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e d u c ati o n DIET CHECKLIST [ F O O D S T O E AT ]

GF = gluten free • HFCS = high fructose corn

dairy/ vegetables/herbs syrup • LF = lactose free • TB=tablespoon

dairy alternatives arugula • bamboo shoots • basil • bean

sprouts • beets (canned or pickled) • bell
butter • cheeses (hard or aged):
peppers • bok choy • broccoli • cabbage
Brie, Camembert, Cheddar, Colby,
(common, red or green) • capers • carrots
feta, goat cheese, Gruyere, Harvarti,
• celeriac • chili pepper • chives • cilantro
mozzarella, Parmesan, pecorino,
• collard greens • corn (1/2 cob) • cucum-
Swiss • coconut yogurt • LF cottage
ber • eggplant • endive • fennel bulb (few alcohol, coffee, juice, tea
or cream cheese • LF cow’s milk •
slices) • ginger root • green beans • kale •
LF ice cream • LF sour cream • non-
leek greens (no white part or bulb) •
dairy milk: almond, coconut milk alcohol most white and
lettuce • mint • olives • oyster mush-
(canned), hemp, rice milk • whipped red wine, beer, gin, vodka,
rooms • parsley • parsnip • potato (white)
cream • yogurt (LF or coconut) whiskey • coffee + espresso
• pumpkin (canned) • radish • rosemary
• juice cranberry (without
• rutabaga • scallion (no white part or
HFCS) • tea black, green,
bulb) • seaweed (nori) • spinach • squash

peppermint, white
(kabocha, patty pan, spaghetti) • sweet
potato (½ small) • Swiss chard • thyme
Limit to one handful nuts & seeds • tomatoes • turnip • water chestnuts •
watercress • zucchini squash (5-6 slices)
baking products
nuts almonds, Brazil nuts,
chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamias,
& additives
peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, walnuts, condiments, spices,

peanut butter (2 TB), almond butter sweeteners & sweets
(1 TB) • oils all (olive, avocado,
etc. + garlic and shallot infused oils) • avocado (3 slices) • banana (small firm) • cocoa powder • condiments
seeds caraway, chia, flax, hemp, banana chips (dried) • blueberries (hand- (mustard, vinegar, soy sauce,
poppy, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower ful) • cantaloupe • clementine • coco- ketchup -1 TB of each) • dark
nut (fresh + dried) • cranberries (1 TB) • chocolate • GF flour blends (made
dragon fruit • grapes (red, green, black) with suitable ingredients) • maple

legumes • guava (ripe) • honeydew • kiwifruit

(gold + green) • lemon • lime • orange
syrup (pure) • rice syrup • spices
(all-spice, cinnamon, coriander,
chickpeas (canned, ¼ cup drained • papaya • passion fruit • pineapple • cumin) • starch (corn, potato,
& rinsed) • edamame (2 handfuls) plantain • pomegranate (handful) • tapioca) • stevia • sugar (brown,
• lentils (canned, 1/2 cup drained & raisins (1 TB) • raspberries • rhubarb • confectioners, table, palm, raw,
rinsed) • tempeh (plain) • tofu (firm) star fruit • strawberries • tangelo white) • vanilla and almond extract

grains protein
buckwheat • corn flour • corn tortillas • GF bread (w/o FODMAP ingredients) • beef • chicken • eggs • fish •
GF pasta (w/o FODMAP ingredients) • millet • oats • polenta • rice • lamb • pork • shellfish • tempeh
rice cakes • rice flakes • quinoa • quinoa flakes • slow leavened sourdough (w/o fodmap ingredients) •
wheat or spelt breads • soba noodles • sorghum • teff flour tofu (firm) • tuna (canned)

©2020 Kate Scarlata, RDN |

DISCLAIMER: The information provided is not intended to provide medical advice or to diagnose or treat medical diseases. It is strictly for informational purpose.
Before undertaking any course of treatment or diet change seek the advice of your physician or health care provider. This handout does not replace their medical advice.

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