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6th Set Case Digests for Torts 2015-2016 (Atty.

Rucel Cayetano) by: Angit, Masiga, Respicio, Solis & Douglass ®

NUISANCE Jesus and Halo Halo in San Juan, Rizal, (more popularly known as "El
Deposito" from the Spanish times), pending final outcome of Civil
1. PEDRO J. VELASCO vs. MERALCO Case No. 11078 filed by them before respondent court.

Petitioners' action below was one for declaratory relief to declare as

 FACTS: In 1948, Velasco bought from the People's Homesite and null and void as ex post facto legislation, municipal ordinance No. 89,
Housing Corporation three (3) adjoining lots situated at the corner of as amended, of respondent Municipality of San Juan, prohibiting
South D and South 6 Streets, Diliman, Quezon City. He sold two (2) of squatting on public property and providing a penalty therefor, under
these to Meralco and maintained the last one as his residence. which ordinance, petitioners claimed, respondents were summarily
demolishing and removing their houses and improvements.
In 1953, Meralco constructed on their lots a sub-station at a distance
of 10-20 meters away from Velasco’s house without prior building Petitioners raise as issues also the issue of validity and
permit or authority from the Public Service Commission. The company constitutionality of municipal ordinance No. 89-Amended as
also built a concrete wall at the sides along the streets but put up only questioned by them in their action below, and whether respondent
an interlink wire fence (previously a sawale wall) on the boundary with Engineer may remove or demolish their houses without a special court
appellant. An unceasing sound emanates from the substation, caused demolition order under said challenged ordinance; and furthermore,
by transformers. Such, Velasco contends, constitute a nuisance which "whether the filing of the petition for compulsory registration in LRC
has worsened his health condition and has lowered the value of his Cad. Case No. N-6, LRC Cad. Rec. No. N-511 which placed in issue
property. Several witnesses came forth but their testimonies were the status of the land as demanded for reasons of public interest
vague and imprecise. Resort was made to a sound level meter. The where the houses and other improvements of the petitioners as
audible sound from different areas in Velaso’s property was measured claimants in the cadastral proceeding are found, precludes the
in terms of decibels. It was found that the sound exceeded the average enforcement of municipal ordinance No. 89-Amd."
intensity levels of residences.
The comment of the therein respondent Metropolitan Waterworks and
ISSUE: Can there be a nuisance caused by noise or sound? YES Sewerage System, asserting its ownership of the property since its
survey in 1910 as conducted for the Metropolitan Water District and
HELD: The general rule is that everyone is bound to bear the habitual approved by the Director of Lands said therein that within the property
or customary inconveniences that result from the proximity of others, which had been declared for taxation purposes in the name of the old
and so long as this level is not surpassed, he may not complain Metropolitan Water District (with a total area of 132,597 square
against them. But if the prejudice exceeds the inconveniences that meters, of which 14,138 square meters are used for public roads) 6 are
such proximity habitually brings, the neighbor who causes such "aqueducts and an underground reservoir", and that its predecessor-
disturbance is held responsible for the resulting damage,  1 being guilty in-interest (Nawasa) had sold a portion (16,409 sq. meters) of the
of causing nuisance. property to the Municipality of San Juan (on which are constructed the
municipality's elementary school, home economics building and
gymnasium), leased a portion thereof (4,102 sq. meters) for the
A noise may constitute an actionable nuisance, but it must be a noise municipality's public high school, and "leased some lots to those who
which affects injuriously the health or comfort of ordinary people in the have squatted on the said property." 50,000 square meters or five
vicinity to an unreasonable extent. The test is whether rights of hectares of the property were likewise leased by the Nawasa to the
property of health or of comfort are so injuriously affected by the noise Pinaglabanan Commemorative Commission (created by Executive
in question that the sufferer is subjected to a loss which goes beyond Order No. 263 of the President of the Philippines dated August 15,
the reasonable limit imposed upon him by the condition of living, or of 1957) 7 for a 99-year period from August 21, 1963 for the site of the
holding property, in a particular locality in fact devoted to uses which national shrine to commemorate the "Battle of Pinaglabanan" on
involve the emission of noise although ordinary care is taken to confine August 28 and 29, 1896 between the Katipunan revolutionaries and
it within reasonable bounds; or in the vicinity of property of another the Spanish garrison defending the gunpowder dump (called the
owner who though creating a noise is acting with reasonable regard "polvorin") in San Juan, Rizal. Final entry of the dismissal order of
for the rights of those affected by it.  December 16, 1971 was made as of June 12, 1972. Hence, it is quite
clear that as of now, there exist no proceedings, cadastral or
In Kentucky & West Virginia Power Co. v. Anderson provides: otherwise, questioning the public character of the land and asserting
petitioners' alleged claims of ownership thereto.
The determinating factor when noise alone is the cause of complaint is RULING:
not its intensity or volume. It is that the noise is of such character as to On the main issue at bar, the Court is satisfied that by no means may
produce actual physical discomfort and annoyance to a person of respondent court be said to have exceeded its authority or gravely
ordinary sensibilities, rendering adjacent property less comfortable and abused its discretion in issuing its questioned orders denying
valuable. If the noise does that it can well be said to be substantial and petitioners' motion below for a writ of preliminary injunction allegedly
unreasonable in degree; and reasonableness is a question of fact "to maintain the status quo" and stay demolition and removal of their
dependent upon all the circumstances and conditions. illegal constructions found to be public nuisances per se and serious
hazards to public health, 8 by virtue of the following principal
Thus the impartial and objective evidence points to the sound emitted considerations:
by the Meralco's substation transformers being of much higher level
than the ambient sound of the locality. The conclusion must be that,
the noise continuously emitted, day and night, constitutes an Petitioners' lack of right to the injunction sought by them was further
actionable nuisance for which the Velasco is entitled to relief, by shown in the Court of Appeals' decision of February 4, 1969, where it
requiring the Meralco company to adopt the necessary measures to noted that "their very evidence, their documentary proof, would justify
deaden or reduce the sound at the Velasco’s house, by replacing the that their houses were built upon land of the Metropolitan Water
interlink wire fence with a partition made of sound absorbent material, District, that is to say, of the Philippine Government, therefore, such
since the relocation of the substation is manifestly impracticable and tax declarations of petitioners' houses themselves are the best proof of
would be prejudicial to the customers of the Electric Company who are their admission that their possession of the lands they occupy was not
being serviced from the substation. and could not be adverse" 14 and that "their shanties pose a veritable
danger to public health." 15
In Kentucky case, the average of three readings along the plaintiff's
fence was only 44 decibels but, because the sound from the sub- xxx
station was interminable and monotonous, the court authorized an
injunction and damages. In the present case, the three readings along
the property line are 52, 54 and 55 decibels. Thus, Velasco's case is 5. No error, much less abuse of authority or discretion, could be
manifestly stronger. attributed to respondent court's statements and reasons for denying
the injunction sought by petitioners, as per its order of March 30, 1970,
denying reconsideration, as follows:
47 SCRA 174
... The issues raised by the pleadings to determine whether or
FACTS: Petitioners filed on April 15, 1970 this action for certiorari and not the petitioners are entitled to a writ of preliminary
prohibition with preliminary injunction to set aside respondent court's injunction, or a status quo, in the words of the petitioners, had
questioned denying petitioners' motions for issuance of a writ of been resolved several times not only by this Court but also by
preliminary injunction to stay the demolition and removal of their the Court of Appeals, and this Court believes that insofar as
houses and structures on a parcel of public land in barrios Corazon de the same grounds are concerned, they are res judicata
“Look at the birds.  They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them.  And you are far more valuable to Him
than they are.  Matthew 6:26 1
6th Set Case Digests for Torts 2015-2016 (Atty. Rucel Cayetano) by: Angit, Masiga, Respicio, Solis & Douglass ®
xxx xxx xxx and could not be adverse” and that "their shanties pose a veritable
danger to public health."
Lastly, the Court does not lose sight of the fact that the land in
question is public land, in the sense that it is untitled. Petitioners' constructions which have been duly found to be public
However, as the government now contends, the land in nuisances per se (without provision for accumulation or disposal of
question is clothed with a public purpose to be utilized for waste matters and constructed without building permits contiguously to
public service by the government. This fact has not been and therefore liable to pollute one of the main water pipelines which
denied and as a matter of fact, the petitioners admit that the supplies potable water to the Greater Manila area) may be abated
land in question is public land. ... without judicial proceedings under our Civil Code.

