Microbial Fingerprinting - An Emerging Tool in Forensics A Review

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Microbial Fingerprinting - An Emerging

Tool in Forensics: A Review
Ritu Rawal
St. Xaviers College,
Autonomous, Faculty of Biotechnology,
Affiliated to Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Abstract:- The human microbiome has been used to I. INTRODUCTION

create microbial profiles, which is an intriguing field of
forensic science research that can be used to identify a We as a human, are home of trillion and billion types
person. According to recent research, each person has a of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, protists, and
highly customized microbial fingerprint that can be used viruses. The composition of these microbes on or within our
in forensics to recognize or connect a person with any bodies varies. As a result, microbes provide us with a
criminal activity. Since this technique is still in its early special fingerprint that varies from person to person. When
stages, using a source tracker to locate the sink it comes to distinguishing microbes, it's often essential to
(microbial population) can be useful. On the basis of distinguish them among themselves or between classes,
phospholipid, DNA, or RNA, microbial fingerprinting which is known as "microbial fingerprinting." These
methods are being used to isolate and classify an microbes can be distinguished by their specific
individual community of microbes. characteristics such as form, size, nature, color, cell wall,
reproduction, or cellular or biomolecular components such
Keywords:- Human microbiome; microbial profiling; source as DNA, RNA, and phospholipids. Microbes are being used
tracker; phospholipid; contamination. in massive ways for the betterment of the world and culture
in the twenty-first century. Once the microbe and its
 ABBREVIATIONS mechanism, as well as the wonders it can perform, have
 DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid been examined using microbial fingerprinting, it can be used
 RNA - Ribonucleic acid in a variety of ways, including examining microbes that can
 OTUs - Operational Taxonomic Units influence an individual's health or trigger diseases. Drug
 CO2 - Carbon dioxide manufacturing, such as antibiotics and vaccines; Producing
 MOD – Manner of Death ethanol and enzymes for use in the cosmetics, fruit, and
 COD – Cause of Death agricultural industries; Cleaning up oil spills and radioactive
 AKP - Anna Karenina Principle waste, as well as studying the human microbiome. In our
 BV - Bacterial vaginosis bodies, there are ten times more bacterial cells than human
 PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction cells (Scientific American, 2007), implying that we only
 STR - Short Tandem Repeat have 43 percent human cells (James Gallagher) and 57
 SNP - Single Nucleotide Polymorphism percent bacterial cells ( Sarkis Mazmanian). Thus, the
 REP - Repetitive Sequence human microbiome serves a variety of purposes, including
 RAD - Relative Aitchison Difference answering questions about a person's wellbeing or resolving
 C – Celsius microbe detection using different microbial fingerprinting
 S. – Staphylococcus techniques.
 Sp. – Species
 PLFA - Phospholipid fatty acid II. ROLE OF HUMAN MICROBIOTA
 SIP - Stable Isotope Testing
 DGGE – Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Joshua Lederberg coined the word "human microbiota"
 T-RFLP - Terminal Fragment Length Polymorphism in 2001. Many researchers have been perplexed by the
 TPPR - Transmission, survival, prevalence, and definition of the human microbiome, which is described as
recovery the microbial taxa linked to humans and “microbiome,”
 nDNA – Nucleotide DNA which is defined as the catalog of microbes and their genes,
 REAC – Restriction Endonuclease analysis of and these words are often interchangeable. Understanding
chromosome the consistency of a personality's microbiome, the concept
 RAPD – Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA of the OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) that frame the
 REAP – Restriction Endonuclease analysis of plasmid microbiota, and whether someone has one microbiome or
DNA several are all used to determine the definition of the human
microbiome. Since each person carries 100 trillion
symbiotic microbial cells, the human microbiome is made
up of the genes carried by these cells.

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Rapid advancements in molecular sequencing and possible evidence) as well as the production of gases such as
analytical approaches are causing a paradigm shift in how CO2, hydrogen sulphide, and methane, which cause the bloat
we research such microbes (Li et al., 2012; Segata et al., stage of decomposition.
