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Characteristics of Agile Teams– A Discussion on Technology and Culture

Article  in  IMS Manthan (The Journal of Innovations) · October 2015

DOI: 10.18701/imsmanthan.v10i1.5656


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2 authors:

Badri N Srinivasan Debarshi Mukherjee

Galgotias Business School (GBS) Tripura University


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Characteristics of Agile Teams– A Discussion on
Badri N Srinivasan*
Technology and Culture Debarshi Mukherjee **

Agile methodologies offer an alternative to traditional
software engineering processes for developing software
products and systems. They focus on integrating
behavioral and social factors into software development.
The focus on people is a very important factor in the
implementation of agile methodologies in the workplace.
The focus on agile teams for developing software systems
and products using agile software development
methodologies predisposes the emphasis on the analysis of
the key components of agile teams which are important to
ensure that the characteristics of agile teams are factored
appropriately in the organization so that the teams are
having the pre-requisite environment setup for successfully
developing software systems.This paper investigates the
various components and social processes that contribute to
the characteristics of agile. The paper aims at highlighting a
framework made up of various components that focus on
the critical attributes of an agile team and if these attributes
are present in an agile team, then the probability for the
team to work as a high performance agile team and deliver
successful software products in the market place is
increased considerably.
Key words – agile methodologies, agile teams, software
development, agile, complex adaptive systems (CAS) Agile methods provide various options as compared to the
long established software engineering processes for
developing software products and systems. Agile is all about
social change in the workplace (Beck, Kent, &Andres, Cynthia,
2004). Agile methodologies focus on integrating various
variables like culture, shared understanding of the vision and
other factors while undertaking software development and
they focus predominantly on the importance of individuals in
the work place. Software Development is a cooperative game
that is focused on invention and collaboration (Cockburn,
Alistair, 2006). Additional new concepts that were also
introduced by Alistair are - managing competition without
reducing collaboration; learning and up dating in sights from
lean manufacturing (Womack, Jones & Roos, 1990); and
pairing strategies for communication. As per Alistair
Cockburn - Software development is not a science and hence
the scientific method cannot be applied to it. If it was related to
engineering/model development, then engineering techniques

* PhD Research Scholar, School of Business, Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, India, E-mail:-
** PhD, Associate Dean, IMS, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, E-mail:-

Author is grateful to the anonymous referees for comments and suggestions for improving the text and content of the paper. Author alone is responsible
for any errors/mistakes till remaining in the paper.
76 IMS Manthan - Volume X, No. 1, Jan - June 2015

