Compromise Memo

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Exh. 1} SuMernee? LOMPROMISE MEMO IN PENDING cases #— Type of Case-_ (Rl SeBY ota. air] 004 Pending in the Court of Ad-hoc Addl, Sessions Judge at Greater Bombay, C.R.No.\S Shri Yite_o ‘ J Applicant/accused: Plot tif: mstakan i of tan Crobasilal pplicant/; a VERSUS StriGuteeda Loco Post set oe Sa ~ Ape: MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: si} Dispute in brief is that offence iée “unas Qhelian Coco a t. We thatisStriNuteo Mand Yom Appi cyst, ‘and ‘Shi. Bueens Laan Preece Gospel Respondent/Org.Compiatant in the above said case have arrived at the compromise to settle the matter as follows: TERMS OF COMPROMISE fous & Real Dekndant ‘The aeeused has/have paid Rs. 00 Faas ov{- “towards Givibtiability Roatan on a ptt tangent Ferro ogg | Veo howe. Partin ——__tawards com aeges. The eamplainant have fod “tonxerd ture WA he oboye pnatter compounded the offence under-seetion — Aet- We have arrived at the SS SSE995 forms willingly before the Lok Nvayalaya/Maha Lok Adalat held on & /4 /207% No coercion or fore is applied VM dette “ts Plaia ee” Dekindonwts, No, grees eta + wy For Ded Adv Ror Plodaiee go nts aks usr & for MR pe YoahS & MseUaks Rss ok 88. Kind Attention : HHJ.Shx}-P-Shermy Dated this__@" day of, apo —» 2019 Place : Mumbai. NM. a.deelha— 4 Le Delen (Gtenmae OF he applet aqaused) (Signature of the Respondent/Org-eomplainant) Platian fe Orendgat__ ee ep Sindant (Sight oN, For applicaniyacoused} (Sign ofthe Ad. Fo the Respn, Jozaconph ver a qALcol® % Assoctetka eve? Pigpe Peuds AWARD The matter is amicably settled by the parties in the Loknyalaya held on & /4 /20iFin Mumbai. Before Panel consisting of Acting Judge Shri, P- «sharma and Panel members Adv:Shet’. Anand! NiiEkghnd Adveh ‘chandrapra adh ‘Award is passed as follows: Matter VS seted ob pos Tre Cowseniwm Exh. 16. the. tencendum shall “ vot 4 Award, —_— _ Act is hereby — ‘Act. 2. The accused applicant are acquitled for the offence under section 3- Bail bonds of the accused stand cancelled. 4, Case be disposed of as agaistapplicant/accused No. Signature of Panel Members 0 gee Same \ N / Shee COMPROMISE MEMO IN PENDING CASES + Type of Case -_ Crt. &ppeal No- 122/17 Pending in the Court of Ad-hoc Addl, Sessions Judge at Greater Bombay, C.R.No. _ Shri. S40 Zi nen 28 bpde -- Applicant/accused. VERSUS Shri__Vist leg) 2 see -Respondent/Org.Complainant. : MAYIT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: Dispute in brief is that offence u/s_A.37 cs AL Act. We, tats is Shii,_Silnehvger 2. Lyle Applieans/accused and Shri. ‘Respondent/Org.Complaiant in the above said case have arrived at the compromise to settle the matter as follows: TERMS OF COMPROMISE The accused has/have paid Rs. Z x 2 ane J towards Civil liability and Rs. towards compounding charges. ‘The complainant have compounded the offence under sectiot #£3- /4T- NA het We have arrived at the compromise terms willingly before,the Lok Nyayalaya/Mabg Lok Adalat held on & / 4 /20j- No coercion or force is applied. ye Cab d a BD. Cacho mia) Wf), Kind Attention : H.HJ. Shyf- P Sharma Apel : 1201 Place : Mumbat jg Apeh 199/)> conned applicant/accused) (Signature of the Respotdent/Org.complainant) fol~ p.Dlehe— (ign. Of Adv. For applicant/accused) (Sign ofthe Adv. For the Respn./Org.compl.) AWARD ‘The matter is amicably settled by the parties in the Tonyalaye held on @ /4 /2016 in Mumbai. Before Panel consisting of Acting Judge Shri. P-k: shave. el Anand Nikhal and Ad “drt. chande pala and Panel members Ad\ an: and Adv. han. ee is passed as follows: 1, Offence under section. YB shri, N®6K Naw choadhs ows’ ... Applicant/accused. . VERSUS Do als ona g Shrisy'T Hrenders orysa lel Powahh Respondent/Org.Complainant. