ACI 3581R-92 - Analysis and Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Guideway Structures

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ACI 358.




Reported by ACI Committee 358

Hidayat N. Grouni Sami W. Tabsh
Chairman Secretary

T. Ivan Campbell Stephen J. Kokkins

Michael P. Collins Andy Moucessian
Charles W. Dolan Andrzej S. Nowak
Roger A. Dorton Henry G. Russell
Thomas T. C Hsu

CHAPTER 2- General Design Considerations,

These recommendations, prepared by Committee 358, pre-
pg. 358.1R-5
sent a procedure for the design and analysis of reinforced and
2.1 Scope
prestressed-concrete guideway structures for public transit. The 2.2 Structural Considerations
document is specifically prepared to provide design guidance for 2.3 Functional Considerations
elevated transit guideways. For items not covered in this docu- 2.4 Economic Considerations
ment the engineer is referred to the appropriate highway and rail-
2.5 Urban Impact
way bridge design codes. 2.6 Transit Operations
2.7 Structure/Vehicle Interaction
Limit states philosophy has been applied to develop the de- 2.8 Geometrics
sign criteria. A reliability approach was used in deriving load and 2.9 Construction Considerations
resistance factors and in defining load combinations. A target re- 2.10 Rails and Trackwork
liability index of 4.0 and a service life of 75 years were taken as
the basis for safety analysis. The reliability index is higher than the CHAPTER 3 - Loads, pg. 358.1R-15
value generally used for highway bridges, in order to provide a 3.1 General
lower probability of failure due to the higher consequences of 3.2 Sustained Loads
failure of a guideway structure in a public tramit system The 75 3.3 Transient Loads
year service life is comparable with that adopted by AASHTO for 3.4 Loads due to Volumetric Changes
their updated highway bridge design specifications. 3.5 Exceptional Loads
3.6 Construction Loads
CHAPTER 4- Load Combinations and Load
KEYWORDS: Box beams; concrete construction; cracking (fracturing);
deformation; fatigue (materials); guideways; loads (forces); monorail
and Strength Reduction Factors, pg. 358.1R-
systems: partial prestressing; precast concrete; prestressed concrete: 23
prestress loss; rapid transit systems; reinforced concrete; serviceablity; 4.1 Scope
shear properties: structural analysis; structural design: T-beams; 4.2 Basic Assumptions
torsion; vibration. 4.3 Service Load Combinations
4.4 Strength Load Combinations
CHAPTER 5- Serviceability Design, pg.
CHAPTER 1- Scope, Definitions, and Nota- 358.1R-25
tions, pg. 358.1R-2 5.1 General
1.1 Scope 5.2 Basic Assumptions
1.2 Definitions 5.3 Permissible Stresses
1.3 Notations 5.4 Loss of Prestress
1.4 SI Equivalents 5.5 Fatigue
1.5 Abbreviations 5.6 Vibration
5.7 Deformation
5.8 Crack Control

ACI 358.1R-92 supersedes ACI 358.1R-86, effective Sept. 1, 1992.

Cl Committee Reports, Guides. Standard Practices, and Copyright 0 1992 American Concrete Institute.
ommentaries are intended for guidance in designing, planning, All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any
ting, or inspecting construction and in preparing specifications. form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo
process, or by any electronic or mechanical device. printed, written or
ocuments. If items found in these documents are desired to be part oral or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any
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CHAPTER 6 - Strength Design, pg. 356.1R-32 Concrete-A mixture of portland cement or any
6.1 General Design and Analysis Considerations other hydraulic cement, fine aggregate, coarse
6.2 Design for Flexure and Axial Loads aggregate, and water, with or without admixtures.
6.3 Shear and Torsion

CHAPTER 7- Reinforcement Details, pg. Continuously welded rail - Running rails that act
358.1R-34 as a continuous structural element as a result of
full penetration welding of individual lengths of
CHAPTER 8 - References, pg. 358.1R-34 rail; continuously welded rails may be directly
8.1 Recommended References fastened to the guideway, in which case their
combined load effects must be included in the
AND NOTATIONS Dead load -The dead weight supported by a
member, as defined in Chapter 3, without load
1.1- Scope factors.
These recommendations are intended to
provide public agencies, consultants, and other Design load-All applicable loads and forces and
interested personnel with comprehensive criteria their load effects such as, moments and shears
for the design and analysis of concrete guideways used to proportion members; for design according
for public transit systems. They differ from those to Chapter 5, design load refers to load without
given for bridge design in ACI 343R, AASHTO load factors; for design according to Chapter 6,
bridge specifications, and the AREA manual of design load refers to loads multiplied by appro-
standard practice. priate load factors, as given in Chapter 4.
The design criteria specifically recognize the
unique features of concrete transit guideways, Flexural natural frequency- The first vertical
namely, guideway/vehicle interaction, rail/structure frequency of vibration of an unloaded guideway,
interaction, special fatigue requirements, and based on the flexural stiffness and mass distri-
esthetic requirements in urban areas. The criteria bution of the superstructure.
are based on current state-of-the-art practice for
moderate-speed [up to 100 mph (160 km/h)] Live load-The specified live load, without load
vehicles. The application of these criteria for factors.
advanced technologies other than those discussed
in this report, require an independent assessment. Load factor-A factor by which the service load is
ACI 343R is referenced for specific items not multiplied to obtain the design load.
covered in these recommendations. These refer-
ences include materials, construction consider- Service load-The specified live and dead loads,
ations, and segmental construction. without load factors.
1.2-Definitions Standard vehicle-The maximum weight of the
The following terms are defined for general vehicle used for design; the standard vehicle
use in this document. For a comprehensive list of weight should allow for the maximum number of
terms generally used in the design and analysis of seated and standing passengers and should allow
concrete structures, the reader is referred to for any projected vehicle weight increases if larger
Chapter 2 of ACI 318 and to ACI 116R. The vehicles or trains are contemplated for future use.
terminology used in this document conforms with
these references.
1.3 - Notation
Broken rail - The fracture of a continuously
welded rail. a = center-to-center distance of shorter dimen-
sion of closed rectangular stirrups, in.
Concrete, specified compressive strength of J$ - (mm). Section 5.5.3
Compressive strength of concrete used in design a1 = side dimension of a square post-tensioning
and evaluated in accordance with Chapter 5 of anchor, or lesser dimension of a rectangular
ACI 318 is expressed in pounds per square inch post-tensioning anchor, or side dimension of
(psi) [Megapascals (MPa)]; wherever this quantity a square equivalent in area to a circular
is under a radical sign, the square root of the post-tensioning anchor, in. (mm). Section
numerical value only is intended and the resultant
is in pounds per square inch (psi). a,* = minimum distance between the center-lines

of anchors, or twice the distance from the Section 5.6.3

centerline of the anchor to the nearest Eci = Modulus of elasticity of concrete at
edge of concrete, whichever is less, in. transfer of stress, psi (MPa).
(mm). Section Es = Modulus of elasticity of reinforcement, psi
A = effective tension area of concrete (MPa)
surrounding the main tension reinforcing EI = Flexural stiffness of compression mem-
bars and having the same centroid as that bers, k-in2 (kN-mm2).
reinforcement, divided by the number of EQ = Earthquake force.
bars, in.2 (mm2); when the main rein- = Modulus of elasticity of rail, psi (MPa).
forcement consists of several bar sizes, the 1= Bursting stress behind a post-tensioning
number of bars should be computed as anchor, ksi (MPa).
the total steel area divided by the area of fc = Extreme fiber compressive stress in con-
the largest bar used. Section 5.8.1 crete at service loads, psi (MPa).
A = exposed area of a pier perpendicular to fc' = Specified compressive strength of concrete
the direction of stream flow, ft2 (m2). at 28 days, psi (MPa).
Section 3.3.4 fci' = Compressive strength of concrete at time
Abs = area of nonprestressed reinforcement of initial prestress, psi (MPa).
located perpendicular to a potential Cracking stress of concrete, psi (MPa).
bursting crack, in.2 (mm2). Section kI Cracking stress of concrete at the time of
Aoh = Area enclosed by the centerline of closed initial prestress, psi (MPa).
transverse torsion reinforcement, in.2
= Square root of specified compressive
(mm2). Section 5.5.3 8c
Ar = Cross-sectional area of a rail, in.2 (mm2). strength of concrete, psi (MPa).
A s’ = Area of compression reinforcement, in.2 ffr = Stress range in straight flexural reinforcing
(mm2). steel, ksi (MPa).
At = Area of one leg of a closed stirrup resis- fm = Algebraic minimum stress level, tension
ting torsion within a distance, in.2 (mm2). positive, compression negative, ksi (MPa).
Av = Area of shear reinforcement within a dis- fpu = Ultimate strength of prestressing steel, psi
tance, or area of shear reinforcement per- (MPa).
pendicular to main reinforcement within fpy = Specified yield strength of prestressing
a distance for deep beams, in.2 (mm2). tendons, psi (MPa).
b = Width of compressive face of member, in. fr = Axial stress in the continuously welded
(mm). rail, ksi (MPa). Section 3.4.3
= Center-to-center distance of longer dimen- fs = Tensile stress in reinforcement at service
sion of closed rectangular stirrup, in. loads, psi (MPa).
(mm). Section 5.5.3 fsr = Stress range in shear reinforcement or in
bb = Width of concrete in the plane of a poten- welded reinforcing bars, ksi (MPa).
tial bursting crack, in. (mm). Section 5.8.2 fst = Change in stress in torsion reinforcing due
BR = Broken rail forces. to fatigue loadings, ksi (MPa).
Cd = Horizontal wind drag coefficient. fsv = Change in stress in shear reinforcing due
CD = Flowing water drag coefficient. to fatigue loadings, ksi (MPa).
Ce = Wind exposure coefficient. fy = Specified yield stress, or design yield stress
Wind gust effect coefficient. of non-prestressed reinforcement, psi
:> z Centrifugal force, kip (kN). (MPa).
CL = Collision load, kip (kN). f1 = Flexural (natural) frequency, Hz.
CR = Forces due to creep in concrete, kip (kN). Fbs = Total bursting force behind a post-
d = Distance from extreme compressive fiber tensioning anchor, kip (kN).
to centroid of tension reinforcement, in. Fh = Horizontal design pressure due to wind,
(mm). psi (Pa).
dc = Thickness of concrete cover measured Fr = Axial force in the continuously welded
from the extreme tensile fiber to the rail, kip (kN).
center of the bar located closest thereto, Fsj = Jacking force in a post-tensioning tendon,
in. (mm). kip (kN).
D = Dead load. Fv = Vertical design pressure due to wind, psi
DR = Transit vehicle mishap load, due to vehicle (Pa).
derailment, kip (kN). FR = Radial force per unit length due to
Base of Napierian logarithms. curvature of continuously welded rail, k/in
Modulus of elasticity of concrete, psi (Pa). (Pa/mm).

g = Acceleration due to gravity = 32.2 ft/sec2 T = Loads due to temperature or thermal

(9.807 m/sec2). gradient in the structure exclusive of rail
h = Overall thickness of member, in. (mm). forces. Chapter 4.
hf = Compression flange thickness of I-and T = Time-dependent factor for sustained load.
T-sections, in. (mm). Section 5.7.2
H = Ambient relative humidity. Section 3.4.4 ^_ T = Change in torsion at section due to
H = Height from ground level to the top of the fatigue loadings. Section 5.5.3
superstructure. Section 3.3.2 T0 = Stress-free temperature of rail.
HF = Hunting force. T1 = Final temperature in the continuously
I Impact factor. welded rail.
ICE== Ice pressure. U = Ultimate load combinations.
Icr = Moment of inertia of cracked section ^_V = Change in shear at section due to fatigue
transformed to concrete, in.4 (m4). loadings, kip (kN). Section 5.5.3.
Ie = Effective moment of inertia for compu- V = Velocity of water, wind, or vehicle, ft/sec
tation of deflections, neglecting the (m/sec). Chapter 3.
reinforcement, in.4 (m4). Chapter 5 VCF = Vehicle crossing frequency, Hz. Section
Ig = Moment of inertia of the gross concrete 3.3.1.
3 3
section about its centroidal axis neglecting wc = Unit weight of concrete, lb/ft (kg/m ).
reinforcement, in.4 (m4). W = Wind load. Chapter 3.
jd = Distance between tensile and compression WL = Wind load on live load. Chapters 3 and 4.
forces at a section based on an elastic WS = Wind load on structure. Chapters 3 and 4.
analysis, in. (mm). xm = Location of maximum bursting stress,
kr = Average creep ratio. measured from the loaded face of the end
kt = k,, as a function of time t. block, in. (mm).
kv = A function of rv for creep and shrinkage yt = Distance from the centroidal axis of cross
strains. section, neglecting the reinforcement, to
P Span length, ft (m). the extreme fiber in tension, in. (mm).
L 1 Live load. Z = A quantity limiting distribution of flexural
LF = Longitudinal force. reinforcement.
LFe = Emergency longitudinal braking force. a = Coefficient of thermal expansion. Chapter
LFn = Normal longitudinal braking force. 3.
M = Mass per unit length, lb/in.-se&in. (kg/m). Y = Mass density of water, lb/ft3 (kg/m3).
Ma = Maximum moment in member at stage for ‘i = Initial elastic strain.
which deflection is being computed, lb-in. cC, = Concrete creep strain at time t.
(N-mm). %k = Concrete shrinkage strain at time t.
Mcr = Cracking moment, lb-m (N-mm). csku = Concrete shrinkage strain at t = 00.
PS = Forces and effects due to prestressing. 8 = Angle in degrees between the wind force
q = Dynamic wind pressure, psf (MPa). and a line normal to the guideway center-
Chapter 3. line.
rv = Volume-to-surface-area ratio, (volume per a = Multiplier for additional long-time
unit length of a concrete section divided deflection as defined in Section 5.7.2.
by the area in contact with freely moving P = Density of air in Section 3.3.2
air), in. (mm). pbs = Ratio of nonprestressed reinforcement
r/h = Ratio of base radius to height of trans- located perpendicular to a potential
verse deformations of reinforcing bars; bursting crack in Section 5.8.2.
when actual value is not known, use 0.3. P’ = Compression reinforcement ratio =
R = Radius of curvature, ft (m). Chapter 3 A,‘lbd.
s = Shear or torsion reinforcement spacing in 4 = Strength reduction factor.
a direction parallel to the longitudinal 11 = A parameter used to evaluate end block
reinforcement, in. (mm). stresses. Section
s = Spacing of reinforcement, in. (mm),
Section 5.8.2 1.4- SI Equivalents
S = Service load combinations. Chapters 4 and The equations contained in the following
5. chapters are all written in the U.S. inch-pound
SF = Stream flow load, lb (N). Chapter 3. system of measurements. In most cases, the
SH = Forces due to shrinkage in concrete. equivalent SI (metric) equation is also given;
t = Time, days. however, some equations do not have definitive SI

