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Interview with Marcus Neuntter for Ab Erbo 'zine 1996 a.y.p.s.

Have you been in other bands before Carnun's birth? What sort of reasons make you found a band like Carnun? Do you have the same line up since the beginning? Sieg Heil! Aye, I was vocialist and drummer in Defy Christ, although that was never anything more than a bedroom band. We released one demo/reh "Vengeance", sold a few copies, did some small ints and died. The band was just to satisy my obession with Beherit's masterpiece "The Oath of Black Blood" and Blasphemy's "Gods of War". Needless to say, it was no musical masterpiece. I started Carnun because art is propaganda and music is the most powerful form of propaganda if you ask me. It's very important to me that any band or zine should have a message to spread and Carnun has one too. But anyway, I started Carnun because I wanted to make some music. besides, there aren't any Black metal bands here in Ireland (unless you count Primordial as BM?). No, we've had some line up changes. Here, in Ireland, it's impossible for me to find people who are 100% suitable. I do what I can. In your newsletter it said your demo is getting on with reviews, but do you think you are ready for a full lenght already? I can say I see some weak details in your demo, but maybe your current situations as musican has changed until today... If we're ready for a full length now I don't know. maybe...maybe not. Of course the demo had some "weak details" because it was a demo. What demo is 100% perfect? That was

really our first studio experience so there was a lot of mistakes there and also the producer knew nothing of our Infernal art so he was totally useless. The entire recording is far too weak and hollow. All the power was lost. The vocals just sound too stupid because they're really high mixed. But I still am very satisifed with the whole thing. Talking about your evolution, tell me about the improvment on drums (new drummer, right?) and vocals (it seems they won't sound like Grishnack anymore!), aswell as adding of a flute and the female vocalist. If all this is well mixed I think your new material should be very interesting... Aye, new drummer. Our orignal drummer left us the day before the recording of Malkuth. Those vocals you're talking about actually sounded great in the rehearsal place, just the fact that they are mixed too high and the recording is too thin made them sound out of place. I'll keep those vocals. Flute and Female vocalist?? what? who the fuck said that? There'll NEVER be a female vocal in one of Carnun's songs and neither will there be any keyboards or flutes, violins or any other instrument like that. We're a Black metal band and those items have nothing to do ith BM. I hate bands using them. They all make music far too wimpy and commerical sounding. Death to the Jewish pigs! How did you get on stage without having a proper line up? I mean Michael was working on guitars and bass...did you get session members for gigs? Do you see a a future for Carnun with a proper line up? The bassist from a Cork Death Metal, ABHOR, was used on that gig your talking about. And our new drummer was already with us by then. To be honest, I don't see a future for Carnun with the line up we have now because we're too different. And I doubt I'll ever find anyone who I really want in least not here. These people are just "metal-people", they've no ideology, no esoteric interest or racial conciousness. I hate that!. I'm too tired. Hate and destruction! For me you mix typical norse black metal with a melodic heavythrash metal approach (like newer Rotting Christ). Do you agree? Are you going to develope this side, mid-paced parts with heavy riffs? Also do you agree if I say that I hear influences from Liar of Golgotha in your music? No, I don't fucking agree with you. heavy-thrash? No way! And typcial Norse BM? What are you talking about? There's NOTHING typcially Norwegian about our demo. I mean, Norse BM is usually very fast..ours is pretty slow. We just write music that suits our mood. It's dismal, dark...depressive, without hope....just death, darkness and's Satanic Music... but aye, we'll stick to this style...probably a little faster though (not "thrash"..retro bands fuck off!)

Liar of Golgotha? huh?? Gorgoroth from Funeral Winds/L.O.G. is a Comrade of mine and I like his band but we're not influenced by them...besides our demo came out juts a little after their's did, so... What do you think about other Irish bands who have become well -known with their mix of folk and metal, like Primordial and Cruachan? Besides you and those other two, I can't remember any other name from Ireland, do you think you could tell us about the Irish Black/Death Metal scene? Mixing folk and metal? I think it's a fucking insult. I think Primordial are a pretty good band and don't need to prostitue their culture and race for $ and besides Alan is an intelligent man, so I can't understand this stupidity. As for Cruachan, I'm not surprised such low life unintelligent little jewfaggots rape our race and culture for a little noterity. I can well do with out this new hype. As for Ireland's "scene" it's not too interesting. I can't think of a single band or zine which is any good. Maybe it'll improve with the mob move on and a fresher mob move in. But I won't hold my breath. I'm not so well liked here and I don't care. Who cares? Have the violent happenings (fights for religion, indepenacy from England...) of your country a certain influence on your attitdue and music? What do you think about the IRA? No influence on my music or attitude. It just makes me sad to see racial brothers and sisters fighting each other when the real enemy is getting away un-noticed. We're all the same (the British and us) so why fight eachother? Much better to join and fight the alien scum at the boarders. The IRA? hmmm..what can I say? They want the British out and every nigger and jew and other social parasite in! What do you think I think of them? Jewish influneced marxist nigger lovers I can well do without. Can you end this interview somehow? Thanks for the interest. Malkuth is still available for $5, but not from us. Write to No Colours Recs or Merciless Recs for copies. Until the battle.....Sieg Heil and Fenrir Awake!

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