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Happy holidays to all of you dear children!

Follow the instructions as and in where given herewith and complete

your holiday homework in your respective subject notebooks.
Holiday Homework weightage will be of 5 marks as internal assessment.

General Instructions
* Each portion of homework must be done in the respective notebooks.
* Answers must be written in own words.
* Project works need to be submitted in the spiral binding copy.
* For the Worksheet section, students are requested to take the print out of the worksheet given with this file
and complete over there.

Write the article (120-150) words about below mentioned topic

1. Millennium India
2. India today
3. communal harmony
4. Dignity of Labour
5. Drug Addiction
6. Earth Summit at Rio De Janeiro
7. Demonetization
8. Atomic war
9. Dowry System
10. Ban Child Labor
11. NEP-2022
12. Travel AND tourism
13. Vocational Training
14. My favorite Hero
15. Global warming
16. Indian Democracy
17. Unity in diversity
18. Inflation (Price Rising)
19. Secular India
20. Population explosion
21. kaleidoscope culture
विषय - ह िं दी

1- निम्िनिखित विषय पर िगभग 150 शब्दों में रचिात्मक िेि निखिए

i) हिल्मों की समाज में भूनमका

ii) भूकिंप और उसे जुड़ी कुछ घटिाएिं

iii) आधुनिकता और िारी की भूनमका

iv) बढ़ती जिसिंख्या दर घटती सुविधाएिं

v) सेिा में मह िाओिं बढ़ती रूनच

2- रामचररत मािस का सिंखिप्त पररचय दीखजए तथा सातों कािंड का सनचत्र िर्णि करें

3- कोई कविता, क ािी, निबिंध पढ़कर उसकी समीिा निखिए

जैसे:- प्रेमचिंद, निशानियिंत्रर्, म ादे िी िमाण

 Macro economics-
01.Circular flow of income NCERT questions 01 to 5
02.National Income related aggregates exercise questions no. 2 to 8

 Indian Economy-
Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss the economic features of Indian economy prior to the advent of the British rule?

Question 2.
What was the aim of the policies pursued by the British during colonial rule?

Question 3.
Write a short note on commercialization of agriculture during British rule?

Political Science

1. Make a brief note on Challenges of nation Building by yourself without the help of
2. Prepare a Political Map of India indicating the states by using different colours (except
red colour) and indicate the then princely states with red Colour and write their history
regarding Instrument of succession .
3. Write a short note on Operation Black Thunder, Operation Black Tornado and
Operation BlueStar by Indian Armed Forces

Worksheet For Political Science

Short Answer type question.

1. Define the term "Liberty".

2. Write types of emergencies stated in Indian constitution.
3. Define the term "Internal disturbance " related with emergency provisions mentioned
in Indian constitution.

4. Write down the major committees of Loksabha.


5. List down the six fundamental rights stated in our constitution.


Long answer type question

6. Define the term "constitutional remedy "

Chapter 1

1.List the items of food available to people in Harappan cities. Identify the groups who would have
provided these.

2. How do archaeologists trace socio-economic differences in Harappan society? What are the
differences that they notice?

3. Would you agree that the drainage system in Harappan cities indicates town planning? Give reasons for
your answer.

4. Describe some of the distinctive features of Mohenjodaro.

5. Discuss the functions that may have been performed by rulers in Harappan society.

6.On the given map, use a pencil to circle the sites where evidence of agriculture has been recovered. Mark
an X against sites where there is evidence of craft production and R against sites where raw materials were
Use map from ncert book and fill it.
7. Discuss the evidence of craft production in Early Historic cities. In what ways is this different from the
evidence from Harappan cities?

Chapter 2
1.Describe the salient features of Mahajanapadas.

2. How do historians reconstruct the lives of ordinary people?

3.Compare and contrast the list of things given to the Pandyan chief (Source 3) with those produced in the
village of Danguna (source 8). Do you notice any similarities and differences?

4.Discuss the main features of Mauryan administration. Which of these elements ate evident in the Asokan
inscriptions that you have studied?

5.This is a statement made by one of the best-known epigraphists of the twentieth century, D.C. Sircar:
“There is no aspect of life, culture, activities of the Indians that is not reflected in inscriptions.” Discuss.

6.To what extent were agricultural practices transformed in the period under consideration?





1. Draw a fixture of 12 teams on league basis according to the staircase method . How will you decide the
winner in league tournament.

2.What is League tournament ? Draw a fixture of 9 teams on the basis of league tournament usingcyclic
methods. Explain British methods to declare the winner.

3.Mention all calculation and steps involved to draw a knockout fixture of 19 teams, Where 4 teams are to
be seeded.

4.Explain the pre-during and post responsibility of official of various committee for organizing a sports
tournament smoothly.

5.Your school is organizing" Mini Marathon Race "explain the responsibilities of accreditation, technical
and finance committee.

6.Being sports captain of the school prepare five important guideline to improve the overall physical fitness
of every individual students.

7.Explain the methods of fixing of byes in each half.

8.Why planning is important in daily life.

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