equivalents. The reader is referred to ACI 318M includes the ability to switch vehicles between
for a consistent metric or SI presentation. In guideways. The guideway must generally satisfy
either case, the engineer must verify that the units additional requirements, such as providing
are consistent in a particular equation. emergency evacuation, supporting wayside power
distribution services and housing automatic train
1.5-Abbreviations control cables.
The following abbreviations are used in this Within a modern transit guideway, there is a
report: high degree of repeatability and nearly an equal
mix of tangent and curved alignment. Guideways
AASHTO American Association of State often consist of post-tensioned concrete members.
Highway and Transportation Post-tensioning may provide principal rein-
Officials forcement for simple-span structures and con-
ACI American Concrete Institute tinuity reinforcement for continuous structures.
AREA American Railway Engineering Bonded post-tensioned tendons are recommended
Association for all primary load-carrying applications and their
ASTM American Society for Testing and use is assumed in this report. However, unbonded
Materials tendons may be used where approved, especially
AWS American Welding Society for strengthening or expanding existing structures.
CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel
Institute 2.13-Vehicles
FRA Federal Railway Administration, Transit vehicles have a wide variety of physical
U.S. Department of Transportation configurations, propulsion, and suspension
systems. The most common transit vehicles are
steel-wheeled vehicles running on steel rails,
CHAPTER 2 - GENERAL DESIGN powered by conventional guidance systems. Tran-
CONSIDERATIONS sit vehicles also include rubber-tired vehicles, and
vehicles with more advanced suspension or
2.1- Scope guidance systems, such as air-cushioned or mag-
2.1.1- General netically levitated vehicles. Transit vehicles may be
Transit structures carry frequent loads through configured as individual units or combined into
urban areas. Demands for esthetics, performance, trains.
cost, efficiency and minimum urban disruption
during construction and operation are greater than 2.2- Structural Considerations
for most bridge structures. The design of transit 2.2.1-General
structures requires an understanding of transit Transit systems are constructed in four types of
technology, constraints and impacts in an urban right-of-way: exclusive, shared-use rail corridor,
environment, the operation of the transit system shared-use highway corridor, and urban arterial.
and the structural options available. The constraints of the right-of-way affect the type
The guideway becomes a permanent feature of of structural system which can be deployed for a
the urban scene. Therefore, materials and features particular transit operation. Constraints resulting
should be efficiently utilized and built into the from the type of right-of-way may include limited
guideway to produce a structure which will construction access, restricted working hours,
support an operating transit system as well as fit limits on environmental factors such as noise, dust,
the environment. foundation and structure placement, and avail-
These guidelines provide an overview of the ability of skilled labor and equipment.
key issues to be considered in guideway design. Three types of concrete girders are used for
They are intended to be a minimum set of re- transit superstructures. Namely, precast, cast-
quirements for materials, workmanship, technical in-place, and composite girders. The types of
features, design, and construction which will pro- guideway employed by various transit systems are
duce a guideway that will perform satisfactorily. listed in the Committee 358 State-of-the-Art
Serviceability and strength considerations are given Report on Concrete Guideways.2.1
in this report. Sound engineering judgment must
be used in implementing these recommendations. 2.2.2-Precast Girder Construction
When site conditions are suitable, entire beam
2.1.2 - Guideway Structures elements are prefabricated and transported to the
The guideway structure must support the tran- site. Frequently, box girder sections are used for
sit vehicle, guide it through the alignment and their torsional stiffness, especially for short-radius
restrain stray vehicles. Guidance of transit vehicles curves. Some transit systems having long-radius

horizontal curves have used double-tee beams for vehicle speeds, environmental factors, transit
the structure. operations, collision conditions, and vehicle
Continuous structures are frequently used. retention.
Precast beams are made continuous by developing Human safety addresses emergency evacuation
continuity at the supports. A continuous structure and access, structural maintenance, fire control
has less depth than a simple-span structure and and other related subjects. Transit operations
increased structural redundancy. Rail systems require facilities for evacuating passengers from
using continuously welded rail are typically limited stalled or disabled vehicles. These facilities should
to simple-span or two-span continuous structures also enable emergency personnel to access such
to accommodate thermal movements between the vehicles. In most cases, emergency evacuation is
rails and the structure. Longer lengths of con- accomplished by a walkway, which may be adja-
tinuous construction are used more readily in cent to the guideway or incorporated into the
systems with rubber tired vehicles. guideway structure. The exact details of the
Segmental construction techniques may be emergency access and evacuation methods on the
used for major structures, such as river crossings guideway should be resolved among the transit
or where schedule or access to the site favors operator, the transit vehicle supplier, and the
delivery of segmental units. The use of segmental engineer. The National Fire Protection Associ-
construction is discussed in ACI 343R. ation (NFPA) Code, Particularly NFPA - 130,
gives detailed requirements for safety provisions
2.2.3 - Cast-in-place Structures on fixed guideway transit systems.
Cast-in-place construction is used when site External safety considerations include safety
limitations preclude delivery of large precast precautions during construction, prevention of
elements. Cast-in-place construction has not been local street traffic collision with the transit
used extensively in modern transit structures. structure, and avoidance of navigational hazards
when transit structures pass over navigable
2.2.4 - Composite Structures waterways.
Transit structures can be constructed in a
similar manner to highway bridges, using precast 2.3.3-Lighting
concrete or steel girders with a cast-in-place The requirements for lighting of transit struc-
composite concrete deck. Composite construction tures should be in accordance with the provisions
is especially common for special structures, such as of the authority having jurisdiction. Such pro-
switches, turnouts and long spans where the visions may require that lighting be provided for
weight of an individual precast element limits its emergency use only, or for properties adjacent to
shipping to the site. The girder provides a work- the guideway structure, or, alternatively, be de-
ing surface which allows accurate placement of leted altogether.
transit hardware on the cast-in-place deck.
2.3- Functional Considerations To prevent accumulation of water within the
2.3.1- General track area, transit structures should be designed so
The functions of the structure are to support that surface runoff is drained to either the edge or
present and future transit applications, satisfy the center of the superstructure, whereupon the
serviceability requirements, and provide for safety water is carried longitudinally.
of passengers. The transit structure may also be Longitudinal drainage of transit structures is
designed to support other loads, such as automo- usually accomplished by providing a longitudinal
tive or pedestrian traffic. Mixed use applications slope to the structure; a minimum slope of 0.5
are not included in the loading requirements of percent is preferred. Scuppers or inlets, of a size
Chapters 3 and 4. and number that adequately drain the structure
should be provided. Downspouts, where required,
2.3.2 - Safety Considerations should be of a rigid, corrosion-resistant material
Considerations for a transit structure must not less than 4 in. (100 mm) and preferably 6 in.
include transit technology, human safety and (150 mm) in the least dimension; they should be
external safety, in accordance with the require- provided with cleanouts. The details of the
ments of NFPA 130, “Fixed Guideway Transit downspout and its deck inlet and outlet should be
Systems.“2.3 such as to prevent the discharge of water against
Transit technology considerations include both any portion of the structure and should prevent
normal and extreme longitudinal, lateral, and ver- erosion at ground level. Slopes should be arranged
tical loads of the vehicle, as well as passing so that run-off drains away from stations.
clearances for normal and disabled vehicles, Longitudinal grades to assure drainage should be

coordinated with the natural topography of the sion, should be accounted for in the design of
site to avoid an unusual appearance of the electrical hardware and appurtenances and their
structure. grounding.
Architectural treatment of exposed downspouts Construction quality control is essential to
is important. When such treatment becomes com- ensure that the design intent and the durability
plicated, the use of internal or embedded down- considerations are properly implemented. Such
spouts, becomes preferable. For internal or quality-control should follow a pre-established
external downspouts, consideration must be given formal plan with inspections performed as speci-
to the prevention of ice accumulation in cold- fied in the contract documents.
weather climates. This may require localized To satisfy a 75-year service life, regular
heating of the drain area and the downspout itself. inspection and maintenance programs to ensure
All overhanging portions of the concrete deck integrity of structural components should be in-
should be provided with a drip bead or notch. stituted. These programs may include periodic
placement of coatings, sealers or chemical
2.3.5 -Expansion Joints and Bearings neutralizers.
Expansion joints should be provided at span
ends; this allows the beam ends to accommodate 2.4 - Economic Considerations
movements due to volumetric changes in the The economy of a concrete guideway is
structure. Joints should be designed to reduce measured by the annual maintenance cost and
noise transmission and to prevent moisture from capitalized cost for its service life. It is particularly
seeping to the bearings. Adequate detailing should important that the design process give considera-
be provided to facilitate maintenance of bearings tion to the cost of operations and maintenance
and their replacement, when needed, during the and minimize them. Therefore, consideration must
life of the structure. be given to the full service life cost of the
Aprons or finger plates, when used, should be guideway structure. The owners should provide
designed to span the joint and to prevent the direction for the establishment of cost analyses.
accumulation of debris on the bearing seats. Economy is considered by comparative studies of
When a waterproof membrane is used, the detail reinforced, prestressed, and partially prestressed-
should be such that penetration of water into the concrete construction. Trade-offs should be con-
expansion joint and the bearing seat is prevented. sidered for using higher grade materials for sensi-
tive areas during the initial construction against
2.3.6 - Durability the impact of system disruption at a later date if
In order to satisfy the design life of 75 years or the transit system must be upgraded. For ex-
more, details affecting the durability of the struc- ample, higher quality aggregates may be selected
ture should be given adequate consideration; these for the traction surface where local aggregates
should include materials selection, structural de- have a tendency to polish with continuous wear.
tailing, and construction quality control.
Materials selection includes the ingredients of 2.5 - Urban Impact
concrete and its mix design, allowing for a low 2.5.1 - General
water-cement ratio and air entrainment in areas The guideway affects an urban environment in
subject to freeze-thaw action. Epoxy-coated rein- three general areas: visual impact, physical im-
forcement and chloride-inhibitor sealers may be pact, and access of public safety equipment. Visu-
beneficial if chloride use is anticipated as part of al impact includes both the appearance of the
the winter snow-clearing operations or if the guideway from surrounding area and the appear-
guideway may be exposed to chloride-laden spray ance of the surrounding area from the guideway.
from a coastal environment or to adjacent high- Physical impacts include placement of columns
ways treated with deicing chemicals. and beams and the dissipation of, noise, vibration,
In structural detailing, both the reinforcement and electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic
placement and methods to prevent deleterious radiation is usually a specific design consideration
conditions from occurring should be considered. of the vehicle supplier. Public safety requires
Reinforcement should be distributed in the section provision for fire, police, and emergency service
so as to control crack distribution and size. The access and emergency evacuation of passengers.
cover should provide adequate protection to the
reinforcement. 2.5.2 -Physical Appearance
Incidental and accidental loadings should be A guideway constructed in any built-up
accounted for and adequate reinforcement should environment should meet high standards of
be provided to intersect potential cracks. Stray esthetics for physical appearance. The size and
currents, which could precipitate galvanic corro- configuration of the guideway elements should en-

sure compatibility with its surroundings. While the vehicle/track interaction, especially when jointed
range of sizes and shapes is unlimited in the rail is used.
selection of guideway components the following It is normally the responsibility of the vehicle
should be considered: designer to control noise emanating from the ve-
hicle. Parapets and other hardware on the guide-
a. View disruption way structure should be designed to meet general
b. Shade and shelter created by the guideway or specific noise suppression criteria. Determina-
c. Blockage of pedestrian ways tion of these criteria is made on a case-by-case
d. Blockage of streets and the effect on traffic basis, frequently in conjunction with the vehicle
and parking supplier.
e. Impairment of sight distances for traffic below
f. Guideway mass as it relates to adjacent 2.5.5- Vibration
structures Transit vehicles on a guideway generate vibra-
g. Construction in an urban environment tions which may be transmitted to adjacent struc-
h. Methods of delivery of prefabricated tures. For most rubber tired transit systems, this
components and cast-in-place construction groundborne vibration is negligible. In many rail
i. Interaction with roadway and transit vehicles transit systems, especially those systems with
j. Visual continuity jointed rails, the noise and the vibration can be
highly perceptible. In these situations, vibration
Attention to final detailing is important. Items isolation of the structure is necessary.
to be considered should include:
2.5.6 -Emergency Services Access
a. Surface finish A key concern in an urban area is the accessi-
b. Color bility to buildings adjacent to a guideway by fire or
c. Joint detailing other emergency equipment. Within the confined
d. Provision to alleviate damage from water right-of-way of an urban street, space limitations
dripping from the structure make this a particularly sensitive concern. In most
e. Control and dissipation of surface water runoff cases a clearance of about 15 ft. (5 m) between
f. Differences in texture and color between the face of a structure and a guideway provides
cast-in-place and precast elements adequate access. Access over the top of a guide-
way may not represent a safe option.
2.5.3 -Sightliness
In the design of a guideway the view of the 2.6- Transit Operations
surroundings from the transit system itself should 2.6.1 - General
be considered. The engineer should be aware that Once a transit system is opened for service, the
patrons riding on the transit system will have a public depends on its availability and reliability.
view of the surroundings which is quite different Shutdowns to permit maintenance, operation, or
from that seen by pedestrians at street level. As expansion of the system can affect the availability
such, the guideway placement and sightliness and reliability of the transit system. These con-
should reflect a sensitivity to intrusion on private cerns often lead to long-term economic, opera-
properties and adjacent buildings. In some cases, tional, and planning analyses of the design and
the use of noise barriers and dust screens should construction of the transit system.
be considered. In most transit operations, a shutdown period
The view of the guideway from a higher van- between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
tage point has some importance. The interior of (0100 and 0500) can be tolerated; slightly longer
the guideway should present a clean, orderly ap- shutdowns are possible in certain locations and on
pearance to transit patrons and adjacent observers. holidays. It is during this shutdown period that
Any supplemental cost associated with obtaining routine maintenance work is performed.
an acceptable view must be evaluated. Many transit systems also perform maintenance
during normal operating hours. This practice tends
2.5.4 -Noise Suppression to compromise work productivity and guideway
A transit system will add to the ambient access rules and operations in order to provide a
background noise. Specifications for new con- safe working space. The transit operators should
struction generally require that the wayside noise provide the engineer with guidelines regarding
50 ft. (15 m) from the guideway not exceed a capital cost objectives and their operation and
range of 65 to 75 dBA. This noise is generated maintenance plans.
from on-board vehicle equipment such as propul-
sion and air-conditioning units, as well as from 2.6.2 -Special Vehicles