2012). For example, it is no longer necessary to culture
microbes in order to detect them, and the rapidly developing B. Post-Mortem Toxicology
science of metagenomics now allows characterisation of the The study of the presence, dissemination, and
thousands of microorganisms that make up an ecosystem's quantification of a xenobiotic after death is known as
microbial population, or "microbiome" (Human Microbiome postmortem toxicology. This data were used to account for a
Project Consortium 2012a, b; Yatsunenko et al., 2012). xenobiotic's physiologic consequences at the time of death,
Similarly, it is now possible to more accurately study the based on its quantification and distribution within the body
communication chains of specific bacterial strains and at autopsy. Several factors may cause differences in
plasmids (MacConaill & Meyersen., 2008; Nakamura et al., xenobiotic concentrations between the time of death and the
2008; Pallen & Loman., 2011). Microbes' ubiquity and subsequent autopsy, as well as the storage period between
diversity suggest that they may be a source of forensic the time of sampling and the time of examination.
evidence. In reality, the word "microbial forensics" is now Toxicologists and forensic pathologists are often called upon
used to describe the study of how microorganisms can help to analyze postmortem xenobiotic concentrations to
with forensic investigations (Breeze et al., 2005). The determine if the identified values are meaningful and, if so,
appearance of a particular microbial population, for if these compounds were unintentionally or intentionally
example, may be used to characterize an individual microbe, involved in the cause of death (Rama B. Rao & Mark A.
substance, or position. Furthermore, certain microorganisms Flomenbaum). The identification and quantity of
are pathogenic, and although most infectious diseases are medications and toxins found in postmortem specimens was
easily diagnosed, they can play a role in some controversial expected to aid in determining the conditions underlying
situations where someone dies for no apparent reason. people's deaths. Due to the decomposition of human
Microbes have often been distributed carelessly or remains, microbial activity can influence this quantitation by
maliciously, necessitating a connection between the accused (i) reducing the volume and quality of biological specimens
and the petitioner and a specific strain. Furthermore, the available for analysis; and (ii) modifying medication, toxin,
diversity of microbial metabolism ensures that their actions and metabolite concentrations. Although autopsy specimens
change most organic materials and certain inorganic are also preserved at low temperatures and with
compounds, thereby affecting the recovery of other types of preservatives to prevent decay, the circumstances before the
forensic evidence. Lastly, a body may be a host of corpse is delivered to the mortuary are uncontrollable. As a
contagious microorganisms and must be treated with caution consequence, microbial behavior can make it difficult to
to minimize the possibility of infection (Malik & Singh., interpret analytical findings, particularly if the examined
2010). substances' soundness in a putrefactive environment is
unknown (Castel et al.,2017). Microbes dissolve some
A. Decomposition Process medications and produce metabolites that are confused for
Somatic death and cellular death are the two types of markers of pre-mortem drug intake during the decay phase.
death. Somatic death results in the loss of a person's sentient Nitrobenzodiazepines, such as Clonazepam and Nitrazepam,
identity, but reflex nervous function also continues. Cellular are easily converted to amino compounds by bacteria and
death occurs as the body's cells stop functioning, lose are impossible to detect in the blood, particularly after the
metabolic activity, and are unable to survive by aerobic victim has died of an overdose (Robertson & Drummer,
respiration. The body remains flaccid and blood begins to 1995; Drummer, 2007). Despite the fact that morphine-3-
flow until heart function is lost. The “classic triad” of livor, glucuronide is currently transformed to free morphine by
rigor, and algor mortis are well-documented modifications bacteria, morphine can be found in buried bodies up to eight
that occur in the body. That is, blood drains to the lower years after death (Skopp, 2004). Methamphetamine use is
parts of the body, stiffening and cooling the body until it increasingly growing on a global scale, increasing its
reaches a comfortable temperature. The rate at which these forensic importance. Several gastrointestinal
changes occur is largely determined by environmental microorganisms, such as those from the genera
factors, especially temperature, as well as microbial load Enterobacterium, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Clostridium,
and diversity (R.C. Janaway et al.). When physical and and Bacterioides, are responsible for N-demethylating
immunological barriers begin to break down, methamphetamines and transforming them to amphetamines
microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi that live on the (Castle et al. 2017; Rommel et al. 2016).