6. The question of validity or unconstitutionality of municipal ordinance As stated in Sitchon vs. Aquino, the police power of the state justifies
No. 89-Amended need not be resolved in this proceeding, as it should the abatement or destruction by summary proceedings of public
first properly be submitted for resolution of the lower court in the action nuisances per se. No error, much less any abuse of discretion, grave
below. Suffice it to note that the Solicitor General appears to have or otherwise, may therefore be attributed against respondent court in
correctly stated the actual situation in that petitioners do not dispute having issued its orders denying for imperative reasons of public
the authority of the San Juan council to pass ordinances providing for health and welfare the preliminary injunction sought again by
the summary abatement of public nuisances, and that the ordinance in petitioners to allow them to continue occupying the land in question
question may not be faulted for being ex post facto in application since with their condemned constructions and structures.
it "does not seek to punish an action done which was innocent before
the passage of the same. Rather, it punishes the present and 4. SOLIS vs. PUJEDA
continuing act of unlawful occupancy of public property or properties
intended for public use." 16 At any rate, the decisive point is that
independently of the said ordinance, petitioners' constructions which FACTS: The defendant Benedicta Pujeda is the owner of a strip of
have been duly found to be public nuisances per se (without provision land in the barrio of Calibuyo, municipality of Tanza, Cavite, lying
for accumulation or disposal of waste matters and constructed without along a stream known as the estero of Calibuyo.
building permits contiguously to and therefore liable to pollute one of
the main water pipelines which supplies potable water to the Greater Prior to the institution of this action, the plaintiffs constructed a dam of
Manila area) may be abated without judicial proceedings under our stone or concrete across said stream in order to obtain water for
Civil Code. 17 irrigation purposes, and one of the wings of the dam was made to rest
upon the bank which belongs to Benedicta Pujeda. As a result of this
As stated in Sitchon vs. Aquino, 18 the police power of the state construction, not only were several square meters of land belonging to
justifies the abatement or destruction by summary proceedings of Benedicta Pujeda appropriated by the plaintiffs for purposes of
public nuisances per se. No error, much less any abuse of discretion, construction, but several hundred additional square meters lying along
grave or otherwise, may therefore be attributed against respondent the stream above the dam and belonging to her were flooded by the
court in having issued its orders denying for imperative reasons of rise of the water consequent upon the building off the dam. Believing
public health and welfare the preliminary injunction sought again by herself to be aggrieved by this, Benedicta Pujeda, with the aid of one
petitioners to allow them to continue occupying the land in question Roman Arañas, on or about July 20, 1918, made an opening in that
with their condemned constructions and structures. portion of the dam which abuts upon her property, to the extent
necessary to free the water that had accumulated upon her property.
The perforation thus effected in the dam was about 1 meter wide and 2
GUARDSON LOOD, Judge of The Court of First Instance of Rizal,
Branch VI
Thereafter the present action was instituted by the plaintiffs to restrain
Benedicta Pujeda (with whom is joined her husband Valentin Giongco)
FACTS: Petitioners occupy a public land with a total area of 132,597 and Roman Arañas from interfering with the reparation of the dam by
square meters, of which 14,138 square meters are used for public the plaintiffs, and to enjoin the same defendants from molesting the
roads and some parts are aqueducts and an underground reservoir". plaintiffs in the use of said dam in the future.

