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 The green fuels (which is also known as Renewable Hydrocarbon Biofuels) is a type fuels which are
produced from biomass sources through a variety of biological, thermal and chemical processes.
 These products are chemically identical to petroleum gasoline, diesel or jet fuel, these biofuels can
be used in existing engines and infrastructure.
 Green fuel has evolved as a possible fueling option as the world drains its fossil fuel resources.
 Excessive amount of fossil fuels have led to depletion of their reserves and depletion of environment,
this led researchers to come up with renewable and ecofriendly counterparts, green fuels is one of
several renewable resources, green fuels is future generation renewable resource which will be
Most common types of Green Fuels

 Bioethanol:- It is an alcohol made by fermentation, mostly from

carbohydrates produced in sugar or starch. Ethanol can be used as fuel for
vehicle in pure form, but it is usually used as a gasoline additive to increase
octane and improve vehicle emissions.
 Biodiesel:- It is produced from oils or fats transesterification. It can be used
as a fuel for vehicles in pure form, but it is usually used as a diesel additive to
reduce levels of particulates, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons from diesel
powered vehicles.
Jatropha – A boon to Green Fuels

 Jatropha is a flowering plant that mainly grows in the tropical or sub tropical
regions around the world.
 Jatropha originated from tropical America and has spread all over tropics and
subtropics of Asia and Africa.
 Throughout world more than 10,00,000 jatropha have propagated, majority
85% are Asian Countries and 2% are Latin America, India is largest cultivator of
 The characteristics of jatropha seed oil matches with characteristics of
diesel, thus it is called biodiesel plant.
Potentials of Jatropha

 Jatropha has multiple use, jatropha seed oil possess biodiesel and jet fuel
production potential, its wood, leaves and fruits have been using as firewoods
in rural areas and in industrial application in making soaps and cosmetics.
Jatropha as Energy Source

 Various features like, ease of production, sustainability and enviornmental

friendly nature of biomass draws attention potential renewable energy to
replace fossil fuels.
 Parts of jatropha plant like wood, fruit shell and seed husks are used to
produce energy.
 Raw oil are the major resource obtained from jatropha.
 These oils are utilized for many purpose such as lightning lubricating, making
soaps and most important biodiesel.
Oil Extraction Challenges

 Jatropha seed contains 40% to 60% of oil depending on variety.

 The first step of extraction is the removal of shells from the seeds after
collecting ripe fruits from trees.
 The seed oil can be extracted manually, chemically, mechanically and
 Oil can be extracted by mechanical pressure, mechanical extraction yields
about 90% of total oil from the seeds.
 Solvent and enzymatic extraction yields almost 100% of oil from seeds.
Use Challenge of Jatropha

 In Crude Oil Use

 Non-edible Jatropha oil is alternative as Bio-Energy for diesel and jet engine.
 But due to high viscosity, large molecular mass and chemical structure of
jatropha oil it cannot be directly used in C.I Engines for long times.
 The jatropha can cause directly some problems to the engine.
 The main problem are pumping, burning and atomization with the injector
system of C.I Engines.

 It is very crucial to find reliable renewable energy sources for healthy

economy and environment.
 A number of big projects has been launched and completed.
 Thus, Jatropha biofuel industry is confronting a number of challenges.
Jatropha incentives in India

 Jatropha in India is part of India’s goal to achieve energy independence by

year 2012.
 In India jatropha curcus plant grows in waste land across India, and oil is
considered to be an excellent source of biodiesel.
 India is keen on reducing its dependence on a coal and petroleum to meet
increasing energy demand and encouraging jatropha cultivation is a crucial
component of its energy policy.

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