Transit systems frequently employ special port surfaces which must be considered. Namely,
vehicles for special tasks, such as, retrieving local roughness, misalignment, and camber. Local
disabled vehicles and repairing support or steering roughness is the amount of distortion on the sur-
surfaces. While the design may not be predicated face from a theoretically true surface. In most
on the use of special vehicles, their frequency of transit applications, the criterion of a l/8-inch (3
use, weights, and sizes must be considered in the mm) maximum deviation from a 10 ft. (3 m)
design. straightedge, as given in ACI 117, is used.
With steel rails, a Federal Railway Admini-
2.6.3 -Expansion of System stration (FRA) Class 62.2 tolerance is acceptable.
Expansion of a transit system can result in The FRA provision include provisions for longi-
substantial disruption and delay to the transit tudinal and transverse (roll) tolerances. These
operation while equipment, such as switches, are tolerances are consistent with operating speeds of
being installed. In the initial design and layout of up to 50 mph (80 km/h). Above these speeds,
a transit system, consideration should be given to stricter tolerance requirements have to be applied.
future expansion possibilities. When expansion is Vertical misalignment most often occurs when
contemplated within the foreseeable future after adjacent beam ends meet at a column or other
construction and the probable expansion points connection. There are two types of misalignment
are known, provisions should be incorporated in which must be considered. The first, is a physical
the initial design and construction phases. displacement of adjacent surfaces. This occurs
when one beam is installed slightly lower or higher
2.7- Structure/Vehicle Interaction than the adjacent beam. These types of misalign-
2.7.1- General ment should be limited to l/16 in. (1.5 mm) as
Vehicle interaction with the guideway can specified by ACI 117.
affect its performance as related to support, The second type of vertical misalignment
steering, power distribution and traction com- occurs when there is angular displacement be-
ponents of the system. It is usually considered in tween beams. Such an angular displacement may
design through specification of serviceability re- result from excessive deflection, sag, or camber.
quirements for the structure. In the final design Excessive camber or sag creates a discontinuity
stage close coordination with the vehicle supplier which imparts a noticeable input to the vehicle
is imperative. suspension system.
In the design and construction of the beams the
2.7.2- Ride Quality effects of service load deflection, initial camber General and long-time deflections should be considered.
Ride quality is influenced to a great degree by There is no clear definition on the amount of
the quality of the guideway surface. System speci- angular discontinuity that can be tolerated at a
fications usually present ride quality criteria as beam joint. However, designs which tend to mini-
lateral, vertical and longitudinal accelerations and mize angular discontinuity generally provide a
jerk rates (change in rate of acceleration) as superior ride. Continuous guideways are particu-
measured inside the vehicle. These specifications larly beneficial in controlling such misalignment.
must be translated into physical dimensions and Camber or sag in the beam can also affect ride
surface qualities on the guideway and in the sus- quality. Consistent upward camber in structures
pension of the vehicle. The two elements that with similar span lengths can create a harmonic vi-
most immediately affect transit vehicle perform- bration in the vehicle resulting in a dynamic
ance are the support surface and steering surface. amplification, especially in continuous structures.
When there are no specific deflection or camber - Support Surface criteria cited for a project, the designer should
The support surface is basically the horizontal account for these dynamic effects by analytical or
surface of the guideway which supports the transit simulation techniques. The deflection compati-
vehicle against the forces of gravity. It influences bility requirements between structural elements
the vehicle performance by the introduction of and station platform edges should be accounted
random deviations from a theoretically perfect for.
alignment. These deviations are input to the
vehicle suspension system. The influence of the Steering Surface
support surface on the vehicle is a function of the The steering surface provides a horizontal input
type of the suspension system, the support to the vehicle. The steering surfaces may be either
medium (e.g., steel wheels or rubber tire), and the the running rails for a flanged steel-wheel-rail
speed of the vehicle. system or the concrete or steel vertical sur-
There are three general components of sup- faces that are integrated into the guideway struc-

km/h) or less. In steel-rail systems, an FRA Class

62.2 rail tolerance has generally proven to be
satisfactory for speeds up to 70 mph (112 km/h).
Other tolerance limits are given in Table
There is a particular interaction between the
steering surface and the support surface, which is
technology dependent and requires specific consid-
eration by the engineer. This interaction results
from a coupling effect which occurs when a ve-
hicle rolls on the primary suspension system, caus-
ing the steering mechanism to move up and down
(Fig. The degree of this up and down
movement is dependent on the steering mechan-
ism which is typically an integral part of the
vehicle truck (bogie) system, and the stiffness of
the primary suspension which is also within the
THE GUIDEWAY GENERATlNG A Depending upon the relationship between the
support and the steering surfaces, and the support
and guidance mechanisms of the vehicle (primary,
in the case of rubber tired system) a couple can be
created between the two, which causes a spurious
Fig. Interaction between support and steering input into the vehicle. There are no
steering general specifications for this condition. The
engineer should be aware that this condition can
ture, for a rubber tired system. The condition of exist and, if there is a significant distance
the steering surface is particularly important since separating the horizontal and vertical contact
few vehicles have sophisticated lateral suspension surfaces, additional tolerance requirements for the
systems. In most existing guideways, the tolerance finished surfaces have to be imposed. This is in
of a l/8 in. (3 mm) deviation from a 10 ft. (3 m) order to reduce the considerable steering input,
straightedge, specified by ACI-117, corrected for which can cause over or under steering, which
horizontal curvature, has proven to be adequate leads to an accelerated wear of components and
for rubber tired vehicles operating at 35 mph (56 degraded ride comfort.

Table Track Construction Tolerances

Type and Class of Track

-Dimensions are
-H=Horizontal. Sup.=Superelevation
-Total Deviation between the theoretical and the actual alignments at any point along

-Variations from theoretical gage, cross level and superelevation are not to exceed l/8 in. (3 mm)
per 15’ -6 (4.7 m) of track.
-The total Deviation in platform areas should be zero towards the platform and l/4 in (6 mm) away
from the platform.

2.7.3 -Traction Surfaces transmitting power; they may be used to route

Transit vehicles derive their traction from the power from the substation to the guideway. How-
physical contact of the wheels with the concrete or ever, access to internal conduits is difficult to
running rail or through an electromagnetic force. detail and construct. Sufficient space must be
In those systems where traction occurs through provided within the column-beam connection and
physical contact with the guideway, specific within the beam section for the conduit turns;
attention must be given to the traction surface. space must also be provided for safe electrical
In automated transit, the traction between the connections. Exterior conduits can detract from
wheel and the reaction surface is essential to en- the guideway appearance and can cause increased
sure a consistent acceleration and a safe stopping maintenance requirements.
distance between vehicles. It is also important for
automatic control functions. The engineer should 2.7.5 - Special Equipment
determine the minimum traction required for the A guideway normally carries several pieces of
specific technology being employed. If the trac- special transit equipment. This equipment may
tion surface is concrete, appropriate aggregates consist of switches, signaling, command and con-
should be provided in the mix design to maintain trol wiring, or supplemental traction and power
minimum traction for the working life of the devices. The specialty transit supplier should
structure. provide the engineer with explicit specifications of
Operation in freezing rain or snow may also special equipments and their spatial restrictions.
affect traction on the guideway. The engineer For example, the placement of signaling cables
should determine the degree of traction mainten- within a certain distance of the wayside power
ance required under all operating conditions. If rails or reinforcing steel may be restricted.
full maintenance is required, then the engineer The transit supplier should also provide the
should examine methods to mitigate the effects of engineer with the forces and fatigue requirements
snow or freezing rain. These mitigating effects may of any special equipment so that proper connec-
include heating the guideway, enclosing the tions to the structure can be designed and in-
guideway, or both. stalled. An example of connection requirements
If deicing chemicals are contemplated, proper would be linear induction motor reaction rail
material selection and protection must be con- attachments.
sidered. Corrosion protection may require consid- When no system supplier has been selected, the
eration of additional concrete cover, sealants, engineer must provide for the anticipated services
epoxy-coated reinforcing steel, and special con- and equipment. In this instance, a survey of the
crete mixes. needs of potential suppliers for the specific appli-
cation may be required prior to design.
2.7.4 -Electrical Power Distribution
There are two components to electrical power 2.8- Geometries
distribution: the wayside transmission of power to
the vehicle and the primary power distribution to 2.8.1 - General
the guideway. The wayside power distribution to The geometric alignment of the transit line can
the vehicle is normally done through power rails have a substantial impact on the cost of the
or through an overhead catenary. Provision must system. Standardization of the guideway compo-
be made on the guideway for the mounting of nents can lead to cost savings. During the plan-
support equipment for the installation of this ning and design stages of the transit system, the
wayside power. benefits of standardizing the structural elements,
For systems using steel running rails, where in terms of ease and time of construction and
the running rail is used for return current, pro- maintenance, should be examined and the effec-
visions must also be made to control any stray tive options implemented.
electrical currents which may cause corrosion in
the guideway reinforcement or generate other 2.8.2 -Standardization
stray currents in adjacent structures or utilities. Straight guideway can be produced at a lower
The primary power distribution network asso- cost than curved guideway. Geometric alignments
ciated with a guideway may require several sub- and column locations that yield a large number of
stations along the transit route. Power must be straight beams tend to be cost-effective. Physical
transmitted to the power rails on the guideway constraints at the ground influence column loca-
structure at various intervals. This is usually done tions. However, when choices are available, the
through conduits mounted on or embedded in the placement of columns to generate straight beams,
guideway structure. as opposed to those with a slight horizontal or
Internal conduits are an acceptable means of vertical curvature, will usually prove to be more

cost effective. of the site. Construction systems which allow for

Standardization and coordination of the in- rapid placement of footings and columns and for
ternal components and fixtures of the guideway reopening of the street prior to the installation of
also tends to reduce overall cost. These include beams, may have an advantage in the maintenance
inserts for power equipment, switches, or other of local traffic.
support elements. Methods to achieve this are
discussed in Section 2.9.3. 2.9.3 - Guideway Beam Construction
Guideway beams may be cast-in-place or
2.8.3 -Horizontal Geometry precast. In order to ascertain the preferred
The horizontal geometry of a guideway align- construction technique, the following items need
ment consists of circular curves connected to to be considered early in the design process:
tangent elements with spiral transitions. Most typical section and alignment, span composition
types of cubic spirals are satisfactory for the (uniform or variable), structure types, span-depth
transition spiral. The vehicle manufacturer may ratios, and major site constraints.
provide additional constraints on the selection of Cast-in-place construction offers considerable
a spiral geometry to match the dynamic character- design and construction flexibility, however, it also
istics of the vehicle. requires a greater amount of support equipment
on the site. This equipment, especially shoring and
2.8.4 -Vertical Geometry falsework, has to remain in place while the
The vertical geometry consists of tangent concrete cures.
sections connected by parabolic curves. In most Precast concrete beam construction offers the
cases, the radius of curvature of the parabolic potential for reduced construction time on site and
curves is sufficiently long that a transition between allows better quality control and assurance.
the tangent section and the parabolic section is Advantages of precast concrete are best realized
not required. when the geometry and the production methods
are standardized.
2.8.5 - Superelevation Two types of guideway beam standardization
Superelevation is applied to horizontal curves appear to offer substantial cost benefits. Namely,
in order to partially offset the effect of lateral modular construction and adjustable form con-
acceleration on passengers. To accomplish the re- struction.
quired superelevation, the running surface away Modular construction utilizes a limited number
form the curve center is raised increasingly relative of beam and column types to make up the guide-
to that closer to the curve center. This results in way. Thus, like a model train set, these beams are
the outer rail or wheel track being raised while the interwoven to provide a complete transit guideway.
inner rail or wheel track being kept at the profile Final placement of steering surfaces and other
elevation. The amount of superelevation is a system hardware on the modular elements pro-
function of the vehicle speed and the degree of vides the precise geometry necessary for transit
curvature. It is usually limited to a maximum value operation. Modules may be complete beams.
of 10 percent. Segmental construction also typifies this con-
struction technique.
2.9- Construction Considerations An adjustable form allows the fabrication of
2.9.1- General curved beams to precisely match the geometric re-
Construction of the guideway in an urban quirements at the site. For alignments where a
environment has an impact on the residents, substantial amount of variation in geometry is dic-
pedestrians, road traffic, and merchants along the tated by the site, this solution provides a high
route. Consideration should be given to the cost degree of productivity at a reasonable cost.
and length of disruption, in terms of street closure
and construction details. 2.9.4 - Shipping and Delivery
Prior to the completion of final design, the
2.9.2 - Street Closures and Disruptions engineer should be aware of limitations which may
The amount of time that streets are closed and be placed upon the delivery of large precast ele-
neighborhoods are disrupted should be kept to a ments. Weight limitations imposed by local depart-
minimum. Coordination with the public should ments of transportation, as well as dimensional
begin at the planning stage. The selection of limitations on turnoff radii, width, and length of
precast or cast-in-place concrete components and beam elements, may play an important role in the
methods of construction depend on the availability final guideway design. The deployment of large
of construction time and on the ease of stockpiling cranes and other construction equipment along the
equipment and finished products at the proximity site is also a consideration.

