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J. E.



I. Learning Outcome: This module is about the Fluid Flow in Pipes

Topics: A. Definitions of Terms

B. Head Losses
a. Major Head Losses
b. Minor Head Losses
C. Formulas
D. Pipes Connecting in Series
E. Pipes Connecting in Parallel
F. Pipe Networks
a. Hardy Cross Methods
G. Problem Solving
H. Problems

(Based on the book: Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics (Revised

Version) by D. Gillesania)

Time Factor: 4 hours (1 weeks)

I. Definition of Terms

Term Definition Formula

Laminar Flow The flow is said to be laminar, if the path of Refer to formulas in
the individual particles of the liquid does not Gillesania Book
cross or intersect.
Reynolds’s Number, Re, is less than 2,000.
Turbulent Flow The flow is said to be turbulent when the path Refer to formulas in
of the particle of liquid are irregular and Gillesania Book
continuously cross each other.
Reynolds’s Number, Re, is greater than 2,000.
Critical Velocity Critical Velocity inpipes is the velocity below
which all turbulence are damped out by the
viscosity of the fluid.
Reynolds’s Number, Re, is 2,000.
Reynold’s Number The ratio of the inertia force to the viscous a)pipes flowing full:
ʋD ρ ʋ D
Re = =
μ v


b)non-circular pipes
4ʋ D ρ 4ʋ D
Re = =
μ v

Shearing Stress in Pipes Refer to lecture in Gillesania Book Refer to formulas in

Gillesania Book

II. Head Losses

Two Losses in Pipes:

1) Major Head Loss– caused by pipe friction
2) Minor Head Losses – caused by changes in velocity, directions of flow, and
are expressed in terms of kinetic energy

Total Head Loss = Major Head Loss + Minor Head loss

H L =h f +¿

 Major Head Loss is caused by Frictional Losses due to the friction
between the walls of the pipe and the water.
 Minor Head losses is caused by changes in direction or velocity of flow
due to:
a) sudden enlargement (the existing diameter of pipe is
connected to a larger pipe)
b) sudden contraction (the existing diameter of pipe is connected
to a smaller pipe)
c) bends (change of direction)
d) valves (attachment of valves and fittings)
e) others
 Each Major Head Losses may be solved using various formulas such as:
a) Darcy-Weisbach Formulas
b) Mannings Formula
c) Hazen Williams Formula
 Minor Head Losses have various formulas dependant on the kind of
attachments or fittings specified above.
III. Formulas

A) Formulas for Major Head Losses

Pipe Friction Formula Equation

For General Equation: f = friction factor

( )
a)Darcy-Weisbach Formula fL v
2 L = Length of pipe
hf= D = Pipe Diameter
D 2g
v = mean or average velocity
For non-circular pipes:
Q = Discharge
hf = (
f L 8 Q2
D π 2 g D4 )
Used for SI Units only:

0.0826 f L Q2
hf = 5

Refer to Gillesania Book for other related Equations for Laminar and Turbulent Flow, for Rough Pipes,
for Smooth Pipes, Haaland Formula, and the tables as the Moody Friction Factor required.

For Circular Pipes (SI Units): n = Roughness coefficient

b)Manning Formula 10.29 n L Q
2 2 R = Hydraulic Radius
hf= 16 A D
3 R= =
D P 4
For Non-circular Pipes (SI Units):
6.35 n2 L v 2 A = Cross-sectional area of pipe
hf = 4 P = Wetted Perimeter
D S = Slope of the Energy Grade
For velocity (SI Units): Line
2 1 hf
v= R 3 S 2 S=
n L
For velocity (English System):
2 1
1.486 3 2
v= R S

Roughness Coefficient, n, may be found in the table.

For circular pipe: C1 = Hazen-Williams coefficient

c)Hazen-Williams Formula 10.67 LQ
1.85 D = Pipe Diameter
hf= 1.85 4.87 R = Hydraulic Radius
C1 D
S = Slope of EGL
Roughness Coefficient, n, may be found in the table. Other formulas are found in Gillesania Book.

B. Formulas for Minor Head Losses:

Pipe Friction Formula Equation

h e=¿¿ ¿¿ v1 = velocity before enlargement

a) Sudden Enlargement v2 = velocity after enlargement

h e=¿ K ¿ ¿¿ K is taken from chart in

b) Gradual Gillesania Book

h c=¿ K ¿ ¿¿ K = coefficient of sudden

c) Sudden Contraction contraction

h b=¿K ¿¿¿ K is taken from table in

d) Bends and other Gillesania Book

IV. Pipes in Series

These are pipes of different diameters connected in series.

