIS: 200, LUC: 200

Names : Jayla, Philch, Purrloin, Tealeaf
Location : Fortuna area, Uptaten Towers area, Talon Tower area (Gen 3)
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Crack(1), Tongue Lashing(3), Sweet Breath(7), Midheal(15),
Crackle(16), Fuddle(20)
Equipment : Group 9
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 511, MP: 100, STR: 230, AGL: 245, RES: 150, WIS: 070, LUC: 140

Names : Serial, Roborg, Cybot, Roboster
Location : Precaria area, Mt Zugzwang and area.
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : None
Equipment : Group 03
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 450, MP: 000, STR: 255, AGL: 155, RES: 255, WIS: 040, LUC: 070
Names : Kingoo, Lord, Duke, Marquo
Location : Stairway to Zenithia.
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Omniheal, Drain Magic, Absorb Magic(5), Insulate(7), Kazing(10),
Kerplunk(14), Hocus Pocus(17), Puff!(38)
Equipment : Group 08
Max Level : 20
Max Stats : HP: 400, MP: 500, STR: 120, AGL: 128, RES: 130, WIS: 070, LUC: 150

Names : Blubba, Baron, Earl, Viscount
Location : Dominicus's Dominion area, Helmunaptra area.
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Zing, Kabuff(5), Insulate(10), Frizzle(12), Kazing(15),
Disruptive Wave(18), Inferno(20), Kafrizzle(27)
Equipment : Group 08
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 330, MP: 180, STR: 110, AGL: 102, RES: 095, WIS: 065, LUC: 080

Names : Merc, Sparkles, Bubbles, Metabble
Location : Pass to Gotha, Knightmare Towers, Stairway to Zenithia,
Mt Zugzwang area, Estark's Labyrinth.
Outside the Ancient Ruins (cave near Coburg) in Gen 3. (Thanks to
that link, this is the best place to find LMS. I killed a dozen or
so in less than an hour, and encountered double that number.)
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Sizz, Bang(2), Sizzle(4), Boom(5), Kasizzle(6), Kerplunk(7),
Equipment : Group 08
Max Level : 8
Max Stats : HP: 300, MP: 255, STR: 150, AGL: 255, RES: 255, WIS: 075, LUC: 255

NOTE: The apparently low level cap is deceptive. This monster has high luck,
resilience, agility and MP at 255 each, which makes them a surefire winner, IF
you can recruit one.
How to catch a Liquid Metal Slime. (Or two!)

Names : Poppet, Pino, Marionette, Dangler
Location : Zoomingale area.
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Weirder Dance(3(, Bounce(6), Weirdest Dance(10), Fizzle(15),
Absorb Magic(18), Holy Protection(20), Sultry Dance(23),
Swoosh(25), Kaswoosh (30)
Equipment : Group 11
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 280, MP: 100, STR: 120, AGL: 110, RES: 090, WIS: 030, LUC: 080

MAN O' WAR : 181
Names : Megoosa, Jelly, Manny, Stinger
Location : Sea north of Stockenbarrel, Middle sea, Estuary Sanctuary.
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Paralysis Attack, Burning Breath(5), Tingle(8), Dazzleflash(15),
Safe Passage(25), Crackle(30), Drain Magic(40), Kacrackle(50),
Freezing Blizzard(80)
Equipment : Group 08
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 400, MP: 511, STR: 190, AGL: 180, RES: 170, WIS: 070, LUC: 150

Names : Marshal, Whiro, Maridy, Drake
Location : Talon Tower, Crocodopolis, Mt Zugzwang.
Difficulty: Madium
Skills : Kasap, Buff, Swoosh(7), Kaswoosh(15)
Equipment : Group 13
Max Level : 50
Max Stats : HP: 400, MP: 090, STR: 160, AGL: 174, RES: 100, WIS: 060, LUC: 100