skin and in the gut spread across the body. As a result of the
increased ambient temperature, the microorganisms found C. As a cause of death
on and inside a body can multiply quicker, causing the pH As a replicated picture of antemortem health status, the
of the blood to become acidic, as well as the fluids and postmortem microbiome has significant forensic
tissues to become anaerobic. Since high humidity promotes implications for postmortem interval assessment. It also has
the growth of microorganisms, decay occurs more quickly in the ability to assist in manner of death (MOD) and cause for
the tropical tropics than in cold temperate climates. Since death (COD) determination. To dig deeper into this
bacillus has a doubling time of just 8 minutes under ideal connection, we looked at beta-dispersion, or microbiome
conditions (Spicer, 2000), the Gram-positive bacillus has the heterogeneity, in the sense of the “Anna Karenina Principle”
potential to dominate the microbial population. Bacterial (AKP). The basic premise of AKP is that stressors have
putrefaction causes the loss of body tissues (and hence unexpected effects on microbiomes, increasing population

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
beta-dispersion. Cases with known M/CODs were expected were killed by anthrax inhalation, which is exceedingly rare
to have different population beta-dispersion that mirrored in normal human infections (but would be a characteristic of
antemortem factors, with disturbed and/or natural deaths the disease if it is used as a biological weapon). Naturally
having higher beta-dispersion than other deaths (e.g., acquired pathogens, especially those with a limited
injuries, drug-related deaths) (Kaszubinski et al., 2020). geographic range, may be used as a forensic indicator of
Since calculating M/COD is error-prone, microbial geographic origin. Wild animals and plants, for example,
population measurements could theoretically help health often carry parasites and diseases that are missing in
workers and other certifiers of death (referred to as "medical captive-bred humans due to treatment or the lack of an
examiners"). MOD embraces only five major categories: adequate vector. This may be helpful in cases of suspected
normal, accident, suicide, murder, and indeterminate. While wildlife crime where the origin of a species is a point of
COD encompasses a wide range of causes relating to the contention. Indeed, the illegal trade has been identified as a
injury/disease by which a person died, MOD only potential vector of new diseases (Rosen & Smith, 2010).
encompasses five major categories: natural, accident,
suicide, homicide, and indeterminate (Randy et al., 2002). E. Nosocomial Transmission
Considering the relevant data, medical experts qualify their Nosocomial transmission (also known as "Healthcare
MOD determination with incremental degrees of certainty Associated Transmission" or "Patient Acquired Infections")
(Randy et al., 2002). Given the possibility of a discrepancy occurs when an illness is spread within a medical facility
between the MOD determination and the real MOD, the such as a hospital or as a result of a procedure such as an
postmortem microbiome may be another piece of proof to injection or the placement of a urinary catheter. Nosocomial
support the M/COD determination. One microbial species infection may be endogenous, meaning it arises from an
recovered from body fluids at autopsy indicates infection agent already existing in the bloodstream of the patient, or
occurred during life, while mixed species profiles indicate exogenous, meaning it is spread from another source within
post-mortem invasion. One of the most prevalent diseases the facility. Nosocomial infections do not occur within the
caused by dysbiosis of the microbiota is infection. time frame of admission to the hospital, but community-
Importantly, communicable disease and its treatment have a acquired contamination of patients or workers is a
significant effect on the human microbiota, which decides significant cause of nosocomial infection (Celia Aitken &
the communicable disease's final outcome inside the human Donald J. Jeffries,2001). Inevitably, hospitals and
body (Wang et al.,2017). Bacterial vaginosis (BV), for emergency centers are crammed with sick patients, and
example, is linked to a number of negative health effects, medical operations often include puncturing the body and/or
including preterm birth and, as a result, the development of installing instruments. As a result, the chances of disease
sexually transmitted infections. BV is considered to be a transmission are high, and although it's difficult to
vaginal microbiota ecological condition. Using culture- completely prevent them, there are generally consistent rules
independent polymerase chain reaction (PCR), denaturing and precautions in place. When a patient contracts an
gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and barcoded 454 infection as a result of these not being followed, the
pyrosequencing methods, (Ling et al.) observed a profound consequences for the patient may be serious, if not lethal. In
shift in the absolute and relative abundances of bacterial such a condition, a petition for medical malpractice may be
species present within the vagina in a very comparison of made, and there may be reasons for court action in certain
populations related to healthy and diseased conditions. situations. It's crucial to show when a patient got their
Three phyla and eight genera were clearly a difference in the infection before being examined, and whether an infection
absolute and relative abundances of bacterial species present can be traced back to a certain member of medical staff or
within the These genera are also used as targets for medical equipment. For example, in the United States, many
molecular methods to diagnose clinical BV. Staphylococcal cases of bacterial meningitis caused by the oral bacterium
septicaemia and meningitis are another case. Streptococcus salivarius have been attributed to an
