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Variables are factor or physical quantities whose value can

Bab 1 change or can be changed when carrying out experiments.
1.1 Pemboleh ubah Kuantiti fizik yang
1 (a) kuantiti fizik/ physical quantity dimanipulasikan nilainya berubah kerana
(b) Kuantiti asas/ base quantity Manipulated variable berlaku perubahaan
(c) asas/base; pendaraban/ multiplication; dalam pemboleh ubah
pembahagian/division dimanipulasikan sepanjang
2 m; kilogram; saat/second; K; ampere; mol/mole; cd eksperimen
Physical quantity whose
3 values change as a result of
m × m × m = m3
changes in the manipulated
kg −3
= kg m variable in an experiment.
Pemboleh ubah Kuantiti fizik yang
m s −1
= m s −2 bergerak balas ditetapkan sepanjang
Responding variable eksperimen.
kg × m s–2 = kg m s–2 (newton, N) Physical quantity that is
kept constant during an
kg m s–2 × m = kg m2s–2 (watt, W)

4 (a) (i) magnitud/ magnitude Pemboleh ubah Kuantiti fizik yang nilai-
(ii) magnitud/ magnitude; arah/ direction. dimalarkan nilai dipilih sebelum
(b) skalar/ scalar; arah/ direction. Constant variable menjalankan eksperimen.
5 Physical quantity whose
Set A Set B values are chosen before
performing an experiment.
Jisim/Mass •

Frekuensi/Frequency •
Eksperimen 1.1
Kuasa/Power • • Kuantiti asas
Base quantities Penyataan masalah/ Problem statement:
Daya/Force • perlahan; tempoh ayunan/ slower; period of oscillation
• Kuanti terbitan skalar
Keamatan cahaya • Derived scalar quantities Inferens/ Inference:
Luminous intensity Tempoh; panjangnya/ Period; length.
• Kuantiti terbitan vektor
Ketumpatan/Density • Derived vector quantities Hipotesis/ Hypothesis:
bertambah; bertambah/ increases; increases.
Halaju/Velocity •
Pemboleh ubah/ Variables:
Tekanan/Pressure • (a) panjang bandul/ length of pendulum, l
(b) tempoh ayunan/ period of oscillation, T
(c) jisim ladung/ mass of bob, m
6 (a) Jisim, masa dan jarak/ Mass, time and distance.
(b) Daya, halaju, pecutan, kerja dan tenaga/ Force, Perbincangan/ Discussion:
velocity, acceleration, work and energy. 1 positif/ positive
2 garis lurus/ straight line
1 Pemboleh ubah ialah faktor atau kuantiti fizik Kesimpulan/ Conclusion:
yang boleh berubah atau diubah nilainya semasa 1 tempoh ayunan/ period of oscillation
menjalankan eksperimen. 2 berkadar terus/ directly proportional

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2019 J1 Excel in Fizik KSSM Tingkatan 4
Langkah-langkah berjaga/ Precautions: (ii) 318.4 kg s2
1 kecil/ small 2 satu/ one (iii) m = 0.125 kg
3 sama/ same −2 kg m s −2
(iv) kg s =
3 2 m, 23, Luas/Area, 23 × 2 m, 46 m m
4 (a) 3.90 s2 m–1 (b) 10.1 m s–2 N
(c) T = 1.16 s (d) l = 78.0 cm m
= N m−1 (N = kg m s−2 )
Praktis Pentaksiran 1
6 (a) (i) Daya/ Force, F
Soalan Aneka Pilihan (ii) Pecutan/ Acceleration, a
1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 B (iii) Jisim troli/ Mass of trolley, m
6 A 7 B 8 D 9 B 10 A (b) a berkadar terus dengan F.
11 C 12 C 13 A 14 D 15 B a is directly proportional to F.
(c) (i) 1.04 m s–2
Soalan Struktur (ii) 3.2 N
1 (a) Kuantiti vektor: Daya, F/ Vector quantity: Force, F (d) (i) 0.83 m s–2 N–1
Kuantiti skalar: Jisim, m1/ Scalar quantity: Mass, m1 (ii) m = 1.2 kg
(b) Unit asas bagi m1 dan m2 / Base unit for m1 and m2
Genius KBAT
= kg
(a) Sama/Equal
Unit asas bagi r/ Base unit for r = m
(b) (i) tXY > tYZ
Unit asas F/ Base unit for F = kg m s–2
(ii) Kerana panjang tali bandul lOX bagi ayunan
F= dari X ke Y adalah dua kali ganda panjang
r2 berkesan tali bandul lRZ bagi ayunan dari Y
Fr 2 ke Z.
m1m 2 Because the length of pendulum string lOX for
oscillation from X to Y is twice the effective
kg m s−2 × m × m length of pendulum string lRZ for oscillation from
G= = kg −1 m3 s−2
kg × kg Y to Z.

