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Market segments are the ideal thing for creating and identify your target market especially if you

are a marketer you need to know the target market and choose the best of it, because knowing

what kind of market you need to sell your product is important to achieve consumers demands

and to have a better understanding about the characteristics of your customers.

It is important to discover market segments in foreign market that are unique because it helps

you as a marketing create a decision to acquire your target market efficiently and effectively to

promote sales and create a good impact in the chosen foreign market. It is ideal to choose what

should be the best thing to do and create if you know the characters of your target consumers and

it helps not only you but also the company you are working too. Because market segments

identify the specific information about the market you want to promote sales and t will be easier

if you matched their market demands and their satisfaction. With market segments you will

know the population like how many people are living inside the state and what is the average

number of people that wants to purchase your product, also you will know how to overcome

your competitors because you know their characteristics, you know their religion, age, income,

religion and culture.

Market segmentation is considered important especially if the company wants to create a foreign

business, with market segmentation it will help them acquire good traits and feedback because

they are achieving the customers satisfaction and demands.

PEST analysis is a method to create and identify external factors to operate smoothly to become

a lot more competitive in the market, because of this you will have a better understanding about

the business and the things you must do to create opportunities and organize the steps you should

make before competing with the market.

Political, Economic, Social, Technological, or PEST analysis are important in a business but one

of the most hardest to analyze especially if its applied in international marketing is the Economic

factors of the Economic, because once you are outside of your environment it means that you

need to start again and adjust to the new culture you are into, economical factors includes the

stage of business cycle, you need to know the employment rates, because not every employment

rates are the same in other nations, like Philippines it has a low employment rates and low salary,

you need to know all these because you need an employee for you to run your company. In

addition you also need to learn about the monetary policies and inflation rates and other things

that must be considered economical, that is why it is the hardest among the PEST analysis

because making a business internationally must be learned and adjust to the new environment

where your business is.

PEST analysis can assist your company or organization by identifying future issues and

challenges and creates opportunities for your business, also knowing and learning economic

factors can create a good impact not only to your business but also to your customers, because

you respect every culture they have and adjust to their standards.
International companies are the companies that have the ability to promote and choose what kind

of product they need to sell in other countries because they these companies’ wants profits and

choosing the wrong product to sell internationally can have a negative results for them.

International companies choose what products to promote and choose what country they would

sell because some countries are very sensitive when it comes to products, for example Muslim

people need a product that is signed and approved by HALAL before they purchase it because if

its not they will be cursed or have sin by consuming and buying the kind of product, also as an

international company you need to identify each country’s culture and traits because some are

not interested by the product you sell so you need to be careful on selling the products because it

can affect your company and decrease its income. International company choose the country

based on the products because they know where they will sell it and what are their consumers

demands, for the consumer to be satisfied they will sell a product that can attract consumers, with

these it boost their companies image and create a positive feedback.

Choosing the product to sell it the right country or state is one of the most important thing to

consider because it affects every aspect of your company, whether the brand, the feedback, the

positive image and the quality of the product you sell to them, it is important to understand and

know the consumers demand because it can help you have the opportunity to mass produce the

products you want to sell and make you confident selling it because a lot of consumers demand

the product that your company is making.

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