Petitioners' filed a declaratory relief to declare as null and void as ex ISSUE: WON the dam is a private nuisance.
post facto legislation, municipal ordinance No. 89 of respondent
Municipality of San Juan, prohibiting squatting on public property and
providing a penalty therefor, under which ordinance, petitioners HELD: The question whether the plaintiffs have justified the invasion
claimed, respondents were summarily demolishing and removing their by them of the rights of Benedicta Pujeda in the manner above stated,
houses and improvements. Respondent Judge denied the preliminary for it is evident that if the building of the dam by the plaintiffs was
injunction sought to stay demolition and removal of petitioners' houses unauthorized, so much of the construction as rests upon the land of
and structures. Benedicta Pujeda constitutes a private nuisance and may be lawfully
demolished or removed by her or by any person acting under her
directions. It is incumbent upon the plaintiffs to prove that they had
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioners' houses and structures are legal authority to build the dam.
nuisances per se.

In this connection it appears that when this work was first undertaken
RULING: YES. The Court is satisfied that petitioners’ illegal several years ago, the plaintiffs expected to obtain the approval of the
constructions are public nuisances per se and serious hazards to Director of Lands for the project, and at that time they promised to
public health. indemnify Benedicta Pujeda for any damaged caused to her by the
construction of the dam. However, after the work had progressed to a
Petitioners failed to show that they have even a color of title to entitle certain extent, the Director of Lands ordered its removal. Later, the
them to exercise the right of possession to the premises in question. Director of Lands proposed as a reasonable solution of the
On the other hand, the land is admittedly public land and consequently controversy that, if the plaintiffs desired to continue with the
the petitioners have no right to possession thereof. construction of the dam, they should within thirty days deposit with the
Bureau of Lands the sum of P371.68 to cover the damage that would
The Court does not lose sight of the fact that the land in question is probably be done to Benedicta Pujeda. This deposit was apparently
public land, in the sense that it is untitled. However, as the government made. Still later, upon further protest from Benedicta Pujeda, security
now contends, the land in question is clothed with a public purpose to was given by bond to the extent of P1,000. The Director of Lands
be utilized for public service by the government. This fact has not been having thus, inferentially at least, approved the project under the
denied and as a matter of fact, the petitioners admit that the land in conditions stated, the plaintiffs proceeded with the construction, and
question is public land. reliance is now placed by them upon the authority thus granted by the
Director of Lands as sufficient justification for their continuing the work.

Petitioners' very evidence, their documentary proof, would justify that

their houses were built upon land of the Metropolitan Water District, Assuming, as we do, that the Director of Lands intended, by the
that is to say, of the Philippine Government, therefore, such tax communications referred to in the decision of the trial judge, to
declarations of petitioners' houses themselves are the best proof of authorized the undertaking referred to, we are nevertheless of the
their admission that their possession of the lands they occupy was not opinion that under the facts appearing of record he had no power to
confer such authority.

“Look at the birds.  They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them.  And you are far more valuable to Him
than they are.  Matthew 6:26 2
6th Set Case Digests for Torts 2015-2016 (Atty. Rucel Cayetano) by: Angit, Masiga, Respicio, Solis & Douglass ®
By article 143 of the Law of Waters, an easement of buttress can be City of Manila, restricts the kinds of business, buildings and
imposed by administrative authority with respect to land lying adjacent establishments that may be built on commercial zones and the
to public or private waters; but in such case it is required that an enumeration of permitted activities includes "6. Garage and gasoline
investigation of record shall be made before the easement of buttress service stations". A body building shop is not within the purview of
is decreed. "garage", which designates a shop for storing, repairing and servicing
motor vehicles, being merely a modern substitute for the ancient livery
For the purposes of this decision it may be taken for granted that the stable.
Bureau of Lands is the proper repository of the administrative authority
conferred in said article with respect to the decreeing of the easement It is clear that the business of Ramcar, Inc. is not a mere garage or
in case of public waters, and the Director of Lands may be assumed to automobile repair and painting shop, within the contemplation of
be the proper official to conduct the investigation and make the Section 5 of the City Ordinances. Besides the usual services of vehicle
appropriate order. Nevertheless, the making of the investigation of storage, of supplying gas, and of making repairs, the shop also
record is an essential prerequisite to the exercise of the power. This assembles and rebuilds car and truck bodies which require more than
implies that the interest parties shall have an opportunity to be heard ordinary labor and skill and involves the use of tools and machinery
and that record be made of the proof adduced with reference to the with the concomitant noise created by the use of those tools and
proposed servitude and the damage to result therefrom. These machines. While repair work may be considered as a necessary
formalities are essential; otherwise the decreeing of the servitude incident of a garage or gasoline service station for purposes of
would be obnoxious to the constitutional provision which forbids the goodwill when they involve minor repairs, body assembling or
taking of property without due process of law. The administrative rebuilding certainly makes such kind of business more than a mere
investigation contemplated in article 143 of the Law of Waters must garage and gas service station and, for zonification purposes, should
proceed along the lines of a judicial inquiry, at least to the extent of not be confused with and must be separated from a garage or gas
giving the parties an opportunity to be heard and making record of the service business.
proof pertinent to their respective contentions.
(2) The award of damages arising from a nuisance is enshrined under
In the case now before us no investigation of record was made. About the NCC:
all that appears to have been done was that the watermaster, as
representative of the Director of Lands, inspected the site of the dam ART. 697. The abatement of a nuisance does not preclude
and recommended that it be removed, reporting that it had been a the right of any person injured to recover damages for its
failure. The letters referred to by the court as constituting a license past existence.;
from the Director of Lands to the plaintiffs to proceed with the work,
under the conditions already stated, show a praiseworthy effort on the
part of that official to adjust the controversy upon a fair basis, but they and, in the general provisions on Damages, the same Code states:
afford no legal warrant for the plaintiffs to proceed with the
construction of the dam. ART. 2196. The rules under this Title are without prejudice to
special provisions on damages formulated elsewhere in this
It appears that the land owned by Benedicta Pujeda is of the class Code . . .
known as friar lands; and his Honor, the trial judge, seems to have
supposed that section 19 of Act No. 1120, referring to these lands, However, the business of the petitioner is not a nuisance per se. It is
gives the Government special authority to construct, or to authorized only on account of its location that it is a public nuisance. To abate it, it
another to construct, improvements of this character upon such lands. is not necessary, to remove all building an structures built in the place
However, we discover nothing in said provision which, when rightly where it is presently located as these, or parts thereof, may be utilized
interpreted, could be considered as conferring upon the Director of for pursuit that are not forbidden by law or ordinance.
Lands any such extraordinary power as has been here claimed.
It results that the dam in question has been constructed without 125 SCRA 830
legal authority, and the action instituted by the plaintiffs cannot
be maintained. The judgment appealed from will therefore be
reversed, and the defendants will be absolved from the FACTS: In the evening of December 13, 1971, petitioner, then Mayor
complaint. of Daet, Camarines Norte, accompanied by two uniformed policemen,
Samuel Morena and Ernesto Quibral, and six laborers, arrived in front
of the stalls along Maharlika highway, the main thoroughfare of the
Under the prayer of their cross-complaint the defendants Benedicta same town. Upon orders of petitioner, these laborers proceeded to nail
Pujeda, with her husband, Valentin Giongco, are entitled to an order, together rough lumber slabs to fence off the stalls which protruded into
which will be accordingly entered, requiring the plaintiffs within a the sidewalk of the Maharlika highway.
reasonable time to remove so much of the dam as constitutes a
burden upon the land of Benedicta Pujeda, and to the extent
necessary to avoid the flooding or her land by the obstruction of the Among the structures thus barricaded were the barbershop of Pascual
dam. In addition to this, judgment will be entered that the same Dayaon, the complaining witness and the store belonging to one
defendants recover of the plaintiffs the sum of P80, plus the further Lourdes Pia-Rebustillos. These establishments had been
sum of P6.80 for each year from April, 1915, until the obstruction recommended for closure by the Municipal Health Officer, for non-
mentioned shall have been removed, as ordered. No special compliance with certain health and sanitation requirements.
pronouncement will be made as to costs of either instance.
Thereafter, petitioner filed a complaint in the Court against Lourdes
5. RAMCAR, INC. vs. EUSEBIO S. MILLAR, ET AL Pia-Rebustillos and others for judicial abatement of their stalls.