m s −1 (c) 2
2 (a) (i) unit = = m s −2
Bab 2
(ii) unit = kg × m s–2 × m = kg m2 s–2
kg m2s −2 2.1
(iii) unit = = kg m2 s −3 1 garis lurus/ straight line.
(b) (i) m s–1 (unit sama dengan v dan u/ same unit as 2 panjang lintasan/ length of the path
v and u) 3 jarak terdekat/ shortest path
(ii) Unit untuk/ Unit for f = m s–2 4 (a) 13 m (b) 11 m
(iii) Pecutan/ Acceleration (c) 82 m (d) 17 m
3 Frekuensi ditakrifkan sebagai bilangan gerakan berulang 5 Jumlah jarak dilalui/ Total distance travelled
atau getaran sesaat. Masa diambil/ Time taaken
Frequency is defined as number of repeated motion or
vibration per second. Sesaran/ Displacement
1 Masa diambil/ Time taken
Unit = (kerana gerakan berulang tiada unit./since
s 7 vektor/ vector
number of repeated motions has no unit) 8 Laju/ Speed = 0.80 m s−1
= s–1 Halaju/ Velocity = 0.4 m s−1 dalam arah/ in the direction
4 Unit = kg m2 s–1 of U 30O T
5 (a) Bilangan ayunan sesaat. 9 5.0 m s−2
Number of oscillations per second. 10 (a) 5
(b) (i) 1
Graf melawan f 2 (b) halaju seragam/ uniform velocity
(kg )
–1 m
m 1 against f 2
Graph of m (c) jarak; jauh/ distance; further
11 Nyahpecutan diikuti dengan halaju seragam
10 Deceleration followed by uniform velocity
8 12 (a) bertambah/ increases (b) bertambah/ increases
(c) seragam/ uniform
13 (a) 5 m s−2 (b) 2 m s−2
4 14 1.55 m s −1

2 2.2
1 halaju seragam/ uniform velocity
0 f 2(Hz2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2 pecutan seragam/ uniform acceleration
3 halaju/ velocity
(ii) f 2 berkadar songsang dengan m. 4 pecutan/ acceleration
f 2 is inversely proportional to m. 5 pegun/ stationary
(c) (i) 0.124 s2 kg–1 6 halaju seragam/ uniform velocity

