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The Spirit and Letter Acknowledgement

Your Personal Commitment

GE Policies
I acknowledge that I have received the guide to GE Policies.
Improper Payments Integrity: The Spirit & the Letter of Our Commitment.

International Trade Controls I understand that every employee is required to comply with the
policies described in the guide.
Money Laundering Prevention
When I have a concern about a possible violation of GE policy, I will
raise the concern to a manager, company legal counsel, GE auditor,
Supplier Relationships GE ombudsperson or other compliance specialist.

Working with Governments

Complying with the Name : _____________________________________________

Competition Laws
GE Business : ________________________________________
Environment, Health & Safety

Fair Employment Practices Location : ___________________________________________

Conflicts of Interest
Social Insurance Number : ______________________________

Insider Trading or Dealing & Signature: ___________________________________________

Stock Tipping
Date : ______________________________________________
Intellectual Property

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