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Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page j_ of 15 page/s

Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number DA , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

I. Rationale/Background

The Office of the President issued Memorandum Circular (MC) 72 s. 2019 entitled
"Strengthening the Standards of Complete Staff Work as a Requirement for the
Processing and Evaluation of Requests for Presidential Issuances, Authorizations,
and other Approval", which stated that CSW is the recommendation of a single and
coordinated best course of action by a proponent in such form and substance that
would enable the Office of the President to adequately assess and indicate its
approval or disapproval of the proposal.

MC 72 s. 2019 also stated that prompt, efficient, and effective delivery of

government services and programs to the Filipino people largely rests on evidence-
based, inclusive, and holistic government policies, which are translated through
issuances, authorizations, and approvals of the President.

Given this, MC 72 s. 2019 calls for all government entities (and private and non-
government entities, as applicable) to undertake complete staff work before any
request is submitted for presidential issuance and/or approval.

Likewise, in the interest of efficiency and effectivity in delivering the agency's

services and programs, CSW should be applied in all documents/written
communications that will be elevated for information and/or approval of the
Secretary/Director General.

Consistent with TESDA Memoranda 285 s. 2019 and 302 s. 2019, the following
guidelines are hereby adopted.

II. Objectives

1. Strengthen the standards of CSW doctrine in the TESDA to ensure an efficient,

timely, and effective delivery of programs and services to the stakeholders;

2. Promote lateral and horizontal coordination and consultation among the Deputy
Directors General, Executive Directors, Regional Directors, Provincial Directors,
Division Chiefs, and stakeholders;

3. Ensure that the quality of information and/or requested actions being elevated to
this Authority have undergone proper staff work; and

4. Standardize the formats of typical documents prepared by TESDA employees.

Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page _i_ of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number 03q , Series of

Date Issued: 1 Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

Ill. Scope

This guidelines shall cover all documents that will be elevated to the Office of the
Director General (ODG) for information and/or approval, including but not limited to
the following:
1. Memorandum
2. TESDA Order
3. TESDA Circular
4. Selection/Nomination of Participants for International Conferences, Meetings,
and Workshops
5. Concept Paper / Project Proposal
6. Terms of Reference (TOR)
7. Contracts (e.g., MOA, MOU)
8. Outgoing Communications/Documents
9. Presidential Issuances and other externally-generated issuances
10. Joint Circulars (i.e., Inter-Agency or with External Partners)

(See Annex A for the sample content/outline and CSW process per document type)

IV. General Principles of CSW

Pursuant to MC 72 s. 2019, all issuances/documents must exhibit the following


1. Evidence-based. Proponent must use the best available evidence in making

policy recommendations, designing programs, and implementing them. Thus, all
information, especially statistical data, should be accurate, validated and
updated, and obtainable from verifiable and credible sources.

2. Inclusive. Positions of all concerned government agencies and instrumentalities

and other stakeholders must be considered and reported, especially when there
are contentious issues involved. The proponent shall be responsible for
obtaining the concurrence or comments of concerned offices or agencies,
including inputs from experts and or affected sectors, whenever applicable.

3. Holistic. The issue must be viewed from a macro perspective that takes into
account, among others, legal, political, social, economic, technological, security,
cultural, and environmental standpoints, as applicable.

V. Preparation of Documents

A. Document Classification. The typical documents prepared by the TESDA

Operating Units and employees are as follows:
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page j_ of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number Dyi , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

1. Letter. A written communication or correspondence that is addressed to an

individual or group of individuals outside of TESDA. Its contents relate to the
programs and projects of the agency.

The Secretary/Director General, or his/her designated official, shall sign all

letters coming from the Central Office. Regional Directors, or his/her
designated official, shall sign all letters coming from their area of
responsibility. (See Annex B for sample format of a letter)

2. Reports. These documents convey information that is usually longer and

more comprehensive than a letter, such as year-end report,
monthly/quarterly/yearly accomplishment reports, financial reports, and the
like. These documents have their own formats.

3. Transactional/Action Documents. Refer to written communications that

provide policies, instructions, advice, or information relative to the operation
of the agency. It may include TESDA Circular, TESDA Order, Office Orders,
Resolutions, TOR, travel authority, and the like. These documents have their
own prescribed formats.

4. Memorandum - A written correspondence within the agency and among

government offices in the Executive Branch (Presidential Development and
Strategic Office, 2013).

4.1 Types of a Memoranda

4.1.1 Internal Memorandum — Sent to officials/employees within the

same office (e.g. Deputy Director General to the Directors to the
Division Chiefs and/or vice versa). It may or may not follow the
CSW process depending on the purpose of the memo, as
appropriate routing slips may be utilized instead. The
Secretary/Director General need not be furnished with copies of
the said type of memorandum.