Names : Chromeo, Nugget, Nickel, Gretal
Location : Whealbrook Cave, Scary Lair, Abovitall Tower, Dominicus's Dominion
Neverglade, Estark's Labyrinth. (Many areas)
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Frizz, Kabuff(3), Frizzle(7), Insulate(10)
Equipment : Group 08
Max Level : 20
Max Stats : HP: 110, MP: 200, STR: 150, AGL: 255, RES: 255, WIS: 065, LUC: 255

Names : Thamthon, Thedric, Thimon, Thithy
Location : Pass to Gotha
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Frizzle, Tongue Lashing(4), Fuddle(10), Sweet Breath(13), Boom(17),
Tick-Tock(20), Hocus Pocus(23), Kafrizzle(25), Kaboom(28)
Equipment : Group 04
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 230, MP: 150, STR: 085, AGL: 125, RES: 077, WIS: 050, LUC: 150

Names : Mooses, Moostafa, Goathorn, Anthorny
Location : Neverglade, Talon Tower.
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Sizzle, Swoosh, Crackle, War Cry(7), Focus Strength(9),
Kasizzle(11), Spooky Aura(13), Kacrackle(15)
Equipment : Group 05
Max Level : 40
Max Stats : HP: 450, MP: 350, STR: 200, AGL: 127, RES: 130, WIS: 090, LUC: 130

Names : Clayton, Cassius, Mudgery, Mohamud
Location : Scary Lair
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : War Cry, Tongue Lashing, Buff(5), Absorb Magic(10), Kabuff(15)
Equipment : Group 11
Max level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 310, MP: 030, STR: 120, AGL: 023, RES: 036, WIS: 055, LUC: 010

Names : Nereus, Grampsea, Wavid, Codger
Location : Middle Sea
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Crackle, Swoosh, Bounce(6), Zoom(10), Snooze(12), Zing(17),
Kacrackle(20), Kaswoosh(23), Lightning(45)
Equipment : Group 07
Max level : 50
Max Stats : HP: 310, MP: 280, STR: 070, AGL: 105, RES: 110, WIS: 100, LUC: 015

ORC KING : 109
Names : Ward, Kid, Sean, Estrate
Location : Cave of Trials, Knightmare Towers.
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Zing, Whack(6), Multiheal(8), Safe Passage(9), Kazing(11),
Thwack(15), Kacrackle(30)
Equipment : Group 01
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 500, MP: 220, STR: 150, AGL: 070, RES: 110, WIS: 070, LUC: 160

Names : Squeak, Pippa, Panpip, Orange
Location : Faerie Lea area (seems to appear in the wood to the west.)
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Kasap, Poof(5), Buff(15), Absorb Magic(25), Fullheal(30),
Kabuff(45), Oomph(55)
Equipment : Group 05
Max level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 500, MP: 030, STR: 255, AGL: 200, RES: 130, WIS: 110, LUC: 130

Names : Poppy, Dolly, Poe, Voodoll
Location : Scary Lair, Zoomingale area
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Dazzle, Fuddle(2), Sap(7), Buff(10), Kasap(12), Fizzle(30)
Equipment : Group 06
Max level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 230, MP: 170, STR: 085, AGL: 130, RES: 077, WIS: 100, LUC: 155

Names : Sloth, Bigfoot, Powwll, Meh-Teh
Location : Coburg area (Gen 2 and 3)
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : War Cry(3), Cool Breath(5), Sweet Breath(8), Muster Strength(12),
Crackle(15), Tongue Lashing(20) Freezing Blizzard(22), Kacrackl(30)
Equipment : Group 04
Max Level : 40
Max Stats : HP: 350, MP: 150, STR: 090, AGL: 095, RES: 090, WIS: 090, LUC: 090

Names : Preston, Digits, Hans, Thumble
Location : Lodestar Harbour, Hay, Scary Lair
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Frizz, Fizzle, Sizz(5), Sizzle(12), Drain Magic(15), Frizzle(19),
Absorb Magic(24), Kasizzle(28)
Equipment : Group 07
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 511, MP: 511, STR: 125, AGL: 180, RES: 170, WIS: 100, LUC: 100

Names : Clank, Dozy, Rusty, Joe
Location : Abovitall Tower, Lodestar Harbour and Hay area
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : None.
Equipment : Group 05
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 645, MP: 000, STR: 255, AGL: 139, RES: 120, WIS: 110, LUC: 130

NOTE: This monster will call a Healslime for back up.