anaesthetist who gave spinal injections without wearing a
D. Natural Transmission facemask (Shewmaker et al., 2010).
Natural transmission is the spread of pathogens through
a variety of routes, including direct contact (individual-to- F. Identification of an individual
individual), indirect contact (contact with a contaminated According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, trace
surface), insect vectors such as biting flies, mosquitoes, and proof is material that is transported from a suspect to an off-
ticks, and aerosol spread (contaminated droplets spread by the-books location that is minuscule or where conventional
coughing or sneezing that are either inhaled or available in fingerprinting is difficult or impossible to do, but residual
direct contact) (Equine Disease Communication Center). details such as hair, fiber, dirt, or other intangible items is
Normal spread of microbial infections is a major concern for retrieved from the crime scene as trace evidence. Modern
public health officials. When pathogens linked to DNA fingerprinting methods include analyzing Short
bioterrorism are discovered, however, police intervention Tandem Repeat (STR) and SNP gene markers with PCR
may be required. Anthrax, for example, has killed a number amplification to reduce contamination and degradation
of opioid addicts in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in (Roeder K.,1994), but contaminants contribute to the vast
Europe (Christie, 2010; Knox et al., 2011). Those that inject majority of detected DNA in trace fingerprint samples.
the opioid rather than smoke it tend to be at the highest risk Microbial fingerprinting, on the other hand, has shown
(Palmateer et al., 2012). The majority of heroin used in the fewer blemished findings for trace proof than DNA
United Kingdom and Europe comes from Afghanistan, fingerprinting. When skin flora comes into direct contact
where Bacillus anthracis is endemic. A number of people with every surface, multiple microbes are transferred

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
instantly. Microbial populations on objects handled by Although the microbiota in the human intestine, nose,
hands, in fact, are found to contain approximately 60% to and throat environments has been shown to be
70% of human skin-associated microbes (Knights et al., temporally consistent (Martinez et al.,2013 & Brooke
2011). et al.,2009), the skin microbiome has been shown to
be inconsistent over time and to be perturbed by
The human microbiome shows that not only are there common activities such as hand washing or contact
significant variations in microbial composition across body with others (Tims at el.,2010).
areas, but also that there tend to be consistent differences
across people (Costello et al., 2009). This has contributed to Relative Aitchison Difference(RAD) is a novel
speculation that people could have distinct microbiomes, approach that employs the Aitchison distance to
which may be used to identify them (Blaser 2010). The identify critical suspects/sources, then combines it
microbiota evolves over time as the quantitative with current source monitoring algorithms to
concentrations of bacteria change, but the community's approximate the proportions of microbial samples
makeup continues to remain relatively constant (Caporaso et originating from those suspects/sources. When
al., 2011; David et al., 2014). The nature of the microbiome evaluating the general Aitchison discrepancy, RAD is
in the ecosystem may be used to determine geographical calculated separately for each source within a bin,
origin or to link humans, animals, and objects to one another though all observations that are within the same bin
or to a specific site (Walker AR, Datta S. ,2019; Kodama because the current source are omitted (Carter KM et
WA et al.,2019). As a result, microorganisms can be used as al., 2020).
evidence in a variety of forensic situations, including sex
crime cases where no other type of evidence is available a. Bayesian SourceTracker
(Williams DW & Gibson G. 2019). In 2011, a Bayesian approach called
SourceTracker was proposed for community-
The variations in the microbiome's structure and based source monitoring, which uses a mixture
composition may contain valuable information that could be model of OTU profiles to approximate
used for forensic purposes. Diet, profession, travel, and contamination proportions (Knights D.et
prescription usage may all have an effect on the al.,2011). Gibbs sampling allows for a
microbiome's composition and function. This suggests that probabilistic calculation of mixture proportions
studying the microbial population in and on our bodies while concurrently accumulating dissimilar OTUs
could uncover information about a person's lifestyle into unidentified source components.
(Gonzalez et al., 2016; Kuntz and Gilbert, 2017), which SourceTracker has been widely used in
could be new trace evidence. Given the significant forensic exploratory studies involving microbial
potential of microbial analysis, standardized operating fingerprinting through surface touch, with varying
procedures for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of degrees of accuracy, in recent years (Knights D.et
microbial evidence, as well as solid and complete databases al., 2011; Lax S et al., 2014; Lax S et al., 2015).
for full implementation within the forensic context, are Though Bayesian SourceTracker can change
required, allowing the use of microorganisms as auxiliary sensitivity through parameter tuning, it isn't
evidence in criminal cases to be clarified (Javan GT et designed to verify source selection and
al.,2016 ; Uchiyama T et al., 2012). significantly increases computation times. When
dealing with massive data sets, parameter tuning
a) Source Tracker and Gibbs sampling are both computationally
Microbial source-tracking refers to computational costly.