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2019 J2 Excel in Fizik KSSM Tingkatan 4
7 kembali/ returns Pemboleh ubah/variables:
8 berhenti/ stops Dimanipulasi: Jisim plastisin, m
9 Negatif; kiri/ Negative; left Manipulated: Mass of plasticine, m
10 nyahpecutan/ deceleration Bergerak balas: Inersia (diwakili oleh tempoh ayunan, T)
11 tiada makna/ no significance Responding: Inertia (represented by the period of
12 jarak yang dilalui/ distance travelled oscillation, T)
13 (a) selatan; lebih/ south; more Dimalarkan: Kekerasan bilah gergaji; jarak dari pusat
(b) (i) 2 m s−2 (ii) 5.2 m s−1 plastisin ke pengapit-G
(iii) –1.2 m s−1 ke arah utara/ to the north Constant: The stiffness of hacksaw blade; the distance from
2.3 the centre of the plasticine to G-clamp
1 (a) bertambah; halaju; pecutan Definisi secara operasi
increases; velocity; acceleration lama; tempoh ayunan
(b) sama; sama Operational definition
same; same longer; the period
(c) (i) pecutan graviti/ gravitational acceleration Perbincangan/ Discussion
(ii) jisim/ mass 1 titik tengah/ centre
2 tarikan graviti/ gravitational pull 2 T’; menegak/ vertical
3 rintangan udara; geseran Kesimpulan/ Conclusion
air resistance; friction bertambah; benar
4 (a) lebih; kecil; lama increases; valid
more; smaller; longer
Eksperimen 2.3
(b) sama/ same
5 g Pemerhatian/ Observation
tidak berubah/ does not change
Eksperimen 2.1 Kesimpulan/ Conclusion
tidak mempengaruhi; angkasa lepas
Keputusan/ Result
does not affect; outer space
g = 9.8 m s−2
12 (a) berat; ditumbangkan
Perbincangan/ Discussion heavy; to be toppled
1 sama; tidak dipengaruhi (b) berliku-liku; mengubah
same; not affected zigzag; change
2 kurang; tidak jatuh 13 (a) mengelakkan; terhumban
less; do not fall prevent; lurching forward
(a) rintangan udara/ air resistance (b) mengembang; mencegah
(b) geseran/ friction expand; prevents
Kesimpulan/Conclusion (c) mencegah/ prevent
9.8 m s−2 (d) bahagian kecil/ smaller portions
6 (a) 33.8 m (b) ± 18.4 m s−1 (e) ketat; terjatuh; terhumban
7 9.72 m s−2 firmly; falling off; lurching
1 (a) laju/ faster (b) besar/ greater
1 kecenderungan; mengekalkan (c) dalam; besar/ deeper; larger
tendency; preserve (d) jisim; laju; kesan/ mass; speed; effect
2 (a) mengekalkan kedudukan pegunnya/ maintain its (e) hasil darab/ product; p = mv
stationary position 2 Jumlah; daya luar/ total; external force
(b) ingin mengekalkan/ wants to maintain 3 sebelum perlanggaran; selepas perlanggaran/ before
3 pegun; bergerak; daya luar; paduan collision; after collision
stationary; move; external force; net 4 sifar; sifar/ zero; zero
4 (a) memulakan gerakan/ start moving 5 (a) tidak bercantum/ do not combine
(b) laju; perlahan; arah (b) m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
faster; slower; direction (c) kinetik/ Kinetic
5 mengekalkan/ maintains 6 (a) bercantum/ combined
6 mula bergerak; belakang (b) m1u1 + m2u2 = (m1 + m2)v
starts to move; backwards (c) kinetik/ kinetic energy
7 ke hadapan/ forward 7 jumlah tenaga/ total energy
8 hadapan/ forward 8 menyedut udara/ draw air
9 (a) sukar/ harder (b) sukar/ harder (a) cecair hidrogen; cecair oksigen/ liquid hydrogen;
(c) tentangan/ resistance liquid oxygen
10 inersia/ inertia (b) kebuk pembakaran/ combustion chamber
11 sifat jisim/ property of mass (c) kebuk pembakaran pada tekanan tinggi
combustion chamber at high pressure
Eksperimen 2.2 (d) bahan api kerosin/ kerosene fuel
(e) halaju yang amat tinggi/ very high velocity
(f) belakang/ backward
Semakin besar jisim, semakin besar inersianya.
(g) Prinsip Keabadian Momentum; hadapan/ Principle
The greater the mass, the greater its inertia.
of Conservation of Momentum; forward