2.9.5- Approval Considerations The space between the rail ends presents a
These recommendations for transit guideways discontinuity to the vehicle support and steering
are intended to provide procedures based on the systems. Vehicle wheels hitting this discontinuity
latest developments in serviceability and strength cause progressive deterioration of the joints, gen-
design. Other pertinent regulations issued by state, erate loud noise, reduce ride comfort, and in-
federal, and local agencies should be considered. crease the dynamic forces on the structure.
Specific consideration should be given to the Because of these limitations, most modern tran-
following: sit systems use continuously welded rail. However,
jointed rail conditions will exist in switch areas,
- Alternative designs maintenance yards and other locations where
- Environmental impact statements physical discontinuities are required. However,
- Air, noise, and water pollution statutes even in these areas, discontinuities can be reduced
- Historic and park preservation requirements greatly by the use of bonded rail joints.
- Permits
- Life-safety requirements 2.10.3 -Continuously Welded Rail
- Construction safety requirements -General
2.9.6 -Engineering Documents To improve the ride quality and decrease track
The engineering documents should define the maintenance, individual rails are welded into con-
work clearly. The project drawings should show all tinuous strings. There is no theoretical limit to the
dimensions of the finished structure in sufficient length of continuously welded rail if a minimum
detail to facilitate the preparation of an accurate restraint is provided.Minimum rail restraint
estimate of the quantities of materials and costs consists of prevention of horizontal or vertical
and to permit the full realization of the design. buckling of rails and anchorage at the end of a
The contract documents should define test and continuous rail to prevent excessive rail gaps from
inspection methods, as well as the allowable pro- forming at low temperatures, if accidental breaks
cedures and tolerances to ensure good workman- in the rail should occur.
ship, quality control, and application of unit costs, Continuously welded rail (CWR) has become
when required in the contract. The contractor’s the standard of the transit industry over the past
responsibilities should be clearly defined. Where several decades. The use of CWR requires par-
new or innovative structures are employed, sug- ticular attention to several design details, which
gested construction procedures to clarify the include, thermal forces in the rails, rail break gap
engineer’s intent should also be provided. Com- and forces, welding of CWR, and fastening of
puter graphics or integrated data bases can assist CWR to the structure. The principal variables
in this definition. used in the evaluation of rail forces are rail size in
terms of its cross-sectional area, the characteristics
2.10- Rails and Trackwork of the rail fastener, the stiffness of the structural
elements, rail geometry, and operational environ-
2.10.1- General ment, in terms of temperature range.
Guideways for transit systems which utilize In cases where accumulation of the thermal
vehicles with steel wheels operating on steel rails effects would produce conditions too severe for
require particular design and construction con- the structure, slip joints can be used. Slip joints
siderations, which include, rail string assembly, use allow limited movement between rail strings. They
of continuous structures, and attachment of the generally cause additional noise and require in-
rails to the structure. creased maintenance. Their use therefore is not
Two options exist for assembling the rails: desirable. Location of rail anchors and rail expan-
They may be jointed with bolted connections in sion joints will affect the design of the structure.
standard 39 ft. (11.9 m) lengths, or welded into
continuous strings. The rails may be fastened -Thermal Forces
directly to the structure or installed on tie-and- Changes in temperature of continuously welded
ballast. rails will develop stresses in the rail and in the
structure. Rails are typically installed at a design
2.10.2- Jointed Rail stress-free ambient temperature, to reduce the risk
The traditional method of joining rail is by of rail buckling at high temperatures and rail
bolted connections. Sufficient longitudinal rail breaks at low temperatures. Depending upon the
movement can develop in these connections to method of attachment of the rails to the structure,
prevent the accumulation of the thermal stresses the structure should be designed for:
along the length of the rails. - Horizontal forces resulting from a rail break

- Radial forces resulting from thermal changes accomplished by means of mechanical rail fas-
in the rails on horizontal or vertical curves tener. Elastomeric pads are incorporated in the
- End anchorage forces fastener to provide the required vertical and
horizontal flex and provisions for adjust- -Rail Breaks ment between adjacent fasteners and the struc-
Continuously welded rails will, on occasion, ture. The elastomeric pads also assist in the re-
fail in tension. This situation occurs because of rail duction of noise, vibration, and impact.
wear, low temperature, defects in the rail, defects Important design and construction consider-
in a welded joint, fatigue or some combination of ations for the direct fixation fasteners include:
these effects. The structure should be designed to
accommodate horizontal thrust associated with the - Method of attachment to the structure
break. - Vertical stiffness
- Allowance for horizontal and vertical -Rail Welding adjustment
Continuous welded rail is accomplished by - Ability to restrain the rail against rollover
either the them-rite welding process or the electric - Longitudinal restraint
flash butt welding process. Proper weld proce-
dures should ensure that: Direct fixation fasteners are one of the most
important elements in the design of the track-
- Adjacent rail heads are accurately aligned work. They are subjected to a high number of
- Rails are welded at the predetermined stress- cyclic loads and there are thousands of fasteners
free ambient temperature in place in any one project. Progressive failure
- Rail joint is clean of debris does not generally create catastrophic results, but
- The finished weld is free of intrusions leads to a substantial maintenance effort and
- Weld is allowed to cool prior to tightening possible operational disruptions.
the fasteners. No industry wide specifications exist for the
definition or procurement of direct fixation fas-
Ultrasonic or x-ray inspection of the welds at teners. A thorough examination of the charac-
random locations is suggested. teristics and past performance of available fas-
teners, and the characteristics of the proposed
2.10.4 -Rail Installation transit vehicle should be undertaken prior to fas- -General tener selection for any specific installation.
Rails are attached to either cross ties on
ballast or directly to the guideway structure. The -Continuous Structure
preference in recent years has become direct rail Direct fixation of continuous rail to a con-
fixation as a means of improving ride quality, tinuous structure creates a strain discontinuity at
maintaining rail tolerances, reducing maintenance each expansion joint in the structure. Fasteners
costs, and reducing structure size. must be designed to provide adequate slip at these
joints while still being able to limit the rail-gap -Tie and Ballast size in the event of a rail break. In climates with
Tie and ballast construction is the conven- extreme ranges in temperature [- 40 F to +90 F
tional method of installing rails at grade and (- 40 C to + 30 C)], structural continuity is
occasionally on elevated structures. Ties are used generally limited to 200 to 300 ft. (60 to 90 m)
to align and anchor the rails. Ballast provides an lengths. In more moderate climates, longer runs of
intermediate cushion between the rails and the continuous structure may be possible.
structure, stabilizes the tracks, and prevents
thermal forces to be transmitted from the rails to
the structure. REFERENCES*
Ballast substantially increases the structure
2.1 ACI Committee 358, “State-of-the-Art Report on
dead load. Tie-and-ballast installations make Concrete Guideways,” Concrete Intenational, V. 2, No. 7, July
control of rail break gaps difficult since the ties 1980, pp. 11-32.
are not directly fastened to the primary structure.
Rail breaks can develop horizontal, vertical, and 2.2 Code of Federal Regulations, 49, Transportation, Parts
angular displacements of the rail relative to the 200-999, Subpart C, Track Geometry, Federal Railroad Admin-
istration, Washington, D.C., Section 213.51-213.63.
2.3 National Fire Codes, Publication NFPA - 130, 1983, -Direct Fixation Standard on Fixed Guideway Systems, National Fire Protec-
Direct fixation of the rail to the structure is tion Association, Battery March Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

*For recommended references, see Chapter 8. 3.2.2 -Other Sustained Loads

Loads from differential settlement, earth
pressure, effects of prestress forces (PS) or ex-
CHAPTER 3 -LOADS ternal structural restraints should be included in
the design, as they occur. The beneficial effects of
buoyancy may only be included when its existence
3.1 -General is ensured. References 3.2 and 3.11 may be used
The engineer should investigate all special, as guides to evaluate the effects of these sustained
unusual, and standard loadings that may occur in loads.
the guideway being designed. Special or unusual
loads may include emergency, maintenance, or 3.3 - Transient Loads
evacuation equipment or conditions. The fol- 3.3.1- Live Load and its Derivatives
lowing loads commonly occur and are considered Vertical Standard Vehicle Loads, L
when assessing load effects on elevated guideway The vertical live load should consist of the
structures.3.1 weight of one or more standard vehicles posi-
tioned to produce a maximum load effect in the
a. Sustained loads element under consideration. The weight and
- Dead load configuration of the maintenance vehicle are to be
- Earth pressure considered in the design. The weight of pas-
- External restraint forces sengers should be computed on the basis of 175 lb
- Differential settlement effects (780 N) each and should comprise those oc-
- Buoyancy cupying all the seats (the seated ones) and those
who are standing in the rest of the space that does
b. Transient loads not have seats (standees). The number of standees
- Live load and its derivatives shall be based on one passenger per 1.5 ft.2 (0.14
- Wind m’).
- Loads due to ice For torsion-sensitive structures, such as
- Loads due to stream current monorails, the possibility of passengers being
crowded on one side of the vehicle should be
c. Loads due to volumetric changes considered in the design.
- Temperature
- Rail-structure interaction -Impact Factor, I
- Shrinkage The minimum dynamic load allowance3.2.3.3
- Creep shown in Table should be applied to the
vertical vehicle loads, unless alternative values
d. Exceptional loads based on tests or dynamic analysis are approved.
- Earthquake
- Derailment Definition of terms in the Table follow:
- Broken rail
- Collision loads at street level vehicle speed, ft/sec (m/sec)
VCF = (3-l)
e. Construction Loads span length, ft (m)
- Dead Loads
- Live Loads fi = first mode flexural (natural) frequency3.4
of the guideway where,
3.2 - Sustained loads
3.2.1 -Dead Loads, D (3-2)
Four components of dead load are considered:
- Weight of factory-produced elements
- Weight of cast-in-place elements e =
span length, center-to-center of
. Weight of trackwork and appurtenances which supports, in. (m)
includes running and power rails, second-pour M = mass per unit length of the guideway,
plinths and fasteners, barrier walls, and noise- which includes all the sustained loads
suppression panels the beam carries including its own mass,
. Weight of other ancillary components lb/in.-sec2/in. (kg/m)

Table Dynamic Load Allowance (Impact)

Structure Types Rubber-tired and Jointed rail
Continuously Welded Rail
Simple-span structures,
>_ 0.10 >_ 0.30
I -- -
VCF - 0 . 1

Continuous-span structures,
10.10 >_ 0.30
I -- -
VCF -0.1

EC = modulus of elasticity of the guideway, Bogie type Hunting force

psi (Pa)
Ig = moment of inertia of uncracked Nonsteerable 0.08L
section of the guideway, in.4 (m4) Steerable 0.06L
VCF = Vehicle Crossing Frequency, Hz
When centrifugal and hunting forces can act
The dynamic load allowance should not be simultaneously, only the larger force need be
applied to footings and piles. considered.
For rail and structure design, the hunting
force would be applied laterally by a steel wheel to -Centrifugal Force, CF the top of the rail at the lead axle of a transit
The centrifugal force, CF, acting radially train. it need not be applied for rubber tired
through the center of gravity of the vehicle at a systems; typically, LIM propelled vehicles run on
curved track may be computed from, steel-wheel-and-rail and, hence require consider-
ation of hunting effects.
CF = f L, WN) (3-3) - Longitudinal Force, LF
I The longitudinal force acts simultaneously
with the vertical live load of a standard vehicle on
all wheels. It may be applied in either direction:
where, forward in braking or deceleration or reverse in
acceleration. The longitudinal force should be
R = radius of curvature, ft (m) applied as follows:
g = acceleration due to gravity, 32.2 ft/sec/sec
(9.82 m/s2) Emergency braking, LFe = 0.30L
V = maximum operating speed of the vehicle, Normal braking, LFn = 0.15L
ft/sec (m/s2) and,
L = the standard vehicle load, kips (kN) Continuously welded rail trackwork can
distribute longitudinal forces to adjacent com-
The load, L, should be applied simultaneously ponents of guideway structures. This distribution
with other load combinations (Chapter 4) in order may be considered in design. Use of slip joints
to produce the maximum force effect on the may prevent transfer and distribution of
structure. longitudinal forces. -Hunting Force, HF - Service Walkway Loads

The hunting (or “nosing”) force, HF, is caused Live load on service or emergency walkways
by the lateral interaction of the vehicle and the shall be based on 85 psf (4.0 kPa) of area. This
guideway. It should be applied laterally on the load should be used together with empty vehicles
guideway at the point of wheel-rail contact, as a on the guideway, since the walkway load is the
fraction of the standard vehicle load, L, as follows: result of vehicles being evacuated.

2 on Safety Railing Fh = the greater of 50 lb/ft (2.4 kPa) or 300
The lateral load from pedestrian traffic on lb/ft (4.4 kN/m)
railings should be 100 lb/ft (1.5 kN/m) applied at and
the top rail.
Fv = 15 lb/ft (0.7 kPa)
3.3.2 -Wind Loads, W -General The wind loads, Fh and Fv, should be applied
This section provides design wind loads for to the exposed areas of the structure and vehicle
elevated guideways and special structures. Wind in accordance with the provisions of sections 4.3
loads, based on the reference wind pressure, shall and 4.4.
be treated as equivalent static loads as defined in These loads and provisions are consistent with
Section 3.5.3. the recommendations of the AASHTO Standard
Wind forces are applied to the structure and Specifications for Highway Bridges3.11 derived
to the vehicles in accordance with the load com- from wind velocities of 100 mph (160 km/h). Wind
binations in Chapter 4. WL is used to designate loads may be reduced or increased in the ratio of
wind loads applied to vehicle, while WS indicates the square of the design wind velocity to the
wind loads applied to the structure only. square of the base wind velocity, provided that the
The net exposed area is defined as the net maximum probable wind velocity can be ascer-
area of a body, member, or combination of mem- tained with reasonable accuracy, or provided that
bers as seen in elevation. For a straight super- there are permanent features of the terrain that
structure, the exposed frontal area is the sum of make such changes safe and are viable.
the areas of all members, including the railings The substructure should be designed for
and deck systems, as seen in elevation at 90 wind-induced loads transmitted from the super-
degrees to the longitudinal axis. For a structure structure and wind loads acting directly on the
curved in plan, the exposed frontal area is taken substructure. Loads for wind directions both nor-
normal to the beam centerline and is computed in mal to and skewed to the longitudinal centerline
a similar manner to tangent structures. of the superstructure should be considered.
The exposed plan area is defined as the net
area of an element as seen in plan from above or -Alternative Wind Load
below. In the case of a superstructure, the ex- The alternative wind load method may be
posed plan area is the plan area of the deck and used in lieu of that given in Section
that of any laterally protruding railings, members Alternative wind loads are suggested for projects
or attachments. involving unusual height guideways, unusual gust
The gust effect coefficient is defined as the conditions, or guideway structures that are, in the
ratio of the peak wind-induced response of a judgment of the engineer, more streamlined than
structure, including both static and dynamic action, highway structures.
to the static wind-induced response. The wind load per unit exposed frontal area
Buildings and other adjacent structures can of the superstructure, WS, and of the vehicle, WL,
affect the wind forces. Wind tunnel tests may be applied horizontally, may be taken as:
considered as a method to improve wind force
predictions or to validate design coefficients in the Fh = qCeCgCd (3-4)
alternative design approach provided in Section
3.5.3. Similarly, the wind load per unit exposed plan
deck or soffit area applied vertically, upwards or - Design for Wind downwards, shall be taken as:
The guideway superstructure should be de-
signed for wind-induced horizontal, Fh and verti- qc,cgcd
Fv = qC (3-5)
cal, Fv drag loads acting simultaneously. The wind
should be considered to act on a structure curved Where, Cd = 1.0 and Ce, Cg, and q are defined in
in plan, in a direction such that the resulting force Section The maximum vertical wind
effects are maximized. For a structure that is velocity may be limited to 30 mph (50 km/h).
straight in plan, the wind direction should be In the application of Fv, as a uniformly
taken perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the distributed load over the plan area of the struc-
structure. ture, the effects of a possible eccentricity should
The following uniformly distributed load in- be considered. For this purpose, the same total
tensities may be used for design: load should be applied as an equivalent vertical

line load at the windward quarter point of the factor of 1.50 for Cd may be used for design pur-
superstructure. poses. For unusual exposure shapes, the drag co-
efficient, Cd, should be determined from wind- -Reference Wind Pressure tunnel tests.
The reference wind pressures at a specific site Where wind effects are considered at a skew
should be based on the hourly mean wind velocity angle of B degrees measured from a line perpendi-
of a 75-year return period. A l0-year return cular to the longitudinal axis of a structure, then
period may be used for structures under con- Cd should be multiplied by 0.0078 for the longitu-
struction. dinal wind load component and by (1 - 0.0001813~)
The reference wind pressure, q, may be for the transverse or perpendicular load compo-
derived from the following expression: nent.

