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How to take good notes

Watch YouTube video clip relating to ‘how to take good notes’ and decide
if the following information is T (True) or F (False)
1. A good note is writing down everything a lecturer says without any thought.

2. A good note requires students with both active thinking and listening.

3. Students usually have trouble focusing on their lectures because of the two FS-

Facebook and Friends.

4. In lectures, sitting close to our friends is a good idea for note-taking.

5. A good friend doesn't care if we don’t talk to them in lectures.

6. No prior knowledge of the topic is a good strategy for note-taking.

7. No prior knowledge to the topic, students would find it hard to take notes.

8. The Cornell method puts a page into three different sections – main ideas, summary,

and notes.

9. A good note enables students to explain it to someone else, referred to as the Finean


10. A final destination for a good note is in students’ brains, not their notes.

11. A speaker suggests focusing on applying and understanding the information rather than

rewriting notes.

12. A speaker suggests if students have any questions after a lecture, they need to ask their

professors in his/her office.

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