techniques cannot be applied to software development. follows the agile implementation and the agile practices and
Software development is similar to game development and it the psychological and social / cultural interaction among the
focuses on collaboration with other team members within the team members and other teams. (In this paper, to avoid
specified time and other constraints. When software confusion and for purposes of simplicity, a group is considered
development is focused as a game, then it gives improved as a team, even though strictly speaking, a group and a team
alternatives on how to manage the teams, how to apportion are different). A group is generally informal and comprised of
the costs and how the work can be carried out (Coding Horror, members who are focused on solving short term problems and
2007). Software development is a cooperative finite goal issues whereas a team is more focused on the long term
directed game. Games can be considered as mathematical solutions and it requires more coordination, collaboration and
constructs that need to be worked out to achieve the end goal structure.
or objective and they are focused on using strategic moves to Problem Statement
arrive at the outcome and at the same time also having fun.
The important attributes and characteristics of agile teams that
The stress on people is the crux as individuals are the key in
will help them to effectively perform as an agile team
software development. The emphasison agile teams for
implementing agile practices in the work environment and
developing software systems and products using agile
deliver successful software products for the market place as
software development methodologiespredisposes the focus on
per the market requirements is to be determined. Additional
the analysis of the key components of agile teams which are
emphasis is laid on the determination of the capability of the
important to ensure that the characteristics of agile teams are
agile practices to support and facilitate the attributes of agile
factored appropriately in the organization so that the teams are
teams, apart from the focus on the determination of the
having the pre-requisite environment setup for successfully
capability of the agile methods to facilitate, support and
developing software systems. The strength of a team is linked
recognize social identity and collective effort as one of the
to the member who is the weakest as the team has to work in
important characteristics of agile teams.
unison and the weakest memberis the constraint in the team.
The objective of this paper is to highlight the properties and
This paper focuses on the various components that contribute
characteristics of agile teams and to expound on the
to the properties of agile teams. Agile teams areobserved as
commonalities associated with teams in the area of agile
complex adaptive systems (CAS) (Appelo, Jürgen, 2011).
development projects. It is propositioned that agile is a
Traditional general systemstheory (Bertalanffy L V, 1950), was
methodology that can facilitate teams to be more responsive to
not found to be fully adequate todemonstrate research into the
the changing market requirements than traditional software
keyphenomena occurring in agile teams Additional focus on
development models. The paper also focuses on the various
systems theory indicate that when a human agent is
components related to agile teams for them to perform
introduced, then the nature of the system is changed and the
effectively. While focusing on the various components related
way to study that system is also changed. Focus needs to be
to agile teams, a simple framework is evolved that explains the
given on studying additional human traits like pride and other
key attributes of agile teams to succeed effectively in the work
factors. These aspects also need to be studied in more detail in
environment and ensure successful delivery as per the
future psychological studies (Peterson & Seligman, Martin,
changing market requirements.
As per systems theory, systems are organized into three types: Literature Review
deterministic which are also known as mindless systems;
animated which are also known as unminded systems; and The present world of agile software development focused on
social which are also known as multi-minded systems software product development and customer delivery assumes
(Gharajedaghi J, 1999; Ackoff, Russell, 1999).When human that people focus on value, eliminate waste, work faster and
agents are introduced into a system, then the focus is shifted produce a better quality product, manage change
tohuman behavior. The key point is to focus on how system appropriately and focus on novel techniques of undertaking
and subsystem goal align with each other. This is different work. It is also based on the idea that if a group of people are
from the traditional cause and effect models of human brought together and made to work as a team, then due to the
behavior. Focus should also be given to exploring the team interactions and the theories behind team behavior, it is
interactions among the various system levels. expected that they will become effective quickly.Organizations
In the conventional systems theory, there are boundaries whichfollow traditional software development activities for
which separate the system from its environment. This is due to delivery may also decide to effectively solve issues using agile
the vibrant interactions among the social network and the methods so that they could reap the benefits of the agile
porous nature of the organizational boundaries in reality methods. However, they may not be geared up for the impact
(Merali, 2004). The nature of individuals is such that it is not that it may have on the team. Thus, if a simple framework
modular unlike mechanical systems which are generally indicating key attributes of agile teams is available and which
modular. If the process models and the system models do not can be applied for a team that is implementing agile methods,
take into account this aspect of non-modularity, then the then the probability of a successful project delivery is
outcomes will be very different in reality as compared to improved considerably as compared to just performing as an
theory. This paper focuses on the key attributes of agile teams agile team and not focusing on the key characteristics which
as compared to the focus of individuals in a team. There is a make up an agile team. This will also impact existing agile
fine demarcation between a group which is considered as a teams which do not focus much on the key characteristics of
collective entity as compared to the individuals within a group agile teams and keep trying to find out how to improve their
(Bion, Wilfred, 1961). A group wields significant influence on project delivery as highlighted by the industry research which
the members in the group. The paper focuses on the concept of indicates that agile teams are better suited for rapid and
agile teams made up of individuals and the whole team quality delivery as per the changing market requirements
Characteristics of Agile Teams– A Discussion on Technology and Culture 77

