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Name : Soham Chauhan
Date : 15 January 2022
Branch : IT-Bin
Enrollment No. : IIB2021043

Table of Contents

1. Aim of the Experiment .

2. Apparatus Required for
the experiment.
3. Image of the Setup of
4. Theory .
5. Procedure .
6.Observation Table .
7. Graphs .
8. Calculation.
9. Error Analysis.
11. Precaution Or Sources
of Errors .
Aim : To determine the value of Planck’s Constant by using
Apparatus :
I. A Digital Voltmeter.
II. A Rheostat.
III. A Digital Ammeter .
IV. Light Emitting Diode .
V. Power Supply of 0-10 V.
VI. A Resistor.
VII. A one way key.

Theory : In 1900s, Sir Max Planck formulated the
relation between the energy and frequency of a photon.
He proposed that the Energy emitted by a photon is
directly proportional to the frequency of the photon.
Mathematically It represents,
Here h is the planck’s constant and the value of h is
6.626 X 10-34 J s .
E = Energy of the photon .
ν = Frequency of the photon.

Now , since ν = c / λ , where c is speed of light and

value of c is 299,792,458 m/s and λ is the
wavelength of the photon.

So, E = hc/λ .

If V is the forward voltage applied across the LED

when it begins to emit light (the knee voltage), the
energy given to electrons crossing the junction is,
E = eV.
Now the formulation of the foremost formula
would be ,
eV = hc/λ
So , now equation transforms to ,

We’ll talk about this equation later in graphs .

Procedure :
1) Connect all the instruments and junctions as shown
in the figure given above .
2) After completing all connection, click on ‘Insert key ‘
option .
3) Now adjust the value of rheostat such that at a
particular value of resistance ,the current in the
ammeter will increase from 0.00 and the LED will light
up .
4) Note the reading of ammeter and voltage (knee
5) Repeat this step no. 2,3,4 while changing
wavelengths at every case .
6) Calculate the value of h by using the formula ,
h = eλV/c
Color of Wavelength Knee Voltage V h
LED λ(in nm) (in 10-34)
Red 650 1.908 6.566
Blue 450 2.615 6.627
Green 510 2.434 6.620
Yellow 570 2.178 6.621

<h> =
So the experimental value of <h> is 6.609 x 10-34 J s
Graphs :
ℎ𝑐 1
𝑉= ( ) ⁄𝜆
Here in this equation the slope of V vs 1/λ gives us
the value of the planck’s constant .

Error Analysis :
Exact value of h = 6.626 x 10-34 Js
Experimental Value of h = 6.609 x 10-34 Js
△h = ( 6.626 – 6.609 ) x 10-34 Js
= 0.017 x 10-34 Js

Results :
The Value of Planck’s Constant is { 6.609 ± 0.017 }
X 10-34 Js .

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