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2019 J3 Excel in Fizik KSSM Tingkatan 4
2.6 3 (a) Jumlah bahan/ Amount of matter
1 perubahan momentum/ change in momentum (b) Daya graviti/ Force of gravity
2 keadaan gerakan/ state of motion (c) tidak berubah/ does not change
(a) pegun/ stationary (b) menghentikan/ stop (d) Berubah/ Varies
(c) mengubah/ change
3 geseran/ friction Praktis Pentaksiran 2
4 unit daya/ unit of force
5 unit jisim/ unit of mass Soalan Aneka Pilihan
6 Pecutan berkadar terus dengan daya apabila jisim 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 A
dimalarkan. 6 C 7 D 8 D 9 C 10 D
Acceleration is directly proportional to the force applied 11 B 12 A 13 B 14 C 15 B
when the mass is constant. 16 C 17 D 18 D 19 C 20 C
7 Pecutan berkadar songsang dengan jisim apabila daya 21 D 22 B 23 C 24 B 25 A
dimalarkan. 26 D 27 C 28 C 29 A 30 C
Acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass when the 31 C 32 C
force applied is constant.
Soalan Struktur
8 Hukum Gerakan Newton Kedua/ Newton’s Second Law
of Motion 1 (a) 6.4 m (b) −1.2 m
9 Fpaduan atau Fbersih/ Fnet = 0 2 (a) v (m s–1)
10 (a) kekal pegun/ at rest
(b) laju malar/ constant speed
1 perubahan momentum/ change in momentum:
N s atau/or kg m s−1
t (s)
2 kadar perubahan momentum/ rate of change in 5 10
momentum; N
3 hasil darab/ product (b) (i) 10 m s−1 (ii) 30 m s−1
4 kadar perubahan mementum; selang masa/ rate of (iii) 125 m
change in momentum; time interval 3 (a) (i) T1 = T0 (ii) T2 = T0
5 yang sama/ same (iii) Tempoh ayunan neraca inersia tidak
6 (a) Menyepak bola sepak, memukul bola besbol, bergantung kepada kekuatan medan graviti.
memukul bola golf. The period of oscillation of an inertia balance
Kicking a football, hitting a baseball, driving a golf ball. does not depend on gravitational field strength.
(b) Tukul mengetuk paku/Hammer hitting a nail. (b) (i) Graf T melawan m
Graph T against m
T (s)
(c) Pelantak cerucuk menghentak cerucuk.
Pile driver drives the pile
(d) Ahli karate mematahkan papan kayu tebal. 1.4
Karate expert breaking thick wooden board.
(e) Alu melumutkan cili dan bawang dalam lesung 1.2
Pestle pounding chillies and onions in mortar 1.0
(f) Tali pinggang dan beg udara dalam kenderaan.
Seat belt and airbag in vehicles 0.8
(g) Melindungi telur dengan bekas telur yang boleh
dimampatkan. 0.6
Protect eggs using egg container which is
compressible 0.4
(h) Tilam tebal dengan permukaan lembut digunakan
dalam acara lompat galah. 0.2
Thick mattress with soft surface used in pole vault event.
(i) Sarung tangan besbol. 0 m (kg)
10 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Baseball gloves.
(j) Pemain besbol menggerakkan tangannya ke
belakang semasa menangkap besbol. (ii) Apabila jisim bertambah, tempoh ayunan
Baseball player withdraws his hand backwards when turut bertambah.
catching baseball. As mass increases, period of oscillation
7 −5.4 kg m s−1 increases.
8 900 N (iii) 2.3 kg
(iv) Boleh/Yes
2.8 4 (a) Tidak benar. Kedua-dua akan jatuh dengan
1 daya graviti; daya graviti per kilogram/ gravitational pecutan yang sama kerana pecutan graviti tidak
force; gravitational force per kilogram bergantung pada jisim.
2 (a) Latitud/ Latitude Not true. Both will fall with the same acceleration as
(b) Ketinggian dari aras laut/ Height above sea level gravitational acceleration does not depend on mass.
(c) >; > (d) < (b) 4.6 kg (c) 2.02 s