FACTS: Petitioner Ramcar Inc., operates and maintains an auto repair Petitioner alleged that these stalls constituted public nuisances as well
and body building shop at General Luna Street, Ermita, Manila, while as nuisances per se. Petitioner contends that the sealing off of
the seven private respondents reside near or around the shop. complainant Dayaon's barbershop was done in abatement of a public
nuisance and, therefore, under lawful authority.
The nature of the corporation's activities, actually engaged in, consists Subsequently, petitioner and the two policemen, Morena and Quibral,
in repairing and building bodies of motor vehicles, and involves the were charged with the offense of grave coercion before the Municipal
use of tools and machinery that give rise to much noise and Court of Daet. As already noted, the said court exonerated the two
annoyance during all hours of the day up to nighttime; and its policemen, but convicted petitioner of the crime charged as principal
employees oftentimes work on Sundays and holidays. Respondents by inducement.
brought an action before the CFI of Manila to abate the said
establishment as a nuisance. ISSUE: Whether the barbershop did constitute a public nuisance

ISSUE: 1. WON, Ramcar’s auto repair and body-building shop is a RULING: YES
nuisance. YES; 2. WON there can be damages from nuisance. YES
Unquestionably, the barbershop in question did constitute a public
HELD: (1) It appears that Ramcar has been granted a license and nuisance as defined under Article Nos. 694 and 695 of the Civil Code,
permit to operate a garage. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 2830 of the to wit: têñ.£îhqwâ£

“Look at the birds.  They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them.  And you are far more valuable to Him
than they are.  Matthew 6:26 3
6th Set Case Digests for Torts 2015-2016 (Atty. Rucel Cayetano) by: Angit, Masiga, Respicio, Solis & Douglass ®
ART. 694. A nuisance is any act, omission, Aznar claims that when he presented his Mastercard in some
establishment, business, condition of property, or establishments in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, the same was
anything else which: not honored. And when he tried to use the same in Ingtan Tour and
(1) Injures or endangers the health or safety of Travel Agency (Ingtan Agency) in Indonesia to purchase plane tickets
others; or to Bali, it was again dishonored for the reason that his card was
(2) Annoys or offends the senses; or blacklisted by Citibank. Such dishonor forced him to buy the tickets in
(3) Shocks, defies or disregards decency or cash. He further claims that his humiliation caused by the denial of his
morality; or card was aggravated when Ingtan Agency spoke of swindlers trying to
(4) Obstructs or interferes with the free passage of use blacklisted cards. Aznar and his group returned to the Philippines
any public highway or street, or any body of water; on August 10, 1994.
(5) Hinders or impairs the use of property. On August 26, 1994, Aznar filed a complaint for damages against
Citibank, claiming that Citibank fraudulently or with gross negligence
ART. 695. Nuisance is either public or private. A blacklisted his Mastercard which forced him, his wife and
public nuisance affects a community or grandchildren to abort important tour destinations and prevented them
neighborhood or any considerable number of from buying certain items in their tour. He further claimed that he
persons, although the extent of the annoyance, suffered mental anguish, serious anxiety, wounded feelings,
danger or damage upon individuals may be besmirched reputation and social humiliation due to the wrongful
unequal A private nuisance is one that is not blacklisting of his card. To prove that Citibank blacklisted his
included in the foregoing definition. Mastercard, Aznar presented a computer print-out, denominated as
The barbershop occupied a portion of the sidewalk of the poblacion's REPORT, issued to him by Ingtan Agency (Exh. "G") with the
main thoroughfare and had been recommended for closure by the signature of one Victrina Elnado Nubi (Nubi) which shows that his card
Municipal Health Officer. In fact, the Court of First Instance of in question was "DECL OVERLIMIT" or declared over the limit.
Camarines Norte, in its decision in Civil Case No. 2257, declared said
barbershop as a nuisance per-se. Thus: Citibank denied the allegation that it blacklisted Aznar’s card. It also
contended that under the terms and conditions governing the issuance
Under the facts of the case, as well as the law in and use of its credit cards, Citibank is exempt from any liability for the
point, there is no semblance of any legality or right dishonor of its cards by any merchant affiliate, and that its liability for
that exists in favor of the defendants to build a stall any action or incident which may be brought against it in relation to the
and conduct their business in a sidewalk, especially issuance and use of its credit cards is limited to P1,000.00 or the
in a highway where it does not only constitute a actual damage proven whichever is lesser.
menace to the health of the general public passing
through the street and also of the unsanitary ISSUE: Whether or not Aznar has established his claim against
condition that is bred therein as well as the Citibank and is therefore entitled to damages.
unsightly and ugly structures in the said place.
Moreover, even if it is claimed and pretended that RULING: NO. In the complaint Aznar filed before the RTC, he claimed
there was a license, permit or toleration of the that Citibank blacklisted his Mastercard which caused its dishonor in
defendants' makeshift store and living quarters for several establishments in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia,
a number of years does not lend legality to an act particularly in Ingtan Agency in Indonesia where he was humiliated
which is a nuisance per se. Such nuisance affects when its staff insinuated that he could be a swindler trying to use a
the community or neighborhood or any blacklisted card.
considerable number of persons and the general
public which posed a danger to the people in
general passing and using that place, for in As correctly found by the RTC in its May 29, 1998 Decision, Aznar
addition, this is an annoyance to the public by the failed to prove with a preponderance of evidence that Citibank
invasion of its rights — the fact that it is in a public blacklisted his Mastercard or placed the same on the "hot list." Aznar
place and annoying to all who come within its in his testimony admitted that he had no personal knowledge that his
sphere xxx xxx xxx Mastercard was blacklisted by Citibank and only presumed such fact
from the dishonor of his card. The dishonor of Aznar’s Mastercard is
not sufficient to support a conclusion that said credit card was
But even without this judicial pronouncement, petitioner could not have blacklisted by Citibank, especially in view of Aznar’s own admission
been faulted for having fenced off said barbershop. Paragraph 3, that in other merchant establishments in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore,
Article 699 of the Civil Code authorizes the abatement of a public his Mastercard was accepted and honored.
nuisance without judicial proceedings.

