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2011 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2011), Dec 5-6 2011, Penang

The Correlation Effects Between Big Five Personality

Traits and Job Satisfaction Among Support Staff in an

*Liatul Izian Binti Ali Husin, *Noor Ainn Zaidi

*Center of Applied Management, Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam, Malaysia

Abstract—Job satisfaction among employee is a crucial issue in conducted by [8] and the researcher was focused in the
an organization and employer plays a vital role to fulfill the hospitality setting but not in the health care environment.
needs. Keeping morale high among workers can be of
tremendous benefit to any organization as happy employees will There are important reasons why people should be
be more likely to produce work effectively, loyal to the concerned with job satisfaction. Previous research has found
organization and would also help to increase the organization’s that, job satisfaction is also an important element that
performance against its competitors. This paper discussed on the contributes to the success of an individual’s career besides job
correlation effects between the big five personality traits and performance. According to [9], job satisfaction can lead to
employee’s job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare Sdn. employee behaviors that affect organizational functioning and
Bhd. Selangor. The primary objective of this paper was to performance. Moreover, [10] considers job satisfaction either
examine whether the big five personality traits as a whole and its as a related group of attitudes about various aspects or facets of
stand alone dimensions have any influence on employee’s job the job or as a global feeling about the job.
satisfaction in an organization. The sample was drawn from 90
employees from 7 departments in PMCare Sdn. Bhd. The results Job satisfaction can be measured through many ways to
generated from this paper showed that there was a small, positive show its relationship with personality. The nine facets of job
and significant relationship between the big five personality traits satisfaction developed by [11] are pay, promotion, supervision,
as a whole on employee’s job satisfaction in PMCare Sdn. Bhd. fringe benefits, contingent rewards, operating conditions,
Notwithstanding, only two out of the five personality traits coworkers, nature of work and communication.
dimension on its own portrayed a significant positive relationship
on employee’s job satisfaction. They are the openness to
experience and extroversion.
Keywords – big five personality traits; job satisfaction;
employee turnover; extroversion; agreeableness; conscientiuosness; Employee turnover has become a large problem in many
emotional stability; openness to experience organizations which leads to an investigation into the cause for
I. INTRODUCTION this problem. [12], [13], [14] and [15] stated that some of the
reasons cited for this turnover are low compensations,
inadequate benefits, poor working conditions, poor working
Up to date, there are many researches done on big five morale and job attitudes and inadequate recruitment.
personality traits. Starting with the research done by [1] the In addition, previous research done by [16] stated that the
theory has been growing over the past 50 years and later study of personality dimensions is to ascertain the individual’s
expanded upon by other researchers including [2], [3] and [4]. fit within an organization. For this research, it correlates job
satisfaction with personality traits. The reason for this is
The big five is a broad category of personality traits. While
because according to [17], it has been suggested that
there is a significant body of literature supporting this five-
factor model of personality, researchers do not always agree on personality dimensions may mediate the effect of job
the exact labels for each dimension. satisfaction and one’s intentions to quit which leads to
turnover. [7] also supports that one’s personality has been
Notwithstanding, according to [5] and [6], in previous linked to his or her job satisfaction.
studies there has been limited use of personality dimensions as The study of these variables should help in human resource
a variable of interest but instead were focused on employee’s recruitment in the delineation of personality characteristic that
attitudes. [7] asserted that there has not been any extensive predicts higher satisfaction with the organization. Therefore,
research on the significant part of the individual personality this paper attempts to determine the relationship of personality
towards their job satisfaction. A related study on this topic,

978-1-4673-0020-9/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 883

2011 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2011), Dec 5-6 2011, Penang

traits and job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare Sdn. H6: There is a significance relationship between openness
Bhd. to experience and job satisfaction.