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2019 J4 Excel in Fizik KSSM Tingkatan 4
5 (a) a (m s–2) dan momentum air yang lebih kecil ke kiri.
Dengan keabadian momentum, tin menerima
momentum ke arah kiri (magnitud yang lebih
besar) dan momentum ke kanan (lebih kecil dalam
magnitud). Oleh itu, momentum bersih daripada
t (s)
2 4 6 dua momentum itu menolak tin bergerak ke kiri.
The tin will move to the left. After removing the
stopper, water spurt out from both hole at the same
v (m s–1) speed. More water per second will spurt out on
the right side, creating greater water momentum
to the right and a smaller water momentum to the
left. By conservation of momentum, the tin acquire
t (s) a momentum to the left (greater magnitude) and a
2 4 6 momentum to the right (smaller in magnitude). Hence,
a resulting momentum from these two momentum
(b) 3 m s−1 pushes the tin to move to the left.
(c) (i) −2.4 N (d) (i) Tali busur harus elastik untuk mengelakkan
(ii) Tanda daya geseran negatif kerana ia pemanjangan kekal. Busur seharusnya sangat
merupakan daya yang menentang gerakan elastik supaya ia boleh menyimpan tenaga
dan bertindak pada arah yang berlawanan keupayaan kenyal yang lebih dan kemudian
dengan gerakan. memindahkan kepada anak panah supaya
The sign of frictional force is negative because ia akan berkelajuan tinggi apabila keluar
it is a resistive force and acts in the opposite dari busur. Kelajuan tinggi diperlukan untuk
direction to the motion. memastikan anak panah boleh sampai ke
6 (a) Daya geseran antara air dengan sampan/ Frictional papan sasaran sebelum ia jatuh ke tanah.
force between boat and water The string should be elastic so that it will not
(b) (i) Daya dikenakan ke atas sampan S adalah creep (non-recoverable elongation). The bow
lebih besar. should be highly elastic so that it can store more
Force applied to boat S is greater. elastic potential energy and later transfer to the
(ii) Jarak dilalui oleh sampan S adalah lebih arrow. High speed is needed to ensure the arrow
jauh. can reach the target board before falling down
Distance travelled by boat S is further. onto the ground.
(iii) Pecutan sampan S adalah lebih besar. (ii) Busur harus kuat supaya ia tidak mudah
Acceleration of boat S is greater. patah.
(iv) Semakin besar daya yang bertindak, semakin The bow should be strong so that it does not
besar pecutan sampan. break easily.
The greater the force applied, the higher the (iii) Anak panah perlu berbentuk aerodinamik
acceleration of the boat. supaya ia akan menghadapi rintangan udara
(c) Hukum Newton Kedua/Newton’s Second Law yang kurang. Ketumpatan purata anak panah
(d) Untuk mengurangkan geseran dengan air/To reduce harus rendah supaya ia boleh memecut ke
friction with water. kelajuan yang lebih tinggi sebelum keluar
Soalan Esei dari busur.
The arrow should be aerodynamics so that it
1 (a) Inersia ialah kecenderungan suatu jasad
will encounter less air resistance. The average
mengekalkan keadaan pegun atau kelajuan malar
density of the arrow should be low so that it can
pada satu garis lurus.
accelerate to a faster speed before leaving the
Inertia is the tendency of a body to maintain its state
of rest or uniform speed in a straight line.
(iv) Anak panah harus diarah ke atas pada sudut
(b) (i) Bilangan rod berayun dalam Rajah 7.2
yang sesuai. Selepas meninggalkan busur,
adalah lebih banyak.
anak panah akan mengikuti lintasan parabola
Number of rods oscillating in Figure 7.2 is
dan akan tiba ke papan sasaran pada aras
papan sasaran.
(ii) Masa untuk 20 ayunan dalam Rajah 7.2
The arrow should be aimed with a suitable
adalah lebih lama.
angle of inclination. After leaving the bow, the
Time for 20 oscillations in Figure 7.2 is more.
arrow will follow a parabolic path and will
(iii) Tempoh ayunan untuk Rajah 7.2 adalah
arrive the target board at the level of the target
lebih lama.
board .
The period of oscillation in Figure 7.2 is longer.
2 (a) Bahan untuk pakaian harus mempunyai ketumpatan
(iv) Semakin besar inersia, semakin besar
rendah untuk menjadikannya lebih ringan. Pakaian
tempoh ayunan.
harus mudah meregang demi memudahkan
The greater the inertia, the longer the period.
pergerakan penyelam. Pakaian harus tebal untuk
(c) Tin akan bergerak ke kiri. Selepas mengalihkan
mengurangkan kadar pengaliran haba yang keluar
penyumbat, air keluar dari kedua-dua lubang
dari badan penyelam. Padanan pakaian pada badan
pada kelajuan yang sama. Lebih banyak air sesaat
seharusnya ketat untuk memudahkan pergerakan
terpancut keluar di sebelah kanan, menghasilkan
penyelam dan mengurangkan rintangan air. Pakaian
momentum air yang lebih besar ke arah kanan

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2019 J5 Excel in Fizik KSSM Tingkatan 4
Q dipilih kerana berketumpatan rendah, mudah
Bab 3
meregang, tebal dan ketat.
The material for the swimsuit should be of low density 3.1
to make it lighter. The swimsuit should be able to 1 langsung; songsang
stretch easily to facilitate the movement of the diver. directly; inversely.
The swimsuit should be thick to reduce the rate of heat 2 kuasa dua songsang
flow from the diver. The swimsuit should be fit on the Inverse square
body to facilitate diver’s movement and reduce water 3 (a) 19.6 N; daya graviti/gravitational force
resistance. Clothing Q is selected because of its low (b) 2.2 N
density, easy to stretch, thick and fitting. 4 98 N
(b) halaju (m s–1) 5 sama dengan/equal to:
velocity (m s–1) GM
Q R r2
6 g=
(R + h)2
masa (s) 7 3.7 m s−2
P time (s)
10 20 30 40 8 sekata; maksimum; kuasa dua songsang
Bebola keluli bermula dari pegun. Halajunya uniform; maximum; inverse square
bertambah secara tidak linear selama t’ saat
(bahagian PQ). Pecutan bebola (diwakili oleh GM
kecerunan graf) berkurangan mengikut masa. R2

