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SPE 88598

Re-development Issues and Challenges for a Very Old Oil Field,

Masjed-I-Suleyman, South West Iran
Hanh T. Nguyen, SPE, ECL; Roy T. Kelly, SPE, ECL; Dario Sodero, Sheer Energy Inc.;
Mohammad R. Niakan, Paravar Engineering Co.

Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and The giant oil field Masjed-I-Suleyman (MIS) was discovered
Exhibition held in Perth, Australia, 18–20 October 2004.
in 1908 by the drilling of M1, the first oil well ever drilled in
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
the Middle East. Location of the first wells was determined on
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to the basis of oil seepages at surface through natural fractures of
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at the overburden formations. Production started in 1911 from
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
the prolific Asmari limestone reservoir of Oligocene-Miocene
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is age. Although 316 wells were reported in the field record, in
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous fact, there were only 277 wells ever drilled with 240 wells
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
actually penetrating the Asmari reservoir. The remainder of
the wells appear to be proposed well locations that were never
Abstract Production data suggests that at least 121 were oil wells,
This paper outlines the formulation of a re-development plan with the most recent oil producers being drilled in 1939. In
for the oldest producing field in the Middle East, Masjed-I- 1963, drilling of a deep Jurassic test was undertaken. One
Suleyman, discovered in 1908 in the South West of the unexpected outcome of drilling operations was an internal
Islamic Republic of Iran and put into production in 1911. The blowout of sour Jurassic gas into the Asmari reservoir during
field location is shown in Figure 1. the period from 1964 to 1968 which affected significantly
The difference between the volume and type of data reservoir pressure, fluid levels and fluid composition.
acquired in 1908 versus that acquired now is in itself one of Seismic data was considered irrelevant since the field was
the greatest challenges to overcome when undertaking such a fully developed by the time the first program was acquired in
study. The field does not have a virgin reservoir fluid sample, 1968 and the field structure is reflected in the surface geology.
nor early pressure measurements, or any measurement of Surface topography also hinders seismic acquisition, and even
produced gas volumes. However, these are key parameters now only a few seismic lines terminate along the flanks of the
which must be tested rigorously in the reservoir models. large MIS structure.
The redevelopment plan revolves around a comprehensive Log data is very sparse for MIS due to the age of the field,
reservoir study of the Asmari formation, a complex, fractured especially because early wells were completed on the basis of
carbonate reservoir. The objectives of this study - the first on sample description and fluid losses, often massive, incurred
the field - are to gain a better understanding of the reservoir entering the fractured Asmari. Logs were only run in 22 wells,
and its production and pressure performance over nearly a of which only 3 wells penetrated the full Asmari section. The
century and to develop a plan for further developing the field logging suites are fairly conventional consisting of gamma
by drilling new vertical and horizontal wells. Reservoir ray, sonic, density, neutron, resistivity and micro-resistivity
characterization provides input data for a full field, dual measurements; no dipmeter or Formation Micro-Imager (FMI)
porosity simulation model, which in turn verifies the input logs have been acquired.
data. Complicated reservoir pressure and production history The Asmari reservoir section has been cored in only four
matches were successfully obtained to provide the basis for wells in MIS, and core analysis was completed on just two of
future production forecasts. Re-injection of gas and water to these wells. Only one of the cored wells has both logs and core
maintain reservoir pressure was also reviewed. Sensitivity analysis done, therefore the log to core correlation is very
studies on different locations for the new wells shows that a limited.
substantial incremental recovery can be recovered. Apart from Cutting samples, which have been referred to in previous
the inherent geological complexity, the project faced works but were unavailable for this study, were used in
tremendous data challenges such as the first field report previous studies to provide estimated porosity distributions
having been written some 37 years after the start of across the field. This approach appears to be inconsistent and
production. incomplete. In the MIS field, the average Asmari reservoir
thickness is 1,075 ft. Although predominantly limestone in
2 SPE 88598

composition, the reservoir does contain interbeds of dolomite, 6.5 km wide. The MIS field lies within the prolific Zagros
marl, shale and anhydrite. The first subdivision of the Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt, which trends southeast from
reservoir into six lithological consistent units was established Northern Iraq through southwestern Iran into Oman (Figure
in 1934. In ascending order these units are referred to as Stage 1). The top of the Asmari formation in MIS was identified in
1 to Stage 6. This subdivision system has been used 240 wells that penetrated the Asmari. Driller’s breaks and
throughout the field development. However, only the top of sample cuttings were mostly used to identify the Asmari top.
the Asmari formation (top of Stage 6) had been identified Available logs on 22 wells, as well as core analysis, were used
consistently from well cutting samples. The more detailed to confirm and define more precisely the top of the reservoir.
subdivision was either impossible because the other Stages As a result of the extensive well control it is possible to
were not penetrated or was not attempted. This made the task accurately map the structure without the use of seismic.
of mapping the other Stage tops difficult. The limited number of well logs and the shallow
From a field management perspective, little systematic penetration into the Asmari by most wells made an accurate
reservoir monitoring was conducted for the first 20 years of assignment of deeper Stage tops problematic. Having
production. By the time fairly routine reservoir pressure and recognized that individual Stages have relatively constant
fluid level measurements started to be recorded in the early thickness, average Stage thicknesses were used to construct
1930s, about one third of total production had already structure maps for all the Stages. On the other hand, it is
occurred. Monthly oil production records for individual wells obvious that there can be discrete changes in reservoir
began in 1939. Before this time, only estimated individual thickness across the field. Uncertainty analysis of reservoir
well cumulative oil production to the end of 1938 was properties will be discussed later in this paper. A generalized
available. Productivity tests were not initiated until 1950, with chrono-stratigraphy of the region is shown in Figure 2.
the last test being run in 1971. Gas production was not
recorded until 1965, probably as a result of the internal Petrophysical Properties and Analysis. Wireline log data in
Jurassic gas blowout. Water production was never measured in MIS was acquired during two periods. Most of the logs were
the MIS field, although it was standard practice to shut-in run in the early to mid 1960s. These logs were obtained during
wells whenever watercuts exceed 4-5%. the process of deepening existing wells. Logs from two other
Reservoir fluid analysis was reported on samples wells were obtained in 1998 and 1999 through the drilling of
collected very late during the field production life, from 1960 two Jurassic wells. It is evident that over the considerable
to 1966. Oil sample analysis demonstrated that crude oil amount of time between the two periods, the type of logging
properties did not vary significantly across the reservoir. On tools used has changed significantly. In addition, drilling muds
the other hand, gas composition changed with time and used varied from well to well. These conditions raised the
location across the field, with the gas cap becoming very sour issue of log quality.
after the internal blowout in the 1960s. No fluid sample Log normalization was implemented in an attempt to
analysis was carried out before the reservoir started its obtain a consistent log data set. The latest log suite obtained in
production in 1911. This presents a great challenge in 1999 seemed to have the most consistency; therefore it was
understanding fluid properties at initial reservoir conditions. chosen to be as the reference.
Special core analysis (SCAL) was performed on selected Lithologically, the Asmari formation is primarily
core plugs from one core in MIS. Relative permeability curves composed of clean limestone with some localized thin
were obtained from those core plugs. Also, mercury injection claystones and minor dolomitization. Abundant anhydrite
capillary measurements were conducted on samples with interbeds occur near the middle and at the base of the Asmari
different porosity. Due to the limited coring and core analysis section. Net reservoir intervals were identified using
in MIS, an assignment of different SCAL data sets to different appropriate analysis and the application of porosity cut-offs
rock types was not possible. (4% and 7%). Net pay intervals were obtained by use of water
This paper describes a process of data screening and saturation cut-offs (42% and 50%) applied to net reservoir
validation as components of a full field 3D model for the MIS intervals. In addition, in MIS, caliper logs were used to
field. This is an iterative process, the result of which is a 3D identify fractures. Zones where the borehole is shown to be
flow model that provides a good match to the field historical out of gauge based on the caliper were considered to be zones
performance. During this process, issues and challenges in of potential intense fracturing.
limited data availability; different data quality; and uneven For the matrix component, average porosities for
data distribution in time and space are to be addressed. The individual Stages are fairly consistent, ranging from 11% to
final 3D model allows production forecasting for the field 15%. Based on laboratory analysis of one core, matrix
future redevelopment project. horizontal permeability was measured in the range 0.2 - 0.3
Reservoir Characterization Water saturation values in the matrix have a wide range
This section summarizes the results of geological, depending on the source of the sample. Petrophysical analysis
petrophysical and basic engineering studies of the Asmari in this study suggests the weighted average water saturation
reservoir. These results provide the basis for building the 3D for the field is in the range of 29% to 32%. On the other hand,
model for the MIS field. NIOC quotes an average water saturation of 36%, while Keep
and Mann3,4 (1962) suggest a value of 23% based on capillary
Mapping Field Structure. The MIS field is a simple 4-way pressure measurements. Special core analysis on one core
dip, closed, asymmetrical anticline, about 28.5 km long and determined the connate water saturation value at 18%. It
SPE 88598 3