(3-6) Wind Load on Slender Elements and

Slender elements, such as light and sign
supports, should be designed for horizontal wind
where loads provided for in Sections and,
as well as lateral and crosswind load effects caused
V = mean hourly velocity of wind, ft/sec (m/s) by vortex shedding. Both serviceability and
P = density of air at sea level at 32 F (0 C) strength considerations should be investigated.
= 0.0765 lb/ft3 (1.226 kg/m3) Details that may cause stress concentrations due
= 32.2 ft/sec (9.807 m/s )
to fatigue or resonance should be avoided. 3.9
The wind drag coefficient, Cd, for sign and
For structures that are not sensitive to wind- barrier panels with aspect ratios of up to 1.0, of
induced dynamics, which include elevated guide- 1.0 to 10.0, or more than 10.0, should be 1.1, 1.2,
ways and special structures up to a span length of or 1.3, respectively.
400 ft (122m), the gust effect coefficient Cg may For light fixtures and sign supports with
vary between 1.25 and 1.50. For design purposes, rounded surfaces, octagonal sections with sharp
a factor of 1.33 may be used for Cg. For struc- comers, or rectangular flat surfaces, the values of
tures that are sensitive to wind action, Cg should Cd should be 0.5, 1.2, or 1.4, respectively. A Value
be determined by an approved method of dynamic of 1.2 for Cd should be used for suspended signal
analysis or by model testing in a wind tunnel. For units.
guideway appurtenances, such as sign posts, light- When ice accretion is expected on the surface
ing poles, and flexible noise barriers, Cg may be of slender components, the total frontal area
taken as 1.75. should include the thickness of ice.
The exposure coefficient or height factor, Ce, The dynamic effects of vortex shedding should
may be computed from: be analyzed and the stress limits for 2 x l06 cycles
of loading shall be applied.
Ce= l/2’@, 2 l.O,forIiinfl
(3-7) 3.3.3 -Loads Due to Ice Pressure, ICE
=5/8’@, 2 l.O,forHinm Floating ice forces on piers and exposed pier
caps should be evaluated according to the local
conditions at the site. Consideration should be
H is the height from ground level to the top of the given to the following types of ice action on piers
superstructure. It should be measured from the erected in bodies of water:
foot of cliffs, hills, or escarpments when the
structure is located on uneven terrain, or from the Dynamic ice pressure due to ice sheets and
low water level when the structure is located over ice floes in motion caused by stream or
bodies of water. Where excessive funneling may be current flow and enhanced by wind action,
caused by the topography at the site, Ce should be Static ice pressure caused by thermal action
increased by 20 percent. on continuous stationary ice sheets over large
The drag coefficient or shape factor, Cd, is a bodies of water,
function of many variables, the most important of Static pressure resulting from ice jams at a
which are the skew angle (horizontal angle of guideway site,
wind), and aspect ratio (ratio of length to width of Static uplift or vertical loads due to ice sheets
structure). For box or I-girder superstructures and in water bodies of fluctuating level.
solid-shaft piers with wind acting at zero skew and
pitch angles, Cd may vary between 1.2 and 2.0. A Ice loads resulting from freezing rain or con-

solidation of compact snow on the guideway available, the structure may be designed for a
superstructure and vehicle should be included, as minimum temperature rise of 30 F (17 C) and a
appropriate. minimum temperature drop of 40 F (23 C) from
the installation temperature.
3.3.4- Loads due to Stream Current, SF -Longitudinal Loads -Effective Construction Temperature
The load acting on the longitudinal axis of a If the guideway is to be designed to accom-
pier due to flowing water may be computed by the modate continuously welded rails, an effective
following expression.3.5 construction temperature should be selected. This
temperature, which should be based on the mean
SF = ‘h CDAV2y (3-8) daily temperature prevalent for the locality under
consideration, is used to establish the baseline rail
where force.

A = Exposed area of the pier perpendicular to -Thermal Gradient Effects

the direction of stream flow, ft2 (m2) Curvature caused by a temperature gradient
Y = Mass density of water, 62.4 lb/ft3 (1000 should be considered in the design of the struc-
kg/m3) ture.
V = Speed of stream flow, ft/sec (m/set) The temperature differential between top
CD = 0.7 for semicircular-nosed piers and bottom surfaces varies nonlinearly according
= 0.8 for wedge-nosed piers to the depth and exposure of the structural
= 1.4 for squared-ended piers and against elements and their locality. A winter differential of
drift lodged on the pier 15 F (8 C) and a summer differential of 25 F (14
C) between the top of the deck and the soffit of -Transverse Loads the structure may be used. The temperature
The lateral load on a pier shaft due to stream differential should be increased in regions with
flow and drift should be resolved from the main high solar radiation; NCHRP 267 document may
direction of flow. The appropriate component be used as a guide in this respect.3.12
should be applied as a uniformly distributed load
on the exposed area of the pier, below the high -Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
water level, in the direction under consideration. In lieu of a more precise value, the coef-
ficient of linear thermal expansion for normal
3.4 -Loads due to Volumetric Changes weight concrete may be taken as 6.5 x l0-6/deg F
3.4.1- General (12 x 10-6/deg C).
Provisions should be made for all movements
and forces that can occur in the structure as a 3.4.3-Rail-Structure Interaction FR and Fr
result of shrinkage, creep, and variations in tem- Continuously welded rail directly fastened to
perature. Load effects that may be induced by a the guideway, induces an axial force in the struc-
restraint to these movements should be included ture through the fastener restraint when the struc-
in the analysis. These restraints include those ture expands or contracts due to variations in tem-
imposed during construction on a temporary basis perature. Continuously welded rail is assumed to
and those imposed by the rail-fastener interaction be installed in a zero stress condition at an effec-
on an on-going basis. Effects due to thermal gra- tive installation temperature, T0. If the CWR is
dients within the section should also be con- installed at a temperature that is different from
sidered.3.5 the effective installation temperature, then the rail
is physically stressed to be compatible with the
3.4.3 -Temperature, T zero stress condition for which it is designed at the -Temperature Range installation temperature.3.6
The minimum and maximum mean daily
temperatures should be based on local meteoro- -Thermal Rail Forces
logical data for a 50-year return period. The range Axial rail stress fr due to a change in the
of effective temperature for computing thermal temperature after installation, is expressed by
movements of the concrete structure should be the
difference between the warmest maximum and the fr = Er a (T1 - T0) (3-9)
coldest minimum effective temperatures, which
may be considered to be 5 F (2.5 C) above or CK = coefficient of thermal expansion
below the mean daily minimum and maximum To = the installation temperature (zero-stress
temperatures. If local temperature data are not condition)

r, = the final rail temperature

E, = modulus of elasticity of rail steel, given in
relative stiffnesses. The probability that more than
one rail will break at the same time is small, and
Section 5.6.3 is generally not considered in the design.

For a temperature decrease, T1 may be taken - Rail Gap

as the minimum effective temperature described in The relative stiffness of the system should be
Section For a temperature rise, T1 may be proportioned so that the magnitude of the gap be-
taken as the maximum effective temperature plus tween broken rail ends be equal to the maximum
20 F (12 C). The corresponding rail force, Fr, is allowable in order to prevent vehicle derailment.
expressed by: Typically acceptable rail gaps are in the range of
2 in. (50 mm) for a 16-in. (0.4-m) diameter wheel
Fr =SId;=BA&a(Tl-To) (3-10) and up to 4 in. (100 mm) for larger wheels. Rail
gap is controlled by the spacing and stiffness of
where Z implies that the forces in all rails should the fasteners.
be summed up. The movement of the structure
through the fasteners induces either a tensile or 3.4.4 -Shrinkage in Concrete, SH
compressive axial force on the rail, depending on Shrinkage is a function of number variables,
whether the temperature rises or drops, respec- the most significant of which are the charac-
tively, from that at installation. teristics of the aggregates, the water-cement ratio
A vertically or horizontally curved structure of the mix, the type and the duration of curing,
experiences a radial force resulting from the surface-to-volume ratio of the member, the am-
thermal rail forces. This radial force per unit bient temperature and relative humidity at the
length of rail is expressed as time of placing the concrete. For a major transit
project, shrinkage and creep behavior of the con-
crete mix should be validated as part of the design
process. For precast members, only the portion of
shrinkage or creep remaining after the element is
integrated into the structure needs to be con-
where R is the radius of curvature. FR always In the absence of more accurate data or
occurs in combination with Fr. method of analysis, shrinkage strain r-days after
The preceding expressions apply where there casting of normal weight concrete may be
is no motion of the rail relative to the structure. computed from the following expression:3.2
Where rail motion may occur, the relaxation of
the rail must be analyzed to determine its effect (3-12)
‘sh =k&tEshu
on the structure. Rail motion may occur when:

- Rail expansion joints are present or, where the ultimate shrinkage strain, E&,,, is
- Radial or tangential movements of rail and expressed as:
guideway structure at curves occur, or

[ ( II
- A rail break takes place, or
- Continuous rails cross structural joints, or H 2 xl04 (3-13)
- Creep and shrinkage strains in prestressed E* = 55o l - iii6
concrete elements continue to take place.
For 0 I r I 12 in. (300 mm), -Broken Rail Forces
At very low temperatures, the probability of a
rail break increases. The most likely place for a
k, = 1-S + 0.5, (3-14)
rail break to take place is at an expansion joint in
the structure. A rail break at this location gener- [ T
ally creates the largest forces in the structure.
When the rail breaks, it slips through the where rv is in inches,
fasteners on both sides of the break until the
tensile force in the rail before the break is
counteracted by the reversed fastener restraint
forces. The unbalanced force from the broken rail
is resisted by both the unbroken rails and the
i T
1 ‘,
+ 0.5,

guideway support system in proportion to their where rv is in mm.


For rv z= 12 in. (300 mm) 3.5 - Exceptional Loads

3.5.1 - Earthquake Effects, EQ
kv = 0.5 In regions designated as earthquake zones,
structures should be designed to resist seismic
where rv ,= volume-to-surface-area ratio, t is the motions by considering the relationship of the site
time in days after the end of curing, and H is the to active faults, the seismic response of the soils at
relative ambient humidity, in percent. the site, and the dynamic response characteristics
of the total structure in accordance with the latest
k = 1 - e-O.‘ti (3-15) edition of AASHTO “Standard Specifications for
* Highway Bridges."3.11 Certain local jurisdictions
have Zone 4 high seismic risk requirements for
analysis and design. For structures in this zone, a
3.4.5-Creep in Concrete, CR dynamic analysis is recommended.
Creep is a function of relative humidity,
volume-surface ratio and of time t after appli- 3.5.2 -Derailment Load, DR
cation of load. Creep is also affected by the Derailment may occur when the vehicle
amount of reinforcement in the section, the steering mechanism fails to respond on curves or
magnitude of sustained prestress force, the age of when the wheels jump the rails at too large a
the concrete when the force is applied, and the pull-apart gap, which may be the result of a break
properties of the concrete mix. If the design is in a continuously welded rail. Derailment may also
sensitive to volumetric change, then an ex- be caused by intervehicle collision. For the design
perimental validation of creep behavior, based on of the top slab and the barrier wall of the
the ingredients to be used, may be necessary. guideway, both the vertical and horizontal
In the absence of more accurate data and derailment loads may be considered to act si-
procedure, creep at r-days after application of load multaneously.
may be expressed in terms of the initial elastic The force effects caused by a single derailed
strain, 6 from:3.2 standard vehicle should be considered in the de-
sign of the guideway structure components. These
6 CT = flak (3-16) effects, whether local or global, should in-clude
flexure, shear, torsion, axial tension or
where, compression, and punching shear through the
deck. The derailed vehicle should be assumed to
kr = 4.250 - 0.025H come to rest as close to the barrier wall as
For 0 4 rv I 10 in. (250 mm) physically possible to produce the largest force
effect. In the design of the deck slab, a dynamic
load allowance of 1.0 should be included in the
+ 0.7, (3-17) wheel loads.
The magnitude and line of action of a hori-
where rv is in inches, zontal derailment load on a barrier wall is a
function of a number of variables. These include
= 1-zI + 0.7, the distance of the tracks from the barrier wall,
the vehicle weight and speed at derailment, the
[ 250 T flexibility of the wall, and the frictional resistance
where rv is in mm between the vehicle and the wall. In lieu of a
For rv > 10 in. (250 mm) detailed analysis, the barrier wall should be
designed to resist a lateral force equivalent to 50
percent of a standard vehicle weight distributed
k = 0.7 over a length of 15 ft (5 m) along the wall and
where t is the time in days after application of acting at the axle height. This force is equivalent
load or prestress, and, to a deceleration rate of 0.5 g.
Collision forces between vehicles result from
k = 1 - e-0.w (3-18) the derailment of a vehicle and its subsequent
resting position against the guideway sidewall.

