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A p-chart:
ePlots either the fraction or percent defective in a process

2. In a Control chart, if you use + - 2 sigma limits for Control limits instead
of the traditional + - 3 sigma limits, what would be the outcome?
You run the risk of calling a process out of control when it really is not out
of control

3. Control Charts use Specification limits to indicate the natural variation in

the process
False, The upper and lower bounds on the control chart are called control limits

4. A process is out-of-control. Describe the type of variation that exists in

the process.
Special Cause Variation

5. Which phases of DMAIC we use SPC ?

Measure Improve and control

6. Which of the below is not true in case of Standard Operating Procedure?

SOPs detail the non recurring work processes

7. Control Charts represent the

Voice of the Process

8. In the Control Phase of an LSS project, a Green Belt will identify the key
metrics that can be monitored and analyzed to give an indication that a process
may be moving towards an out of spec condition. When he applies this approach he
is using:
Statistical Process Control

9. In your control chart, if you use + - 4 sigma limits for your control limits
instead of the traditional + -3 sigma limits, what would be the outcome?
You run the risk of calling the process in control when it is really out of

11. In the Control chart , what should be present between subsequent points if
the points do not fall beyond the Control Limits?
Common cause variations.

12. Which of the below is not true for Control Limits?

Plotted on Histogram

13. Which one of the following statements is not true ?

Specification limits are decided internally in a process

14. A Process identified that by eliminating two steps in the process, their
productivity can go up by 10%. This has yielded an additional revenue of $2000
per month for the process. Under what type of financial savings can this be
Internal Hard Savings 24000

15. The following p-chart shows the proportion of defective parts collected from
a process. Why are the control limits uneven?
The Subgroup size is not constant

16. In the Control phase, the GB Team

All of the above

17. X Bar S Stands for - Mean Standard Deviation Chart

An observation above upper Control limit is concluded as

Special Cause Variation

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19. If only common cause variation is present, then the output of the process
forms a distribution that is stable and predictable.?

20. A associate wants to chart errors obtained from reports. What is the most
appropriate control chart to use?


2. In the Control Phase of a LSS project a Belt will identify key metrics that
can be monitored and analyzed to give an indication that a process may be moving
towards an out of spec condition. When he applies this approach he is using
Statistical Process Control

3. ABC Bank checks Loan applications for entry errors. Data is collected for the
number of defective application forms per day along with total number of
applications for last 30 days.Which control chart is to be used for analysing
whether there are any special causes?
P Chart

A Green Belt in an insurance process captured the AHT of the claims process for
30 days. Which control can the GB use to check if the claims AHT is in control?
IMR Chart

6. You need to have an effective process control system in the Control phase of
DMAIC because
All of the above

7. A control limit
Indicates that a process event or measurement is likely to fall within that

8. After completion of the DMAIC project by a GB the process owner is expecting

his/her process to be at the following state-
Capable and in Control

11. Which of the following control methods are proactive in nature?

Error Proofing

14. Need of a Control Plan is to ensure that the change is

All the above

20. X Bar R stands for - Mean Range Chart

15. Control charts consists of

Both UCL and LCL

16. The expansion of a successful solution across a greater number of

geographies with identical or very similar process is?

17. A Process manager wanted to check if the Turn Around Time of the process is
influenced by Special Cause Variation. He collected 3 samples each from 10
different associates in his process. Identify, which chart should the process
manager use in this scenario.
X Bar R Chart

19. Which of these explains a 'SPECIAL cause of variation'

This is because of something specific and has a significant effect from these

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20. Which is the following control phase tool provides the most effective
process control?
Mistake Proofing

1. A process auditor performs audits on completed transactions. Here is the

audit summary for three days captured by the auditor. Which control chart should
the auditor use to check if the process is in control?
U chart

3. A process is said to be out of control if

Either of the above

4. In DMAIC methodlogy, Control Charts are used to

Plotted for X's so as to control X's so that the Y's are within specification

6. QC person wants to plot the no. of errors identified . What is the most
appropriate control chart to use?

9. In the Control Phase of an LSS project, a Green Belt will identify the key
metrics that can be monitored and analyzed to give an indication that a process
may be moving towards an out of spec condition. When he applies this approach he
is using:
Statistical Process Control

13. A Process is in control and stable. By what type of variation is the process
Common Cause Variation

14. A Control Plan is a document based approach to control

Product or process Variation

18. What is the purpose of Control phase?

Maintain the gains made with implemented solutions

19. Which of the below is not a control plan ?

An end output of the Statistical Process control

2. Which chart plots the number of defectives with each observation having same
sample size?
np Chart

8. I-MR stands for ?

Individual Moving Range

10. A Process manager wanted to check if the Turn Around Time of the process is
influenced by Special Cause Variation. He collected 15 samples each from 10
different associates in his process. Identify, which chart should the process
manager use in this scenario.
X Bar S Chart

19. Which chart plots the number of defects with each observation having same
sample size?
C Chart

In control charts, you run the risk of calling the process in control when it
is really out of control when�.
Control limits are set to � 4 Sigma

11. Which phases of DMAIC we use SPC ?

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Measure Improve and control

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