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: Dispute in brief is that offence u/s 13t *] N.f> Act We, thatis Shri, Sati Pleng fr Shot Applicant/accused and shri Kishore Bhahg Respondent/Org,Complaiant in the above said case have arrived at the compromise to settle the matter as follows: TERMS OF COMPROMISE ‘The accused has/have paid Rs, 215.023} towards Gadbliability and Rs,________ towards compounding charges. The complainant have compounded the offence under section Act. We have arrived at the compromise terms willingly before the Lok Nyayalaya/Maha Lok Adalat held on @&/ 042017. No coercion or force is applied Concen ll fermg amir) a? behven prbea o Atte) Onrects Cat ax i fr Wak tan Matin 6S be beapose Dd OPE pr crore ep bee ee re am - ie tO yur Kind Attention : H.H.J. Shy Pe Sharma Dated this OF of Apwl __, 2017. Placegyvfumbai. posh mepe fons Alisa ad Laces! ten drs 8)" Poreleh (Signature of the applicant/accused) (Signature of the Respondent/Org.complainant) ae ee (Sieg, 08 ‘Adv. For applicant/accused) (Sign of the Adv. For the Respn./Org.conipl.) oun | Aa Kuhov Lleas AWARD ‘The matter is amicably settled by the parties in the Loknyslaya held on BY? #2017 in Mumbai, Before Panel consisting of Acting Judge Shri. sharma and Panel members Adv.ghn'. Anand NHergi\d Adv.shsi chandeopraleash passed as follows: 1. Offence under section (3 i WE HeL peristrersdy compounded as per section _! pe AL Act 2. The accused/applicant are acquittled Yor the offence under section _/3 & Act, 3. Bail bonds of the accused stand cancelled. 4. Case be disposed of as against applicant/accused Hs. ameind 4 30,07) Segre Vn -tote) Coury BY geuted . S Com is yrOmo Exh. s- ym pe cpeyotnd yy WY gate POM Signature of Panel Men:hcrs Exh. "COMPROMISE MEMO IN PENDING CASES qe Type of Case-_C~iwinal *ppemd weft Pending in a the Court of Ad hoc Addl. Sessions is Judge at Greater Bombay, C.R.No. _ Qreduel ged Moqremad Shri. ore Souted mol sian a ¢_ .... Applicant/accused. VERSUS Shri_The State 4 Mabovartrre Respondent/Org.Complairiant. + Baleaw Sttoeann weeewmarte m+ ongmal Gmplaryaule MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: Dispute in brief is that offence u/s__328 4 FP: ¢- Act. We, that is Shri,_-th2ot @ Las Sayyed truer AY 64 Ro oticant/accused and Shri_Baleam Greraw Wear mmre Respondent/Org.Complaiant in the above said case have arrived at the compromise to settle the matter as follows: TERMS OF COMPROMISE The accused has/have paid Rs. __ towards Civil liability and Rs, towards compounding charges. The complainant have compounded the offence under section_ 393 4 TP c - Act. We have arrived at the compromise terms willingly before, the Lok Nyayalaya/Maha Lok Adalat held on 08 /04/2016. No coercion or force is applied. Kind Attention : HHJ.Shd'- Pk -sharma Dated this_@™ day of_Acpn’ 20 3 Place: Mumbai. eee ue oars 2 ¥ of (Signat of the: applicant/accused) (Signature of the yndent/Org.complainant) Cpr fe SHEER CaktIER Nets) (Sign. Of Adv. For pnlcant/accused) (Sign of the Adv. For the Respn./Org.compl.) AWARD ‘The matter is amicably settled by the parties in the Loknyalaya held on #/4 /20%$in Mumbai. Before Panel consisting of Acting Judge Shri, ;P* &-Sharma and Panel members AdvShe. Anand sl iehaland Advsho’ .chandee pra teourl Award is passed as follows: Phnk 1. Offence under section__— 7B _ EPS __Act is hereby compounded as per section. — Act. | 2, The accused/applicant are acquittled for the offence under section _ DECOR C Act. 3. Bail bonds of the accused stand cancelled. 