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Certif icate of Motor I nsu ran ce Q1.

Adm iral
This Certificate is evidence that you have insurance to comply with the !aw.You willneed this document to tax your car,and
willneed to return It to Admiralto cancel your policy.For further details of your insurance cover please refer to your Polley
Schedule.If you wish to change any details shown below please callAdmiral Customer Servkes Department .If you donot inform
Admiralof changes you may not have the protection of the polky.

Issued by: Admiral Polley number: AD MOT 8885613CW075/R25

L Description of car: 3. Effective date of the commencement

SMS20KN ofInsurance for the purpose of the relevant
or¥1'(pri.-ateurkl.-icd llo the Pdit'tfdd«tly .nA<hir.alpr1tP*u
l.W'dw sec.tion 7l4)or tflW polity. 09:12 hours on the
2. Name of Policyholder:
Gordon Stewart
4. Date of expiry ofInsurance:
09:41hours on the 31/12/2012

5. Persons or classes of 6. Umltatlons as to use:

persons entitled to drive: Use for social,domestic and pleasure purposes only.
Gordon Stewart
Ashley Stewart Tho Pollcy doH not cover.
Margaret Stewart Use forhiring,mellth.-.dae dth-ery oruse for .-iypurpose in con nection Mththe Motor TnKle. Usefor tr.wet
bt'twem homeaid pennlrWint p&.t-e of b.uinen.
The Potyfidderm""t .ebobe drmng in«:airdarl a!: with the¥ma of•,.\ Use to sean the ff!lctse of •motor >.ehkk,. other than the >.ehick identified .tlove: tlyib ngistndon ....t.
d bnte.n d tn11$l not bedaqUlifil!d frcund rMng.
""ithh.-s be«' .seiied by,oron bcflalf of,.nygove"'lmD"lt or pubic .,thorit'l'
The diringof other ars enemion is not ftlidcd for "'ff dinsn.ned onthepolity.
Useon the Hu rt.....gmg Hold schll!ifc:, orforr«ing, pat:e-.neting, c Cl.'titiom,r•lies.tTold d_,.,, ftlhorspeed
te::sb eitierone «11d,. tT•cl,or «:.noff fOld •ht4 event.

We hereby certify that the policy to which this Certificate relates satisfies the requirements of the relevant law applicable in Great
Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Islands of Alderney,Guernsey and Jersey.For and on behalf of Authorised
Insurers:Admirallnsuranee Company Ltd Is authorised and regulated by the FinancialServicesAuthority (Registration No:219824)
C.pltalTower,GreyfrlarsRoad, CardW I, CF!O 3AZ.Admiral Insurance (Gibraltar) td ls authorised and regulated by the
FinancialServices Commission (Registration No:2208S8) Suite 3G,Eurolife Building,lCorralRoad, Gibraltar.Great Lakes Relnsuranee
(UK)Pie is authorisedand regulated by the FinancialServices Authority (Registration No: 202nS) Plantation Place,30 Fenchurch Street,
London EC3M 3AJ.

David Stevens,for Authorised Insurers

Seve.ral Uabil ty Notice.:The Authorised insurers' obligations under contracts of Insurance towhich they subscribe are severaland
not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions.The Authorised insurers are not responsible for the
Authorlsed insurer who for any reason does not satisfy all or part of Its obligations.

European Car nsurance Cove.r: This certificate is valid for,Great Britain,Northern Ireland,Isle of Man and ChannelIslands;any other
country which is a member of the European Union and Norway;Switzerland, Iceland, Croatia,Andorra and Liechtenstein.

Important·Le.ngth of Stay: If your jo urney exceeds 30 consecutive days,please callAdmiral Customer Services Department prior to your

Advice to third partlti:Not!l ng containedIn t!lls Certlflaote affects your right as a third party to make a claim.

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