should be kept in mind that there is no virgin core sample or orientations in the Asmari mountain match the two major
log data available for the first wells drilled into the MIS fracture orientations observed in the core from MIS. Sangree
Asmari reservoir. Water saturation values obtained from core noted that displacement of faults or fractures on Asmari
or log analysis later in the field life may not necessarily be the Mountain ranges from 0.25 to 100 ft, with the average
same as the water saturation values at virgin reservoir displacement being over 10 ft. He also stated that there was no
conditions. consistent relation between the amount of fault displacement
and the width or intensity of the shatter zone. Faults of very
Fracture Study. The Asmari reservoir in MIS is characterized small displacement may have very intense shatter zones.
as a complex system with production coming from both the Measurement of fracture spacing on 4 outcrops indicated
rock matrix and fractures. Although fracturing has resulted in fracture spacing in a range from 1.2 to 2.8 ft.
a relatively continuous vertical reservoir, lateral reservoir Recent fieldwork on Asmari Mountain recognized four
distribution appears to be more complex. Gibson5 (1948) main types of fractures: axial fractures, cross-axial fractures,
noted that in some parts of the reservoir the pressure of conjugate fractures, and fracture swarms. Density of fractures
adjacent wells was in close agreement, and that others showed can range from a few millimeters to several meters (Figure 3).
considerable difference. This observation suggests that the It was also noted that fracture density on the north flank of the
distribution of the fractures is highly complex. Asmari Mountain appears to be fairly similar to the density
The most detailed description of fractures in the MIS field along the steeper southern flank of the anticline. Predominant
comes from Sangree and McQuillan6 who examined a MIS orientation of fractures ranges from N 50oW for axial fractures
core in 1962. They only saw fracture development in the upper to N 40oE for cross-axial fractures. Conjugate fractures on the
three Stages of the Asmari. At the same time, Reiman and northern part of the Asmari Mountain have a preferential
Carst7 (1962) noted that hairline or macroscopic fractures azimuth of N 10oW. Fractures swarms can have axial, cross-
occur throughout the reservoir section. Later, Speers8 (1975) axial or conjugate fracture orientations. Dips of fractures are
found fractures in the deeper sections of the Asmari, while generally normal to bedding planes or within 10-15o from
examining other cores from the MIS field. In this study, it was normal, although angles up to 50o from normal were observed
concluded that the fracture network in the lowest Stage of the in axial fractures. Cementation was regularly observed,
Asmari (Stage 1) is not well developed; therefore Stage 1 has especially in hairline fractures. Cementation of fracture
very limited production potential. As a result of this swarms could create discrete and disconnected reservoir
conclusion, Stage 1 was made inactive in the 3D model. blocks within the Asmari formation. Conversely, large open
According to Sangree and McQuillan (1962), there are fractures and fracture swarms are expected to create major
two major fracture systems in MIS; one is roughly parallel to “pipeline” systems which will greatly enhance oil movement
the northwest trend of the structure while the other one is and oil recovery.
perpendicular to it. Both systems are sub-vertical with dips Due to the short distance (11-12 km) between the south-
generally in the range of 70 to 90o. Better developed fractures eastern end of the MIS field and the north-western outcrops on
can have widths in excess of 5 mm. The larger fractures tend Asmari Mountain, it is believed that a direct correlation of
to be lined with secondary calcite cement, which completely fracture patterns and fracture density can be safely made.
occludes the fractures or significantly reduces the aperture to More specifically, a direct correlation between the fracture
1mm or less. Al-Murani9 (2002) only noted major healed patterns and fracture density on the north-eastern limb of
fractures in Stage 6, with scattered hairline fractures in Stages Asmari Mountain and the north-eastern flank of the MIS field
6 and 5. is highly possible.
Gibson5 (1948) concluded that fracture void space was Lack of reliable fracture data from cores or logs made
only responsible for somewhere in the order of 10% of all the past fracture models for the Asmari reservoir rather imprecise.
production in MIS. This number is roughly equivalent to 1.2% In this study, in order to improve the understanding of
of the matrix net pay. Gibson’s early fracture model confirmed productivity in different areas, a new approach was
that fractures feeding the producing wells would have widths introduced. The Asmari reservoir was subdivided into six
ranging from 0.5 to 5 mm. drainage areas postulated from six different dip regimes
Permeabilities calculated from inflow performance are on (Figure 4). These drainage areas were defined as Core Area
average 1,221 md, a value much higher than the apparent “A”, Core Area “B”, Back Limb “A”, Back Limb “B”, North
matrix permeability of 0.2-0.3 md. Therefore, the calculated Limb and South Limb. The main producing areas along the
permeabilities represent the permeability of the fracture south flank of the field are mostly related to Core Area “A”
system. Furthermore, the average fracture permeability and Core Area “B”. The main producing areas along the north
increases to 1,572 md for wells drilled in the SW flank of the flank are roughly related to Back Limb “A” and Back Limb
field, but falls to 645 md for wells drilled across the remainder “B”. Different pore volume and fracture permeability
of the anticline. This variance in average fracture permeability multipliers were applied to the six drainage areas. The
is consistent with a quote from Speers8 (1975), which states definition of these different multipliers was based on the
that “fracturing is better developed on the SW flank than on relative oil production in each drainage area.
the NE flank of the field”.
Fieldwork on the adjacent Asmari Mountain, which is Reservoir Fluid Analysis. No reservoir fluid laboratory
located about 30 km south of MIS, provides good information analysis was obtained in the MIS field before production
on fracture distribution and pattern for the MIS Asmari began. Numerical lab analysis was conducted on samples
reservoir. According to Sangree et al.10 (1961), fracture collected later on in the field life, from 1960 to 1966. On
4 SPE 88598

