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The Environment and Environmental Damage Environment Protection Law No.

30 of Year 2002





Environment is where we live and do all things to survive, thus its destruction can also cause deterioration of human lives. We have seen how environment has provided us with everything we need for to be able to live longer and in comfort and ease but because of successive human activities and development of modern technology. Globally, issues towards the protection of the environment have long been addressed in different laws and legislations not only by the government but even by concerned groups and individuals; however, because of a lot of developments in all aspects of life, the need for continuous effort and cooperation is greatly needed. This paper will look into Qatar's environmental protection initiative through its policies under the Environment Protection Law No. 30 of Year 2002. First, it will discuss the scope and coverage of the environment and the n the regulations on the different possible sources of pollution which causes environmental damage. Efforts to save the environment are evident as one of the priorities of the country. The various issues discussed would eventually point out the need to continuously expand, renew and refocus its policies to match the demands and challenges of today's generation . More importantly there should be a strict impose of sanctions for the violation of this law.

What is Environment under Environment Protection Law No. 30 of Year 2002?

Like most countries in the world, Qatar's effort to protect the environment has gone through a long process. As written by Yasser El - Meniawy and Mohamed Foua for Sultan Al-Abdullah Partners, the count ry's initial goal was to preserve and protect the environment from pollution. The first relevant law, Law No. 8 of 1974 aimed at cleanliness and public hygiene. After 7 years, an environmental committee was formed to oversee environmental protection measures. Several issues were identified as part of this initiative like prohibition of bulldozing agricultural lands and sand beaches, protection of flora and vegetation, among others. In 2000, the Law No. 11 which formed the Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Reserved was considered the major step. It covered all protection of endangered wildlife and natural habitat, ensuring sustainable development, prepared legislations and procedures, development of environmental curricula, and also air and water pr otection.

Several amendments over the period have been instituted and have finally made way for the creation of a comprehensive Environmental Protection Law No. 30 of 2002. The definition of environment is a very important matter in the development of any measures for its protection. If there is a clear and understandable view and perspective of what environment is, it would be very easy to create laws, procedures, actions, activities and projects that could support its implementation. There is a general recognition that the environment is important and that efforts should be made to protect it. Issues like climate changes and rising waste production require responses. Environmental considerations have become central to policy making across a wide range of issues, and it is increasingly perceived that environment considerations are integral into all aspects of life (Bell and McGillivray, 7 th ed.). According to Article 1 of Law No. 30, environment is defined as The biosphere that includes the live creatures of humans, animal, and plant, and their surroundings of air, water, and soil, and that contains solid, liquid, or gases materials or radiations, and what established by human, like installations, industries or innovations This means that environment is t he total area or place that encompasses all living creatures as well non living things that are occurring naturally on Earth. The definition of environment should really focus on its physical attributes since it is perceived as something which people can see and feel. Thus, the Law of 2002 did not only gave a general description of what an environment is but also described its totality including scope of pure economical area and its distances, the natural reserve which specified any shelter for plants and animals, water and maritime environment including its jurisdictions, and more importantly land sources and public areas.

What is Environmental Damage?

Wikipedia explains that d amage is the negative change that affected the original form of a thing. It can be a result of a n activity, whether natural or not. Environmental damage encompasses all the changes that destructs the natural beauty of the environment in all forms and can eventually cause harmful effects to living and non -living things around it. The article Global Ecology and Environmental Damage written by Shelly Wagar described an example of the damage that mankind is facing right now. It described that the greenhouse gases threat to world ecosystems is a very real threat. These gases help contribute to global warming and air pollution. Because of the increase in the level of these gases in the atmosphere, severe

weather patterns are becoming more common a s the ocean slowly warms up. Devastating storms and hurricanes are occurring more frequently, and new viruses and bacteria that pose a threat to humans are being found, all because the temperature of the earth is warming faster due to greenhouse gases. The world ecosystems are changing and being threatened because changing climates and global warming. Environmental damage in Qatari Environmental Protection Law No. 30 of 2002, was not clearly cited in general but there were specific descriptions of pollution and dangerous wastes which form part of the damage. Generally, environmental damage is the degradation and deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil and the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife that will eventually cause harm to living creatures. In order to fully understand environmental damage, the Law No. 30 of 2002 gave in full details the components which can lead to the destruction of the environment. In is evident in the Qatar Environmental Protection Law that p ollution is identified as the major cause of environmental deterioration and is a widespread problem not only in Qatar but also in all parts of the world. This can be considered as one of the most immediate effect of huma n activities and also has caused the immediate and direct damage to the environment. In giving the general picture of what an environmental damage is, The Law No. 30 of 2000, provided identification of things and elements which can cause pollution and has also provided measures on how to minimize or prevent repeated and further occurrences. Article 11 of the Law described the Environmental Impact of Projects in Qatar. It established the necessary standards and specifications which was deemed important because any projects activities such as construction, oil and gas processing and other industrial processes can cause pollution in the environment. Article 24 also identified wastes and dangerous materials regulation in the State. We all know that these are the major causes of pollution and environmental damage in the environment, thus dealing with these substances should be dealt with care if not restriction. Article 28 covered the protection of air against pollution and has identified that spraying of insecticides on agricultural activities can directly affect the air, as well as using of machineries, equipment and vehicles.