techniques for identifying origins of microbes
(contaminants) in a sink microbial community RAD is often used as a preprocessing
(Knights et al.,2011 & Hagedorn et al.,2011). technique for Gibbs sampling-based Bayesian
Construction of microbial profiles using nucleotides, source monitoring. It is possible to increase the
k-mers, or Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) speed and predictive precision of this approach by
counts is used as source monitoring methods. The extracting non-important sources before sampling
microbial source detection system is useful in (Carter KM et al., 2020).
forensic science because it uses the suspect's
microbiota as a possible contaminant source and the b. FEAST Source Tracker
trace evidence as a drain. Microsatellites are Another source monitoring tool, FEAST, was
organisms that do not seem to be associated between proposed in 2019, and it uses an expectation-
sources or between the placement of particular maximization approach with two parameter sets:
markers to identify sources, and hence marker gene mixture proportions and underlying relative
sets and REP-PCR strain-specific studies depend on abundance (Senhav et al.,2019). This method
this. However, this approach may not be suitable for works in the same way as the Bayesian
two reasons: one, there's a risk the truth source will SourceTracker, but it has a much quicker run
not be selected correctly, and two, the time gap time, minimizing run times by a factor of 30 or
between sample collections may be important. The more. It, like SourceTracker, needs parameter
location where the samples are collected may have an tuning to achieve optimal efficiency and isn't
effect on the human microbiome's temporal stability. intended to select sources (Carter et al.,2020). To

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
improve accuracy, the source pool is often parsed fingertips or keyboard are even more similar to one
to include only certain sources that lead to the another than fingertips or keyboards from other
sink. Senhav et al. (Senhav et al., 2019) used individuals.
RAD to restrict the source pool for the FEAST They concluded that variations in keyboard-
expectation-maximization algorithm. The associated communities are likely caused by direct
underlying formula is similar to the Bayesian transmission of fingertip bacteria because inter-
model used by Bayesian SourceTracker, in that individual differences in fingertip and keyboard
the effects are optimized by the relative communities outweigh differences in bacterial
abundance and combination proportion communities on the fingers and keyboards of a single
merchandise (Carter KM et al., 2020). individual.

b) Case Study The developers of the "machine mouse" report

Grice et al. (Grice et al., 2009) studied the temporal enlisted the help of nine adults who all served in the
heterogeneity of the skin microbiome in 2009. They same house. Then they swabbed the mobile device's
selected 20 skin sites that represented different niches entire exposed body, as well as the palm surface of
and obtained follow-up samples from five healthy every owner's dominant side, which is most likely
people after four to six months. The microbial going to switch the button. The owner has not
makeup of the external meatus, inguinal crease, alar touched any of the mice in over 12 hours. Until DNA
crease, and nares remained unchanged over time. The extraction, all swabs were held at -80°C. The authors
microbiota of the popliteal fossa, volar forearm, and compared bacterial communities found on computer
buttock, on the other hand, demonstrated significant mice to a database that included bacterial
variation between the two sampling periods. As a communities from the mouse's owner's hand as well
result, the authors concluded that skin microbial as 270 other hands belonging to healthy male and
communities' longitudinal resilience is site- female volunteers aged 18 to 40 who had never
dependent. They also found that bacterial touched the mouse. They were able to show that
composition in the nares and backs was consistent for bacteria found on a private object are more similar to
all people, while interdigital network fields, toe the owner's skin bacterial populations than to a
webs, axillae, and umbilici displayed a large degree general population microbiome, such as that found in
of interpersonal heterogeneity, appearing to be the the volunteers. This result was obtained using the
least similar locations, according to OTUs-based UniFrac algorithm, which uses the degree of
study (Tozzo et al.,2020). phylogenetic overlap between any pair of
communities with estimated points representing
Fierer et al. is the first to show that microbiome samples of identical bacterial communities to
research could be used for forensic identification in calculate phylogenetic distance.