average, the Asmari oil in MIS has a gravity of 38o API and a gas lift operation) but monthly free gas production records are
viscosity of 3.5 cp. High H2S contents in some samples appear only available from 1971. Before this time, only an estimated
to be related to the internal Jurassic sour gas blowout which cumulative number was provided. During the internal
occurred in 1964. blowout, a very large amount of gas was flared to relieve
PVT analysis reports on bottom-hole oil samples at reservoir pressure. The estimated total gas flared was 227 bcf
different times gave very different saturation pressure values. (Tehrani12, 1969). Free gas production became an important
Gibson5 (1948) reported an initial oil saturation pressure issue because of its affect on reservoir pressure and fluid
ranging from 625 to 850 psia from samples collected in 1931. levels in the fracture system.
A report published in 1962 by Keep and Mann3 estimated an The amount of Jurassic gas that entered the Asmari
original bubble point pressure of 621 psia. Later on, from reservoir is unknown. Several attempts were made to estimate
samples collected between 1964 and 1966, PVT analysis this amount based on the increase in reservoir pressure.
showed saturation pressure varying from 460 to 577 psia. In Tehrani11 (1967) quoted an estimate of 432 bcf from 1964 to
the reservoir flow model, different bubble point pressures 1967. The amount of blowout gas was treated as one of the
were used during the history match process. In the final reservoir matching parameters during this study because this
model11, the bubble point pressure was 550 psia. amount significantly affected the reservoir pressure and fluid
The dissolved Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) of the Asmari oil was levels in the model. In the final model, this gas amount is
one of the uncertain factors during the study. GOR in estimated to be 350 bcf.
production records up to 1964 showed a constant value of 231 Recycled oil from the topping plant was re-injected back
scf/stb for all producing wells. Therefore, this GOR value was into the Asmari reservoir from 1929 to 1975. Obviously, the
assumed to be the initial dissolved GOR in the study. One composition of the re-injected oil was not the same as the oil
should keep in mind that gas production was not measured in the Asmari reservoir because lighter components were
accurately before 1964. The producing GOR up to 1964 may stripped away. Also, the recycled oil was not only from the
well be below the initial dissolved GOR. MIS field but came from different oil fields in the area.
Formation water in the MIS Asmari reservoir is saline Unfortunately, no individual well injection rates were
with average specific gravity of 1.164. Average resistivity is recorded.
0.049 ohm-m, with total dissolved solids averaging about Currently, there are 12 oil producing wells in MIS with the
282,000 ppm. average field production rate of 4,300 stb/d. All the oil wells
Gas composition in MIS changed with time. The virgin are located in the south flank of the field. The majority of the
gas in MIS Asmari reservoir had 84.4 mole % methane, and producing wells have gas lift systems to assist the oil flow.
only 3 mole % of H2S and 2 mole % of CO2. However, after
the internal blowout in the 1960s, a high degree of sour gas Well Test Data. There have been over 4,000 static gradient
contamination (up to 26 mole %) was exhibited in numerous pressure tests conducted on over 50 wells in the MIS Asmari
wells. PVT analysis on one gas sample shows a gas formation reservoir from 1929 until the present day. Also, well
volume factor (Bg) of 4.2 rb/Mscf at the bubble point pressure. productivity tests were conducted on 34 wells over a 14-year
period from May 1957 to May 1971. No initial reservoir
Production Data. In the MIS field, a total of 1,382 million stb pressure is available. The initial reservoir pressure was a
of oil was produced from 1911 to 2002. If recycled oil of 267 subject to scrutiny during reservoir modeling and history
millions stb is taken into account, then the net oil production is match.
1,115 million stb. Production in the south flank of the field As well, limitations of testing equipment may impair the
started in 1911 and has continued until the present time. quality of tests conducted at MIS. Well test information was
Production in the north flank of the field started later in 1928 often not reliable because the build-up time was too short
and was suspended in 1975. Figure 5 shows the oil production (only 2-3 hours) or because of frequent malfunctions in the
profile for the field. At its peak, the MIS field produced up to well testing equipment. It is important to note that only
120,000 stb/d. mechanical gauges have been used for well testing in this
There have been some excellent oil producers during the field. There was no computerized test monitoring system
MIS production history in different parts of the field. Figure 6 employed during such tests, therefore the test quality could not
shows the locations of the best performing wells. Some of be confirmed until after the test was completed.
these wells have been on production for over 80 years. Good Oil pressure at the datum depth of 1727 ftss for all the
oil producers are concentrated on the two flanks, while the available pressure data is shown in Figure 7. From Figure 7, it
North and South Limbs do not have many good wells. can be observed that the field pressure was quite uniform from
As pointed out before, production from MIS field was not 1929 to 1964. During the internal blowout from April 1964 to
well documented before 1939. From 1939 onwards, individual December 1967, the oil pressure increased by about 110 psi.
well oil production was recorded. However, producing GOR The pressure fell off quickly after the blowout had been
was not accurately measured. After 1964, the producing GOR controlled. After 1968, the pressures in the north and the south
was still not reliable. The reason for this is because gas used in flanks of the field began to diverge, although the pressure
the gas lift systems, which started in the MIS field in the early within each flank remained quite uniform. The pressure in the
1960s to help production operations, was not properly south flank continued to decline while the pressure in the
discounted from the producing GOR. north stayed almost constant. At the end of the history match
Free gas production data was another issue for the MIS in 2002, the pressure difference is 120-140 psi (430-450 psia
field. Free gas was used for field operation (power generation, in the south flank and 570-590 psia in the north flank). The
SPE 88598 5

