Circulatory System: - Capillaries (Carry Both Type of Blood) Medium

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Circulatory system

• A system through which exchange of gases takes place throughout the body is called circulatory

• Circulatory system consists of

1. Blood vessels

2. Medium

3. Pumping organ

Blood vessels

• Artery (carries oxygenated blood)

• Veins (carry deoxygenated blood)

• Capillaries (carry both type of blood)


 Blood

Pumping organ

 The heart

Working of heart

From body deoxygenated is blood is collected through vena cava and is poured into right atrium of
heart. Blood passes through tri-cuspid valve and is poured into right ventricle, from where it goes
towards lungs through pulmonary artery to add oxygen in it.

After adding oxygen, blood comes to left atrium of heart through pulmonary vein and passes through bi-
cuspid valve and is poured into left ventricle of heart. From left ventricle, oxygenated blood is
distributed to whole body through Aorta.

Heart rate

72 times per minute 72/60

1.2 times per second

1 time in 0.8 seconds

Blood measrue

Diastole (ventricular relaxation) 80mmHg

Systole (ventricular contraction) 120 mmHg

1 complete heartbeat = 1 systole + 1 diastole

0.8 sec (1 HB) = 0.4 sec + 0.4 sec

Heart beat = LUB+ DUB

Central Nervous System (brain)
The complex system of control, processing and co-ordination is called CNS.

Human brain

 Fore brain
 Mid brain
 Hind brain

Fore brain

 Thalamus (moods, emotions and feelings)

 Cerebrum (intellect, intelligence, vision, hearing, skin stimuli)
 limbic system (
Cerebrum is divided into 2 halves

Right cerebral hemisphere (controls left side of the body) 15 m nerve endings

Left cerebral hemisphere (controls right side of the body) 15 m nerve endings

Cerebrum is considered as the most advanced part of brain. It is divided into 4 lobes.
 Frontal lobe (speech, analytical ability, logical reasoning, arts, science, 3D imagination, problem
solving ability, maths, IQ, higher intellingence)
 Parietal lobe (all kinds of skin stimuli are analyzed, taste + smell)
 Temporal lobe (processes auditory information , hearing/listening)
 Occipital lobe (visual information processing)

Limbic system

 Hypothalamus (hunger, thirst, body temperature maintenance, co-ordination between nervous

system and gland system)
 Amygdala (fear, anger, love, hatred, arousals, pleasures, joy, excitement, sadness, disgust,
happiness, etc)
 Hippocampus (storage of memory)

Mid brain

It acts as a relay station and connects hindbrain and forebrain. It also controls auditory information.

Hind brain

 Medulla oblongata (breathing, heart rate, BP)

 Pons (Sleep, wakefulness, full alert wakefulness)
 Cerebellum (muscle co-ordination, body positioning)
The structural and function unit of nervous system is neuron.

A neuron (also called neurone or nerve cell) is a cell that carries electrical
impulses. Neurons are the basic units of the nervous system. Every neuron is made of a cell
body (also called a soma), dendrites and an axon. Dendrites and axons are nerve fibers

Function of Neuron
Neurons are electrically excitable cells in the nervous system that function to process and
transmit information. In vertebrate animals, neuronsare the core components of the brain,
spinal cord and peripheral nerves.

Types of neurons
Neurons vary in structure, function, and genetic makeup. Given the sheer number of neurons,
there are thousands of different types, much like there are thousands of species of living
organisms on Earth.

In terms of function, scientists classify neurons into three broad types: sensory, motor, and

Sensory neurons (messengers)

Sensory neurons help you:

 taste
 smell

 hear

 see

 feel things around you

 Interneurons (brain Co-ordination)

 They’re the most common type of neuron. They pass signals from sensory
neurons and other interneurons to motor neurons and other interneurons.

Motor neurons (response)

These neurons allow the brain and spinal cord to communicate with muscles, organs, and
glands all over the body.

Excretory system (Kidney)

The excretory system is the system of an organism's body that performs the function of

excretion, the bodily process of discharging wastes. The Excretory system is responsible for
the elimination of wastes produced by homeostasis.

EX system is a system through

which metabolic wastes are excreted out
of the body
Unit of excretory system is Nephron

Structure of nephron

 Bowman’s capsule (pressure filtration)

 Glomerulus (network of capillaries)
 Proximal tubule (re-absorption of nutrients)
 Loop of Henle
 Distal tubule (re-absorption of nutrients)
 Collecting duct (Re-absorption of water or sodium ions)

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