2010. They demonstrated how the study of a person's
skin microbiome can be used to connect them to an The authors came to the conclusion that each
item they touched, demonstrating that through individual leaves a unique bacterial "fingerprint" on
comparing the bacterial communities generated by an surfaces they contact. Bacterial DNA can be
individual's skin to an object's surface, it's possible to retrieved from these surfaces and traced to the
link touched surfaces to the people who touched individual who touched it, passing bacteria from their
them. They conducted two experiments that were fingertip. Since skin-associated bacterial
interconnected: the keyboard study and the electronic communities can survive on specimens for up to two
mouse study. It was the aim of the "keyboard weeks after they've been treated under normal indoor
research" to compare bacterial communities on the conditions, the object's microbiome is often
keys of three personal computers to the communities examined for forensic purposes. This type of research
generated by keyboard owners' fingertips. , Fierer can help you recognize an object, particularly if you
and associates swabbed all individual keys and the can't get clear fingerprints on it, like from fabrics or
fingertips of the owner and almost exclusive operator smudged surfaces (Tozzo et al.,2020).
of three notebook machine keyboards (25–30 keys
per keyboard). 30 minutes prior to sampling, the Wilkins et al. (Wilkins D et al., 2017)
keyboards were last reached. To compare the conducted research in 2017 with the aim of linking
bacterial populations on the three keyboards to those the skin microbiome to areas of domestic residence.
on 15 other private and public computer keyboards, The taxonomic composition of the surface samples
main keys from 15 other private and public computer revealed that the bulk of the microbiota on household
keyboards were swabbed. After storing all swabs at - surfaces came from the occupants' blood.
80°C for less than a week, DNA was removed. The Moraxellaceae was the most common family in all of
bacterial population composition was determined the tests, dominated by the skin-colonizing genus
using a barcoded pyrosequencing protocol. This Acinetobacter. The Staphylococcaceae,
revealed that the bacterial communities on the Micrococcaceae, Corynebacteriaceae, and
fingertips of a keyboard owner are similar to the Streptococcaceae, all related to human skin, were
communities on the owner's keyboard, and that among the ten most common families on surfaces.
bacterial communities on a particular individual's Sphingomonadaceae, Methylobacteriaceae,

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Pseudomonadaceae, Rhodobacteraceae, and or groups of microorganisms based on novel
Xanthomonadaceae, for example, have abundant characteristics of a bio particle's general portion or
populations possibly derived from natural factors region (e.g., phospholipids, DNA, or RNA). Some
such as soil and vegetation. The authors have microbial fingerprinting techniques are used to
discovered that the bulk of the taxonomic units distinguish subsets of microorganisms, while others
studied remained on the skin or surfaces for a limited are used to provide a general profile of the microbial
amount of time before becoming indistinguishable. community (Moumita Sinha & I. Arjun Rao, 2017).
Because of these factors, the authors suggest that,
while microbiota traces can have forensic Microbial fingerprinting techniques may offer a
significance, they are not static and, as a result, decay comprehensive analysis of a microbial population.
in such a way that their valuable characteristics for Hereditary strategies allow for the separation of
recognizing individuals are lost ( Garcia et al., 2020). evidence of primary individuals from the microbial
community to the family or class level. It denotes
Park et al. (Park et al., 2017) investigated the unique microorganisms or groups of microorganisms
diversity of microbial species found in the palms of that are recognizable as one-of-a-kind properties of a
15 people and assessed their ability for human shared thing or region of a bio atom (for example,
identity. The authors show how the genus phospholipids, DNA, or RNA). It also reveals
Staphylococcus was found in all of the participants, microbial differences and provides information about
while Micrococcus and Enhydrobacter were found in the types of metabolic processes taking place on the
the rest of them (87 percent and 80 percent of the site, allowing a subset of the microorganisms
cases, respectively). Staphylococcus epidermidis (14 incorporated into the specimen to be distinguished. It
subjects) has the highest proportion of may identify the microbial greenery of the precise
Staphylococcus, which is known as one of the most topographical region that is exclusive to that area in
common skin bacteria. S. capitis subsp. capitis (11 advance. This is significant because any
subjects), S. warneri (9 subjects), S. hominis subsp. microorganism has its own signature flora, which can
hominis, and S. hominis subsp. novobiosepticus were influence a person's surrounding atmosphere during a
the organisms that came in second and third, criminal investigation (Moumita Sinha & I. Arjun
respectively (8 subjects). Micrococcus sp., especially Rao, 2017). The following are some of the microbial
Micrococcus yunnanensis, were also prevalent (11 fingerprinting methods:
subjects). Oceanobacillus caeni (1 subject),
Paracoccus sanguines (1 subject), Enterobacter a. PLFA Analysis
aerogenes (1 subject), and Cornenebacterium Phospholipid fatty acid is found mostly on the
striatum (1 subject) were the organisms that exhibited membranes of all living cells and disappears
personal variations (1 subjects). The authors immediately when the cell dies. As a result, the
conclude that certain minor organisms were endemic mass of PLFA is an immediate estimate of the
to certain individuals and thus had the ability for specimen's feasible biomass. Although
private recognition based on these findings. They phospholipids are found in all cell layers, not all
also emphasize that the majority of species, life forms or groups of creatures have the same
especially Staphylococcus species that showed PLFA types to the same degree. Some species
spread, can be used as molecular biological markers produce one-of-a-kind or "label" PLFA.
