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Dear Parents,

Kindly note that we have been receiving few mails from certain parents with regard
to WhatsApp Groups. We would like to give clarity on the same:
1. WhatsApp groups are being created by parents are spreading false information
under the pretext of being an official school group. This is against school policies and
strict action will be taken against such admin of WhatsApp groups who spread such
false information.
2. Any issues arising out of the unofficial groups will be solely the responsibility
of the admins of such groups. The school will not take any responsibility for the
conduct of the group in whatsoever manner.
3. The school will not entertain any more discussions that are based on such
unofficial groups since they mar the repute and morale of our staff.
4. If found that any parent is indulging in defaming or spoiling the image of any
of our staff members/school on such unofficial WhatsApp groups, the school will be
at liberty to take strict action against such parent, which may include considering
our legal options to deal with any defamatory or libelous activity on such groups /
social media.

We would like to protect the relationship between the child, parents and the school
in a way that assures decent behaviour and appropriate communication.

Hence, we request parents to come forth and support the school in setting the best
example possible.


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