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5E Lesson Plan: Volcanoes

Teacher: Mr. Robert Dave T. Cañaveral

Date: April 8, 2021
Subject/ grade level: Grade 9 Science

For Teacher Demonstration:

1) Power point presentation
2) Different pictures of Volcanoes

For Group Demonstration:

1) Clean Bond paper or Manila paper
2) Markers
3) Coloring Materials

Entire Class:
1) Student Handout


1. Identify the volcanoes found in the Philippines
2. Describe the different types of volcanoes

Engagement: 8 minutes

Teacher Demonstration:
During this time, the teacher will start a game called “Where’s that Volcano?”. The students will identify
if the volcano shown can be found in the Philippines. They will write their answering yes or no in ¼
sheet of paper.

Pictures presented:
1. Mayon Volcano
2. Mt. Fuji
3. Mauna Loa
4. Mt. Pinatubo
5. Sunset Crater
6. Krakatoa
7. Kanlaon Volcano
8. Mount Etna
9. Babuyan Claro Volcano
10. Mount St. Helens

After the pictures shown, the students will check their papers in each item.
Exploration: 10 minutes

Group Activity:
1. The students will divide into 3 groups for this activity.
2. The students will bring out the materials listed above assigned to them.
3. The teacher will name each group:
a. Group 1 “COMPOSITE Group”
b. Group 2 “SHIELD Group”
c. Group 3 “CINDER Group”
4. The teacher will show the volcanoes found in the Philippines from the earlier activity.
5. The teacher will present chart that shows the types of volcano and their characteristics.
6. Each group assigned to identify the volcano found in the Philippines that correspond to its type
or to their group name.
7. Each group will draw the volcano presented they choose and write the evidences they found
that support their idea or matched from the given characteristic to their chosen volcano.

Explanation: 6-10 minutes

At this time, students will have a quick reporting or presentation about their works in front of the class.
After the all of the group discussion, the teacher will present a presentation about the Types of

Elaboration: 6 minutes

During this time, the teacher will present 5 pairs of volcano. The students will compare and differentiate
the volcanoes by general parts visible in the pictures and what type of volcano for each picture

Evaluate: 8 minutes

The teacher will present new set of volcano pictures and the students will identify if these are
Composite, Shield or Cinder cone Volcano.

The teacher will also give an assignment:

What are the different types of volcanic eruption. Give an definition and the 1 example of eruption
occurred in the past events of the world

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