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HappiLIFE Profile Summary


Jan 12,2022

02:23 | IST

About this Summary

Holistic wellness is an amalgamation of physical and mental wellness. You need to take care of both for maintaining the equilibrium of
your body.

Mental Wellness constitutes of:

Behavioural Health: How we behave

Cognitive Health: How we think
Emotional Health: How we feel
Quality of Life: Facets of physical health, social relations, spirituality, etc.

The summary will give you a snapshot of your mental well wellbeing, virtues and vices.
The first step towards emotional wellness is to be aware of your capacities and is the beginning point from where you start your
journey. This summary compiles your strengths, opportunities and various facets of your personality. There are 10 parameters on which
your emotional wellness is scaled. The information is based on your responses in the screening. The synopsis is like a mirror that
describes and helps you to start working towards holistic wellness. You can also opt for assisted summary reading with a qualified
mental wellness expert.
Note that the summary is indicative and is not equivalent to medical advice.

YO 10

HappiMynd Wheel
Here is your HappiMynd  wheel! This wheel,




is a visual tool used to assess and



3 understand how balanced your  emotional




1 & behavioral life currently is. Using this tool,


you map out the areas of your emotional
wellbeing  on a circle that resembles the
spoke of a wheel, which is the reasoning for

its name. It will help you in understanding

the areas where you are thriving and


opportunities to improve. The coloured

area indicates your current level of
emotional wellbeing. The white space
indicates the area of opportunity in each of

the aspect of emotional wellbeing.

You seem to be a happy person but sometimes you might get affected by a few things in
Your your environment. For instance, if someone criticizes you regarding your work, you might
feel low for some time. You tend to stand right up instead of lamenting over something
Happiness that didn’t go your way. It seems that you try to keep your spirits up by making changes
in your lifestyle.
You seem to be a positive and efficient person but it appears that off late you are finding
it difficult to bounce back after a crisis. Sometimes you might find it very hard to deal
Your with a significant setback. You might overthink about various situations and their adverse
outcomes. It might affect the way you think and plan for the future. Your potential to
Resilience bounce back might not be looking adequate. There is a possibility of getting depressive
thoughts and mood swings. You need to take the situation seriously and find some help
to overcome.

Balancing personal and professional life can be tough at times and though it seems that
you are efficient and a great team player in your office but slowly the balance is tilting.
Your experience, skills and aptitude seems to suit the job role. It appears that you set high
standards for yourself, which helps you to be productive but, you might feel exhausted
and disheartened if you are unable to achieve your goals. Mostly, you seem to be an
Fatigue Levels optimistic person but occasionally you might get under pressure. It might cause some
stress which can lead to sleep disturbance. Job burnout is distress related to work.
Usually, you can manage it appropriately but sometimes it is getting over you. On those
days, you might lack the motivation to start the work and the level of concentration and
attention might also dip. You need to be observant about it.

Your job can be very demanding, in terms of time and effort. It could be affecting your
relationship with your partner. You might not be feeling content in the relationship as both
of you might have grown distant. There could be a lack of understanding too. Hence, you
might not even put effort into making it work. The need of the hour is to understand each
other's contribution to the relationship. You need to believe that you can bring back the
Relationship lost charm, and can affect and influence each other. It can have a positive impact on
your life and your partner's. The idea is to understand the importance of work-life
balance. It can be difficult but it is important. If you wish, you can also use various
emotional wellness techniques and tools to help you through this.

You seem to be an easy-going person who likes to be a part of group activities and
interacting with new people. It seems that you understand your emotions and thoughts
and dissect them to know what is causing what. You probably are capable to manage
your work-life balance well but sometimes, you might face problems in your personal,
Your Mood professional and social life. At work, you could be performing well and completing tasks
but there can be times when you end up making small mistakes. Focusing on things might
be getting a little difficult when you are surrounded by a lot of work or thoughts. You
probably feel fatigued a little more than often and sometimes there could be some body
aches too. You need to be observant of the situation.
Stress affects all of us at some point in our lives, however, you seem to have the ability to
handle it well. You appear be an active person who manages house chores and daily
work efficiently. Your sleep quality seems to be satisfactory. You seem to be waking up
fresh most of the days. Of late, you might get a headache due to stress at home or work.
Stress Level You seem to be diligent, thorough and extremely attentive to the details, hence, your
ability to make quick decisions might be affected. You seem to perform very well in a
team and do not get apprehensive about your performance.Seldom,stress might get to
you and you might end up feeling drained.

Things might not be looking great in the office or at home due to possible lack of in your
confidence level and feeling inferior to others. Regardless of the skills or talent you carry,
Self Esteem you might doubt yourself and fear the judgment of others. There could be a lot of
confusion and it might seem like you are experiencing some sort of a crisis. You need to
take the situation seriously and find some help to overcome.

