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Name : Diana Lesia Margareta

Nim : 2133017

Prodi : Ilmu Keperawatan


“Hi, I'm Diana Lesia Margareta, just call me Diana, I'm a student at the Musi Charitas

Catholic University, I’m majoring in Nursing program in Faculty f Health science my

nim is 2133017. In this occasion, I will show you to see how my life as a student at

Unika Musi Charitas is.”

“Okay guys now it’s just 7 am. So today the weather is not bad. And the weather makes me
exicited to start my day So for today i don’t really have many schedule in my campus
bacause this month asctually the month to carry out the final exams. I Don’t really have
many classes, I just have many exams this week. SO have to prepare my exams, and i will
study hard for it. WIsh me luck this semester.”
“So i’m gonna show you what’s my schedule looks like today. So this is my schedule looks
like for today. At 06.30 am I will wake up and have a breakfast. And at 7 am I will prepare
my exam and I will go to campus or study at my campus, and At 1 pm will do my final exam,
and I will eat my lunch, and I will study for final exam, and Will have dinner at 5pm, adn I will
continue to study ir read a book or do my assigment. And at 10 pm I’m going to sleep.”
“So this is my goals for today. I Will drink enough water, I’m gonna reach 8h of sleep, read
10 pages and make a video of student life “

“SO guys I’m gonna show you what’s my motivate for today, my motivate for today is do
something today that your future self will thankyou for, so this motivate make me exiciting
to start my day too, I usually prepare my motivate for my dailiy activitiy, so I can more
productive, so I wish I more productive than yesterday.”

“SO its already 7:30 am, I will prepare my exam, I only one exam for today for comunication
in nursing, but thr material is not really much because its just about comunication between
the nurse and the patient, it’s not really hard to understand itu but the question sometimes
is really tricky, I have to prepare more for it."
“SO guys, I’m gonna give you some tips for study smart, the first is make a plan, for me it’s
really important It helps to have some plans in motion so you can make the most of
your study time. Maybe you can use alarm’s or use a wall planner or make to do list.”
“And the second is discovering your learning style, each individual have a different
way to study, if you consider what the best style for you, maybe you can try auditory
learners, visual learners, or kinesthetic learners ans see which way you prefer.”
“And the third is review and revise At least once a week you should go back over the
things you've studied in class. Thinking things over can help you to understand the
concepts and help you remember when you need them the most. Maybe you can try
with quiz or make your own study materials.”
“And the fourth is take breaks, It's important to take breaks while you're studying,
especially if you're feeling tired or frustrated. Working too long on a task can actually
decrease your performance.”
“And then don’t forget stay motivated. When you're studying it helps to keep in mind
your reasons for doing all this hard work, You could also decorate your study space,
and why stay motivated is important because It can help to have something in your
study space to remind you of your goals.”
“So guys it’s 11 am now, and I think I must go to my campus, actually the exam start
at 1 pm, but that’s okay, by the way guys, I lived in the dorm. So the University of
Catholic Musi Charitas is also provide dormitories for the students who live far from
their home, and I think this is a good place to live as a student or for students,
because the facilities are good, you don’t have to cook, because the food already
availlable in here, you will eat 3 times a day. I have lived in here for almost 10
months and if you live in here you don’t need to walk far, because the campus is
close to the dorm. Maybe it’s just take less than 5 minutes. I think you will be more
productive in here, bacause you will have more time than in the house. guys now I
want to go to my campus. I will prepare my self first. Let’s go guys.”
“Guys I’m on my way to my campus, so I hope I can remember the material that I’ve
studied for my exam, this is the view of the place in my dorm, and the place is really
calm and quiet, there is no many people in here, it’s a library in there, so I will look
for my class, and this is my class.”
“This is the view of the city looks like”
“After I finished my exam, I took the time to go to the library with my friends to look
for the material for my next exams so when I enter the library, I require to enter my
number or my nim into the computer, and I must put my bag in the place that has
been provided.”
“SO guys I just arrived at my dorm, and I just finished my exam, and I’m so grateful
for the result. It’s not really bad, so now is 4 pm , and I will eat my lunch, actually I
ate late. But thats okay”
“It’s already 9 pm, and I think it’s time to sleep, because I feel tired, thankyou guys”

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