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To what extent does tourism impact Dubai socially

and environmentally?

This study will look at the how tourism has influenced Dubai both Environmentally and Socially by
looking at the number of tourists and their behavior. The two areas studied are the Textile Souq in Bur
Dubai, which is a popular Souq for tourists, and Umm Sequim Beach, which is popular for surfers and
tourists. To answer this question these three hypotheses will be investigated:

Chapter 1

Hypothesis 1 – The environmental quality of Umm Sequim Beach is better than the Textile Souq due to
the development of the areas.


Hypothesis 2 – The Textile Souq is more congested and crowded than Umm Sequim Beach due to the
number of tourists.


Hypothesis 3 – There is less litter and vandalism on Umm Sequim Beach than in the Textile Souq due to
the area being better maintained.


The UAE and Dubai on the world

Where Dubai is in the UAE

Umm Sequim beach Map and Sites

Umm Sequim beach is a popular beach for tourists and residents alike as it is only 2 kilometers away
from the Burj Al Arab. It is also popular for surfing as it often has high winds resulting in high waves.
Chapter 2

Each of the methods of data collection was carried out at three different sites on Umm Sequim Beach
and the Textile Souq at least twice to make sure the results were accurate and will help to answer the
main question of the study.

Technique Description of technique Explanation of technique

Environmental Quality Survey – A survey was used with ratings This technique was used to
Carried out at 3 sites in both from -3 to 3 for things like record the impression each of
areas. Relates to hypothesis 1. building maintenance and open the areas environments so that
space, -3 being the worst and 3 they could be compared to
being the best. This was based answer hypothesis 1.
off of personal opinion and the It was carried out at all 3 sites
total score was tallied up for the and then tallied to make sure
3 sites of both locations. the location wasn’t judged for
just one place. The rating
system is broad to allow for
accurate measurement and
comparison of the areas.
Traffic Survey – Carried out at Looking in one direction, count This technique was used to
site 2 in both locations. Relates all passing vehicles on both show how much traffic there
to hypothesis 2. sides of the road and take tallies was and the popularity of the
of the different types of vehicles location and the quality of the
such as cars and busses but also environment by measuring the
bicycles or motorbikes. Set a congestion. Both sides of the
timer and count for 2 minutes 3 road were used to show all of
times in both locations. the traffic in the area.
Pedestrian Count – Looking at one pathway
Carried out at all 3 sites or sidewalk, count the
at both locations. Relates amount of pedestrians
to hypothesis 2. that walk past you for 2

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