at the subspecies stage, according to the participants. Measuring these PLFA assemblages in this way
This is why the authors believe the cutaneous creates a profile or special finger impression of
microbiota of the palm of the hand has a strong the appropriate microbial community and
propensity for private recognition (Garcia et al., provides insight into some important microbial
2020). utilitarian gatherings (e.g., iron-and sulfate-
decreasing microscopic organisms).
c) Microbial Fingerprinting Methods
Microbial forensics has emerged as an In ecological examples, PLFA analysis is
interdisciplinary area of microbiology devoted to the similar to that of other concoction mixes present
creation, evaluation, acceptance, and application of as blends (e.g., dysfunctional natural mixes): (1)
techniques to distinguish and fully depict microbial extraction, (2) detachment by gas
specimens comprising a natural specialist or its chromatography with fire ionization discovery,
segments. The primary goal of a criminological and (3) affirmation of identifiable evidence by
microbiologist is to distinguish between possible spectrographic analysis, if necessary. By
pathogens and identify their DNA marks in order to calculating the consolidation of the stable isotope
establish the probable source's base. Another logical mark into biomass, PLFA research can be
train, microbial fingerprinting, has been developed combined with stable isotope testing (SIP) to
under microbial legal sciences in recent years with show that biodegradation is taking place
the specific aim of strengthening the law (Moumita Sinha & I. Arjun Rao, 2017).
implementation reaction, especially in a bioterrorism
situation. Microbial fingerprinting strategies are a
class of methods for distinguishing microorganisms

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
b. DGGE Analysis d) Challenges
DGGE is a nucleic acid corrosive (DNA or Human DNA transmission, survival, prevalence, and
RNA)–based technique for creating a microbial recovery (TPPR) research is also needed in relevance
group's genetic special mark and potentially microbial DNA specific to human microbiomes since
distinguishing overwhelming microorganisms. the human microbiome may be used to link or
DGGE profiles are commonly used to search for classify persons for forensic investigation. However,
differences or improvements in microbial the complexity of what constitutes a microbiome
community quality and structure between complicates such studies, since microbiomes include
samples, over time or space, or in response to ecological relationships that show temporal changes
treatment. (Zang Y. Et al., 2017; Flores et al., 2014). The
transfer and survival of the human microbiota is
The four stages of DGGE are typically: (1) complicated and influenced by a variety of intrinsic
DNA or RNA extraction, (2) intensification, (3) and extrinsic factors such as nutritional supply,
detachment and representation, and (4) grouping season, oral antibiotic use, and host diet. It would be
recognizable evidence. Polymerase chain reaction claimed that microbial profiling of people for
(PCR) is used in the enhancement process to have forensic purposes may just suggest the possible
an excessive number of duplicates of a variable affiliation of particular microbes with an individual's
location within an objective quality. Per relatively microbiome, rather than providing evidence of the
minute living being has a different DNA course microbe's inherent participation in that microbiome.
of action in this variable area. As a result of the If the aim of microbial identification is to link an
PCR step, a combination of the standard bits for individual to illegal crime and/or warn inquiries, this
each creature bunch appears inside the primary may be a source of concern (Ana Neckovic et al.,
illustration. The third stage of DGGE involves 2020). Furthermore, certain considerations can make
using an electrical current (electrophoresis) and a determining whether or not microbial contamination
denaturing procedure to isolate the mixture based has occurred in a forensic environment more
on the DNA collected, resulting in a profile, or difficult. Though human nDNA databases can be
exceptional check, of the microbial collection. used to determine whether staff contamination
DGGE is a cost-effective option (Moumita Sinha occurred in a forensic setting (e.g., at a crime scene
& I. Arjun Rao, 2017). or in a forensic laboratory), a staff microbiome
database, and by extension a criminal microbiome
c. T-RFLP Analysis database, may not have the same value, depending on
T-RFLP (terminal fragment length if an individual's microbiome has the potential to
polymorphism) analysis is a technique for quickly vary in minor or significant ways (Oh, J et al., 2016).