4.1.2 Inter-Office Memorandum — Sent by a head of office to another

head of office (e.g. Secretary/Director General to Deputy
Director General, Secretary/Director General to Regional
Director, Deputy Director General to Deputy Director General,
Deputy Director General to Regional Director). The head of
office concerned shall be furnished with copies of this
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number pi , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

4.1.3 Inter-Agency Memorandum/ Letter — Sent by the head of

agency to other head of agency (e.g. TESDA Secretary/Director
General to DTI Secretary).

4.2 Classification of Memoranda (based on purpose)

4.2.1 Information Memorandum - Used to convey/ disseminate

information, action taken or directives, materials, and/or relay an
answer/ comment to an inquiry that does not require a reply. (See
Annex C for sample format of an Information Memorandum)

4.2.2 Decision Memorandum - Used to present offices'

recommendations for decision and/or formal
approval/disapproval of the Secretary/Director General, or
his/her designated official. It shall integrate the Complete Staff
Work process in the prescribed format.

This document may also be used as cover memorandum

requesting approval/action (or signature of the Secretary or his
authorized official) of transactional or other documents, e.g.
MOA/MOU, reports, etc. (See Annex D for sample format of a
Decision Memorandum)

B. Guidelines in the Preparation of Documents

All heads of office must ensure completeness of their staff work and timeliness
of actions on all communications. They shall be held responsible in establishing
measures to safe keep, prevent delays and ageing of documents in their

a) Process Flow

1. Referral of Task 3. Data Collection 1 7. Obtain Decision

/ Document from the Decision-
[4. Data Analysis Maker
2. Problem /
Required Action 5. Develop 8. Ensure
[ Identification Alternatives / Implementation of
Recommendations Decision

6. Determine the
Best Alternative /
Process Flow of CSW
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page _i_ of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number oN , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

b) Substance

1. Salient points
What — Brief description of the subject program, project, agenda, or
')=- Where — Scope/area of coverage, target areas, or event venue
Y When — Timeline or implementation period
> Who — Target clients or involved stakeholders
)> Why — Purpose/objectives, importance/impact or how the project will
contribute to the goals of the agency
How - Implementation mechanism or budget allocation/requirements

2. Antecedents — Brief background and/or history, including any previous or

related requests/issuances/action.

3. Justification — Explanation and discussion of the administrative, technical,

or other justification of the proposed issuance or requested action.

4. Legal Framework — Must be supported by policy (e.g., PDP, SDG,

Presidential/Secretary's directives) or legal basis (e.g., laws, EOs), if any.

5. Recommendation — Brief description of the recommended course of action

embodied in the proposed issuance or request for authorization or
approval, and an enumeration of its salient features or significant
components, if applicable.

c) Format

All documents must be consistent and uniform in all TESDA offices

nationwide, as follows:

1. Documents must be well written and consistent as to form, spelling,

grammar, punctuation, hyphenation, typeface (e.g., bold, italic,
underlined), and abbreviation (which should be spelled out when used the
first time).

2. The content should be direct to the point and concise but comprehensive
enough to cover pertinent information. Ideally, it must be constrained to
one to three pages only.

3. A4 size paper (210mm x 297mm) shall be used for all written

communications (pursuant to Joint MC no. 1 s. 1986).
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number oil , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

4. The official TESDA letterhead, as approved and prescribed under the

applicable agency issuance, shall be used for the first page of all internal
and outgoing communications.

5. All internal administrative issuances (e.g., TESDA Order, Circular,

Memorandum) and external communications (e.g., letter, memoranda)
must bear the initial or countersign of Office of Primary Responsibility
(OPR)/head of office.

6. The use of "For" and "To" to address the recipient in the heading segment
of a memorandum follows the rules on ranking of officials "For" when the
recipient holds equivalent or higher position than the sender, and "To" if
the recipient is of lower position than the sender.