4. Case be disposed of as against applieant/accused Soc _ Signature of Panel Members galt quae, »y 2) 3) ee COMPROMISE MEMO IN PENDING CASES Exk oe ‘Type of Case - Sutin [R80 OH 2O Kg Pending in the Court of Ad-hoc Addl. Sessions Judge at Greater Bombay, C.R.No.__ shri. oly pode k GS > on Applicat TAecuseds 7] tb VERSUS, shri. nda (a Nod ar __ role MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: Dispute n ries that offence W/8 > op pg Act. We, that is Shri) fn: Vinod yada C8 axe! 97 ticant/accused and shri,__Twora bY wea Epona the above said case have arrived at the compromise to settle the matter as follows: '§ OF COMPROMISE The wa ey putes! 8 kahes _ towards Cains vn vit % Eoohr & Oomraumb- ___ towards compounting charges. The complainant have compounded the offence under section __ Act. We have arrived at the compromise terms willingly before the Lok yayalaya/Maha Lok Adalat held on & /14 /2017. No coercion or force is applied. oO oO fee ve \F- CmRE , sol. CHAD (memes) CmeMveR) Kind Attention: Hg. A)_-5- Bho wort Dated this__@ _ of A. px » 2017. Place : Mumbai. sagen _ (Signatire ofthe pplppt/eceuna) (Signature of the Responslent/Org.complainant) ge (Sign. Meee nine eT, Doty AWARD ‘The matter is amicably settled by the parties in the Loknyalaya hell on 8 4 /2017 in Mumbai. Before Panel consisting of Acting Judge Shri. AS. Bhag wot and Panel members Adv. Gheu'sen7 Sholuhéfid adv. fnukesh Bedsiotda awars is passed as follows: 1. Offence under section Act is hereby compounded as per section Act. 2. The accused /applicant are acquittled for the offence under section et 3, Bail bonds of the accused stand cancelled. 4, Case be disposed of as against applicant/accused No. Signature of Panel Members XN COMPROMISE MEMO IN PENDING CASES “ype of Case - nieestt yaaa set a toy [hg Pending in the Court of Ad-hoc Addl. Sessions Judge at Greater Bombay, C.R.No.__ ‘onl, GQ JarswWal saw Applicant/aceused. VERSUS Shri. Shri . sche L Fiyousid).. Respondent/Org.Complainant. Ne Sitio seal ® Fea ° MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: . wer Dispute in brief is that offence u/s 13, 159’of Hteetrieity Act. We, that is Shri, brjek _G. Dake shri Ne + Ski Seow __ Applicant/accused and Fol Sark . & fespondent/Org.Complaiant in the above said case have arrived at the compromise to settle the matter as follows: TERMS OF COMPROMISE ‘The accused has/have paid Rs. _(C2000/—_ towards Civil liability po taped sti, and Rs. — ___ towards compounding charges. ‘The complathart ha OE compounded the offenc> under section 138, 15° Hleetrleity Act. We have arrived at the compromise terms willingly before the Lok Nyayalaya/Maha Lok Adalat held on 0/94/2017. No coercion or force is applied. ele? ener [by Apion hadley Nop Reba rial SS [w» aa ruven Kind Attention : HH.J. Dated this bf Apel +2017. Place : Mumbai. (Signature of the Respondent/Org,complainant) Nad la (Gign. OF Adv. Foragplicant/accused) (Sign of the Adv. For the Resp} /Org.compl.) (Signature of the a} AWARD ‘The matter is amicably