pressure difference in the two flanks of the field after 1968 is dipping methods. Between 1930 and 1961 it appears that
probably due to a combination of field production and poor WOL were determined by directly dipping 10 wells. From
reservoir communication between the north and south flanks 1962, WOL determination became limited because the WOL
of the MIS anticline. moved beyond these 10 wells. WOL from 1962 onwards were
Dome gas pressure (at the crest of the reservoir) was determined only by the pressure gradients method. GOL were
measured in 7 crestal wells. Dome gas pressure measurements always determined by the pressure gradients method using
started in 1923 with the installation of high pressure wellhead datum gas and oil pressure measurements. Figures 8 and 9
fittings. All dome gas pressure readings were measured at the show variations of WOL and GOL in the MIS field with time.
wellhead. The datum depth for gas pressure values is 0 ftss. Considering how fluid levels were determined in the past,
The use of bottom-hole recordings was not possible due to the it cannot be said with any degree of certainty where the
installation of down-hole safety valves in these crestal wells. It contacts are currently located, or how these contacts evolved
was noted at the time that the dome gas pressures varied through time.
across the field and that a method to more precisely assess this
variation should be found. Such a method would have been Stock Tank Oil Initial in Place (STOIIP). Two approaches
important for calculating accurate gas oil levels (GOL) but it were used to estimate STOIIP for MIS in this study. The first
was never implemented. approach is static and the second approach is dynamic. The
Water pressure was usually measured in the deeper wells first approach is based on volumetric properties such as rock
that penetrated most of the Asmari section. Water pressure is volume, porosity and fluid saturations. The second approach is
usually reported at a water datum depth of 1900 ftss. Water based on time-dependent properties such as pressure and
pressure was used to calculate water oil level. Little is known production/injection. Material balance calculations employ a
about aquifer size or aquifer strength in MIS, but it is believed simple dynamic approach. A more sophisticated dynamic
that some aquifer contribution is common in these reservoirs. approach is full field flow simulation modeling which
Some professional people within NIOC believe that there is a provides the most accurate and reliable STOIIP.
connection between the aquifer in MIS and surface hydrology. For the static approach, the formula to calculate STOIIP is
An argument to support these ideas is that the aquifer pressure as follows:
in MIS apparently increased after a large dam was built on the
nearby Karun River in the early 1960s. Unfortunately, there STOIIP = ∑ A*H*NTG*φ*(1- S wi)/Boi (1)
are very few aquifer pressure records in MIS before that time.
Therefore, there is no absolute data that can be used to Where A is the area, H the gross pay thickness, NTG the
confirm the above observation. It can be assumed that aquifer net-to-gross ratio, φ the porosity, Swi the initial water
support is rather weak in the field and, as a result, oil pressure saturation, and Boi the initial oil formation volume factor. The
fell much below its initial pressure. symbol ∑ is the summation sign to sum up STOIIP for
Productivity index (PI) tests on a limited number of wells different layers (Stages) or different parts of the reservoir.
provided general information on well production capacity. With average values applied for each parameter in the
Permeability values could be derived using the Darcy’s flow equation (1) and the correction factors applied to the net
equation13. Productivity indices (PI) are also indicators of reservoir volume for the six drainage areas mentioned above,
local reservoir fracturing as well as wellbore conditions. In the the STOIIP is 5.6 billion stb (4% porosity and 50% Sw cutoffs)
MIS field, PI values varied with time within individual wells and 4.8 billion stb (7% porosity and 42% Sw cutoffs). Without
and could change dramatically from well to well. Some of the reservoir correction factors, the STOIIP would be 12 and 10.1
wells could have a PI of thousands stb/d/psi while other wells, billion stb, respectively.
located very close to the good producers, could not produce at There is great uncertainty in assessing STOIIP because
all. For the MIS Asmari reservoir, individual well each of the input parameters in equation (1) carries a certain
performance was determined mainly by how well fractures degree of uncertainty. Uncertainty can be assessed and
had been developed. Good producers intercepted an excellent quantified using the Monte Carlo simulation (or Stochastic
fracture network while poor producers probably only cut Simulation or Random Drawing). Monte Carlo simulation
through tight matrix or a poorly connected fracture network. provides not only the mean value of STOIIP but also the
uncertainty in the estimate.
Fluid Levels. No direct measurements of fluid levels were Monte Carlo drawing was done on the basis of the
taken before production commenced in the MIS field. parametric distributions for each input variable per Stage, with
However, the Asmari reservoir is commonly considered as an different minimum and maximum cutoffs. Cutoff values were
undersaturated reservoir at the beginning. NIOC places the based on the sample data histograms and petrophysical
original water oil contact (WOC) at 2,198 ftss. The only other cutoffs. The STOIIP was calculated using equation (1) for
available reference to the original WOC was found in an old every Monte Carlo draw. Monte Carlo drawings were repeated
1964 report (Threadgold14, 1964), where an initial depth of many times (10,000 draws in this study). In the final results,
2,084 ftss was suggested. For this study, the original WOC STOIIP for 4% porosity and 50% Sw cutoffs is 5.17 billion stb,
was set at 2,160 ftss, which roughly splits the two values. This 7.65 billion stb and 10.40 billion stb for P10, P50 and P90
potential original WOL value at 2,160 ftss is also supported by cases, respectively. STOIIP for 7% porosity and 42% Sw
the extrapolation of the fluid level back to the 1911 start-up. cutoffs is 4.82 billion stb, 7.20 billion stb and 9.77 billion stb
GOL and WOL changes with time have been determined for P10, P50 and P90 cases, respectively.
in the MIS field using pressure gradients and direct fluid
6 SPE 88598