The heading segment of a memorandum shall be composed of the name

and designation of the recipient, name of head of the originating office /
OPR, subject, and date of the memorandum. (Refer to Annexes C and D for
sample memorandum format)

7. For inter-agency communications, the President must be addressed in all

official communications, events, or materials as "PRESIDENT RODRIGO
ROA DUTERTE" only, and without the term "His Excellency"; and

All members of the Cabinet as "Secretary" only, and without the term
"Honorable". (Per Memorandum of the Executive Secretary, 15 July 2016)

8. All communications bearing the name and signature of the Secretary must
follow the following format:
Full block style (i.e., justified, no indention)
12-point Arial
Complimentary close for external letters: "Very truly yours,"
Signature line: SEC. ISIDRO S LAPENA, PhD, CSEE
Director General

(Refer to Annex B for the Letter format)

9. Documents submitted for the perusal of the Secretary must be completely

packaged. (Refer to Section VI for the details)

10.The date and time shall follow the following formats:

Day, month, year e.g., 1 January 2020
12-hour format e.g., 10:00 a.m/p.m.
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page 3_ of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number 04 , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

11. Guidelines and rules set forth in Document Security on Classification and
Handling of documents shall apply to complement the preparation and
packaging of documents as applicable.

VI. Endorsement of Documents to the Secretary/Director General

As part of the CSW doctrine, lateral/horizontal coordination among offices shall be

strictly implemented. All documents from the Executive and Regional Offices,
including their respective divisions and operating units, must be coursed through
the concerned Deputy Director General.

Additionally, any document containing administrative, financial, and personnel

matters must be duly assessed and approved by the Director/Head of
Administrative Service or Financial and Management Service before it can be
elevated to the concerned Deputy Director General. Concerned heads of offices
may write remarks on the concurring line or may attach a memorandum stating their

Subsequently, the Office of the Deputy Director General shall process the same in
completed staff work, and finally, endorse the document to the Secretary/Director
General, for final action, with a cover memorandum.

The cover memorandum is composed of the following parts:

1. Heading Segment — Composed of the name of the memorandum's recipient;
name, designation, and signature of concerned officials and OPR; the subject
matter; and date.

2. Background / Reference segment

ir Chronological narration of events
Brief description of antecedent factors relevant to the issue or subject matter
Verbal instructions of the Secretary given on date
Agreements in the meetings (e.g., ExeCom meeting, National/General
Directorate Conference)
Internal or external policy issuances (e.g., EOs, TESDA Circular, TESDA
Order, Memorandum)

3. Discussion segment (e.g., findings, action taken, updates, status)

Salient points of inputs gathered
.-- Highlights of comments/inputs/recommendations from consulted offices and

4. Recommendation segment — Summary of the suggested course/s of action,

stating the recommended action of the OPR.
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page L of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number of , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

5. Decision Matrix — Presents the decision of the approving authority. Includes an

approved and disapproved matrix, remarks line, and a signature line of the
approving authority.

6. Attachments (with proper labelled tabbing)

p Documents for action/signature or information of the Secretary
p Other references/supporting documents necessary in decision making
Formal communications of the consulted offices

(Refer to Annex D for the format of a Decision Memorandum /Cover Memorandum)

VII. Evaluation of Documents

Failure to comply with the requirements and standards of CSW herein provided shall
be sufficient basis for the receiving office to return the same to the proponent.

VIII. Separability

If any provision of this Circular is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the other

provisions unaffected thereby shall remain valid and subsisting.

IX. Effectivity

This Circular shall take effect as indicated.


Director General (W

Annex A — Sample Content/Outline and CSW Process per Document Type
Annex B — Letter format
Annex C — Information Memorandum
Annex D — Decision Memorandum / Cover Memorandum
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page jof 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number ogy , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

ANNEX A: Minimum Requirements Per Select Document Type

Content I Outline 1 Process I Requirements

1. Brief Background / Context 1. Concurrence of concerned directors /
2. Program description (as applicable) offices
3. Objectives 2. Endorsement of the ED and DDG, for
4. Recommendation approval of the DG
5. Effectivity / Timeline

1 Objectives/purpose 1. Concurrence of concerned directors /
2. Coverage / participants / authorized offices
employee 2. Endorsement of the ED and DDG, for
3. Effectivity approval of the DG

TESDA Circular
1. Background / Rationale 1. Presentation of the TESDA Circular to the
2. Program description meetings of the Cluster, Inter-Cluster,
3. Objectives NQMC, and ExeCom and getting their
4. Scope / Coverage recommendation
5. Implementation Mechanism 2. Consultation with ROPOTI
6. Effectivity 3. Concurrence of concerned directors /
4. Endorsement of the ED and DDG, for
approval of the DG

Selection/Nomination of Participants for International Conferences, Meetings, and

1. Background 1. Endorsement of invitations to the ODG
2. Program/Event description (including 2. ODG to endorse invitation to NHRDC for
cost) appropriate action
3. Level of Participation 3. Assessment / Deliberation of the NHRDC
a. Type of representation (e.g., function- 4. NHRDC chair, AS, and FMS to endorse
based or performance-based, high shortlist of nominees to the ODG
official or technical staff)
b. Role of TESDA (e.g., head of
delegation, member of delegation, or
4. List of Nominees / Recommendation