Since Qatar is a major source of oil and gas, it was therefore necessary that activities related to this must be regulated to avoid conta mination of regional sea and pure economical area. Additionally, pollution form land sources have a great significance in the law as it encompasses the place where human being lives. Throwing of wastes materials from any residential, commercial or industrial activities can affect public places and can directly cause diseases.

Principles, interest and the need for reform in Qatar Environmental Protection

The Qatar Environmental Protection Law of 2002 has clearly employed several principles and values whi ch became its basis for its development. Above everything, laws were designed to protect the interest of the nation and its people, thus it is anthropocentric in nature. All efforts and initiatives focus on the welfare of the humanity, as such, human beings are seen as the one who is the most significant element on earth and should live in a safe and healthy environment. It is therefore reasonable that he lives in a place where life support systems can sustain his well -being. While it is true that the law serves for the protection of human, it can equally be ecocentric because it covers not only individuals and species but look into the holistic perspective of ecosystems, species and habitat. Everything is relevant and everything should be taken cared of. Apart from its focus, the law would like to carry out the implementation of regulations using the principle of sustainable development. Through the establishment of Supreme Council, the country would like to sustain its efforts not only at this present time b ut also in the future. The responsibility and tasks of concerned authority were established and Administrative matters and logistics were supported. The mechanisms set in carrying out activities and regulations were not only achievable but also sustainable . However, no matter how consolidated the law is and how committed its authority to make it effective, there are still lapses that should be looked into consistently. Like most countries that are continuously developing, Qatar needs to ensure that the Environmental Protection Law is serving its purpose at the maximum level. Since 2002 when the Environmental Protection Law was initially crafted, there has been enormous development and changes which has affected the environment.

For nine (9) years, it wasn't amended and did not consider the emerging concerns and issues now. It is a must that the policies under this Law should be reviewed regularly so that its scope and coverage should be expanded, renewed or refocused to match the present situation. Funding issues which is the problem of most countries might not be a problem in Qatar since it has enough financial resources which can support the Law, however, it is believed that the support mechanism for its implementation must be also upgraded. How sophisticated is the technology that can check and adequately identify the sources of pollution is still a question. How capable are the authorized environmental agency in recogn izing pollutants is another. With so much development in construction, oil and gas projects and other industrial processes, we can never be sure if their activities which includes wastes disposal of hazardous chemicals in air, sea and land are complying with the law and if there the governing bodies regulating their activities can adequately cover all their responsibilities .

Conclusion and Recommendation

Qatar is undeniably on its way to become a more developed country with its abundant resources in natural gas. With this modernization, a lot of considerations must be made particularly on environmental issues which are directly related to the industries presently playing a major role in this development. Protection of the environment is a life long respons ibility and continuous effort not only for the government but also for every individual in this world. Thus, sustainable development should linked in every plans and directions the country is aiming at. As mentioned earlier, policies and laws should go along with modern technology, thus it needs to adjust and whenever necessary, change so it could meet and address the problems that we are facing. Government should give priority in prevention of pollution rather that finding solutions when it is already a big problem, it is not only safe but also cost effective. For instance, efficiency in garbage disposal should be managed well. With the growing population in this country, not only industrial and commercia l wastes should be regulated but also residential rubbish which currently does not required to be segregated. Another thing is awareness. Personally, I believe that educational campaign should also be massive and this one is not really felt even with the provisions of in Article 7 stating that educational campaign towards environmental protection awareness should be included in school curriculum. Many of our

youths today lack knowledge in environmental protection and dont care at all. All people not only students should be informed through all means about the important issues about environment such as climate change and also values of cooperation for environmental protection. With a lot of natural calamities and disasters happening all over the world, we should really be reminded that environment should be protected, taken cared and nurtured.

Additional References:

Wagar, Shelly, Global Ecology and Environmental, (accessed 5 May 2011)

Damage ,

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