Names : Winnie, Trigger, Silver, Dusty
Location : Stairway to Zenithia area, Faerie Palace area.
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Midheal, Burning Breath(5), Holy Protection(9), Boom(15),
Oomph(20), Fullheal(23), Insulate(27)
Equipment : Group 15: Unique Equipment.
Max Level : 50
Max Stats : HP: 410, MP: 150, STR: 155, AGL: 141, RES: 090, WIS: 070, LUC: 150

Names : Rocksy, Rockface, Bombcraig, Craig
Location : Mt Magmageddon, and area. Knightmare Towers
Difficulty: Hard
Skills : Kamikaze, Focus Strength(5), Body Slam(10), Kerplunk(19)
Equipment : Group 14
Max Level : 20
Max Stats : HP: 350, MP: 010, STR: 110, AGL: 035, RES: 045, WIS: 040, LUC: 050

Names : Adams, Johnny, Crumble, Scrumpy
Location : Roundbeck (revist), Abovitall Tower area.
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Spooky Aura, Body Slam, Sap(3), Woosh(5), Paralysis Attack(10),
Equipment : Group 02
Max Level : 20
Max Stats : HP: 168, MP: 085, STR: 100, AGL: 110, RES: 095, WIS: 040, LUC: 050

Names : Sammy, Gami, Gin, Regina
Location : Pass to Gotha, Knightmare Towers, Rites of Passage (Gotha area)
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Fizzle, Spooky Aura, Whack(6), Kasnooze(11), Frizzle(14),
Thwack(20), Sheen(22), Freezing Blizzard(27), Kafrizzle(30)
Equipment : Group 13
Max Level : 50
Max Stats : HP: 410, MP: 120, STR: 175, AGL: 087, RES: 090, WIS: 110, LUC: 130

SLIME : 001
Names : Gootrude, Goodith, Goola, Goozanna
Location : Whealbrook cave, Fortuna, Dominicus's Dominion, Talon Tower area.
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Poof(7), Kabuff(10), Kasap(15), Evac(18), Fuddle(22),
Safe Passage(25), Zing (30), Spooky Aura(45), Meditation(77),
Equipment : Group 08
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 511, MP: 100, STR: 180, AGL: 255, RES: 140, WIS: 050, LUC: 050

Names : Goodian, Slimurai, Hopper, Rideon
Location : Coburg area, and Coburg Castle Dungeon, Abovitall Tower.
Difficulty: Easy
Skills : Heal, Drain Magic, Midheal(5), Squelch(9), Bang(12), Tingle(18),
Fullheal(20), Boom(23)
Equipment : Group 05
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 500, MP: 250, STR: 255, AGL: 180, RES: 120, WIS: 110, LUC: 130

NOTE: One of the most useful and easiest to recruit monsters. It could be with
you all the way to the end of the game.

Names : Newton, Draniel, Gecko, Fizzer
Location : Abovitall Tower, Lodestar Harbour area, Hay and Zoomingale.
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Fire Breath, Sweet Breath(5), Flame Breath(15), Inferno(28)
Equipment : Group 15: Unique Equipment.
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 200, MP: 000, STR: 120, AGL: 095, RES: 060, WIS: 050, LUC: 080

Names : Snowy, Blizzy, Tweetie, Feathers
Location : Precaria area, Mantleplace and area. Coburg west woods (Gen 3)
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Thwack, Cool Breath, Freezing Bizzard, Weirdest Dance(15),
Multiheal(15), C-C-Cold Breath(23)
Equipment : Group 06
Max Level : 25
Max Stats : HP: 306, MP: 070, STR: 150, AGL: 130, RES: 130, WIS: 030, LUC: 060