Concept Paper/ Project Proposal

1. Rationale/Background Within Central Office
2. Objectives 1. Consultation with Inter-Cluster
3. Expected outputs/outcomes 2. Endorsement of the OED to the ODDG
4. Scope / Target beneficiaries or areas 3. Endorsement of the ODDG to the ODG
5. Evidence of the consultation done
6. Timeline / Implementation period From ROPOTIs
7. Budget requirements 1. Consultation with stakeholders
8. Implementation arrangements
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page 10 of 15 pagefs
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number ON , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated
9. Event Plan (as applicable) 2. Endorsement should follow the ROPOTI
10. Program flow (as applicable) protocol

Terms of Reference
1. Rationale/Background 1. Concurrence from Financial and
2. Objectives Management Service, Administrative
3. Expected outputs/outcomes Service, and Legal Division
4. Target / Expected Participants 2. Endorsement of the ED / RD to the DDG
5. Activities to be covered / scope of work for approval of TORs below P300,000
6. Implementation period / Duration of the 3. Endorsement of the DDG to the DG for
contract approval of TORs above P300,000
7. Administrative / Management
8. Budget breakdown

Contracts (e.g., MOA, MOU)

1. Rationale/Background 1. Concurrence from Financial and
2. Objectives Management Service, Administrative
3. Expected outputs/outcomes Service, and Legal Division
4. Target / Expected Participants 2. Endorsement of the DDG to the DG for
5. Activities to be covered / scope of work approval
6. Implementation period / Duration of the
7. Administrative / Management
8. Budget breakdown

Refer to TESDA Memorandum 285 s. 2019 for

further information/guidance

Outgoing communications/documents
1. Background 1. Endorsement of the ED / RD to the DDG
2. Description of the program, project, or 2. Endorsement of the DDG to the DG for
activity approval
3. Current status of the program, project, or
4. Possible issues/concerns on the
project/program, if any
5. Action Items / Way forward
6. Recommendation

Presidential Issuances and other externally-generated issuances

1. Rationale/Background Within TESDA
2. Program/Project description 1. Concurrence of concerned directors /
3. Expected outputs/outcomes offices
4. Scope I Activities to be covered 2. Presentation to the meetings of Inter-
5. Participants / Concerned offices/agencies cluster and/or ExeCom
6. Administrative / Management 3. Endorsement of the ED and ODDG to ODG
7. Cost / implication to TESDA (if any)
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page ji._ of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number o3,4 , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated
External (as applicable)
1. Concurrence of concerned government
agencies (esp. Office of the Executive
2. Issuance of a Cabinet Cluster Resolution
(as applicable)

Joint Circulars (e.g., Inter-Agency or with External Partners)

1. Rationale/Background 1. Concurrence of concerned directors /
2. Program/Project description offices
3. Expected outputs/outcomes 2. Concurrence of concerned government
4. Scope / Activities to be covered agencies and/or other stakeholders
5. Participants / Concerned offices/agencies 3. Endorsement of the ED / RD and DDG to
6. Administrative / Management the DG for approval
7. Cost / implication to TESDA (if any)

Personnel Action Documents (e.g., Appointments, Oath of office, Travel Authority,

1. Background / rationale 1. Concurrence of EOs, ROs, TVVGs,
2. List of references Committees, Boards, and/or oversight
3. Findings agencies
4. Recommendations 2. Endorsement of Administrative Service
and/or ODDG to the Secretary

* The Approval or Disapproval of the documents shall be indicated in the decision matrix in the
Decision/Cover Memorandum.
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page j2._ of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number ON , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

ANNEX B: Letter format

Republic et the Pturippiites


MO IOW: 2015 Certified

9 January 2020
Twosp. *, •


Director. Human Development Directorat Eie,ignaton
ASEAN Secretariat Agency/ Oroartizattor
70 A Jalan Stsingamarigaraia Address 1

Jakarta. Indonesia Addrevs 2

One spate
Attr. Ms. Mega trena
Assistant Director Head of Labor & Crvil Service Divist&n
Ms. Mary Anne Manuson
Assistant Director Head of Education. Youth Si Sport

Two sfutrri

Dear Ms. Babaran . Na-mt tf brA futme.

Greetings from the Philippines!