This eccentric load on the guideway causes tor- tion should include the weight of workers and all
sional effects, which should be accounted for in mobile equipment, such as vehicles, hoists, cranes,
the design. The magnitude and eccentricity of this and structural components used during the process
vertical collision load is a function of the distance of erection. It is recommended that construction
of the guideway center line from the side wall, the live load limits be identified on the contract
axle width and the relative position of the center documents.
lines of the car body and the truck after the

3.5.3 -Broken Rail Forces, BR

Forces on the guideway support elements due REFERENCES
to a broken rail are discussed in Section 3.4.3,
under Rail-Structure Interaction.
3.1 “GOALRT (Government of Ontario Advanced Light
Rail Transit) System Standards - Design Criteria for the
3.5.4 - Collision Load, CL
GOALRT Elevated Guideway and Special Structures,
Piers or other guideway support elements that GOALRT Program, Downsview, Part 3, Loads, and Part 4,
are situated less than 10 ft (3 m) from the edge of Design Methods.
an adjacent street or highway should be designed
to withstand a horizontal static force of 225 kips 3.2 “OHBD (Ontario Highway Bridge Design) Code,” 3rd
(1000 kN), unless protected by suitable barriers. Edition, Ministry of Transportation, Downsview, Ontario 1991,
V. 1 and V. 2.
The force is to be applied on the support element,
or the protection barrier, at an angle of 10 deg 3.3 Ravera, R.J., and Anders, J.R., “Analysis and
from the direction of the road traffic and at a Simulation of Vehicle/Guideway Interactions with Application
height of 4 ft (1.20 m) above ground level. The to a Tracked Air Cushion Vehicle,” MITRE Technical Report
MTR-6839, The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA 22101,
Collision Load need not be applied concurrently Feb. 1975 pp. 95.
with loads other than the dead load of the
structure. 3.4 Billing, J.R., “Estimation of the Natural Frequencies
The possibility of overheight vehicles colliding of Continuous Multi-Span Bridges: Report No. RR.219,
with the guideway beam should be considered for Ministry of Transportation, Downsview, Jan. 1979, 20 pp.
guideways with less than 16.5ft (5.0m) clearance 3.5 Priestly, M.J.N., and Buckle, I.G., “Ambient Thermal
over existing roadways. Response of Concrete Bridges” Bridge Seminar, Road
Research Unit, National Roads Board, Wellington, 1978, V. 2.
3.6 - Construction Loads
3.6.1 -General 3.6 Grouni, H., and Sadler. C.. “Thermal Interaction
Loads due to construction equipment and Between Continuously Welded Rail and Elevated Transit
Guideway," Proceedings, International Conference on Short and
materials that may be imposed on the guideway Medium Span Bridges, Aug. 17-21, 1986, Ottawa, Ont. Canada.
structure during construction should be accounted
for. Additionally, transient load effects during 3.7 “National Building Code of Canada” (NRCC 23174),
construction due to wind, ice, stream flow and National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, 1977, Part 4,
earthquakes should be considered with return pp. 151-180.
periods and probabilities of single or multiple 3.8 “Design of Highway Bridges,” (CAN 3-S6), Canadian
occurrences commensurate with the expected life Standards Association, Rexdale, 1974.
of the temporary structure or the duration of a
particular construction stage. 3.9 Davenport, A.G., and Isyumov, N., “Application of the
Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel to the Prediction of Wind
3.6.2 - Dead Loads Loading,” Proceedings, International Seminar on Wind Effects
on Building and Structures (Ottawa, 1967). University of
Dead loads on the structure during con- Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 201-230.
struction should include the weights of formwork,
falsework, fixed appendages and stored materials. 3.10 Davenport, A.G., “Response of Slender Line-Like
The dead weights of mobile equipment that may Structures to a Gusty Wind,” Proceedings, Institution of Civil
be fixed at a stationary location on the guideway Engineers (London), V. 23, Nov. 1962, pp. 389-408.
for long durations shall also be considered. Such 3.11 AASHTO, Standard Specification for Highway
equipment includes lifting and launching devices. Bridges, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, (Latest Edition).

3.6.3 -Live Loads 3.12 NCHRP 267, National Cooperative Highway

Live loads on the structure during construc- Research Program, Washington, D.C., (Latest Edition).

CHAPTER 4 - LOAD COMBINATIONS AND higher target value is justified by the fact that the
LOAD AND STRENGTH REDUCTION consequences of failure of a transit guideway
FACTORS would be far greater than those of a highway
bridge. The target reliability index adopted for
4.1 - Scope serviceability design, is 2.5 for cracking and 2.0 for
This chapter specifies load factors, strength fatigue.
reduction factors, and load combinations to be The objective in deriving reliability-based load
used in serviceability and strength designs. Struc- factors is to provide a uniform safety level to load-
tural safety is used as the acceptance criterion. carrying components. The uncertainties in meth-
The derivation of load and strength reduction fac- ods of analysis, material properties and dimen-
tors is based on probabilistic methods, using sional accuracies are taken into account in the
available statistical data and making certain basic derivation of strength reduction factors. Uncer-
assumptions. tainties to the magnitude of imposed loads and
4.2 - Basic Assumptions their mean-to-nominal ratios are accounted for in
The economic life of a transit guideway is the derivation of load factors. Because of the high
taken as 75 years. Load and resistance models frequency of train passes on a guideway structure,
were developed accordingly. environmental and emergency loads are combined
Guideway structures should meet the require- with maximum live load. The dead load factor is
ments for both serviceability and strength design. set at 1.30 for both precast and cast-in-place com-
Serviceability design criteria were derived by ponents, consistent with the AASHTO bridge spe-
elastic analysis; stresses and section resistances cifications and ACI 343R. The derivation of load
were determined accordingly. Strength design cri- and strength reduction factors for other load com-
teria were also derived by elastic analysis. How- ponents is also based on reliability approach.
ever, while stresses were determined accordingly,
section resistances were determined by inelastic 4.3 - Service Load Combinations
behavior. Four service load combinations, S1, S2, S3,
The load and resistance models used in this and S4 are listed in Table 4.3. When warranted,
study were based on available test data, analytical more load combinations may be used on specific
results, and engineering judgment.4.2,4.7 projects. Load and strength reduction factors are
Live load is defined by a fully loaded standard not used for serviceability design.
vehicle. The weight of vehicles should include an
allowance for potential weight growth. Resistance 4.4 -Strength Load Combinations
models take into account the degree of quality 4.4.1 -General Requirements
control during casting. Thus, the properties of For strength design, the factored strength of
factory-produced members are considered more a member should exceed the total factored load
reliable than those of cast-in-place members. effect. The factored strength of a member or cross
Some requirements for concrete strength control section is obtained by taking the nominal member
specified by AASHTO are more stringent than strength, calculated in accordance with Chapter 6,
those specified by ACI. However, ACI specifi- and multiplying it by the appropriate strength
cations are generally assumed in this document. reduction factor 4, given in Section 4.4.3. The
Safety is measured in terms of the reliability total factored load effect should be obtained from
index. A higher reliability index, reflects a lower relevant strength combination, U, incorporating
probability of failure. A target reliability index of the appropriate load factors given in Table 4.4.
4.0 is adopted for strength design. This implies Simultaneous occurrence of loads is modeled
that a transit structure would have a lower proba- by using available data. For the purposes of reli-
bility of failure than a highway bridge, where a re- ability analysis, loads are divided into categories
liability index of 3.5 is commonly used.4.8 The according to their duration and the probability of

Table 4.3 - Service load combinations

Sl = D + L + I +PS + LF, + (CF or HF or F()
S2 = Sl + [03 (WL + WS) or ICE or SF]
S3 = S2 + T + SH + CR

load combinations

Load component U0 Ul U2 U3 U4 U5 U6

D 1.3* 1.3* 1.3* 1.3* 1.3* 1.3* 1.3*

L, I and either CF or HF 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4**

SH and CR 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

PS 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

WL + WS 1.5 1.5

WS 1.0

ICE, T, SF, or EQ 1.5

LFe 1.4

BR (FR, FJ l.2
CL 1.3

l Use 0.9 when effect is more conservative.

l * Use the weight of an empty train only.

their joint occurrence, as follows: 4.4.2 -Load Combinations and Load Factors
Load combinations, together with the corres-
- Permanent loads: dead load, earth pressure, ponding factors for strength design, are listed in
structural restraint Table 4.4. Values of load components are spe-
- Gradually varying loads: prestressing effects, cified in Chapter 3.
creep and shrinkage, differential foundation
settlement, and temperature effects 4.4.3 - Strength Reduction Factors, ol
- Transitory loads: live load (static and The capacity of a section should be reduced
dynamic) and wind, by a strength reduction factor, 4, as follows:
- Exceptional loads: earthquake, emergency
braking, broken rail, derailment, vehicle
collision - For flexure only, or flexure with ol = 0.95
axial load in precast concrete
It is assumed that gradually varying loads act - For flexure only, or flexure with ol = 0.90
simultaneously with permanent loads. ‘The former axial load in cast-in-place concrete
are taken at their maximum or minimum level, - For shear and torsion ol = 0.75
whichever yield the worse case scenario for struc- - For axial tension f#J = 0.85
tural performance, for the duration considered. - For compression in members
Transitory and exceptional loads are combined with spiral reinforcement 4 = 0.75
according to Turkstra’s rule. 4.9 This rule stipulates - For compression in other members 6 = 0.70
that the maximum total load occurs when one of
the load components is at its maximum value, si- For low values of axial compression, 4 may be
multaneously with the other load components increased linearly to 0.90 or 0.95 for cast-in-place
taken at their average values. Ail possible com- or precast concrete, respectively, as the axial load
binations are considered in order to determine the decreases from 0.10 f,’ Ag to zero.
one which maximizes the total effect. The load The ol factors were computed with the as-
factors corresponding to the time-varying load sumption that precast concrete guideway compo-
combinations reflect the reduced likelihood of nents, with bonded post-tensioning tendons are
simultaneous occurrence of these loads. used.

REFERENCES* from the neutral axis

b. At cracked sections, concrete does not resist
4.1 Corotis, B., “Probability-Based Design Codes," tension
Concrete International Design and Construction, V. 7, No. 4, c. Stress is directly proportional to strain.
Apr. 1985, pp. 42-49.

4.2 Nowak, A.S., and Grouni, H., “Serviceability 5.3 - Permissible Stresses
Consideration for Guideways and Bridges,” Canadian Journal 5.3.1 - Non-prestressed Members
of Civil Engineering, V. 15, No. 4, Aug. 1988, pp. 534-538. Fatigue and cracking are controlled by limit-
4.3 Grouni, H.N., Nowak, A.S., Dorton, R.A., “Design ing the stress levels in the concrete and the non-
Criteria for Transit Guideways," Proceedings, 12th Congress, prestressed reinforcement. The stress limitations
International Association for Bridge and Structural are discussed in Sections 5.5 and 5.8.
Engineering, Zurich, 1984, pp. 539-546.
5.3.2 - Prestressed Members
4.4 Nowak, A.S., and Grouni, H.N., “Development of
Design Criteria for Transit Guideway," ACI JOURNAL, -Concrete
Proceedings V. 80, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1983, pp. 387-389. Flexural stresses in prestressed concrete mem-
bers should not exceed the following:
4.5 Nowak, A.S. and Grouni, H.N., “Serviceability Criteria
in Prestressed Concrete Bridges,” ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings
V. 83, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1966, pp. 43-49.
(a) At transfer:
4.6 Thoft-Christensen, P., and Baker, MJ., Structural
Reliability Theory and Its Applications, Springer-Verlag, New Stresses before losses due to creep, shrinkage
York, 1982, 267 pp. and relaxation and before redistribution of force
4.7 Nowak, A.S., and Lind, NC, “Practical Bridge Code
effect take place, should not exceed the following:
Calibration,” Proceedings, ASCE, V. 105, STl2, Dec. 1979, pp.
2497-2510. - Compression
l pretensioned members: 0.60fci’
4.8 “OHBD (Ontario Highway Bridge Design) Code,” 3rd l post-tensioned members: 0.55fci'
Edition, Ministry of Transportation, Downsview, Ontario, 1991,
V. 1 and V. 2.
- Tension in members without bonded
4.9 Turkstra, C.J., “Theory of Structural Design nonprestressed reinforcement in the
Decisions,” Study No. 2, Solid Mechanics Division, University tension zone: 0.4Of,
of Waterloo, Ont., 1970, pp. 124.

*For recommended references, see Chapter 8.