settled by the parties in the Lokpyalaya held on68/ /2017 in Mumbai, Before Panel consisting of Acting Judge Shri. and Panel members Adv. and Adv. and Award is passed as follows: rb NLA 1. Offence under section 3354) ofthe Bleatricity-Act is hereby compounded as per section sga-oflecteicttyAct. [4 o Zu 2. The ore are acquittled for the offence under section 145-41 38 3. Bail bonds of the accused stand cancelled. éy Case be disposed of gage yplicamt/accused Nor Aepetleci-) 5 ee fo fool - oo Pets Isfig dk phe pale Tbhy pred “pe segneediy senpenes Signapure of Panel Members yp. 2) kee COMPROMISE MEMO IN PENDING CASES Gol, | / Sy rppt | Caw. 699/ ) bbE Case - Hee SphfCA 0. : qe Pending in the Court of Ad-hoc Addl. Sessions Judge at Greater Bombay; C.R.No.__ shi, Sates f Posed .. Applicant/aceps€@. VERSUS - shri, Promwed Blhede. 0 wm Respondent/Org.Co MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: NL- Dispute in brief is that offence u/s 138, #58 of waaay Act. We, that is Shri__-Cantoot— Decor! Applicant/accused and shri, Pome) Glote___Respondent/Org.Complaiant in the above said case have arrived at the compromise to settle the matter as follows: TERMS OF COMPROMISE fis perm cor euth bere act lo The accused has/have paid Rs. ~___ towards Civil liability and Rs. _ towards compounding charges. The complainant have NT: compounded the offence under section 136, 186 of Eteetrieity Act, "Ne have arrived at the compromise terms willingly before the Lok Nyayalaya/Maha Lok Adalat held on /4 /2017. No coercion or force is applied. de ls also opel — fyakh a rzfordde- “3 eobitted fe onitrclris ohieasly leper open oneete oy Ay 9 9eew]— by 4 - Setheh DeSas 7 (er ety Acted 13/6 /1 | Kind Attention : H.H.J. Dated this of Ape\., 2017. Place : Mumbai. . etn os (Gignatiire of the applicant accused) (Signature of the Respondent/Org.complainant) (Sign. OF Adv. For applicant/accused) (Sign of the Adv. For the Respn./ Org compl.) AWARD ‘The matter is amicably settled by the parties in the Loknyalaya held J /20x7 in Mumbai. Before Panel consisting of Acting Judge Shri. and Panel members Adv. and Adv, and Award is passed as follows on x 1. Offence under section 235 1}uisection Vee the Electricity Act is hereby 5 : compounded as per section #56 of letting Ae 2. The aoeused/applicgnt are aquitled for the offence under section 1:01 the Eldaidig Ack 43, Bail bonds of the accused stand cancelled. 4. Case be disposed of as against applicant/aceesed HO: (Sacto ders S- Signature of Pane] Membe's \ CO RO tO IN PENDING CASES L , “Type of Case - ee SR NUABA NS. 4 9/1 s (ak . Pending in the Court of Ad-hoe Addi. Sessions Greater Bombay,.C.R.No._ ae shri. Croft Engl aa Applicant/accused. VERSUS, shri. Bx/q pbambi—l vm Respondent/Org. Complainant. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: Dispute in brief is that offence u/s 138, seooldila tly nce We, that is Shri. Chae facrealis Ae Sxl Applicant/accused and sori Maher Soptcacl Ahloa|_Respondent/ Org Complaiant in the above said case have arrived at the compromise to settle the matter as follows: TERMS OF COMPROMISE ‘The accused has/have paid Rs. 27#«0e,Z—_ towards Civil liability and Rs. towards compounding charges. The complainant have compounded the offence under section 135, 150-5¢lestrieity Act, We have arrived at the compromise terms willingly before the Lok Nyayalaya/Maha Lok Adalat held on @/4 /2017. No coercion or force is applied. Kind Attention : H.H.J. Dated this ot APN. 2017. Mumbai. “om, a Qa Pl canvensee 5 RATHED / 84-0 (signature of thpApplicant/accused) (Signature of the Responds Organi)? — wel ab fe . 