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Carlee Miller

1006 W Padon
Blackwell, OK

13th June 2022

Dear Reader,
Contained within this portfolio you will find a variety of writing material. I
have not attended a college course in almost eight years. Therefore, I have not
written much within those eight years. From the very beginning of this class I
did have doubts in myself. I am not the best with sticking with things. Come
to find out, I have enjoyed sitting down and writing every night. My hope is
that you, the reader, will also obtain a small glimpse of my crazy life. I chose
to write a lot about personal situations and was also able to relate to the topics
in some way.
The first piece you will find was the, “Not and Essay, Essay” annotated
bibliography I had to create. Annotated bibliography was honestly not even in
my vocabulary before I started this class. The first article is titled, “My
Favorite Essay”, mainly because I loved getting to sit down and just research a
subject. I learned so much, and just wanted to keep researching. Our lifestyles
play such a big role in our overall health. One change in our habits can
influence us for the better also. The articles I read have changed the way I
look at life now. Article two was a tougher paper for me to write. The foster
system in our country just makes me sick. The children within the systems do
not deserve any of what they have dealt with. Within the letter are my
strongest opinions as to how we can help to ensure that these children will
forsure have a safe home to fall asleep in. My wish is that one day, I will be
able to help inflict change within the foster systems. Growing up, I remember
asking my mom why one of the kids in my class only had one pair of shoes.
As a seven year old, you don't really understand the whole story. That moment
has stuck with me for life.
You will see my writing improvements in article three. It is very hard for me
to pinpoint exactly where my improvements are. Through each paper though I
grew more and more confidence. Each paper was different but still
incorporated all the elements I have learned. Without thought or hesitation I
use these skills on a daily basis. Managing a dispensary seems like it would be
all fun and games. Reminder I am the only female manager so the computer
has recently been a lot more organized. Een taught my boss a thing or two.
Every college course comes with an exam, my nerves were so shaken when I
found out it was timed. Typing is definitely not my strong suit. Being timed
while typing and being graded on it just added onto my nervousness. Once I
was given my topic, I knew I had gotten myself worked up for no reason at
all. Writing about something you believe in is all your opinion. You will read
that I decided to base my essay off of enjoying my youth and twenties while I
am still able to. On my twenty-fifth birthday, I cried in the shower. All that
kept running through my mind was how much I still wanted to do before I had
children. Skydiving, bungee jumping, white water rafting. Adrenaline is my
best friend. Having to do a timed essay made me pay more attention to how to
word my sentences and correct word placement. The word placement also
trickles into artifact four. The first essay I have written in eight years. That
first week was tough. Working blackboard was a struggle to figure out. On
top of figuring out how to save and download assignments. Technology is not
my thing, that's what my boyfriend is for (just kidding, I love him). Big thank
you to my instructor for being so helpful that first week. After submitting that
first paper I was certain I had completely failed that assignment. My
confidence was at zero. When you read the paper, there are mistakes.
Punctuation was missed, or off. Now looking back, this paper helped me
grow. Confidence is officially at maybe a ninety five now.
Taking this class made me realize how much it has helped me grow as a
person. Before Comp II, I never read certain articles unless it was something I
was personally interested in. How is a person supposed to grow, if they can't
escape from comfort? Having to read the articles provided for each subject
forces a person to learn new things. Maybe that's the reason I enjoyed the
class so much. It forced me to step out of my comfort zone. I will forever be
grateful for that. Each artifact contains a different story and or personal
experiences of my life. My life isn't the most interesting, but I hope you are
able to enjoy the writing I have done. Possibly even relate to some of the
writing as well. I plan to continue writing. It is a beautiful outlet.

Carlee Miller

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