(Dyba T & Dingsøyr T, 2008). Agile software development is a (Festinger, Leon, 1954). The concept of social comparison
collection of software development methods based on client posits that positive self-concept is essential to the functioning
focused and risk driven iterative and incremental of the psychological make-up of the individual and it is based
development, and the project solutions grow through on the assessment of the self in comparison with other similar
collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams members. Thus, positive self-image and self-esteem can be
(Wikipedia - Agile Software Development, 2013). It encourages expanded in comparison with other team members and by
evolutionary development and encourages rapid and flexible identifying with a team that holds itself with a high amount of
response to change(Williams, Laurie& Cockburn, A, 2003).The prestige. Thus, members of cohesive agile teams are expected
literature review indicates that different studies are available to show positive spirit in accordance with the fact that they are
regarding frameworks for identifying the key attributes and recognized within the team on account of their abilities and the
characteristic of effective teams that will facilitate them to self-importance with which they hold themselves in the
effectively deliver good quality software products as per the membership of their project team. Group comparisons lead to
changing market requirements in a short period of time. The increase in the enhanced stature of the individuals and groups
payback derived from vastly effective and focused teams and (Tajfel H and Turner J C, 1979). Agile teams were also expected
frameworks for high performing teams are given in various to associate their progress to the expectations and feedback of
studies (Nedelko, 2008; Ross T M, Jones E C & Adams S G, the users and business towards their software product. As
2008; Ulloa B C R & Adams S G,2004; Daniel L & Davis C, agile teams deliver working software to the customer, it leads
2009; Hoegl M & Proserpio L, 2004; Thamhain H J,2004; to rapid delivery and feedback and therefore, agile methods
Salas E, Sims D E & Burke, 2005). The industry research also are expected to support improved stature and identification
highlights how agile software development methodologies within the project group and with other project teams. These
could help facilitate the development of robust software practices also provide a common platform for mediating
systems for the marketplace(Dyba T& Dingsøyr T, 2008; common social occurrences like comparison of inter-groups.
Abrahamsson, Pekka, Salo, Outi, Ronkainen, Jussi& Warsta,
Juhani, 2002).However, the research studies diverge on the However, simple categorization into groups can lead to bias
key components that will result in effective agile teams. The which can further affect communication and collaborate in
following sections highlight the key aspects of various organizations (Goodman P S and Olivera F, 1998) and this
components of agile teams and the derivation of a simple high could affect the characteristics of agile teams. Collective goal
level framework for identifying the key attributes of agile commitment and consistency in agile team environments are
teams. generally expected to be high. Key aspects of cohesive teams
were seen to arise from an inculcation of an agile culture in
Additional research gives more information on the social teams. Thus, characteristics of agile teams may be considered
nature of agile teams and explains how social identity and to be more than a specific software development
collective effort are supported by agile methods (Whitworth, methodological property and individuals in agile teams
Elizabeth and Biddle, Robert, 2007) and Building agile teams strongly identified themselves with the agile culture
focuses on the study of highly accomplished teams and the (Gladwell M, 2000). The link between agile culture and
results of the study are applied to teams that have embraced characteristics of unified agile teams may imply the
the Agile methodologies (McGeachy, Robert, Building agile importance of observing the interaction between
teams, 2010).The concept of social identity is a very important organization culture and agile culture. Thus, where there is a
characteristic for the agile teams. Recent research pertaining to clash of the agile culture and the organizational culture, it
self-organized work teams has focused on social psychology becomes difficult for the teams to exhibit all the
(Ilgen D R, Hollenbeck J R, Johnson M, and Jundt D,2005), as characteristics of agile teams and they find it difficult to
compared to organizational psychology. The social perspective collaborate with other groups. Agile teams are also expected
is important in describing various characteristics of agile to exhibit increased levels of social accountability and social
teams. Individual psychology operating in the social context is awareness. Amplified awareness in the team environment,
given recognition in the Social Identity theory (Tajfel H and for example, is related to a reduction in social loafing; i.e., the
Turner J C, 1986). A number of points regarding team work in tendency for individuals to do less effort on a task when they
the agile context are highlighted. Individuals have several are working in a group as compared to when they are
‘social identities’ consistent with their observed membership in working alone(Latane B, Williams K& Harkins S, 1979) .
social groups(Hogg M A and Vaughan G M, 2002). In However, agile teams should be cautious to avoid employing
comparison, personal identity is derived from self-knowledge agile methods in ways that support control collectively, but
of one’s distinctive personal qualities and relationships with that do not support flexibility in the team and freedom of the
other individuals. An individual at any single point in time has individual. Thus, cohesive agile teams are generally expected
an identity that varies from the core social identity based on to engage in some level of team contemplation or
the social context. Certain environmental contexts may retrospection (Kerth N L, 2001). Agile culture is focused on
therefore increase the prevalence of personal or social identity. delivering the highest business value in the shortest amount
Hence, diverse social contexts will cause a person to act, think of time. This is an important characteristic of agile teams. As
and feel differently and these social identities are generally indicated in the initial sections, agile methods also derive
seen as a fundamental aspect of a person’s self-concept, and. their basic principles from lean thinking concepts. Thus,
agile methods support constant collaboration with the team as conceptual tools used in agile methods like 'eliminate waste',
a whole and this supports the development of a shared ‘do the simplest activity that will possibly work,’ facilitate
identity. Thus, agile methods are expected to increase the group tendency towards intransigence and obstinacy, and
value and importance of a team identity as compared to an maintain team flexibility, malleability and efficiency. The
individual or role based identity. The idea of social comparison nature of agile culture which is action based is also expected
is another concept tthat is related to social identity theory to reduce group influence leading to inertia in large teams. If
78 IMS Manthan - Volume X, No. 1, Jan - June 2015