The material balance calculation gave non-unique Permeability. In a dual porosity model, there is no direct flow
solutions regarding the STOIIP for MIS. One model gave a from matrix cells to neighboring matrix cells. Fluids can only
STOIIP value of 7 billion stb, with an aquifer influx of about flow from fracture cells to neighboring fracture cells and from
500 million stb. Another model gave different values of matrix cells to fracture cells. Production only occurs from the
STOIIP depending on the amount of aquifer influx. The most fractures. Therefore, for simplicity, a constant permeability of
probable STOIIP value from the latter model is 6.05 billion 3 md was used for all layers and all directions within the
stb, with 300 million stb of water influx. matrix.
A STOIIP value of 5.3 billion stb for the MIS field was A simplified assumption that the oil recovery would be
reported from flow simulation (using commercial software); proportional to the fracture permeability was made; therefore
this is considered the most reliable method for determining the fracture permeability was prorated to the reservoir correction
STOIIP. factors. The referenced x-direction permeability value kx of
4,766 md for Core Area A was an averaged permeability from
Model Construction different wells in that area. Table 2 shows permeability values
Data obtained from the reservoir characterization portion of used for the different drainage areas. The kx was assumed to
the study was used as input for the 3D full field flow be the same as ky in the middle part of the reservoir, but
simulation model. Before the 3D flow model was built, there reduced in the North and the South Limbs. In addition,
were numerous reservoir parameters that were either unknown fracture permeability was assumed to be the same for all
or uncertain, such as: model layers. More discussion on permeability can be found
• Initial reservoir pressure; in the history match section below.
• Existence of initial gas cap;
• Initial oil and water saturations; Dual Porosity Matrix-to-Fracture Transfer Function
• Initial bubble point pressure; (SIGMA). The term SIGMA is a parameter calculated on the
• Initial fluid contacts; basis of matrix block sizes. SIGMA acts like a transmissibility
• Reservoir quality variation; multiplier which controls the fluid transfer between matrix and
fractures, and is usually treated as a matching parameter.
• Gas production/blowout gas;
SIGMA can be specified as one number for an entire field or
• Oil production before 1939;
on a cell by cell basis.
• Reservoir pressure before 1930.
For the MIS dual porosity model, a final SIGMA value of
Redefining and fine-tuning of those parameters were the
0.00213 was applied to all the cells. Assuming that the matrix
main objectives of history matching.
block sizes in the X, Y, and Z directions were the same, this
A dual porosity model was used to model the
value of SIGMA corresponds to a matrix block size of 75 ft.
performance of the MIS Asmari reservoir. The dual porosity
model is more appropriate than the single porosity model
Model Initialization. In the final model, the initial reservoir
because the MIS Asmari reservoir is highly fractured. The
pressure at the datum depth (1,727 ftss) was 1,200 psia. Initial
dual porosity model has grid dimensions of 30 x 125 x 18 (9
GOL was at the top of the reservoir (-220 ftss). Initial WOL
layers for the matrix and 9 for the fractures). A set of 7 maps
was 2,160 ftss. Initial water saturation was 30%. Uniform
obtained during the reservoir characterization phase was used
solution GOR 231 scf/stb was specified for the entire
as a frame for 3D gridding. Local grid refinements were used
reservoir. These reservoir properties were specified based on
for the current 12 oil producers locations (nx = 8, ny = 1, nz =
the assumption that the MIS Asmari reservoir was slightly
2) and for the potential area of future re-development (nx = 3,
undersaturated at the beginning and that the reservoir fluid
ny = 1, nz = 3).
properties were the same in all parts of the reservoir.
Two unsteady-state analytical aquifers (Fetkovitch’s
Porosity. There are only 22 well logs and two routine core
model) were attached to the north and the south flanks of MIS.
analyses available for the entire field. With such little data, it
Aquifer sizes and aquifer strength were subject to changes
is meaningless to try to map porosity values across the field.
during the history matching process. In the final results, the
In addition, the matrix porosity was found to be quite uniform
aquifer attached to the south had a different size from the one
for each Stage. Therefore, a constant porosity was used for
attached to the north flank. Aquifer productivity indices (PIs)
each Stage. The fracture porosity was assumed to be 2% of the
were 12 stb/psi/day and 25 stb/psi/day in the south and the
matrix porosity (Table 1). Pore volume multipliers were later
north flanks, respectively. Note that the aquifer size and
used to adjust the STOIIP.
strength attached to the north flank are much bigger than the
one attached to the south flank. A stronger aquifer in the north
Net-To-Gross Ratio. Constant NTG ratios were applied for
flank supports the higher observed pressure in the north.
each Stage of the matrix in the flow model. These constants
Reservoir volumetrics after initialization was 5.3 billion
were average NTG values from well log analysis. NTG were
stb of oil, 6 billion stb of water and 1.2 bcf of dissolved gas.
all 1.0 for fractures (open fractures), as seen in Table 1.
Oil was stored in both fractures and matrix. At initialization,
about 8.3 % of the total STOIIP was in the fractures. This is
Pore Volume Multipliers. Pore volume multipliers were used
roughly equivalent to an extra 1% fracture porosity added to
as a tuning parameter during the history matching process. A
the matrix net pay. This value is consistent with worldwide
final set of pore volume multipliers is presented in Table 2.
fracture field analogues where fracturing typically represents
less than 1.5% of the net rock volume.
SPE 88598 7