Aznar puts much weight on the ON-LINE AUTHORIZATION FOREIGN

ART. 699. The remedies against a public nuisance ACCOUNT ACTIVITY REPORT, a computer print-out handed to Aznar
are: by Ingtan Agency, marked as Exh. "G", to prove that his Mastercard
[l] A prosecution under the Penal Code or any local was dishonored for being blacklisted. On said print-out appears the
ordinance; or words "DECL OVERLIMIT" however, such exhibit cannot be
[2] A civil action; or considered admissible as its authenticity and due execution were not
[3] Abatement, without judicial proceedings. sufficiently established by petitioner.

In the case at bar, petitioner, as mayor of the town, merely Aznar, who testified on the authenticity of Exh. "G," did not actually
implemented the aforesaid recommendation of the Municipal Health see the document executed or written, neither was he able to provide
Officer. Having then acted in good faith in the performance of his duty, evidence on the genuineness of the signature or handwriting of Nubi,
petitioner incurred no criminal liability. who handed to him said computer print-out. Indeed, Aznar failed to
demonstrate how the information reflected on the print-out was
7. EMMANUEL B. AZNAR vs. CITIBANK, N.A., (Philippines) generated and how the said information could be relied upon as true.

FACTS: Petitioner Aznar, a known businessman in Cebu, is a holder Citibank also invokes paragraph 15 of its terms and conditions which
of a Mastercard bearing number 5423-3920-0786-7012 issued by limits its liability to P1,000.00 or the actual damage proven, whichever
Citibank with a credit limit of P150,000.00. As he and his wife, Zoraida, is lesser.
planned to take their two grandchildren on an Asian tour, Aznar made
a total advance deposit of P485,000.00 with Citibank with the intention Again, such stipulation cannot be considered as valid for being
of increasing his credit limit to P635,000.00. unconscionable as it precludes payment of a larger amount even
though damage may be clearly proven. This Court is not precluded
With the use of his Mastercard, Aznar purchased plane tickets to from ruling out blind adherence to the terms of a contract if the
Kuala Lumpur and on July 17, 1994, Aznar, his wife and grandchildren attendant facts and circumstances show that they should be ignored
left Cebu for the said destination. for being obviously too one-sided.56

“Look at the birds.  They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them.  And you are far more valuable to Him
than they are.  Matthew 6:26 4
6th Set Case Digests for Torts 2015-2016 (Atty. Rucel Cayetano) by: Angit, Masiga, Respicio, Solis & Douglass ®
The invalidity of the terms and conditions being invoked by Citibank, Tan admitted to petitioners that he had transferred the titles to the lots
notwithstanding, the Court still cannot award damages in favor of in his name and that he had mortgaged the lots and turned over his
petitioner. certificates of title to respondent corporation. Petitioner Jesus Robleza
demanded confirmation of that information and so he and Elpidio Tan
It is settled that in order that a plaintiff may maintain an action for the proceeded to the office of respondent corporation in Bacolod City. That
injuries of which he complains, he must establish that such injuries was sometime before February 5, 1980. True enough, as confirmed by
resulted from a breach of duty which the defendant owed to the Romeo Uy, the general manager of respondent corporation, petitioner
plaintiff – a concurrence of injury to the plaintiff and legal responsibility found out that the two lots were used as collaterals and that the
by the person causing it. The underlying basis for the award of tort certificates of title were in the possession of the private respondent.
damages is the premise that an individual was injured in contemplation Apprised of the true facts on the status of the said two lots and the
of law; thus there must first be a breach before damages may be non-payment of the purchase price by the Tan spouses, said general
awarded and the breach of such duty should be the proximate cause manager of respondent corporation refused to return the certificates of
of the injury. title but signified his willingness to accept other collaterals provided a
partial payment of fifty thousand pesos (P 50,000.00) would first be
made by Elpedio Tan. 
It is not enough that one merely suffered sleepless nights, mental
anguish or serious anxiety as a result of the actuations of the other
party. It is also required that a culpable act or omission was factually For failure of the Tans to pay their outstanding obligation to private
established, that proof that the wrongful act or omission of the respondent, the mortgage on the two lots was foreclosed and the
defendant is shown as the proximate cause of the damage sustained same were sold on June 17, 1981 to respondent corporation in a
by the claimant and that the case is predicated on any of the instances public auction sale conducted by the City Sheriff of General Santos
expressed or envisioned by Arts. 2219 and 2220 of the Civil Code. City.