Selepas t’ saat, ia bergerak dengan halaju malar V1

id am

ins dal
ou lua

(bahagian QR). Semasa bebola bergerak melalui air, ts r



ia mengalami daya seretan yang bertambah dengan


∝ r
1 2
halaju. Maka, apabila halaju bebola bertambah, r
daya seretan turut bertambah, menyebabkan daya R

bersih (dan pecutan) ke bawah berkurang. Apabila 9 (a) 4.9 m s−2

daya seretan sama dengan berat bebola, daya (b) 4.36 m s−2
bersih dan pecutan menjadi sifar dan bebola turut 10 kadar perubahan halaju; pecutan
bergerak dengan halaju malar. rate of change of velocity; acceleration
The steel ball starts from rest. Its velocity increases 11 vektor; arah/vector; direction
nonlinearly for t’ seconds (section PQ). The 12 linear; arah/linear; direction
acceleration of the ball (represented by the gradient magnitud; membulat/magnitude; circular
of the graph) decreases over time. After t’ seconds, it 13 pusat/centre
moves with constant velocity, V1 (section QR). As the 14 F = ma → Fc = mac; daya memusat/centripetal force
ball moves through the water, it encounters drag force. 15 bulatan/circle
The drag force on the ball increases with velocity. 16 (a) ketegangan/ tension
Thus, when velocity of the ball increases, the drag (b) geseran/ friction
force also increases, causing the net force on the ball (c) daya graviti/ gravitational force
(and thus acceleration) to decrease. When the drag
force is equal to the weight of the ball, the net force Eksperimen 3.1
and acceleration becomes zero and thus the ball
moves with constant velocity. Perbincangan/ Discussion
(c) (i) A1 – A2 = 50 1 Ketegangan/ Tension
mv 2
( )
(10)( 20) − (8) p = 50 2
p = 12.5 Kesimpulan/ Conclusion
−1 1 Daya memusat/ Centripetal force
p = −12.5 m s 2 Berat; ketegangan; tiub kaca
100 + 50 weight; tension; glass tube
(ii) v (laju/speed ) = = 8.3 m s−1
18 17 3.1 N
50 18 87 g
v (halaju/velocity) = = 2.8 m s −1 19 29.9 km s−1
Genius KBAT 1 (a) elips; salah satu fokusnya
(a) 75 cm s−1 (b) 3.1 m s−2 an ellipse; one of its foci
(c) v (b) matahari; sama; planet
sun; same; planet
(c) terus; jejari orbitnya
directly; orbital radius
2 T2 = kr3 dengan keadaan/ where k =
t GM
0 T2 ∝ r3

