Enjoy Enjaami Expresses The Anger and Pride of Sections of Labourers in Tamil Nadu Who Never

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“Enjoy Enjaami” is a powerful, unapologetic tribute to every soul in Tamil Nadu that faced the horrors

of systematic caste and gender oppression in the past, and continue to do so. Upper-caste members of
society enabled generations of exploitation and unrewarded labour. The farmers who toiled in the
fields for the welfare of others, were left in a constant state of mental and physical torment. There
were no sources for reparations, or justice. There was only injustice and despair.

Arivu ensures that the song speaks almost as an embodiment of his grandmother’s lived
experiences. The lyrics of the song allude to the taking pride in the deeds of their forefathers. They
also pay homage to a beautiful cycle of nature that they helped flourish, which others reaped the
benefits of. Female labourers, who were the worst victims of the societal dynamics of gender and
caste, triumphantly ululate in the backtrack of the song, reclaiming their dignity and rightfully
demonstrating defiance towards their oppressors. They now celebrate their practices, rituals and
traditions. So many aspects of their culture are highlighted in the video, from the stylistic choices to
the fields where the video was filmed. The very soil that gave birth to their ecosystem, nurtured
their families and encouraged traditions is also focused upon.

Interestingly, the word “Enjaami” in the song serves as a triple entendre, having three separate
meanings. “Enjaami” was used by labourers to address their “superiors”, their masters, but also
literally meant “My Lord”, which shows how appalling the relationship dynamic really was. However,
in recent times, Enjaami is now popularly used as a term of endearment and has been reclaimed by
the oppressed, as an attempt to remove the negative connotations behind it.

Enjoy Enjaami expresses the anger and pride of sections of labourers in Tamil Nadu who never
received gratitude, love or even basic dignity for their contributions to society. The overwhelming
emotion throughout the song is a love for their identity, for their voices which were silenced till now
are now loud, clear and uninhibited.

Often, we read about the atrocious experiences that marginalized people in Indian society go
through-but only in the form of numbers and statistics. Entire lives, emotions and feelings get
downplayed, underrepresented and converted to mere numbers and statistics by mainstream
media, for reasons unknown, or known. However, these individuals and their lived experiences are
now immortalized through the song, unable to be tampered with or manipulated.

The song masterfully executes its purpose of bringing awareness about the plight faced by lower
caste labourers in Tamil Nadu. Through its vibrant imagery and unapologetic lyrics, it eternalizes and
sets in stone the story of pain, victory, and pride, never to be erased or minimized by communities
who abuse power and privilege ever again.

Anoushka Narayan

B.Com IAF (1st Year)


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