Names : Bomburr, Burrnard, Burrtha, Burrk
Location : Roundbeck, Whealbrook, Fortuna area, Dwarf's Cave.
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Kamikaze, Body Slam(5)
Equipment : Group 09
Max Level : 15
Max Stats : HP: 120, MP: 002, STR: 080, AGL: 060, RES: 100, WIS: 040, LUC: 050

Names : Hork, Lurch, Retch, Hurly
Location : Whealbrook Cave, Coburg Dungeon
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Tongue Lashing, Poison Attack, Cool Breath(10), Sultry Dance(15),
Poison Breath(20), Venom Mist(25)
Equipment : Group 14
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 290, MP: 000, STR: 099, AGL: 035, RES: 030, WIS: 050, LUC: 010

WARHOG : 134
Names : Hogarty, Hogan, Hogwart, Boss Hog
Location : Stairway to Zenithia, Diggery Pokery, Mantleplace.
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Focus Strength, Buff(5), Oomph(10), Kasap(15)
Equipment : Group 05
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 400, MP: 080, STR: 155, AGL: 103, RES: 120, WIS: 050, LUC: 080

Names : Wicksy, Candy, Waxon, Waxoff
Location : Uptaten Towers and area, Porgie Island (Gen 3).
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Frizz, Fire Breath, Frizzle(!2), Tick-Tock(15), Flame Breath(20)
Equipment : Group 11
Max Level : 30
Max Stats : HP: 222, MP: 066, STR: 100, AGL: 055, RES: 064, WIS: 079, LUC: 075

WIZ PIP : 198
Names : Seedy, Peewee, Pipalong, Lime
Location : Fearie Lea area (seems to appear in the wood to the west, and next
to village.)
Difficulty: Medium
Skills : Kaboom, Frizz(5), Crack(8), Sap(10), Kasap(20), Frizzle(30),
Kafrizzle(40), Puff!(55)
Equipment : Group 07
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 350, MP: 050, STR: 125, AGL: 180, RES: 130, WIS: 255, LUC: 130

03. S E C R E T M O N S T E R S

Both of these secret monsters can only be recruited after completing the main
story, when you continue to play using your starred save.

Starkers: Obtained when you finish the 5th T'n'T board

Rebjorn : Obtained when you have Starkers, and go to the Pothold. This is the
temple type place at the west of the river gate, north of
Mostroferrato. Talk to the turbaned man in the town and he'll tell
you that something is jumping around inside the pot.
STARKERS (Son of Estark - joins at level 1)
Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
Kafrizzle | - | 10 | One | Enormous fireball attack.
Meditation | 5 | 0 | Self | Become at one with self, restore 500 HP.
Disruptive Wave | 10 | 0 | All | Eliminates all magic effects.
Holy Protection | 15 | 4 | Allies | Keeps weaker monsters away for a time.
Scorch | 20 | 0 | All | Inferno breath attack.
Starkers Storm | 30 | 0 | All | Electrical deluge hits all enemies.
Zoom | 40 | 8 | Party | Return instantly to various locations.
Kaboom | 45 | 15 | All | Blast with violent explosion.

REBJORN (Bjorn, reborn - joins at level 1 with only 8 HP!)

Skill/Spell | Lv | MP | Number | Effect
Buff | - | 2 | Ally | Raises defence of one party member.
Focus Strength | 5 | 0 | Self | Attack with double force next turn.
Inferno | 10 | 0 | All | Fiery breath attack.
Lightning | 15 | 0 | One | Calls down lightning.
Frenzy | 20 | 0 | Self | Goes crazy and attacks anyone.
Tick-Tcok | 30 | 3 | Field | Summons night or day.
Scorch | 40 | 0 | All | Inferno breath attack.
Evac | 45 | 8 | Party | Exit instantly from dungeon/cave/tower.