History Match flank to the south flank was to go around the two limbs. Since
Primary data to be matched in the MIS field were the total these paths were never effective, the two flanks were now
field oil production rate and regional pressures for the north almost separated. As a result, the reservoir pressure in the
and the south flanks. Unlike other reservoir simulation studies, north stayed higher than in the south where production
watercut and GOR were not primary parameters to be matched persisted and the reservoir pressure continued to fall.
in MIS due to the fact that watercut and GOR data were not The idea of this oil movement “restriction” presented
available or were unreliable. Full field average pressure was above is supported by the fact that the oil recovery in the two
not matched because of the distinctive difference in regional limbs is lower compared to the recovery in the central part of
pressures between the north and the south flanks after 1968. It the structure. This implies a less-developed fracture network
would not make much sense to try to calculate historical or lower fracture permeability in the two limbs.
average full field pressure and match it. Regional pressure matches for the south and north flanks
Secondary data to be matched were the gas pressure and are shown in Figures 11 and 12. Pressure in the matrix and
fluid levels in the fractures. In the dual porosity model, fluid fractures is very close. A very good pressure match was
saturations can be quite different between matrix and fracture obtained except for a period from 1940 to 1960. This could be
cells. In the tight matrix, even if the reservoir pressure has explained by lower pressure measurements in the wellbores
dropped significantly, oil still exists everywhere and even compared with the true reservoir pressure due to high
extends to the top of the reservoir. However, in the fractures, production during this period of time. Before 1940, although
the gas, oil and water are very well segregated (because of production was higher, the reservoir had higher pressure and
gravity dominance and high permeability). Well-defined GOL therefore full pressure build-ups at the wellbore could be
and WOL exist in the fractures, but not in the matrix. This is achieved in a shorter time. Therefore, static pressure
perhaps the most significant difference between dual and measurements at wellbores were closer to the true reservoir
single porosity models. pressure. After 1970, oil production decreased significantly
Individual well matches focused on well oil production and consequently pressures at wellbores and in the reservoir
and static bottom-hole pressure. These requirements would be were closer to equilibrium.
satisfied if the full field match was achieved since the well A gas cap pressure match is shown in Figure 13. The gas
pressure curves are similar between different wells in each cap pressure output from simulation is always slightly lower
flank. than the historical one. It seems that the gas cap pressure was
The oil production match is shown in Figure 10. The field very sensitive to free gas production in MIS. Since the gas
oil production profile was perfectly honored indicating the production was not recorded, the model probably produced
reservoir model has the capacity to reproduce the oil more free gas than it had occurred in reality. Considering
production history. uncertainties in the free gas production, as well as the
Much of the effort was focused to match the pressure in historical gas cap pressure, improvement in the gas cap match
the south and in the north flanks. As discussed earlier, the was impossible.
reason for the pressure difference between the two flanks is The gas cap pressure issue is important because it directly
probably due to reduced reservoir communication between the determined the fluid levels in MIS. The plots of fluid level
two flanks and continuing production in the south. However, matches are shown in Figure 14 and 15 for the south and the
reservoir communication between the two flanks did not seem north flanks, respectively. Values plotted on the curves are
to be a problem before the internal blowout in the 1960’s. This from simulation and are the average values calculated using
statement is supported by the fact that the reservoir pressure the pressure gradient method. The calculated fluid levels were
was quite uniform before the blowout, although the production confirmed by a 3D picture viewer. The fluid level match is
was always higher in the south flank. Changing degrees of reasonably good. A 3D view of the field fluid saturations in
communication between the two flanks with time presented a the fractures at 2002 is shown in Figure 16.
great challenge during the history matching process. This At the end of the history match (2002), the field recovery
challenge was exacerbated by the fact that little was known factor was 21% based on a STOIIP of 5.3 billion stb. The
about the reservoir fracture system in MIS. remaining mobile oil at the end of history match is 0.96 billion
One modeling concept that gave a successful pressure stb, therefore there is still potential for more oil recovery in
history match was the possibility of a dramatic permeability the MIS field.
reduction in fractures at the two South and North Limbs of the After an acceptable history match was obtained, the 3D
field. According to this concept, early in the field production reservoir model described above was used for future
history, oil in the fractures could migrate between the two production forecasts.
flanks quite easily to support high production rates in the
south. Oil movement paths were mainly across the reservoir Production Forecast
crest. Oil movement around the two limbs was restricted Numerous production forecast runs were conducted to find the
because of low permeability in those two limbs. Later on in most optimal way to redevelop the MIS field. It should be
the field life, the reservoir pressure dropped and the gas cap noted however that the MIS field is subject to a service (or
grew significantly. Oil could not move through the gas cap “buy-back”) contract which prescribes specific daily
and therefore the oil movement through the crest gradually production rates. Contractual obligations for the field re-
diminished. After the gas cap reached the two limbs, which development require a minimum incremental production of
probably occurred in the early 1960s, oil movement across the 20,000 stb/d. This additional production should be maintained
crest ceased. The only way for oil to migrate from the north for at least 4 years. A maximum production constraint is also
8 SPE 88598

applied. This production target is to be achieved by drilling MMstb of oil can be produced because of subsequent water
new wells and by possible workovers of existing wells. A new encroachment in the new wells. Moreover, more water is
production facility capable of handling up to 100,000 bbls/d of produced in this case. If both produced gas (about 86 bcf) and
total fluid is also scheduled. This means that the facility water are re-injected, then a slight increase of the total
should be able to handle up to 75-80% total watercut from the additional oil recovery (197 MMstb versus 195 MMstb) was
new wells. Installation of Electric Submersible Pumps (ESPs) observed. However, this slight increase in oil recovery comes
in horizontal wells is also planned to assist oil production flow with a significant jump in gas production (about 100 bcf of
at wellbores. Production from the new wells is scheduled to additional gas produced). Obviously, the injected gas enlarges
start in June 2006. Prediction runs were run out to 2036 (30 the gas cap size in the fracture network fairly quickly and
years after the new wells commence production). consequently lowers the GOL. Before the new wells come on
In the forecast runs, the impact on field performance of stream, the GOL is not too far from the horizontal well
the following production scenarios was considered: trajectories. Eventually, free gas would get into the wellbores
• Gas injection; faster than the oil inflow.
• Injection of produced water; A similar picture was observed in terms of gas production
• Workovers of existing wells; for a set of runs where the maximum oil rate control was
• New well locations; removed. However, the total oil recovery was lower (221
• No maximum rate control; MMstb compared with 233 MMstb). Re-injection of produced
• GOL on recovery. gas and water does not seem to help in increasing oil
The selection of locations for the new wells was based on production in the field.
the number of new wells to be drilled, surface topography, and It had been observed during the history match and
subsurface reservoir constraints. Also, NIOC excluded the forecast for the MIS field that the GOL was greatly affected
south flank from redevelopment because of some concerns by gas injection/production. One idea considered was to see
about possible interference between redevelopment activities how changing GOL would affect the recovery process. The
and the current NIOC production in the south flank. From a question was whether increasing free gas production would
reservoir point of view, this exclusion does not really affect a improve the total oil recovery in MIS or not.
redevelopment potential. The north flank probably has a much To verify the case with increasing free gas production, it
higher oil recovery potential compared with the south because was assumed that 10 MMscf/d would be produced (the re-
it has a thicker oil column and higher reservoir pressure. injection of produced water was also considered in this case).
Two vertical and eight horizontal wells were planned. Oil production for this case is 197 MMstb, or slightly higher
Vertical wells are to be drilled for data acquisition purposes than the 195 MMstb recovered in the case without additional
and possible contribution to future production. Horizontal free gas production. The negative aspect of producing
portions of the new horizontal wells have a length of about additional free gas is that it would deplete the reservoir
2,400 ft. pressure faster. In this case, gas cap pressure can be 50 psi
Rough topographical conditions in some parts of the north lower compared with the case with no additional gas
flank placed some limitations on areas suitable for drilling the production.
new wells. New wells are to be placed only in the Back Limb The affect of well workovers on total oil recovery has also
“A” and the South Limb. been reviewed. Five potential well workover candidates were
On the basis of subsurface reservoir restrictions, new identified along the north flank. The resulting model shows
wells should be placed in such a way that they intercept the that by performing workovers on these 5 wells, the total
thicker portion of the oil rim. They are to be placed preferably production from the 10 new wells would decrease by about 9
close to existing north flank wells which were good oil MMstb because the potential workover wells interfere with the
producers until they were suspended because of water or gas new horizontal wells. However, if the oil production from the
encroachment or for operational reasons. The two vertical 5 workover wells is also included, the total oil recovery would
wells have been proposed in locations where the maximum increase by 7 MMstb. There is unfortunately a risk in re-
amount of new information about the reservoir, such as completing existing wells due to the fact that those wells have
reservoir quality, pressure and fluid levels, could be obtained. not been on production for more than 30 years. Therefore,
A map showing the locations of the 10 new wells in one of the wellbores are probably not in optimal conditions. Well
prediction runs is presented in Figure 17. workovers may encounter unpredictable operational
For all prediction cases, the total incremental oil recovery difficulties such as casing/tubing failure, poor cement behind
from the 10 new wells could reach 200 million stb over 30 casing, etc.
years. If no rate constraints were imposed on the 10 new wells, Well location optimization was another part of the
the cumulative oil recovery could be as high as 233 million stb forecasting process. A variety of sensitivities were tried
over 30 years. It is also important to note that, according to the including the selection of locations one layer higher or lower
simulation model, the maximum service contract rate would in a stratigraphic level, and locations closer to the gas cap or
be maintained for about 10 years after the start-up of the new closer to the water leg. The total oil recovery slightly changes
wells. from one case to another (203-209 MMstb). Moving wells
In the case with no gas or water re-injection, cumulative closer to the WOL showed the highest recovery among those
oil recovery is 205 MMstb. If the produced water (about 25 cases. However, water production became higher compared
MMstb) is re-injected back into the Asmari reservoir, only 195 with other scenarios. By moving wells closer to the gas cap
but lower stratigraphically, both gas and water production
SPE 88598 9

