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Facts & Figures for June 12, 2011 Attendance (119 and 120)...................................310 Sunday School.........130 General Fund Receipts......................$8,450.00 Capital Fund Receipts...............................$1,438.00 Loose Offering/Sunday School........$1,159.75 Non-Budget Funds Receipts.........$5,466.23 2011 Facts & Figures as of April 30, 2011 YTD Budget Receipts...........$173,410.89 YTD Budget Expenses..........$171,462.04 Net Receipts over Expenses..........$1,948.85
Presented by Kay Smith, Treasurer,

The Stillwater Christian

Volume 2011 In This Issue
Announcements A Note From Don Birthdays & Anniversaries 1 2 2

June 14

Vision Team Drafting New Vision Statement

The Vision Team asks everyone to review the following vision statement and respond with your thoughts on this particular version as well. Send responses to

Time to Order Your Coffee! Order forms may be picked up from the church office. They are due by 6/21. Questions? Call Jack Stout

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Of Stillwater, OK, Inc. 411 W. Mathews Ave. Stillwater, OK 74075-7517


Do you have email? Switch to the email version of the newsletter! More timely delivery (get it by Wednesday!) In color Saves the church money Saves paper Just let the office know youd like to make the switch and well take care of it!
The Stillwater Christian is a weekly publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The deadline for articles each week is 1pm Monday. Tracy Freeman, Editor Church Office Phone: 405.372.7722 Fax: 405.372.7726 Find The Stillwater Christian and more information at

First Christian Church is a community of faith intent on changing the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Together in this community, we journey with one another on the road of faith helping each other to build relationships with God. To this end, we have a strong Children & Youth 3 WORSHIP life and commit ourselves to gathering weekly for the purpose of worshipFacts & Figures 4 ping God as a community of faith. Our worship is engaging to people with many different backgrounds and is the heartbeat of our community. We are known in our community and other places for our excellent worship. Our worship sets the tone for further strengthening of our relationship with God by our commitment to deep CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY. As a community, we provide many opportunities to express, share, teach, and learn the faith. Together in this community, we journey with one another on the road of faith by building relationships with one another. We share many opportunities for us to enjoy each other as Christian companions in shared life together. We FELLOWSHIP with one another, sharing our lives together and responding to each others' needs and concerns, as well as rejoicing with one another at accomplishments and celebrations. Together in this community, we journey with one another on the road of faith by building relationships within the community. We REACH OUT beyond our own community into Stillwater, Oklahoma, the United States and around the world. We strive to strengthen our existing relationships with people and other organizations and develop new relationships so that we can more effectively use our resources to change the world. We provide multiple opportunities for our members and friends to engage in service locally and away from home as well as opportunities to contribute to efforts beyond our ability to be present. We encourage our members and friends to develop strong and faithful relationships. Nancy Trench and Candy Michalski will be leading the youth in making prayer beads. We need 3,000 beads! If you have some beads or old jewelry that we can take apart, we'd love to take them off your hands! We'll accept any beads, except plastic, because we want them to be special. Please drop them off at the church office, or contact Candy Michalski at 372-7286, 747-1761 or Thanks so much! JuBELLation Ringers is offering a Handbell Basics class for anyone over age 12! The classes are Tuesday, July 5 and July 12 from 7:00-8:30 pm. To register, please contact Nancy Crenshaw by June 30th.

Mission Camp 2011, Needs Beads

JuBELLation Ringers Offer Handbell Basics Classes

Our Condolences To Girod Family Raymond Girod passed away on Tuesday, June 7, 2011. His family had a reception to celebrate his life on Friday, June 10th at FCC.
Join us this Sunday for Don Gibsons Message; The Crossroads of Vested Interests based on 1 Sam 3:1-10 and Matt 23:1-11 Traditional 9:00am Sunday School 10:10 Contemporary 11:10

