Summer Workout CSN

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Summer is about relaxing, enjoying your time off from school, and spending time with
family and friends. However, it is also a good time to prepare for next season. This
routine will help guide you through the summer, and the beginning of the school year,
while preparing you for the 2022-2023 season. This guide contains information on
stretching, nutrition, conditioning, basketball drills, all of which will benefit you in
preparation for next season.

Finally, consider this; as we prepare for next season, every other team will be doing the
same. Teams that beat us are planning and working towards doing it again, while teams
that we beat are working towards not letting it happen again. It’s up to YOU to be ready.
Our journey starts this summer, so let’s embrace the grind, and love the challenge.


It’s important before any workout to stretch appropriately. Maintaining muscle flexibility
and pliability is a major key to sustaining one’s physicality and it also helps prevent
injuries over time. Optimally, you would want to be stretching when you wake up in the
morning, before you workout, after you workout, and before you go to bed. The
following stretches can be done before our workouts, but also at any time:

● Toe touches (feet are less than an inch apart, knees are not locked, bend to
touch and hold for at least 10 seconds)

● Cross toe touches (Same as above except put your left foot over your right foot
bend and hold for at least 10 seconds. Switch to right foot over left foot and

● Knee Bend Leg Stretch (Put both hands on right knee while bending right knee.
Left leg is straight and not bent. This to stretch out the calf and thigh muscles of
the left leg. Switch to putting hands on left knee and repeat the process to stretch
your right leg.)

● Butterflies on the Floor (Sitting on the floor, put both feet together and try to bring
feet closer into your body while keeping your feet on the floor.)

● Sitting Back Stretch (Sitting on the floor, start with your right leg lying straight and
flat on the floor. Take your left leg and place your left foot on the right side of your
right leg. Your left leg should be arched over your right leg. Then take your right
elbow and place it on your left knee and twist your body slowly to the left
stretching your back and the muscles on the left side of your chest. Hold for 10
seconds. Do the same thing for the other side: Sitting on the floor, have your left
leg lying straight and flat on the floor. Take your right leg and place your right foot
on the left side of your left leg. Your right leg should be arched over your left leg.
Then take your left elbow and place it on your right knee and twist your body
slowly to the right stretching your back and the muscles on the right side of your
chest. Hold for 10 seconds.)

● Cross Arm Shoulder Stretch (Cross your left arm across your body locking it with
your right arm and twist your hips to stretch your left shoulder. Hold for at least
10 seconds. Do the same process for the right arm shoulder).

● Tricep Stretch (Starting with your left arm, bend your left elbow over your head.
Take your right hand and slowly pull your left elbow. Hold for at least 7 seconds.
Repeat the process for the right arm.)

These stretches are the minimum for what you should be doing, but you are always
welcome to do more in order to fully stretch your muscles for optimal performance. If
you need to stretch a specific muscle group, reach out to Coach Tracy for the best


Summer is a great time to spend with friends and family, but it can also be a time where
we let go of daily routines. In losing these daily routines we sometimes neglect good
eating choices. In order to stay prepared for next season it’s just as important to make
sure what we eat is beneficial for us in order to compete and condition at a high level.
Here are some snack and drink choices to help keep your body replenished with the
proper nutrients to sustain peak performance:

● Green vegetables (spinach, celery, snap peas, broccoli, etc.)
● Sliced bell peppers
● Carrot sticks
● Melon fruit (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, etc.)
● Berry fruit (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries)
● Tree fruit (apples, oranges, pears, clementines, plums, peaches, bananas etc.)
● If you use sauces or dressings to dip the fruits or vegetables in, make sure the
amount of sugar does not exceed 10 grams per serving.
● Granola with no sugar added
● Popcorn (no added butter)
● Beef jerky
● Fruit yogurt with no more than 10 grams of sugar per serving
● Cottage cheese
● Peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread (no jelly)
● Applesauce with no added sugar
● Nuts (peanuts, walnuts, pecans, almonds)
● Eggs (the way they’re cooked doesn’t matter)

● Water
● Water
● Water
● More water
● A little more water
● Some more water after that
● Gatorade/Powerade (only AFTER you’ve worked out; use these drink to
replenish your electrolytes, not necessarily to drink on a regular basis. Also, if
you get Gatorade, try to get G2 as it has less sugar, but the same added value of
replenishment as normal Gatorade has)
● Sparkling water
● Flavored water
● Crystal Light is okay, just not in excess
● Milk (doesn’t matter which kind, but don’t drink it before working out)
● Fruit juices are okay, but not more than 2 glasses per day as many fruit juices
have tons of added sugar. If you check the ingredients, and if sugar is one of
them, it may not be the healthiest choice of that type of juice. Now, some fruit
juices have a large amount of sugar in them, but they are natural sugars, so it
really helps to check the ingredients first.
● Oh yeah, and water

Snacks and Drinks to avoid if you can:

● Soda
● Energy Drinks
● More than 1 cup of coffee per day
● Snacks with a sodium content like Takis and most chips
● Pop Tarts
● Large amounts of fruit snacks
● Large amounts of ice cream (frozen yogurt is a better option)
● Lots of fast food
● Excess amounts of candy
● Foods with added sugar
● Foods with high amounts of sodium
● Very acidic foods

Remember to always eat a little something before working out (banana, granola bar,
etc. Just no dairy products) and always hydrate before, during and after you work out.


The conditioning and basketball drills are broken down into three phases each. You can
condition and work on the drills in the same workout or do them separately. The phases
do increase gradually in endurance and ability. Once you master everything in Phase 1,
then you can go to Phase 2, and once you master Phase 2, you move on to Phase 3.
The phases may take more than a week to master, and that’s okay. Mastery means you
can complete the entire conditioning phase with only having to take two one-minute
breaks. Mastery for the basketball drill is completing ​each​ part of the phase with at least
75% accuracy unless otherwise stated. The workouts and drills within each phase can
be completed in any order. You can also break up part of these routines within the
phases, just as long as you do all of the routine (Example: instead of doing 40 sit ups in
a row, you could do 2 sets of 20). ​

***As a reference, 1 yard = 3 feet and 35 yards = 105 feet***

Conditioning Phase 1: The Embracing Phase

● 25 push ups
● 40 sit ups
● 45 second wall sit
● 45 second plank
● 25 mountain climbers
● Four 35 yard sprints
● Two shuffle sprints (shuffle 15 yards, sprint 20 yards)

Conditioning Phase 2: The Grind Phase

● 35 push ups
● 55 sit ups
● 1 minute wall sit
● 1 minute plank
● 35 mountain climbers
● Six 35 yard sprints
● Four shuffle sprints (shuffle 15 yards, sprint 20 yards)
● 10 Squat Jumps

Conditioning Phase 3: The Challenge Phase

● 50 push ups
● 70 sit ups
● 1 and a half minute wall sit
● 1 and a half minute plank
● 55 mountain climbers
● Eight 35 yard sprints
● Seven shuffle sprints (shuffle 15 yards, sprint 20 yards)
● 20 Squat Jumps
● Push Up Sprint (10 push ups, and immediately after last push, sprint 35 yards)
Finally, I hope you all have a wonderful and safe summer. It wouldn’t be something
from me without some quotes to close out, so here they are:

“Don’t let anything or anyone separate you from accomplishing your goals.”

“We want it more than they do. Take what you want!” -Kirby smart

“If you’re not willing to work for it, don’t complain about not having it.”

“Discipline is training yourself to do something by controlling your actions.”

“Don’t let the results get in the way of the process.”

“It’s not over until WE win!”

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