The main objective of this paper is to identify the Research design consists of the label that characterizes the
correlation between the big five personality traits and general blueprint of the design. Research designs that were
employee’s job satisfaction at PM Care Sdn. Bhd in Subang used in this study are descriptive and correlation design. For
Jaya, Selangor. The specific objectives will be to: the purpose of this study, this correlation design was used to
1. examine the relationship between the big five identify the relationship between the big five personality traits
personality traits and job satisfaction among support as well as each dimension in the big five personality traits and
staff in PMCare Sdn. Bhd. job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare Sdn. Bhd.,
Subang Jaya, Selangor. This study also uses the quantitative
2. study the correlation between all personality traits approach which includes primary and secondary data. Primary
dimensions towards job satisfaction among support data was collected through surveys which consist of a set of
staff in PMCare Sdn. Bhd. questionnaire. On the other hand, the secondary data was
In order to accomplish these objectives, a set of research extracted through the writing of previous researchers who have
questions have been formed as per stated below. done a similar study.
1 Is there any relationship between the big five The list of respondents as at 1st January 2010 was gathered
personality traits and job satisfaction among support from Human Resource Department of PMCare Sdn. Bhd.
staff in PMCare Sdn. Bhd.? directory.
2(a) Is there any relationship between extroversion and This study involved respondents who work under the
job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare Sdn. management of PMCare Sdn. Bhd. The population for this
Bhd.? study consists of 150 employees of PMCare Sdn. Bhd., Subang
Jaya, Selangor which comprising of various departments. The
2(b) Is there any relationship between agreeableness and sample of the employees will not be limited to any of particular
job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare Sdn. position or background since it will contribute to biases on the
Bhd.? chosen sample.
2(c) Is there any relationship between conscientiousness
and job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare
Sdn. Bhd.? A. Data Collection Method
The researcher used a set of questionnaire to collect data.
2(d) Is there any relationship between emotional stability
The questionnaires were distributed by hand to the
and job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare
respondents. The researcher had given one week to the
Sdn. Bhd.?
respondent in order to complete the questionnaire. The
2(e) Is there any relationship between openness to researcher then, gather all completed questionnaires one week
experience and job satisfaction among support staff after.
in PMCare Sdn. Bhd.?
This study is based primarily on the Quantitative data
collection methods which rely on random sampling and
structured data collection instruments that fit diverse
A set of hypotheses were also formed in order to test the experiences into predetermined response categories. They
correction of the variables towards employee’s job satisfaction. produce results that are easy to summarize, compare, and
The hypotheses are as follows. generalize.
H0: There in no significance relationship between the big
five personality traits and job satisfaction.
B. Survey Instrument
Hı: There is a significance relationship between the big
five personality traits and job satisfaction. Questionnaires
H2: There is a significance relationship between Paper-pencil-questionnaires can be sent to a large number
extroversion and job satisfaction. of people and saves the researcher time and money. To deeply
understand the issues and to find the answer of the research
H3: There is a significance relationship between question, the questionnaire is distributed individually to the 90
agreeableness and job satisfaction. respondents at PMCare Sdn. Bhd. in Subang Jaya Selangor.
H4: There is a significance relationship between The questionnaire was used as a method to gather data in
conscientiousness and job satisfaction. order to fulfill objectives of this study. The questionnaire was
H5: There is a significance relationship between emotional designed to get specific information research. The
stability and job satisfaction. questionnaire was divided into three separate parts which

2011 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2011), Dec 5-6 2011, Penang

consists of 92 questions. A rating scale is more useful when a RQ 2(a): Is there any relationship between extroversion
behavior needs to be evaluated on a continuum. According to and job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare Sdn.
[18], the rating scale is also known as Likert scales. This Bhd.?
research uses Likert Scale by using five anchor of strongly
disagree, disagree, uncertain, agree and strongly agree for the TABLE III. CORRELATION BETWEEN EXTROVERSION AND EMPLOYEE’S
questionnaires beginning with strongly disagree which is
represented by the value 1. The contents of the questionnaires
are: Employee’s Job Satisfaction
Part A: Demographic Profile of the respondents
Extroversion .229*
Part B: Personality Traits
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
i. Extroversion / Introversion

ii. Agreeableness Table III explains the relationship between extroversion

and employee’s job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare
iii. Conscientiousness Sdn. Bhd. It was found that, there was a small, positive and
significant relationship between the two variables [r=.229,
n=86, p<.005]. Therefore, the researcher has proved and
iv. Emotional Stability
accepted the second hypothesis (H2), whereby there was a
significance relationship between extroversion and job
v. Openness to Experience satisfaction.
Part C Employee’s job satisfaction
RQ 2(b): Is there any relationship between agreeableness
and job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare Sdn.
r = .10 to .29 small
r = .30 to .49 medium
r = .50 to 1.0 large Employee’s Job Satisfaction

Agreeableness .134
RQ 1: Is there any relationship between the big five
personality traits and job satisfaction among support staff
in PMCare Sdn. Bhd.?
Table IV explains the relationship between agreeableness
TABLE II. THE LEVEL OF EMPLOYEE’S JOB SATISFACTION [N=86] and employee’s job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare
Sdn. Bhd. It was found that, there was no relationship between
agreeableness and employee’s job satisfaction [r=.134, n=86,
Employee’s Job Satisfaction
p<.005]. Therefore, the researcher has proved and rejected the
H2, whereby there was no significance relationship between
Personality traits .299* agreeableness and employee’s job satisfaction.
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)

