Sec. 1: Vol. 4, Sec. 2:: 108 Women in American History

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108   Women in American History

Goldmark recruited Brandeis to advise the NCL on le- See also Factory Workers; Kelley, Florence; National
gal matters and to defend Muller v. Oregon. As a writer, Woman’s Party; Paul, Alice; Sheppard-Towner Mater-
Goldmark often referenced scientific and social data in nity and Infancy Act; Triangle Shirtwaist Fire; Vol. 2,
NCL publications and campaigns. Together, Kelley Sec. 1: Suffrage Movement; Vol. 2, Sec. 3: National
and Brandeis compiled the nonlegal scientific evidence Consumers League; Vol. 4, Sec. 1: Carson, Rachel;
and wrote the landmark brief to support the case. Vol. 4, Sec. 2: Equal Rights Amendment
Brandeis went on to become a Supreme Court justice,
while Goldmark served on the committee investigating Further Reading
the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in New York City and au- Koven, Seth, and Sonya Michel. 1993. Mothers of a
thored a book on the social and economic impact of New World: Maternalist Politics and the Origins
overworked laborers. Florence Kelley continued her of Welfare States. New York: Routledge.
work for child labor laws, factory safety laws, and an Woloch, Nancy. 1996. Muller v. Oregon: A Brief His-
eight-hour workday until her death in 1932. tory with Documents. Boston: Bedford Books of
Keri Dearborn St. Martin’s.

Muller v. Oregon (1908)

In Muller v. Oregon, which was decided on February a difference in legislation in regard to some of the
24, 1908, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld restrictions burdens which rest upon her.
that Oregon put on the working hours of women. As healthy mothers are essential to vigorous off-
The state justified this action by claiming that spring, the physical wellbeing of woman is an object
such limitations promoted the state’s interest in pro- of public interest. The regulation of her hour of labor
tecting women’s health. Many feminists criticized falls within the police power of the State, and a stat-
the ruling because it set a precedent by using differ- ute directed exclusively to such regulation does not
ences between the sexes, particularly a woman’s conflict with the due process or equal protection
ability to bear children, as a basis for separate legisla- clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment.
tion regarding women, thus supporting the idea that The right of a State to regulate the working hours
the family took priority over a woman’s rights as a of women rests on the police power and the right to
worker. preserve the health of the women of the State, and is
not affected by other laws of the State granting or
The peculiar value of a written constitution is that it denying to women the same rights as to contract and
places, in unchanging form, limitations upon legisla- the elective franchise as are enjoyed by men.
tive action, questions relating to which are not set- While the general liberty to contract in regard to
tled by even a consensus of public opinion; but when one’s business and the sale of one’s labor is protected
Copyright © 2017. ABC-CLIO, LLC. All rights reserved.

the extent of one of those limitations is affected by a by the Fourteenth Amendment, that liberty is subject to
question of fact which is debatable and debated, a proper restrictions under the police power of the State.
widespread and long continued belief concerning The statute of Oregon of 1903 providing that no
that fact is worthy of consideration. female shall work in certain establishments more
This Court takes judicial cognizance of all matters than ten hour a day is not unconstitutional so far as
of general knowledge—such as the fact that woman’s respects laundries.
physical structure and the performance of maternal
functions place her at a disadvantage which justifies Source: Muller v. Oregon, 208 U.S. 412 (1908).

Welch, Rosanne. Women in American History: a Social, Political, and Cultural Encyclopedia and Document Collection [4 Volumes], edited by Peg A. Lamphier, and Rosanne Welch,
ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from wichita on 2022-05-02 16:08:18.

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