the technical practices of agile methods are implemented Agile teams need to focus on the key characteristics that
without concern for the allied cultural factors, then it could reinforce the following concepts and principles -
lead to the development of constrictive team norms and
activity which may lead to an inflexible and iron cage of agile One of the pioneers of the agile and lean movement
control. This can inhibit the growth of agile teams as the key (Poppendieck & Poppendieck, 2003) emphasized the seven
characteristics of agile teams will not develop further. principles of lean or agile methodologies
Additionally, an excessive focus on productivity and Additionally, tools for managing agile projects like - project
performance to the exclusion of other factors may also lead to war rooms, white boards, self-organizing teams, daily
exhaustion in the team environment (Whitworth, Elizabeth standups (scrums), iteration retrospective and collective team
and Biddle, Robert, 2007). Thus, the need to focus on the key approach highlights the importance of the focus on individuals
characteristics of agile teams that will enable them to and interactions as compared to processes (Larman, 2004).
function effectively in the agile work place is very important. These practices have a profound impact on how teams work
The above literature study indicates that agile practices and this can lead to significant stress for traditional
facilitate and enable the attributes of agile teams and agile organizations and teams. The practices stress on flexibility,
methods enable, support and recognize social identity and change, openness and trust which many people and
collective effort as one of the important characteristics of organizations may find are difficult to implement for the first
agile teams. The residual sections give a brief overview of a time. This paper will focus on the changes that are required in
probable framework that will effectively try to address the the characteristics of the agile team so that they are able to
key characteristics and attributes of agile teams that need to follow the agile principles effectively. These form the bedrock
be taken into consideration for the team to be successful at of the key characteristics of agile teams. Agile is more suitable
the agile work place. for emergent requirements specifications that are based on
capability than conventional top-down approaches. Agile
High Level Characteristics of Agile Teams provides rapid business value to the customer, often delivering
capability while conventional methods are still focused on
Foundation and Background of Agile Software Development plans. Agile methods empower the team who might be
Methodologies burdened by the constraints imposed due to heavy processes.
Agile practices have been proven over a period of time and
Agile software development is a group of software they generally work as well as or better than some of the
development methods which are based on customer focused, currently accepted practices (Boehm & Turner, 2005); (Mc
risk driven and iterative and incremental development Geachy, Robert, 2010).
practices. The requirements and solutions evolve through
communication and collaboration among self-organizing and In order to understand the key characteristics of agile teams, it is
cross-functional teams. Agile methods focus on flexible important to understand the relevanceand origin of the key
planning, development that evolves over a period of time and components that are needed in a successful agile team. In order for
an emphasis on time-boxed iterations. They encourage quick agile teams to be successful at the work place and meet the needs of
and malleable feedback to change. Agile methodologies are a the changing market place, they need to exhibit characteristics and
conceptual framework that promotes intense interactions traits that emphasize the ability to respond to change quickly which is
throughout the development cycle. In February 2001, 17 a basic characteristic of agility, apart from other factors. For this to
people met at the Snowbird Lodge, Utah to discuss lightweight happen, the key component categories that need to be focused are
software development methods. They brought out the related to people, the interaction of the people with the environment
Manifesto for Agile Software Development to outline the and the innovative work techniques used to arrive at the solution to a
approach now known as agile software development. (Agile problem or business need quickly and comprehensively(Fig 1).
Manifesto, 2014). Some of the manifesto's authors formed the
Agile Alliance, a non-profit organization that is focused on
software development according to the principles of the agile
manifesto (Wikipedia - Agile Software Development, 2014;
Badri N S, 2013). The word Agile in software development
parlance is defined by a set of values and principles. This is
unlike traditional software development methodologies.
Various agile methodologies are currently practiced in the
software industry, like Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), etc.
(Wikipedia - Scrum, 2014; Wikipedia - Extreme Programming
(XP), 2014).In order to practice these various agile methods,
teams must ensure that they imbibe the agile values and agile
principles appropriately and these teams are known as agile
teams. However, these teams also exhibit certain
characteristics that enable them to perform the role of agile
teams effectively. This paper attempts to describe a simple
framework at a very high level that characterizes the various
attributes of agile teams that are expected to ensure that they
are effective at successful project delivery in an agile work
environment. This paper also focuses on what are the
characteristics of agile teams that make them successful in the Fig 1. Successful Agile Team (Complex Adaptive System
work place. (CAS)) - Key Component Categories
Characteristics of Agile Teams– A Discussion on Technology and Culture 79