STARKERS Group 03 (Apart from the lack of the Leather Hat) Same as Barbatos,
Dwight and Killing Machine.
Weapons : Chain Sickle/Steel Broadsword/Serpent Sword/Cautery Sword/
Dream Blade/Magma Staff/Staff of Resurrection/Dragonsbane/
Massacre Sword/Double-edged Sword/Demon Spear/Blizzard Blade
Great Bow/Hell Sabre/Metal King Sword
Body : Iron Cuirass/Silver Cuirass/Dark Robe/Magic Armour/Flame Armour/
Hela's Armour.
Shield : Ruinous/Leather/Scale/Bronze/Iron/Magic/Dragon/Tempest/Dark/Ogre
/Metal King Shield
Head : Hardwood Headwear/Iron Helmet/Iron Mask/Hades' Helm/Great Helm/
Metal King Helm.
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 999, MP: 999, STR: 255, AGL: 255, RES: 255, WIS: 255, LUC: 255

REBJORN: Group 10. Same as Drag-Goof and Great Dragon.

Weapons : Stone Axe/Fire Claw/Icicle Dirk/Cobra Claw/Orichalcum Fangs.
Body : Iron Cuirass/Silver Cuirass.
Shield : None.
Head : Pointy Hat/Top Hat/Thinking Cap.
Max Level : 99
Max Stats : HP: 999, MP: 310, STR: 255, AGL: 050, RES: 255, WIS: 255, LUC: 255

Max stats for these two all credit to GauRocks.

13. ZOOM LOCATIONS AND WORLD MAP ....................................... *L13

When you first gain the Zoom skill, walk back to earlier towns if you wish them
to appear on the list of locations. Faerie Lea, Zenithia, Precaria and Mt
Zugzwang do not appear on the world map, but you will be able zoom to them,
after you find them.

Heaven's Above Abbey
Lodestar Harbour
Dominicus's Dominion
Knot Welcome Inn
Lofty Peak
Faerie Lea
Mt. Zugzwang

W O R L D M A P : I M P O R T A N T L O C A T I O N S


Uptaten Towers Coburg

| /
| /
Cataract Cave | Whealbrook
\ Roundbeck---------| Estuary
\ | /
Zoomingale | /
| \ Lodestar Harbour Fortuna Lofty Peak
| / |
| / -Ventuno- |
| Hay Heaven's Above Abbey
Scuttlebuck (Crocopolis)
Knightmare Towers
Mostroferrato Fairy Castle Northminster
\ Stairs to Zenithia
\ Gotha
Mt Magmageddon -Knick-Knackatory Island- /
Knot Welcome Inne

Talon Tower Helmunaptra Dominicus's Dominion

14. F. A. Q. S. ........................................................ *L14

Q1. Which enemies give the most experience and the most money?
A1. The Metal King Slime gives the most experience (30,010), and the Balbib
gives the most gold (1,020). You can find the MKS in Mt Zugzwang, and the
Balbib in the area of Nadiria around Precaria town.

Q2. How do you kill Metal Slimes/Liquid Metal Slimes/King Metal Slimes?
A2. Don't use spells. You need weapons that have a high chance of making a
critical attack, (Hela Hammer, Demon Spear, Poison Needle) or a double hit.
(Falcon Knife Earrings, Diamond Akillics, Falcon Blade.) High agility also
helps: ideally equip Meteorite Bracers on everyone, although you can only
find one (in the Magic Key room at Gotha) before completing the main game.
High luck will help to increase the chance of making critical attacks.
One other option is to equip the Ruinous Shield and Spike Armour to one
character. With defence of 0, if the monster attacks, then the Spike
Armour will return a quarter of the damage. (Not a reliable method!)

Q3. Which monsters have Omniheal?

A3. King Cureslime and Epiphany already have this spell when first recruited.
Cureslime learns it at level 30, and Healslime at level 36.

Q4. Help! I can't find Bianca's Ribbon, and I need it to recruit Saber.
A4. Bianca's Ribbon is an important item, and as such cannot be discarded. (The
game won't let you discard anything important!) That means that you have it
somewhere, probably equipped to a monster you left with Monty. Simply talk
to him and check up on all monsters to see their equipment. Other than
that, check your bag.