You seem to be financially secure and have adequate money to meet your needs. It
appears that you are in control of your finances and related decisions. You seem to have
the financial freedom that allows you to make choices for living a contented and happy
Financial life. Financial security is important as it helps you to move confidently in society. You
seem to be willing to provide financial help to the ones in need. It appears that you follow
Wellbeing a budget or keep a tab on your spendings. It looks like that you don't tend to compare
your income with someone else's or stress about it. You seem to focus on yourself and
your financial growth.
Things at work or home might not be going as per your way. It could be an overwhelming
feeling. You might feel uneasy and there could be a constant sense of worry. You might
also experience breathlessness, rapid heartbeat, palpitations, sweating, trembling, etc.
Your performance might get affected because of the burden of unreasonable worries.
Your concentration and attention level could also be getting affected. You might feel on
the edge and even small issues could be affecting you deeply. You need to take the
Your situation seriously and find some help to overcome.You seem to be able to handle
Calmness stressful situations aptly, without getting anxious. You appear to be confident and have a
positive attitude in your day to day life. Challenges at home or work seem to not affect
you adversely. You seem to have a healthy sleep schedule and can sleep peacefully
without any tension. Even if you face difficult or stressful situations, it appears that you
deal with them calmly instead of panicking. You seem to not dwell in arguments and try
to focus on the solution rather than thinking about the problem. You seem to have a good
work-life balance.

You seem to be a considerate and thoughtful person who tends to give a lot of love and attention to
people around. You might be expecting the same treatment in return. However, it might not be possible
for everyone to be available for you all the time. Sometimes, it might hurt and you tend to start
keeping a distance from such people. You have a great eye for details and tasks which needs vigliance
can be assigned to you confidently. Infact you can take up some serious and mundane tasks with lot
of ease and relieve others from pain of micro management, when you are around. These traits in you
can make some people perceive that it is hard to communicate with you. However, you might be
protecting some key tasks or saving yourself from getting hurt The sense of protection might even
extend to your interpersonal relationships, where it turns in self protection. Hence, you might be a little
vigilant in your relationships. In a situation, when someone is nice to you, you seem to make sure if
their intention is in the right place and they are not trying to take advantage of you.The sense of self-
protection might be rooting for your survival instinct but it might hinder your ability to develop new
Your personal relationships. You seem to be sentimental at times . In an unfavourable situation, you might get a little
anxious. At times, it can affect your daily activities so manage this part of your personality well. It
style appears that you have high self-esteem. This makes you a confident person and people look upto you
for who you are, however it might be a little difficult for you to deal with refusals or criticism.You seem
to have a friendly and welcoming personality. It appears that you seek advice from your friends and
family before taking any important decision in your life. Your considertae behavior is liked by others
and also makes you popular. You seem to be obedient and might not question authority. It appears
that you like to go with the flow. You seem to be kind and helpful. It might be difficult for you to say no
to your closed ones. You seem to be very attached to your friends and family and sometimes, might
even fear of losing them. It might seem to you like you will be left alone. You might not be comfortable
with that thought. Being in team gives you confidence and boosts your productivity. If left alone you
might find it difficult to work. Some people might even perceive you as an under-confident person
because you seek reassurance. So you must develop your independent side and work upon taking
decisions and standing by them. You must try to lead in situations and bring some outcomes with your
team player abilities.
Next Step

We are glad that you read the whole summary. You are one step closer to start your journey towards holistic wellness. You can avail an
assisted summary reading with a mental wellness expert for discovering your hidden potentials and opportunities to grow. Once you
are aware of your needs, you can choose from our range of accessible, reliable and confidential services.
To understand the summary and its implications you can contact our Summary reading team of experts who will help you in
deeper understanding and possible next steps so that you always BE Happi!!

HappiAPP is a globally validated interactive tools based app for self-management of emotional wellness. You can download it in your
smartphone and enjoy lot of mind soothing content and gamified exercises or set daily goals to meet your mental wellness targets.
The app is being currently used by 3.8 million people globally. It makes your emotional strength go from GOOD to GREAT.
HappiBUDDY is our effort to provide you a non – judgemental and anonymous platform, which will connect you to a professional
expert buddy. This service is available all the year round, anytime anywhere. This personal emotional log room allows you to share any
emotions, feelings or in general thoughts with your BUDDY in 100% confidential way, where only two of your interact. Expert will respond
to your communication and queries personally & help you feel cared for. You also get 24*7 access to our well researched content
repository of Video, Audio & blogs for more than 5000 minutes.
HappiTALK is a virtual, safe and confidential space with a therapist where you can discuss life, ambitions, personal issues, career
aspirations or anything under the sun to get your peace of mind and life direction. Our therapists have long years of experience to
support your journey of emotional and mental wellbeing and all this can be done sitting in the comfort of your home.
These all are competent tool to address your mental wellness needs through digital mediums. Explore more at www.happimynd.com.

Contact Details

For further details you may contact us at info@happimynd.com or visit our website www.happimynd.com to explore more.


This summary can support you in discovering yourself, knowing the areas of improvement and living a holistic life. However, it is
indicative and not a replacement for medical advice. If you are having difficult thoughts or going through rough times, consider dialling
the helpline number 91-9820466726 (Aasra helpline number).These HappiMynd Screening statements are inspired by ICD-10(WHO) &
DSM-5® guidelines.

Copyright © 2022 HappiMynd, All rights reserved

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