diminished. On the other hand, locations that are too close to Workover of existing old wells is not recommended
the gas cap could also create potential problems, since the because of uncertainty in wellbore conditions and the
GOL in MIS is not exactly defined, as explained in the history reliability of old production equipment.
match. A lower than expected GOL would put new wells in With the current understanding of fluid levels in the field,
danger of coning gas too soon. a completion interval from 1,400 to 1,450 ftss is recommended
The final and recommended case in well location for new horizontal wells in the north flank. This depth interval
optimization gives a production forecast of 215 MMstb. should be reviewed once new information on fluid levels is
Figure 18 shows the production of oil, water and gas for this obtained through the drilling of the two vertical wells
final case. A plot of pressure at datum depth (Figure 19) proposed in the redevelopment plan for the MIS field.
shows that at the end of the prediction period, pressure in the In view of uncertainties remaining in the field, the two
north and in the south flanks is equalized at about 400-420 vertical wells should be drilled first to obtain vital information
psia. Fluid levels are still different in the two flanks (Figure on current fluid levels, which are important for determining
20), with GOL in the north flank moving down significantly final locations and depths of the eight horizontal wells. A
(from 1150 ftss to 1400 ftss) and WOL moving up modern program of drilling, coring, logging and well testing
significantly (from 1700 ftss to 1600 ftss) in the north flank. should be carried out. Underbalanced drilling can be a good
Fluid levels in the south flank stay almost constant at the 2002 approach to drill and evaluate horizontal wells. Regarding the
fluid levels. logging program, in addition to a log suite for conventional
In the final prediction run, the completion interval for the reservoirs, borehole imaging logs are recommended as they
new wells was set between 1,400 and 1,450 ftss. This depth can be very useful in evaluating fractures including their
interval corresponds to a depth range from one half to two density, orientations, and network connectivity.
thirds of the oil column in the north flank (reference from the A final comment on this study is that the reservoir model
GOL). This approach aims at delaying gas invasion. In this obtained from this study has some limitations. These
case, horizontal wells may produce more water than in the limitations are due to the fact that MIS is a complex fractured
case where they are to be completed in higher intervals. reservoir, the fracture network of which is not well
However, since gas cap expansion is faster than the rise of the understood, and there are uncertainties and unknowns in its
water table in the fractures, this set of locations and history. Those uncertainties are encountered in areas such as
completion intervals is a better option than other tested the history of gas cap evolution, the aquifer influence and the
locations. field production including the internal blowout in the 1960s
The model shows that by 2037, the total net oil recovery that changed the reservoir pressure and the fluid level
in MIS would be 1.385 billion stb. This is an incremental behavior.
recovery of 270 MMstb from 2002 with 215 MMstb being Extensive computing time and resources required for
produced from 10 new wells and 55 MMstb being produced building the 3D model for the MIS field was another challenge
from the 12, or fewer, wells currently still on production. This during this study. In an attempt to reach a compromise
incremental oil recovery would bring the total field recovery between the model size and the required computing time to
factor to 26% (from 21% in 2002). simulate such a large oil field, the model grid sizes were kept
fairly big (800 x 800 ft for x and y directions). The results
Conclusions and Recommendations obtained from the model were partially affected by grid sizing;
During preparation of a redevelopment plan for the MIS field, these effects could have been avoided if the grid sizes were
available data collected during the 95 years of the field history smaller.
has been reviewed thoroughly. Data screening and validation, We are confident that the results of this study are valid
assessment of data reliability and/or uncertainty was part of a but should be treated with caution until new information
cycle of building a full field reservoir simulation model. A obtained from the field confirms the data input and the
good history match was obtained which confirms the initial oil assumptions made in the reservoir model.
in place of around 5.3 billion stb and the remaining potential
for the future field redevelopment. Nomenclature
Results of a series of prediction runs show that a total A = area (ft2)
additional oil recovery of 195-215 MMstb with the drilling of bcf = billion standard cubic feet
2 new vertical and 8 horizontal wells is possible over 30 years. Bg = gas formation volume factor (reservoir
The model also shows that a rate of 20,000 stb/d, which will barrels/Mscf
satisfy contractual obligations, can be easily maintained. Boi = oil formation volume factor at initial
Re-injection of produced gas or water seems to be an conditions (reservoir barrel/stb)
inefficient method of either maintaining the reservoir pressure GOL = gas oil level(s)
or increasing oil production. It is believed this is because fluid GOR = gas-oil ratio(s) (scf/stb)
levels in the fractures are very sensitive to the fluid injection. FMI = Formation Micro-Imager log
The remaining thin oil column may shrink significantly if gas ftss = feet subsea
or water is injected back into the reservoir. Therefore, it is H = reservoir thickness (ft)
advisable that, if possible, other zones to dispose of produced IOEPC = Iranian Oil Exploration and Producing
water should be considered, or at least that produced water be Company
injected down the flanks of the Asmari reservoir and/or as far kx = permeability in x direction
away as possible from the producing wells. ky = permeability in y direction
10 SPE 88598

kz = permeability in z direction Reservoir Evaluation Division, Reservoir Geology Department,