In the absence of more precise data, the
CHAPTER 5- SERVICEABILITY DESIGN cracking stress of concrete, f,., may be
taken as 7.5 ,& (psi) (0.6 & MPa).
5.1 - General
This chapter covers the performance of
reinforced concrete guideways (both prestressed - Tension in members with bonded non-
and non-prestressed) under service loadings. prestressed reinforcement in the tension
Serviceability requirements to be investigated zone: l.OOf,,
include stresses, fatigue, vibration, deformation
and cracking. Where the calculated tensile stress is
Fatigue is included in serviceability design between 0.4Of, and l.Of=,+ reinforce-
since high cyclic loading influences the permissible ment should be provided to resist the
design stresses. Load combinations for service- total tensile force in the concrete
ability design are given in Section 4.3. Durability computed on the basis of an uncracked
considerations are given in Section 2.3.6. section. The stress in the reinforcement
should not exceed 0.6Of or 30 ksi (200
5.2 - Basic Assumptions MPa), whichever is smaller.
Force effects under service loads should be
determined by a linear elastic analysis. For - Tension at joints in segmental members:
investigation of stresses at service conditions, the
following assumptions are made: 0 Without bonded non-prestressed
reinforcement passing through the joint in
a. Strains are directly proportional to distance the tension zone: 0.0

l With bonded non-prestressed the cracking stress of concrete, f,’ may

reinforcement passing through the joint in
be taken as 7.5 & (psi) (0.6 & MPa).
the tension zone: o.w?i
Where the calculated tensile stress is be- l Other cases and extreme operating
tween zero and 0.4Of, reinforcement conditions at load combinations S3
should be provided to resist the total tensile and S4: 0.8OLr
force in the concrete computed on the basis
of an uncracked section. The stress in the 0 For segmental members without
reinforcement should not exceed 0.60& or bonded prestressed reinforcement
30 ksi (200 MPa), whichever is smaller. passing through the joints: 0.0

(b) Service loads: l For design against fatigue: 0.0

Stresses, after allowance for all losses due to l Tension in other areas should be
creep, shrinkage and relaxation and re- limited by allowable stresses at transfer.
distribution of force effects, should not exceed
the following: - Steel
- Compression: The stress in prestressing steel should not
l Load combination S1 or S2, exceed the values given in Table 5.3.
Precast members: 0.45f,' The maximum stress at jacking should in no
Cast-in-place members: 0.4Of,' case exceed 0.94f, or the maximum value recom-
mended by the manufacturer of the prestressing
0 Load combination S3 or S4, tendons and anchorages, while that at transfer
Precast members: OhOf, should in no case exceed 0.82f,. The maximum
Cast-in-place members: O.SSf,' stress in the post-tensioning tendons, at anchor-
ages and couplers, immediately after tendon an-
- Tension in precompressed tensile zones: chorage should not exceed 0.7Of, in accordance
l For severe exposure conditions, such as with ACI 318R.
coastal areas, members in axial tension,
and load combination S1 (for combina-
tion S3 and (S4) moderate case
applies): 0.0 5.3.3 - Partial Prestressing
The preceding tensile strength limitations may
0 For moderate exposure conditions, and be waived if calculations, based on approved or
for, load combination S2: 0.4OL experimentally verified rational procedures, dem-
onstrate adequate deflection, cracking and fatigue
In the absence of more precise data control under specified loading combinations.

Type of Steel
Stress-relieved strand Low relaxation High strength
Prestressing and wire, strand and wire, bar
Stage fpu = 0.85 fP” fpu = 0.90 fP” fpu = 0.80$,

At Jacking:
Pretensioning 0.80 fp. 0.80 fp.
Post-tensioning 0.80 $. 0.85 fp” 0.75 fP”

At transfer:
Pretensioning 0.70 fP” 0.74 fP” 0.66 fpu
Post-tensioning 0.70 $” 0.74 &” 0.66 fP”

5.4 - Loss of Prestress Areas of concern are the prestressing steel

In determining the effective prestress, al- and the reinforcing bars located at sections where
lowance should be made for the following sources a large number of stress cycles may occur at
of prestress loss: cracked sections.

a. slip at the anchorage 5.5.2 - Concrete

b. friction losses due to intended and unintended Under service load combination S1, the
(wobble) curvature in the tendons flexural compressive stress in concrete, should not
c. elastic shortening of concrete exceed 0.45f,' at sections where stress is cyclic and
d. creep of concrete no tensile stresses are allowed.
e. shrinkage of concrete
f. relaxation of steel 5.5.3 - Non-prestressed Reinforcement
Under service load condition S1, the stress
The amount of prestress loss due to these range in straight flexural reinforcing bars ffr and
causes depends on a number of factors that in- fsr, in accordance with AASHTO bridge specifi-
clude, properties of the materials used in the cations, should not exceed the following:
structure, the environment, and the stress levels at
various loading stages. Accurate estimates of For straight bars:
prestress loss require recognition that the indi-
vidual losses resulting from the above sources are ffr = (21 - 0.33fm + 8 r/h), ksi (5-l)
The losses outlined above may be estimated = (145 - 0.33fm + 55 r/h), MPa
using the methods outlined in the AASHTO
bridge specifications, ACI 343R, or References 5.1 where,
through 5.3.
For preliminary design of structures, using r/h = radius-to-height ratio of transverse
normal density concrete, the lump sum losses deformations. When actual value is not
shown in Table 5.4 may be used. Lump sum losses known, r/h = 0.3
do not include anchorage and friction losses in
post-tensioned tendons. The losses are higher than fm = algebraic minimum stress, ksi (MPa)
those in the AASHTO bridge specifications due to (tension, positive; compression, negative)
the higher jacking stresses.
For members constructed and prestressed in For bent flexural bars, stirrups and bars containing
multiple stages, or for segmental construction, the welds conforming to requirements of AWS D1.4:
stress level at the commencement and termi-
nation of each stage should be considered. f sr = O.SOf, (5-2)

5.5 - Fatigue Bends and welds in principal reinforcement should

5.5.1 -General not be used in regions of high stress range.
A transit guideway may undergo six million or For shear reinforcement, the change in stress,
more vehicle passes at various load levels during fsv, may be computed as follows:
its lifetime. This may be equivalent to three to
four million cycles at maximum live load level.
Such high levels of cyclic loading render guideways
/-=2, ksi (MPU) (5-3)

prone to fatigue failure.

Table 5.4- Lump Sum Losses for Preliminary Design5.12


Stress relieved Low relaxation Stress relieved Low relaxation

At transfer 29 19 4 4
(200) (130) (30) (30)
After transfer 37 22 37 20
(255) (150) (255) (135)

Total 66 41 41 24
(455) (280) (285) (165)

Units are ksi (MPa).


where passenger and, as a result, comfort criteria are

usually expressed in terms of acceleration limits.
^_V = the range of the shear force at a section, k Maximum dynamic effects occur when the fre-
quency of the vehicle is close to the natural fre-
= spacing of shear reinforcement, in. (mm) quency of the guideway, giving rise to a quasi-
z4 = area of shear reinforcement, in.2 (mm’) resonant condition. For a guideway structure, the
jd” = distance between tensile andcomprehensive only natural frequency which usually needs to be
forces at a section based on an elastic analysis, considered is its lowest, or fundamental, natural
in. (mm). flexural frequency. A quasi-resonance condition
may be avoided by ensuring that the structure
For torsion reinforcement, the change in stress, frequency is outside the frequency range of the
fst, may be computed for box sections or sections vehicle, as provided by the manufacturer. Thus,
where a/b < 0.6, as follows: natural frequencies of the guideway must be in-
vestigated in the design process.
fst = ^_ Ts (5-4)
(1.7A,A,) 5.6.2 - Natural Frequency
The expression for the fundamental flexural
where, frequency of a simply supported beam is given in
^_ T (N-mm)
= the range of torsion at a section, k-in. The fundamental frequency of a continuous
beam, having a series of equal spans, is the same
s = spacing of torsional reinforcement, in’ as that of a simply supported beam of the same
(mm2) 2 2
span length. For a continuous beam, in which the
At = area of torsional reinforcement, in /mm spans are unequal, a reasonable estimate of the
Aoh = area enclosed by the centerline of closed fundamental frequency may be obtained by assum-
transverse torsional reinforcement, in2(mm2) ing the longest span to be simply-supported. A
a,b = the shorter and longer center-to-center more accurate value of the fundamental frequency
dimensions of closed rectangular stirrups, may be obtained using the approaches in Refer-
respectively, in. (mm). ences 5.5 and 5.6. Effects of the horizontal
curvature can be accounted for as shown in Ref-
For combined effects of shear and torsion erence 5.7.
Continuous beams have frequencies of higher
fsv + fst < ffr (5-5) flexural modes which are closer to the funda-
mental frequency than is the case for simply
supported beams. Consequently, care should be
5.5.4 - Prestressed Reinforcement taken to ensure that one of these higher fre-
In prestressed concrete members, the change in quencies for a continuous beam does not coincide
stress in the prestressing reinforcement for service with frequency of the vehicle.
load condition S1, or other appropriate load cases, Attention should be given to torsional
using cracked or uncracked section analysis, frequencies of the guideway and the vehicle in
should not exceed 0.04fpu. Recent experiments guideway where not all supports can resist tor-
have indicated that post-tensioned tendons are sional effects. Methods for the computation of
susceptible to fatigue failures at locations where torsional frequencies can be found in standard
the tendon curves as found in ACI 215R. At these textbooks on vibrations of structures.5.8
locations the change in stress in the tendon due to
cyclic loads should not exceed 0.025fpu.5.4 5.6.3 -Modulus of Elasticity
The modulus of elasticity, EC, for concrete
may be taken as Wc1.5 33 & in psi (wc’.’
5.6 - Vibration in MPa) for values of wc between 90 and 155
5.6.1 -General (1500 and 2500 kg/m3).
Vibration of the guideway during the passage crete, Ec may be taken
of a transit vehicle induces motion of the vehicle
that result in a poor ride quality. Thus guideways The modulus of elasticity, Es, for non-
must be designed to provide an acceptable level of prestressed reinforcement may be taken as
passenger comfort. This entails consideration of 29,000,000 psi (200,000 MPa).
the vehicle-guideway interaction. The modulus of elasticity, Es, for prestressing
The most significant factor affecting ride qual- tendons shall be determined by tests or supplied
ity is the acceleration level experienced by the by the manufacturer.

5.7 -Deformation
5.7.1 -General A= T (5-7)
Deflections and rotations due to external 1 + 5op’
loading, prestress, and volume changes due to
temperature, creep, and shrinkage, should be con-
sidered in the design; excessive deformations can
affect the structure and the ride quality directly. where,
Of particular importance is the angular disconti-
nuity at the guideway surface at the ends of beams PI = reinforcement ratio for non-prestressed
at expansion joint. compressive reinforcement
Deformation in members under sustained T = time-dependent factor for sustained load,
loading should be calculated as the sum of both and may be taken as:
the immediate and the long-term deformations.
Deflections, which occur immediately upon appli- 5 years or more, T = 2.0
cation of load, should be computed by the usual 12 months, T= 1.4
methods for elastic deflections. 6 months, T= 1.4
3 months, T= 1.0
5.7.2 - Non-prestressed Members
5.7.3 - Prestressed Members -Immediate Deflection
For simple spans the effective moment of The effects induced by prestress should be
inertia, Ie, should be taken as included in the computation of deformation. -Immediate Camber/Deflection
The moment of inertia should be taken as
that of the gross concrete section. -Long-Term Camber/Deflection
In lieu of a detailed analysis, long-term
Icr= moment of inertia of cracked section camber and deflection, as a function of instan-
transformed to concrete, in.4 (m4) taneous camber and deflection for members con-
Ig = moment of inertia of gross concrete section structed and prestressed in a single stage, may be
about the centroidal axis, neglecting the estimated by multiplying the initial camber or
reinforcement, in.4 (m4) deflection by the factors shown in Table
Ma = maximum moment in member at stage for It should be noted that these factors apply to
which deflection is being computed, lb - in. (N simple spans. For continuous spans, in the ab-
- mm) sence of a detailed analysis, long-term deflections
= cracking moment = fcrIg/yt may be estimated by applying two thirds of the
2 = cracking stress in concrete, psi (MPa) factors given in the table.
yt = distance from the centroidal axis of a cross-
section (neglecting the reinforcement) to the 5.8 - Crack Control
extreme fiber in tension, in (mm). Cracking should be controlled in non-
prestressed reinforced members by suitable de-
For continuous spans, the effective moment of tailing and sizing of the reinforcement. Pre-
inertia may be taken as the average of the values stressed concrete members should contain non-
obtained using the preceding equation for the prestressed reinforcement at the precompressed
critical positive and negative moment sections. tensile zone.
Provisions should be made in design for posi- -Long-Term Deflection tive moments that may develop in the negative
In lieu of a detailed analysis, the additional moment regions of precast prestressed units
long-term deflection resulting from creep and erected as simple span and made continuous for
shrinkage for both normal weight and light-weight live loads. The effects of loading in remote spans,
concrete flexural members may be estimated by as well as shrinkage, creep, and elastic shortening
multiplying the immediate deflection, caused by of the piers should also be considered in the
the sustained load being considered, by the factor design.

Without composite With composite

topping topping
At erection:

Deflection (downward) component - 1.85 1.85

apply to the elastic deflection
due to the member weight at release of prestress

Camber (upward) component - 1.80 1.80

apply to the elastic camber due to prestress at the time of
release of prestress


Deflection (downward) component - 2.70 2.40

apply to the elastic deflection due to the member weight at
release of prestress

Camber (upward) component - 2.45 2.20

apply to the elastic camber due to prestress at the time of
release of prestress

Deflection (downward) - apply to elastic deflection due to 3.00 3.00

superimposed dead load only

Deflection (downward) - apply to elastic deflection caused by the 2.30

composite topping

5.8.l - Non-prestressed Members 5.8.2 - Prestressed Members

Tensile reinforcement should be distributed in Reinforcement must be provided to control
the tension zones so that the calculated stress in two types of cracking, namely, bursting and spal-
the reinforcement would not exceed the following: ling at the anchorage zones of post-tensioned
members. Several methods of proportioning the
reinforcement are available. The following ap-
proach may be applied to the bursting component
of cracking; it is derived from expressions in
Reference 5.10, and presented in Reference 5.12
as a representative approach.
The quantity z should not exceed 130 kips/in.
(23 kN/mm) for severe exposure and 170 kips/in -Post-Tensioned Members
(30kN/mm) for other conditions; where The maximum stress, fbs, causing bursting may
= thickness of the concrete cover measured be computed from
from the extreme tensile fiber to the center of
the bar located closest thereto. fbs = 9 F,ila22y psi (5-9)
A = effective tension area of concrete
surrounding the main tension reinforcing bars -%
and having the same centroid as that rein- (5-10)

f =ca
forcement, divided by the number of bars.
When the main reinforcement consists of
several bar sizes, the number of bars should and should not exceed 0.80fti + 20pbs,
be computed as the total steel area divided by
the area of the largest bar used. where

Afrs (5-13)
Phc = - (5-11) Xm = 0.54 (I - I#)u2
The stress in the reinforcement should not
A bs = area of non-prestressed reinforcement exceed 30 ksi (200 MPa) nor 0.854.
located perpendicular to a potential bursting Reinforcement to control spalling cracks in
crack, in.2 (mm2). both the horizontal and vertical planes at the
bb = width of concrete in the plane of a anchorage zones should be provided within 0.2h of
potential bursting crack, in. (mm). the end of the member. The spalling force may be
S = spacing of reinforcement to resist bursting determined by the method described in Reference
or pitch of spiral reinforcement, in. (mm). 5.11. The end stirrup should be placed as closely
fcri = cracking stress of concrete at time of initial to the end of the member as practicable with
prestress, psi (MPa) adequate cover. The reinforcement should extend
over the full depth and width of the member. The
For calculating fbs, a symmetrically placed stress in the reinforcement should not exceed 20
square anchor of side a1 acting on a square prism ksi (140 MPa).
of side and depth a2 may be assumed. The dimen-
sion a2 should be the minimum distance between - Pretensioned Members
the centerline of anchors or two times the distance End blocks are not required where all tendons
from the centerline of the anchor to the nearest are pretensioned strand.
edge of concrete, whichever is lesser [Fig. Vertical stirrups to resist a tension equal to at
5.8.2(a)]. For circular anchors, aI should be taken least four percent of the prestressing force at
as the side of a square with an area equal to the transfer should be distributed uniformly over a
area of the circular anchor. length equal to 0.2h from the end of the girder.
The total force, Fbs, causing bursting in a The end stirrup should be placed as closely to the
plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the end of the member as practicable. The stress in
tendon, may be computed from the reinforcement should not exceed 20 ksi (140
Fbs = 0.70 Fsj 11 (5-12) The ends of members with flanges should be
reinforced to enclose the prestressing steel in the
Reinforcement to resist the bursting force flanges.
should be uniformly distributed from 0.52Xm to a Transverse reinforcement should be provided
distance equal to a2, measured from the loaded in the flanges of box girders and should be
face of the end block [Fig. 5.8.2(b)], where: anchored into the webs of the girder.

anchoragesf%*@;/~ t
>, a2

QZR a2/2 a2f2
s y m m e t r i c a l lLl-4 ’
prism am am

anchor spacing controls edge distance controls

Fig. 5.8.2(a) Symmetrical Prism Concept


loaded force

0.52% >c, a2
Fig. 5.8.2(b) Distribution of Stress Causing Bursting

REFERENCES* Beams: Proceedings, ASCE, V. 97, ST3, Mar. 1971, pp.