Q5. Where's the best place to level up Starkers and Bjorn (or anyone else) to
the maximum?
A5. Given that the Metal King Slimes give the best experience, here's a
strategy for fast levelling. (All credit to elcidanddarth for the strategy
and this description: slightly edited.)

Mt. Zugzwang, Section E, fourth level, (this is the room with the grates in
the floor). In this location, you should be fighting Killing Machines,
Pazuzus, Gigantes, Lick-o-flames, Drakensteins, Wight Kings, Doom and Gloom
Sluggers, and of course, the Metal King Slime.

One character has the Sands of Time and around 200 agility, and another
character has the Hela Hammer, Sage's Stone and 255 agility.
Suggestions: Everyone, except the Hela Hammer character, is equipped with
Flails of Destruction. Everyone has the best armor and Meteorite Bracers
(not including the Sands of Time character if it makes their agility too

When you fight a Metal King Slime (MKS), use the Sands of Time on
every round, and attack with everyone else. The Hela Hammer character will
almost always go before the Sands of Time, and with a 50/50 chance that it
hits, the fight is over, and you get 30,010 experience points. If you miss,
the Sands of Time restarts the fight. In the off chance that the MKS goes
before the Sands of Time, it will probably flee, but maybe not. And if the
Sands of Time goes before your Hela Hammer, that doesn't matter.

You can use the Sage's Stone at the start of a round if healing is needed,
and otherwise, just keep going. Fight other monsters when they appear, and
these groups give (on average) around 2000 experience. Using this method it
took elcidanddarth 13 hours to level up Starkers and Rebjorn to 99, which
requires over 9 million experience points! Obviously they both need to be
in the wagon or active party!

NOTE: This strategy only works when fighting MKS or any single metal
monster. It doesn't work on groups.

Q6. Where's the best place for recruiting?A6. Of course this depends on who you're
after, but for some difficult_to_find
and_recruit monsters, one of the best places in Generation 3 is the
Knick-Knackatory island. It's quick to zoom to, and easy to save and heal
inside the building. Use the Musk item to increase the encounter rate, and
here you will find:
Pink Elephants, Red-hot Pokers, Revaulting Horse, Necromancer, Muddy Hand,
(who calls Golem as back-up), Conkerer, Conkuistador, Conkuisitor,
Conkjurer, and the Liquid Metal Slime.
(You can also find these enemies close to the Stairway to Zenithia, just
across the water from the K-K island, but it's more awkward to get there.)

Q7: Which is your favourite Dragon Quest game?

A7: This one! (Though Dragon Warrior 7 (US release) is a close second.)




Thanks to:
-GameFAQs for hosting my FAQs.
-Enix for making this game way back in 1992.
-SquareEnix for releasing it again for the DS.
-The Dragon Quest V board at GameFAQs and all those who post there.
-The authors of the other FAQs for the game (katastrophe and The Unbeliever)
who helped me out in some tricky spots.
-The Brady Strategy Guide, especially for information about monsters' levels,
locations, equipment and spells. It would have taken me years to recruit every
monster and raise their levels to the maximum just to see how high they'd go!

Special thanks goes to:

-chaoyun2k for information about the "living statue" in Uptaten, a missing shop
item, and various interesting details. His meticulous proof-reading of the
whole FAQ has resulted in many corrections.

-Beyond AShadow for letting me know that Debora.can equip the Falcon Blade.
-Chris who emailed me about the second chance to find the Whealbrook Bluestone.
-DDCecil for posting maps of the T'n'T boards, so I could confirm some items.
-DOAHunterX for details on the Monster Munchies, equipment and Hocus Pocus.
-dragon_claw12 for a missed Edged Boomerang in group 8's weapon list.
-elcidanddarth for all the details about the strategy for levelling up to 99.
-elix-warrior for "Urnexpected" and other corrections.
-GauRocks, (who rocks!) for the max stats for human and secret characters.
-ignasia7 for information about the Mini Medal drop from Merry Man.
-Josh_75 for details of a missing 100 Gold in Lodestar Harbour.
-Mongoose for picking upon some spelling (and spell) inconsistencies.
-Muse0213 for giving me details of another way to obtain the Monster Chess Set.
-one.only for information about retrieving the three rings.
-Orbital67 for information about a cash gift from Rodrigo's wife.
-Saxford for some information about equipment.
-ShadowB86 for a search code correction, and a note about the Zenithina Shield.
-"the ogre" for an alternative strategy for defeating Estark in 15 rounds.
-Toc for the details about the Loyalty Card.
-Watsonashi for telling me about a missing spell.
-wdeback for a couple of weapon corrections for characters.
-yingchenluo for information about a Seed in Stockenbarrel.
-Zenom who emailed me with some very helpful ideas to improve the lists section