Q1 = Q2 = Q3 +Q

HL = h f1 = h f2 = h f3

V. Pipes in
These are for
connected in parallel.
VI. Pipe Networks

It refers to the investigation of a particular area of the system of fluid flow rate and its pressure
through hydrodynamic network using interconnected branches.

a) The Hardy Cross method is an application of continuity of flow and continuity of potential

to iteratively solve for flows in a pipe network. Hardy Cross developed two methods for
solving flow networks. Each method starts by maintaining either continuity of flow or
potential, and then iteratively solves for the other.
VII. Problem Solving

1. Oil having specific gravity of 0.869 and dynamic viscosity of 0.0814Pa-s flows through
a cast iron pipe at a velocity of 1 m/s. The pipe is 50 m long and 150 mm in diameter.
a) Find the head lost due to friction
b) The shearing stress at the walls of the pipe.


ʋD ρ ʋ D
Re = =
μ v

ʋ D ρ 1 ( 0.15 ) (1000 x 0.869)

Re = = =1,601
μ 0.0814

Since 1,601 < 2000, this is a Laminar Flow.


( )
fL v
D 2g

64 64
f= = =0.04
Re 1601

hf =
0.04 (50)
0.15 (12
2(9.81) )
=0.68 m

c) Shearing Stress

γ h L D ( 9810 x 0.869 ) ( 0.68 ) (0.15)

τ 0= = = 4.34 Pa
4L 4(50)

2. A pump draws 20 lit/sec of water from reservoir A to reservoir B as shown. Assuming

f = 0.02 for all pipes, compare the horsepower delivered by the pump and the pressures
at point 1 and 2.

El 60

El 10
Q1 150 mm – 1200 m
A 1
2 El 0

200 mm – 500 m


0.0826 f L Q
hf= 5

0.0826 ( 0.02 ) (500 ) (0.02)2

hf = =1.033 m

0.0826 ( 0.02 ) ( 1200 ) (0.02)2

hf = 5
=10.442 m

a) Bernoulli’s Energy Equation from A to B :

v A2 p A v 2 p
+ + z A + H L = B + B + zB + H L
2g γ 2g γp A−B

0 + 0 + 10 + HE = 0 + 0 + 60 + 1.033 + 10.442

HE = 61.475 m

Power delivered by the pump:

P = Q γ HE = 0.02 (9810) (61.475) = 12,061 watts or 16.17 hp

b) Bernoulli’s Energy Equation from A to 1 :

v A2 p A v2 p
+ + z A + H L = 1 + 1 + z1 + H L
2g γ 2g γp A−1
8( 0.02)
0 + 0 + 10 = + +0 + 1.033
π ( 9.81 ) (0.2) γ
2 4

p1 = 87.76 KPa

a) Bernoulli’s Energy Equation from 2 to B :

2 2
v2 p2 v B pB
+ + z 2+ H L = + + zB + H L
2g γ 2g γ
p 2−B

8( 0.02)
+ + 0 = 0+ 0 + 60 + 10.442
π ( 9.81 ) (0.) γ
2 4

p2 = 690.4 KPa

VIII. Problem

1. A hydroelectric power generating system is showm. Water flows from an upper reservoir
to a lower one passing through a turbine at the rate of 150 liters per sec. The total length
of pipe connecting the two reservoirs is 100 m. The pipe diameter is 250 mm, the Hazen-
Williams coefficient is 120. The water surface elevation of reservoirs 1 and 2 are 197 m
and 50 m respectively. Determine the power generated by the turbine if it is 85 %
efficient? Neglect minor losses.

A 1 2

CE 325 – Hydraulics
Module 12
Worksheet 12

Name ____________________________________________Date ______________________

Course and Year: ___________________________________

1. A hydroelectric power generating system is showm. Water flows from an upper reservoir
to a lower one passing through a turbine at the rate of 150 liters per sec. The total length
of pipe connecting the two reservoirs is 100 m. The pipe diameter is 250 mm, the Hazen-
Williams coefficient is 120. The water surface elevation of reservoirs 1 and 2 are 197 m
and 50 m respectively. Determine the power generated by the turbine if it is 85 %
efficient? Neglect minor losses.

A 1 2


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