Send prayer requests and general email to

A Note From Don

Don E. Gibson, Interim Associate Minister It was June, 1953, after my freshman year at Oklahoma A&M, that I went home to work in a filling station. I was seriously considering becoming a minister. Now, it is 59 years later and 53 of those years have been spent as an ordained minister. I have a wealth of fabulous experiences, terrific friendships, painful disappointments, and have been through total transformation about my understanding of ministry and the church. There is a new language the emerging church- being used to speculate about how the church of the future will look and operate. This speculation typically begins with what I call institutional anxiety. Whats going to happen to First Christian Church of Stillwater? It is my perception that congregations driven by institutional anxiety are the least likely to survive. Rather, congregations with a missional orientation are most likely to thrive. But that logo, missional orientation can mean a variety of things. Be clear! Missional orientation does not begin with How can we get more people to come to worship at our place? Missional orientation begins with asking, How can we be responsive in helping people in the world experience personal transformation within themselves and bring social transformation within society? The bottom line in missional orientation is not what happens to/within the institutional church; but what happens that brings transformation in the world. The missional orientation does not happen in typical conversations of the committee meetings in our churches. Mission orientation begins when we step outside our comfort zone and go into the world to listen. To listen to what I call the cry of wounded people. The great story of Hebrew slaves being liberated from Pharaohs whip begins when God hears their cry. God hears the cry and sends Moses to do something about it. Thats the model for missional orientation. If we immerse ourselves in the crying world, most likely God will speak to us and call us into mission. Don E. Gibson
Happy Birthday to: 6/14 Linda Thomas; 6/15 Sydney Goad; 6/19 Sean Frost, Emma Gade, Russ Wright; 6/21 Scott Freeman, Ival Hesser, Cecelia McGaha, Gale Hansen Happy Anniversary to: 6/14 Tom and Nancy Stevens; 6/17 John and Earlene Leonard; 6/20 Gary and Sharon Wright


Sondra Ladd, Children/Youth Ministry Director

Childrens Worship Just a reminder Childrens Worship will be held in the youth room during the summer. Children will meet in the Sanctuary. They will return to celebrate communion with their family. Family of Faith Celebrations begins June 26th Summer is BUSY, BUSY, BUSY and that fact was once again reinforced as we were working on scheduling and planning for VBS. We decided to try something new and different and we are so excited about plans for FAMILY OF FAITH CELEBRATIONS! These celebrations are open to anyone who would typically participate in or help with VBS including: children (of course), teens, parents, grandparents and volunteers. The first celebration will take place on Sunday, June 26th. We will be meeting at Hideaway Pizza to enjoy a meal, fellowship and lesson at 5:00pm. Then, we will head to the Colvin Center Pool for recreation and more fellowship. I need all participants to register. Registration forms will be available in the church office or outside the youth office. Registrations need to be completed no later than Sunday, June 19th. There is no cost and friends are welcome to attend; just make sure all participants are registered so we will have enough food for everyone. Bring an appetite, swimsuit, and towel! We are so excited about trying something new and hope you will join in the fun. If you have any questions contact Sondra Ladd. Thank You Volunteers! Thanks so much to Kenda Baker, Amy Goad, Mitsi and Wes Andrews, Jason Young, and Jon Baker for helping out with the Girls Weekend/Guys Campout. 27 youth participated and from what I hear, everyone had an amazing time. WE LOVE SPENDING QUALITY TIME WITH OUR YOUTH AND OUR ADULT VOLUNTEERS, WHO HELP MAKE IT POSSIBLE. Mission Camp Planning Meeting - June 26th Mark your calendars for an all church volunteer meeting for Mission Camp 2011. The meeting will be held after the Contemporary Service. A light lunch will be served. 25 groups and more than 300 individuals are registered to attend Mission Camp, July 25-30. WE NEED YOUR HELP! There are numerous ways to be involved in this event. Please attend this meeting and find out how you can be a part of Mission Camp 2011 The Sequel. Youll be glad you did. Thank You Thank you to everyone for the cards, calls, and especially prayers after my surgery. All of it helped in my speedy recovery. Blessings to everyone. Ruth Maxey

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