Usually, people adopt generally practiced and accepted Interactions of the People with the Environment
techniques for solving problems as per the industry or x Impact of the Organizational Culture
problem domain and the nature of work. However, in order to x Collaboration and Communication
respond to change quickly and to arrive at solutions to x Virtual and Physical Work Environment
complex problems (which is generally the case for problems in
Innovative Work Techniques for Problem Solving
the software product development domain), the need to use
innovative work techniques area pre-requisite to resolve the x Disruptive Innovation
problem quickly and thoroughly. Using the same generally
practiced and accepted repetitive techniques may still yield the
solution but the response may be slow and there are still
chances for the issue to recur again in the future if it has not
been solved thoroughly. Hence, the combination of these
factors will enable the team to deliver the product successfully
and will also facilitate them to respond quickly to any change
that may happen in the market place. The relevant component
categories may not all be inter-dependent among each other
and some component categories may be independent of other
component categories. Further, within a component category,
the components may or may not be inter-related. As an agile
team is considered to be a complex adaptive system (CAS), the
combination of all the components exhibited as characteristics
of agile teams (in response to a stimulus from the Fig 2. Framework for Agile Teams - Key Components
environment) will give an emergent output that is more than
the simple addition of all the constituent components within Essential Traits of Agile Teams
the component categories.
Thus, the behavioral factors component include various traits The basic traits of agile teams are given below -
of people like maturity, empathy, creativity, team comprised x The team should be comprised of self-motivated people
of individuals which is considered as a complex adaptive who have the necessary competency and skills as well as the
system (CAS) and related factors. Apart from this, other key commitment and motivation to be in the team
people components are – Leadership, Reward and Motivation, x The team is cross-functional and self-organized and it is
team member skills (diversity) and related factors. The team is empowered which indicates that it has the trust of the
comprised of people who come together to work in a common stakeholders
place called the workplace. Hence, other key components are - x The team members should be able to trust each other in
collaboration and communication, physical work environment order to complete the work successfully
and the impact of the organizational culture which are x The team focuses on delivering work at a sustainable
prevalent at the work place. Additionally, due to advances in pace in order to deliver high quality software
technology, many teams are no longer co-located. A team x Work activities of the team members should reflect
comprising of multiple team members may be geographically uniformity and should be aligned to the team goals
distributed across the world. In these cases, an additional key x The capacity of the team and the support from the team
component – virtual work environment also needs to be taken members should be taken into account while executing the
into account. Finally, in order for the team to be a high work so that timelines are worked out rather than being forced
performing agile team, the team members should also know on the team
and focus on innovative techniques to arrive at the solution to x Members should exhibit Servant Leadership qualities
complex problems. This is a breakthrough and key component x Team members should imbibe the agile values and agile
that facilitates an agile team to respond quickly to the changes principles
that may need to be undertaken on account of the market The performance of the agile team is affected if the above
factors and also maximize their ability to respond quickly and mentioned basic traits are missing in the team. The team may
appropriately to the change. These component categories also then become dysfunctional and it is not in a position to
ensure that the teams exhibit agile behavior effectively by respond to the quick changes needed in the market place and
imbibing the agile values and agile principles effectively. the quality of the work output will also not meet the customer
These component categories thereby provide a sound structure expectations appropriately.
to identify and channelize the key characteristics of agile teams Besides these constituents, additional generic features of agile
appropriately. teams are given below -
The proposed framework is a two tier framework composed of x Transparent Communication
component categories and components within the component x Roles and duties (responsibilities)are outlined clearly
categories and it focuses at a high level on practices centered x Collaborative environment
on the eight key components distributed among the x Goal Clarity
component categories as given below (Fig. 2) – x Effective conflict management
People Related Factors x Leadership through participation (situational
x Behavioral Factors leadership)
x Leadership x Decision making which is effective
x Reward and Motivation x Diversity in values
x Selection of Team and Skills x Team relationships that are well managed
80 IMS Manthan - Volume X, No. 1, Jan - June 2015

