Speaking About Work Conversation Topics Dialogs 124274

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Sławomir Szostak / SmartStart

What’s your job? Do you enjoy Describe your typical day at

it? work?

Which jobs pay well? Give Who did you want to be when
three examples. you were a child?

What do your family members Would you be a good boss?

do for a living? What qualities should a good
boss have?

If you could open a business, Is it better to work for

what would it be? somebody or for yourself?

How to prepare for a job What’s your work experience?


What’s your dream job? What’s your opinion on home


What jobs exist now that Do you think a robot can do

didn’t exist 30 years ago? your job? What jobs can be
automated or replaced by AI?

What are the most important What are the best jobs you
jobs in society. can think of?

What job you wouldn’t What jobs will be useful

like to do? in the future?
What’s your opinion on home office?

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