In culpa contractual or breach of contract, moral damages are Robleza for the nullification of the aforesaid deed of sale for want of
recoverable only if the defendant has acted fraudulently or in bad faith, consideration and for the cancellation of the transfer certificates of title
or is found guilty of gross negligence amounting to bad faith, or in issued to private respondent. Petitioners claim that they have always
wanton disregard of his contractual obligations. The breach must be been in possession of the subject property, that neither the Tan
wanton, reckless, malicious or in bad faith, oppressive or abusive. spouses nor private respondent ever took possession thereof and that
respondent corporation acted in bad faith.

While the Court commiserates with Aznar for whatever undue

embarrassment he suffered when his credit card was dishonored by ISSUE: WON respondents acted in bad faith making petitioners
Ingtan Agency, especially when the agency’s personnel insinuated entitled to damages.
that he could be a swindler trying to use blacklisted cards, the Court
cannot grant his present petition as he failed to show by HELD: Yes.
preponderance of evidence that Citibank breached any obligation that
would make it answerable for said suffering. It may be true that, when the mortgage was constituted, respondent
corporation could have had the right to rely on the veracity of Tan's
As the Court pronounced in BPI Express Card Corporation v. Court of claims respecting his legitimate use of said titles therefor. However, it
Appeals: is uncontradicted that long before the foreclosure proceedings, there
occurred two events erosive of any pretension of good faith by private
We do not dispute the findings of the lower court that private respondent. Firstly, when a lawyer of respondent corporation went to
respondent suffered damages as a result of the cancellation of his General Santos City for the purpose of fencing the land, he was
credit card. However, there is a material distinction between damages prevented from doing so and was, instead, informed by petitioners
and injury. Injury is the illegal invasion of a legal right; damage is the about the non-payment by the Tan spouses of the purchase price and
loss, hurt, or harm which results from the injury; and damages are the given xerox copies of the bouncing checks of Elpedio Tan. Secondly,
recompense or compensation awarded for the damage suffered. Thus, when petitioner Jesus Robleza thereafter went to Bacolod City, he fully
there can be damage without injury to those instances in which the informed the manager of respondent corporation of what transpired
loss or harm was not the result of a violation of a legal duty. In such during the first incident and of the fraud which Tan had perpetrated on
cases, the consequences must be borne by the injured person alone, petitioners, which actuations of petitioner were later confirmed by the
the law affords no remedy for damages resulting from an act which latter and by Tan . 
does not amount to a legal injury or wrong. These situations are often
called damnum absque injuria. Thus, as early as the time when respondent corporation's lawyer went
to see the property, bad faith had set in since, in that posture, it was
8. ROBLEZA VS CA incumbent upon respondent corporation to initiate the proper legal
remedies for the protection of its supposed alleged rights. Its failure to
do so is strongly indicative of bad faith for, if it really believed that it
FACTS: It appears that on June 24, 1979, in General Santos City, had every right to the possession of the land as a mortgagee, it would
petitioner Julita A. Robleza, with the consent of her husband, petitioner not have treated the matter so lightly and with indifference. Its
Jesus Robleza, sold a parcel of land to spouses Elpedio and Marianne unexplained silence may be deemed a recognition and an admission
Tan. on its part that petitioners are the true owners of the subject lots. The
categorical refusal of petitioners to surrender possession of the land
At present, this lot is covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T- and their unequivocal declaration that they are the true owners thereof,
19727 in the name of respondent corporation.  made in the presence and within the observation of private
respondent's agents who did or said nothing when the act or
declaration is such as naturally to call for action or comment if not true,
For said purpose, petitioners executed a deed of absolute sale in favor may be given in evidence against respondent corporation  and, in this
of the Tan spouses over the lots supposedly for and in consideration of case, should be considered as evidence adverse to it.
the sum of ten thousand pesos (P l0,000.00) which was therein
acknowledged to have been allegedly paid. Incidentaly, says the
respondent court, Elpedio Tan is the baptismal godson of petitioners Respondent corporation would make capital over the initial uncertainty
and his mother was a schoolmate of petitioner Julita Robleza. In fine, of the testimonial evidence as to when petitioner Jesus Robleza went
the parents of Elpedio Tan and petitioners have known each other for to Bacolod City for the meeting hereinbefore discussed. Private
more than forty years and are close to each other.  respondent insists that said petitioner came in 1981. However, when
confronted with the aforestated deed of sale executed in favor of Jong
See on February 5, 1980 as a frame of reference, said petitioner
Petitioners, claiming that they did not receive a single centavo from the emphatically established that he visited the Bacolod office prior to
Tans and maintaining that the purchase price of ten thousand pesos February 5, 1980 . And, We have ample reason to believe petitioner's
(P l0,000.00) appearing on the face of the deed of sale was not the contention.
true purchase price, presented in evidence two checks issued by
Elpedio Tan which represented the actual stipulated price.
As earlier narrated, during the meeting in Bacolod City it was agreed
that respondent corporation would return the certificates of title to
When it became clear to petitioners that the Tan spouses did not really petitioners on the condition that Tan should first make a partial
intend to pay the agreed price of the subject lots, they demanded the payment of fifty thousand pesos (P 50,000.00). This is specifically the
return of their certificates of title. It was at this juncture that Elpedio reason why petitioner Jesus Robleza later consented and even signed