The above features and traits are expected to be present in a Conclusions

typical agile team and when the framework is applied to an
agile team, the probability of the team to respond to market In this paper, the attributes and characteristics of agile teams
changes quickly and successfully deliver the product to the are discussed and a simple framework is derived to explain the
customer is increased considerably. attributes of agile teams that are necessary for a team that is
focused on implementing agile practices in an organization to
Principal Challenges succeed in the work environment. This paper does not
extensively highlight the specific individual transactions that
The principal challenges that were observed are –
may need to be present for an agile team to work effectively. It
Additional Research is needed to identify if and how the is observed that if the attributes of an agile team as indicated
basic framework outlined in the earlier sections regarding by the framework are present, then there is a greater
the characteristics of agile teams is effective in successful possibility for the team to succeed in the work place to deliver
project delivery in an agile work environment and how the successful software products as per the changing market
basic framework could be expanded to cover all the requirements. However, more detailed studies are required to
important characteristics of agile teams. The paper focuses further substantiate the preliminary findings based on the
on the key components categories and components of agile literature research and other secondary sources of information.
teams and does not focus on non-agile teams even though a This study advocates that there are profound social forces
specific team has its own definite team characteristics. Thus, which are at work in agile teams that highlight the value of
additional research may be needed to understand the agile methodologies. Agile practices such as daily standups are
specific components of agile teams that make them truly seen to provide high levels of social acceptance, accountability
agile. The paper focuses only on literature review and and support, information radiators which improve the team
actual data may be needed for arriving at an appropriate awareness regarding the activities being undertaken by the
conclusion and outcome apart from further research in this project team, cross pollination of information and other factors
area. As part of the changed global scenario, many of the is seen to enhance the emotional state of the individuals
software development activities happen across various time toward safety, security and control in the work environment.
zones and in various countries. This may also impact the Investigation and consideration of social, psychological and
software development activities. The paper does not focus cultural issues in software development teams is essential as
on this aspect fully and more data is needed to understand the software engineering area focuses on agile teams which are
the characteristics of agile teams that may need to be self-organized teams. Thus, the paper aims at highlighting a
preserved during distributed or global software framework made up of various components that focus on the
development (GSD).The framework highlights the key areas critical characteristics and attributes of an agile team and if
that need to be focused when agile teams are set up in an these attributes are present in an agile team, then the
organization. The framework also focuses on how to make probability for the team to work as a high performance agile
sure that the teams are set up for success. However, the team and deliver successful software products in the market
areas highlighted are not exhaustive and detailed research place is increased considerably. Additionally, it is important
may be needed to explore other elements of the framework that the interaction among the components in the framework is
that may also be needed to further explain the key considered in the context of agile teams as complex adaptive
characteristics and attributes of agile teams. Despite systems.
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82 IMS Manthan - Volume X, No. 1, Jan - June 2015