MIS = Masjed-I-Suleyman Report No. P-2847. 1975.
Mscf = thousand scf 9. Al-Murani, G., Well CS-186 Thin Section Study, Sheer Energy
Mstb = thousand stock tank barrels Internal Report, 2002, [Confidential Client Report].
MMstb = millions stock tank barrels 10. Sangree, J., et al., Asmari Fracture Study, Jersey Production
NIOC = National Iranian Oil Company
Research Company and Iranian Oil Exploration and Producing
NTG = net to gross
nx = number of refined numerical grid blocks in x Company, Report JS61: 104-742, 1961.
direction 11. ECL Canada, Full Field Study for Masjed-I-Suleyman (MIS) Oil
ny = number of refined numerical grid blocks in y Field, Phase 3 Report, 2004, [Confidential Client Report].
direction 12. Tehrani, D.H., Repressuring of MIS Reservoir Due to
nz = number of refined numerical grid blocks in z Underground Blowout of MIS-306, IOEPC Report No. P-1672,
direction September 1969.
PI = productivity index (stb/psi/d) 13. Dake, L.P., Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering, Elsevier,
scf = standard cubic feet
Amsterdam, 1978.
SIGMA = dual porosity matrix to fracture transfer
function 14. Threadgold, P., MIS Well C-153 Schlumberger Log/Core
stb = stock tank barrel(s) Analysis Study, Exploration Division, BP Research Centre,
SCAL = special core analysis 1964.
STOIIP = stock tank oil initial in place
Sw = water saturation (fraction)
Swi = initial water saturation (fraction) Metric Conversion Factors
WOL = water oil level(s) barrel x 0.158 987 3 = m3
Φ = porosity (fraction) ft x 0.304 8 (exact) =m
psi x 6.894 757 = kPa
The authors thank NIOC, Naftgaran Engineering Services Co. Table 1: Porosity and NTG Used in the 3D Flow
and Sheer Energy Inc. for permission to publish the paper. Model
Hitchner Exploration Services Ltd., Paravar Engineering
Asmari Porosity (%) NTG (fraction)
Company, Prendegast Petroleum, and Dr. Kwan Chiu are also Stage Matrix Fractures Matrix Fractures
thanked for their contributions to the study. Finally, we would 6 11 0.22 0.64 1
like to thank our colleagues at ECL Canada for their support 5 11 0.22 0.54 1
during the project. 4 12 0.24 0.50 1
3 14 0.28 0.52 1
2 12 0.24 0.62 1
References 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
1. ECL Canada, Full Field Study for Masjed-I-Suleyman (MIS) Oil
Field, Phase 1 Report, September, 2002, [Confidential Client Table 2: Permeability for Different Drainage Areas
2. ECL Canada, Full Field Study for Masjed-I-Suleyman (MIS) Oil Fracture Permeability (md)
Drainage Area
kx ky kz
Field, Phase 2 Report, February, 2004, [Confidential Client Core Area “A” 4,766 4,766 4,766
Report]. Core Area “B” 5,862 5,862 5,862
Back Limb “A” 2,145 2,145 2,145
3. Keep, K. and Mann, F., Exploration Division, BP Research
Back Limb “B” 2,145 2,145 2,145
Centre, Masjed-I-Suleyman Reservoir Study, 1 Reservoir Data, North Limb 0.953 953 953
1962 South Limb 1.525 1,525 1,525
4. Keep, K. and Mann, F., Exploration Division, BP Research
Table 3: Pore Volume Multipliers for Different
Centre, Masjed-I-Suleyman Reservoir Study, 2 Reservoir Data,
Drainage Areas
5. Gibson, H., “The Production of Oil from the Fields of Initial Pore Volume Final Pore Volume
Southwestern Iran”, Redwood Institute Presentation, 1948. Multiplier Multiplier
Matrix Fracture Matrix Fracture
6. Sangree, J. and McQuillan, Description of Fractures, Asmari Core Area “A” 1 1 0.937 0.9
Limestone Cores, Southwest Iran, IOEPC Report No. G 963, Core Area “B” 1.23 1 1.152 0.9
Back Limb “A” 0.45 1 0.422 0.9
Back Limb “B” 0.45 1 0.422 0.9
7. Reiman, K. and Carst, H., Analysis of Core Samples from Well North Limb 0.20 1 0.187 0.9
M.I.S. C-153, Shell Technical Memo T 312, 1, 1962. South Limb 0.32 1 0.300 0.9
8. Speers, R., Review of the Geology of the Asmari Reservoir,
Masjed-I-Suleyman Field, Oil Service Company of Iran,
SPE 88598 11

46°E 50°E 54°E 58° E 62°E


Tab riz

M asshad

I R A N 32°N











Figure 3: Cross-axial and Axial Fractures, Spaced 25 to 150 cm
Apart - Stage 2, South Flank of Asmari Mountain

Figure 1: Persian Gulf General Map



Figure 2: Generalized Regional Chrono-Stratigraphy of the Zagros

Belt Figures in brackets are total oil recovery for the drainage area

Figure 4: The Six Drainage Areas in the MIS Field

12 SPE 88598

120 900

Second World War 850

100 800
total field oil rate
Oil Production Rate (Mstb/d)

Oil Pressure at Datum Depth (psig)

oil recycle injection rate 750

Industry Nationalization
650 North Flank


Iran-Iraq War 450

400 South Flank

1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 300
1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005
Tim e (Year)
Time ( Year)

Figure 5: Oil Production Rate and Oil Recycle Rate

Figure 7: Historical Oil Pressure versus Time

15-30 MM BBLS 500

30-50 MM BBLS

50-75 MM BBLS
GOL & WOL (ftss) 1100





1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Time (Year)

Figure 8: Historical GOL and WOL versus Time - South Flank




GOL & WOL (ftss)




Figure 6: Production Bubble Map of MIS Field Showing Well WOL

Cumulative Production Volumes

1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Time (Year)

Figure 9: Historical GOL and WOL versus Time - North Flank

SPE 88598 13

Figure 10: Match of Total Field Oil Production Rate and Figure 13: Gas Cap Pressure Match (Fractures)
Cumulative Oil Production


Oil Pressure at Datum Depth (psia)

Matrix-Simulated Depth (ftss) WOL-Simulated
1500 GOL

600 WOL

South Flank
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Time (Year)
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Time (Year)

Figure 14: Fluid Level Match for the South Flank

Figure 11: Regional Pressure Match for the South Flank

Oil Pressure at Datum Depth (psia)

Depth (ftss)

Matrix-Simulated 1000

North Flank

1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
0 Time (Year)
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Time (Year)

Figure 15: Fluid Level Match for the North Flank

Figure 12: Regional Pressure Match for the North Flank
14 SPE 88598

Fracture-North Fracture-South
Matrix-South Matrix-North

Figure 19: Regional Pressure Prediction for South and North

Flanks (Datum Depth)
Figure 16: Full Field 3D View of Fluid Saturations in 2002


Depth (ftss)






2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

Time (Year)

Figure 20: Fluid Levels Prediction

Figure 17: 2D View of Locations for the 10 New Wells

Figure 18: Group Production Forecast for New Wells

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