“Look at the birds.  They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them.  And you are far more valuable to Him
than they are.  Matthew 6:26 5
6th Set Case Digests for Torts 2015-2016 (Atty. Rucel Cayetano) by: Angit, Masiga, Respicio, Solis & Douglass ®
as a witness in the aborted deed of sale of one of the lots in favor of (Tolentino, supra, p. 71). Thus, anyone who,
Jong See, the very purpose of which was to raise the aforesaid whether willfully or negligently, in the exercise of his legal right or duty,
amount of fifty thousand pesos (P 50,000.00), expecting to thereby causes damage to another, shall indemnify his victim for injuries
recover at least the other lot. Also, under such circumstances, it is suffered thereby. Article 21 deals with acts contra bonus mores, and
absurd to consider petitioner's act as an implied ratification of the deed has the following elements: 1) There is an act which is legal; 2) but
of sale sought to be rescinded as private respondent would want Us to which is contrary to morals, good custom, public order, or public policy;
do. On the contrary, respondent corporation's agreeing to return the 3) and it is done with intent to injure.
titles to petitioners is an admission and an ac knowledgment of
petitioners' superior right of ownership; it is thus estopped from Thus, under any of these three (3) provisions of law, an act which
claiming otherwise. causes injury to another may be made the basis for an award of
damages.There is a common element under Articles 19 and 21, and
It is likewise uncontroverted that petitioners were and have been in that is, the act must be intentional. However, Article 20 does not
continuous and uninterrupted possession of the lot during all the time distinguish: the act may be done either "willfully", or "negligently".
that Elpedio Tan and, later, respondent corporation were holding the
supposed titles thereto. Even after its lawyer went there for the first Assuming, arguendo, that all the three (3) articles, together and not
time to fence the land, and subsequently when petitioners met with the independently of each one, could be validly made the bases for an
manager of respondent corporation, the latter never took actual award of damages based on the principle of "abuse of right", under the
possession nor did it demand transfer of possession to it. It is an circumstances, We see no cogent reason for such an award of
unusual departure from the natural course of things for respondent damages to be made in favor of private respondent.
corporation to remain silent over the adverse claims of petitioners.
Such passivity only serves to fortify the conclusion that respondent
corporation was aware of the illegality of its claim. Petitioner could not be said to have violated the aforementioned
principles. What prompted it to file a case for BP 22 was due to the
failure to collect the amount due on a bounced check which they
Based on the evidence of record the petitioners are entitled to honestly believed to have been issued by herein private respondent.
damages. It is said, however, that the law on damages is merely They conducted inquiries and discovered that the president and the
intended to repair the damage done by putting the plaintiff in the same signature on the check belonged to one Eugenio Baltao. It did not
position, as far as pecuniary compensation can do, that he would be know that there were in fact 3 people named Eugenio Baltao:
had the damage not been inflicted and the wrong not committed. Moral
damages are not intended to enrich the plaintiff; they are designed to
compensate for the actual injury suffered, not to impose a penalty on Eugenio Baltao Sr., Eugenio S. Baltao, and Eugenio Baltao III.
the wrongdoer. 
Further, when the counsel for the respondent replied to the letter of
Considering, further, that petitioners were never dispossessed of the demands, it never mentioned the fact that there are 3 persons having
subject lots, although their right of disposition and alienation thereover the same name. The other 2 Baltaos doing business in the same
was impaired, an award of fifty thousand pesos (P 50,000.00) as moral building, petitioner had every reason to believe that Eugenio Baltao is
damages, in addition to the compensatory and exemplary damages the same person. It did not even clarify the issue at first hand. It
awarded by the trial court, is deemed sufficient and reasonable. belatedly raised this issue only after the criminal case had been filed.

9. ALBENSON ENTERPRISES CORP., JESSE YAP, AND To constitute malicious prosecution, there must be proof that the
BENJAMIN MENDIONA vs. THE COURT OF APPEALS prosecution was prompted by a sinister design to vex and humiliate a
person, and that it was initiated deliberately by the defendant knowing
that his charges were false and groundless. Concededly, the mere act
Facts: herein petitioner delivered to Guaranteed Industries the mild of submitting a case to the authorities for prosecution does not make
steel plates which the latter ordered. As payment thereof, Albenson one liable for malicious prosecution.True, a civil action for damages for
was given a check drawn against the account of E.L. Woodworks. malicious prosecution is allowed under the New Civil Code, more
However, when presented for payment, the check was dishonored for specifically Articles 19, 20, 26, 29, 32, 33, 35, and 2219 (8) thereof. In
the reason that the account was closed. order that such a case can prosper, however, the following three (3)
elements must be present, to wit: (1) The fact of the prosecution and
Upon further inquiry, petitioner found out from SEC that the president the further fact that the defendant was himself the prosecutor, and that
of “Guaranteed” was Eugenio S. Baltao. And upon another inquiry the action was finally terminated with an acquittal; (2) That in bringing
from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, E.L. Woodworks was the action, the prosecutor acted without probable cause; (3) The
registered in the name of “Eugenio Baltao”. And in addition to that, prosecutor was actuated or impelled by legal malice.
upon verification with the drawee bank, Pacific Banking Corporation,
Albenson was advised that the signature appearing on the subject Thus, a party injured by the filing of a court case
check belonged to one "Eugenio Baltao." as it turns out, the manager against him, even if he is later on absolved, may
of E.L. Woodworks is the son of Eugenio S. Baltao, who is also named file a case for damages grounded either on the
Eugenio Baltao who also manages that business in the same building principle of abuse of rights, or on malicious
as private respondent. prosecution.

When the Fiscal’s office gave opportunity for Eugenio S. Baltao to In the case at bar, there is no proof of a sinister design on the part of
submit controverting evidence, it was deemed a waiver. Respondent petitioners to vex or humiliate private respondent by instituting the
claimed to have no knowledge of the complaint against him and filed a criminal case against him. While petitioners may have been negligent
motion for reinvestigation. He claimed to never have had any dealings to some extent in determining the liability of private respondent for the
with Albenson and the check was not issued by him and further, the dishonored check, the same is not so gross or reckless as to amount
said check was not his. The Provincial Fiscal reversed the findings and to bad faith warranting an award of damages.
exonerated respondent Baltao on the ground that the latter was not
notified of the complaint against him.
Furthermore, the adverse result of an action does not per se make the
act wrongful and subject the actor to the payment of moral damages.
Because of this alleged unjust filing of a criminal case, respondent The law could not have meant to impose a penalty on the right to
Baltao filed a complaint for damages. litigate, such right is so precious that moral damages may not be
charged on those who may even exercise it erroneously. And an
Issue: whether the criminal complaint can be considered as a ground adverse decision does notipso facto justify the award of attorney's fees
for damages. to the winning party.