Table 1: Seven Principles of Lean Software Development (Poppendieck & Poppendieck, 2003)
Sl. No. Principle Explanation
1 Amplify learning
Ensure that there is maximum learning during the development of the product
2 Eliminate Waste
Ensure that anything that does not add value to the product is removed or
reduced to the maximum extent possible
3 Decide as late as In environments where the uncertainty is very high, late decisions are very
possible helpful
4 Deliver as fast as After the decision has been taken, it is imperative that the team delivers as fast
possible as possible. Short iteration cycles, quick and early feedback
5 Empower the team The members who are involved in developing the product are also involved in
taking decisions
6 Build Integrity In The focus is on conceptual integrity (integrity of the system) and perceived
integrity (integrity as perceived by the user/customer). There should be a clear
and simple architecture and which is high on usability and is fit for purpose,
maintainable, flexible and extensible
7 See the Whole The team should be able to see the big picture based on the vision and the
business objectives
Additionally, Boehm, who was part of the agile movement enunciated key defining practices of agile teams (Boehm,
Barry & Turner, 2005) (Table 2) –

Table 2. Key Defining Practices of Agile Teams(Boehm, Barry & Turner, 2005)
Sl. No. Key Practices Explanation
1 Embrace change Harness change for the advantage of the customer. Change enables higher
creativity and quick value to the customer
2 Frequent delivery, Short periodic releases facilitate implementation of the features with the highest
quick cycles priority functionalities, quick value delivery to the customer and enable emergent
3 Time-boxed iterations Time-boxed iterations establish specific time frames This leads to focus on
development of prioritized functionality
4 Simple Design Design should be simple and focus on what the team is planning to develop in the
current development cycle. As change is unavoidable, planning for future
functionalities may lead to wastage in effort
5 Refactoring Restructuring software to remove repetition, improve communication, simplify, or
add flexibility without changing the behavior of the code; redesigning just in time
to ensure optimal design
6 Pair Programming A type of programming in which two programmers work at one workstation and
collaborate on the same design/code/algorithm/test with one member performing
the role of the driver and the other member performing the role of the navigator
7 Retrospective A review of the effectiveness of the work performed, processes used and estimates
planned after the work in the iteration is completed. The review helps in collective
learning for the team and leads to improved estimation in the future iterations
8 Tacit Knowledge Creating and modifying knowledge about the project in the head of the
participants instead of creating large documents (explicit knowledge)
9 Test Driven Developers and customers incrementally write unit tests before and during coding.
Development It supports and boosts very short iteration cycles

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