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2019 J6 Excel in Fizik KSSM Tingkatan 4
3 1.99 × 1030 kg (iii) Satah sama dengan Khatulistiwa/ Same plane
4 (a) 0.24 tahun/year as Equator
(b) 1.08 × 1011 m (b) 36 × 103 km
1 (c) (i) Daya graviti/ Gravitational force
5 (a) v 2 ∝ (ii) Mereka akan terbang secara tangen (garis
penuh) dari kedudukan mereka dalam orbit
(b) (i) 3: 2 (ii) 2 2 : 3 3 masing-masing.
6 (a) 11.2 jam/hours (b) 5.4 × 103 km They will fly off tangentially from their positions
in their respective orbits at that instant.
TK 3 3
(d) =
GM 1 TL 8
1 v= 2 vP = v
r 2 1 1
5 (a) K= mv 2 = U
3 v = 7.8 × 103 m s−1, T = 89 min 2 2
4 komunikasi; cuaca; tidak bergerak; tetap (b) −7.0 × 1011 J (c) −3.5 × 1011 J
Communications; weather; stationary; fixed
Soalan Esei
5 (a) 24; tempoh/ 24; period
1 (a) Daya yang perlukan untuk memutarkan satu jasad
(b) barat; timur/ west; east
dalam satu bulatan dengan kelajuan yang malar.
(c) Khatulistiwa/ Equator
The force needed to rotate an object in a circle with
6 3.6 × 107 m
uniform speed.
7 (a) sifar/zero; 0 (b) − (b) (i) Masa untuk 10 putaran dalam Rajah 1.1
r adalah lebih lama.
(c) kurang; bertambah/ less; increases
Time for 10 revolution in Figure 1.1 is longer.
8 −3.14 × 109 J
(ii) Berat pemberat dalam Rajah 1.1 adalah
9 (a) halaju minimum; tarikan graviti
minimum velocity; gravitational pull
Weight in Figure 1.1 is less.
(b) keabadian tenaga/ conservation of energy
(iii) Semakin berat yang menarik tali semakin
10 Penambahan tenaga keupayaan graviti/Gain in
kecil tempoh putaran.
2GM The greater the weight pulling the string, the
potential energy; ve =
R shorter the period.
11 11.2 km s−1 (iv) Semakin tinggi ketegangan dalam tali
semakin laju putaran jasad.
Praktis Pentaksiran 3 The greater the tension in the string, the faster
the speed of the revolving object.
Soalan Aneka Pilihan (c) (i)
1 B 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 C
6 C 7 B 8 D 9 A 10 D
11 A 12 B 13 B 14 B 15 B
16 C 17 B 18 B 19 A 20 B O
21 B 22 A 23 C 24 D 25 B bebola keluli
steel ball
26 A 27 C 28 B 29 C 30 C
gelang keluli
Soalan Struktur steel ring

1 (a) 1 : 9 (b) 9R (ii) Daya tindak balas yang bertindak ke

2π 1 atas bebola adalah daya memusat yang
2 (a) v = (b) v2 ∝ memutarkan bebola bergerak dalam bulatan.
T r
Apabila gelang diangkat, daya tindak balas
3 (a) 1.18 N
ke atas bebola tidak ada lagi. Maka, bebola
(b) (i) Tenaga keupayaan graviti  tenaga kinetik
tidak berputar lagi tetapi mengekalkan
Gravitational potential energy  kinetic energy
arah gerakan pada ketika itu (kerana
(ii) 2.42 m s−2
momentumnya), iaitu mengikuti garis sentuh
(c) (i)
(tangen) pada titik O.
r = 80 cm The reaction force acting on the ball is the
centripetal force that rotates the ball in a circle.
When the ring lifted, the reaction force on
P T' the ball no longer exists. Therefore, the ball
mV 2 R does not rotate anymore but keep the direction
Fc =
30 cm r of movement at that moment (because of its
v momentum), i.e. along the tangent at point O.
(d) Bahan-bahan untuk satelit mesti mempunyai
mg takat lebur yang tinggi untuk mengelakkan satelit
(ii) 0.88 N daripada melebur. Bahan untuk badan satelit
(d) 2.06 N harus mempunyai kekonduksian haba yang
4 (a) (i) Tempoh/ Period = 24 jam/hours rendah untuk mengelakkan haba memasuki satelit
(ii) Mengorbit dari barat ke timur/ Orbits from dan memusnahkan instrumen di dalam satelit.
west to east Bahan-bahan untuk satelit harus mempunyai

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2019 J7 Excel in Fizik KSSM Tingkatan 4
ketumpatan rendah (untuk mengurangkan jisim Earth’s surface. Three satellites are required to ensure
satelit) untuk mengurangkan momentum atau that wave carriers can reach the entire surface of the
daya impuls semasa pendaratan. Sistem payung Earth. System satellite Q is chosen because the period
terjun harus disediakan supaya ia dapat dibuka of satellite is 24 hours, orbits from west to east with
semasa mendarat untuk mengurangkan kelajuan the same plane as the plane of Equator and has three
mendarat. Satelit itu harus mendarat di laut untuk satellites.
memanjangkan masa impak demi mengurangkan (c) (i) GMm
UP = −
momentum dan daya impuls. r
The materials for the satellite must have high melting
point to prevent the satellite from melting. The =−
( )(
6.67 × 10−11 5.97 × 1024 (5) )
6.38 × 106
material for the body of the satellite should have low
= −312 068 182 J
conductivity of heat to prevent heat transferred into the
interior and destroy the instruments in the satellite. The
UQ = −
(6.67 × 10 ) (5.97 × 10 ) (5)
−11 24