Held: No. Article 19 of the civil code is commonly referred to as the 10. ZACARIAS OARDE and PRESENTACION MOLAR vs. COURT
principle of abuse of rights which set the standard to be observed not OF APPEALS
only in the exercise of one’s rights, but also in the performance of
one’s duties. This provision shows that even if a right is granted by Facts: the original tenant-tiller of the land was Francisco Molar who is
law, it may nevertheless become the source of some illegality. the father of Presentacion and the father-in-law of Oarde. Francisco
also had another son Basilio, the latter being the father of Rogelio. The
Article 20 speaks of the general sanction for all other provisions of law Spouses Guerrero sold to Rogelio a property some time in October
which do not especially provide for their own sanction 1987.
“Look at the birds.  They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them.  And you are far more valuable to Him
than they are.  Matthew 6:26 6
6th Set Case Digests for Torts 2015-2016 (Atty. Rucel Cayetano) by: Angit, Masiga, Respicio, Solis & Douglass ®
Oarde testified that he had been tilling the land since he was married "actual expenses" and the additional amount of P4,000.00 which they
to a daughter of Francisco on April 29, 1964. He testified that in a incurred in this appeal. Petitioners claim P10,000.00 as moral
barrio assembly in order to have a Summary List of tenant-tillers where damages for their "economic, physical and emotional sufferings" which
it was discovered that some tenants tilled properties of other people. It were the "inevitable and proximate result of their being ousted from the
was discovered that Oarde tilled 2 lots, though he alleged that he was land without any justifiable cause." They leave to the sound discretion
tilling only 1. But this information was only provided by Pedro of this Court their claim for exemplary or corrective damages. 
Cervantes, and that the survey was conducted without Zacarias.
Respondent Court denied the claims for "moral and exemplary
On the claim of plaintiff Presentacion Molar in Civil Case 7960, she damages and attorney's fees . . . for lack of legal and/or factual
alleged that she is a tenant-lessee of the land in question previously basis."We find no error in such ruling.
owned by Atty. Wilfredo Guerrero. She started tilling the land in 1965.
Before, she owned a carabao but sold it. She caused the land to be The award of attorney's fees depends upon the circumstances of each
worked on "Pakyaw" basis, hiring different persons for different work. case and lies within the discretion of the court. We scoured the records
She actually does not till the land. and, like the Court of Appeals, found no legal, factual or equitable
justification for the award of attorney's fees.
According to Zacarias Oarde who testified in behalf of Presentaction
(sic), the latter began tilling in 1968. She is not married and she only Likewise, we deny the claim for moral and exemplary damages. Aside
hires laborers to till the land. It was Francisco Molar who distributed to from the naked allegations of physical and emotional sufferings,
his children the land they are farming. Presentacion hires laborers to petitioners failed to substantiate their claims. Likewise, exemplary
prepare and plant the land. She does not actually till the land. damages are imposed not to enrich one party or impoverish another,
but to serve as a deterrent against or as a negative incentive to
On the other hand, defendants in both cases claim that plaintiffs socially deleterious actions. In this case, no harmful act can be
Presentacion Molar and Zacarias Oarde are not tenant-tillers of the attributed to the private respondents which warrants the award of
land in question. exemplary damages.

Basilio Molar, a witness for the defendants testified that Atty. Wilfredo
Guerrero owns only one parcel of land in Gotob and this was
previously farmed by his father Francisco Molar. After Francisco
Molar's death, the land was tilled by witness Basilio Molar.
Presentacion Molar and Zacarias Oarde are only helpers. From the
share of the tenant-tiller Francisco Molar, Presentacion and Zacarias
get their share.

The trial court held that Petitioners Molar and Oarde were not lawful
tenants of private respondents. As noted above, public respondent-
affirmed the trial court's ruling in regard to Petitioner Molar, bur
reversed it with respect to Petitioner Oarde. It ordered the
reinstatement of Oarde as a tenant and awarded him damages in the
sum of P5,850.00.

Before us, Petitioner Molar prays that she be declared as a lawful

tenant, and Petitioner Oarde asks that the damages awarded to him
be increased from P5,850.00 to P13,850.00. Private respondents do
not question the Decision of public respondent.

Issue: WON petitioners entitled to moral and exemplary damages as

well as attorney's fees and litigation expenses?

Held: The essential requisites of a tenancy relationship are the

following: (1) the parties are the landowner and the tenant; (2) the
subject is agricultural land; (3) there is consent; (4) the purpose is
agricultural production; (5) there is personal cultivation; and (6) there is
sharing of harvests. All these must concur to establish the juridical
relationship of tenancy. 

Markedly absent in the case of Petitioner Molar is the element of

"personal" cultivation. Both the trial court and the Court of Appeals
found that Molar herself did not actually cultivate the land, nor did her
immediate family or farm household. Instead, she hired other people to
do all phases of farm work. Even her co-petitioner testified that she did
not actually till the land and that she merely paid laborers to perform
such task.

We are not impressed by petitioner's reliance on numerous

certifications of administrative agencies that she was a tenant of Lot 1.
Assessing the evidence in hand, both lower courts concluded that
Petitioner Molar was not a tenant. The certifications issued by
administrative agencies or officers that a certain person is a tenant are
merely provisional and not conclusive on courts.

Furthermore, these documents were based merely on bare ex

parte allegations of different persons. Even worse, Molar's own
witness, Jose Neo, "an employee of DAR," testified that "he did not in
any way participate in the preparation of the document presented in

Petitioners plead that they were "dispossessed of their landholding"

and "compelled to litigate and incur expenses in the prosecution of this
suit," which entitle them to attorney's fees under Article 2208 of the
Civil Code. Further, they also pray for an award of P6,000.00 as

“Look at the birds.  They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them.  And you are far more valuable to Him
than they are.  Matthew 6:26 7

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