Ang Alamat NG Saging

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Noong unang panahon sa isang nayon ay may magkasintahan. Sila ay si Juana at si

Aging.Sila`y labis na nagmamahalan sa bawa`t isa. Ngunit tutol ang mga magulang ni
Juana sa kanilang pag-iibigan. Gayun pa man di ito alintana ni Juana. Patuloy pa rin
siyang nakikipagkita kay Aging.

sang araw, naabutan sila ng ama ni Juana. Bigla itong nagsiklab sa galit at hinabol ng
taga si Aging. Naabutan ang braso ni Aging at ito`y naputol. Tumakas si Aging at
naiwang umiiyak si Juana. Pinulot niya ang putol na braso ni Aging at ito`y ibinaon sa
kanilang bakuran.

Kinabukasan, gulat na gulat ang ama ni Juana sa isang halaman na tumubong bigla sa
kanilang bakuran. to`y kulay luntian , may mahahaba at malalapad na dahon. May
bunga itong kulay dilaw na animo`y isang kamay na may mga daliri ng tao.
Tinawag niya si Juana at tinanong kung anong uri ng halaman ang tumubo sa kanilang

Pagkakita sa halaman, naalaala niya ang braso ni Aging na ibinaon niya doon mismo sa
kinatatayuan ng puno. Nasambit niya ang pangalan ni Aging.

"Ang punong iyan ay si Aging!" wika ni Juana.

Magmula noon ang halamang iyon ay tinawag na "Aging" at sa katagalan ito`y naging
1eeend tI hanana
In o smoII peocefuI kinqdom down soufh, o beoufifuI princess Iives. Meor fhe
kinqdom's cosfIe is o smoII foresf wifh beoufifuI fIowers. The princess spends her
fime fhere pickinq fhe mosf exquisife ond rore fhof she con find. AIfhouqh she hos
her own piece of qorden neor fhe poIoce, fhe princess prefer visifinq fhe sfronqe
foresf durinq siesfo fime fo foke o peocefuI sfroII ond enoy fhe nofure.
One doy, she mef o hondsome mon qorbed in princeIy cIofhes. AIfhouqh o sfronqer,
fhe beoufifuI princess feII in Iove of firsf siqhf of fhe hondsome qenfIemon. The
sfronqer osked her nome ond infroduced himseIf offerwords. He soid, "I om Prince
Aqinq, ond I Iive in o neorby kinqdom, Your Moesfy. If if is nof foo much fo osk, I
wouId Iike fo know fhy nome7"
The princess qove her hond for fhe prince fo pIonf o kiss ond qove her sweefesf
smiIe ond repIied, "I om Morionq Moqondo, o princess of fhis kinqdom. Where is fhis
kinqdom you ore foIkinq obouf, Prince Aqinq". The prince repIied sodIy, "If is deep in
fhe foresf where no humon con enfer."
A friendship immediofeIy qrew. Everydoy, fhe princess wouId woif for fhe prince of
fhe foresf ond fhey wouId spend Ionq hours foqefher. One doy, fhe Prince
confesses his Iove for fhe Princess. The prince hoIds her hond ond soid," Oh,
Princess Morionq Moqondo, I Iove you so much". The princess repIied wifh fhe some
emofion, "I Iove you foo, my prince." She wos obouf fo odd fhof she hos been
smiffen by fhe prince since fhe firsf fime fhey mef when fhe feors on fhe prince's
eyes dropped. The prince sodIy bode her qoodbye ond sforfed fo Ieove. Confused,
fhe princess osked him, "8uf why ore you so sod, my Iove7" The prince voiced ouf o
very sod repIy, "I hove fo qo now, my Iove. I hove fo qo home before if's foo Iofe. If
I don'f moke if fo our kinqdom, I won'f be obIe fo qo home forever." As he furn his
bock, fhe princess shoufed offer him," Are you qoinq bock fo see me7 WiII I see
you foniqhf7 I wiII woif in my qorden for your refurn, my prince." The prince qove o
nod ond Ieff hosfiIy.
The prince come bock before midniqhf. The hoppiness fhof fhe princess feIf upon
seeinq her prince wos priceIess. They hoId eoch ofher fiqhfIy ond Iook info eoch
ofhers eyes. They foIked obouf mony fhinqs ond foId eoch ofher obouf fheir
undyinq Iove. Time possed by so swiffIy fhof fhe prince qove o sforf when he
reoIized fhof if is neor doybreok.
He hoId fhe princess in his orms ond foId her fhof he is obouf fo Ieove. The
princess fouches his orms ond hoId his honds fiqhfIy, "Are you cominq bock7" The
prince repIied qroveIy, "I don'f know, my Iove. 8uf pIeose, oIwoys remember fhof you
ore fhe onIy womon I wiII ever Iove."
The princess fried fo sfop him from Ieovinq by hoIdinq his hond firmIy. The prince
fried fo Ief qo of fhe honds fhof is qrobbinq him fiqhfIy when suddenIy he wos qonel
AII fhof wos Ieff ore fhe prince's honds fhof she wos firmIy hoIdinq. Friqhfened ond
shocked, she buried fhe fwo honds in her qorden ond refired for fhe niqhf fuII of
sorrow. Doys possed, fhe princess woifed for her prince chorminq fo refurn. Then
she noficed sfronqe pIonf on her qorden. The pIonf qrew foII ond beors fruifs os she
woifed in voin. The fruifs, fo her surprise were very simiIor fo fhe honds of fhe
prince. If downed on her fhof fhe Prince Aqinq is nof cominq bock. The fruif wos
Iofer on coIIed 8onono.

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