5.1. PC1 Committee on Prestress Losses,
“Recommendations for Estimating Prestress Losses,” Journal, 5.11. Gergely, Peter, and Sozen, Mete A., “Design of
Prestressed Concrete Institute, V. 20, No. 4, July-Aug. 1975, Anchorage-Zone Reinforcement in Prestressed Concrete
pp. 43-75. Also, Discussion, V. 21, No. 2. Mar.-Apr. 1976, pp. Beams,” Journal, Prestressed Concrete Institute, V. 12, No. 2,
108-126. Apr. 1967, pp. 63-75.

5.2. Zia, Paul, Kent, Preston H., Scott, Norman L, and 5.12 “OHBD (Ontario Highway Bridge Design) Code,”
Workman, Edwin B., “Estimating Prestress Losses,” Concrete 3rd Edition, 1991, Ministry of Transportation, Downsview,
InternationaI: Design and Construction, V. 1, No. 6, June 1979, Ontario, 1991, V. 1 and V. 2.
pp. 32-38.
* For recommended references, see Chapter 8.
5.3. Huang, Ti., “A New Procedure for Estimation Of
Prestress Losses,” Report No. 470.1, Research Project No.
80-23, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation/Fritz
Engineering Laboratory. Lehigh University, Bethlehem, May
6.1 -General Design and Analysis Con-
5.4. Rigon, C., and Thurlimann, B., “Fatigue Tests on siderations
Post-Tensioned Concrete Beams,” BERICHT No. 8101-1, The recommendations in this chapter are in-
Institut fur Baustatik und Konstruktion. ETH, Zurich, Aug.
1984, 74 pp.
tended for reinforced concrete guideways pro-
portioned for adequate strength using load com-
5.5. Billing, J.R., “Estimation of Natural Frequencies of binations, load factors, and strength reduction
Continuous Multi-Span Bridges,” Report. No. RR219, Ministry factors as specified in Chapter 4. The recom-
of Transportation and Communications, Downsview, 1979. mendations are based principally on ACI 318,
5.6. Csagoly, P.F., Campbell, T.I., and Agarwal, A.C.,
“Building Code Requirements for Reinforced
“Bridge Vibration Study,” Report No. RR 181, Ministry of Concrete,” hence, may also be applied to non-
Transportation and Communications, Downsview, 1972. prestressed components of a guideway structure,
where applicable.
5.7. Campbell, T.I., “Natural Frequencies of Curved All members of statically indeterminate
Beams and Skew Slabs,” Report, OJT & CRP Project 8303,
Queen’s University, Kingston, Mar. 1978.
structures should be designed for the maximum
effects of the specified loads as determined by 1)
5.8. Thompson, W.T., Theory of Vibration With elastic analysis, or 2) any acceptable method that
Applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, 1972. takes into account the nonlinear behavior of re-
inforced concrete members when subjected to
5.9. PC1 Design Handbook, 2nd Edition, Prestressed
Concrete Institute, Chicago, 1978, 384 pp.
bending moments approaching the strength of
the member. Analysis should satisfy the condi-
5.10. Iyengar, Kashi T.S.R., and Mandanapalle, K. tions of equilibrium, compatibility and stability
Prabhakara, “Anchor Zone Stresses in Prestressed Concrete at all points in the structure and at all magni-

tudes of loading up to ultimate. reinforcement. Large shear and torsion effects

Negative moments calculated by elastic ana- may also be caused by derailment of vehicles.
lysis at the supports of continuous pre-stressed and Guideway structures are often made continu-
non-prestressed flexural members, for any ous to better resist the torsional effects as well as
assumed loading arrangement, may be increased to allow more slender structures. The use of
or decreased in accordance with the provisions of continuity, particularly with horizontal curvature,
ACI 318. can create a shear and torsion condition that is
For guideways made continuous by post- quite complex.
tensioning over two or more spans, the effects of
secondary moments due to the reactions induced
by prestressing should be included. 6.3.2 -Conventional Design Methods
Any reasonable assumption may be adopted The conventional design method for shear and
for computing the relative flexural and torsional torsion in the United States is covered in Chapter
stiffness of members in a statically indeterminate 11 of ACI 318. This method was later adopted in
system. The moments of inertia used to obtain the the AASHTO bridge specification except that the
relative stiffnesses of the various members may be criteria are augmented by requirements for fatigue
determined from either the uncracked concrete design.
cross section, neglecting the reinforcement, or Chapter 11 of ACI 318 includes shear pro-
from the transformed cracked section, provided visions for prestressed concrete as well as non-
the same method is used throughout the analysis. prestressed concrete. However, the torsion design
The effect of variable cross sections should be provisions in this code are applicable only to non-
considered in analysis and design. prestressed concrete and not to prestressed
The span length of members that are not built concrete. This represents a severe limitation,
integrally with their supports should be the clear because transit girders are normally prestressed.
span plus the depth of the member. It need not Generalized design methods, based on ACI
exceed the distance between centers of supports. criteria, have been proposed for prestressed
In analysis of statically indeterminate members, concrete.6.1,6.7,6.7,6.8
center-to-center distances should be used to The conventional ACI method was originally
determine moments. Moments at faces of supports formulated for building structures, in which the
may be used for design of members. elements are relatively small and the cross sec-
The possible buckling of a slender member or tions are made up of rectangular components.
flange subject to compressive loading should be Careful consideration must be given when this
considered. method is applied to transit guideways which are
relatively large and frequently consist of thin-wall
6.2 -Design for Flexure and Axial Loads box sections or double-tee sections.
Guideways should be designed to have design When applied to transit guideways, the con-
strengths at all sections at least equal to the ventional ACI method has the following limita-
required strengths calculated for the factored tion. First, this method is applicable to beams that
loads and forces in such combination as stipu- are made up of rectangular components. It must
lated in Chapter 4. Design strength of a member be generalized when applied to arbitrary cross
or cross section should be taken as the nominal sections, such as a box girder with a trapezoidal
strength calculated in accordance with re- section.
quirements and assumptions of this chapter, Second, in this method, the shear web rein-
multiplied by a strength reduction factor, 4, as forcement and torsion web reinforcement are
defined in Chapter 4. The strength design of simply added, resulting in a conservative design.
members for flexure and axial loads should be In a large box girder, it should be possible to
based on the provisions of ACI 318. design for less web reinforcement for the wall
where shear and torsion are additive.
Third, in the ACI method, the flexural steel
6.3 -Shear and Torsion and the torsional longitudinal steel are added.
6.3.1 -Introduction This simple addition of the flexural compression
In transit guideways, torsional moments are steel to the torsional longitudinal steel in the
produced by wind load on the vehicles and on the flexural compression zone is quite conservative. In
structures, by the horizontal hunting action of the a large transit guideway, considerable economy
vehicles, by the centrifugal forces of the vehicles can be obtained when a more rigorous treatment
on curved tracks, and by vertical loads on curved is made.
members. These torsional effects must be Fourth, although the generalized ACI meth-
combined with the shear effects in the design of od is able to unify the design of prestressed and

non-prestressed concrete, the method becomes the other shear and longitudinal stresses in the
very tedious because of its empirical nature. section.

6.3.3 -Truss Model Approach

Design methods based on the truss model or REFERENCES*
the Compression Field Theory, provide a clear
concept of how reinforced concrete elements resist 6.1. Hsu, T.T.C., Torsion of Reinforced Concrete, Van
shear and torsion after cracking. 6.7,6.8 It allows a Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1984, Chapter 5:
Prestressed Concrete, pp. 171-203.
logical unification of shear and torsion, and is
applicable to prestressed and non-prestressed 6.2. Zia, P., and Hsu, T.T.C., “Design for Torsion and
concrete. The interaction of shear and torsion with Shear in Prestressed Concrete,” Proceedings, Symposium on
bending and axial load also becomes consistent Shear and Torsion (ASCE Fail Convention, Oct. 1978),
and comprehensible. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1978.
The truss model approach was first adopted 6.3. Zia, P., and McGee, W.D., “Torsion Design of
by the CEB - FIB Model Code.6.5 This code has Prestressed Concrete,” Journal, Prestressed Concrete Institute,
been successfully used for the design of curved box V. 19, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1974. pp. 46-65.
girders. It has recently gained acceptance in North
American Codes.6.6 6.4. Hsu, T.T.C., and Hwang, C.S., “Shear and Torsion
Design of Dade County Rapid Transit Aerial Guideways."
First, the arbitrary definitions of the center Concrete in Transportation, SP-93, American Concrete Institute,
line of shear flow and the wall thickness in tor- Detroit, 1986, pp. 433-466.
sion may be unconservative for relatively small
elements. Second, the provisions to prevent the 6.5. CEB-FIP Model Code for Concrete Structures, 3rd
compression failure of the concrete diagonal struts Edition, Comite Euro-International du Beton/Federation
International de la Precontrainte, Paris, 1978, 348 pp.
may become unreasonable in some cases. Third,
omission of torsional moment in the so-called 6.6 “OHBD (Ontario Highway Bridge Design) Code,” 3rd
compatibility torsion condition could cause Edition, Ministry of Transportation, Downsview. Ontario 1991,
excessive cracking. V. 1 and V. 2.
A truss model approach was developed by
6.7 Collins, M.P., and Mitchell, D., “Shear and Torsion
Collins and Mitchell for shear and torsion Design of Prestressed and Non-prestressed Beams,” Journal,
design.6.7,6.8 The method uses a compression field Prestressed Concrete Institute, V. 25, No. 5. Sept.-Oct. 1980,
theory and allows for the introduction of prestress pp. 32-100.
forces. With some modifications, it was incor-
6.8 Collins, M.P. and Mitchell, D. Prestressed Concrete
porated into CAN3-A23-3, and the method has
Structures, Prentice Hall, 1991 (pp. 766). Ch. 7-9, (pp. 309-
been used in the United States and Canada.6.6 478).
The method contains several features. First,
the omission of concrete cover is a departure from *For recommended references, see Chapter 8.
the American design practice. Second, the
equation for calculating the wall thickness in
torsion when relatively large percentages of web CHAPTER 7 -REINFORCEMENT DETAILS
reinforcement are present may result in conser-
vative wall thicknesses. For nonseismic and nonfatigue design the re-
inforcement details should be in accordance with
6.3.4 -Warping Torsion
ACI 315 and ACI 318. For seismic design or when
All the torsion design provisions currently fatigue conditions exist, the reinforcement details
available deal with members of bulky cross sec- given in the AASHTO bridge specifications should
tions. For such members, St. Venant torsion be used.
predominates and the warping torsional resistance
can be ignored without appreciable error.
However, thin-wall open sections, such as double- CHAPTER 8 -REFERENCES
tees, are used in transit systems. For such
structures, the working torsional resistance should 8.1 -Recommended References
be considered. The CEB Code6.5 allows for the The documents of the various standards-
design of warping effects to be accomplished by producing organizations referred to in this docu-
assuring that equilibrium exists between each ment are listed below with their serial designation.
thin-wall element of t h e o p e n section.
Alternatively, a conservative design can be
obtained by conducting an elastic analysis of the American Association of State Highwav and
warping torsion and adding the warping stresses to Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Standard

Specifications for Highway Bridges. American Railway Engineering Association

50 F Street, N.W., Suite 7702
American Concrete Institute Washington, D.C. 20001-2183

116R Cement and Concrete Terminology American Welding Society

550 N.W. 42nd Avenue
117 Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Miami, FL 33126
Concrete Construction and Materials
Canadian Standards Association
215R Considerations for Design of Concrete 178 Rexdale Blvd.
Structures Subjected to Fatigue Loading Rexdale (Toronto), Ontario
Canada M9W lR3
315 Details and Detailing of Concrete

318 Building Code Requirements for

Reinforced Concrete

318R Commentary on Building Code

Requirements for Reinforced Concrete

318M Building Code Requirements for

Reinforced Concrete

343R Analysis and Design of Reinforced

Concrete Bridge Structures

358R State-of-the-Art Report on Concrete


American Railway Engineering Association

Manual of Standard Practice (AREA)

American Welding Society

D1.4 Structural Welding Code-Reinforcing


Canadian Standards Association

CAN3-A23.3 Design of Concrete Structures for


CAN3-S6-M88 Design of Highway Bridges

These publications may be obtained from the

following organizations:

American Association of State Highway and

Transportation Officials
444 N. Capitol St., N.W., Suite 225
Washington, D.C. 20001

American Concrete Institute This report was submitted to letter ballot of the
P.O. Box 9094 committee and was approved in accordance with ACI balloting
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094 procedures.

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