1D, reble ES Hheton) prtiky, “B67 SPOS (Sign ofthe Adv, For the Respn./Org.compl) (Sign, Of Adv, For applicant/aeeused) AWARD settled by the parties in the Loknyalaye held ‘The matter is amicably ge Shiri. Before Panel consisting of Acting Judi and Adv. and Award is passed as follows and on [2017 in Mumbai. Panel members Adv. 1. Offence ‘under section Md és Act is hereby compounded as per section ecbidetiets Ps 133 BP The accused applicant are acquitted for the offence under section the Electricity Act ds of the acoused stand cancelled 3. Bail bon Atyaccused Ne? —_—-——— 44, Case be disposed of as against AP COMPROMISE MEMO IN PENDING CASES Car Aggect| who - © ‘Typé of Case - Hlee’Sp deelis a Pending in the Court of Ad-hoc Adal. Sessions Judge-at Greater Bombay, C.R.No.__ a - Ppettant shri. Kumar. Ca unga Nalloade... sppliant/aceuske. VERSUS MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: ni Dispute in brief is that offence u/s 138 150-0f Hteetrivity Act.) — ASE eised and We, that i S a espondent/Org.Complaiant in the above Shr said case have arrive: t the compromise to settle the matter as follows: ‘TERMS OF COMPROMISE Appellant] ‘The accused has/have paid Rs. 1,35 000 [— towards Civil liability and Rs. towards compounding charges. The complainant have TT. Ack Ae -pranounded the offence under section 1355 We have artived at the compromise terms willingly before the Lok Nyayalaya/Maha Lok Adalat held on& /41/2017. No coercion or force is applied. Kind Attention : HAJ. Dated this @ of Aar'/, 2017. Place : Mumbai. : (Signature of the were mplainant) API Jf the appljcant/accysed) 8. ‘ summers toe TY le epachrath: G- Bhullare N Appellant SO as (Sign ou Adv + ‘ares! AWARD Asha? hon’ ‘e matter is amicably setded by the pai ting of Acting Judge Shri and Award is passed as follows: ofthe Adv. For the Respn./Org.compl.) Th ties in the Lpknvalaya helt [ [2017 jn Mumbai. Before Panel consist and Adv. and on Panel members Adv. 1, Offence under section ion. find iinet is hereby eect ter ne compounded as per secbonr ist EIEITICH AT 2. The accused/applicant are acquittled for the offence w the 7 3. Bail ‘ponds of the accused stand cancelled. A 4. Case be disposed of as against applicant/accused Die. — — inder section IN THE COURT OF SESSIONS FOR GREATER BOMBAY AT MUMBAI Crim. Appeal No. 788 of 2013 Kumar Gunga Nalvade Appellant/ Orig. Accused Versus Dashrath Ganpat Bhilare ---Respondent No.2 Orig.complainant RAYMENT RECEIPT 1 Dashrath Ganpat_Bhilare, the Respondent No.2/original complainant in above said matter/case, hereby write and put on record that I have received entire full and final settlement amount of Rs.1,35,000/- (Rupees One Lakh thirty five thousand only) by cash from the Appellant/original Accused-Mr.Kumar Gunga Nalvade by CASH, The details of payment by him to me is as under and I have issued receipts to that effect, Sr.No. Date of payment Amount Rs. 1. 17.06.2015 50,000/- 2. 07.07.2015 20,000/- 3. 14.09.2015 10,000/- 4. 07.01.2016 25,000/- Ss. 06.04.2017 30,000/- Jace: Mumbai Rs.1,35,000/- 27 G Les Ze Por \ Ne conn Bhilare) Advocate for Respondent No.l. Respondeut No.2/orig.comp. a oukuwred A PpeLlord— kumar -G 3 + Nollacoah Asta. Cor kwad . "poe ahhigeale hPeOdaad

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