RQ 2(c): Is there any relationship between

The relationship between personality traits and employee’s conscientiousness and job satisfaction among support staff
job satisfaction was explored by using the Pearson Product in PMCare Sdn. Bhd.?
Moment Correlation Coefficient. Table II explains the
relationship between personality traits and employee’s job TABLE V. CORRELATION BETWEEN CONSCIENTIOUSNESS AND
satisfaction among support staff in PMCare Sdn. Bhd. It was EMPLOYEE’S JOB SATISFACTION [N=86]
found that, there was a small, positive relationship between the
two variables [r=.299, n=86, p<.005], whereby the higher
Employee’s Job Satisfaction
combination of Personality Traits Dimension that exist among
support staff associated with higher level of employee’s job
Conscientiousness .169
satisfaction at the workplace. Therefore, the researcher has
proved and accepted the second hypothesis (Hı), whereby there
was a significance relationship between the big five personality
traits and job satisfaction and rejected the first hypothesis (H0). Table V explains the relationship between
conscientiousness and employee’s job satisfaction among

2011 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2011), Dec 5-6 2011, Penang

support staff in PMCare Sdn. Bhd. It was found that, there was general the big five personality dimensions (OCEAN) play
also no relationship between conscientiousness and employee’s roles in order to boost and generate the satisfaction level of
job satisfaction [r=.169, n=86, p<.005]. Therefore, the employee towards their work and the company.
researcher has proved and rejected the H4, whereby there was
no significance relationship between conscientiousness and Notwithstanding, further exploration of the relationship of
employee’s job satisfaction. each and every dimension towards employee’s job satisfaction
revealed another findings. It was found that only two out of
five variables in the big five personality traits determined the
positive relationship towards employee’s job satisfaction in
RQ 2(d): Is there any relationship between emotional PMCare Sdn. Bhd. The two are openness to experience and
stability and job satisfaction among support staff in extroversion. The remaining three variables that are
PMCare Sdn. Bhd.? agreeableness, conscientiousness and emotional stability were
found to be having no relationship towards employee’s job
Analyzing all the raw data, it was realized that each
Employee’s Job Satisfaction dimension of personality traits cannot stand alone in
contributing employee’s job satisfaction or even in contributing
Emotional stability .173 to the significant relationship towards employee’s job
satisfaction. Instead, it was shown that combination of big five
dimensions in personality traits was directly associated with
employee’s job satisfaction among support staff in PMCare.
Table VI explains the relationship between emotional Based on the analyzed data, combination of big five
stability and employee’s job satisfaction among support staff in dimensions in personality traits has a significant relationship
PMCare Sdn. Bhd. It was found that, there was also no with employee’s job satisfaction with small, positive
relationship between emotional stability and employee’s job relationship between the two variables [r=.299, n=86,
satisfaction [r=.173, n=86, p<.005]. Therefore, the researcher p<.005]. Moreover, based on table I, it is proved that there was
has proved and rejected the H5, whereby there was no a small, positive and significant relationship between the big
significance relationship between emotional stability and five personality traits and job satisfaction among support staff
employee’s job satisfaction. in PMCare.
These findings are also supported by [20], as it was found
RQ 2(e): Is there any relationship between openness to that personality traits do not have a particularly strong or
experience and job satisfaction among support staff in consistent influence on what individuals believe is important in
PMCare Sdn. Bhd.? their job environment or on their levels of job satisfaction.
As [21] has listed many reasons why personality variables
TABLE VII. CORRELATION BETWEEN OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE AND do not predict behavior or job satisfaction at work. One of them
is systematic errors or biases related to self-report. This is to
say that some respondents may not provide the accurate data on
Employee’s Job Satisfaction what they perceived to be their own personality resulting in the
potential for faked answers as people would prefer to present
Openness to experience .246* themselves in a positive manner. It seems that what you write
may not be the same as what you do.
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
Another reason stated by [21] is that in his research
personality traits should acts as moderators rather than as direct
Table VII explains the relationship between openness to predictors. Most people are a combination of several
experience and employee’s job satisfaction among support staff personality traits. An individual will most likely fall
in PMCare Sdn. Bhd. It was found that, there was a small, somewhere in between the bipolar personality traits. Lastly, is
positive and significant relationship between the two variables that the crucial fact that job-related cognitions and behavior are
[r=.246, n=86, p<.005]. Therefore, the researcher has proved subject to the influence of other variables unrelated to
and accepted H6, whereby there was a significance relationship personality. This means that some people may exert different
between personality traits and job satisfaction. personality at their workplace compared to when they are at
Based on the analysis, the big five personality traits were home.
found to have significant relationship with employee’s job It is essential for the company to concern about the positive
satisfaction in the company. The five big personality traits emotion of the employee especially their satisfaction by using
consist of openness to experience, conscientiousness, extrovert, effective plans and strategies for the purpose of improving the
agreeableness, and emotional stability/neuroticism. Based on company performance and maintaining the company reputation
table I, researcher had found that, there was a small positive among the customers. When employees are happy to provide
relationship between the big five personality traits and the best services for the company, this will directly influence
employee’s job satisfaction as a whole. It can be said that, in their emotion towards the company customers.

2011 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2011), Dec 5-6 2011, Penang


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