profiling mixed populations of homologous
amplicons (i.e., diverse sequences of one gene). It If microbial profiling of human skin-associated
integrates automatic sequencing gel technologies bacteria is to be used for forensic use, forensic
with fragment analysis of a PCR-amplified gene scientists must also consider the possibility of
marker. T-RFLP, like DGGE, is a macromolecule microbial contamination events within forensic
(DNA or RNA)–based technique that creates a settings (i.e., crime scene to laboratory) and use this
microbial species fingerprint and can be used to information to design new, or improve existing,
classify unique microbial communities. contamination-prevention protocols to ensure that
they are suitable for microbial profiling (Ana
T-RFLP is a four-step procedure that Neckovic et al., 2020). For example, storing evidence
includes isolation of DNA or RNA, PCR in cold, dry environments may allow specific
amplification, enzyme digestion, and fragment microbes to thrive while others become non-viable,
recognition. Following the separation of the or exposure to low temperatures may cause changes
mixed group DNA or RNA, PCR amplification in microbial growth and structure, as the skin-
with a fluorescent-labeled PCR primer is used to associated bacteria Staphylococci has shown
create various duplicates of objective consistency, (Onyango, L.A et al., 2012). Furthermore, drying
and the PCR products are then processed with cotton swabs or aerating swab containers may cause
confinement proteins that cut the DNA particle at foreign microbes to enter the swab surface, and the
known arrangements. The length of each evidentiary packaging itself may be a source of
corresponding terminal confinement fragment is additional microbial contamination. Standard
unique to a particular microorganism. The protocols such as these which trigger microbial
sensitivity of T-RFLP is higher than that of population changes over time; as a result, the impacts
DGGE (i.e., it should detect microorganisms that of the different protocols made accessible by
are present at lower numbers during a sample). T- comprehensive testing should be disclosed, and
RFLP is commercially available (Moumita Sinha sufficient steps should be taken to properly remedy
& I. Arjun Rao, 2017). any negative consequences. However, since a
‘expected' microbial population composition cannot
be identified, just as ‘ground fact' cannot be
established in a criminal investigation, all microbial

IJISRT22MAY1356 www.ijisrt.com 1043

Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
analysis performed after the collection and review of III. CONCLUSION
an evidentiary object should be approached with
caution. The human microbiome serves a variety of functions,
ranging from body decomposition to individual
The extraction of microbial DNA, which will be identification. Microbial fingerprinting is a reliable method
used for sequencing and interrogation of a microbial of identifying an individual, but it is still in its early stages
population of interest, is an important part of in the field of forensics due to the many problems associated
microbial profiling. However, there is a growing with contamination and its durability. The most popular
understanding of the effects of DNA extraction on challenge is that the true source might not be selected
microbial profiling (Bjerre, R.D et al., 2019; Teng, F correctly, and the second explanation is that the time gap
et al., 2018; Ducarmon, Q.R et al., 2019), especially between sample samples may be high, resulting in sample
in terms of sample profile reproducibility when a contamination. To address these issues, scientists are
single kit and protocol is used (Vera-Wolf, P et al., developing or improving microbial source trackers and
2018), as well as the varying proportions of extracted microbial fingerprinting methods. Due to its high sensitivity
microbial DNA from (Teng, F et al., 2018). It may be in detecting less abundant microorganisms in the sample, T-
argued, then, that extracting microbial DNA from an RFLP is the most widely used microbial fingerprinting
evidentiary sample does not reliably reflect the process. Several advanced techniques, such as REAC,
microbial population of interest, the proportions of REAP, and RAPD, can also be used for potential research in
which may be used to decide how closely a sample this area. The skin is the main organ of the physical organ
represents a person's microbiota, and hence the and is colonized by the millions of microorganisms, who
person's affiliation with illegal behavior. have an endogenous host structure (i.e. age, race, etc.) and
Furthermore, scientific reproducibility is a persistent exogenous environmental computations (i.e., diet,
problem in microbiome study (Schloss, P.D., 2018), geography, etc.). The forensic usefulness and association
making it difficult to breed microbial communities ship of individuals with crimes in research and development
from similar source samples utilizing the same is still in the infancy of microbial profiling, but the above-
extraction technique, or to breed the same outcome mentioned shortcomings must be addressed and investigated
from one sample using new or modified extraction prior to consideration of inclusion of the casework.
methodologies. Low-biomass samples have the same
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