materials for the satellite should be of low density (to 6.38 × 106 + 2000
reduce the mass of satellite) to reduce the momentum = −311 970 386 J
or impulsive for while landing. A parachute system
ΔU = –311 970 386 J – (–312 068 182)
should be availabe so that it will open while landing to
= 97 796 J
reduce the landing speed. The satellite should land on
(ii) PEP = 0
the sea to prolong the time interval of impact to reduce
PEQ = mgh = 5(9.8)(2000) = 98 000 J
momentum and impulsive force.
ΔPE = 98 000 – 0 = 98 000
2 (a) (i) Berat ialah tarikan graviti terhadap satu
ΔU hampir sama dengan ΔPE
ΔU almost the same as ΔPE
Weight is the force of gravity on an object.
(ii) Penyataan adalah betul. Jarak Kutub Utara
Genius KBAT
dari pusat Bumi adalah sama dengan jarak
3.47 × 108 m
Khatulistiwa dari pusat Bumi. Oleh itu, daya
graviti terhadap Josephine adalah sama. Bab 4
Namun Josephine yang berada di Khatulistiwa
berputar bersama dengan putaran Bumi 4.1
pada paksinya, manakala Josephine di Kutub 1 (a) P; Q; besar/ greater; Q; P (b) P; Q
Utara tidak. Daya memusat diperlukan untuk (c) P; Q
Josephine berputar bersama dengan Bumi dan (d) menurun; meningkat/ decreases; increases
daya tersebut adalah daripada daya graviti. (e) sama; sama; sifar/ same; same; zero
Oleh itu, berat ketara Josephine adalah kurang. (f) keseimbangan terma/ thermal equilibrium
The statement is correct. If the Earth is a perfect 2 sama; sama/ equal; equal
sphere, the North Pole and the Equator are at 3 (a) Memasak menggunakan ketuhar
the same distance from the center of the Earth. Cooking using an oven
The gravitational force on Josephine is the same. (b) Penyejukan menggunakan peti sejuk
However, Josephine on the Equator rotate together Cooling with a refrigerator
with the rotation of Earth on its axis, while (c) Mengukur suhu badan
Josephine on the North Pole does not. Centripetal Measuring body temperature
force is required for Josephine to rotate along with 4 sifat termometri/ thermometric properties
the Earth, and that comes from the gravitational 5 (a) Termometer merkuri/ Mercury thermometer
force. Thus, Josephine apparent weight is less. (b) Tekanan gas/ Gas pressure
(b) Tempoh orbit satelit harusnya 24 jam supaya (c) Termometer termogandingan/ Thermocouple
ia sama dengan tempoh putaran Bumi pada thermometer
paksinya. Ini merupakan satu syarat untuk satelit (d) Rintangan dawai logam/ Resistance of metal wire
perhubungan. Arah edaran satelit harusnya dari
barat ke timur, iaitu searah dengan putaran Bumi
Eksperimen 4.1
pada paksinya. Orbit satelit harus sama satah
dengan Khatulistiwa untuk memastikan satelit Prosedur/ Procedure
kelihatan tidak bergerak kepada pemerhati di atas 1 (b) 0
permukaan Bumi. Tiga satelit diperlukan untuk 2 (b) 100
memastikan pembawa gelombang boleh sampai ke Perbincangan/ Discussion
seluruh permukaan Bumi. Sistem satelit Q dipilih 1 0, 100; selang asas/ fundamental interval; 100
kerana satelitnya bertempoh 24 jam, beredar dari 2 1
barat ke timur dengan satah putaran sesatah dengan lθ − l0
Khatulistiwa dan mempunyai tiga buah satelit. 3 θ= × 100 °C
l100 − l0
The satellite orbital period should be 24 hours so that
4 3 cm; 48 cm; 30 cm; 60 °C
it is equal to the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The
direction of orbit of the satellite should be from west 4.2
to east, which is the direction of the rotation of the 1 jumlah tenaga haba /amount of heat energy; 1 °C
Earth on its axis. The plane of orbit of the satellite 2 J °C−1
should be the same as the Equator to ensure that 3 (a) rendah; jisim; besar/ lower; mass; larger
satellites appear to be motionless to observers on (b) rendah; berlainan/ lower; different

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