We are very glad to hear about the latest developments on the endorseme t of the
terms of reference of the ASEAN TVET Council at the level of the SLOM a SOM-
ED. and hopefully by the SEOM during its meeting within the month.
In line with this and consistent with our earlier commitment as the propon ft Arial, smite
initiative. the Philippines. through TESDA. wishes to express its reaffim spiced, lull

undertake the inaugural chairmanship of the Council_ As regards its target I block.
September 2020. we are supportive of Viet Nam's plan to include the lau ni h Amtibed
Council as part of their activities under their ASEAN chairmanship.

Should you have any clarification. you may contact the Office of the Deputy Director
General for Policies and Planning through the Planning Office at
Two spice:

Very truly yours.

Three •


Director General

Three space's

Copy Purr
Mr. Juan dela Cruz. AiThe.ncy,'Orgar-nzauon
point Anal
'N es n bold format
Erica:awl Tale of the attached document

Eat Sawa Road &oat, LLLIttn Eloprftsvorr SLE4 fort ticrxisoo •Ttgara IUD
Lew i437a.Mati, %Al k CP ...tee. •1+ i0 at Telex 46, _ _
ocrlacktehattiersda 9.. 06
WOO atioiagovpit:
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page JL of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number Dgy , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

ANNEX C: Information Memorandum

Reese& of the Ptilmetnes
ISO 9001: 2015 Certified


MEMORANDUM 1412t. ArW. bok,

No S. year


THRU DOG-PP tsionakrei t Betel

DDG-TESDO {signature) (date)

DOG-CL GUS (sic nature {date .

DDG-PL Idatei


SUBJECT Post-Training Report

(Training Workshop on

DATE 1 January 2020

I. References
a. TESDA Order: Authority
b. Attached Records

2 In compliance with the Travel Order, the aocve-sgned attended the Trailing Workshop
on at

3. Among the atericees to the sad Training Workshop are representatives from the
for.owing offices:
a. Department of Education
b Department of Labor and Errepbytaart

4. Among the topics discussed are the fallowing:

a. Day 1 - (Topic and short description thereof
b. Day 2 - (Topic and short description thereof'.

5. Further. above-signed presented a report a-, based on our experience

6. The above-signed wit re-echo the learhings from the said Trams Workshop during
formal and informal meetings ,
7. Respectfully submitted for information of the Secretary.

15 spaces;)

Eat fientallaatScailLuiri Expiessmay frol &Mime 749.14 Oily *Al

Lard Line 1437iteSS-5641 CP Number 417479070 Out cot* Tees. Nos 143-'701n3,2464)
*1 m CArietklirtatigiettftga. Ptt
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page it of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number DA , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

ANNEX D: Decision/Cover Memorandum

RepuNic of tile Phi/if:pints
ISO 9001 2015 Certified

three spare, ANNEX D


No s


THRU DOG-PP (signature) (date)

DDG-TESDO (signature) (date)

DDG-CLGUS (signature) (date)

DDG-PL (signature) (date)

One spate


SUBJECT Proposed Memorandum of Agreement with

DATE 1 January 2020

1_ References
a. Chronological narration of events
b. Agreements from meetings (e.g.. ExeCorn meeting. NDCIGDC)
c Verbal Instruction of the Secretary
d. Attached Draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with
e. Attached Records

2 in connection with the mandate under and the verbal instruction of the
Secretary, attached is the draft MOA with for

3. Said MOA shall allow us to use the for

4. The terms and conditions of the said MOA has been reviewed by the Legal
Division of this Office and has been routed to the ODDG. PP for their comments.
which have already been included in the final draft, as attached. Below are the
highlights of other offices. commentsfrecornmendations.
a. The Legal Dcvtsio suggested that...

6szt serer Rawl, Sout, Lao,Expaegmay Fat &ram tag Catli 16:10
:ad Ls*. t43701S-5841 *C' ir-r4eisi3 lcow Tottoi ;
wombs& pi* atvictentetaltidb gov0v
Subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Complete Staff Page L of 15 page/s
Work (CSW) and Preparation of Documents Number nay , Series of

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

2 March 2020 As indicated

b. The FMS and SMD affirmed the availability of scholarships..

5. Further, we have coordinated with the Second Party and they agreed to schedule
the MOA signing on at = The attached Plan of Action and program
of activities as well as proposd budget and other logistical requirements has
already been reviews by Financial Management Service.

6 Foregoing considered: the following are for signature of the Secretary
a. The attached draft MOA (Annex A) and
b. The schedule of the MOA signing with specified activities as stated in the plan
of action (Annex B)

(Note: Attached transactional documents should be initiated/countersigned by the

OPR and offices concerned thru the CSW process under the Secretary's name.)

(5 spaces)




Director General

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