-Wiej for creating the ASCII header for this FAQ.

-Shotgunnova for letting me copy his DQ3 layout/template for the T'n'T boards.
-Psycho_Penguin for giving me the right directions. Or was it the left? ;)
-Saikyo Mog for his continued support and advice. Also...for suggesting I
write a FAQ for DQ3 (SNES). Seems I got the numbers wrong. ;)

Many thanks to those who donated to the Saikyo Mog cancer fund and sent their
good wishes. I'm glad to say that Saikyo is making an excellent recovery and no
longer needs donations after a community care programme paid for most of his
medical expenses.


VII. V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y ............... *VERS


August 2011
Updated to include other websites.

January 31st 2011

More corrections, all thanks to the excellent proof-reading skills of

January 13th 2011

Details about the secret statue in Uptaten Towers added, and various minor
things corrected.

January 2011
Added Edged Boomerang to Group 8 equipment list.

October 13th 2010

Added a request for donations at the end of the FAQ.

October 2010
Added details of an additional 100 G found in Lodestar Harbour.

September 2010
Added details about two additional items: one related to marriage, and the
other after beating Bjorn. (See Sections W32 and W55)

April 2010 - Some more minor corrections: mostly punctuation!

January 28th 2010

Added that Merry Man might drop a Mini-Medal.

November 2009 - January 2010

A number of very minor corrections.

October 13th 2009

Added separate equipment lists for humans.

Update: August 18th. 2009

Added a missing skill and more about how to obtain the daily Yggdrasil Leaf.

Update: July 15th 2009

Added all recruitable monsters' default names.

Update: June 23rd 2009

Added more information about the Circle Rings.

Version 1.5. May 25th 2009

Added max stats for humans, a F.A.Q.S section, and additional information about

Version 1.3 April 2009

Everything is finished, including a strategy for beating Estark in 15 rounds.

Version 1.2 April 17th 2009

All T'n'T Boards included, and beaten!

Version 1.1 April 14th 2009

Added layouts for the first three T'n'T boards, and a separate section for
T'n'T Boards' explanation. Completed Mini-games section. Added details for
secret characters, and various corrections.

Version 1.00. April 9th 2009

Completed walkthrough, including bonus dungeon.

Version 0.90. April 7th 2009

Walkthrough completed up to Mantleplace. Details of treasure in T'n'T boards
added, and all monsters' equipment, and Mini Medals.

Version 0.80. April 3rd 2009

Completed up to Zenithia Restored.

Version 0.70. March 29th 2009

Completed the walkthrough up to the end of Part Two. Game Basics and some of
the lists are complete. Sorry, no details included yet for the layout of the
T'n'T boards.

Update: March 31st. Some minor corrections.


VIII. L E G A L B I T A N D C O N T A C T ........... *LEGAL


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This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site other than
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Other Allowed Websites:

* Cheats

This FAQ is copyrighted by threetimes on April 20th 2009/April 2010/

January 2011.
Updated: July 2012 to include other websites.

I hope I haven't made too many mistakes, but if you find any and can help
correct them, or add anything extra that might be useful, please let me know.
I'd also appreciate any feedback (good or bad!) now the FAQ is complete.
Emails must be titled: DRAGON QUEST V FAQ/WALKTHROUGH and can be sent to me at:

threetimes.ajh (@) gmail (dot) com

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